Model 2012 Model 2012

Model 2012 Model 2012

Model 2012 Model 2012

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ZETOR FORTERRA TRACTORSType ofthe tractorEngine power(kW)2000/25/ECForterra 100 71Forterra 110 79Forterra 120 86Forterra 130 93Forterra 140 1006


LOCATION OF SERIAL NUMBERSWhen ordering sp are parts and w ithin all w ritten and oral communica tion always specify the dat a of your tractor that should bewritten in the frames below.Tractor typeZetor Forterra 100Zetor Forterra 110Zetor Forterra 120Zetor Forterra 130Zetor Forterra 140Tractor serial numberEngine serial numberThe “right”, “lef t”, “front” and “back”indications refer to the driving direction ofthe tractor.The manufacturer reserves the right toimplement changes of the design andoptions during the pr oduction to improvethe features of the tractor.F11N0038

Please, pay increased attention to theparts of the Operator’s Manual that aremarked with this symbol.This symbol accompanies allimportant warnings that concernoperation safety.Observe these instructionsand be extremely careful inthese cases!Inform your colleagues andother users about thesewarnings.Carefully study the chaptersmarked with this symbol beforestarting to perform operation,repairs and adjustments of yourtractor.This symbol identifies allimportant information concerningoperation, adjustment andrepairs of the starter motor.Observe these instructionsand be extremely careful inthese cases!This sy mbol marks p arts of theOperator’s Manual concerningenvironment protection. Orpossibly sections describinghandling of dangerous waste.SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR USERS∗This sy mbol refers to optionaltractor accessories inst alled bythe manufacturer on thecustomer’s request.9Accessories that are notinstalled by the manufacturer inthe standard way or * optionallyon the customer’s request (in theproduction plant) cannot besubject to a claim.GENERAL SAFETY REGULATIONS1. The tractor may only be operated bya trained person that has a valid drivinglicence and has been thoroughlyacquainted with the operation and safetyrules.2. Besides the safety instructionsmentioned in the Operator’s Manual y ouare obliged to respect generally validsafety and traf fic rules of the countrywhere the tractor is used.PROPER CLOTHING3. Do not wear loose clothing and freeflying long hair.4. During all w ork use suitable(prescribed) means of personalprotection (w orking boot s, gloves,goggles, etc.)STARTING THE ENGINE5. It is not permitted to st art the engineby driving down a slope.6. The tractor may be put in motion tostart the engine w ith the use of anothertractor or another vehicle w ith the use ofa towing bar only.7. Only start the engine from the driver’sseat with the clutch pedal fullydepressed.Life hazard when starting bymeans of short-circuiting thestarter terminals!8. The key in the sw itch box must be inthe “I” position.9. When heating the engine w ith the *electric heater first plug the pow er supplycord to the heater and only then to theelectric mains. After the end of heatingfirst disconnect the heater from theelectric mains.Caution! Electric shock hazard!

34. Before leaving the tractor do notforget to brake the tractor with theparking brake (by engaging a gear).Remove the key from the switch box andlock the cab.35. In the case of a tractor equipped w ithreversing shif t the reversing lever to theforward position.36. Before leaving the tractor w ith theengine running brake the tractor with theparking brake.37. To get out of the tractor normally usethe left side of the tractor . Look aroundto see whether a vehicle is coming thatcould endanger y our safety duringgetting off and only then open the door.38. When leaving the tractor use thesteps and handles. Pay increasedattention in the area of the shif ting leverand the manual throttle lever as w ell asthe upper step.WITH STOPPED ENGINE ONLY39. All w ork connected w ith refuelling,cleaning, lubricating and adjusting thetractor or att ached implements may onlybe performed w ith the engine andmoving p arts of the tractor stoppedexcept functional c hecks of the brakes,hydraulic system and charging.40. Before removing the side plates ofthe hood it is alw ays necessary to stopthe engine. The tractor engine can onlySAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR USERSrun in a closed building or room ifsufficient ventilation is ensured. Exhaustgases are harmful for health.FIRE PREVENTION PRINCIPLES41. Refuel the tractor best af ter the endof work and with the engine stopped.42. Do not refill fuel up to the top of thefuel t ank in summer . W ipe spilt fuelimmediately.43. Do not refuel the tractor near openflame and do not smoke.44. Do not smoke and do not use openflame w hen inspecting the batteryelectrolyte level.45. Make sure that fire safety instructionsare strictly observed in environments withan increased danger of fire (hay -lofts,straw-stacks, etc.).46. The tractors are not equipped w ith afire extinguisher from the productionplant.HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTPROTECTION47. The tractors are not equipped withspecial filters of air aspirated to the cab.Therefore, they are not designed forwork w ith aerosols and other harmfulsubstances.48. Coolant, brake liquid, kerosene,diesel fuel, mineral oil and other oilproducts that are us ed for the operation11and maintenance of the tractor maycause various skin disorders in case ofdirect cont act w ith y our skin and canirritate mucous membranes, eyes, thedigestive system and upper respiratoryways. Some of them may even causesystemic poisoning when swallowed.49. Persons that handle oil product s areobliged to strictly observe safety andhygienic regulations, use suitable meansof protection and w ork in w ell-ventilatedrooms.WORKING WITH OILPRODUCTS50. After the end of w ork or before ameal you should w ash y ourself w ith amild agent and treat y our hands with asuitable ointment or cream.51. When connecting and disconnectionquick-couplers of the hy draulic circuitsuse any piece of cloth to remove residualoil remaining in the socket or on the plugof the quick-coupler.

WASTE DISPOSAL52. When disposing of the tractor or itsparts (incl. operation liquids) after theend of their service life you must observerelevant provisions of valid act s andimplementation directiv es of these act sof the country where the tractor is used.The last seller of the tractor is obliged inaccordance with the W aste Act to informthe consumer - duri ng the sale of thetractor - about the w ay of collection ofsome used p arts of the tractor. This isthe case of oil and other operationliquids, batteries and ty res. These usedproducts must be received from theconsumer w ithout any obligation of theconsumer to pay for this service.PREVENTIVE DAILY MAINTENANCE53. Perform this maintenance daily orafter every 8 - 10 hours of operation atthe latest.SAFETY CAB54. If the protective frame of the safetycab is damaged by corrosion, anaccident or otherw ise, the safety cabmust be replaced.SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR USERSAIR-CONDITIONING55. Disassembling, turning or otherw isehandling the screw union of the airconditioningsystem is not allowed in anycase. Sudden leak of the coolant mayoccur, causing quick local cooling.Contact or freezing of component s inhands may cause serious damage ofsome tissues.56. The air-conditioning sy stem isequipped w ith quick-couplers that makeit possible to sep arate the cab from thetractor body if necessary without anycoolant leak. Entrust interventions intothe air-conditioning sy stem to aspecialized repair shop.ELECTRIC INSTALLATION57. No additional interventionsinto the electric installation(connection of other electricappliances) are permissible dueto its possible overloading!58. The values of the electric inst allationare:Nominal voltage 12 V =Grounded minus ( - ) polepoleUsing starting trucks or aux iliary pow ersupplies w ith a dif ferent volt age orpolarity may cause serious failures of thetractor.1259. When handling the battery y ou mustpay increased attention and avoid shortcircuits.In tractors equipped w ith abattery disconnector sw itch thedisconnector of f w hen handling thebattery.60. Zetor Forterra tractors must not beoperated with a disconnected battery asthis may lead to a serious failure of thetractor.

PREVENTIVE DAILY MAINTENANCEPerform this maintenance daily or after every 8 - 10 hours of operation at the latest.F11N00413

PREVENTIVE DAILY MAINTENANCEFUEL SYSTEM LEAKSCheck the fuel sy stem for leaks,including the fuel tank. Repair any leaksimmediately. The hole for draining dirtfrom the fuel tank is found in its bottom.F11N005 X F_02_193 F_02_3a1ENGINE OIL LEVELAfter unscrewing and removing the oildip-stick check the oil quantity in theengine and then check the connection ofthe engine lubrication sy stem for leaks.Maintain the oil level betw een the dipstickmarks.COOLING SYSTEMCheck the connections of the enginecooling system for leaks and the coolantquantity in the exp ansion t ank.Replenish the missing quantity up to theupper mark indicated MAX. Theminimum accept able cooling liquid levelis indicated by the MIN mark.Only release the overpressureplug when the coolant has cooleddown! There is a danger ofscalding!14

PREVENTIVE DAILY MAINTENANCEF_02_4 F_02_56LIQUID BRAKESCheck the liquid brakes for leaks as wellas the liquid control of the clutch and thebraking liquid level in the expansion tank.Maintain the brake liquid level in therange of 3/4 of the tank content (max.level) and 1/2 of the t ank content(minimum level).TRAILER AIR BRAKESCheck the air sy stem of the brakes forleaks and the ef ficiency of the tractorbrakes with a trailer (see theMaintenance instruct ions chapter; theChecking the air sy stems for leakssection of this Operator’s Manual).F13TRAILER HYDRAULIC BRAKESCheck the hy draulic brakes of the trailerfor leaks.15

PREVENTIVE DAILY MAINTENANCEHYDROSTATIC STEERING- Check the oil level in the hydrostaticsteering tank.- Check the tightening of screw s andnuts of the steering rods and levers.- Check the condition of all the hoses ofthe hy draulic steering circuit fordamage and for oil leaks.D402 F_02_6aAIR CLEANERIf the air cleaner is heavily clogged w ithdirt, this condition is indicated by asensor that lights up an indicator on thedashboard.F_02_9CAB FILTRATIONCheck and if necessary clean the cabventilation air filters in stalled in the frontoverhang of the roof.The filter exchange interval depends onthe dustiness of theworkingenvironment.Partial regeneration can be performed bybeating out or blow ing with compressedair.Do the cleaning or r eplacement of thefilter element s af ter removing thecovering grills in the roof overhang.16

PREVENTIVE DAILY MAINTENANCEHITCHESCheck the condition of the hitching andattachment systems of the tractor andtrailer.F18 F_02_100AFTER WIRK WITH FRONTIMPLEMENTS AND IN CASE OFCOOLER CLOGGINGAfter work with front implements:− Check the connections of the externalhydraulic circuit of the control of thefront three-point hitch for leaksClogging of the coolers:− Remove the side plate of the hood.− Release and slide the cooler to the leftside of the tractor.− Clean the front w alls of the engine(gearbox, air-conditioning condenser)cooler with compressed air (blow air inthe direction from the engine).− Remove residual dirt from the sp aceunder the hood so that it should not besuctioned again.17F11N006TYRES AND WHEELSCheck the air pressure in the front andrear ty res. Depending on the characterof w ork adjust the pressure to therecommended value. Check and ifnecessary retighten the bolts of the frontand rear wheels (the rim / disc and disc /wheel shaft connection).Never drive with loose wheelbolts!

PREVENTIVE DAILY MAINTENANCEF11N007SHORT FUNCTIONAL TESTAfter st arting the engine check w hetherthe hy drostatic steering failure, enginelubrication and charging indicators havegone off.Verify the function of the hy draulicsteering circuits and check them forleaks.18

The tractor user is obliged to getacquainted with the recommendedprocedures and instructionsfor safe operation of thetractor in advance. It is too late todo so during operation!ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORPageSafety cab ................................................................................................................. 21Door opening from the outside .................................................................................. 21Door opening from the inside .................................................................................... 21Rear window.............................................................................................................. 22Side window .............................................................................................................. 22∗Tilting lid .................................................................................................................. 22Washer nozzle .......................................................................................................... 23Washer tank .............................................................................................................. 23Washer control .......................................................................................................... 23Storage compartment and tool box ........................................................................... 24Rearview mirrors ....................................................................................................... 24Passenger´s seat ...................................................................................................... 25MARS SVRATKA driver’s seat.................................................................................. 26Adjusting the seat for the driver’s weight................................................................... 26Longitudinal adjustment of the seat........................................................................... 26Vertical adjustment of the seat .................................................................................. 26Driver´s seat.............................................................................................................. 27* Tilting steering wheel .............................................................................................. 28*Tilting and extensible steering wheel ....................................................................... 28*Air filter with active carbon ....................................................................................... 29Control panel of heating, *air-conditioning, *radio ..................................................... 30Heating valve control (A)........................................................................................... 30Fan control (B) .......................................................................................................... 30*Air-conditioning switch (C) ....................................................................................... 30Control of air circulation in the cab (D) ......................................................................... 31Proper function of the heating and air-conditioning system ........................................... 31Fast heating of the cab space ..................................................................................... 31Quick cooling of the cab space ............................................................................ 32Heating or air-conditioning operation during work of the tractor ................................ 32Immediately after cooling down the cab .................................................................... 32Heating and air-conditioning outlets (A) (∗radio speakers)........................................ 33Front windshield (B) defrosting.................................................................................. 3319

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORPageAnalogue dashboard................................................................................................. 35∗ Digital dashboard ................................................................................................... 37Display of pto speed.................................................................................................. 38Switches, selectors and levers.................................................................................. 39Light switch (A) ......................................................................................................... 40Switch of the front driving axle (F)............................................................................. 40Warning light switch (E) ............................................................................................ 40Selector of the grill and cab headlights (B)................................................................ 41Front, rear differential lock button (J) ........................................................................ 41Selector of turn signal, low and high beam lights and horn (L).................................. 41Switching box............................................................................................................ 42Key in “0” position ..................................................................................................... 42Key in “I” position ...................................................................................................... 42Key in “II” position ..................................................................................................... 43Lighter and three-pin socket...................................................................................... 43Manual throttle lever ................................................................................................. 43Engine stopping control............................................................................................. 44Torque multiplier preselection switch (i) .................................................................... 44Pedals and levers ..................................................................................................... 45Main shifting lever and reversing lever...................................................................... 45Shifting lever of road and reduced gears .................................................................. 45Shifting lever of dependent and independent PTO rpm ............................................ 46Levers of the parking brake and hitch for a single-axle trailer ................................... 46Hydraulic control panel.............................................................................................. 46Control of the auxiliary hydraulic distributor (external hydraulic circuit) .......................... 47Control panel on the right cab pillar........................................................................... 47Battery disconnector ................................................................................................. 47Aggregation opening................................................................................................. 48Fuel tank ................................................................................................................... 48Drain plug of the fuel tank ......................................................................................... 48Diesel particle filter.................................................................................................... 4920

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORSAFETY CABNormally use the left side of thetractor to enter and leave the cab.When entering and leaving thecab use the three-stage stepsand handles.Pay increased attention in thearea of the shifting lever and themanual throttle lever.The safety cabin is equipped withtinted glass as standard.F11N039 F_02_11 F23DOOR OPENING FROM THE OUTSIDEThe cab doors can be locked from theoutside.DOOR OPENING FROM THE INSIDE1. Lever for door opening from the inside2. Lever for lock opening from the insideThe door is held in the fully open positionby a gas strut.Driving with an open door is not recommendedas the door may get damaged.21

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORREAR WINDOWThe rear window is equipped with a handleand in the open position it is held bygas struts. The rear window may be *heated.We recommend you to latch thewindow in the closed positionwhen driving on an unevenground - danger of cracking of the window.Before you start work with implementsattached to the rear three-pointhitch make sure there is no danger ofcollision between the attached implementin the position of maximum lift of thethree-point hitch and the open rear window.In case of interference we recommendyou to work with the windowclosed.F24 F25 F_02_14SIDE WINDOWThe window is secured in the partly openposition with a plastic latch.22∗TILTING LIDIt can be opened by partial turning of thelocking lever and half-opening.By opening the tilting lid you willincrease the total height of thetractor. Therefore, always closethe lid when passing through orparking in places with a loweredprofile.

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORWASHER NOZZLEThe nozzle is adjustable with a needlewith the max. thickness of 0.8 mm.F28 F_02_152a F_02_137WASHER TANKThe washer tank is located on the outerrear wall of the cab.WASHER CONTROLThe windshield washer is activated bypressing of the selector of the front twospeedwiper located on the right pillar ofthe cab. The maximum period of uninterruptedoperation of the washer pump is20 s.23

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORF31STORAGE COMPARTMENT ANDTOOL BOXThe storage compartment is located atthe left side of the driver’s seat.The toolbox is positioned in the rear partof the cab behind the driver’s seat.F_02_12REARVIEW MIRRORSBefore driving or starting work adjust therearview mirrors to be able to see the entireroad or the working field.The rearview mirrors may be * heated.24

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORPASSENGER´S SEATPassenger´s seat is tiltable and placed on the left mudguard of the cabin.FH12N020.tifSEAT TILTING OUTPassenger´s seat to be tilted out in the direction of an arrow (1) upward. Locking of the seat is done automaticallySEAT TILTINGLift the passenger´s seat in the direction of an arrow (2), pull the lever (3) to the direction of the driver´s seat, tilt the seat in the directionof an arrow (4).25

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORMARS SVRATKA DRIVER’S SEATADJUSTING THE SEAT FOR THEDRIVER’S WEIGHTThe seat suspension is adjustable for thedriver’s weight from 50 to 120 kg. Theadjustment is performed by turning asquare handle. The weight adjustmentindicator is located in the recess of therear seat cover. The spring stroke is 120mm.Do not adjust the seat when driving.Danger of accident!F33 F34 F35LONGITUDINAL ADJUSTMENT OFTHE SEATYou can adjust the seat longitudinallywith the left lever in the range of ± 75mm (11 positions).VERTICAL ADJUSTMENT OF THESEATThe seat is adjusted vertically with thelever at the right-hand side in the rangeof ± 30 mm (3 positions).26

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTOR27FH12N026DRIVER´S SEAT1- The control of setting the seat suspension according to the driver´s weight (settingby rotation, in the direction according to pictogram on the boot of the seat)2- Longitudinal setting of the seat lever3- Seat vibrations absorption control (by tilt over of the control forward, floatingposition of the seat is engaged)4- Setting the angle of rest control5- Tilting elbow rest6- Pneumatic suspension of seat setting control (by pulling in the direction upward,the rigidity of the suspension increases, by pulling in downward direction, itdecreases)DRIVER´S SEAT WITH MECHANICAL SUSPENSIONControl according to points 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5Point 2, lever is placed on the rightDRIVER´S SEAT WITH PNEUMATIC SUSPENSIONControl according to points 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6Point 2, lever is placed on the left

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTOR* TILTING STEERING WHEELW1Steering wheel angle adjustmentThe adjustment is done by tilting thesteering wheel after releasing the lock byturning the lever (1) in the arrow direction.After setting the steering wheel lockthe lever (1) by tightening against the arrowdirection.28F205*TILTING AND EXTENSIBLESTEERING WHEELThe tilting steering column allows variableangle and height adjustment of thesteering wheel.Steering wheel height adjustmentThe adjustment is done by extending orretracting the steering wheel after releasingthe lock by turning the lever (1) in thearrow direction. After setting the steeringwheel lock the lever (1) by tighteningagainst the arrow direction.Steering wheel angle adjustmentThe adjustment is done by tilting thesteering wheel after releasing the lock byturning the lever (2) in the arrow direction.After setting the steering wheel lockthe lever (2) by tightening against the arrowdirection.

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORE730a*AIR FILTER WITH ACTIVE CARBONFilters with active carbon are installed instead of the standard dust filter and they arereplaced in the same way as the normal filters. The filter must be inserted with thewhite side towards the grill. You will find the installation instructions in the “Maintenanceinstructions” chapter.The filter is only used during spraying of pesticides; then it must be replaced with apaper filter again as flying dust would clog the carbon filter in a very short time.During its use the recirculation control must be in the position of “air suctioned fromthe outside”The fan control must be in the “maximum” position.• WARNING: The filter does not provide complete protection from toxic substances• When handling the filter wear protective gloves• Do not clean or blow the filter with compressed air.DANGER: Replace the active carbon filter every 200 hours or 36 months (theproduction date is printed on the filter). If you feel the smell of pesticides in thecab, replace the filter immediately and have the cab sealing checked. Used filtersmust be disposed of in specialized collection centres.When pesticides are sprayed anda heating filter with active carbonis used, the recirculation controlmust be in the “air suctioned fromthe outside” position and the fancontrol in the “maximum” positionto create overpressure in the cab.29

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORCONTROL PANEL OF HEATING, *AIR-CONDITIONING, *RADIOA - Heating valve controlB - Fan controlC - Air-conditioning switchD - Control of air circulation in the cabE - Space for additional radio installationF_02_15 F_02_16 F_02_17aHEATING VALVE CONTROL (A)a - Heating valve closedb - Heating valve openFAN CONTROL (B)0 - Fan off1 - Slow fan speed2 - Medium fan speed3 - Maximum fan speed*AIR-CONDITIONING SWITCH (C)The air-conditioning system is switchedon and off with the switch with the snowflakesymbol (C).By pressing the switch you will put theair-conditioning system in operation (thesnowflake symbol is lit).You can switch off the air-conditioningsystem by pressing the switch again (thesnowflake symbol is off).30

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORCONTROL OF AIR CIRCULATION INTHE CAB (D)a - Surrounding (external) air is suctionedto the cab via filters - air suctioningfrom the cab is closed.b - Air is suctioned from the inside of thecab and blown into the cab again (airrecirculation fast quick adjustment oftemperature in the cab).In this position the air inlet fromthe outside of the cabin is completelyclosed and in the cabinthere is no overpressure that preventspenetration of unfiltered airto the cabin!Do not use this position of thecontrol during working operationof the tractor!F_02_17b F11N009 F_02_18aPROPER FUNCTION OF THE HEATINGAND AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEMTo ensure proper functioning of the heatingor air-conditioning system it is necessaryto create overpressure in the cab.Therefore, we recommend you to closeall the windows, doors and tilting lid ofthe cabin.31FAST HEATING OF THE CAB SPACEProceed as follows:1 - Turn the heating valve control (A) tothe right position (heating valve fullyopen).2 - Set the control of air circulation in thecab (D) to the internal circulation position.3 - Use the fan control (B) to select thecorresponding fan speed (position 1,2, 3)4 - Set the outlets to the required angle toavoid direct blowing of air to the personsin the cab.5 - After heating of the cab space set thecontrol of air circulation in the cab (D)to the position of suctioning externalair - see fig. F_02_17b, position (a).

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORQUICK COOLING OF THE CABSPACEProceed as follows:1 - Turn the heating valve control (A) tothe left position.2 - Set the control of air circulation in thecab (D) to the position of suctioningexternal air.3 - Use the fan control (B) to select thecorresponding fan speed (position 1,2, 3)4 - Use the switch (C) to switch on theair-conditioning system.5 - Set the outlets to the required angle toavoid blowing of air directly to the personsin the cabin (possible occurrenceof an illness due to intensivecooling of body parts).F_02_18 F_02_19 F_02_20HEATING OR AIR-CONDITIONINGOPERATION DURING WORK OF THETRACTORWhen internal air circulation is on, thefresh air inlet is closed and the air in thecab space may be breathed up by theoperators. This situation may cause thefeeling of tiredness and further due tooverpressure loss in the cab dust maypenetrate to the cab.Note: During work set the switch (D) inaccordance with individual requirementsto a temperature in a position between(a) and (b) so that the fan can suction airfrom the outside via filters.32IMMEDIATELY AFTER COOLINGDOWN THE CABImmediately after cooling of the cab andreduction of the internal temperature tothe required value we recommend youto:− Perform smooth regulation of air temperaturewith the air-conditioning on bypartially opening the heating valve (A).At this setting the air entering the cabinfrom the outlets is not dried so intensively.− You can also smoothly regulate the airtemperature with the air-conditioning onby reducing the fan output by switchingthe control (B) to position 1 or 2.

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORHEATING AND AIR-CONDITIONING OUTLETS (A) (∗RADIO SPEAKERS)Adjustable outlets of heating (2) and *air-conditioning (1)Radio speakers are only installed in case of preparation for the *radio installation.F_02_151FRONT WINDSHIELD (B) DEFROSTINGTo ensure quick defrosting of the front windshield direct the central heating outlets (3)under the angle of approx. 45° towards the windshield. Direct the side outlets (4) underthe angle of approx. 45° to the cab corners.After defrosting of the front windshield direct the side outlets to the side glasses of thedoors as necessary and gradually defrost them. After defrosting direct the outlets insuch a way that the air should not be blown directly to the driver, but down to thedriver’s legs.33


ANALOGUE DASHBOARDAnalogue dashboard is assembled as astandard equipment.DEVICES DESCRIPTIONA - IndicatorsB - Air pressure gaugeC - speedometer with mechanicalcounter of hoursD - fuel gaugeE - coolant thermometerACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORINDICATORS1 - High beam lights (blue). Lights upwhen high beam headlights are on.2 - Tractor turn signal indicator (green)3 - 1st trailer turn signal indicator (green)4 - 2nd trailer turn signal indicator(green)5 - Indicator of minimum air pressure inthe brake system (red). Lights up ifthe air pressure for the air brakes ofthe trailer drops below the criticallimit, i.e. 450 kPa.6 - Parking brake (red). Lights up whenthe parking brake lever is in the “on”position.7 - Charging (red). During engine operationit lights up in case of a chargingfailure. If the engine is stopped, itmust light up8 - Lubrication (red). During engine operationit light up if the engine oilpressure drops below 120 to 60 kPa.If the engine is stopped, it must lightup.9 - Air filter clogging indicator (yellow). Itlights up with air filter clogging.10 - Indicator signals worn pads of cardanbrake of front driving axle (red).11 - indicator of critical temperature ofcoolant (red) lights up when reachinga temperature of 100°C (disengaged).3512 - Indicator of engagement of multiplier(green – 1st degree).13 - Indicator of engagement of multiplier(green – 2nd degree).14 - Indicator of error signalization in thesystem of hydrostatic steering (red)With engine engaged lights up withfailure of hydrostatic steering. If engineis at standstill, it must be lit.15 - Fuel (orange). It is lit with residue of1/6 - 1/10 of tank volume.16 - Indicator of PTO engagement (orange)is not engaged.17 - Engine glowing (yellow). Signals activityof device for easing the start ofengine.18 - Diesel particle filter control (green) ,for more see chapter „Driving operation“19 - Free20 - Warning indicator (red). Lights upwith pressure drop under criticallimit i.e. 450 kPa, with engagedparking brake, with charging failure,with low pressure of oil in the engineor with brake lining of the frontbrake wear off.21 - Diesel particle filter control (red), formore see “Driving operation”


∗ DIGITAL DASHBOARDDigital dashboard is assembled asequipment upon customer´s request.DESCRIPTIONA - IndicatorsB - air pressure gaugeC - speedometerD - fuel gaugeE - coolant thermometerF - displayACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORSELECTORS AND SWITCHESThe placement of indicators on digitaldashboard is the same as the analoguedashboard.After pressing the selected switch, theapplicable symbol and data is displayedon the display.22 - Battery voltage button: The voltagevalue is displayed on the display(with the resolution of 0.1 V).23 - Button of the number of coveredkilometres (per day or since the lastreset). The number of kilometres isshown on the display. The value canbe reset with long pressing of thebutton.24 - Button of immediate travel speedin km.h-1, which is displayed on thedisplay.25 - Free26 - 1000 rpm PTO button. The rpmvalue with the resolution of 10 rpm isshown on the display.Serves only for operation datadisplay27 - The switch of hours of operation.The information is displayed on thedisplay.37

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORDISPLAY OF PTO SPEEDBy pressing the switch marked with the arrow, you will display the PTO speed in theleft and right parts of the display. It is a number of revolutions with engaged PTOindependent revolutions.By pressing the buttons gradually, you will induced the number of PTO revolutions forindividual gears of PTO revolutions.a. for 1000 revolutionsb. for 540 revolutionsc. for 540E revolutionsThe button serves only for displaying data, for engaging applicable gears it isnecessary to do by revolving end of the PTO dependent on the combinationof PTO revolutions by which the tractor is equipped.F54e38

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORSWITCHES, SELECTORS AND LEVERSa - Light switch (off, parking, main headlights)b - Selector of low beam lights in the tractorgrill and working lights on the tractor cab inthe roof.c - Fog light switch (off - on). The function ofthe fog light is indicated by the illuminatedsymbol on the switch.d - Switch of the working headlight (off-on) Thefunction of the working headlight is indicatedby the illuminated symbol on the switch.e - Warning light switchf - Switch of the front driving axle. Engagedfront driving axle is indicated by the illuminatedsymbol on the switch.g - Beacon switch (off - on)h - Switch of the working lights in the tractorgrill (off – on)i - Multiplier automatic preselection switchj - Differential lock buttonk - Stopping the engine run by pulling(stopping device)l - Selector of turn signal, low and high beamlights and the Selector of turn signal, lowand high beam lights and the acoustic andlight warning signalsm - Switching boxWXF10139

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORLIGHT SWITCH (A)a - Lights “OFF”b - Sidelights and tail lights, registrationsign and instrument lighting “ON”c - All the electric appliances are ON asin position “b” In addition, low or highbeam lights are “ON” (depending onthe position of the selector of the turnsignal, lights and horn)F56 F57 F58SWITCH OF THE FRONT DRIVINGAXLE (F)Use the front driving axle in casethe rear wheels slip to increasethe traction of the tractor.a - Front driving axle “OFF”b - Front driving axle “ON”When the tractor is stopped (the tractoris braked, engine stopped, key of theswitching box off), the front driving axle is“ON”.The front driving axle is on in the basicposition (indicator lit) and it can be deactivatedwith the switch (indicator off).WARNING LIGHT SWITCH (E)a - Warning lights “OFF”b - Warning lights “ON”The function of the warning lights is signalledby intermittent flashing of the indicatoron the dashboard.40

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORSELECTOR OF THE GRILL AND CABHEADLIGHTS (B)a - Lights in the roof “OFF”b - Lights in the roof “ON”This selector controls the lights in the grillor roof of the tractor cab. Only use thelights in the cab roof if an implement isattached to the front three-point hitch thatcovers the headlights in the grill.Switched on lights in the cabin roof areindicated by the illuminated symbol onthe switch.High beam lights are only available in thetractor grill.F59 F60 F_02_181FRONT, REAR DIFFERENTIAL LOCKBUTTON (J)a - Differential lock engagedb - Differential lock disengagedThe differential lock is engaged by pressingof the button, which returns to theoriginal position after being released.The engagement of the differential lock isindicated by the illuminated symbol onthe switch.The differential lock is automatically disengagedon pressing of the brake pedals.SELECTOR OF TURN SIGNAL, LOWAND HIGH BEAM LIGHTS AND HORN(L)a - Acoustic horn - push the selector inthe axial directionb - Low beam lightsc - Right turn signald - Left turn signale - Light warning signalf - High beam lights41

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORSWITCHING BOXThe switching box is located on thedashboard, see arrow.E140a S43 S44KEY IN “0” POSITIONThe voltage of all appliances controlledvia the key is disconnected. The key canbe removed.KEY IN “I” POSITIONVoltage is connected to all appliancesexcept the starter motor. The key is inthis position during engine operation.42

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORKEY IN “II” POSITIONIn this position the starter motor and allthe electric appliances are connectedexcept wipers, washers, cab fan and airconditioning.After starting the key automaticallyreturns to the “I” position.S45 F_02_53n E144aLIGHTER AND THREE-PIN SOCKETThe lighter (1) and three-pin socket arelocated on the panel of the right rearfender.MANUAL THROTTLE LEVERA - Maximum deliveryB - Idle run43

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORE145bENGINE STOPPING CONTROLBy pulling the control upwards you willstop the engine run immediately and byturning it in the pulled position you willlock its position.When the engine run has stopped, returnthe control to the original position.If the control remains pulled up,the engine cannot be started.44D102TORQUE MULTIPLIERPRESELECTION SWITCH (I)a - Preselection switch “OFF”b - Preselection switch “ON”Position (b) - preselection switch “ON” isindicated by the illuminated symbol onthe switch.If the preselection switch (b) is “ON”, oneach pressing of the clutch pedal themedium stage of the multiplier M isautomatically engaged - on thedashboard one indicator with the tortoisesymbol is lit (see chapter Driving Operation/ Indication of the multiplier functionof the “Operator’s Manual”)After releasing of the clutch pedal themultiplier can be controlled with thebuttons on the shifting lever.During engine starting the switchmust be in the “OFF” position (a).

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORPEDALS AND LEVERS1 - Travel clutch pedal2 - Foot brake pedals connected with alatch3 - Foot throttle pedalF_02_83 F_02_21a F72MAIN SHIFTING LEVER ANDREVERSING LEVER1 - Main shifting lever with three-stagemultiplier control buttons2 - Reversing leverSHIFTING LEVER OF ROAD ANDREDUCED GEARSThe lever is located at the left side of thedriver’s seat.H - - Road gearsN - NeutralL - - Reduced gears45

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORSHIFTING LEVER OF DEPENDENTAND INDEPENDENT PTO RPMThe lever is located at the right side ofthe driver’s seat.PTO - Independent rpm of thePTO engagedN - Neutral positionUse this position to facilitatethe connection of the articulatedshaft of an agriculturalmachine.The end piece of the rearPTOsynchro -PTO can be rotated freely.Dependent rpm of the PTOengaged (the rpm value dependson the travellingspeed of the tractor)F73 F74 XF_02_213LEVERS OF THE PARKING BRAKEAND HITCH FOR A SINGLE-AXLETRAILER1 - Parking brake levera - Unbrakedb - Braked2 - Hitch control lever for a single-axletrailera - Transport positionb - Carrying hooks tilted off, the pullinghook with the carrier can beloweredHYDRAULIC CONTROL PANELIt is located in the area of the rightfender.You will find a detailed description of thecontrol and functions in the “Hydraulicsystem” and “Electro-hydraulic system”chapters of this Operator’s Manual.46

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORCONTROL OF THE AUXILIARYHYDRAULIC DISTRIBUTOR(EXTERNAL HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT)It is located on the upper part of the rightfender.You will find a detailed description of thecontrol and functions of the integratedhydraulic distributor (external hydrauliccircuit) in the "Hydraulic system" chapterof this Operator's Manual.XF_02_51 XF_02_156 F11N010CONTROL PANEL ON THE RIGHTCAB PILLAR1 -∗Front PTO switch2 - Rear PTO switch3 - Switch of the front working lights onthe cab roof4 - Switch of the rear working lights onthe cab roof5 - ∗Switch of rearview mirror heating6 - ∗ Switch of rear window heating7 - Rear wiper switch8 - Two-position selector of the frontwiper and control of the front washerBATTERY DISCONNECTORIn case of long periods of inactivity,repairs, failures or an accidentimmediately disconnect the batterywith the battery disconnector,which is found at the left side ofthe tractor.1 - Battery disconnected2 - Battery connected47

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORF11N091AGGREGATION OPENINGAggregation opening serves for placingcabling or bowden controls of aggregatedimplement.By pulling extend the part of the rearwindow sealing upwards. Stick the controlof the aggregated implement throughthe originated opening.Insert the controls of the cablings orbowdens to openings of penetration ofthe aggregated opening. Return the sealingof the rear window to the original position.FUEL TANKAll the tractor types are equipped with aplastic fuel tank with the volume of 180 las standard.Do not step on the fuel tank!DRAIN PLUG OF THE FUEL TANKThe hole for draining dirt and fuel fromthe fuel tank is found in its bottom.48

ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE TRACTORF11N090DIESEL PARTICLE FILTERSolid particles (carbon particles) whichoriginate by burning diesel are accumulatedand burnt in diesel particle filter.You can tell whether a tractor isequipped by diesel particle filter fromproduction number (VIN code).If letters N or M are placed on the eighthposition in the production number, thetractor is equipped with diesel particle filterThe service life of diesel particlefilter can be significantly reducedif you use motor oil with elevatedlevels of sulphur.49


Before driving the new tractor firstget acquainted with the gear shiftingpattern and test individual positionsof the shifting lever at theengine standstill.Also check whether the technicalcondition corresponds to trafficsafety requirements.DRIVING OPERATIONPageBefore you start......................................................................................................... 53If the engine will not start........................................................................................... 53Prohibited starting methods....................................................................................... 53Starting the tractor engine......................................................................................... 54Indication of errors of the glowing system ................................................................. 54∗Coolant heater......................................................................................................... 55Starting the engine with the use of the coolant heater............................................... 55Immediately after starting .......................................................................................... 56Engine preheating ..................................................................................................... 56Diesel particle filter.................................................................................................... 57Diesel particle filter – system failures signalization.................................................... 58Diesel particle filter failure codes............................................................................... 58Diesel particle filter regeneration............................................................................... 59Gear shifting.............................................................................................................. 60Reversing lever ......................................................................................................... 60Shifting of road and reduced gear speeds................................................................. 60Shifting from lower to higher gear speed................................................................... 61Shifting from higher to lower gear speed................................................................... 61Three-stage torque multiplier .................................................................................... 61Indication of the multiplier function ............................................................................ 62Shifting the stages of the torque multiplier ................................................................ 62Increasing, reducing the travelling speed by two gears............................................. 62Setting in motion ....................................................................................................... 63Driving uphill.............................................................................................................. 64Driving downhill ......................................................................................................... 64Foot brakes ............................................................................................................... 64Front Cardan brake ................................................................................................... 65Air brakes of trailers and semi-trailers....................................................................... 65Warning indication of an air pressure drop................................................................ 65Single-hose and double-hose brakes ........................................................................ 66Single-hose brakes.................................................................................................... 66Double-hose brakes .................................................................................................. 6651

DRIVING OPERATIONPageHydraulic brakes of trailers........................................................................................ 67Connecting and disconnecting quick-couplers of hydraulic brakes of the trailer ....... 67Front driving axle control........................................................................................... 68Driving with the front driving axle engaged................................................................ 68Ensuring free space for the Cardan shaft of the front driving axle ............................ 69Stopping the tractor - parking brake.......................................................................... 69Stopping the engine .................................................................................................. 69Leaving the tractor .................................................................................................... 70Warning indication of a hydrostatic steering error ..................................................... 7052

DRIVING OPERATIONBEFORE YOU STARTBefore you start the engine,make sure:1. that the tractor is properlybraked2. that the main gear shifting leverand the reversing lever is inthe neutral position3. that the PTO switches on theright cab pillar are off.If the clutch pedal is not pressed,the engine cannot be started - thestarting interlock switch is not actuated.F11N011 F11N012 F11N013IF THE ENGINE WILL NOT STARTReturn the key to position “0”. Wait for 30seconds and repeat the start.Never support the stopping enginewith the starter motor. Thereis a danger of damaging thestarter motor.PROHIBITED STARTING METHODSIt is forbidden to start the engineby short-circuiting the startermotor terminals. Only start thetractor from the driver’s seat!During any handling or repair ofthe started motor the minus pole ofthe battery must be disconnectedand all the shifting levers, incl.PTO must be moved to the neutralposition. The starter motor contactsare covered with a cap.53

DRIVING OPERATIONSTARTING THE TRACTOR ENGINEThe tractors are equipped with glowingplugs in the cylinder heads as standard.1. Insert the key into the switching box(position “0”).2. Depress the clutch pedal.3. Move the main shifting lever and thereversing lever to the neutral position.4. Turn the key to position “I”. The yellowindicator signalling proper function ofglowing will light up on the dashboard.F11N014 F11N015 F_02_176a5. Wait until the glowing indicator goes off(the time depends on the temperatureof the cooling liquid).If the glowing indicator onlyflashes instead of lighting, an errorhas occurred in the glowingsystem (chapter Indication of errorsof the glowing system). Havethe reported error repaired in aspecialized repair shop.6. Turn the key to position “II” (start).7. Release the key immediately after startingthe engine. Do not start the enginefor more than 15 s.54INDICATION OF ERRORS OF THEGLOWING SYSTEMAn error of the glowing system is indicatedby flashing of the glowing indicator.- If at engine standstill the glowing indicatorflashes once a second, the glowingwill occur in the emergency mode as atlow temperatures regardless of thecoolant temperature.- If at engine standstill the glowing indicatorflashes twice a second, the glowingis off (out of operation).- If the glowing indicator flashes permanentlyduring engine operation, theglowing controller is faulty and theglowing has not been finished. Thisfailure must be removed immediatelyas the battery might get discharged.

DRIVING OPERATIONF11N016∗COOLANT HEATERThe coolant heater is installed on the engineblock.The output of the heater is 1000 W at the220 VAC supply voltage.STARTING THE ENGINE WITH THE USE OF THE COOLANT HEATERHeating the coolant facilitates engine starting at low ambient temperatures. The electricinstallation of the power supply and its protection against electric shock mustcomply with valid regulations.1. First, insert the connector to the heater.2. Then, connect the heater to electric mains with the voltage of 220 V.With regard to reduced wear of the engine during starting at low temperatures, theuse of the heater is recommended by the manufacturer. The heating time depends onthe ambient temperature (1 - 2 hours before the planned start should be sufficient).After the end of heating first disconnect the device from the electric mains andonly then remove the connector from the heater!Electric shock hazard!It is necessary to ensure instructing of the tractor operator and regularinspections of the coolant heater, incl. the power supply cable in thesense of valid standards of the state where the tractor is operated, atleast before every winter.F9155

DRIVING OPERATIONF11N017IMMEDIATELY AFTER STARTINGAfter starting set the enginespeed to 800 - 1000 rpm and letthe engine run without loading forapprox. 2 minutes.During this time check the lubrication,charging, hydrostatic steering (the indicatorsmust go off) and other functions ensuringproper operation of the engine.The period of running the engine withoutloading must be observed, especially inwinter.F11N018ENGINE PREHEATINGContinue preheating the engine while driving. Preheating the engine bymeans of a long idle run or abrupt increasing of the engine speed is harmfulfor the engine.Until the coolant temperature reaches 45°C, do not exceed the engine speedof 2000 rpm.56

DRIVING OPERATIONFH12N056DIESEL PARTICLE FILTERThe exhaust system of a tractor is equipped with a diesel particle filter which servesfor cleaning exhaust fumes. Solid particles (carbon particles) are collected andburned in diesel particle filter which originate by burning diesel.The activity of diesel particle filter is signalized by a pair of controls (green and red)on the dashboard.When starting the engine, a green control lights up on a dashboard briefly. It signalizesthat the system of diesel particle filter works.The failures in diesel particle filter system are with the engine running signalized by ared control lighting up on the dashboard.Clogging of diesel particle filter automatically regenerates the exhaust gases temperaturewith higher engine load.When operating tractors with engines equipped with diesel particle filter, avoidlong-term operation or low engine load.57

DRIVING OPERATIONFH12N075DIESEL PARTICLE FILTER – SYSTEM FAILURES SIGNALIZATIONFailures in diesel particle system failure are signalized by a red control lighting up onthe dashboard with engine running and subsequently by an acoustic signal.If the failure is not removed, it is signalized with any following starting of the engineThe code of failure us displayed on a display (1) of the displaying unit which is accessibleafter removing the right cover of the steering console.The failures are displayed on display (1) in a form of E: double-figured code of failureFor example: E:36, number 36 representing the code of failureIf failure is not signalized, operation data of diesel particle filter system are displayedon the display.The acoustic signal can be turned off by the button (2). If the failure has not been removed,the acoustic signal is active with repeated staring of the engine and can beturned off again by the button (2).If the key is in switchbox in “I” position and the engine is not started, approximatelyten minutes later the diesel particle filter system starts signalizing a failure. Switch thekey to “0” position and start the engine. The code of failure on the display E:32 orE:33.DIESEL PARTICLE FILTER FAILURECODESFailure Operator´s activitycode E:11, 12, 21,22, 23, 31,34, 35, 37,38, 41, 42,51, 52, 61,62The tractor can be workedwithout any limitations, afterterminating your work,contact authorized serviceand report the code offailure.32, 33, Switch the key to “0” positionand start the engine.36 Regenerate diesel particlefilter58

DRIVING OPERATIONFH12N076DIESEL PARTICLE FILTER REGENERATIONDuring the operation of a tractor, diesel particle filter is clogged by solid particlesoriginating in engine run when burning fuel. Clogged diesel particle filter automaticallyregenerates the temperature of exhaust fumes with higher load of the engine.When operating the tractor with low load of the engine , e.g. with long-term operationon idle run, there is a partial clogging of diesel particle filter. This condition is signalizedwith the engine run by a lit red control of diesel particle filter, and followingly alsoby acoustic signal and on the display of displaying unit of diesel particle filter by failurecodeE:36If this situation occurs, increase the load of engine and continue working until redcontrol of diesel particle filter switches off and acoustic signal does not stop.By increasing the engine load, the temperature of exhaust fumes increases and thesolid particles which clog diesel particle filter burn.Depending on the temperature ofexhaust fumes and the degree of diesel particle filter clogging, regeneration can takeup to thirty minutes.Increased load of engine shall bework with a tractor at higher enginerevolutions with connected tools,power intake via PTO shaft orouter hydraulic circuit.59

DRIVING OPERATIONGEAR SHIFTINGThe tractors are equipped with a fourspeedsynchronized gearbox, threestagetorque multipliers and two-speedreduction.The four-speed gearbox is controlledwith the main shifting lever with controlbuttons of the torque multiplier (1). Theforward and reverse motion of the tractoris selected with the reversing lever (2).The gearbox does not make itpossible to use the fourth speedfor the reverse motion.F_02_34a F_02_43 F96REVERSING LEVERThe reversing lever is used to select thedriving direction of the tractor (forward,reverse).F - Forward driveN - NeutralR - Reverse driveThe reversing gearbox offers 18 reversespeeds that are approximately as fast asthe forward speeds. Therefore, considerwell and select a suitable reverse speedfor the particular character of work.Shift the reversing lever with theclutch pedal depressed and thetractor standing. To drive in thereversing direction move the reversinglever to the R position.SHIFTING OF ROAD AND REDUCEDGEAR SPEEDSH - Road gearsN - NeutralL - Reduced gearsShifting of gears of the main gearbox atreduced gear speeds is the same as inthe case of road speedsThe shifting lever of road and reducedspeeds can only be shiftedwith the tractor at standstill.60

DRIVING OPERATIONSHIFTING FROM LOWER TO HIGHERGEAR SPEEDDepress the clutch pedal (clutch disengaged).At the same time release thefoot throttle pedal and shift the requiredhigher gear. Smoothly release the clutchpedal (the clutch starts engaging) and atthe same time increase the enginespeed.F_02_44a F_02_45a F99SHIFTING FROM HIGHER TO LOWERGEAR SPEEDDepress the clutch pedal and move theshifting lever via the neutral position tothe lower gear.Note: To extend the life of the synchromeshyou can shift the gear fromhigher to lower speed using the “doubleclutch depressing”.THREE-STAGE TORQUE MULTIPLIERThe three-stage multiplier is standardequipment of all tractor types.Shifting of individual stages of the threestagemultiplier is controlled with two buttonson the main shifting lever head.It is performed without depressing of thetravelling clutch pedal (under load).The entire shifting is automatic evenwhen the tractor is loaded.H - 1.00 ratio (high stage)M - 1.16 ratio (medium stage)L - 1.34 ratio (low stage)61

DRIVING OPERATIONINDICATION OF THE MULTIPLIERFUNCTIONIndividual engaged stages of the multiplier(H,M,L) are signalled by indicatorson the dashboard with the tortoise symbol.H - Symbols OFFM - One indicator with the tortoiseL -symbol is lit.Two indicators with the tortoisesymbol are lit.Note: On starting or stopping of the tractorengine the H stage is always engagedautomatically.F100 F99a F102aSHIFTING THE STAGES OF THETORQUE MULTIPLIERH - Increasing the travelling speedL - Reducing the travelling speedINCREASING, REDUCING THETRAVELLING SPEED BY TWO GEARS2xH Increases the travelling speed bytwo gears2xL Reduces the travelling speed bytwo gears62

DRIVING OPERATIONSETTING IN MOTION1. Select road or reduced gears.2. Depress the clutch pedal.3. Shift the main shifting lever and thereverse lever to the neutral positionand switch off the PTO switches onthe right cab pillar.4. Start the engine5. Set the engine speed to 800 rpm.6. Shift the reversing lever to the requesteddriving direction of the tractor(forward or reverse).7. Select the suitable gear for putting thetractor in motion.8. Slightly increase the engine speed.9. Get the parking brake ready for releasing.F11N01910. Release the clutch pedal until thetravel engagement point and whilesimultaneously increasing the enginespeed continue releasing the clutchpedal smoothly.11. Release the parking brake completely.12. Start moving smoothly and slowly.Very fast acceleration may cause overloadingof the power train, increased fuelconsumption, excessive wear of tyresand damage of the transported load.Only use the 1 st gear to put the tractor inmotion when driving with a heavy traileruphill and in rough terrain.When shifting individual gearspeed (1-4) or reversing (F-R)observe the instructions for puttingthe tractor in motion and gearshifting in this manual. When thetractor has been started and isstill standing, depress the clutchpedal and wait for approx. 2 seconds.Only then shift the requiredgear speed or select the reversedirection.To increase safety and to avoidunexpected situations use thefoot brake during the shifting aswell.63

DRIVING OPERATIONDRIVING UPHILLWhen driving uphill, shift from thehigher to the lower speed in timeto avoid the engine speed droppingbelow 800 rpm and avoidsuch driving that would lead tostopping of the engine due tooverloading.F11N020 F11N021 F106DRIVING DOWNHILLDriving downhill without an engagedgear is prohibited. Whendriving down a longer slope, shiftthe lower gear, the steeper theslope is. If possible, shift thelower gear before the slope already.Note: The gear that allows you to getuphill reliably is also suitable for gettingdown the hill safely.64FOOT BRAKESThe foot brakes are of the disc, wet, hydraulicallycontrolled, double-pedal typewith an automatic pressure compensator.During driving on a road both thepedals must be connected with alatch. Only use unlatched pedalsfor braking the right or left wheelseparately during terrain workand in the field.Note: When driving down a steep slopewith a trailer or semi-trailer equipped withair or hydraulic brakes you must use thefoot brake from the beginning of theslope already.During braking with one brakepedal the trailer brakes are notin operation!

DRIVING OPERATIONFRONT CARDAN BRAKEIf only one brake pedal is used,the Cardan brake is not activated.F108 F11N022 F11N023AIR BRAKES OF TRAILERS ANDSEMI-TRAILERSThe control of the air brakes of trailers(semi-trailers) and the control of the tractorbrakes is designed in such a way thatthe braking effect of both the vehicles issynchronized.The working pressure is set by the pressurecontroller to 740 ± 20 kPa. If thepressure drops below 550 - 40 kPa, therelief valve puts the secondary devices(differential lock, engagement of the frontdriving axle, etc.) out of operation.WARNING INDICATION OF AN AIRPRESSURE DROPA pressure drop below 450 kPa is signalledby lighting up of the red indicatorlocated on the dashboard.In case of a pressure drop below450 kPa in the air pressure systema tractor with a braked traileror semi-trailer must not continuetravelling until the air pressure increasesagain.65

DRIVING OPERATIONSINGLE-HOSE AND DOUBLE-HOSEBRAKES1. Coupling of single-hose brakes2. Couplings of double-hose brakesAfter disconnection or without aconnected trailer (semi-trailer) thecouplings must be closed with acap.F_02_56 F_02_57 F_02_58SINGLE-HOSE BRAKESThe cap is marked black.After connection of a trailer(semi-trailer) with the maximumpermissible speed approved forthe particular tractor type themaximum allowed speed of theset is 30 km/h.The maximum permissible speedof the set results from the maximumpermissible speed of theslower vehicle in the set.DOUBLE-HOSE BRAKESThe cap of the left coupling is markedyellow (braking branch) and the cap ofthe right coupling is marked red (fillingbranch).After connection of a trailer(semi-trailer) with the maximumpermissible speed approved forthe particular tractor type themaximum allowed speed of theset is 40 km/h.The maximum permissible speedof the set results from the maximumpermissible speed of theslower vehicle in the set.66

DRIVING OPERATIONE230aHYDRAULIC BRAKES OF TRAILERSConnect the hydraulic brakes of a trailer or semi-trailer to the quick-coupler markedwith an arrow.The control of the hydraulic brakes of trailers (semi-trailers) and the control of thetractor brakes is designed in such a way that the braking effect of both the vehicles issynchronized. The working pressure is applied by oil delivered by a permanent gearpump of the hydraulic system.The brake valve of the trailer is controlled by the pressure of the brake liquid from themain brake cylinders depending on the force applied onto the brake pedal. At themaximum depression of the brake pedal the pressure at the coupling must amount to12 - 15 MPa. The brake valve makes sure that the brake function overrides the hydraulicfunction.If during depression of the foot brake pedals shocks occur in the hydraulic circuit, it isnecessary to bleed the hose leading from the brake valve to the quick-coupling.During driving with a hitched trailer or semi-trailer the pedals of the foot brakemust be connected and secured with a latch.During braking with one brake pedal the hydraulic brakes of the trailerare not in operation.CONNECTING AND DISCONNECTINGQUICK-COUPLERS OF HYDRAULICBRAKES OF THE TRAILERWhen connecting and disconnectingthe quick-couplers payincreased attention with regard tothe residual oil that remains in thesocket or on the plug of thequick-coupler.For environmental reasons afterevery disconnection of quickcouplersthis residual oil must beremoved with any textile material.67

DRIVING OPERATIONF116FRONT DRIVING AXLE CONTROLThe front driving axle is “ON” in basicposition (the indicator lights up). It can bedisengaged with the correspondingswitch on the dashboard.a - Front driving axle “ON”b - Front driving axle “OFF”When the tractor is stopped (the tractoris braked, engine stopped, key of theswitching box off), the front driving axle is“ON”.F11N024DRIVING WITH THE FRONT DRIVING AXLE ENGAGEDUse the front driving axle in case the rear wheels slip to increase the tractionof the tractor.On a road and hard surface driving with the front driving axle engaged is acceptableup to the maximum speed of 15 km/h (driving with the front axle engagedcauses increased wear of the front tyres).Permanent engagement of the front driving axle is permissible if an agricultural machineor implement is attached to the front of the tractor. This condition is mentionedin the operator’s manual of the corresponding machine.The maximum allowable speed of these sets is 15 km/h.68

DRIVING OPERATIONENSURING FREE SPACE FOR THECARDAN SHAFT OF THE FRONTDRIVING AXLEWhen installing auxiliary units orconnecting implements makesure that around the Cardan shaftof the front driving axle there is atleast 10mm free space all alongits length at any oscillation of theaxle.If this principle is not observed,there is a danger of damagingthe tractor and machine.F11N025 F11N026 F11N028STOPPING THE TRACTOR - PARKINGBRAKEUnder normal conditions stop the tractorslowly. Shortly before stopping:1. Depress the clutch pedal.2. Shift the main gear shifting lever to theneutral position.3. After every stopping secure the tractoragainst accidental movement with theparking brake. Activation of the parkingbrake is signalled by illumination of thecorresponding indicator on thedashboard.STOPPING THE ENGINEAfter work of the tractor when the enginewas fully loaded, the engine must be leftto cool down.1. Before stopping the engine reduce theengine speed to 800 - 1000 rpm and letthe engine run without loading forapprox. 5 minutes.2. Move the manual throttle lever to theSTOP position.3. Pull up the control of the engine stoppingdevice and hold it in the extendedposition until the engine operationstops.4. After stopping the engine you can turnthe key from position “I” to position “0”.69

DRIVING OPERATIONF11N029LEAVING THE TRACTORYou can turn the key from the “I” to the“0” position only with the engine atstandstill - the charging indicator must belit.If the tractor is standing on a slope, itmust be secured against spontaneousmovement: braked with the parkingbrake, engine stopped, the reversinglever shifted depending on the tractor inclinationon the slope either in the forwardor reverse position, the main shiftinglever engaged in a low gear positionand the wheels secured with wedges.Before leaving a tractor with thesafety cab remove the key fromthe switching box and lock thecab.Note: When the engine is stopped, thefront driving axle is automatically engaged.70F_02_68WARNING INDICATION OF AHYDROSTATIC STEERING ERRORAn error of the hydrostatic steering pumpis signalled in case of a pressure dropbelow 120 kPa downstream of the pumpon the dashboard by the correspondingsymbol.Note: During starting of the engine or atlow engine speed the indicator may flashslightly; if after starting or increase of theengine speed the indicator goes off, it isnot an error.

RUNNING IN THE TRACTORPageGeneral principles for running in the new tractor in the course of thefirst 100 hours of operation........................................................................................ 72During the first 10 hours............................................................................................ 72From 100 hours on.................................................................................................... 7371

RUNNING IN THE TRACTORF11N030GENERAL PRINCIPLES FOR RUNNING IN THE NEW TRACTOR IN THECOURSE OF THE FIRST 100 HOURS OF OPERATIONDuring the first 100 operation hours:- Load the engine normally- Avoid operation under partial loading of the engine- Avoid excessive idle run- Frequently check the oil level in the engine (increased oil consumption is normal inthis period).- Check screw connections mainly of the supporting parts of the tractor.- Immediately remove all established shortcomings; thus, you will preventsubsequent damage and possible impairment of operation safety.- Proceed in the same way after a general overhaul of the tractor as well.F11N031DURING THE FIRST 10 HOURS- Run in the tractor in the transportregime.- Tighten the fitting nuts of the front andrear wheels, including the bead / rimconnections at the prescribed torque.72

RUNNING IN THE TRACTORE256FROM 100 HOURS ONAfter running-in you can work with thetractor without any restrictions.Recommendedoperation speed1400 - 2300 rpmIdle speed800 ± 25 rpmOperation oilpressure0.2 - 0.5 MPaOil pressure at theidle speedmin. 0.05 MPaMax. coolanttemperature106°C73


TRANSPORTATIONPageCBM stage quick-adjusting hitch ............................................................................... 76Height adjustment and disassembly of the CBM stage hitch..................................... 76Automatic mouth of the CBM stage hitch .................................................................. 76Modular system of hitches for trailers and semi-trailers ............................................ 77Swinging draw-bar console module........................................................................... 77Swinging draw-bar..................................................................................................... 77Swinging draw-bar console with a fixed pin module .................................................. 77Console with a ø 80 ball module ............................................................................... 78Hitch for a single-axle CBM semi-trailer .................................................................... 78Maximum permissible vertical static load of hitches for trailers and semi-trailers...... 79Before you start, make sure thatthe technical condition of the tractorcorresponds to requirementsfor safe operation. When a traileror implement is attached, checkits connection and proper fixationof the load. Never leave the tractorwhile it is moving to connectthe trailer by yourself. Also takecare of your assistant’s safety.75

TRANSPORTATIONCBM STAGE QUICK-ADJUSTINGHITCHIt is designed for attachment of doubleaxletrailers or lighter single-axle semitrailers.The guiding mouth is height adjustable.During work with various implementsit may be necessary to adjustthe height of the hitch or to disassemblethe entire hitch.D201 D202 E304HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT ANDDISASSEMBLY OF THE CBM STAGEHITCHBy moving the control lever in the arrowdirection to position (1) you will releasethe lever and by moving it subsequentlyto position (2) you will retract the lockingpins (3). Now, the stage hitch is releasedand you can adjust its height or disassembleit.When you release the lever from position(2), the locking pins (3) will extend andthe lever will automatically return to theinitial position.76AUTOMATIC MOUTH OF THE CBMSTAGE HITCHWhen the lever (1) is moved in the directionof the arrow (a), the pin (2) is retractedto the upper position, which issignalled by the extended indicator (3),see fig. (A).When the mouth gets onto the shaft lug,the pin will automatically slide into the lugof the connected trailer. You can lowerthe hitch pin (2) manually by moving thelever (1) in the arrow (b) direction. Theinsertion of the pin is signalled by the retractedindicator (3), see fig. (B).After the attachment of the traileryou must always check whetherthe indicator (3) is retracted inaccordance with fig. (B).

TRANSPORTATIONMODULAR SYSTEM OF HITCHES FORTRAILERS AND SEMI-TRAILERSModule types:Fig. (B) - Swinging draw-bar consoleFig. (C) - Swinging draw-bar console witha fixed pinFig. (D) - Console with a ø 80 ballDisassembly, fig. (A):1- Remove the locking screw (1).2- Secure the module against sinking,release and disassemble the pins (2).3- Slide the module out of the consoledownwards.Do the assembly in the reverse order.D204 D205 D206SWINGING DRAW-BAR CONSOLEMODULEThe swinging draw-bar console moduleis located in the stage hitch console.SWINGING DRAW-BARDisassembly:1- Release and remove the pins (1).2- Slide the swinging draw-bar out in thearrow direction.Do the assembly in the reverse order.SWINGING DRAW-BAR CONSOLEWITH A FIXED PIN MODULEPerform the assembly and disassemblyof the swinging draw-bar in accordancewith the “Swinging draw-bar” chapter.Connecting the shaft lug to the fixed pin(3):1- Release and remove the pin (1).2- Lift the locking wedge (2) in the arrowdirection.3- Connect the shaft lug to the fixed pin(3):4- Return the locking wedge (2) to theoriginal position and secure it with thepin (1).77

TRANSPORTATIOND207CONSOLE WITH A Ø 80 BALLMODULEThe console with a ø 80 ball isonly used to connect semi-trailerswith a hitching device designedfor a ø 80 ball.Releasing the hitch, fig. (A):By moving the lever (1) in the arrow directionyou will remove the lockingwedge (2).Locking the hitch, fig. (B):By moving the lever (1) in the arrow directionyou will retract the locking wedge(2).D208HITCH FOR A SINGLE-AXLE CBMSEMI-TRAILERThe hitch for a single-axle semi-trailermay be equipped with a hook (A) or witha swinging draw-bar (B).Replacing the hook with the swingingdraw-bar (C):1- Lower the hitch.2- Release and remove the pin (1).3- Remove the hook in the arrow direction.Install the swinging draw-bar in the reverseorder.78

TRANSPORTATIONMAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE VERTICAL STATIC LOAD OF HITCHES FOR TRAILERS AND SEMI-TRAILERSHitch typePermissibleverticalstaticloadHitchpin ØHitch typePermissibleverticalstaticloadHitchpin ØHitch typeHitch class CPermissibleverticalstaticloadHitchpin Ø28 mm2,000 kg 31 mm 2,000 kg 38 mm 2,000 kgHitch class D2Hitch class D32,000 kg 43 mm 2,000 kg 50 mmThe maximum weight of an aggregated braked trailer or semi-trailer must not exceed the value specified on the data plateof the tractor and the value specified in the technical certificate of the tractor. The maximum permissible speed of the setresults from the maximum permissible speed of the slower vehicle in the set.Hitch of class C: max. weight of the trailer 6,000kg.Hitch of class D2: max. weight of the trailer 14,000kg.Hitch of class D3: max. weight of the trailer 20,000kg.79

TRANSPORTATIONMAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE VERTICAL STATIC LOAD OF HITCHES FOR TRAILERS AND SEMI-TRAILERSHitch type Permissible Hitch pin Hitch type Permissible Hitch pin Hitch type Permissibleverticalstatic load(ball) Øverticalstatic load(ball) Øverticalstatic loadHitch pin(ball) Ø736 kg 31 mm 2,000 kg 80 mmFixed pin2,000 kg 44.5 mm3,000 kg 47 mm 1,200 kg31 mmThe maximum weight of an aggregated braked trailer or semi-trailer must not exceed the value specified on the data plateof the tractor and the value specified in the technical certificate of the traktor. The maximum permissible speed of the setresults from the maximum permissible speed of the slower vehicle in the set.80

DRIVE OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINESPageWorking with PTO ..................................................................................................... 82Control of the front and rear PTO.............................................................................. 83Rear PTO - selection of dependent and independent speed (rpm) ........................... 83Changing the independent speed value of the rear PTO .......................................... 84PTO end pieces ........................................................................................................ 84Front PTO - Zuidberg ................................................................................................ 84Drive of machines with larger inertial masses ........................................................... 85Before connecting a machinedriven by a PTO of the tractorcheck whether the speed of thePTO of the machine correspondsto the speed of the tractor PTO(540 rpm or 1000 rpm). Differentspeeds may lead to seriousdamages and injuries.81

DRIVE OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINESWORKING WITH PTO1. When working with the PTO make sure that all the covers are properlyattached.2. After the end of the work always reassemble the PTO guard.3. Always connect and disconnect the articulated shaft of the attachedmachine to and from the tractor with the lever of dependent andindependent rpm of the PTO shifted to the N - Neutral position.4. Any repairs or cleaning of parts of attached machines driven by the PTOmay only be carried out with the engine stopped, PTO clutch disengagedand the lever of the dependent and independent PTO rpm shifted to the N -Neutral position.F14682

DRIVE OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINESF_02_179Z -CONTROL OF THE FRONT AND REAR PTOThe clutches of the PTO’s are switched on (at the min. engine speed of 1500 rpm)and off electro-hydraulically.The switching is performed with the use of switches located on the right cab pillar.The switches are equipped with mechanical locks (1) against accidental activation.When using a switch, press the lock downwards.P - The switch controls the electromagneticvalve of the front PTOThe switch controls the valve ofthe rear PTOBy pressing both the switches you will activate both the PTO’s (front and rear).Activation of the PTO’s is indicated by the illuminated symbol on the switch.REAR PTO - SELECTION OFDEPENDENT AND INDEPENDENTSPEED (RPM)PTO - Independent rpm of thePTO engagedN -F73Neutral positionUse this position to facilitatethe connection of thearticulated shaft of anagricultural machine.The end piece of the rearPTO can be rotated freely.PTOsynchro -Dependent rpm of the PTOengaged (the rpm valuedepends on the travellingspeed of the tractor)83

DRIVE OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINESCHANGING THE INDEPENDENTSPEED VALUE OF THE REAR PTOThe speed setting of the PTO isperformed by turning of the Ø 35 mmend piece of the PTO.1. Disassemble the PTO guard.2. Release the shim.3. Remove and turn the end piece.4. Insert the end piece with the oppositeend first and secure the shim.Check whether you have set theproper speed with regard to theattached implement.You can only change the 540 and1000 rpm PTO speed (or 540Eand 1000 rpm) with the PTOstopped.F149 F150a F_02_64PTO END PIECESSpeed (rpm)540 and 1000 rpmstandard (A)540 - 1000standard (B).∗540E and 1000option (A)∗1000optionEnd piece540 - 6 splines1000 - 21 splinesstandard540 - 6 splines1000 - 6 splinesoption540E - 6 splines1000 - 21 splinesIt is not possibleto change the rpmvalue - the endpiece is notreplaceableFRONT PTO - ZUIDBERGThe front PTO is equipped with a fixedsix- or twenty-one-spline end piece and itonly has the speed of 1000 rpm.The tractor may be optionally equippedwith the front PTO with a different turningdirection:a - in accordance with the turningdirection of the engine (standard)b - against the turning direction ofthe engine (* option)84

DRIVE OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINESF_02_46MAXIMUM TRANSMITTED POWERPTOTransmittedpowerFront (Zuidberg)1000 rpm 60 kW*Rear1000 rpm full engine power540 rpm full engine power540E rpm full engine powerDRIVE OF MACHINES WITH LARGERINERTIAL MASSES(CRUSHERS, HARROWS, MOWINGMACHINES, ETC.)The Cardan shaft of the drive of thesemachines must be equipped with a "freewheel"device that will ensuredisconnection of the torque transmissionin case of return transmission from themachine to the tractor85


HYDRAULIC SYSTEMPageHydraulic system....................................................................................................... 88Hydraulic pump ......................................................................................................... 88Location of control elements - EHR - B - Bosch electro-hydraulic system................. 88Outer hydraulic circuit................................................................................................ 89Connecting and disconnecting quick-couplers .......................................................... 89*Quick-couplings with drip collection ......................................................................... 89Oil quantity drawn from the outer hydraulic outlets.................................................... 90Hydraulic distributor of the outer hydraulic circuit ...................................................... 91Description of the functions of individual positions of control levers of thehydraulic distributor ................................................................................................... 92Rear outlets of the outer hydraulic circuit .................................................................. 93Front outlets of the outer hydraulic circuit.................................................................. 93Connecting machines and implements to the outer hydraulic circuit ......................... 9487

HYDRAULIC SYSTEMHYDRAULIC SYSTEMThe system consists of the inner andouter circuit.The source of pressurized oil is a gearpump.Oil is drawn from the common filling ofthe gearbox and final drive housing.F_02_112a F_02_113a F_02_53HYDRAULIC PUMPThe hydraulic pump cannot be disengaged.When the engine is running, thepump is in operation.Pump typeURD 25/12,5.90VDelivered quantity69 l/minThe pressure generated in the hydraulicsystem by the hydraulic pump is limitedby a relief valve to 20 MPa.LOCATION OF CONTROL ELEMENTS- EHR - B - BOSCH ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC SYSTEMThe control panel (1) is located on theright fender.88

HYDRAULIC SYSTEMF_02_124OUTER HYDRAULIC CIRCUITThe outer circuit supplies pressurized oilto hydraulic implements connected to theouter outlets of the hydraulic system terminatedwith quick-couplers.The sockets of the rear (A) as well asfront (B) quick-couplers have the innerdiameter of 12.5 mm and comply with theinternational ISO 5675 standard.CONNECTING AND DISCONNECTINGQUICK-COUPLERSWhen connecting and disconnectingthe quick-couplers payincreased attention with regardto the residual oil that remains inthe socket or on the plug of thequick-coupler.For environmental reasons afterevery disconnection of quickcouplersthis residual oil must beremoved with any textile material.W4*QUICK-COUPLINGS WITH DRIPCOLLECTIONOptionally, a system of collection of residualoil drips with a tank can be installed.Regularly check whether the tank is notfull; dispose of the oil in an environmentfriendlyway.89

HYDRAULIC SYSTEMType of work: On level groundMax. oil consumption: 12 litresGearbox filling: standardType of work: On a slopeMax. oil consumption: 12 litresGearbox filling: transmission oil filling increasedby 7 litresF_02_210OIL QUANTITY DRAWN FROM THEOUTER HYDRAULIC OUTLETSFor the maximum possible quantities ofdrawn oil see the following table.In case of higher consumptionthe transmission oil level maydrop in such a way that thetransmission and hydraulicpumps may aspirate air and thereis a danger of damaging thepumps, mainly the transmissionpump, as well as the torque multiplieror the PTO clutch.Type of work: On level groundMax. oil consumption: 27 litresGearbox filling: transmission oil filling increasedby 15 litres, maximum permissible oilquantity in the gearboxType of work: On a slopeMax. oil consumption: 20 litresGearbox filling: transmission oil filling increasedby 15 litres, maximum permissible oilquantity in the gearboxType of work: On level groundMax. oil consumption: 8 litresGearbox filling: minimum permissible oil quantityin the gearbox90

HYDRAULIC SYSTEMXF173HYDRAULIC DISTRIBUTOR OF THE OUTER HYDRAULIC CIRCUITA three-section or two-section distributor with four-position sections may be installedin the tractor. The control levers of the sections are installed in the cab on the fenderof the right rear wheel. The first (right) section of the distributor is equipped with lockingin pressure positions with hydraulic securing. In the case of the two-section andthree-section distributor it is the section controlling quick-couplers “1” and “2”. Outlet“4” of the two-section distributor and “4” and “6” of the three-section one is additionallyequipped with a check valve - used for the connection of a working branch of themachine with an increased requirement for leakproofness - minimum lowering of theimplement e.g. during transport.91

HYDRAULIC SYSTEMF_02_96DESCRIPTION OF THE FUNCTIONS OF INDIVIDUAL POSITIONS OF CONTROL LEVERS OF THE HYDRAULICDISTRIBUTORLever position Function1 Rear (upper) positionPressurized oil flows to quick-couplers: “2“, "4", "6"Quick-couplers connected to the return line: “1“, “3“, “5“2 Central position Neutral3 Front (lower) positionPressurized oil flows to quick-couplers: "1", "3", "5"Quick-couplers connected to the return line: “2“, “4“, “6“4 Front limit position With an increased force you can shift the control levers from position (3) further to thefront to position (4), i.e. floating (free) position, where the levers are locked. Both thequick-couplers of each section are connected to the return line in this position.Note: The lever automatically returns from positions (1) and (3) to the neutral. Not applicable to the section with the kick-out function.Always connect a single-acting cylinder to quick couplers“2”, “4” ofthe two-section auxiliary distributor and“2”, “4”, “6” of the three-section auxiliary distributor.Always connect a double-acting cylinder to quick-couplers of one section.92

HYDRAULIC SYSTEMF163bREAR OUTLETS OF THE OUTERHYDRAULIC CIRCUITIn the tractor version that is not equippedwith the front outlets or the front threepointhitch and that is equipped witha - a three-section distributor the rear outletsare terminated with pressurequick-couplers "1" to "6".b - a two-section distributor the rear outletsare terminated with pressurequick-couplers "1" to "4".The third quick-coupler marked “0” is directlyconnected to the final drive housingand is designed for return oil from externalhydraulic implements (e.g. from rotationalhydraulic motors, etc.).F168FRONT OUTLETS OF THE OUTERHYDRAULIC CIRCUITThey are installed on a panel in the rightfront part of the tractor. Their installationis bound to a three-section distributor.They are designed for the control of frontallyattached adapters. The marking ofthe outlets and their use is the same asin the case of the rear outer outlets.93

HYDRAULIC SYSTEMCONNECTING MACHINES AND IMPLEMENTS TO THE OUTER HYDRAULICCIRCUITConnecting machines and implements consisting of more partsDuring work with agricultural machines that consist of more parts (combinators, skids,harrows) and that have side frames hat are hinged to the central frame and duringtransport are folded to the vertical position by separate hydraulic cylinders controlledby the outer hydraulic circuit of the tractor, the folding of the side frames must alwaysbe controlled by the upward (backward) movement of the auxiliary distributor lever.The “lifting” branches of the cylinders must be connected to quick-couplers “2”, “4” or“6”.Connecting a rotational hydraulic motorIf a rotational hydraulic motor is connected to an outer outlet of the hydraulic system,its return branch must always be connected to quick-coupler “0”. In case of connectionof the filling (pressure) branch to quick-coupler 1 or 2 the hydraulic motor is protectedby the kick-out function against overloading. This function interrupts the operationof the hydraulic motor at the pressure value in the filling branch of 17.5 - 1.6MPa.Connecting a reversing hydraulic motorA reversing rotary hydraulic motor must be connected to quick-couplers “1” and “2”for functional reasons. However, relief valves must be inserted in both the branchesin this case as they can reliably limit the pressure peaks during the stopping of themachine. The oil return lines from these valves are connected to quick-coupler "0".94

ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC SYSTEMPageControl element functions.......................................................................................... 96Equipment “OFF” ...................................................................................................... 96Blocking cancellation................................................................................................. 97Quick sinking............................................................................................................. 98Transport of implements............................................................................................ 98Stop position ............................................................................................................. 98Vibration compensator (damper)............................................................................... 99Limitation of the upper position of the three-point hitch ............................................. 99Lowering speed....................................................................................................... 100Free position ........................................................................................................... 100Setting the control of three-point hitch..................................................................... 101Manual setting of control of three-point hitch........................................................... 101Automatic control of three-point hitch...................................................................... 102Using the rear control.............................................................................................. 103External control buttons of the electro-hydraulic system ......................................... 103Using the buttons .................................................................................................... 103Indication of EHR-B errors ...................................................................................... 104Description of minor errors of the EHR-B electro-hydraulic system......................... 10595

ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC SYSTEMF_02_162CONTROL ELEMENT FUNCTIONS1. Lifting switcha - Transport, liftingb - STOPc - Regularity of lowering (working)d - Free position, fast sinking- automatic return of lever to (c) position by a spring2. Blocking (in transport position)3. Lowering speed4. Setting the position of lifting device5. Upper position restriction6. Smooth setting - of manual control- automatic control7. LED - diagnostic8. LED – lifting9. LED – lowering10. Engaging compensator (softening vibrations)11. LED – softening vibrations engagedF_02_188EQUIPMENT “OFF”Electric installation deactivated with thekey of the switching box. The electronicsystem is off, the lifting device is blocked.96

ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC SYSTEMF_02_164BLOCKING CANCELLATIONWhen you switch on the electric installationwith the key of the switching box (I),the lifting device remains blocked electronically- the lifting and lowering functionis deactivated; on the EHR-B controlpanel the diagnostic LED (7) and the vibrationdampening LED (11) shortly lightup - the system self-test is in progress.The lifting LED (8) and the lowering LED(9) are off. After a short time permanentillumination of the diagnostic LED (7) indicatesthe state of EHR-B blocking.If the diagnostic LED (7) is permanentlyilluminated, the control circuits are disconnected.F_02_163The engine can only be startedif the engine (1) is in position(b).The EHR-B electro-hydraulic system isonly active when the engine is started.Activation of the EHR-B system is onlypossible when the lubrication indicatorhas gone off.The blocking can only be cancelled (systemactivated) with the engine running bymoving the lifting lever (1) to position (a)- short-time switching is sufficient.By moving the lever (1) to position (c)you will bring the three-point hitch to theposition corresponding to the elementsetting, i.e. the current position of controls(4), (5), (6).After the activation of the systemEHR-B first for safety reasonslimits the lifting speed of the hydraulicarms.When the hydraulic arms firstreach the selected position, thissafety limitation is cancelled andthen the lifting speed of the hydraulicarms is normal.97

ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC SYSTEMQUICK SINKINGLever (1) in position (d) - free position.You must hold the lever in this position;after releasing the lever will return to position(c) - the system works in accordancewith the setting of controls (3), (4),(5) and (6).F_02_165 F_02_166 F_02_167TRANSPORT OF IMPLEMENTSShift the lifting lever (1) to position "a"and block it with the moving latch (2).Blocking the lifting lever (1) by the movinglatch (2) in position (a):A - Lever movement blockedB - Lever movement not blockedWhen the tractor with an attachedimplement is stopped, the implementmust be lowered onto theground (it must not be left in thelifted position).STOP POSITIONBy moving the lever (1) to position (b) -STOP position - you will immediatelystop the movement of the three-pointhitch.98

ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC SYSTEMF_02_168VIBRATION COMPENSATOR (DAMPER)It is used during transport of a heavy implement attached to the rear three-point hitch.After activation of the vibration compensator (10) the arms of the rear three-pointhitch sink by approx. 4%, which allows oscillation of the arms in the range of approx.8% of the lift. The upward oscillation is always limited by the position of the upper positionlimiter (5).Advantages of active dampening of vibrations during transport of a heavy implementattached to the rear three-point hitch.F_02_169LIMITATION OF THE UPPERPOSITION OF THE THREE-POINTHITCHIt is activated with the control (5). Thelimitation can be implemented in the upperhalf of the three-point hitch lift.1. Increased operation safety (the steering axle is not unloaded so much2. Stabilization of the transported implement3. Reduced dynamic stress of the hydraulic system and the rear three-point hitchDuring the adjustment of the hitch for a single-axle semi-trailer the vibrationcompensator must be off.99

ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC SYSTEMF_02_170LOWERING SPEEDThe lowering speed of the three-pointhitch is set with the control (3).Symbol of the maximumlowering speedSymbol of the minimumlowering speedF_02_171FREE POSITIONFor permanent work with free hydraulicsystem, e.g. during work with a ploughwith a support wheel the position of thecontrol (4) under the indication (A) andthe position of the control (6) at the positionalcontrol symbol is used.In the vibration dampening modeand during the use of the rearcontrol buttons the loweringspeed setting is out of function.100

ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC SYSTEMahc_01SETTING THE CONTROL OF THREE-POINT HITCHElectrohydraulics enables two ways ofthree-point hitch control.A.Manual control setting - control (6) isset in the range see arrowB.automatic control - control (6) is set inHitchTronic (AHC) position see arrowAutomatic control can be at any time exchangedfor manual and the other wayround by a control (6).MANUAL SETTING OF CONTROL OFTHREE-POINT HITCHPerform according to “Cancel blocking”part and set the required position of elementswith regard for the nature of performedworks. To reach the depth ofworking tools, there is a control (4). Forsetting the kind of control and its mixing,use a control (6).Power control symbolF_02_172aThe activity of control (lifting and lowering)can be monitored by means of indicationdiodes (8) and (9). Na shift thelever (1) (a) position, after turning, setagain to (c) position. Control systemtakes the previous working position(memory of ploughing). For setting therequired speed of starting, there is a control(3).Position control symbol101

ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC SYSTEMF_02_172aAUTOMATIC CONTROL OF THREE-POINT HITCHDo the step according to “Cancel blocking” part. Set the control (6) to HITCHTRONIC(AHC) position. By control (4), set the working depth of tools attached to rear threepointhitch.When the implement attached in the rear three-point hitch reaches the depth set bythe control (4), control system measures the soil resistance and this value is used asdefault for further control.The activity of controls (lifting and lowering) can be monitored by means of indicatedon diodes (8) and (9).At dead end, shift the lever(1) to (a) position, after turning set the (c) position again.For setting the required speed of lowering, there is a control (3).After reaching the depth set by the control (4) control system again measures the soilresistance and this value is used as default for further regulation.102

ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC SYSTEMUSING THE REAR CONTROLThe rear control is used to connect anddisconnect implements. The liftingswitching lever (1) on the EHR-B electrohydrauliccontrol panel must be in position(b) or (c). The designation symbolsof buttons on both the tractor fenderscorrespond to the movement direction ofthe three-point hitch after their pressing.The movement only lasts as long as thebutton is held.Every use of the rear control causesblocking of the control system and the“Blocking cancellation” must be repeated- see page 130.F_02_98 F_02_78 F_02_65EXTERNAL CONTROL BUTTONS OFTHE ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC SYSTEM1. Lifting2. LoweringThe movement only lasts as long as thebuttons are held.The external control buttons of theelectro-hydraulic system are functionalwithout prior activation ofthe system.USING THE BUTTONSWhen handling the three-pointhitch with the external control buttonsthe operator must stand outof reach of the connected implementto avoid being caught or injuredby the implement.103

ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC SYSTEMDESCRIPTION OF SIGNALS OF EHR-B ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC SYSTEMERRORSFlashing combinationof the diagnostic LED(7).Long pauseNo. of flashesShort pauseNo. of flashesError categoryError descriptionF -02 -173INDICATION OF EHR-B ERRORSThe electronic part of the electrohydraulicsystem continuously checksproper functioning of the system. Possibleerrors are indicated by repeatedflashing combinations of the diagnosticLED (7).After the remedy of the error the diagnosticLED (7) goes off.Permanent illumination of the diagnosticLED (7) indicates the state of blocking ofthe electro-hydraulic system.1x1x1x1x1x1x2x2x2x2x3x3x3x3x1x2x3x4x5x6x2x3x4x8x1x2x4x6xSerious errorModerately seriouserrorMinor errorError with internal safety shutdown of theelectro-hydraulic system - the electrohydraulicsystem is out of operation - thework with the tractor must be stoppedError with internal safety shutdown of theelectro-hydraulic system - the electrohydraulicsystem is out of operationThe electro-hydraulic system works with alimitation resulting from the error typeHave EHR-B errors repaired by a specialized workshop.104

ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC SYSTEMF_02_174DESCRIPTION OF MINOR ERRORS OF THE EHR-B ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC SYSTEMFlashing combination ofthe diagnostic LED (7).Long pauseNo. offlashesShort pauseNo. offlashesError locationPossible cause of the error3x 1x Right dynamometric pin (A) Faulty dynamometric pin3x3x2x4xLeft dynamometric pin (A)Lowering speed control (3)Faulty contact or interrupted conductor of the dynamometricpinShort-circuit of the dynamometric pin conductorPossible overloading of the dynamometric pinFaulty potentiometer of the control (3)3x 6x Control setting switch (6)Faulty contact or interrupted conductor of the controlFaulty potentiometer of the switch (6)Faulty contact or interrupted conductor of the switch105


HITCHESPageRear three-point hitch.............................................................................................. 108Safety principles of working with the three-point hitch............................................. 108Height adjustment of the lifting draw-bars ............................................................... 109Fixed and free position of the lower hydraulic draw-bars ........................................ 109Limiting draw-bars................................................................................................... 109∗Lower draw-bars with extensible end pieces......................................................... 110∗Lower draw-bars with CBM hooks......................................................................... 110Securing the lower draw-bars with CBM hooks....................................................... 111Upper draw-bar ....................................................................................................... 111∗Front three-point hitch ........................................................................................... 112Front three-point hitch control ................................................................................. 112Adjusting the lowering rate of the front three-point hitch ......................................... 112Hydraulic lock of the front three-point hitch ............................................................. 113Working and transport position of the front three-point hitch................................... 113Driving with agricultural machines attached to the front three-point hitch ............... 113107

HITCHESREAR THREE-POINT HITCHIt is intended for attaching carried orsemi-carried agricultural machines andimplements with hitching points of ISOcategory II.E451Category II.Hitch axis length∅ of openings of connectingballs of the lowerdraw-bars according toISO∅ of the upper draw-baropening1. Upper draw-bar2. Left lifting draw-bar3. Right lifting draw-bar4. Limiting draw-bars5. Lower draw-bars108870 mm28 mm25 mmF11N032SAFETY PRINCIPLES OF WORKINGWITH THE THREE-POINT HITCHPersons that are not authorized towork with the attached implementmust not stand between the tractorand the hitched machine (implement)- (A). Do not park the tractorwith an attached implement in thelifted position (B). During a drivewithout an implement the lowerdraw-bars (5) must be connectedwith springs and the upper drawbar(1) must be inserted into thespring suspension! During transportof implements the limiting drawbars(4) of the lower draw-barsmust be adjusted in such a way toavoid unwanted lateral movementof the implement!

HITCHESHEIGHT ADJUSTMENT OF THELIFTING DRAW-BARSLifting draw-bar - see fig. (A):After disconnecting the upper end of thelifting draw-bar from the pin of the hydraulicarm make the adjustment by turningthe lug (1).Lifting draw-bar - see fig. (B):Extend the capstan (2) in the arrow directionand make the adjustment by turningthe capstan.Depending on the equipment of the tractorboth the draw-bars may be designedas in fig. (B).E453 E454 E455FIXED AND FREE POSITION OF THELOWER HYDRAULIC DRAW-BARSFixed position of the lower hydraulicdraw-bars (A):The pin head (1) and washer (2) are installedhorizontally.Free position of the lower hydraulicdraw-bars (B):The pin head (1) and washer (2) are installedvertically.The free position enables free connectionof the tractor and implement. In thiscase both the draw-bar ends may movefreely against each other as regards theirheight.LIMITING DRAW-BARSThe limiting draw-bars - stabilizers (1)limit or completely prevent lateral swingingof the lower draw-bars.The adjustment of the left and right limitingdraw-bar is performed by turning ofthe draw-bar pipe, see arrow.Both the limiting draw-bars mustalways be installed on the tractor.109

HITCHESE459∗LOWER DRAW-BARS WITHEXTENSIBLE END PIECESThe lower draw-bars of the hitch areequipped with semi-automatic extensibleCBM end pieces. They facilitate attachingof implements to the tractor. Afterremoving of securing pegs (1) extend theend pieces (2). The extended end piecesare attached to the fixing pins of the carriedimplement.After attaching the carried implement releasethe hydraulic arms. By loweringand the tractor reversing the end pieces(2) will slide into the draw-bars and willbe automatically secured in the workingposition by the securing pegs (1).Always check the position of theextensible end pieces and thesecuring pegs, see fig. (3).∗LOWER DRAW-BARS WITH CBM HOOKSThe lower (3) and upper (4) draw-bars of the hitch are equipped with CBM hooks.First, suspension CBM balls (1) must be fitted to the implement and the limiting drawbarsmust be used to set the distance between the lower draw-bars of the hitch (3).After reversing and subsequent lifting of the three-point hitch its lower draw-bars (3)are connected to the implement and then the driver connects the upper draw-bar (4)of the three-point hitch from the cab.When disconnecting the implement release the hooks, with the control wires (2) liftthe upper draw-bar (4) and by lowering the three-point hitch disconnect the lowerdraw-bars (3).110E460

HITCHESX901SECURING THE LOWER DRAW-BARSWITH CBM HOOKSFor especially demanding working positions(aggregation with heavy machineson slopes or aggregation with machinesoverhanging to one side) we recommendyou to securely lock the lower draw-barhook by inserting an M8 screw in theopening (S) and locking it with a nut.E456UPPER DRAW-BARThe upper draw-bar (1) has adjustablelength. It is attached to the tractor to theconsole openings.When extending the upper drawbaryou must make sure that boththe joints are unscrewed from thedraw-bar pipe to the same length.111

HITCHES∗FRONT THREE-POINT HITCHIt is designed for attachment of frontallycarried agricultural machines and implementsin accordance with ISO 8759-2.During transport of a carried implementthe hitch must always behydraulically locked in the liftedposition with valves that are installedon the left side of the tractorover the front axle.This hydraulic lock is recommendedeven in case no machine is attached tothe three-point hitch.E461 XF_02_209 X463FRONT THREE-POINT HITCHCONTROLThe hitch is equipped with two singleactinghydraulic cylinders that are suppliedwith oil from the integrated hydraulicdistributor. The lifting and lowering iscontrolled by the control lever of the integrateddistributor (1).Position 3Position 4Position NLiftingLoweringHitch lockADJUSTING THE LOWERING RATEOF THE FRONT THREE-POINT HITCHBefore the start of work with an implementattached to the front three-pointhitch it is recommended to adjust thetime necessary to lower the implementfrom the highest to the lowest position to1 - 1.5 s by setting the throttle valve. Byturning the valve body to the left (in thearrow direction) you will increase thelowering speed. During the adjustmentthe valve levers of the front hitch must bedirected horizontally.112

HITCHESHYDRAULIC LOCK OF THE FRONTTHREE-POINT HITCHHydraulic locking of the front three-pointhitch is performed in any position of thehydraulic cylinders with the ball valve inthe front part of the tractor (2).A Free positionValve levers are in the horizontalposition- The hitch can be controlledfrom the cabinB Locked positionValve levers are in the verticalposition- The hitch is lockedX464 E466 E467WORKING AND TRANSPORTPOSITION OF THE FRONT THREE-POINT HITCHA Working position of the frontthree-point hitchB Transport position of the frontthree-point hitchChanging the position of the draw-barsof the front three-point hitch:1. Release and remove the pin (1) fromthe opening.2. Lift the arm from position (A) to position(B).3. Lock the arm by inserting the pin (2)in the opening (2) and secure the pin.Only insert the pin in the openings,never check whether theopening is free with your fingers!113DRIVING WITH AGRICULTURALMACHINES ATTACHED TO THEFRONT THREE-POINT HITCHThe maximum permissible speedof the tractor with agriculturalmachines attached to the frontthree-point hitch is 15 km/h.If no implement or weight is attachedto the front three-pointhitch, we recommend you to liftthe lower lifting draw-bars to thetransport position.


WHEEL TRACK CHANGEPagePossible adjustable tracks of the front wheels of the front driving axleof the tractors .......................................................................................................... 116Toe-in of the wheels of the front driving axle........................................................... 117Adjustment of toe-in of the wheels of the front driving axle ..................................... 118Fenders of the front driving axle.............................................................................. 118Setting the wheel stops of the front driving axle ...................................................... 119Rear wheel track change......................................................................................... 120Rear wheel track adjustment................................................................................... 120115

WHEEL TRACK CHANGEPOSSIBLE ADJUSTABLE TRACKS OF THE FRONT WHEELS OF THE FRONTDRIVING AXLE OF THE TRACTORSUsed tyres12.4-24 13.6R24 12.4-28 14.9-2412.4R24 380/70R24 14.9R24 Rim position420/70R24Front wheel tracks in mm1590∗ - - -1645 1730 17301740 1655 1730 -1800 1880 1810 18801890 1810 1880 18101945 2030 1955 20302040 1955 2030 1955Note: Use of different tyre dimensionswith individual tractor types - see chapterMain technical parameters.Tighten the front wheel nuts with thetorque of 250 - 290 Nm.Tighten the nuts connecting the wheelbead with the wheel disc with the torqueof 200 - 220 Nm.You can change the wheel track bychanging the position of the rim and disc.First, secure the tractor againstmoving, lift the axle with a liftingjack and support it.− Loosen the nuts of the screwsconnecting the disc with the rim andremove the screws.− Change the track by setting the rim inthe required position.− Re-install the screws with washers andsecure them with nuts. Tighten the nutswith the torque of 230 - 250 Nm.− After every loosening of a beadconnection tighten the screws to theprescribed value.− After driving 100 m with the tractorwithout load re-tighten the connectionswith the prescribed torque.− After loading the tractor re-tighten theconnections after 3 hours of work.− After 10 hours of work check thetightening of the nuts of discs andwheel rims again.116

WHEEL TRACK CHANGETOE-IN OF THE WHEELS OF THEFRONT DRIVING AXLEProper toe-in of the front wheels oftractors with the front driving axle is0 to 2 mmand is measured on the front wheel hubflanges (if the front wheels are installed,you can measure toe-in on the wheelrims).Toe-in “S” is determined by thedifference of the measured values:S = b - a.F_02_189117

WHEEL TRACK CHANGEF_02_160ADJUSTMENT OF TOE-IN OF THE WHEELS OF THE FRONT DRIVING AXLE− Set the wheels symmetrically with the longitudinal axis of the tractor.− At the front on the horizontal plane of the wheel axes measure, in accordance withfig. F_02_189, the distance between the rims. Mark the place of measurement.− Drive the tractor to move the marked places to the horizontal plane of the wheelaxes at the back (turning by 180°) and measure the distance between the markedplaces again.− Release the locking nuts of the heads of the ball screws (2) of connecting rods ofthe steering at the hydraulic cylinder.− Adjust the toe-in value by turning the shank of the ball screw (3). Perform theadjustment of both the joints symmetrically to maintain the same turning radius atboth the sides (perform the measurement at the rim sides).− Tighten the locking nuts of the heads of the ball screws (2) with the torque of 122 -136 N. The upper surfaces of the heads (1) must be parallel.E505FENDERS OF THE FRONT DRIVINGAXLEThe fenders are installed on adjustableholders that can be adjusted laterally (byremoving screws “a” to other openings)as well as vertically (by removing screws“b” to other openings) in accordance withthe required wheel tracks and the type ofused tyres.118

WHEEL TRACK CHANGEWithout the front three-point hitchwithout fenderswith fendersTyres Wheel track(mm)Right stopA (mm)Left stopA (mm)Right stopA (mm)Left stopA (mm)12.4-R24 159017401890382817312110373223373121380/70R2413.6-R2417301880342328174031402912,4-2810PR17301880291827184031403114,9-24420/70R24173018803322With the front three-point hitchwithout fenderswith fendersTyres Wheel track(mm)Right stopA (mm)Left stopA (mm)Right stopA (mm)Left stopA (mm)12.4-R24 159017401890503319473320503319473525380/70R2413.6-R2417301880432839274328453412,4-2810PR17301880412638283828453614,9-24420/70R24173018804429301841314131442941324636F216SETTING THE WHEEL STOPS OF THEFRONT DRIVING AXLESet the stops after every change of thewheel track of the front driving axle inaccordance with the provided tables afterloosening the nut (2) and releasing ortightening the screw (1).119

WHEEL TRACK CHANGEF_02_99REAR WHEEL TRACK CHANGEDepending on the width of the rear tyresyou can set the wheel tracks in thefollowing range:Rear tyre width Wheel track(mm)12,4-3813,6-3818,4-38480/70R38520/70R3816,9-3416,9-3818,4-341425-18001425-18001650 - 18001575 - 18001650 - 18001500 - 18001575 - 18001500 - 1800Note: Use of different tyre dimensionswith individual tractor types - see chapterMain technical parameters.REAR WHEEL TRACK ADJUSTMENTRear wheel tracks are adjustable with the step of 75 mm and the adjustment isperformed by changing the position of the rim and disc with the rear part of the tractorlifted so that the wheels can rotate freely.Before the lifting do not forget to secure the tractor against moving by wedgingthe front wheels.After changing the wheel track tighten all the screws connecting the disc with the rimwith the torque of 200 - 220 Nm and the nuts of the screws connecting the disc withthe wheel shaft with the torque of 400 - 470 Nm.− After every loosening of a bead connection tighten the screws to the prescribedvalue.− After driving 100 m with the tractor without load re-tighten the connections with theprescribed torque.− After loading the tractor re-tighten the connections after 3 hours of work.− After 10 hours of work check the tightening of the nuts of discs and wheel rimsagain.− Until reaching the first 100 hours of work perform frequent checks of tightening ofthe nuts of the discs and rims of the front and rear wheels (at least 6 times in thecourse of the first 100 hours of work).− Then, always check the tightening of the nuts of the discs and rims of the front andrear wheels after every 100 hours of work.120F218

BALLAST WEIGHTSPage∗Rear wheel weights ............................................................................................... 122Bottom weights........................................................................................................ 122∗ Front weights........................................................................................................ 123∗Weight of the front three-point hitch....................................................................... 123Valve for filling tyre tubes with liquid........................................................................ 124Procedure of filling the tyres with liquid ................................................................... 124Procedure of draining liquid from the tyres.............................................................. 125Wedging the front wheels........................................................................................ 125Maximum liquid weight (kg) by tyre dimensions ...................................................... 126Antifreeze solution for tyre filling.............................................................................. 127Ballast weights are necessary to additionallyload the tractor axles and to ensuremanoeuvrability and stability of thetractor.121

BALLAST WEIGHTS∗REAR WHEEL WEIGHTSCombinationofweights(pcs)Mass of weights(kg)2+4 2x25 + 4x30 1702+6 2x25 + 6x30 2302+10 2x25 + 10x30 350F222BOTTOM WEIGHTSCombinationofweights(pcs)Mass of weights(kg)F2232 2x34 68They are installed in case the tractor isnot equipped with the front PTO into theframe tub casting cavity with screws thatare accessible after removal of the batteryholder.122

BALLAST WEIGHTS∗ FRONT WEIGHTSCombinationof weights(pcs)Front weightsMass of weights(kg)F_02_262+2 4x50 2003+3 6x50 3005+5 10x50 5007+7 14x50 700The front weights of the can type aresuspended in the tool carrier. They areprotected from lateral movement with apin inserted between the central weights.The other weights are attached to thecentral ones with two clamps.Note: After the insertion of the pin thefront weights and the weight carrier canbe used as the front hook for emergencytowing of a sunken tractor.∗WEIGHT OF THE FRONT THREE-POINT HITCHMaterial Weight mass(kg)Concrete 290Cast-iron 460E552a123

BALLAST WEIGHTSF_02_109VALVE FOR FILLING TYRE TUBESWITH LIQUIDAll the tubes of the rear wheels areequipped with a valve that makes it possibleto fill the tubes with liquid with theuse of an adapter.Filling the tubes of the front tyresand double mounting of the rearwheels with liquid is not permitted.PROCEDURE OF FILLING THE TYRES WITH LIQUID1. Unload the tyre by lifting the tractor and turn it with the valve upwards (A).2. Deflate the tyre and unscrew the valve insert.3. Screw the adapter for water filling on and attach the liquid supply hose to it.4. Fill the tyre with the prescribed quantity of liquid.5. For the filling you can use a gravity tank (B) or you can fill the tyre under pressure(C).6. Remove the hose and unscrew the adapter for water filling.7. Screw on the valve insert and inflate the tyre to the prescribed pressure.8. After inflating screw the protective cap on the valve.9. Fill the other tyre in the same way.F226124

BALLAST WEIGHTSPROCEDURE OF DRAINING LIQUID FROM THE TYRES1. Unload the tyre by lifting the tractor and turn it with the valve upwards (A).2. Deflate the tyre and unscrew the valve insert; turn the wheel with the valve downwards.During draining of liquid vacuum may occur in the tyre. Therefore, turn thewheel time after time to get the valve to the upper position (B).F227F11N033WEDGING THE FRONT WHEELSBefore lifting the rear wheels donot forget to secure the tractoragainst moving by wedging thefront wheels.3. Remove the rest of the liquid after screwing on the adapter for water filling by supplyingpressurized air (C).4. Blow out the liquid until it stops running through the tube of the air adapter.5. Unscrew the adapter for water filling6. Screw the air part of the valve back on and inflate the tyre to the prescribed pressure.7. Screw the protective cap on the valve.8. Drain the liquid from the other tyre in the same way.125

MAXIMUM LIQUID WEIGHT (KG) BY TYRE DIMENSIONSDimensionsFilling with75%clean water(l), (kg)Calcium chloride solutionBALLAST WEIGHTSCaCl 2 (kg) Water (l) Extra loading(kg)16.9-34 250 108 166 27416.9-38 290 126 192 31818.4-34 330 144 218 36218.4R-38 385 168 254 422480/70R38 335 146 222 36818.4-38 385 168 254 422520/70R38 390 170 258 428The table mentions values for temperatures down to - 30°C.126

BALLAST WEIGHTSANTIFREEZE SOLUTION FOR TYRE FILLINGWater for solutionpreparationCalcium chlorideCaCl 2Hydrated limeSolution densityat 20°CFreezing pointapprox.Total volumeAdded weight(l) (kg) (kg) (°C) (l) (kg)45 11.8 0.21 1.13 -18 50 5745 13.9 0.23 1.18 -25 50 5945 15.4 0.25 1.21 -30 50 61An antifreeze solution may only be used for filling tyres if you have purchases additionaltubes! Caution, the tractor is equipped with tubeless tyres by the manufacturer!Solution preparation:1. Dry calcium chloride CaCl 2 is added to water, never the other way round!2. The solution is not dangerous, but it is necessary to work carefully with it. Remove spilt drops with clean water.3. Before filling leave the solution to cool down. Observe the prescribed quantity of hydrated lime.4. The solution must not get in contact with metal parts and the electric installation! The solution is not harmful for the tube valve.5. The antifreeze solution with the above mentioned composition must not be used in the cooling system!6. After draining dispose of the antifreeze liquid as special waste!127


ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONPageElectric system ........................................................................................................ 130Basic service information ........................................................................................ 130Accumulator battery ................................................................................................ 131Battery disconnector................................................................................................ 131Accumulator battery maintenance ........................................................................... 132Alternator................................................................................................................. 133Alternator maintenance ........................................................................................... 133Fuse box ................................................................................................................. 134Checking the adjustment of the front grill headlights ............................................... 136Adjusting the front grill headlights............................................................................ 136Checking the adjustment of the cab roof headlights................................................ 137List of lamps ............................................................................................................ 138No additional interventionsinto the electric installation(connection of other electricappliances) are permissibledue to its possible overloading!129

ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONELECTRIC SYSTEMNominal voltage(minus (-) pole grounded)Battery (1)12 V12V/155Ah12 VAlternator with a built-in voltagecontroller (2)14V / 100AStarter motor with a reducer (3)12V / 3 kWDrive V-belts of the alternator andwater pumpAVX10x1385LaserviceD301BASIC SERVICE INFORMATIONThe battery must always be connected with the “minus” pole to the ground and withthe “plus” pole to the alternator. If the battery is connected the other way round, it willdestroy the whole semiconductor equipment of the alternator. When starting the tractorwith the use of an auxiliary battery, do not forget to connect the terminals “plus” to“plus” and “minus” to “minus”. If you replace a part of the charging circuit, disconnectthe battery from the tractor ground (-) with the battery disconnector. This way you willavoid accidental short-circuits on the terminals.In case of any handling or repair of the started motor the minus pole of thebattery must be disconnected and all the shifting levers, incl. the PTO shiftinglever, must be in the neutral position (do not forget to check whether thelocked PTO switches on the right cabin pillar are off as well to prevent spontaneousstart and endangering of the service person's life).It is forbidden to start the engine by short-circuiting the starter motor terminals.Only start the tractor from the driver’s seat!E602130

ELECTRIC INSTALLATIOND305ACCUMULATOR BATTERYThe accumulator battery is installed underthe cover on the left side of the tractorunder the cab step.The battery is accessible after folding upof the cab step.During folding up of the cab stepthe cab door must be closed.1- Remove the screw (1).2- Lift the step in the arrow direction3- Secure the lifted step with a screw insertedto the opening (2) in the step4- Remove the safety pin (3)5- Grasp the bottom edge of the coverand remove it.D302BATTERY DISCONNECTORThe battery disconnector is located at theleft-hand side of the tractor near thestarter motor.a- Battery connectedb- Battery disconnected¨When shutting down the tractordisconnect the battery with thebattery disconnector (1). By thisyou will interrupt the permanentminimum current consumption ofthe warning light interrupter(approx. 10 mA).If the tractor is out of operationfor a longer period of time, it isnecessary to charge the batteryat least once every threemonths due to its spontaneousdischarging.131

ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONACCUMULATOR BATTERY MAINTENANCEKeep the accumulator battery clean and properly fixed to the vehicle. However, the fixing device must not deform the batterycase. In the case of polypropylene batteries the electrolyte level must not be below the minimum mark indicated on the case.Only add distilled water to the battery!1. When working with the battery first read the attached manual.2. During work with the battery protect your eyes with goggles or a safety shield!3. The electrolyte is a caustic substance; therefore, handle it with proper care. If your skin or clothes get stained byelectrolyte, wash the skin or clothes with water and neutralize them with soap.4. During charging hydrogen is released from the electrolyte on the electrodes. Hydrogen mixed with the air forms anexplosive mixture. Therefore, it is prohibited to handle open fire near the battery during charging.5. An explosion may also be caused by a spark created on the disconnection or release of a terminal when the chargingcircuit is on.6. Keep the battery out of reach of children!7. A discarded battery is dangerous waste for the environment - when buying a new battery hand the old one over tothe dealer, who will dispose of it free of charge.F298132

ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONF299ALTERNATORIt is accessible after removal of the rightside plate. Charging is monitored by thered indicator on the combined dashboardinstrument.If the 12 V 2 W indicator bulb gets burnt,it must be replaced immediately.During repairs of the tractor byelectric welding all the conductorsmust be disconnected from thealternator. Protect the “+B” conductorfrom a short-circuit.F_02_207ALTERNATOR MAINTENANCEWhen washing and cleaning the tractor protect the alternator from penetrationof water or diesel fuel!During operation the alternator must not be disconnected from the battery!The alternator must never be put in operation without load, i.e. with the conductordisconnected from the “+B” terminal and the “+D” terminal connected.Such a condition may induce an extremely high voltage when the enginespeed is increased, which would destroy the semiconductors!Never short-circuit any alternator terminal during operation!The alternator must not be additionally excited. Such an intervention woulddamage the semiconductors.Ensure perfect electric connection of the alternator terminals and propergrounding of the alternator!133

ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONF306FUSE BOXIt is accessible after removing of the leftlid of the steering console.The fuses (1) are of the knife type and incase of replacement the prescribed fusevalue must be observed. In case of repeatedreplacement of a fuse consult thenearest repair shop.The glowing fuse (2) is of the band typewith the value of 80 A.134

PLACEMENT OF FUSES IN FUSE BOXELECTRIC INSTALLATIONPos. FuseProtected systemsize1 15A Warning lights chopperBrake lights2 15A horn, beacon3 15A Dashboard feeding, EHR control and engine ignition4 15A Lower beam headlights with a switch5 15A Left side lights, dashboard illumination, licence label illumination6 15A Right side lights, rear working light with a control7 15A Right dipped lights, fog headlamp with a control8 7,5A Left dipped lights, lights control in a grill/roof of tractorFH12N0249 15A Working lights in bonnet grill10 3A Front PTO shaft1A 15A Diesel particle filter1B 15A Free11 15A Front and rear windshield wiper, windshield washer, radio“15“12 20A Heating ventilator, radio “30“13 15A recirculation, igniter14 7,5A Air-condition (compressor clutch)15 15A Mirror heater16 15A Rear glass heater17 15A Driver´s seat compressor18 20A Three-pin socket19 15A Front working headlight in the roof20 15A Rear working headlights in the roof21 80A Ignition135

ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONF_02_145CHECKING THE ADJUSTMENT OF THE FRONT GRILL HEADLIGHTSDuring a check on a test wall the tractor must stand on a level surface and the tyresmust be inflated to the prescribed pressure. The basic vertical setting is 3.5% at theshipping weight of the tractor. In the horizontal direction the light beams must be parallelwith the longitudinal axis of symmetry of the tractor.l - distance of the test wall from the headlight (5 m)h - height of the headlight centre above the road surfaceΔh - headlight inclination (-3.5 %) to the distance of the test wall = 17.5 cmα - raising of the outline of an asymmetrical headlight (15%)F12N001ADJUSTING THE FRONT GRILLHEADLIGHTSThe adjustment is performed simultaneouslywith all the screws for the verticaland horizontal direction of the beam. Inthe adjusted condition all the springs ofnon-adjusting screws must be pretensioned.Each headlight is adjustedseparately. The lamps are replaced byremoving from the rear side of the reflector.136

ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONF11N034CHECKING THE ADJUSTMENT OF THE CAB ROOF HEADLIGHTSIn the vertical direction there must not be any point of illuminated area lying on theroad surface plane to the left from the longitudinal vertical plane passing through theheadlight centre further than 30 m from the front outline of the tractor.In the horizontal direction the light beams must be parallel with the longitudinal axis ofsymmetry of the tractor.Check the adjustment of the headlights at the shipping weight of the tractor. Thefront roof headlights may only be used when driving on public roads when the tractorcarries a frontally attached machine or implement covering the main headlights (inthe tractor grill).137

ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONLIST OF LAMPSPos. Lamp position Voltage Power Socket Note1 Main headlights H4 12 V 55/60 W P 43t2 Roof low beam headlights H7 12 V 55 W PX26d3 Front combined headlightsTurn signal lights P21W 12 V 21 W BA 15sPosition lights R5W 12 V 5 W BA 15s4 Working and ploughing lights 12 V 65 W PGJ19-55 Rear combined lightsTail lights and brake lights 12 V 5 /21W BAY 15dTurn signal lights 12 V 21 W BA 15s6 Registration no. lighting C5W 12 V 2x5 W SV 8,5-8712 V 2 W W2x4,6d illumination, charging indicatorDashboard, switches12 V 1,2 W W2x4,6d other indicators8 Cabin lighting 12 V 5 W SV 8,5-89 Heating panel lighting 12 V 1,2 W W2x4,6dXF_02_144b138

TRACTOR MAINTENANCEPageSteps performed daily before the start of work........................................................ 140Steps performed every 50 hours of work ................................................................ 140Steps performed every 100 hours of work .............................................................. 140Steps performed every 500 hours of work .............................................................. 141Steps performed outside the interval of 500 hours of work ..................................... 141Filling and filter replacement ................................................................................... 142Used operation liquids and filling - quantities .......................................................... 143Front PTO oil........................................................................................................... 144Oil for transmission systems of the tractors............................................................. 145Oil for transmission systems of the tractors............................................................. 145Oil for the front driving axle ..................................................................................... 146Oil for the hydrostatic steering of the tractors.......................................................... 146Plastic lubricant for the tractor................................................................................. 147Hydraulic brake liquid for the tractors...................................................................... 147Liquid for the cooling system of the tractors............................................................ 148Front driven axle ..................................................................................................... 149Hitch for a single-axle semi-trailer ........................................................................... 150Front three-point hitch ............................................................................................. 150Three-point hitch ..................................................................................................... 151Hitch mouth for a trailer........................................................................................... 151General overhaul of the tractors.............................................................................. 152Technical maintenance of the tractors after a general overhaul ofthe main groups ...................................................................................................... 152139

TRACTOR MAINTENANCESTEPS PERFORMED DAILY BEFORE THE START OF WORKBefore starting the engineCheck the oil level in the engineCheck the level of cooling liquid and tightness of connectionsof the cooling systemCheck the quantity of oil in the tank of the hydrostatic steeringcircuitCheck the quantity of the brake liquid and check the liquidbrakes for leaksCheck the oil quantity in the gearbox and final drive housingCheck the air pressure in all tyresCheck the tightening of wheelsCheck the condition of hitching and attaching equipmentAfter starting the engineSTEPS PERFORMED EVERY 50 HOURS OF WORKLubricate the tractor in accordance with the lubrication planCheck the engine lubrication function (indicator)Check the charging function (indicator)Check the steering function (indicator)Check the function and tightness of the steering circuitCheck the function and efficiency of the tractor brakesCheck the function and efficiency of the brakes of the trailer orsemi-trailerSTEPS PERFORMED EVERY 100 HOURS OF WORKClean the cooler blades with pressurized airPerform maintenance of the dry air cleaner (in accordance with the signal of the clogging indicator)Check the oil quantity in the gearbox and final drive housingCheck the oil quantity in the gear box of the front PTOCheck the oil quantity in the reducers and in the box of the front driving axleDrain condensate from the air reservoir140

TRACTOR MAINTENANCESTEPS PERFORMED EVERY 500 HOURS OF WORKDiesel particle filter maintenanceCheck the tension of V-beltsCheck the whole hydrostatic steering system for playCheck the front axle pin for playCheck the play adjustment of the clutch and brake pedalsCheck the function of the parking and foot brakeCheck the function of the brakes for the trailerClean and lubricate the terminals of the battery with a thin layer of greaseCheck the tightness and function of the pressurized air systemCheck the function of the driver’s seat, lubricate the movable parts with greaseSTEPS PERFORMED OUTSIDE THE INTERVAL OF 500 HOURS OF WORKin a new tractor or tractor after ageneral overhaulhour counter reading500100015002 0002 5003 000subsequently after every …hoursCheck and adjust valve play o o 2000Check the opening pressure ofinjectors and the function of injectionnozzleso 3000Replace the hydrostatic steering hosesevery 3500 hours or once every 4 yearsCheck the toe-in of the front wheels o 2000141

TRACTOR MAINTENANCEFILLING AND FILTER REPLACEMENTin a new tractor or tractorafter a general overhaulhour counter reading1005001 0001 5002 000subsequently after every…hoursReplace engine oil o o o o o 500Replace the engine oil cleaner element o o o o o 500Replace the fuel cleaner element o o o o 500Replace the air cleaner element o o 1000Replace the safety insert of the air cleaner o 2000Replace the filtration element of heatingevery 1000 hours or onceevery 2 yearsReplace coolantonce every 2 yearsReplace brake liquidonce every 2 yearsReplace oil in the gearbox and final drive housing o 1500Clean the magnet and strainer element of the suction filter of thehydraulic pumpo o o o o 500Replace the oil cleaner element of the gearbox pump o o o o o 500Replacement of the transmission oil cleaner element withhydraulic pump suction filtero o o o o 500Replace oil in the front driving axle box o o o 1000Replace oil in the front driving axle reducers o o o 1000Replace hydrostatic steering oil o 1500Replace the filtration element of hydrostatic steering o 1500Replace oil in the box of the front PTO and clean the oil strainer o o o o 500142

USED OPERATION LIQUIDS AND FILLING - QUANTITIESTRACTOR MAINTENANCEQuantity inDesignationlitresBrake liquid 0,5Coolant 20,5Engine oil 10Hydrostatic steering oil 2,7Oil of the front driving axle box 6,5Oil of the planetary reducers of the front driving axle 2x0.6Gearbox and final drive housing oil 52Front PTO gearbox oil 2,7Fuel 180• - This is the standard filling of the gearbox and final drive housing. Depending on the type of work and use of the tractor (on aslope, on a level ground, etc.) the gearbox filling should be increased (see chapter Hydraulic system; part Oil quantity drawn fromouter hydraulic outlets of this Operator's Manual). The first filling of the gearbox and final drive housing requires an approx. 4lhigher quantity of oil.143

TRACTOR MAINTENANCEOIL FOR ZETOR ENGINES EQUIPPED WITH DIESEL PARTICLE FILTERSPECIFICATION OF OILS FOR ZETOR ENGINES EQUIPPED BY DIESEL PARTICLEFILTERClassificationViscosity classPerformance classACEASAEAPIE9/E7 10W-40 API CJ-4/SMOILS FOR ZETOR ENGINE,Oil markingViscosity class Performance classSAEAPIMOGUL DIESEL L-SAPS 10W-40 10W-40 API CJ-4/SMFRONT PTO OILManufacturer Oil designationShellDonax TXBPAutran DX IIIFluid 9Esso ATF E 25131CastrolTransmax SElfElfmatic G2 SynElfmatic G3FINAFinamatic HPFinamatic S6726Manufacturer Oil designationMobilMobil ATFTexaco Texamatic 7045ValvolineATF Dextron II-EBeverolDextron II-E(Fina)matic HPJDHygard JDMJ 20CTotalFluide AT42Fluidematic SynMOLATF 3G144

TRACTOR MAINTENANCEOIL FOR TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS OF THE TRACTORSViscosity classRecommended useSAE J 30680 W at ambient temperatures from +40°C to -2080 W - 85 at ambient temperatures from +40°C to -20℃10W - 30 at ambient temperatures from +40°C to -20℃10W - 40 at ambient temperatures from +40°C to -20℃OIL FOR TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS OF THE TRACTORS TAB. 2Manufacturer Oil designation Viscosity classSAEPerformanceclass APIShell Shell Donax TD 80W GL-4Shell spirax GX 80W GL-4Aral EP 80 80W GL-4Fluid HGS 80W GL-4Super Traktoral 10W - 30 GL-4Esso Torque Fluid 62 80W GL-4Paramo Pardubice Mogul Trans 80 80W GL-4Mogul Traktol UTTO/EKO 80W GL-4Gyrol - UTTO 80W GL-4Gyrol 80W 80W GL-4ÖMV Austromatic HGN 80W GL-4Gear Oil EC 4 80W - 85 GL-4Austrotrac 10W - 40 GL-4Austrotrac 10W - 30 GL-4Fuchs Titan Hydramot 1030MC 10W - 30 GL-4Renolin G 100 80W GL-4MOL Farm NH Ultra (UTTO) 80W GL-4ORLEN OIL Hipol® 6 80W GL-4145

OIL FOR THE FRONT DRIVING AXLETRACTOR MAINTENANCEManufacturer Oil designation Viscosity classSAEPerformanceclass APIShell Spirax AX 80W - 90 GL-5Aral Fluid HGS 80W GL-4Agip Rotra Multi THT 80W GL-4Esso Torque Fluid 62 80W GL-4Fuchs Titan Supergear 80W - 90 GL-4/GL-5Titan Hydramot 1030MC 10W - 30 GL-4Titan Renep 8090MC 80W - 90 GL-4/GL-5ÖMV Gear Oil LS 85W - 90 GL-5MOL Hykomol K 80W-90 85W - 90 GL-5ORLEN OIL Platinum Gear 80W-90 85W - 90 GL-5OIL FOR THE HYDROSTATIC STEERING OF THE TRACTORSManufacturer Oil designation ClassificationShell TELLUS DO 32 HLP DIN 51524Aral Vitam DE 32 HLP DIN 51524Fuchs RENOLIND10VG32 HLP DIN 51524-2ÖMV Hyd HLP 32 HLP DIN 51524PARAMO MOGUL H-LPD 32 HLP DIN 51524MOGUL HM 32 HLP DIN 51524MOL Hydro HV 32 HVLP DIN 51524-3ORLEN OIL Hydrol L-HM 32 HVLP DIN 51524-3Hydrol L-HM 46 HVLP DIN 51524-3146

PLASTIC LUBRICANT FOR THE TRACTORTypeTRACTOR MAINTENANCEClassificationShell retinax HD2 DIN 51825 KP 2 K-20MOGUL LA 2 ISO 6743/9 CCEB 2/3, ISO - L - XBCEA 2MOGUL LV 2M ISO 6743/9 CCEB 2/3ÖMV signum DIN 51825-K 2 C-30MOLLiton LT 2EPORLEN OILLiten® Premium ŁT-4 EP2HYDRAULIC BRAKE LIQUID FOR THE TRACTORSTypeClassificationShell Donax YB SAE J 1703, ISO 4925Synthol 205 PND 31-656-80, ISO 4925, SAE - J 1703Fuchs Stopred SAE - J 1703Brake Fluid DOT 4 ISO 4925, SAE - J 1703EVOX DOT 4+ ISO 4925/4 SAE - J 1704CAUTION!1. The liquid is not designed for arctic conditions!2. Replace the brake liquid once every two yearsregardless of the number of hours of work!3. Liquids of the same classification can be mixedtogether.147

LIQUID FOR THE COOLING SYSTEM OF THE TRACTORSTRACTOR MAINTENANCEFRIDEX - STABIL, FRIDIOL 91 or FRICOFIN S and demineralised water inthe proportion of 1:1.5 (replenish the mixture in this proportion).Antifreeze liquids for replacement abroad must contain anti-corrosionadditives protecting all materials (incl. rubber and head gaskets) of thecooling system of the engine.CAUTION!1. Water without an antifreeze mixture must not be used in the tractors!2. Replace the cooling liquid after two years of operation. The FRIDEX -STABIL and FRIDIOL 91 liquids can be mixed together.3. Miscibility with liquids of other manufacturers has not been verified!FUEL FOR ZETOR ENGINES WHICH ARE EQUIPPED WITHDIESEL PARICLE FILTERDiesel complies with EN 590 standardIMPORTANT NOTE!By using motor oil with elevated sulphur content, the service life ofdiesel particle filter can be significantly reduced.148

LUBRICATION PLAN OF THE TRACTORTRACTOR MAINTENANCEFRONT DRIVEN AXLEPos. Identificationno.No. oflubricationpoints1 Turning radius pins 42 Central pin 2149

TRACTOR MAINTENANCEHITCH FOR A SINGLE-AXLE SEMI-TRAILERPos.no.IdentificationNo. oflubricationpoints1 Hook pin bearings 0 to 4(by version)FRONT THREE-POINT HITCHPos. Identificationno.1 Pins of cylinders of the front threepointhitchNo. oflubricationpoints4150

TRACTOR MAINTENANCETHREE-POINT HITCHPos.no.IdentificationNo. oflubricationpoints1 Pins of auxiliary hydraulic cylinders 22 Lifting draw-bars 2HITCH MOUTH FOR A TRAILERPos. Identificationno.No. oflubricationpoints1 Hitch mouth for a trailer 1151

TRACTOR MAINTENANCEGENERAL OVERHAUL OF THE TRACTORSA general overhaul of the tractor should be carried out if its further use is uneconomical, if most of its parts require a repair and itsoverall technical condition endangers traffic safety.If all the maintenance instructions specified in the technical documentation of the manufacturer are observed and if work iscarried out in a moderate climate and plain terrain, the mean service life of the engine and transmission system is 8000 hours ofwork.This number of hours is valid on condition of the following distribution of tractor work:Ploughing and pre-sowing soil treatment 15 - 25 %Sowing and planting 10 - 15 %Harvest work 10 - 20 %Farming transport 40 - 65 %If the tractor works in mountainous and sub-mountainous regions, the service life of the engine and transmission system isreduced by 15-20%.If the tractor works under worsened climatic conditions, the service life of the engine and transmission system is reduced by 15-20%.Note: The transmission system includes the front driving axle.TECHNICAL MAINTENANCE OF THE TRACTORS AFTER A GENERAL OVERHAUL OF THE MAIN GROUPSRun in the tractor after a general overhaul in accordance with the instructions for running in a new tractor. Perform themaintenance in the same way as with a new tractor.152

The driver of the tractor can do most ofthe planned maintenance work by himself.However, if you do not have sufficienttechnical equipment, entrust theexecution of more complicated tasks to aspecialized workshop.All the work related to the cleaning,lubrication and adjustment ofthe tractor or attached implementsmay only be performed afterstopping of the engine andother movable parts except thebrake control and charging.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSPageOpening the hood.................................................................................................... 155Checking the oil level in the engine ......................................................................... 156Draining oil from the engine .................................................................................... 156Replacing the full-flow engine oil cleaner ................................................................ 156Filling the engine with oil ......................................................................................... 157Replacing the fuel filter element .............................................................................. 157Bleeding the fuel system ......................................................................................... 158Dry air cleaner maintenance instructions ................................................................ 159Recovery of the main air cleaner element ............................................................... 159Replacing the safety element of the air cleaner....................................................... 159Reassembly of the air cleaner elements ................................................................. 160Hydrostatic steering oil tank .................................................................................... 160Replacing the filtration element of the hydrostatic steering ..................................... 161Bleeding the hydraulic circuit of the hydrostatic steering......................................... 162Replacing the hydrostatic steering hoses................................................................ 163Coolant replacement ............................................................................................... 164After draining oil ...................................................................................................... 166Replacement of the transmission oil cleaner element with hydraulic pumpsuction filter ............................................................................................................. 166Lubrication and filling points of the front driving axle ............................................... 167Filling, inspection and drain opening of oil of the front wheel reducers.................... 167Front PTO ............................................................................................................... 168Brake liquid replenishment ...................................................................................... 168Carbon filter installation instructions........................................................................ 168Cleaning the heating filters...................................................................................... 169*Air filter with active carbon ..................................................................................... 169Air-conditioning maintenance .................................................................................. 170Draining condensate from the air reservoir ............................................................... 170Checking the air systems for leaks.......................................................................... 171Working pressure of air brakes ............................................................................... 171Diesel particle filter maintenance............................................................................. 171Maintenance and treatment of tyres........................................................................ 172153

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSPageTyre inflation ........................................................................................................... 172Recommended inflation values of the front wheel tyres .......................................... 173Recommended inflation values of the rear wheel tyres........................................... 174Tyres for driving wheels .......................................................................................... 175Tyres for driving wheels .......................................................................................... 175Storing the tractor ................................................................................................... 175154

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSW2OPENING THE HOODRelease the hood by pressing the button(1), grasp it in the places of arrows andlift it. Thanks to a gas brace the hood willopen automatically after that.The hood is locked in this lifted positionthanks to this gas-liquid brace.Closing the hood:Pull the hood down with the strap, graspit in the place of arrows and press itdownwards until the hood lock snaps.Do not use excessive force toclose the front hood as the filamentsof headlight bulbs situatedin the front hood might getdamaged.155

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSH193CHECKING THE OIL LEVEL IN THEENGINECheck the oil level daily before startingwork with the tractor in the horizontal position.Unscrew the dipstick, wipe it with apiece of cloth and screw it back in. Afterrepeated removal of the dipstick the oillevel must not drop below the lowermark. Replenish oil as necessarythrough the filling opening.DRAINING OIL FROM THE ENGINEDrain oil by unscrewing the drain plug(3), best immediately after a drive or afterheating the engine to the working temperature.Clean the drain plug before returningit to its place. Check the sealingring for integrity.H195REPLACING THE FULL-FLOWENGINE OIL CLEANERThe cleaner is replaced at every engineoil replacement. Before installing the newcleaner clean the sealing surface of thehousing (1) and the cleaner (2). Coat therubber sealing with oil that you will fill theengine with and tighten the cleaner byhand. When the sealing gets in contactwith the block sealing, tighten the cleaneragain by 3/4 to 1 1/4 turns. Check thecleaner for possible leaks after startingthe engine.156

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSH196FILLING THE ENGINE WITH OILPour the prescribed quantity of engine oilinto the filling opening (2), start the engineand let it run for 2 - 3 minutes at 750- 800 rpm.After stopping of the engine and levelstabilization use the dipstick (1) to checkthe oil level and check the cleaner, drainplug (3) and other joints for leaks.F238REPLACING THE FUEL FILTERELEMENTReplace the filter element after releasingthe nut (1) and unscrewing the bowl (2).During the re-assembly of the cleanedbowl with the new filter element checkproper seating of the bowl gasket. Bleedthe fuel system.During the cleaning and replacement ofthe filter elements place a suitable vesselunder the engine to catch dripping fuel.157

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSBLEEDING THE FUEL SYSTEMBefore bleeding place a suitablecontainer under the engine to collectdripping fuel from the filterand injection pump.F_02_93a E706 E7071. Prime the fuel system with several strokes of the manual control of the primingpump (1).2. Release the screw (2) of the fitting of the fuel inlet to the filter and let the foam escape.3. Retighten the screw and repeat the procedure until after releasing of the screwclear fuel starts to continuously flow from the filter.4. Bleed the injection pump in the same way.5. Do the bleeding with the screw (3) positioned on the pump body.158

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSDRY AIR CLEANER MAINTENANCEINSTRUCTIONSPerform maintenance of the air cleanerin the following way:1. Remove the right side plate of thehood2. Release the clamps of the air cleanerlid (marked with arrows)3. Remove the air cleaner lid (1)G712 G713 G714RECOVERY OF THE MAIN AIRCLEANER ELEMENT− Remove the main element of the drycleaner (2) by pullingIf the main element is not damaged(there must not be any dust on the innerside of the element), recover it by blowingpressurized air from the inner side ofthe element.This way you can recover the main element3 times at the most. The elementmust be replaced once a year.REPLACING THE SAFETY ELEMENTOF THE AIR CLEANER− Remove the safety element of the drycleaner (3) by pulling.The safety element cannot be recovered.It must always be replacedin these cases.- If the main element is damaged.- After covering 2000 hours ofwork- At least once every two years.159

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSG715REASSEMBLY OF THE AIR CLEANERELEMENTSWhen reassembling the air cleaner elementsproceed in the reverse order.Observe the following points during theelement reassembly:- Make sure the contact surfaces areclean.- During the assembly the elements mustnot get deformed and after installationthey must not vibrate.- After closing of the cleaner with the lidthe whole cleaner must be perfectlyleak-proof.- After the maintenance of the dry aircleaner ensure proper functioning ofthe clogging indicator again.W3HYDROSTATIC STEERING OIL TANKThe tank is accessible after opening thehood. It is found in the front part on theleft side of the tractor.By dipstick check (A) the height of oillevel in hydrostatic steering tank, keepthe level of oil between MIN. and MAX.marks, see fig. (A).If necessary, replenish the oil after nutdisassembly (1) and removing the lid oftank.160

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSREPLACING THE FILTRATIONELEMENT OF THE HYDROSTATICSTEERING1 - Dismantle the left rear side plate ofthe hood2 - Place a suitable container under thehydrostatic steering tank3 - Release the drain screw4 - Drain oil from the tankF_02_107 XF_02_141 F_02_1145 - Unscrew the tank lid6 - Replace the filtration element7 - Install the new element8 - Disconnect both the hoses from theworking cylinder and together withthe return hose insert their ends to awaste oil container.9 - Start the engine and at the idlespeed (max. 10 s) turn the steeringwheel 2-3 times to both sides topush oil out of the steering unit andthe pipes.161

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS10 - Secure the tractor against movementand lift the front axle.11 - Place an oil collection container underthe working cylinder and by turningthe wheels (by hand) push oil outof the working cylinder.12 - Reassemble all the disconnectedjoints.13 - Fill the tank with oil and bleed thehydrostatic steering circuit.F11N035 F11N036 F_02_5BLEEDING THE HYDRAULIC CIRCUITOF THE HYDROSTATIC STEERING1 - Start the engine and let it run at theidle speed for approx. 1 minute.2 - Turn the steering wheel several timesto both the sides at the idle speed ofthe engine.3 - At the maximum engine speed turnthe wheels with the steering wheel 3times alternately slowly and quickly toboth the sides up to the limiting stopsof the wheels.4 - Stop the engine and lower the tractoronto the front wheels.During all the steps of bleeding ofthe hydrostatic steering observethe oil level in the tank to avoidaspiration of air to the steeringsystem.After the end of bleeding check or replenishthe oil level to the dipstick mark.Check all the connections and lines forleaks.162

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSF11N037REPLACING THE HYDROSTATIC STEERING HOSESThe hoses must be replaced after four years from the production date (the date is indicatedon their surface) or after 3500 hours of work of the tractor or immediately afterdiscovering signs of their damage (hose sweating, local buckling, leaks of theworking media around the end pieces and on the hose surface, abrasion of the hosesurface to the metallic reinforcement, damage of the outer yarn braiding in the caseof low-pressure hoses).In case of a pump failure or after stopping of the engine the steering capabilityis maintained, but the required steering force gets higher. You can drive thetractor at a reduced speed to the nearest workshop.The steering wheel must not be held in the limit turning angle positions for along time (the maximum time is 20 s); otherwise the oil in the hydrostaticsteering circuit is heated up excessively.163

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSF_02_117COOLANT REPLACEMENTProceed as follows:1. Open the heating valve and releasethe overpressure plug (C) on thecompensation tank.2. Drain coolant from the cooler. Thedrain plug (A) is accessible afterlifting off the left side plate.3. Drain coolant from the engine block.The drain valve (B) is accessible afterdisassembly of the right side plate.4. After draining the coolant close boththe drain valves (leave the heatingvalve open).5. Fill the cooling system with coolantup to the neck of the compensationtank and close it with theoverpressure plug.164XF_02_1996. Start the engine and let it run forapprox. 1 min.7. Fill up the level of the coolant in thecompensation tank to the MAX mark.8. Close the tank with the overpressureplug (C).After loosening of the screws on the upperchamber of the auxiliary cooler clearliquid must run out.Always use the prescribed coolantto fill the cooling system ofthe engine.Never fill the cooling system withwater.Using other than the prescribedcoolant may damage the engine.

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFH12N016CHECKING THE OIL IN GEARBOXThe height of oil in gear box set is checked by oil level indicatorwhich is placed at the right rear part of the gearboxbehind the right hydraulic roller.A - Standard oil fillingCarry out the check always with the engine stopped.FH12N015CHECK AND REPLACEMENT OF OIL IN GEAR BOXDRAINING AND CHECKING HOLES1. drain plug of oil from clutch box2. drain plug of oil from gearbox3. drain plug of oil from final drive housing4. drain plug of oil from final drive housing box5. drain plug of oil from final house driving box6. Pouring opening for gear oil is placed in hydraulic mechanismhousing. Accessible from the rear part of the tractor165

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSF_02_111AFTER DRAINING OIL1. Clean the magnet (it is part of the lid)and the strainer element of thesuctioning filter (2)2. Replace the filter element (1) Tightenthe cleaner bowl screw by hand, do notuse any tools3. After cleaning screw all the drainscrews back on.4. Fill oil (approx. 40 litres), start theengine and let it run for approx. 2minutes5. After stopping of the engine andstabilization of the oil level in thegearbox check its quantity and fill upoil to the upper edge of the dipsticktab or if increased filling is necessary,to the lower or upper mark of thedipstick.166F11N03REPLACEMENT OF THETRANSMISSION OIL CLEANERELEMENT WITH HYDRAULIC PUMPSUCTION FILTERThe oil cleaner is placed on the left sideof the gearbox.Before replacing the oil cleanerelement, place a suitable vesselfor dripping oil under the tractor.1. Unscrew the body of the cleaner (1)2. Replace the filtration element3. Reassemble the body of the cleaner

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSC730LUBRICATION AND FILLING POINTSOF THE FRONT DRIVING AXLE1. Lubricating nipple of the kingpin2. Sliding bearings (2 pieces) of thefront driving axle3. Drain opening of the final drivehousing oil4. Filling and inspection opening of finaldrive housing oil (after removing ofthe inspection screw the oil levelmust reach the bottom edge of theinspection opening)C731FILLING, INSPECTION AND DRAINOPENING OF OIL OF THE FRONTWHEEL REDUCERSOil is checked, filled and drained throughone opening after turning of the reducerin accordance with the figure.1. Checking the oil level - opening onthe horizontal axis of the reducer(after removing of the inspectionscrew the oil level must reach thebottom edge of the inspectionopening)2. Oil filling - opening at the top3. Oil draining - opening at the bottom167

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFRONT PTOThe inspection and filling plug of oil (1) issituated on the front side of the frontPTO case.The front PTO with the standard turningdirection is equipped with a hollow bolt ofthe oil cooler hose instead of the inspectionand filling plug. Perform the checkafter removing the hollow bolt.After unscrewing of the inspectionplug the oil level must reach thebottom edge of the inspectionopening.During the oil replacement the oil cleaningstrainer (2) must be cleaned. Thecleaning strainer is accessible after thedisassembly of the locking ring and removalof the cap.F206 D401 E13BRAKE LIQUID REPLENISHMENTThe tank is accessible after the removalof the right rear side plate of the hood.Maintain the brake liquid level in therange of 3/4 of the tank content (max.level) and 1/2 of the tank content (minimumlevel).When handling brake liquid, keepabsolute cleanness. Check thebrake liquid level daily beforestarting your work.168CARBON FILTER INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONS1. Remove the old filter from the air ductorifice in the place of its mounting.2. Remove the protective package fromthe new filter.3. Insert the filter into the air duct orificein such a way to make the air flowdirection correspond to the flowdirection through the filter inaccordance with the arrow on thefilter. The entering air must first passthrough the white dust filtration layer.4. Check proper sealing of the filter.5. Secure the filter.

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSE730CLEANING THE HEATING FILTERSRecover the filters positioned under thecovering grills over the windshield outsidethe cabin with regard to the degreeof clogging:− by shaking− by blowing with compressed airCheck the filters for clogging daily. Replaceheavily clogged filters.The safety cab of the tractor isnot equipped with special filtersof air aspirated to the cab.It does not protect the operatorfrom the effect of aerosols andother harmful substances!Use a filter with active carbonwhen working with harmful substances.E730a*AIR FILTER WITH ACTIVE CARBONFilters with active carbon are installed instead of the standard dust filter and they arereplaced in the same way as the normal filters. The filter must be inserted with thewhite side towards the grill. The installation instructions are found on the next page.The filter is only used during spraying of pesticides; then it must be replaced with apaper filter again as flying dust would clog the carbon filter in a very short time.During its use the recirculation control must be in the position of “air suctioned fromthe outside”The fan control must be in the “maximum” position.• WARNING: The filter does not provide complete protection from toxic substances• When handling the filter wear protective gloves• Do not clean or blow the filter with compressed air.DANGER: Replace the active carbon filter every 200 hours or 36 months (theproduction date is printed on the filter). If you feel the smell of pesticides in thecab, replace the filter immediately and have the cab sealing checked. Used filtersmust be disposed of in specialized collection centres.169

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSAIR-CONDITIONING MAINTENANCEThe most important element ofmaintenance of the air-conditioningsystem is cleaning the AC condenser(it is installed in front of theengine cooler).If the AC condenser is clogged, itdoes not only reduce the coolingefficiency of the AC system butalso the efficiency of the enginecooling.Remove the front side plate of the hood,release and slide the cooler towards theside and clean the condenser with pressurizedair or pressurized water (againstthe driving direction of the tractor). Then,slide the cooler back and fix it properly.Be careful about the proper routing ofhoses to the oil cooler.F_02_120 F267 F268When the air-conditioning functionsproperly, water condenses in the roofspace of the cab and the condensate isdrained through hoses in the cab pillarsand runs out at the bottom side of the pillar.This is why you must make sure thatthe condensate drain hoses will not beblocked.170DRAINING CONDENSATE FROM THEAIR RESERVOIRDraining is performed by deflecting orcompressing the protruding part of thevalve.The air reservoirs are located in front ofthe rear axle.Th tractors are equipped with one airreservoir installed on the left side of thetractor as standard or * two air reservoirspositioned on the right and left side of thetractor (if air-pressure brakes are installed).

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCHECKING THE AIR SYSTEMS FORLEAKS− Fill the air reservoir to the maximumpressure− With the engine stopped the air pressuremust not drop by more than 10kPa in 10 minutes.Perform the leak check daily beforedriving with a trailer or semitrailer.In case of a brake systemfailure or if the pressure dropsbelow 450 kPa, the warning indicatoron the dashboard will lightup.F_02_121 F_02_56 FH12N056WORKING PRESSURE OF AIRBRAKESIn the single- and double-hose versionthe air pressure at the double-hose coupling(2) (red cap) is 740 ± 20 kPa and atthe single-hose coupling (1) max. 600 ±20 kPa (at the moment the pressure controllerrelieves the compressor - blowsout the air).DIESEL PARTICLE FILTERMAINTENANCELeave the maintenance of diesel particlefilter to an authorized service.171

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSF_02_122aMAINTENANCE AND TREATMENT OF TYRESRegularly check the outer surface of tyres and verify whether they are free of defectsat the sides and over the bead and whether the reinforcement is not damaged.Do not use tyres that show a defect any longer.TYRE INFLATIONThe basic recommended inflation values are specified in the table. Regularly checkthe tyre pressure before driving, when the tyres are cold. To inflate the tyres use thepressure controller (B), which acts as a pressure equalizer, tyre filling device andsafety valve. Remove the rubber cap of the pressure controller and screw a tyre inflationhose instead. Screw the hose up to the end of the thread to compress the nonreturnvalve. If there is the maximum pressure in the air reservoir (A), the tyres cannotbe inflated. In this case you must first reduce the pressure with the condensatedrain valve located in the bottom part of the air reservoir (A). After inflating the tyresyou must put the rubber cap back on the pressure controller.172

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSRECOMMENDED INFLATION VALUES OF THE FRONT WHEEL TYRESThe value of the permitted load-bearing capacity of the front axle must not exceed the sum of the load-bearing capacity values ofboth the tyres that are installed on the axle. The values of the permitted load-bearing capacity of the axles are specified in the“Main technical parameters” of the corresponding tractor type. On the same axle of the tractor there must not be tyres of differentdimensions and designs (in this case tyre design means the diagonal or radial tyre version).Tyre dimensions and designPrincipal working activity 12.4-248 PR 12.4R24 13.6R24For field work Inflation (kPa) 100-170 130-160 130-160Load-bearing capacity (kg) 895-1200 1190-1360 1270-1450For road transport Inflation (kPa) 200-250 130-160 130-160Load-bearing capacity (kg) 1330-1415 1190-1360 1270-1450For work with a front loader Inflation (kPa) 290 max. 200 max.200at the maximum permittedspeed of 8 km/h. Load-bearing capacity (kg) max. 2830 max. 2040 max.1910Tyre dimensions and designPrincipal working activity 14.9R24 380/70R24 420/70R24 12.4-2810PRFor field work Inflation (kPa) 130-160 130-160 130-160 130-170Load-bearing capacity (kg) 1490-1700 1445-1650 1665-1900 1085-1275For road transport Inflation (kPa) 130-160 190 190 170-280Load-bearing capacity (kg) 1490-1700 (1445)-1650 (1665)-1900 1275-1790For work with a front loader Inflation (kPa) max. 200 max. 200 max. 200 max. 280at the maximum permittedspeed of 8 km/h. Load-bearing capacity (kg) max. 2550 max. 2300 max. 2300 max. 2500Note: The 380/70R24 tyre is a dimensional equivalent of the 13.6R24 tyre.The 420/70R24 tyre is a dimensional equivalent of the 14.9R24 tyre.The specified load-bearing capacities of tyres for field work and road transport correspond to the maximum travellingspeed of the tractor, i.e. in the case of radial tyres 40 km/h and in the case of diagonal tyres 30 km/h. The specifiedvalues refer to one tyre. For a tractor the max. load per axle must not exceed the max. load-bearing capacity valuesof the tyres.173

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSRECOMMENDED INFLATION VALUES OF THE REAR WHEEL TYRESThe value of the permitted load-bearing capacity of the rear axle must not exceed the sum of the load-bearing capacity values ofboth the tyres that are installed on the axle. The values of the permitted load-bearing capacity of the axles are specified in the“Main technical parameters” of the corresponding tractor type. On the same axle of the tractor there must not be tyres of differentdimensions and designs (in this case tyre design means the diagonal or radial tyre version).Tyre dimensions and designPrincipal working activity 16.9-34 16.9R34 18.4-34 18.4R348 PR8 PRFor field work Inflation (kPa) 110-150 140-160 110-140 130-160Load-bearing capacity (kg) 1830-2200 2130-2430 2250-2565 2450-2800For road transport Inflation (kPa) 170-200 130-160 170-200 130-160Load-bearing capacity (kg) max. 2380 2130-2430 max. 2565 2450-2800Tyre dimensions and designPrincipal working activity 16.9-38 16.9R38 480/70R38 18.4R38 520/70R38 18.4-388 PRFor field work Inflation (kPa) 110-140 130-160 120-160 130-160 110-160 130-140Load-bearing 1940-2230 2255-2575 2500-2900 2625-3000 2635-3350 2595-2715capacity (kg)For road transport Inflation (kPa) 170-200 130-160 140-160 130-160 110-160 130-140Load-bearing max. 2520 2255-2575 2700-2900 2625-3000 2635-3350 2595-2715capacity (kg)Note: The 480/70R38 tyre is a dimensional equivalent of the 16.9R38 tyre.The 570/70R38 tyre is a dimensional equivalent of the 18.4R38 tyre.Inflate the front as well as the rear tyres to the lower of the above mentioned values for field work on light soil (dry,sandy). The higher of the above mentioned pressure values is designed for work on heavy and compact soil. Duringploughing work at the minimum inflation value there must not be any folding of the side parts of the tyres. The loadbearingcapacities specified in the tables correspond to the maximum travelling speed of the tractor, i.e. in the caseof radial tyres 40 km/h and in the case of diagonal tyres 30 km/h. The specified values refer to one tyre. For a tractorthe max. load per axle must not exceed the max. load-bearing capacity values of the tyres.174

MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSDuring loading of the tractor the maximum values of the permitted load-bearing capacity of the axles mentioned in the “Technicalparameters of the tractor” table must not be exceeded. Changes of the load-bearing capacity of the tyres from the basic valuesare specified in the tables below.Note: The 100% inflation values of tyres are specified in the tables of recommended tyre inflation in the part "Principal workingactivity - for field work”.TYRES FOR DRIVING WHEELSDriving wheels - diagonal tyresSpeedkm/hLoadbearingcapacity%Inflationpressure %102025303540140**1201071009080125100100100100100** minimum value for 6 PRIt is not allowed to increase the loadbearingcapacity of the tyres except theabove mentioned cases by further increasingthe inflation pressure above thevalues mentioned in the table while simultaneousdecreasing the speed.TYRES FOR DRIVING WHEELSDriving wheels - radial tyresSpeedkm/hLoadbearingcapacity%Inflationpressure %102025303540150123111107103100125100100100100100STORING THE TRACTORIf the tractor is to be put out of operationfor a shorter period, inflate the tyres tothe value required for road transport. Incase of a longer period of inactivity of thetractor (storage), support the tractor andreduce the pressure in the tyres to theminimum (the wheels must not touch theground).175


ADJUSTMENTPageTensioning the V-belt .............................................................................................. 178∗Tensioning the V-belt of the AC compressor ......................................................... 178Adjusting the play of the brake pedals..................................................................... 178Bleeding the brake system of the tractor ................................................................. 178Bleeding the rear brake system............................................................................... 179Adjusting the play of the clutch pedal ...................................................................... 180Bleeding the hydraulic circuit of the clutch .............................................................. 180Bleeding the front Cardan brake.............................................................................. 181Foot brake check..................................................................................................... 181Foot brake adjustment............................................................................................. 182Parking brake adjustment........................................................................................ 182Replacing brake segments of the front Cardan brake ............................................. 183Adjustment of the lifting draw-bars of the hitch for a single-axle semi-trailer ........... 183Adjusting the Bowden cable .................................................................................... 183Calibration of the travelling speed of the digital dashboard ..................................... 184Most of the following tasks require certainexperience and advanced maintenanceand diagnostic equipment. Therefore,we recommend you to entrust thiswork to specialized or authorized workshops.177

ADJUSTMENTTENSIONING THE V-BELTIf the V-belt is properly tensioned - its deflectionmust be 5.5 mm when one belt issubject to the force of 25 N.Tension the V-belt to the prescribedvalue after releasing the fixation screws(1, 2).∗TENSIONING THE V-BELT OF THEAC COMPRESSORIf the V-belt is properly tensioned - its deflectionmust be 7.5 mm when the belt issubject to the force of 25 N.Tension the V-belt to the prescribedvalue after releasing the fixation screwsof the AC compressor.F273 F_02_204 C756ADJUSTING THE PLAY OF THEBRAKE PEDALSThe proper play between the piston rodof the brake pedals and the piston of themain cylinder is 0.5 - 1.0 mm (3 - 6 mmmeasured at the edge of the brake pedalswith the pedals disconnected). Performthe adjustment with the pedals disconnectedand after releasing the adjustmentnut (1) that the piston rod isscrewed in.178BLEEDING THE BRAKE SYSTEM OFTHE TRACTORDo the bleeding with the pedals disconnected,for each wheel separately, as follows:Note: When bleeding the hydraulicbrake circuits you must alwaysdepress one pedal (1) by 7.5 +0,5mm, measured at the piston rodof the main brake cylinder, whichamounts to 3 +0,2 mm at the adjustmentscrew (2) and do thebleeding with the other pedal. Tomaintain the proper distance insertbetween the pedal (1) andadjustment screw (2) a gaugewith the corresponding thickness,i.e. 3 +0,2 mm.

ADJUSTMENTF_02_147BLEEDING THE REAR BRAKE SYSTEM− Check the quantity of brake liquid in the compensation tank; fill up new liquid to themaximum level.− Slide a hose onto the corresponding brake cylinder screw and immerse its other endto the bottom of a transparent container partly filled with the brake liquid.− Depress the brake pedal, release the bleeding screw by 1/4 turn at the most, furtherdepress the brake pedal and tighten the bleeding screw.− Release the brake pedal and repeat the procedure until air bubbles stop escapingfrom the hose.F_02_128During the bleeding observe the liquidlevel in the compensation tank to avoidaspiration of air (A).Make sure that the hose end iscontinuously immersed in the liquidand hold the container ashigh as possible (B). After twoyears you must replace the brakeliquid in the whole brake circuit.179

ADJUSTMENTF_02_205ADJUSTING THE PLAY OF THECLUTCH PEDALThe proper play between the pedal pistonrod and the piston of the main cylinderis not adjusted - it is set by the manufacturer.What should be adjusted is themutual position of the piston rod and pistonrod lug (1) so that the piston rod canbe extended from the cylinder as muchas possible and the play between thepedal and the upper stop screw (2) canbe 0.1 - 0.2 mm at the same time. Then,the piston rod is secured with the nut (3)with regard to the lug. After the adjustmentcheck whether the dust cap of thecylinder is not deformed and repair it byhand if necessary.F284BLEEDING THE HYDRAULIC CIRCUITOF THE CLUTCHDo the bleeding in the same way as inthe case of bleeding of the brake system.The bleeding screw of the clutch disengagementhydraulic circuit is located onthe clutch disengagement cylinder (1).After two years you must replacethe brake liquid in the wholebrake circuit, including the clutchdisengagement hydraulic circuit.180

ADJUSTMENTBLEEDING THE FRONT CARDAN BRAKEBleeding of the brake systems with installed Cardan brake in tractors with the frontdriving axle must be started gradually with both the pairs of the stirrup cylinders. Onepair of the brake stirrup cylinders has 2 bleeding screws (1), the other pair has 3bleeding screws (2). Do the bleeding with the pedals disconnected in such a way thatyou depress one of the pedals slightly and perform the bleeding of one pair of thebrake stirrup cylinders of the 1 st circuit with the other pedal. Then, change the pedalsand bleed the other pair of the brake stirrup cylinders of the 2 nd circuit. After bleedingof the front Cardan brake bleed the rear brake.F285F287FOOT BRAKE CHECKWith the foot brake pedals disconnecteddepress the pedal with the maximumforce of approx 500 N. If the pedal canbe depressed almost to the stop consistingin the boss on the bottom part of theconsole, the foot brake must be adjusted.181

ADJUSTMENTF_02_139FOOT BRAKE ADJUSTMENTBefore the adjustment of the foot brake the parking brake levermust be in the unbraked position and between the nut (1) andpin (2) in the disc brake lever (3) there must be some play. Ifyou find zero play, loosen the nut (1) slightly. Lift both the rearwheels and instruct your assistant to turn one of them by hand.At the same time tighten the adjustment nut (4) until the wheelcannot be turned. Stop tightening. Then, loosed the adjustmentnut by 5/6 of a turn (5 tabs of the nut) and check the turning ofthe wheel.After this basic adjustment check the operation of the footbrakes to see whether the braking effect of both the wheels isthe same. If not, loosen the adjustment nut (4) by the requiredvalue on the side where the braking effect is higher.F_02_138PARKING BRAKE ADJUSTMENTThe adjustment of the parking brake follows after the adjustmentof the foot brake. The parking brake lever must be in theunbraked position. Perform the adjustment in such a way thatthe self-locking nut (1) of the parking brake draw-bar can touchthe pin (2) in the disc brake lever (3).After this basic adjustment check the operation of the parkingbrake to see whether the braking effect of both the wheels isthe same. If not, loosen the adjustment nut (1) by the requiredvalue on the side where the braking effect is higher.182

ADJUSTMENTREPLACING BRAKE SEGMENTS OFTHE FRONT CARDAN BRAKEThe brake segments must be replacedif the lining thickness drops to 2 mm.The brake segments are accessible afterremoving of the two locking pintsthat secure the covering metal sheet.Wear of the brake segments of theCardan brake is signalled by the indicatoron the dashboard.Note: The brake lining of the Cardanbrake contains contacts that connectthe electric indicating circuit when thelining gets worn.F291 F_02_142 F_2_132ADJUSTMENT OF THE LIFTING DRAW-BARS OF THE HITCH FOR A SINGLE-AXLE SEMI-TRAILER− Raise the hydraulic arms to the upper -transport position with the position controlselected and the vibration compensator off.− Screw the nuts on the adjustable draw-barstowards the guiding pipe without any play.− Tighten the nuts by another 4.5 turns.− Check whether it is possible to tilt off thesupporting hooks freely.− By lowering and repeated lifting of the hydraulicarms to the transport position checkwhether the engine does not tend to “stall"at the idle speed - the relief valve of the hydraulicpump must not be in operation.− Then, lower the arms slightly.ADJUSTING THE BOWDEN CABLEIt is performed if the carrier with thetowing hook is in contact with the supportinghooks. The Bowden cable mustbe tensioned to avoid any play of thecontrol lever in the cab. Then, the cableis secured against loosening with anut.183

ADJUSTMENTF_02_129 F_02_130 F_02_131CALIBRATION OF THE TRAVELLINGSPEED OF THE DIGITAL DASHBOARDDashboard is calibrated after the assemblyin production plant.Do the repeated calibration:− After significant wear of tyres− When assembling new tyres− When replacing the dashboardCALIBRATION PROCEDURE− On an appropriate area, mark a trackof 100 m length− Inflate the tyres of the tractor to theprescribed pressure, see tables of thisOperator´s Manual− Start the engine− Locate the tractor at the beginning ofthe hundred-metre track− Press the (A) and (B) buttons simultaneously.Keep the buttons pressed for7 sec. There will be an acoustic signaland in “c-n-t” inscription starts flashingon the display.− Release both buttons (A) and (B), “cn-t”inscription stops flashing− Start the tractor in a balanced speed of10 km.h -1− After travelling the whole distance of100 m, stop the tractor on a markedend of the track (see fig. F_02_129)− Press (B) button.− If calibration has been completed withouterrors, there will be acoustic signaland “Pulse” inscription will appear onthe display− After 2 sec, calibration value will appearon the display.− After another 2 sec, the calibration isautomatically completed, dashboard iscalibrated and ready for operation.184

MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSPageMain dimensions of the tractor (mm)....................................................................... 186Technical data of tractors........................................................................................ 187Technical data of tractor engines ............................................................................ 188Max. Permissible load of the carraro 20.19 front axle (kg) ...................................... 189Max. Permissible load of the rear axle (kg) ............................................................. 189Max. Permissible weight of the “tractor + machine” set (kg).................................... 190Manoeuvrability condition........................................................................................ 190Load-bearing capacities of the front tyres ............................................................... 191Change of the load-bearing capacity of the front tyres (%)...................................... 191Load-bearing capacities of the rear tyres ................................................................ 192Change of the load capacity of the rear tyres (%) ................................................... 193Permitted combinations of wheels for tractors......................................................... 193Power ...................................................................................................................... 194Lifting force of the three-point hitch ......................................................................... 194Tractor speeds (40 km/h) ........................................................................................ 195Independent rear pto............................................................................................... 196Speed of the zuidberg front pto ............................................................................... 196Outer outline and track turning diameter ................................................................. 197185

MAIN DIMENSIONS OF THE TRACTOR (MM)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor type FORTERRA noteTyre dimensionsFront 14,9R24Rear 580/70R38Outline length with hitches with the frontthree-point hitch lowered 4885 without ballast weightsOutline length with hitches without the frontthree-point hitch 4340 without ballast weightsWidth over the rear fenders 2164Height to the exhaust outlet 2856Tractor height to the upper cab edge 2870Inner height under the front axle support 520Height of the mouth of the stage hitch in thetop position (mouth centre) 1005Wheel base 2390186

TECHNICAL DATA OF TRACTORSMAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor typeFORTERRA FORTERRA FORTERRA FORTERRA FORTERRA100110120130140Engine type 1006 1306 1406 1506 1606Engine kinddiesel, four-stroke with direct fuel injection, turbochargedEngine designin-line, vertical, water cooledNumber of cylinders 4Displacement cm 3 4156Bore x stroke mm 105x120Nominal speed rpm 2200Injection sequence 1-3-4-2Compression ratio 17Max. overspeed rpm 2460Idle speed rpm 800±25Net power at the nominalspeedkW 71 79 86 93 100Fuel consumption at thenominal engine speed (2200 g.kW -1 .h -1 240 238 238 239 240rpm)Max. torque (1,480 rpm) Nm 419 451 482 540 570Inclination Mt % 38Fuel consumption at themaximum torque (1,480 rpm)g.kW -1 .h -1 213 212 211 211 212Engine lubricationpressurized with a Gerotor pumpMaximum consumption of oilafter 100 hours of engine running-ing.kW -1 .h -1 0,5Oil pressure at the nominalengine speed and the oil temperatureof 80°CMPa 0,3 – 0,5187

TECHNICAL DATA OF TRACTOR ENGINESMAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor typeFORTERRA FORTERRA FORTERRA FORTERRA FORTERRA100110120130140Engine type 1006 1306 1406 1506 1606Minimum oil pressure at theengine speed of 750 rpm MPa 0,08and oil temperature of 80°CMax. coolant temperature °C 106Timing typeOHVTiming angle ° 11 12Valve clearance with the enginecold− suction− exhaust− valve bridge clearancemmmmmm0,25±0,050,25±0,050,05188

MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSMAX. PERMISSIBLE LOAD OF THE CARRARO 20.19 FRONT AXLE (KG)Travelling speedkm/hWheel track (mm)1590 - 1655 1730 - 1740 1800-1880 1890 -1955 2030 - 20408 5600 5100 4400 4100 380020 4300 3900 3380 3150 290030 4300 3900 3380 3150 290040 4300 3900 3380 3150 2900The load only refers to the entire axle; the permissible load with regard to tyres is specified in the tab. “Load-bearing capacityof the front tyres”.MAX. PERMISSIBLE LOAD OF THE REAR AXLE (KG)Travelling speedkm/hWheel track (mm)1500 1575 1650 1725 18008 7500 7500 7300 6800 650020 6000 6000 5900 5500 515030 6000 6000 5900 5500 515040 5500 5500 5500 5500 5150The load only refers to the entire axle; the permissible load with regard to tyres is specified in the tab. “Load-bearing capacityof the rear tyres”.189

MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSMAX. PERMISSIBLE WEIGHT OF THE “TRACTOR + MACHINE” SET (KG)Travelling speedMaximum weight of the set(km/h)8 900020 800030 800040 8000MANOEUVRABILITY CONDITIONTravelling speed(km/h)Weight of the front axle of the tractor out of thetotal weight of the carrying set (%)max. 40 min. 25max. 15 min. 18190

LOAD-BEARING CAPACITIES OF THE FRONT TYRESTyre load-bearingcapacity(kg)Tyre1 pcMAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTravelling speed40 km.h -1 30 km.h -1 20 km.h -1 8 km.h -1Tyre load-bearing Tyre load-bearing Tyre load-bearingcapacitycapacitycapacity(kg)(kg)(kg)AxleTyre1 pcAxle12.4-24 1140 2280 220 1425 2850 220 1710 3420 220 1995 3990 2<strong>2012</strong>.4R24 1360 2720 160 1455 2910 160 1670 3340 160 2040 4080 16012.4-28 10PR 1432 2864 280 1790 3580 280 1950 3900 250 2505 5010 28013.6R24 1450 2900 160 1550 3100 160 1780 3560 160 2175 4350 16014.9-24 1408 2816 180 1760 3520 180 1950 3900 160 2464 4930 18014.9R24 1700 3400 160 1820 3640 160 1950 3900 150 2550 5100 160380/70R24 1650 3300 160 1765 3530 160 1950 3900 150 2475 4950 160420/70R24 1900 3800 160 1950 3900 160 1950 3900 130 2550 5100 140The load-bearing capacity values refer to the front wheel track of 1730 - 1740 mm.Note: The 380/70R24 tyre is a dimensional equivalent of the 13.6R24 tyre.The 420/70R24 tyre is a dimensional equivalent of the 14.9R24 tyre.The specified inflation values are minimum valued adapted to the current tyre load so that the tyre deformation can remain in therange in which all the operation requirements are met.During operation on a hard base it is suitable with regard to slippage and abrasion of the tyre to increase the pressure by 30 kPa.191Tyre1 pcCHANGE OF THE LOAD-BEARING CAPACITY OF THE FRONT TYRES (%)Travelling speed (km/h) diagonal radial8 + 40 + 5020 + 20 + 2330 0 + 740 - 20 0AxleTyre1 pcAxleTyre dimensionsInflation(kPa)Inflation(kPa)Inflation(kPa)Inflation(kPa)

LOAD-BEARING CAPACITIES OF THE REAR TYRESMAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERS16.9-34 1900 3800 170 2380 4760 170 2750 5500 170 3330 6660 17016.9R34 2430 4860 160 2600 5200 160 2750 5500 150 3400 6800 15018.4-34 2050 4100 140 2565 5130 140 2750 5500 120 3400 6800 13018.4R34 2750 5500 160 2750 5500 160 2750 5500 120 3400 6800 12016.9-38 2060 4120 170 2575 5150 160 2750 5500 150 3400 6800 16016.9R38 2575 5150 160 2750 5500 160 2750 5500 130 3400 6800 13018.4-38 2170 4340 140 2715 5430 140 2750 5500 110 3400 6800 11018.4R38 2750 5500 140 2750 5500 140 2750 5500 110 3400 6800 120480/70R38 2750 5500 150 2750 5500 150 2750 5500 110 3400 6800 110520/70R38 2750 5500 120 2750 5500 120 2750 5500 90 3400 6800 90600/65R38 2750 5500 80 2750 5500 80 2750 5500 60 3400 6800 80The load-bearing capacity values refer to the rear-wheel track of 1725 mm.Note: The 480/70R38 tyre is a dimensional equivalent of the 16.9R38 tyre. The 570/70R38 tyre is a dimensional equivalent of the18.4R38 tyre.The specified inflation values are minimum valued adapted to the current tyre load so that the tyre deformation can remain in therange in which all the operation requirements are met.During operation on a hard base it is suitable with regard to slippage and abrasion of the tyre to increase the pressure by 30 kPa.Tyre dimensionsTravelling speed40 km.h -1 30 km.h -1 20 km.h -1 8 km.h -1Tyre load-bearingcapacity (kg)Tyre load-bearingcapacity (kg)Tyre load-bearingcapacity (kg)Tyre load-bearingcapacity (kg)TyreInflation1 pcTyreInflation1 pcTyreInflation1 pcTyre1 pcAxleAxleAxleAxle(kPa)(kPa)(kPa)Inflation(kPa)192

MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSCHANGE OF THE LOAD CAPACITY OF THE REAR TYRES (%)Travelling speed (km/h) diagonal radial8 + 40 + 5020 + 20 + 2330 0 + 740 - 20 0PERMITTED COMBINATIONS OF WHEELS FOR TRACTORSFront wheelsTyre dimensionsEquivalent12.4R24 12.4-2413.6R24 380/70R2412.4-28 420/70 R2414.9R2414.9-24Rear wheelsTyre dimensions Equivalent18.4R34 18.4-3416.9R38 480/70R3818.4R34 18.4-3416.9R38 480/70R3818.4R38 18.4-38520/70R38600/65R3818.4R38 18.4-38520/70R38600/65R3816.9R38 480/70R38Caution! The combinations of dimensions of the front and rear wheels are limited by the size of the toothed wheel in thefront drive box. Always consult any changes of the dimensions of the front and rear tyres except the equivalents of thetyres installed on the tractor with your dealer.193

POWERMAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSFORTERRA100FORTERRA110Tractor typeFORTERRA120FORTERRA130FORTERRA140Engine type (TIER III) Z 1006 Z 1306 Z 1406 Z 1506 Z 1606PTO power (kW±2%)at the nominal engine speed and engaged 1000rpm of the PTOEngine in the running-in stage (until 100 hours)53.6 60.8 66.5 73.9 78Engine after the running-in stage (from 100hours on) 56.5 64.0 70.0 77.8 82LIFTING FORCE OF THE THREE-POINTHITCHLifting force at the end of the bottom draw-barsof the rear three-point hitch in the whole liftingrange at the maximum usable pressure, with theauxiliary cylinder (kN).Lifting force at the end of the lower draw-bars ofthe front three-point hitch in the whole liftingrange at the maximum usable pressure (kN) -Zuidberg front three-point hitch6035194

TRACTOR SPEEDS (40 KM/H)MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSTractor equipped with a four-speed gearbox with the speed of 40 km/h, reduction, a three-stage torque multiplier, reversing and the front drivingaxle (24 forward speeds, 18 reverse speeds)FORWARD SPEEDSREVERSE SPEEDSGear Overall gear ratioTractor speed at the nominal enginespeedGear Overall gear ratioTractor speed at the nominal enginespeed16.9-38(795 mm)18.4-38(820 mm)16.9-38(795 mm)18.4-38(820 mm)H 17.920 36.8 37.9 H 22.187 29.7 30.64 Hi M 20.719 31.8 32.8 3 Hi M 25.653 25.7 26.5L 23.985 27.5 28.3 L 29.696 22.2 22.9H 25.653 25.7 26.5 H 33.608 19.6 20.23 Hi M 29.661 22.2 22.9 2 Hi M 38.858 17.0 17.5L 34.336 19.2 19.8 L 44.983 14.7 15.1H 38.859 17.0 17.5 H 51.883 12.7 13.12 Hi M 44.930 14.7 15.1 1 Hi M 59.987 11.0 11.3L 52.012 12.7 13.1 L 69.443 9.49 9.79H 59.989 11.0 11.3 H 91.730 7.19 7.411 Hi M 69.360 9.50 9.80 3 Lo M 106.059 6.22 6.41L 80.293 8.21 8.47 L 122.777 5.37 5.54H 74.089 8.90 9.18 H 138.952 4.74 4.894 Lo M 85.663 7.70 7.94 2 Lo M 160.658 4.10 4.23L 99.166 6.65 6.86 L 185.981 3.54 3.66H 106.063 6.22 6.41 H 214.506 3.07 3.173 Lo M 122.631 5.38 5.54 1 Lo M 248.015 2.66 2.74L 141.961 4.64 4.79 L 287.109 2.30 2.37H 160.663 4.10 4.23 The fourth gear speed cannot be engaged!2 Lo M 185.760 3.55 3.66 Wheels EquivalentL 215.041 3.07 3.16 16.9-38 16.9 R 38; 480/70 R 38H 248.023 2.66 2.74 18.4-38 18.4 R 38; 520/70 R 381 Lo M 286.768 2.30 2.37 14.9-24 14.9 R 24; 420/70 R 24L 331.969 1.99 2.05 12.4 R 28; 360/70 R 28195

MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSINDEPENDENT REAR PTOGear ratio PTO speed / engine speed PTO speed / engine speed3.54 540/1913 621/22001.95 1000/1950 1128/22002.89 540E/2171 760/2200SPEED OF THE ZUIDBERG FRONT PTO∗ - optionTurning direction PTO speed / engine speed PTO speed / engine speedright (a) 1000 / 1920 1146 / 2200∗left (b) 1000 / 2000 1100 / 2200E80196

MAIN TECHNICAL PARAMETERSOUTER OUTLINE AND TRACK TURNING DIAMETERTrack widthfront 1.730 mm Tyrefront 420/70 R24 14.9 R24rear1.725 mm dimensions rear 520/70 R38 18.4 R38Without engagement of the front driving axle 12.410 mm 11.280 mmTrack diameterWithout engagement of the front driving axle with braking of theinner rear wheel10.695 mm 9.690 mmWith engagement of the front driving axle 13.130 mm 12.180 mmWith engagement of the front driving axle with braking of the innerrear wheel8.795 mm 8.360 mmWithout engagement of the front driving axle 12.625 mm 11.800 mmOutline diameterWithout engagement of the front driving axle with braking of theinner rear wheel11.230 mm 11.140 mmWith engagement of the front driving axle 13.580 mm 12.750 mmWith engagement of the front driving axle with braking of the innerrear wheel9.435 mm 8.945 mm197


AAccumulator battery 131Accumulator battery maintenance 132Acquaintance with the tractor 19Adjusting the Bowden cable 183Adjusting the front grill headlights 136Adjusting the lowering rate of the front three-point hitch 112Adjusting the play of the brake pedals 178Adjusting the play of the clutch pedal 180Adjusting the seat for the driver’s weight 26Adjustment 177Adjustment of the lifting draw-bars of the hitch for asingle-axle semi-trailer 183Adjustment of toe-in of the wheels of the front drivingaxle 118After draining oil 166Aggregation opening 39Air brakes of trailers and semi-trailers 65Air filter with active carbon 29Air filter with active carbon 169Air-conditioning maintenance 170Air-conditioning switch (C) 30Alternator 133Alternator maintenance 133Analogue dashboard 35Antifreeze solution for tyre filling 127Automatic control of three-point hitch 102Automatic mouth of the CBM stage hitch 76BBallast weights 121Basic service information 130Battery disconnector 39INDEX199Battery disconnector 131Before you start 53Bleeding the brake system of the tractor 178Bleeding the front Cardan brake 181Bleeding the fuel system 158Bleeding the hydraulic circuit of the clutch 180Bleeding the hydraulic circuit of the hydrostatic steering162Bleeding the rear brake system 179Blocking cancellation 97Bottom weights 122Brake liquid replenishment 168CCalibration of the travelling speed of the digital dashboard184Carbon filter installation instructions 168CBM stage quick-adjusting hitch 76Cleaning the heating filters 169Connecting and disconnecting quick-couplers 89Connecting and disconnecting quick-couplers of hydraulicbrakes of the trailer 67Connecting machines and implements to the outerhydraulic circuit 94Console with a ø 80 ball module 78Control element functions 96Control of air circulation in the cab (D) 31Control of the auxiliary hydraulic distributor (externalhydraulic circuit) 39Control of the front and rear PTO 83Control panel of heating, *air-conditioning, *radio 30Control panel on the right cab pillar 39Coolant heater 55

INDEXCoolant replacement 164DDescription of minor errors of the EHR-B electrohydraulicsystem 105Description of the functions of individual positions ofcontrol levers of the hydraulic distributor 92Diesel particle filter 39Diesel particle filter 57Diesel particle filter – system failures signalization 58Diesel particle filter failure codes 58Diesel particle filter maintenance 171Diesel particle filter regeneration 59Digital dashboard 37Display of pto speed 38Door opening from the inside 21Door opening from the outside 21Double-hose brakes 66Drain plug of the fuel tank 39Draining condensate from the air reservoir 170Draining oil from the engine 156Drive of agricultural machines 81Drive of machines with larger inertial masses 85Driver´s seat 27Driving downhill 64Driving operation 51Driving uphill 64Driving with agricultural machines attached to the frontthree-point hitch 113Driving with the front driving axle engaged 68Dry air cleaner maintenance instructions 159During the first 10 hours 72200EElectric installation 129Electric system 130Electro-hydraulic system 95Engine preheating 56Engine stopping control 39Ensuring free space for the Cardan shaft of the frontdriving axle 69Equipment “OFF” 96External control buttons of the electro-hydraulic system 103FFan control (B) 30Fast heating of the cab space 31Fenders of the front driving axle 118Filling and filter replacement 142Filling the engine with oil 157Filling, inspection and drain opening of oil of the frontwheel reducers 167Fixed and free position of the lower hydraulic drawbars109Foot brake adjustment 182Foot brake check 181Foot brakes 64Free position 100From 100 hours on 73Front Cardan brake 65Front driven axle 149Front driving axle control 68Front outlets of the outer hydraulic circuit 93Front PTO 168Front PTO - Zuidberg 84Front PTO oil 144

INDEXFront three-point hitch 112 Hydraulic system 88Front three-point hitch 150 Hydraulic system 87Front three-point hitch control 112 Hydrostatic steering oil tank 160Front weights 123ChFront windshield (B) defrosting 33 Change of the load capacity of the rear tyres (%) 193Front, rear differential lock button (J) 39 Change of the load-bearing capacity of the front tyresFuel tank 39 (%) 191Fuse box 134 Changing the independent speed value of the rearGPTO 84Gear shifting 60 Checking the adjustment of the cab roof headlights 137General overhaul of the tractors 152 Checking the adjustment of the front grill headlights 136General principles for running in the new tractor in theChecking the air systems for leaks 171course of the first 100 hours of operation 72 Checking the oil level in the engine 156HIHeating and air-conditioning outlets (A) (*radio speakers)If the engine will not start 5333 Immediately after cooling down the cab 32Heating or air-conditioning operation during work of theImmediately after starting 56tractor 32 Increasing, reducing the travelling speed by two gears 62Heating valve control (A) 30 Independent rear pto 196Height adjustment and disassembly of the CBM stageIndex 199hitch 76 Indication of EHR-B errors 104Height adjustment of the lifting draw-bars 109 Indication of errors of the glowing system 54Hitch for a single-axle CBM semi-trailer 78 Indication of the multiplier function 62Hitch for a single-axle semi-trailer 150KHitch mouth for a trailer 151 Key in “0” position 39Hitches 107 Key in “I” position 39Hydraulic brake liquid for the tractors 147 Key in “II” position 39Hydraulic brakes of trailers 67LHydraulic control panel 39Leaving the tractor 70Hydraulic distributor of the outer hydraulic circuit 91Levers of the parking brake and hitch for a single-axleHydraulic lock of the front three-point hitch 113trailer 39Hydraulic pump 88Lifting force of the three-point hitch 194201

Light switch (A) 39Lighter and three-pin socket 39Limitation of the upper position of the three-point hitch 99Limiting draw-bars 109Liquid for the cooling system of the tractors 148List of lamps 138Load-bearing capacities of the front tyres 191Load-bearing capacities of the rear tyres 192Location of control elements - EHR - B - Bosch electrohydraulicsystem 88Location of serial numbers 7Longitudinal adjustment of the seat 26Lower draw-bars with CBM hooks 110Lower draw-bars with extensible end pieces 110Lowering speed 100Lubrication and filling points of the front driving axle 167MMain dimensions of the tractor (mm) 186Main shifting lever and reversing lever 39Main technical parameters 185Maintenance and treatment of tyres 172Maintenance instructions 153Manoeuvrability condition 190Manual setting of control of three-point hitch 101Manual throttle lever 39MARS SVRATKA driver’s seat 26Max. Permissible load of the carraro 20.19 front axle(kg) 189Max. Permissible load of the rear axle (kg) 189Max. Permissible weight of the “tractor + machine” set(kg) 190Maximum liquid weight (kg) by tyre dimensions 126INDEX202Maximum permissible vertical static load of hitches fortrailers and semi-trailers 79Modular system of hitches for trailers and semi-trailers 77OOil for the front driving axle 146Oil for the hydrostatic steering of the tractors 146Oil for transmission systems of the tractors 145Oil for transmission systems of the tractors 145Oil quantity drawn from the outer hydraulic outlets 90Opening the hood 155Outer hydraulic circuit 89Outer outline and track turning diameter 197PParking brake adjustment 182Passenger´s seat 25Pedals and levers 39Permitted combinations of wheels for tractors 193Plastic lubricant for the tractor 147Possible adjustable tracks of the front wheels of thefront driving axle of the tractors 116Power 194Preventive daily maintenance 13Procedure of draining liquid from the tyres 125Procedure of filling the tyres with liquid 124Prohibited starting methods 53Proper function of the heating and air-conditioningsystem 31PTO end pieces 84QQuick cooling of the cab space 32Quick sinking 98Quick-couplings with drip collection 89

RRear outlets of the outer hydraulic circuit 93Rear PTO - selection of dependent and independentspeed (rpm) 83Rear three-point hitch 108Rear wheel track adjustment 120Rear wheel track change 120Rear wheel weights 122Rear window 22Rearview mirrors 24Reassembly of the air cleaner elements 160Recommended inflation values of the front wheel tyres 173Recommended inflation values of the rear wheel tyres 174Recovery of the main air cleaner element 159Replacement of the transmission oil cleaner elementwith hydraulic pump suction filter 166Replacing brake segments of the front Cardan brake 183Replacing the filtration element of the hydrostatic steering161Replacing the fuel filter element 157Replacing the full-flow engine oil cleaner 156Replacing the hydrostatic steering hoses 163Replacing the safety element of the air cleaner 159Reversing lever 60Running in the tractor 71SSafety cab 21Safety instructions for users 9Safety principles of working with the three-point hitch 108Securing the lower draw-bars with CBM hooks 111Selector of the grill and cab headlights (B) 39INDEX203Selector of turn signal, low and high beam lights andhorn (L) 39Setting in motion 63Setting the control of three-point hitch 101Setting the wheel stops of the front driving axle 119Shifting from higher to lower gear speed 61Shifting from lower to higher gear speed 61Shifting lever of dependent and independent PTO rpm 39Shifting lever of road and reduced gears 39Shifting of road and reduced gear speeds 60Shifting the stages of the torque multiplier 62Side window 22Single-hose and double-hose brakes 66Single-hose brakes 66Speed of the zuidberg front pto 196Starting the engine with the use of the coolant heater 55Starting the tractor engine 54Steps performed daily before the start of work 140Steps performed every 100 hours of work 140Steps performed every 50 hours of work 140Steps performed every 500 hours of work 141Steps performed outside the interval of 500 hours ofwork 141Stop position 98Stopping the engine 69Stopping the tractor - parking brake 69Storage compartment and tool box 24Storing the tractor 175Swinging draw-bar 77Swinging draw-bar console module 77Swinging draw-bar console with a fixed pin module 77Switch of the front driving axle (F) 39

INDEXSwitches, selectors and levers 39Switching box 39TTechnical data of tractor engines 188Technical data of tractors 187Technical maintenance of the tractors after a generaloverhaul of the main groups 152Tensioning the V-belt 178Tensioning the V-belt of the AC compressor 178Three-point hitch 151Three-stage torque multiplier 61Tilting and extensible steering wheel 28Tilting lid 22Tilting steering wheel 28Toe-in of the wheels of the front driving axle 117Torque multiplier preselection switch (i) 39Tractor maintenance 139Tractor speeds (40 km/h) 195Transport of implements 98Transportation 75Tyre inflation 172Tyres for driving wheels 175Tyres for driving wheels 175UUpper draw-bar 111Used operation liquids and filling - quantities 143Using the buttons 103Using the rear control 103VValve for filling tyre tubes with liquid 124Vertical adjustment of the seat 26Vibration compensator (damper) 99204WWarning indication of a hydrostatic steering error 70Warning indication of an air pressure drop 65Warning light switch (E) 39Washer control 23Washer nozzle 23Washer tank 23Wedging the front wheels 125Weight of the front three-point hitch 123Wheel track change 115Working and transport position of the front three-pointhitch 113Working pressure of air brakes 171Working with PTO 82


Operator's manualForterra 100Forterra 110Forterra 120Forterra 130Forterra 140Edition: 3-100-<strong>2012</strong>Publication No.: TRACTORS a.s.Department of Technical DocumentationTrnkova 111632 00206

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