Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA

Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA


114TRAVEL$ENSETravel$ense permits up to 55 meetings to be created and up to 10 separatecomparable airline trips, each representing a unique group of passengersattending one or more meetings together. This report can be printed directlyfrom the Review Meetings Created by Travel$ense Screen (via the toolbar orTrip menu) or from the Select A Report Screen.The Airline Flights ReportThe Airline Flights Report combines a complete listing of all flights obtainedfrom the airline reservation system with fare details for all prices obtained. Thisis the only report that presents the fare detail information such as class, farebasis and fare per leg in the case of prices obtained via the new fare lookupmethod.The report is organized in sections by airline trip. At the top of the trip is theflight query mode, which states whether Travel$ense obtained only flights thatcould be priced via the reservation system pricing program (bookable or basicbookable airlines).Flight alternatives are listed in order of their scoring, shown in the first column.This score rates the degree to which they meet the business objectives of thetrip, particularly the site time defined by the column 1 business aircraft. If aflight alternative requires a connection enroute within the leg, each flight isCopyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

TRAVEL$ENSESummary Reportslisted separately and the flight number is incremented (maximum of three).Flight number, cities, dates, enroute time adjusted for time zone and aircrafttype abbreviation are given.The Summary ReportThe Summary Report provides results for all trips within a given date range bystatus type. This report can be quite specific, covering only trips taken by aspecific aircraft in a brief period of time (if the Trip Status filed is used).Alternately, it can be quite general, covering all types of trip for a year or more.This is an extremely powerful report for demonstrating the value of businessaviation to management. It is the main reason for entering trips in Travel$ense.The report is set up using the options on the right side of the Select A Reportscreen shown below:115Below the list of reportsare three option buttonsallowing the report tocompare column 1, 2 or3 aircraft versus theairline. The default is forthe first aircraft. Anytrips without a secondor third aircraft wouldbe excluded from theoutput if this optionwere selected.At the top of the rightside report parametersis the trip status dropdownmenu. If you donot use the Trip Statusindicator in the upperleft corner of Tab 1 thendo not select a specifictype here. The default is“All Trips,” which willnot limit the trips obtained based on the status field. Setting Trip Status whencreating trips is optional. It permits you to organize your trips into subsets andrun analyses if you wish. Trips can be opened and saved with a new status if youwish to set this up at a later time.Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

114TRAVEL$ENSE<strong>Travel$ense</strong> permits up to 55 meetings to be created and up to 10 separatecomparable airline trips, each representing a unique group of passengersattending one or more meetings together. This report can be printed directlyfrom the Review Meetings Created by <strong>Travel$ense</strong> Screen (via the toolbar orTrip menu) or from the Select A Report Screen.The Airline Flights ReportThe Airline Flights Report combines a complete listing of all flights obtainedfrom the airline reservation system with fare details for all prices obtained. Thisis the only report that presents the fare detail information such as class, farebasis and fare per leg in the case of prices obtained via the new fare lookupmethod.The report is organized in sections by airline trip. At the top of the trip is theflight query mode, which states whether <strong>Travel$ense</strong> obtained only flights thatcould be priced via the reservation system pricing program (bookable or basicbookable airlines).Flight alternatives are listed in order of their scoring, shown in the first column.This score rates the degree to which they meet the business objectives of thetrip, particularly the site time defined by the column 1 business aircraft. If aflight alternative requires a connection enroute within the leg, each flight isCopyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

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