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oc... ~ .1 .; ~~i:\ f'l~E~-.J, J~'.l!:;, 'C PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh ... ~ MSh CSh...... '.'70-17481 C:-; 70fI Sli Ell , Jo;j~, S,1il;(, Pl'. Cof Rochester, IJ59?-1535. R. D. D. I0.1l1l\i5 fischerii('!'era 1597. (Cor,\ ~)The {ol](\"t'ing n,;;;jhcrs are used tont1te rt1p.~~ ratllcr than colurll-:S: 5-7,272-273, 745-75~J P30-S·j·l, 917-9~3,11~5-1135, 1232, 1~99, 1312-1374, 1393-1~S4,1-16::', 1(;,13-J6,17.Imp~rfcct; SCI:~;~ It:liYCS ""onnholed, s1ithtly.ffccLillf, tile t:,'"oc pc Sh A ASh Gf GrSh MSh CSh GC<strong>as</strong>elIA (fISllm, JOHNl 1569-lG.n. A cat"lo~ve of1492 divers visible professors of the Ca~holik.no.2faitb ••• 1&14. (Card 2)of faith '" 161~)10-1748ICN 10STC 10912.Allison & Rogers 60G.")OC PC Sh A ;.Sh Gr G"Sh . ~/ USh w CShtoC<strong>as</strong>e6,1~1270-1749lC~ 70FISIiElI, JOII;\, Saint, Rr. of Rochester, 1459?-1535.De veritatc coqloris ct sf\l1gvinis Christiin Evcharista.. J'er ••. Iohanncl7i R,1ffcnscm:E}isc('rU::1~"Ot!crSU5 Iohan!1cii! Occol.:u:ipadiU'n.Coloniae erer p. Qu"nt~ll 1527.,1S),cWx,,1,t. 31(111.Anns of t:ll[;lanJ C'll t.-\,. (repealed ot!verso of leaf i,rece«;' .. " t. eil)OC FC Sf'! A ASh G( GIS"I w WSh CSh70-1748IeI' 11f1SIIEil, JOHN, Saint, np. of Rochester, 14597-1535.A treatise concerning th~ fruitful sayin~"of P,wid, the Kin/: and Prophet, in theseven penitential rSc.]"':1. Divided into sevensemons ••• Oy ••• John fisher (n,p.lPrinted in the year 1714.{2lt. I :542p•. 16c:l •.OC f"C !In A A,h Gr Q.5h w GC<strong>as</strong>eM149370-1148ICN 70oc PCFISIiElI JO!l:-J, 1569-1641,Th~ answcrc Y-nto the nine roints of controuersy,proposed by 0'.11' la te Souer·'n;ne •.•vnto H. fisher .... and the rCi(\)'l~Cr 'n,to ~hcrepl v of D. francis VVhite .•• Ih th the p>eture"of thc sa)"d minister, or censure of, hlSwritings prefixed ..• ,St. Omer, EngllshCollege Press] 1626.r281t.,160,40Op. 20cm.In 2 pts., eac.h with separate paging,(Contina.d on next card)) 1.45h W WSh CS," G"-Ci\S~::5A1.492no.l10-1749ICN 70OC PC Sk(F1SII11!, JOliN 1 15G9-161l.A treatise of raith. ~~rein is briefl)".and pIal Ilely sh~,'cd, a direct way, by .·hiehcuery fi,:an m;'ty n!s0111~) and··scttle his mindin all doul1ts, questions, & ccntroucrsics,conee rlli n~ m,.1 t te rs of fai tb. Revi e ""cdcorrected; and aUf:J11ellted wi th m.1rginallnotes. Oy A. D. •.• ,St. Omer, EnglishCollege Pressl 1614.(Sli.,188p., ell'" 16011.(Continued on next card)A ASh Gr GrSh\Jw WSk CShII70-1749IC~ 70FISlIrn, JOII~, 1569-1641. The answere vntothe nine points '" 1625. (Card 2)the 7.d with special t.-p. worGcd the same <strong>as</strong>the llI

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