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iiiVI. Report oE ihe ImpE'l'ial Entomologist-vontd.4. Provincial 'Vorl,5. Correspondence6. R,esearch .PAGE.GO6162.7. Inse<strong>ct</strong>icides and S_pl'ayel's GZS. Sericultnre [52D. Lac Culture 65] O. Apioultnre 6511. Demonsll'ation 6512. Inse<strong>ct</strong>; Smvey 6G13. :NIiscell:.tuBous G'i'14. Programme of Work for 1911-12 (i715. Publications 07VII. Hoport or the Second Imperial Entomologist-1. Charge 1]92. Nature ef Work 690. Investigatiolls ill Hand 704. Publications and 'I'l'aining 715. First Inlernational C.ongress or EntolUology atBrussels 716. ,Vork OIl Rouse-flies .7. Work on Ticks amI Rat-fleas8. Progralllme of. :Work 10r 1911-12VIII. HO]lOl't o:e i,ho Imperial AgricuHmal Ba<strong>ct</strong>eriologist-1. l)l'climillary Worle in ~rosting Methods . 732. Ba<strong>ct</strong>eriological Allalysis oJ: Pusa Soils H3. Efle<strong>ct</strong> of Hot Weather ploughing npon the Badi;pl'lologicalOontent of the Soil .H7111724. Special Pl'oblems dealt with-(1) A ]hc1.orial Diseuse of rrobacco 77(2) A Disease o£ the Eri Silk-worm. 77(~) 'l:ho Efficacy of Rutin und Trope Rutin 77(4) A Disease of Tussal' Silk-worms n;(5) A sC]Jemc :for Ba<strong>ct</strong>eriological Work ill conllo<strong>ct</strong>ionwith the proposed Dairy atPusu 785. Pl'ogl'aUllllll 01 Work for 1911-12 7!J6. Publications 70

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