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C;\SC F1 T':::i ;~;;; ::1 T, Ti;l~~ I:.S, 1.'15':-) (";0."I;I ;\ ti'(;ati~;(' or j'~'1t("r an,l relir.:ion. P.1.rt~2A53 rilI~ T;;,-lt no 0t!1::

.t.\3C:65(fLE7CEE:l, JCn~l d.lk';f,?i~cflcct:i"n.'l ()n the ~plrit) (.. c. f"c. ofl"clir~i{,:ll-5 c,,:':.tJ~'\,i;r:;y «.. Lc~~dc·:-;, Printedby r:~.'1t~lI;;, Dr(\,t~n nnd !\ca.ti~~,i!1 1:04.(1;~'JZG6p. ~S(n.CaseM1462[fLOY[J, JOliN 1 1572-1649.of the Holy Sen ••.An apo]a!:y [sic)1~30. (Card 2)Nos. 136-137 '"nlitted and no. 243repcn.tc,{ in r;\r.ill~.STC 11109.Allison & Rogers ;>.n.7.:")-17018ICC; 7170-1748ICN 70oc PC Sh A ASJ, Gr Gr$h: MSM w eShGW CSh GCnsc'5A2:'7670-1746leX 71FU;Uny, C 1..1110:'; , IG~0-1n3.I\n histor"ic:l.l catcchisr.:; ccnt.1inin~ n.su:rl:l.1.ry of the f;ilcrcd 11i5tol''Y .:lnd Christiandoctrine. Ily Hont.ieur Flcury ••. 1'0\ the french. In fm:r parts.Dublin, Printed by R. Coyne, l8Z5.76p. Han.l'o more published?pts. 1 and 2 on1r.OC PC S"'- /to. ASh Gr GrSi'.ISh w CSACase3'\1463,fLOro, JOHN) ]572-16·19. Apologia SanctaeSedis Apostolic •• e ••• 1631. (Card 2)r~01t.,45,295(i.e.~09),(GJr. lscm.. _8 _8 _8 -~ M 8 8S l~naturcs: a ,C ,1 ,0 ,,*-**,,,,-* ,A-K JKk 8 ,T 4 ,y 2 (""'"-! life of Our LQrd andSaviour Jc:o;u.'i Christ, .-rith a brief accountof the principal acts of the Apostles, and'of the [0ur C-..· ... ul/~el.is ts. Transla.ted fromthe fr~nrh, by '" J. ncevc, and abridr,

C;\SC F1 T':::i ;~;;; ::1 T, Ti;l~~ I:.S, 1.'15':-) (";0."I;I ;\ ti'(;ati~;(' or j'~'1t("r an,l relir.:ion. P.1.rt~2A53 rilI~ T;;,-lt no 0t!1::

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