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8in this distri<strong>ct</strong> also. The effe<strong>ct</strong> of the work in reducingthe severity of the disease within the infe<strong>ct</strong>ed tra<strong>ct</strong> wasnot ea.sy to estimate when the report was written, but witht.he further records sinllc ava,nabla it a,ppea,I'B thi:tt a. distin<strong>ct</strong>decrea.::;e in the mortality is noticeable aL the present time.It: the disease call be effe<strong>ct</strong>ively confined to tho existinglimits, the outllty inuurred will be amp]y justified, andthere is every reason to hupe that the uontillu,ttion of thework will lead to its being gradually stamped out.al together.The need 101' t~ mycologidt to work speuia,lly 011 thodil;)eases of the tea plant has bouo111e increasingly apparont,tll1d the Indian Tea, .A.. sf:;ouiatiull have decided to add anappointment. of thi~ nature 1,0 their 8uicutiiiu Depar·L1l10lrt ..Meanwhile, Pusa givOl:; ~lluh assi.sta.llU(~ as is p()~siblo. :Ml'.MeUne's Bulletin on blister-blight in Da,rjeeling, publishedat the hcginning of tho yea.r, indica,tes the lines on whicht.he control of this da.ngorn"llS blight should be attempted.Many p1anters arc cxperimenting Ull these lines, but tbedisease is firmly esta.blished :l.nd still SI)l'ciLding; unless a.ubec.tp and effe<strong>ct</strong>ive method of le:-lsening its l'

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