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C'Ise4A300670-1758ICN 71ATTMnl;JIY, FrlANe!.';, Ill'. of Rochester, 1662-1732.Scnnons and di~cours~s on sever.,l subjects~nd occ.lsion~. lIy fmncis Atterhuryrublished from the ori/:inals by ThemlsMoor... ••• The fourth edi tion. London,Printed for T. Woodlfard, and C. Davis, 1751.4v. port. 210m.OC pc Ih A ASh Gt OrS"Library has v.4 only."3h w CShCo.seMn0770-1748leN 71,WGUSTIIiUS, AH[U;UlIS, Sl'lint, "I". of lIippo.cConfcssiones,' i>nr.lish) St. Augustine'sConfcndoll~: or, Praises of God. In tenbook;'!. Newly translated into r:nglish, fromthe orir,innl ~.tin ••• Dublin, Printed byp. \~or,nn, 1795.(2)t.,4l1p'tCB)t. 14cm.Translttted by IHchard Chnlloner.OC PC 51'1 A ASh Or Q,S" w wah cs.235870-1748lCN 71[Aunlli, I-:rCO L·\S I b. ca .16SS.Cruels effets de ]~ venr.e.lnce ,!" Carriin.l1de Richelieu, ov lIistnire des di.lbles de Lou­

Case1IA130770-1748ICII 70AUCUSTINUS, AURELIUS, Saint, Rp. of Hippo.rDe eura pro mortui.. English, SaintAustin. Care for the dead. Or hi. book Decura pro mortuis. Translated into Engli.h.The .econd edition, revised and corrected.1 London1 , Printed 1651.Il,t.,104p. Bern.STC II A 4205.) UShwws.GCase15A141170-1748ICII 70AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, Saint, Cp. of Hippo.Spurious" and doubtful works. cHedi tationes.English I ,Certain. select prayersIS75) (Card 3)Imperfect: wanting 36 leaves, as follows:all of signatures A, P, S, and T; and individualleaves: B I, 8 8, K I, "8'STC 925... s. w w •• C'" GCase3AAUCUSTINUS, AllftELIlIS, Saint, flp. of flippo.1805 ,De utilita te credendL Engli sh, Theprofit of believing, very useful both fo: ~l)those that are not yr.t resolved ... hat rel 1 f,,·1\they ought to embrace: a~d for. t?c", that d.,.ire to know whi ther their rehgion br trueor no. It'ri tten by S. Augus tine. London,Printed by R. Daniel, 1651.70-1748 (10)t. ,IMp. 13cm.ICN 70 STC II A 4213.Prefaceoc !It.WGC.1SC}IS2A170-1748reN 71A{iCtJSTr/l.1IS, AUnELIUS, Saint, nr. of flippo.Spuriou .•• 1n

C'Ise4A300670-1758ICN 71ATTMnl;JIY, FrlANe!.';, Ill'. of Rochester, 1662-1732.Scnnons and di~cours~s on sever.,l subjects~nd occ.lsion~. lIy fmncis Atterhuryrublished from the ori/:inals by ThemlsMoor... ••• The fourth edi tion. London,Printed for T. Woodlfard, and C. Davis, 1751.4v. port. 210m.OC pc Ih A ASh Gt OrS"<strong>Library</strong> h<strong>as</strong> v.4 only."3h w CShCo.seMn0770-1748leN 71,WGUSTIIiUS, AH[U;UlIS, Sl'lint, "I". of lIippo.cConfcssiones,' i>nr.lish) St. Augustine'sConfcndoll~: or, Praises of God. In tenbook;'!. Newly translated into r:nglish, fromthe orir,innl ~.tin ••• Dublin, Printed byp. \~or,nn, 1795.(2)t.,4l1p'tCB)t. 14cm.Translttted by IHchard Chnlloner.OC PC 51'1 A ASh Or Q,S" w wah cs.235870-1748lCN 71[Aunlli, I-:rCO L·\S I b. ca .16SS.Cruels effets de ]~ venr.e.lnce ,!" Carriin.l1de Richelieu, ov lIistnire des di.lbles de Lou­

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