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INSTT'fU'fE AND COT,LEGE, PUSA, FOR 1910-11. 35period of three months. During this time the work donewas the following:-TVheat.-One of the dire<strong>ct</strong>ions in which the improvementof Indian wl1eat has been attempted at Fusa has beenthe increase in 1'ust-resisting power of the kinds at presentin cultivation in the plains. This is a subje<strong>ct</strong> which has0n several previous occasions occupied the attention of theGovernment of India, but little or no l'esu}ts of pra<strong>ct</strong>icalva,}ue have been obtained in the past. It was found. atPusa ltlld at Lynllpnr thnt nltbough the types at presentin cultivation differ c'onslclc['ahly in l'nst-resisting power,and that in consequence a considerable improvement in thischaraoter is possihle IJY simple isolation meth()(ls, neverthelessIndia does not possess any wheats with the same powerof withstanding rust as is shown by many of the wheats ofNorthern Europe, and especially by American Olub. Thequality of resistance of the best Indian wheats is of quitea lower order than tha.t possessed by the wheats grownlll1der the more adverse climatic conditions of the NorthTemperate Zone. This is seen not only when the twoclasses are grown side by Aide in India, but also when theyare cnltivated together in England. One of the direotions,therefore, in which improvement might he attempted was,in the light of the work alroady done at Cambridge on theinheritanoe of rust 1'08istanc8 in wheat, the produ<strong>ct</strong>ion ofnew kinds by hyhridization botween Indian wheats andsom0 rnst-resistant. for111s from Northern Europe orAmerica. Attempts to carry this out in pra<strong>ct</strong>ice at Pusafailed on account of the hnpossibility of getting the rustresistingparents to flower in time for crossing to be doneand for the rcsu1ting grain to ripen before the hot weatherset in. Thjs difficll"it,y was overcome by sending the Indianparents to Oambridge for spring sowing in 1910 and ·bycarrying out the a<strong>ct</strong>nal hybridization work in England.Thanks to the facilities given by Professor Biffen at Oambridge,crosses wore mnde by us between various Indiant.ypes and American Olub and other rust-resistant wheats11,1', 0u,mhridge, a,nd the first generation of the hybrids wasV ~

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