Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA

Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA Travel$ense User's Guide (PDF, 139 MB) - NBAA


98TRAVEL$ENSE• Alternately, Travel$ense automatically calculates the distance between thespecified city pairs and multiplies that distance (in statute miles) by theamount per mile for the aircraft defined for the column. Travel$ense usesthis method if cost per mile (statute) is selected in the aircraft database forthe aircraft used in the column.• Travel$ense also allows users to specify a cost for the trip manually. Formore information, see Edit Cost of Air Service on page 78.For the airline column, this is the total cost for all airline tickets for allpassengers on comparable airline trips for the defined corporate trip legs. Thisamount typically would be the amount of an airline ticket multiplied by thenumber of passengers on the flight. Travel$ense allows the user to define thecost per ticket by selecting full fare coach (Y), first class (F) or lowest availableticket class for the chosen airline flights. This amount may be user-defined toaccount for contract rates with the airline (click on Edit Fare on the airlinesscreen).Cost of Employee Travel TimeFor all columns this calculates the total straight cost of employee travel timeonly. It is calculated individually and totaled on this line, for all passengers atindividually-defined compensation rates, business hours, work weeks/year, andtravel times, door to door, for all legs via three different aircraft/travel methods.The employee time cost clock begins each time a passenger leaves thehome/office/site for the airport and ends when the passenger arrives at ahome/office/site destination from the destination airport. Site time is notincluded.This category does not include multiples to measure the value of employeetravel time.This category does not include any consideration for time on site or extra timeon site, only time spent traveling. The cost of employee travel time is calculatedonly during business hours with additional costs included for after hours travelonly if the After Hour Travel Time Valuation has been set higher than 0.Other Trip ExpensesFor all columns, Other Trip Expenses calculates costs incidental to travel, suchas hotels, meals, ground transportation, etc., as triggered over time using userdefineddefault values and times, and as defined specifically per passenger perleg on Tab 3, Trip Expenses. Typically, these costs will rise with time spent on theroad. Consequently, as travel via business aircraft results in an efficient use oftime, cost totals for these columns tend to be less than costs associated fortrips taken via the airlines.Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

TRAVEL$ENSEThis category also includes crew expenses as a user option, calculated perperson per leg using the number of crewmembers defined in Tab 1, Aircraft. Ifso included this would represent the difference between the total expenses forall legs shown in Tab 3 and the total here. Clicking on the field invokes the popupthat breaks down the expenses and shows crew expenses.Total Direct Trip CostsTrue Trip CostsThis is the total of the three cost categories describer immediately above.Like the Direct Trip Costs, the True Trip Costs analyzes the data set in theprevious three Tabs. However, for the True Trip Costs, Travel$ense invokes userdefinedassumptions for productivity of the true value of employee time.99Cost of Air ServicesSame as under Direct Trip Costs on page 97.Other Trip ExpensesSame as under Direct Trip Costs on page 98.True Cost of Employee Travel TimeFor all columns, the True Cost of Employee Travel Time is the value of employeetravel time for all passengers, calculated individually and totaled on this line atindividually defined employee-passenger compensation rates, business hours,weeks/year, and travel times, door to door, for all legs via three differentaircraft/travel methods. The employee time cost clock begins each time apassenger leaves the home/office/site for the airport and ends when thepassenger arrives at an ultimate home/office/site destination from thedestination airport.This category invokes user-defined multiples to calculate the true cost or valueof employee travel time.Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

TRAVEL$ENSEThis category also includes crew expenses as a user option, calculated perperson per leg using the number of crewmembers defined in Tab 1, Aircraft. Ifso included this would represent the difference between the total expenses forall legs shown in Tab 3 and the total here. Clicking on the field invokes the popupthat breaks down the expenses and shows crew expenses.Total Direct Trip CostsTrue Trip CostsThis is the total of the three cost categories describer immediately above.Like the Direct Trip Costs, the True Trip Costs analyzes the data set in theprevious three Tabs. However, for the True Trip Costs, <strong>Travel$ense</strong> invokes userdefinedassumptions for productivity of the true value of employee time.99Cost of Air ServicesSame as under Direct Trip Costs on page 97.Other Trip ExpensesSame as under Direct Trip Costs on page 98.True Cost of Employee Travel TimeFor all columns, the True Cost of Employee Travel Time is the value of employeetravel time for all passengers, calculated individually and totaled on this line atindividually defined employee-passenger compensation rates, business hours,weeks/year, and travel times, door to door, for all legs via three differentaircraft/travel methods. The employee time cost clock begins each time apassenger leaves the home/office/site for the airport and ends when thepassenger arrives at an ultimate home/office/site destination from thedestination airport.This category invokes user-defined multiples to calculate the true cost or valueof employee travel time.Copyright © 1999, National Business Aviation Association, Inc.

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