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70-1748ICN 71(C'.omI'.R, JOII!;] d.1704.sentcd ••. 1685](A rarist t1is-rc:pre-(Card 2) .5i ~th' ttl f'C! S pl'e~"nt: ll_R 4 •Ti tIc from another edi tion in the Libr~H'Y(sec be leM)Not in STC II. Thls is a close reprint(but "'ith il different s~ttin~ of type frol:1the same fonts) of an e,li ticn in the Llb,-;u'yd"..I. 50",c points ofva.riation beb,r-ccn the t' ...·o: r*l, caption(Collti nued on next c.. rd)OC PC 51'! A ASh Gr GrSh w WSh CSh GCase5A1939'10-1'(4910:; 71,GOTllm, J(m:;] d .1704.scnted •.• 1685.20cm.A papist mis-reprc­(Card Z)Signatures: 1 leaf u:lsi~ncd, A_L 4 ,,\4.Kot in STC II. The t. -po is the same astha t for STC II G 1034 (ar.d "'-'Y not be long tothis edition) The reminder of the v-;>lulr.cClosely rcscPlblcs (but is not it page for pagereprint of) STC II G 1334; it is a differentsetting of type from the sa;ne fonts.(Continued on next card)OC PC 51'1 A ASh Gr GrSI1 MSh w WS. GCaseM1938(GOTlfER, JOliN] d.1 70,1,!!ented '" lr,85](A papist mis-repre­(Card 3)title: "S" in "PArrST" riJ:ht-sidc up (turlledin the other edition); catch.·ord On 1'.101:adhering (adhercinl' in the other edition)Imperfect: all before signature n (7leaves?) wanting.Case:5A1939rGOTHER, JOliN) d.1704.scnted '" 1685.A papist mls-rcprc­(Card 3)A ""'1jor variation bet"een the two editions:"The Contcnts~' is on P.r60] (thispage blank in STC II G B34) In STC II G1334 "The Contents M is placed on the versoof 5th prelim. leaf.70-1748ICN 7170-1748ICN 71oC pc Sh A ASh Gr G~Sh w GOC PC Sh II A,h Gt GtS""s. w G-----"'"!-------"Case4A1849no.l70-1748ICN 71("OTlum, JOIIK) d .1704 •A p.,\pist mi~-reprcficntcd and rcprc;.cnted:or A two-fo1r! character of popery. The onoco~tnininJt ~'\ SUrrt of the 5Upcrst! tion~, idolatries,cruelties, trcachcries, and .... ickedprinciple. of that porcry which hHh disturhtdthis ",Hion al>ovo an hundred .md {ifeyyears ••• 'ihe othfr c sIc 1 hyinJ; open tha tpopery which the papists own and profr.,~Dy J. L. (i.e. John Lov~ll, pseud.] To(Continued on next c"rd)OC PC 8h A ASh Cir Ct$h w cs.CaseC6526.647v.4331656IC~: 71rGOTH!!:!!, JOIf:-ll d.1704.A papis t rr.is-repr.:osentcd and .represented:or, ,\ two-fold ch.1!·,1cter of popery. The onecontaining a sWot of the surerstitions, idolatries,crue lties, treacheries, and >rlcl,edprinciples of tha t ropery which ha th disturb'dtltis nation above an hundred and fiftyyears ." The othfr (sic, layinl; open thatporery which the papists Olln and profess •..Uy J. L. (Le. John Lovell, pscud.] To(Continued on next card)oc Pc 51'1 A ASh C, GiSh w WSh CShCase4,1lIl~9no.l70-1748lCN 71rGOTiISt, JOliN) d .1704.scnted rlnd represcntcoA papist mis-repre­(C,1rd Z)\~'hi~h is Annexed, no;nan-C~'tholi(;k principles,in reference to God rend the kin~ r by JamesCorker. n.p.] Printed 1685.,4]t.,63,Sp. Zlom.STC II G 1335.e,Sec6576.6-17v.433165(,ICl< 71[GOTIllm, J0liN) d.170·1.Sen ted and representedA papist mis-repre­((',uJ Z)',hiel, is annexed, ll('n11l-Catholick principles,in reference to Cod and kin~ rby James Col'i,er,rn.p. 1 Printed IGB5.(4]1..,63,Ep. 21cm.[linder's title: P,1'"ph1cts. 4.STC II r. 1335.OC PC Sh A ASh G( GfSh MSh W WS' CShOC PC Sh A ASh Gr Gr5h w ws. cso GCase3A193970-1748ION 71(GOTHEH, JOliN] d.1704.A papist mis-represented and represented:or, A two-fold character of popery. The onecontaining a sum of the supersti tians ••. ofthat popery which hath disturb'd this nati"nabove an hundred and fifty years '" The otherlaying open that porery which the papists ownand rrofess Ily J. L. (Le. John Lovell,pseud.] To "'hiclt is annexed, Ro",an-Catholickprinciples, in reference to God and the king(by James Corker] (n.r.] 1685.( (Continued on next card)oc PC Sh A ASh Ct G,SI) w CSh G'f--CaseC6526.647v.4331656IC~: 71oc pc(COTIIi;il, JOliN) d.l70-1.A r.'pi,t mi~-l'epl'csentcd ,1"d rcprc~ented:or, A tlfC'-fold ch.1r"cter of popery. The onecontainin/,: " sm' of the superstitions, idolatriesJ cruelties, trJ.!tlchcrics, and lridccdprinciple, of tha t popery which hit th dist\lrb'dthh n,Hion above an hundred ;md fiftyyears ... The othfr (sic) loying open thatporcry which the p'lpists Olin nnd profess , ••Ily J. L. rLe. John Lovell, pseud.) To• (ContillUcd on next card)Sh A ASh Gr GorSt'! MSh W WS. OSh

(\ rl'2fi.64'/v.43:516:'0lCX 71tr.,)TiH;;'\, ,h"'\I1~~l d. ]7l)·I.!1\~lltt'd .11\:1 rCpf·e .... ~jl!:t~d,\ rapi.", t mi.R-rq>ro~­(C.1rd 2)h"hich is :lnnc"ed, ;{o,p;ln-C,ltlh11ick principles,in r(;fcrcncc to Cod .1nd t!H! kin~ (by Ja.*7ICSCor:h~rJ en.p. J PI~int~ci 1G'85.r~J'.,G3,Rr. 21cm.nin(kr's tit],,'} Pamphlct!J t4.SiC II G 1~35,Case4,\3005no.770-1748lCN 71GRUTAN, Jlr;Nl\Y, 174(;-11'20.1h" 'peech of Henry Grattan, Esq. on theadd,'c" to lIis lI:1jcsty, at the open.inr, of theIrish rarlia"'cnt., 17')2. Ihth an arrenc1ix,containing the public r"pr.rs and resoluti.onsof the United Iri,h, the COl1T11ittee of Dclegatesfor the Rom.111 Catholics, flc. London,Printerl for J. Tlidgway, 1792.r2lt.,~.1,28p. 22cm.oc pc Sh A A!:Jh G( GrSt, wOC PC Sh A A3h (ir GrS" ....w ws. cs.GC.1SC.. L\ t('·QTtlER, .!Oii:i} cf.17;)f.1949 r";'i~t., i',·o'.~'t.i"!; "rcdnst Prote.'tontpOj'''!ry.:in ;',!l~~:.'o·.i· to a d·i.~H;~IB·:;\~ cnH\:1l1cd Ano.5ra;,"I-ist not mL

(\ rl'2fi.64'/v.43:516:'0lCX 71tr.,)TiH;;'\, ,h"'\I1~~l d. ]7l)·I.!1\~lltt'd .11\:1 rCpf·e .... ~jl!:t~d,\ rapi.", t mi.R-rq>ro~­(C.1rd 2)h"hich is :lnnc"ed, ;{o,p;ln-C,ltlh11ick principles,in r(;fcrcncc to Cod .1nd t!H! kin~ (by Ja.*7ICSCor:h~rJ en.p. J PI~int~ci 1G'85.r~J'.,G3,Rr. 21cm.nin(kr's tit],,'} Pamphlct!J t4.SiC II G 1~35,C<strong>as</strong>e4,\3005no.770-1748lCN 71GRUTAN, Jlr;Nl\Y, 174(;-11'20.1h" 'peech of Henry Grattan, Esq. on theadd,'c" to lIis lI:1jcsty, at the open.inr, of theIrish rarlia"'cnt., 17')2. Ihth an arrenc1ix,containing the public r"pr.rs and resoluti.onsof the United Iri,h, the COl1T11ittee of Dclegatesfor the Rom.111 Catholics, flc. London,Printerl for J. Tlidgway, 1792.r2lt.,~.1,28p. 22cm.oc pc Sh A A!:Jh G( GrSt, wOC PC Sh A A3h (ir GrS" ....w ws. cs.GC.1SC.. L\ t('·QTtlER, .!Oii:i} cf.17;)f.1949 r";'i~t., i',·o'.~'t.i"!; "rcdnst Prote.'tontpOj'''!ry.:in ;',!l~~:.'o·.i· to a d·i.~H;~IB·:;\~ cnH\:1l1cd Ano.5ra;,"I-ist not mL

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