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INSTITUTE AND COU,-U;G "i, PUSA, FOR 1910-11. -1·7Personal Assistant in the investigation of the inheritanceof chara<strong>ct</strong>ers in this crop which, as was expe<strong>ct</strong>ed, hasturned out to be a somewhat complex subje<strong>ct</strong>. The obje<strong>ct</strong>of thi::; work is to discover the mode of inheritance of thevarious leaf chara<strong>ct</strong>ers in particular so that new andimproved varieties can be made by hybridization. Pra<strong>ct</strong>icallynothing is known on this subje<strong>ct</strong>, and the scientifichreeding of tobacco is still in its infancy.Fibres.-San (CTotalal'i<strong>ct</strong> juncea, L.).-Several newvarieties of this crop lULVe been isolated during the year,and interesting results have been obtained with this cropas n green manure. These are being repeated during thenext. cold ,yeather at PUS;;1-.Patwa (Hiu'iscus Ca'nnclbin'lls, L.).-A paper on this cropin India is now about to appear in which the work donednri'pg the pust four years at Pusa is summed up. ~aturalcroAs-fertilization tukes place in this crop to a considerableextont, but it has been found possible to eliminate to a greatextent the effe<strong>ct</strong>s of this by removing the hybrids duringt.he seedling a,nd vegetative stages. Possibly these methodsO(1,n be extended to other Indi[m crops in which crossingtakes place and can be made use of 011 seed farms.Pollination.-The importance of a close study of themethods of pollination in t.he crops of India and the bearingof these matters on the growth of seed for distributionto the cultivators in India were dealt with in a memoirpub1ished during the year. This matter was referred toin the previous annual report. The paper iu question hasll,ttra<strong>ct</strong>ed a good deal of attention, and the subje<strong>ct</strong> has beendeveloped still further dllring the year. Natural C1'OS8-fertilization has been found to occur in til (Ses(tmum ind1:­cu/m) , mJwr (C(tjan'lJ..s 'indic'lM':i), niger (G'ltizotia A byssinica~[md jn Jute (Cm'chorns caps1.llrwis). Some progress wasmade during the 'year in working out the pollination detailsin the variouo oil-serd crops grown in India.P1'ogm1fWw of w01'k for 1911-12.-1. T1'a.ining.-Thet.raining of advanced Rtudent.s in this se<strong>ct</strong>ion will be Q01)­tinued,

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