Astronomically - Oculum-Verlag

Astronomically - Oculum-Verlag

Astronomically - Oculum-Verlag

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<strong>Astronomically</strong>greatMarketing !Media Kit 2013 Price list no. 14 – effective from 1 November 2012

In print, on the web, on thenewsletter, on video...The full monty for your advertisementwith interstellarum!interstellarum is the leading German-language magazinefor practical astronomy, addressing novices and seasonedamateurs alike. For more than 18 years now, it has beendedicated to offering its readers spectacular insights intocelestial phenomena and to inspiring in them some of thesame fascination with astronomy that drives the peoplebehind the magazine.Starting 2013, interstellarum will beoffering its readership even more:• a sharper focus on beginners: with a new rubric weaim to take novices by the hand and offer them stepby-stepinstructions• a sharper focus on entertainment with our newgloss and more interviews• a sharper focus on interaction: utilising Facebook,we will not only give our readership a platform for discussionsabout articles, but instead we go full circle andlet these flow back into the print magazine• a sharper focus on information with our new twitterservice, notifying users about upcoming celestialevents, current research, new publications, etc.With an average circulation of 10,000 copies, interstellarummakes for an attractive advertising medium. What is more,ads in the printed magazine are by default complementedwith banners on our popular website interstellarum.deand/or in our bi-weekly interstellarum newsletter, reachingmore than 7,700 subscribers.With the ›interstellarum Sternstunde‹ we have venturedeven further – into video. ›interstellarum Sternstunde‹ isthe first German-language videocast dedicated exclusivelyto all things astronomy and is published bi-monthlyin tow of the printed magazine. About 30 minutes long,each issue reaches up to 11,000 viewers.We invite you to seize this opportunity and harnessfor your brand the competence and popularityinterstellarum has earned over almost two decades.Advertise successfully – with interstellarum!

Print3interstellarumPriceAnnual subscription:• 59.90€ (DE/AT)• 64.90€ (other countries)Annual subscriptionsinclude both special issues.Trial subscription:• 12.90€ (DE/AT)• 14.90€ (other countries)Single issue:• 7.90€ (DE/AT)• 13.50 sFr (CH)Publication FrequencyContent• Background stories on diverseastronomical topics• Latest science news• Extensive coverage of all currentcelestial events• Recommended targets for own observationswith star charts and object info• Tests of astronomical instruments• Guides on astrophotographicimaging techniques• Reviews and links to furtherresources online• Step-by-step instructions for novices• Observation and travel reports• Commentaries and interviewsSpecial Issue ›The Sun‹• Solar activity and solar research• Discovery of solar phenomena• Introduction into solar photography theprocessing of H-alpha images• Tests of solar telescopes and filtersUnique Selling PointsTruly neutral product tests instead ofbiased experiential reportsNo syndicated content: all articles areresearched in-houseAll editors have years of experience inthe fieldReaders are encouraged to contributethrough interactive observationprojectsAll relevant retailers and manufacturersadvertise with usSpecial Issue ›Telescopes &Binoculars 2013‹• Two major product tests• Thorough market review of telescopes,mounts, eyepieces and accessories• Introduction of over 70 novelties• Astronomical novelty of the year as votedfor by our readersConsecutive issues:Published bi-monthly:• February / March (86)• April / May (87)• June / July (88)• August / September (89)• October / November (90)• December / January (91)Special issue ›The Sun‹:• on sale from 19 April 2013• on sale untilOctober 2014Special issue›Telescopes & Binoculars‹:• on sale from18 October 2013• on sale until April 2014

4 PrintCirculationAudience & Circulation• Print run: 10,000• Subscribers:3,000• Retail sale: 3,500• Specimen andpromo copies: 800Point of Sale• Retail:2,500Newsagents: 50%Book stores: 27%Supermarkets: 8%Petrol stations: 4%Others: 11%• Station bookshopsincluding airports: 300• Telescope retailers: 15SwitzerlandAustria7%6%Stations/Airports (DE)19%Our ReadershipInterstellarum is the leading magazine for practical astronomy. Our readership consistsof a well-balanced mix of both novices as well as seasoned experts in the field of amateurastronomy. Exhibiting a particularly high affinity for modern technology, our readers arewell equipped and well-funded – an ideal target audience for your astronomical products.95% of all readers own at least one telescope and 81% at least one pair of binoculars.The Perfect MixtureThe interstellarum readership is made up ofone third novices and two thirds seasonedamateur astronomers:• 68% are seasonedamateurs• 23% describe themselvesas novices• 5% are experts intheir specialty• 3%are primarily interested intheoretical astronomyExperience CountsMore than half of our readers has beenexcercising their hobby for over 10 years!• 55% more than 10 years• 25% 3 to 10 years• 17% 1 to 3 years• 2% less than oneyear5% 3%23%68%2%17%55%25%Optics FirstOur readers own more than 13,000 telescopesand over 4,000 pairs of binoculars.• 95% own telescopes:7% own more than 523% own 3 to 544% own 2 or 323% own one81% own a pair of binocularsWell EquippedOur readership exhibits a high affinity fortechnology:• 59% use notebook computers• 57% use desktop computers• 42% engage in webcam-photography• 40% engage in DSLR-photography• 23% engage in photography with digitalcompact cameras• 21% engage in CCD-photography• 18% engage in classic photography withanalogue film68%Retailers (DE)Well-FundedEvery year, our readers invest 4.5 millionEuros on astronomy:• 6% spend more than 3,000€ per year• 17% spend 1,000€ to 3,000€ per year• 30% spend 500€ to 1,000€ per year• 35% spend 100€ to 500€ per year• 8% spend less than 100€ per year6%: > 3,000 €17%: 1,000 € to 3,000 €30%: 500 € to 1,000 €35%: 100 € to 500 €8%: < 100 €Data basis: interstellarum Readers' Poll 2007

Online5Newsletter & WebsitePriceFree of chargeinterstellarumAstronomy NewsletterThe Largest German-language OnlineNews Service on Astronomy:• Up-to-date information on celestialevents• Observation tips for amateurastronomers• The latest science news• Introduction of new products• Events and people• Information for readers of interstellarumExceptional acceptance:The interstellarum newsletter isread regularly or always by 90% ofour more than 7,700 subscribers.Publication Frequency• Bi-weekly• Special issues as indicatedby current eventsCirculation• More than 7,700subscribers• 200,000 views per yearLinks• www.interstellarum.de/newsletter-archiv.aspinterstellarum.deThe Online Resource Site onAstronomy:• Up-to-date news• Two-month previews with sky maps• Images taken by our readers onsonneaktuell.de, planetenaktuell.de andkometenaktuell.de• Extensive help pages for beginners• Support for subscribersPriceFree of chargeCirculation• 50,000 visits per month• 120,000 page impressionsper monthLinks• www.interstellarum.de

Online7Fernrohrfinder.deDatabaseFernrohrfinder.deMore than 1,600products from ca. 80manufacturers:Seitenzugriffe 1.1.2011 – 14.10.2012Page views 563,777Page views per month 25,626Visitors 24,331Pages per visitor 29The World's Largest Online Databaseof TelescopesQuickly find telescopes, mounts andeyepieces – free of charge! fernrohrfinder.deis the world's largest online database of telescopes– fully dynamic and searchable. Witha simple click of their mouse and based onreviews available for many products, usersare able to choose between devices of all typesand manufacturers. Each product can becombined with others, e.g. an optical tubewith fitting mounts and eyepieces. What ismore, on-site quotes from resellers lead directlyto their respective webshops and telescopeowners are invited to contribute to thedatabase by submitting additional reviews.more than 500 completetelescope setsmore than 350optical tubesmore than 130 mountsca. 600 eyepiecesStatistics1 January 2012 until14 October 2012• Total page views: 563,777• Page viewsper month: 25,626• Visitors:24,331• Mean pagesper visitor: 29LinksType Scope of Services Modalities Rate BillingReseller Unlimited editing of contract in Pro account: 1,000 € / year yearly inaccount products. Approved byeditors.Starter account: up to 10new products per year.writing Starter account: 300 € / year advanceOfferBannerMotif onhome pageCreate links to everyproduct. Requires reselleraccount.Starter account: up to 3offers at one time.Super banner 728 × 90pxSkyscraper 160 × 600pxTelescope motif onhome pageeditable anderasable atany timeBooking **Booking perquarter2.50 € per link and month* quarterly tothe day(1 month =30 days)40 € per 1.000 impressions per order50 € per 1.000 impressions1,000 € per quarter per order• www.fernrohrfinder.de* Rebate: 10% from 50 links, 20% from 100 links, 30% from 200 links, 40% from 400 links** Booking of 5,000, 10,000, 25,000, 50,000 impressions

8 Ad PlacementRestrictionsAd Formats & Rates• Adverts on cover pagesare always bleed sizes.• Compact ads are placedexclusively in a dedicatedsection of the magazine.Full PageWithin type areaDirections• The given dimensionsfor bleed sizes include3mm bleed on eachside. No importantinformation must beplaced in this area.• For informationen ondata formats and submissionplease see page 11.1112221 Vertical 180 × 265.5mm 2,126 × 3,136pxFull bleed2 Vertical 216 × 303mm 2,551 × 3,579px1/2 PageWithin type area1 Vertical 87.75 × 265.5mm 1,036 × 3,136px2 Horizontal 180 × 130.5mm 2,126 × 1,541pxFull bleed43 Vertical 108.75 × 303mm 1,284 × 3,579px4 Horizontal 216 × 152.25mm 2,551 × 1,798px33421/4 Page1122Within type area1 Vertical 87.75 × 130.5mm 1,036 × 1,541px1122 Horizontal 180 × 63mm 2,126 × 744px1111Compact Ad1111Within type area1 Horizontal 87.75 × 63mm 1,036 × 744px

Ad Placement9DirectionsRates for Print and Online AdsFormatIn addition to everybooking of a print ad youreceive the following freeof charge:Supplement for the print magazineUp to 25g 100 € per 1.000Up to 50g 150 € per 1.000Additional banner ads1 × skyscraper 120 € per month1 × super banner 100 € per monthAdditional event ads1 × Event ad 100 €1-3 issuesRuntime ofonline banners:1-3 months4-7 issuesRuntime ofonline banners:6-9 monthsRate8 issuesRuntime ofonline banners:12 months9% Rebate 18% RebateOutside back cover1,800 € 1,638 € 1,476 €Inside covers 1× super banner and1,300 € 1,183 € 1,066 €3 pages1x skyscraper both in theinterstellarum-Newsletter1,900 € 1,729 € 1,558 €Spread and on interstellarum.de1,500 € 1,365 € 1,230 €Full page 850 € 773.50 € 697 €1/2 page1× super banner both inthe interstellarum-Newsletterand on interstellarum.de500 € 455 € 410 €1/4 page1× super banner oninterstellarum.de320 € 291.20 € 262.40 €Compact ad – 120 € 109.20 € 98.40 €If you choose to pay in advance for afull year, you receive an additionalrebate of 5%!If you choose to book for a full year,you receive 2 event ads free ofcharge!• We do not differentiatebetween colour and B/Wads, nor between typearea and full bleed ads.• Annual contractscannot be cancelledprematurely.Event Ads• Event ads are restrictedto the announcement ofevents like open days,observation nights,workshops and seminars,etc. The announcementof product presentationsis not permitted.• Event ads are subjectto the ad closingdates on page 10.• Event ads are featuredin the print magazine aswell as on interstellarum.de and in the newsletter.12Online Bannerinterstellarum.de and interstellarum newsletter1 super banner 728 × 90px2 skyscraper 160 × 600pxDirections• For informationen ondata formats and submissionplease see page 11.

10 Ad PlacementImportantDates & DeadlinesPlease make sure that yourdata reaches us in time forthe closing dates of therespective publication.Should you fail to meetthese deadlines, we willbe forced to automaticallyrerun one of yourexisting previous ads.Dates: Print MagazineIssue Closing Date Ads Deadline for Materials On-Sale Date86 February / March 29 November 6 December 18 January87 April / May 23 January 30 January 8 March›The Sun‹ 25 February 4 March 19 April88 June / July 26 March 2 April 17 May89 August / September 3 June 10 June 19 July90 October / November 29 July 5 August 13 September›Telescopes & Binoculars‹ 3 September 10 September 18 October91 December / January 30 September 7 October 15 NovemberDates: interstellarum NewsletterIssue Deadline for Release DateData179 9 January 11 January180 23 January 25 January181 6 February 8 February182 20 February 22 February183 6 March 8 March184 20 March 22 March185 3 April 5 April186 17 April 19 April187 30 April 3 May188 15 May 17 May189 27 May 29 May190 12 June 14 June191 26 June 28 JuneIssue Deadline for Release DateData192 10 July 12 July193 24 July 26 July194 7 August 9 August195 28 August 30 August196 11 September 13 September197 25 September 27 September198 9 October 11 October199 23 October 25 October200 6 November 8 November201 20 November 22 November202 4 December 6 December203 18 December 20 DecemberDates: ›interstellarum Sternstunde‹Issue Closing Date Ads Deadline for Materials On-Sale Date1 / 2013 29 November 6 December 11 January2 / 2013 23 January 30 January 1 March3 / 2013 26 March 2 April 8 May4 / 2013 3June 10 June 12 July5 / 2013 29 July 5 August 6 September6 / 2013 30 September 7 October 8 November

Ad Placement11Materials SpecificationsData SubmissionMaterials Specification PrintPlease submit your materials in digital form only and using one of the following file formats:EPS, PDF, TIFF. File formats other than that require prior consultation.The submission of yourmaterials is handledexclusively via our onlineform at the following URL:www.interstellarum.de/anzeigen_en.aspPlease ensure that your materials are print-ready. This includes particularly:• Use of CMYK colour space• EPS/PDF files: all fonts need to be embedded or else converted to paths• Resolution no less than 300 dpi• Strict adherence to the defined ad formats and dimensions (see page 8)DirectionsMaterials SpecificationOnlinePlease submit your materials in digitalform only and using one of the followingfile formats: JPEG, GIF, PNG. File formatsother than that require prior consultation.Please ensure that your materials areready for online publication. Thisincludes particularly:• Use of RGB colour space• Resolution of 72 dpi or 96 dpi• Strict adherence to the defined ad formatsand dimensions (see page 9)Materials SpecificationSternstundePlease submit your materials in digitalform only and using one of the followingfile formats – file formats other than thatrequire prior consultation:• Stills: TIFF, JPEG• Video clips: if possible H.264Please ensure that your materials are broadcast-ready.This includes particularly:• Use of RGB colour space• Full HD resolution of 1920 × 1080px• Video clips: highest possible data rate/quality setting• Full bleed ads mustinclude 3mm bleedon each side. As thisadditional space will betrimmed at the end ofthe production process,please make sure you donot place any importantinformation there!• Failure to comply withour specifications forsubmitted materials willresult in an additional feeof 30 € for the first and50 € for every additionalworking hour necessaryto correct your data.• Please note: if you havea standing advertisingorder with us and fail tomeet the defined deadlinefor the submission ofyour materials (see page10), we will be forced toautomatically rerun anexisting previous ad.

12PublisherContact & GTC<strong>Oculum</strong>-<strong>Verlag</strong> GmbHSpardorfer Straße 6791054 ErlangenGermanyTel.: +49 9131 / 970694Fax: +49 9131 / 978596www.oculum.deinfo@oculum.deContactAdvertising DepartmentAnne-Katrin PawelekTel: +49 9131 / 970694Fax: +49 9131 / 978596E-mail: pawelek@oculum.deGeneral Terms and Conditions• Ad contracts are fixed to the period of one year. Annual contracts cannot be cancelledprior to end of duration.• The advertiser is responsible to transmit ad data in accordance to the time schedule. Ifno new data is provided, the previously printed ad will be repeated without notice.• Rebates can only be accounted for advance bookings. Rebates will not be grantedbackdated.• If the ad is printed unreadable or imperfect and if this is not due to defective data fromthe advertiser, the publisher will provide a free compensation ad in the next issue. Indemnityis excluded.• In the case of delay of payment, the publisher can cancel the contract without notice.• Place of jurisdiction is Erlangen, German law applies.Please note that the above is an incomplete summarisation ofselect key aspects. All advertising contracts are subject to the fullGerman-language GTC which you may find at:www.interstellarum.de/download/agb_anzeigen.pdfPrint MaterialsChristian ProtzelTel.: +49 9131 / 9231305Fax: +49 9131 / 978596E-mail: protzel@oculum.deOnline MaterialsFrank HallerTel.: +49 9131 / 9231305Fax: +49 9131 / 978596E-mail: haller@oculum.de

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