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)"17Ej1;\··\i~PS, TI10~L\S) 15:]~,-lG-17.scc("n~i r,'1J"t "... f Gani:I',;H'I1,'1 •••T!lC' [j 1'51. and164(,. (Cud 3)Crct('n~lS, ,:\!,,;'1jns~'_ .~!r. f.r!h"i\}'d", ],1t-':' be,:.l.: ('Bti~~u1('j v! hy T. 1\. an,! J':. ~1. f0t" R~S:'11 rhl 16-~G~ This t.-r. rli :[C]'S ft't,;,!; th,1t ofSi,,; 11' C :3·1 by h.1vl!:(" t1!,!bbn!')~('L17,i;"«(j.;'.... at.. C'th~~O,: .. ~t.2) {'(W\~I'S1 .-:~; i 1S1'C lJ C ~:..:.u a~hl C :,::,,1\,0'I'lieandae, pro v1tiru$Enchiridii piorum tCillulis. (Rome J V~nllndanturlodoeo !ladio ;\sccnsio ,IS2lJclxxxiiii t, illus. 15cm.70-1748Ie:. 10'Vollilnc 3, cont.lining parts 5-6. Cf.captions on verso of t.-p.: Ta~ula. Inquint" Enchiridii a nobis collecti tomlllo'baec contincbuntur ••• In sex to & vltimocontincnda ••• (Corltir'Jed en next card)oc PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh w WS' CS'Case5,1. EPISCOPAL CllcHCIi I~ SCOTLA:-ill. Book of con:lllon403 prayer, 1637. The booke of cOr.:'Oon prayer1637. (Card 4)70-1748IC~ 70A, D, and E; and setting (ii) in sl£nature C.On sign.1ture L3r "The Gospel" is correctlycentered. The Psalter is Edition II, withsi"na tuns kk 3_ 6from Edi tion I; 5i~na turehh3 is cancelland (b) ,Imperfect: piece tom frOM upper comerof P Z ' ~'ith loss of text. 'STC 16607b.ocPC Sn ... ASkI (if. GrSh/~Sh w WSh CS'7Z

Caset: 1~791 C~ i0f·lc7;~ (t ..... Lel l , ... ,:","" I'f'-l ................... _- ..ro.-....:I;............-EPISCO',\[ .. C!:U!CI! Vi SCOn..\Sil. flook ofcor:rnon prayer, 1637.The bocokc of Co~r.'0n r;-,lycr, and ad:

)"17Ej1;\··\i~PS, TI10~L\S) 15:]~,-lG-17.scc("n~i r,'1J"t "... f Gani:I',;H'I1,'1 •••T!lC' [j 1'51. and164(,. (Cud 3)Crct('n~lS, ,:\!,,;'1jns~'_ .~!r. f.r!h"i\}'d", ],1t-':' be,:.l.: ('Bti~~u1('j v! hy T. 1\. an,! J':. ~1. f0t" R~S:'11 rhl 16-~G~ This t.-r. rli :[C]'S ft't,;,!; th,1t ofSi,,; 11' C :3·1 by h.1vl!:(" t1!,!bbn!')~('L17,i;"«(j.;'.... at.. C'th~~O,: .. ~t.2) {'(W\~I'S1 .-:~; i 1S1'C lJ C ~:..:.u a~hl C :,::,,1\,0'I'lieandae, pro v1tiru$Enchiridii piorum tCillulis. (Rome J V~nllndanturlodoeo !ladio ;\sccnsio ,IS2lJclxxxiiii t, illus. 15cm.70-1748Ie:. 10'Vollilnc 3, cont.lining parts 5-6. Cf.captions on verso of t.-p.: Ta~ula. Inquint" Enchiridii a nobis collecti tomlllo'baec contincbuntur ••• In sex to & vltimocontincnda ••• (Corltir'Jed en next card)oc PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh w WS' CS'C<strong>as</strong>e5,1. EPISCOPAL CllcHCIi I~ SCOTLA:-ill. Book of con:lllon403 prayer, 1637. The booke of cOr.:'Oon prayer1637. (Card 4)70-1748IC~ 70A, D, and E; and setting (ii) in sl£nature C.On sign.1ture L3r "The Gospel" is correctlycentered. The Psalter is Edition II, withsi"na tuns kk 3_ 6from Edi tion I; 5i~na turehh3 is cancelland (b) ,Imperfect: piece tom frOM upper comerof P Z ' ~'ith loss of text. 'STC 16607b.ocPC Sn ... ASkI (if. GrSh/~Sh w WSh CS'7Z

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