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C'.lSe~A CCHOrS;::;, Jl",L~l 16';G-17,"·, A sririt""l rcl,""~treH ••• 1700. (Card 2)70-1745!CS 71(-lIt., 304 (1. e. 302 lr. 16:::Cl.lies. 265-26& or.;itted in r~dn~.STC 11 S 5000'\.oc PC 51'l A ASh fir Gt5h W CSh70-1748leN 71,moss, JOHSI 1630-1f;~O.• An apolo,:y for the COiltc,""J.ati

C.,iSC~, (CRC"'1'llm, ARTlil'R M;SEL'l, lSoS-16Se. Thel~SS da:v]v excI'cig~ C'f the devout Cla-istL'nH.ij2 ~ (C.1~d 2)NC's.241-26.t t~ercatr:d in p.q:!:in~.Joint author: Thom.1s Sadler (n~",e in!"'eli!!ion: l'incent Faustus)19 leaves of c('nt~rnrC"rary ms. bonn.j inat frol't and ba ck.70-1748 Not in STC E. This b Ii hter editionIQ;71 of SIC II C 7409. Cf. Gillov.Case~A2002.70-17~SleN 71The DAILY e"erds1 i;;Nquartll~;;' accuratio:'i u;("11:;nti.1.1 t.cniis t't'­puq;.1.tct J pCI' f>:!>. ELi >:'1'.,'\ HO.t]lIs.Yo1.2 has title: Alter t00lVS 0rC1".'1 Il.Cae cili1 CYl'rianl. (;:lIorum en talogum uer"pagelln r~rcries .,.Case3A1139770-174BlCN 71tllUllEL, ED:.'AROJ d.1657.leeted and ordered ..•Hedi tA ticn. co1-1665. (Card 2)Chronogram (motto beneath the illus. onverso of lZth prelim. leaf, and on p.48E):LaYs 0.,0, HarIae, & s~nCtIs elVs {i.e.1663}I~erfect: t.-p. trimmed and backed atbottom; lower right COI~er of last leaf tornaway, with loss of text.STC II H 1611.oc ~c Sh A ASh Gt GrSh w WSf! CSi"! Goc pc SI'! A AS/'! Gt GrSh w CSh G

C.,iSC~, (CRC"'1'llm, ARTlil'R M;SEL'l, lSoS-16Se. Thel~SS da:v]v excI'cig~ C'f the devout Cla-istL'nH.ij2 ~ (C.1~d 2)NC's.241-26.t t~ercatr:d in p.q:!:in~.Joint author: Thom.1s Sadler (n~",e in!"'eli!!ion: l'incent Faustus)19 leaves of c('nt~rnrC"rary ms. bonn.j inat frol't and ba ck.70-1748 Not in STC E. This b Ii hter editionIQ;71 of SIC II C 7409. Cf. Gillov.C<strong>as</strong>e~A2002.70-17~SleN 71The DAILY e"erds1 i;;Nquartll~;;' accuratio:'i u;("11:;nti.1.1 t.cniis t't'­puq;.1.tct J pCI' f>:!>. ELi >:'1'.,'\ HO.t]lIs.Yo1.2 h<strong>as</strong> title: Alter t00lVS 0rC1".'1 Il.Cae cili1 CYl'rianl. (;:lIorum en talogum uer"pagelln r~rcries .,.C<strong>as</strong>e3A1139770-174BlCN 71tllUllEL, ED:.'AROJ d.1657.leeted and ordered ..•Hedi tA ticn. co1-1665. (Card 2)Chronogram (motto beneath the illus. onverso of lZth prelim. leaf, and on p.48E):LaYs 0.,0, HarIae, & s~nCtIs elVs {i.e.1663}I~erfect: t.-p. trimmed and backed atbottom; lower right COI~er of l<strong>as</strong>t leaf tornaway, with loss of text.STC II H 1611.oc ~c Sh A ASh Gt GrSh w WSf! CSi"! Goc pc SI'! A AS/'! Gt GrSh w CSh G

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