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lN8'l'lTU'l'E AND UClLI,EGE, L'USA, li'Olt unO-H. 41fruit work in Baluchistan. The staff has been strengthenedby the addition of a llew appointment, that of PersonalAssistant, which was given to a candidate who hadworked in this se<strong>ct</strong>ion for nearly five years previously as avolunteer.During tho months May and June of the present yearthe liues of future 'work on the fruit industry of the Provincehave been worked out in detail, and a scheme has beenpur. furward whiuh has beon aCL:l\pka by the Local Governmont.This falls into three parts. In the first place, (l, modern.fruit experiment station will be started for the purposeboth uf demonstrating improved lllGtllOds 0 r pruducll1g andtransporting fruit and also of a,ffording fa.cilities forfnrther experiments likely to be 01 pracLlcal value to thecountry. One of the features of the new experimentstation will be a nursery in which the best varjeties will bepropagated in large number for distribution to the zemil1-dtus. In the second place, a negle<strong>ct</strong>ed fruit garden willbe taken ill hand, and methods of renovation will be comlllencedthis year. Thirdly> steps are being taken to workout the most suitable mothod~ of grading, packing andtn\.n::;purting fruit so as to make the most use of the pre.::ientfuuilities for railway transport to India.The uonntry round Quetta ha,s been explored, and asuitable ::;ite for the new experiment statioll has beenI:::leie<strong>ct</strong>ed, /.l,nd stepi:> have been taken by the local Gove.rnnwntLo acquire the land. The Honourable Oolonel RalDtia.Y,C.LE., Agent to the Governor General in Baluchistan,who has strongly snpported the schome £1'0111 tha beginning,has pJaued a ia,rgc fI'lli t gal'den at my disposal for the re­IJeJITa.tiol1 oxperiment. It is hoped that ~t beginning will bemade with the ptwking experiment::; during the present.year, and the necessary buildings for the fruit experiment~tntion will be ere<strong>ct</strong>ed by September next.In the preliminary work involved in the scheme I haveheen gretttly assisted by the Political OfTi.cel's stationed atQuetta. Mr. H. R. O. Dobbs, I.O.S., C.l.E., Officiating

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