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Ca.se70-1,·18IC, 70C'C FIe SI'ICT. mul'~ C ... "':i;:li ~:~:i Nk'rs [01' Cill1SCS Ecclcsi ,15-tic«l, 1(,07.A 1.1.rr,.c ("Xilr.llll>lt.i':"H t.\ken itt. L;ll;ll~~lh,acconiillI,;. t('l His ~j,d('!;tj('~; din'ctil~!l, 1'0intby faint, cf H. r.Cl~l·r(' nJ,l.l,;\,·:.~)J, 1I:,1.,J",; ;\rcLpl~ic~tof E1i::land, l"y P~'p,,~ Cl\'r;:\..~ilt S. Vp\ill("ICC1\~j 011 of

7Q-1748IC;': 71Co!'".mi t t~~c C("lt1CC rninr.: pcntll l;1.\,·s agains ti\or.i.1n CJ.tholics~(Joun,,,l of events, 16, 18, 23, and 25July 16(;1. n.p., le.Gl),2;t. 3200.H.:lnuscr:i pt in inl,.The events of 16 July 1661 arc reco7dedin the Journ"l, of tho House of wrds, v.ll(1834), )1.310-311 {"most verbatim as givenOC PC Sh A ASh Gr GISt'! MSh w WSh cs, GCa!5C3A147070-1748ICN 70oc I"'CSilGREGORII'S I, the Great, Saint, Pope, 540(ca. )-(,04. The II dia10gves ••• (Card 2)Tor-ether wi th a no- II table miracle vrou/:;htby S. Oernar- II de, in cNlfirmation of dilIersar- II tieles of reH(ion. II Translatedinto our English tC'lI{!lIe II by P. 'II. II (4lines] II Printed at Paris. 160B.(24 , t.,514p.,,11t.,4:lp. 16on.In 2 pt •. , each with sel'arate paging,the 2d with opeci,' t.-p., A shorte relationI (Continued on next card)Gr GrSn ',_). MSh W WSh C~" c;C.-tse}ISGA2070-1148ICN 71in the pl'e:;cnt m,lnuscript) The cvcnts of theother days not recorded there.At cnd: TI,e Preamble to the lUll to beeto this effect ...Notation in m,1q:in of t. r 2) recto: ;\dr"ught of the intended Act in fauour ofCatb. & excluding the Jesuit~.OC PC $h A ASh Gt (irS!! w CSITCase'6A147070-1748lCN 70CHF.cOltIUS I, the Grea t, Saint, PClrC, 540(ca. )-604. The II dialo!;lIe •• ,. IG08.(Card 3)of divers miracles, "fo"glltc at the me,:,oriesor shrines of certaine ~h1rtirs ••. ~Vrlttenbv .,. S. Augustin: and ,translated Into ourE;'gllsh tongue by P. VV. ":' ,'.Catchword on signature a6 verso. sauon.(instead of uer-)STC l2~49 (variant)(Continued on next c.1rd)OC PC Sf! A ASh Gr G(Sh (::;;/ MShw WSh GCaseHS61.23G1. ImIT. Privy Coune; l.The 0" th of " privy, COllneel10r taken bythe Richt lIono~le Henry Earle of Clarendonthe 26~h of ~f.1y 1660. (n.p" 16S0,(2 )t. 36'::11,CT. IlHIT. r"rli,1;ncnt. ,:o\lse of Lonh. CO",­mittcc concerning renal la~·.'i aGainst B(lmnnCatholics. (Journal.,. 16Gb (Card 2)Hanllscript in ink.Caption ti tIe.On verso of L(2,: The oath of a privy70- councellor tal,en by Y Earle of Clarendon1748 the 26 Fh of May 1680.ICN 71oc pc 5'" A ASh Gr G(5h w "'50 CShCaseM147070-1748ICr; 70oCPCGRI;r.;OltIUS I, the Great, Saint, Pope, 5-10(ca. )-604. The II diaJogues 1608.(Card 4)I n binding s t:l11'pe d \.-1 th the arms 0 fEn&land.Imperfect: strip pasted along innermargin of t.-p., coverinh a fev letters,;piece cut from bottom of p.:581r-~84, ~,ithloss "f text (a perfect leaf from anothercopy laid in)w ws, CShC,,"C3A238970-1748lCN 71G:(f;E~, TIIO}!;\S LOUIS, l79"-1f'F3.Semon on private ju(ll~cnt, bc:i.n~ thefirst of a I;cries of dJ$COt!l·.~CS on the I'rincipnlcontroverted point" of Ca~hollc rloctrine,In.tely delivered itt the Catholic Chapel,St. John's HaddCnT'..:lrket, No 1"1>1 ch, byT. L. Green. l,ondeh, flacon and Kinnebrook,1829.23p. 20cm.Imperfcct: p.ll-14 wanting.OC pc 51'! A ASh Gr GI$h MSh w C51! GGT. Blur. CI.'~"l',lis!jiNH:rs fn.: ('.· .. u~.('s Ecclt~!;it\stj(".1.1 J J (107 • 1\ ];tl"[~1,.; ('X;\lld I~,'( ti(\11 ta!;cHat J-:':J,l",tit ", (Ca",1 2)aJlcr canc ," rr>r.eth

Ca.se70-1,·18IC, 70C'C FIe SI'ICT. mul'~ C ... "':i;:li ~:~:i Nk'rs [01' Cill1SCS Ecclcsi ,15-tic«l, 1(,07.A 1.1.rr,.c ("Xilr.llll>lt.i':"H t.\ken itt. L;ll;ll~~lh,acconiillI,;. t('l His ~j,d('!;tj('~; din'ctil~!l, 1'0intby faint, cf H. r.Cl~l·r(' nJ,l.l,;\,·:.~)J, 1I:,1.,J",; ;\rcLpl~ic~tof E1i::land, l"y P~'p,,~ Cl\'r;:\..~ilt S. Vp\ill("ICC1\~j 011 of

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