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lIY~i'.s:·li;tli, \i~·~lL.) j:"):1-1t;7:1. lljSt01 .• ~1'\::r)lC'·.I~,l 1:CCl(' -l'i:;:"i{,.1 ••. If,~~j.. (C.1;'.1 Z.)cst 0~'miu:;,! nO~}:l~~( :'.1,tI"Y·;, ttn al i;:n!f11 S,:(T,-·n::1 a~,;it;·:, ~'.1.l\~ )ll. ,\1::',1;" {f ;'::1111" H~nl'~':'"';:; •VI!!. !h';..: \"\~l $llt'tL.'t'tlt, \'121 5nl('!'xa rc]i'1~:jl.'vel aJ iJ PO$tC,l Cl'

70-1748leX 71OC PC Sh(i!A:{,\!lDE;-.1, 1;f)\\'Aillll 1662-lnS.Church of Cilds t ••. 1758.The true(C.,rd 2)attrilHltcd to Charles !.cslie and N.Hh.lnic1Spinckcft.'Imperfect: v.2, "hie!; comprises pt.3of the '''ork, wanting.A ASh Gr 'I$h W WSh CSh70-1748.ICN 70[HAWKINS, H~~Y, 1571?-1646.T:1e history of S. Elhabeth davghter ofthe Klng of Ilvl1gary. According to sundryauthours Who haue authentically wri tten herllfe, distributed into three bookes. Dy II.A. '" [Rouen, J. Cousturicrl 1632.[Slt.,410(i.e.40S)+p. 150m.STC 12957. Allison & Rogers 387.Imperfect: all after p.~lO wanting;added t.-p. cngra\'Cd wanting.Nos. 286- ,267 omitted in paging;.OC PC $h A ASh Gil Gf5h ~ ! MSh W W$h CShCase410M711. r"AWARDEN, EDWARD) 1662-1735.The tn>c Church of Chri3t, ahewed by concurrenttell tiJnonie8 Ilf ScrlptllI"C, and primitive tradition. PArt III ... London,Printed in the year 1715.2v.(xxxv,(1)p.,t S 1 t.,323P.,r l l t .,(325,-1146p.,(41t.,(~471-496p.,(8,t.) 200m.Library docs nllt hnve parts I nnd I~ inthis edi tilln.70-1148 In " pts., the 2d and 4th with specialICIi 71 revI' oJ (Continued on next card)oc PC a~ .. Alb twit" w w,~ . Clh GC.1SC4,\;;004no.lIIAY, CEOrlGF., 1729-1 all.I'astor,ll addre5. of the R. R. Dr Oeoq;eH.1)·, R. R. lk J(lI," Chisholm, and R. n. DrAlex..ndcr C;vneron, C" tholi c bishops in Scotland,to ,,11 the fai thful 'lnder their chart;e.. Edinbur(;iI, Printed by J. Hoir, 160~.IIp. 220ll.Ilound with this •• re 7 other trncts.70-1748 For dct.J.il~, sec official shelf list.IC~' 71OC PC $h A ASh . 0., GIShcl1'\!~AnlmN, En"',\ROl 1662-1735.Church of Christ •• , 1715.The (rile(Card 2)t.-p.: C2J Of translIbst-lnti.1tion. With nfull answer to Hr. L'~ objections againstit ... rrintcd in t.he YCilrHIlCCXV. (4) rourappendixes to the hook entitlerl The tnlcChurch of Chris t, ftc. I. Of 1m,,!;es and relicks.II. Of prayers for the de;"l and Pur-70- g., tory. III. Of the celibacy of priest",1748 comnunion in one kind, nnd the liturp;y inlCN 71 ~v(Continued on next card)OC Pc 8h A ASh r;, Gt5h M5h W WSh CSh GCase~n\2:19170-1748lCN 71[HAY, GEORGEl 1729-1811.HOn101l\ Catholic fidcli ty to ProtestnntsI\~certnined; or, Art an."er to Hr. W. A. 0'.letter to O. H. in "'hieh the conduct of!!:ovcrnmcnt, ill mitigiltinr. the pen.ll 1.1"'5ag:lin3t paph ts, is justified: the sedi tiou"tendency of I~. A. n's letter is discovered:the Iloman Catholics fully vindicatcd from thoslanderous llccusn tion of thinking it lawfulto break faith liith heretics, lihich W. A. D.{Continued on next ~~rd}oOC PC Sh A ASh Gt ",Sh MSh W wSh CSh 1#Case4A~07~cHAWARDEN, EDWAHO, IG62-17~5.Church of Christ... 1715.The true(C.l'· l 1729-1811. Rem.ln Ca tholi cfidelity... 1779. (Card 3)P"I!CS 149-150 numbered 150-151.\~. A. D. is William Abernethy Drummond.Hound in "t the end it re 49 lenve.'! made up'of disparate pieces from sever",l issues ofan unirlcntified "Directory" (one piece concernsCnrdiMl William Allen; the restm,linly the state of reli,:;ion in Chin,l .~ndr.cir.hborin/! countries in the period lS01 to"bout 1820)OC PC Sh A ASh Gt GfS~ MSh W ws~ CSh (;.

lIY~i'.s:·li;tli, \i~·~lL.) j:"):1-1t;7:1. lljSt01 .• ~1'\::r)lC'·.I~,l 1:CCl(' -l'i:;:"i{,.1 ••. If,~~j.. (C.1;'.1 Z.)cst 0~'miu:;,! nO~}:l~~( :'.1,tI"Y·;, ttn al i;:n!f11 S,:(T,-·n::1 a~,;it;·:, ~'.1.l\~ )ll. ,\1::',1;" {f ;'::1111" H~nl'~':'"';:; •VI!!. !h';..: \"\~l $llt'tL.'t'tlt, \'121 5nl('!'xa rc]i'1~:jl.'vel aJ iJ PO$tC,l Cl'

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