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Case4A~04970-1748ICN 71(CONSTAnLE, JOliN) 16767-1144.The doctdne of antiquity concc rntn!: thetlo"t n1c~~cd I';"chari !'It, plainly shewed. inrctll.,rh:s ,.,rj ttcn, St.)lnC yeAn; since, upon Hr.Johnson's bool(, of The unhloorly sacrifice;and now published, 011 occasion of " hook,inti tu1ed; A plain account, tfc. C by AnI'.lIoad1y) ny C1erophilus A1eth

: 1 • ~ .•.• \ ": 1: i;' ~ j' ~ , .;;: :,: -1 i ,,~~'.~ • j : ,- !:- r ,. >."', :";'ii!~iL_'" :';1''1"' ",~n .1::,1 fL ~;~'J~I' t!h~i j'CS'~3(,1cn.\lG 1Sir TIH);'~I\S, 1:;3?--lG~:'\" Ii;\! rir;ht ofs"ccc.,~ion ••. (C;\:-:1 2)thl! .1115 fcw1;i."lC', cnd r1\'.\, f:li thful1y tran:;-1,lt~d lnt{"\ J':nltli~;1i4 h'ith .1 ],'\i{!C int!{'x of theccnt,cnt~, nr'~ n rl~fncc by tile tr,lr51ator",r:ivlr.f~ t\n account 1.1f tlH! /\uthot"' nnd of lIi~tldn~l«~ilry-. (2 r.;ottos: 5 line:,» London trdntrct b:--- ~I~ Bennet, for [)~n. nn.''''''"l1 "dthoutT\,;"!·.r1e-1Ll.r"; Cth1. Br-or::c, ;-it the Gil" .1t the~"~5t end of St. PauJ J~ Church-Yar .. 1; G~o. Sa~'-(Continued on n~xt card)cs.7C-li.fSleS ilCC();'\i,EH, JAHE.5j 1['~C\-17]S.of rirty ;!.nd inn\'cc/1(C' ~ ••:\ rc..ny,:lS tr"'l ncr(C,1rJ ~){,>~~"11 h:lt'o;1S. To \

: 1 • ~ .•.• \ ": 1: i;' ~ j' ~ , .;;: :,: -1 i ,,~~'.~ • j : ,- !:- r ,. >."', :";'ii!~iL_'" :';1''1"' ",~n .1::,1 fL ~;~'J~I' t!h~i j'CS'~3(,1cn.\lG 1Sir TIH);'~I\S, 1:;3?--lG~:'\" Ii;\! rir;ht ofs"ccc.,~ion ••. (C;\:-:1 2)thl! .1115 fcw1;i."lC', cnd r1\'.\, f:li thful1y tran:;-1,lt~d lnt{"\ J':nltli~;1i4 h'ith .1 ],'\i{!C int!{'x of theccnt,cnt~, nr'~ n rl~fncc by tile tr,lr51ator",r:ivlr.f~ t\n account 1.1f tlH! /\uthot"' nnd of lIi~tldn~l«~ilry-. (2 r.;ottos: 5 line:,» London trdntrct b:--- ~I~ Bennet, for [)~n. nn.''''''"l1 "dthoutT\,;"!·.r1e-1Ll.r"; Cth1. Br-or::c, ;-it the Gil" .1t the~"~5t end of St. PauJ J~ Church-Yar .. 1; G~o. Sa~'-(Continued on n~xt card)cs.7C-li.fSleS ilCC();'\i,EH, JAHE.5j 1['~C\-17]S.of rirty ;!.nd inn\'cc/1(C' ~ ••:\ rc..ny,:lS tr"'l ncr(C,1rJ ~){,>~~"11 h:lt'o;1S. To \

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