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Cn~lG, Sir TI~~:AS, ]~~~-lGn9.c.',);1.:-'.~n"d.nr t~:I.."": rirht of :;\lcc~!;sion to thei2t'!icns (If htC 5n A ASh Gr Gf$h W7~-1745T C:i 7JoCpccm~qsy, IWGlI 1'"I'LI:;l:S, in rcli;:;on S:':ill>:ivS,H,(lS-1[,H .The: d1llrc:h-hi:it('r:-.~ (If Britt.1lty (i.e. J1ritain)fr,"':M t:;~ bcr:-inninr: r;f Christi.1nit? to the~~ol~","";:1n conC;Hc,-;t undct~ n("l;:"nn r:ovcrnovl·,'l. nl'l t-1.-"Ih kin,....,... The i~nr.l i.~h-S;\.\on hcpt:tn:h)'". TheI:n::1ish-Saxofl (and D.1ni;;h) ;::or"lt~chy ••• Fro.":1.~11 which is eVldcliL~Y (k:-ol';:.:tr"i..tcd: that tht"":ilr(","Cnt. H()r;,)c'n~C

c. ... I.~C?·A cCHESSY, i:1'C',:1 1~,H:Ll\1.·SJ :in rcli;::iorl Sj~H::XCSJIF-!;1~05-1E74.An ~pistlc ardor·ctie.,! of S. C. to.l pcrgonof hConour: t ....),lchir..!~his yildic.'ttl{)>\ ofDr. Stillint:-fleet.cr .. r. 1 1(~i4~,lJt.,!3~p. ]~c"I."A reply to r:d:',1.J~.j Ear! ot C1:lrcndon's',\nin:a.!vc:rsiQlls t-C':.."k, inti tLllt:J,70- fall:iticis,'71 fa;i,1ti c:tlly to t!l~1'S1583 1('05-.l67~, . ,iO-174SIC~ 71Exomolo~l3sis or A f:'''ithfvll n.1rr.1ti('!1 ofthe occasion anj mati vcs of the Cotwersionunto Ca tholiq"c vni ty. of Jh·r.h-P,l vli" deCrcss~' '" Printed .It Paris, 16~7.,J2 I t.,655(i.e.661)p. 16e~.oc PC Sh A ASh Gr GrShNos~34~-34~ r'\."pcat('\1 in ra~in~.STC II C 68n~.w WSh eShCase:'>,\186570-1745IC~ 71CCRf.sSY, Hl'CJI PAULI~;CS, in religion SEJ~S~J.'S,1605-1[,7·1.A non est invcntvs rcturn'd to Hr. E .. i ...·arJna!.sh:l\ .."s enquiry, and vainly b('l

Cn~lG, Sir TI~~:AS, ]~~~-lGn9.c.',);1.:-'.~n"d.nr t~:I.."": rirht of :;\lcc~!;sion to thei2t'!icns (If htC 5n A ASh Gr Gf$h W7~-1745T C:i 7JoCpccm~qsy, IWGlI 1'"I'LI:;l:S, in rcli;:;on S:':ill>:ivS,H,(lS-1[,H .The: d1llrc:h-hi:it('r:-.~ (If Britt.1lty (i.e. J1ritain)fr,"':M t:;~ bcr:-inninr: r;f Christi.1nit? to the~~ol~","";:1n conC;Hc,-;t undct~ n("l;:"nn r:ovcrnovl·,'l. nl'l t-1.-"Ih kin,....,... The i~nr.l i.~h-S;\.\on hcpt:tn:h)'". TheI:n::1ish-Saxofl (and D.1ni;;h) ;::or"lt~chy ••• Fro.":1.~11 which is eVldcliL~Y (k:-ol';:.:tr"i..tcd: that tht"":ilr(","Cnt. H()r;,)c'n~C

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