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COLEGIO LOS PRÓCERES“Al rescate de los valores perdidos para vivir dignamente y convivir pacíficamente”<strong>PLAN</strong> <strong>DE</strong> <strong>RECUPERACION</strong> <strong>SEGUNDO</strong> <strong>PERIODO</strong> 10°NAME:DATE:LOGRO 1: Comprende y aplica el tiempo PASADO, en su forma simple, continuo, en oraciones, textos yconversaciones cotidianas, reconociendo el vocabulario de deportes y desarrollando las actividades propuestaspor el docente1) Write the verbs in the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Progressive).1. While Tom______________ (read), Amely_______________ (watch) a documentary on TV.2. Marvin (come) __________________ home, (switch) ________________ on the computer and(check)_______________ his emails.3. The thief (sneak) _____________ into the house, (steal) ________________ the jewels and (leave)______________ without a trace.4. Nobody (listen) ______________ while the teacher (explain) _________________ the tenses.5. While we (do)______________ a sight-seeing tour, our friends (lie)_________________ on the beach.6. He (wake)_____________________ up and (look)__________________ at his watch.2) Write the sentences in the correct box of tense: Simple past or Past continuous

COLEGIO LOS PRÓCERES“Al rescate de los valores perdidos para vivir dignamente y convivir pacíficamente”LOGRO 2: Reconoce el vocabulario de los miembros de la familia y construye oraciones utilizando la formagramatical “Will”, “Going to”.3) Choose the correct answer for each question.1 I feel really tired. I think I ______ go to bed.A. 'llB. 'm going to2 Where are you going?I ______ visit a customer.A. 'llB. 'm going to

COLEGIO LOS PRÓCERES“Al rescate de los valores perdidos para vivir dignamente y convivir pacíficamente”3 Do you want me to help you?No thanks. John ______ help me.A. 'llB. 's going to4 Would you prefer tea or coffee?I ______ have some coffee, please.A. 'llB. 'm going to5 Would you like to come to my house for dinner and talk about this?Good idea. I ______ bring some wine.A. 'llB. 'm going to6 I've already decided. I ______ buy a new carA. 'llB. 'm going to7 What are your plans for next week?I ______ to fly to New York on business. Probably on Tuesday but I haven't bought my ticket yet.

COLEGIO LOS PRÓCERESA. 'll“Al rescate de los valores perdidos para vivir dignamente y convivir pacíficamente”B. 'm going to8 What are your plans for the holidays?I ______ visit my parents for a few days and then go walking in Scotland.A. 'llB. 'm going to9 Why are you wearing your best suit?I ______ have lunch with my biggest customer.A. 'llB. 'm going to10 Do you want to have the chicken or the beef?I think ______ have the beef.A. 'llB. 'm going toLogro 3: Participa en lecturas y actividades de listening con excelente pronunciación y entonación y resuelve losejercicios de comprensión correctamente.4) Read the passage and choose the correct answer to each question:

COLEGIO LOS PRÓCERES“Al rescate de los valores perdidos para vivir dignamente y convivir pacíficamente”Have you ever noticed strange bumps on stems, leaves, flowers, or tree branches? Well, they are part ofthe plant and grown by the plant, but they are homes for tiny insects! These bumps are called galls.Insects form galls. The plant does not decide to grow them. Typically, a female insect lays hereggs on a plant. After the baby insects hatch, special chemicals are left on the plant. These specialchemicals cause the plant to bubble up and form a gall. Once a gall has grown, the insects have a safeplace to live and eat, or do they?Other animals, besides insects, benefit from galls. Galls are also great places for birds and smallanimals to find a meal. Woodpeckers, squirrels, mice, and bats all use galls as a source for a tasty insectsnack. If a gall has a large hole poked into it, a larger creature may have stopped for a bite.Now that you know what a gall is, you will probably begin to notice them everywhere. Lookaround. You may even decide to break open a gall and take a peek inside. If the gall has a little hole,the owner has probably left. Can you believe it? A little house for an insect made by a plant!Questions1) Based on information in paragraph 2, it can be understood that an unhatched insect egg laid on aplant would most likely causeA. the plant to dieB. no gall to formC. a large gallD. a bird to eat the egg2) Which statement from the passage best describes how galls are formed?A. “Once a gall has grown, the insects have a safe place to live and eat, or do they?”B. “These bumps are called galls.”C. “These special chemicals cause the plant to bubble up and form a gall.”D. “Typically, a female insect lays her eggs on a plant.”

COLEGIO LOS PRÓCERES“Al rescate de los valores perdidos para vivir dignamente y convivir pacíficamente”3) At the end of paragraph 2, the author asks the question “or do they?” The author does this toA. explain why insects may not be safe inside their gallsB. ask the reader if the insects are safe inside their gallsC. admit that he or she does not really know the answerD. encourage us to keep reading to discover the answer4) Based on its use in paragraph 3, it can be understood that benefit belongs to which of the followingword groups?A. love, adore, likeB. hurt, offend, upsetC. teach, instruct, directD. gain, advance, profit5) If a gall has a large hole in it, this means thatA. a larger creature may have stopped for a biteB. the owner has probably leftC. special chemicals are left on the plantD. they are homes for tiny insects6) This passage is mostly meant toA. entertainB. inform

COLEGIO LOS PRÓCERES“Al rescate de los valores perdidos para vivir dignamente y convivir pacíficamente”C. persuadeD. describe7) The information presented in paragraph 3 most likely resulted from the work of which of the followingtypes of scientist?A. a zoologist, who studies the behavior, structure, and classification of animals.B. an ecologist, who studies the relationships of organisms to one another and to their physicalsurroundings.C. an entomologist, who studies the behavior, structure, and classification of insects.D. a chemist, who is engaged in chemical research or experiments.5) Choose the one inference that is most logically based on the paragraph.1. Amy was getting impatient. Sara was supposed to meet her 15 minutes ago. They were going to be latefor school if she didn't come soon! If they were late one more time, they would be in deep water. Amywondered if the teacher would give her detention, or make her do extra work. What if he told her momand she was grounded? Sara finally arrived as Amy was thinking about being grounded. She saw Amy'sexpression and asked, "Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?"• What would happen to Amy if she were grounded?a. She would not be allowed to fly her airplane.b. She would not be allowed to go to school.c. She would be punished by staying in the house or her bedroom.d. She would not be electrocuted.2. As Carolyn walked up the street, she looked up in the sky and noticed clouds hovering over her. It was

COLEGIO LOS PRÓCERES“Al rescate de los valores perdidos para vivir dignamente y convivir pacíficamente”becoming darker and darker. Carolyn felt cold, alone and little scared. It seemed as if she heard everysound the outdoors had to offer. She walked faster and faster toward her destination.• From this, we can conclude that:a. it is snowing.b. something is chasing Carolyn.c. a storm may be brewing.d. it is going to snow.3. The night was very dark. Charlie and Ted were sitting by the fire and toasting marshmallows. They hadset-up their tent that afternoon. Suddenly, Ted heard a noise. Charlie heard it, too. It said, "Hoot, hoot!"It was coming from the tree over the tent. The boys threw down their marshmallows and ran all the wayhome.• Why did the boys run home?a. They needed to get more marshmallows.b. It was going to rain and they didn't want to get wet.c. They needed to get a flashlight.d. The boys were afraid of the noise they heard.4. Jeff filled up a big bowl with fresh, cold water and set it on the floor. He brought out a big blanket andput it on the floor next to the low window. He opened a package and took out a big bone and placed iton the floor next to the blanket. Then he opened the window so that the gentle breeze could blow intothe room.• What was Jeff doing?a. He was getting ready for a camping trip.b. He was cleaning out the closet.c. He was getting things ready for his dog.d. He was trying to cool off the room.

COLEGIO LOS PRÓCERES“Al rescate de los valores perdidos para vivir dignamente y convivir pacíficamente”5. Justin grabbed the leash and quickly put it around Laddie's neck. He stormed out of the house andslammed the door. Laddie followed behind him.He said, "Hurry up, Laddie. You are always so slow."Justin kept his head down and walked quickly down the road, not speaking to anyone that he saw.• What is true about Justin?a. He was feeling sick and wanted to lie down.b. He was mad that he had to walk the dog.c. He was very worried that someone might see him.d. He was excited and wanted to hurry.

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