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JNBTI'l'n'("E Al'\D cnLLlWli;, PURA, FOR 1\110-11.a'destroyed. The duplicate hlock on higher land, however,escaped. It is too early to expe<strong>ct</strong> rosults from these experiments.Th(' pcrmilpent pasture experiments were abandoneddnr'ing the year, after f'nl1 con~idel'lation of theresults to date. It is evident that the improvement ofpasture land wi 11 have to be attempted on different lines,and a m~dificd p la,n oR. experiment is under consideration.A comprehensive series of mannrial experiments with flaxwas startod by thc Fibre Expert to the Government ofEnstern Bengal and Assam, in collaboration with the Inspo<strong>ct</strong>orGeneral of Agriculture, but an outhreak of doddernccessitatl~d the destru<strong>ct</strong>ion by burning of the whole crop.Flnx dodder is not indi.genous to India" and there is nodoubt that every effort should be made to keep it out infuture, and to destroy what was introduced in the past.Experiments with jllto and paddy were continued, theformer according to plans dra'vvn up by the Fibre Expert..As the area under arahla cultivation is now more than suffi~cient to provide' foddet' and grain for the breeding herd a,ndwork cattle, jt is hoped to extend experimental work in thenear fntnre. A oonsiderable part of the farm is devotedto crop~ grnwn fnr l he other se<strong>ct</strong>ions for ohservation andexporiment.The farm stock lJav(:~ done wen. The Montgomery herdhas been increased by naturnl growth ana pnrclHtRe. Prop(lsabfor t\, dairy wore submitted during the year, butsan<strong>ct</strong>ioll hn~ heen wi tIl held for the present. There is an111ldouhtcd demand for insi rn<strong>ct</strong>ion in dairying, and wii hthc\ largl" berd of excellent milch cattle now being fOl'll1('dnt Pasa, n cli1il'Y will ultimately prove an essential pa.rt oftho equipment of the fnstitutc, The management of tilepoultry has ht'en in the hands Ol[ the Inspe<strong>ct</strong>or General ofAgl'iculllll'C for tile grCH.tlT pm t of the year.I wish to record my appreciation of Mr. Sherra,rd's worknot only on t,lw farm, hnt in assisting me in the generalmanagement () f the Estate.4. (.'/uNnistl'y.-Dr. Leatber held oharge throughout theyel'il:. Me. A.nn<strong>ct</strong>t 1on tIll' termination of his a<strong>ct</strong>ing ap-11 ~

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