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ClIEllllBINO rla Santa Teres ...S.1nta Tcrc:'i.1. I;\,'lcstr;\ Ji ~pirito, ov'VcroL'l dottrinlindc. Dextra(Continued on next card)oc pc BI'! A ASh Gt G,Sh MSO w w •• c ..CaseM1443CHRISTOPHERSON, JOHN; 5p. of Chichester,d.15S8.Historiae ecclesiasticae pars prima, qvacontinentvr Eusebij cognomen to Pamphili CaesareaePalaestinae Episcopi lib. 10. EiusdemDe vita ConstAntin! Magn! lib. 4. OratioConstantini Magni ad sanctorU coetu.Oratio eiusdem Eusebij in laudem Constantin!70- Magni ad trigesimum illius imperij annum,1748 nunquam antehac neC Graece, nec Latine !m-IeN 70(Continued on next card)OC lite Sh A ASh Get GrSh wCaseHS7Q1370-1748lCN ?lCIIETWINDE, FIlANCIS, fl. 1642.• • • [ 1642 I (Card 3)Ne ... He 11 iconScriptoris bencdic Deus orr~ibus horis F. C.1642.Narra ti ve poem.In case.Ot PC Sit A ASh G, -Gr$hMS_ w WSO csoCase3A144370-1748ICN 70CHRISTOPHERSON, JOHN, Bp. of Chichester,d.15SS. Historiae ecc1esiastieae parsprima ••• (Card 2)pressa. loanne Christophorsono ••• interprete•• , Levanii, Excudebat S. Sassenus,sumptibu~haeredum A. Birckmanni, 1569.151I,~61(i.e.362)t. 17cm.No. 224 repeated in foliation.The first of 3 pts.MS_W, WShCaseM 00 SWELL, RICHARD, 16;59-1711.2010 Books lately printed for Ric. Chi swell.(London, 1690l(2IP' 20on.70-1748lCN 11Caption title.In: Parsons, Robert.memorial 1690.OC pc $h /A, ASh Gr, GrSh1/The Jesuit'sMS_ WC50 GCasc4A5078ClIRYSOSTONUS, Jo,u,Nr:..s, S,lint, Patriarch ofConstantinople. d.407.[Dc sncerdotio. Grccl( ~( L.'1~in! S. JoannisChrysos tomi Dc '!lacerdotlo libn VI.GraecC U L~tinc quibus disscrtationes quasd,U!1pracmisi t contra 1ibrum falso inscriptum,Ecclcsiae Christianae jura vindicata (byHa tthcw Tindall , notasque adjeci t J?annesHur,hes ... F..ditio 1l1tcl"a prior

Case411307870-1748ICN 71ClmYSOST~IUS, JOANNI~'i, Saint, Patrhrch ofCOMt.,ntinOl'k, d.407. (Ile silcerdotio.Greek U L1.tin) '" (Card 2)Oratio "polol!etica. Oper,\ S. Thirlby .• ,C,1.r.tabri,:i ae, Typis Ac.1dellicis, impensis E.Jeffery, 1712.(6)i.,159,(lJ,455,(l,p. 20cm."rpqyoplou LO&IOV&EVOU T5~ OEoA6_you 01fOAOyqnl(OS .•. ": p-r~07J-455.(lialf-ti tIe on p. (313 , : Na:ianxeni Ora tioapolor,c ti c,,)"Sn W CSnGCaseM2453cmmclI Of fJ1GLAND. nook of C(>lTUllon prayer.The book of Co"",on prayer ••• 1716. (Card 3)Sit;l1aturc8 Q10-12 cut out (stubs present)Ilound in at end are two unidentifiedfral"mcnts! ell A ncw manual of devotions.Part HI. Consisting of an office for thelIoly C!,ununion, uc. (caption title; p.3-61l;A2,p-(/lZ,n 8 Jj (21 rrayel"s, which may be used,privately in church, after having rl"ethcrwith the Psalter or Psalms of D:.vid, pointedas they are to be sun/!: or said in churches.[Oxford) University of Oxford, Printed byJ. Baskett, 1716.r 161 1 +t. 16an.(Continued on next card)at PC 8h It. ASh Sr GISh MSn w WSh' CShCase5A144770-1148ICN 70CHURCH OF. ENGLAND. Constitutions and canonseccleSiastical, 1603. Constitvtions •••1604. (Card 2)(83)+t. 19an.Si~natures: A_X4. (AI blank? wanting)Imperfect: all after signature Xwanting.STC 10070.5.OC 'c Sh A AlU, Gr GrSh ... w5h C5h IICase3A245370-1148ICII 71OIUnCII Of ENGL\NIl. nook of comnon prayer.The book of common prayer ••• 1716. (Card 2), 12 2Sil!natnres presenf~ A-H ,I ,5 leavesunsigned (Ls.-12? J>H-Q •Two stulls between signatures G and II areunaccounted for; 5 stuhs between signaturesIi and II arc conjul"ate with the 5 leaves precedingH; no break in text between G and IIor the 5 leaves nnd M. Sil"naturc I is incomplete(brenk in text after 12 verso)(Continued on next card)oc PC Sf! A ASh Gr GrSh MSh W WSh CSh Gc "4.\lfi~)70-1748ICN 70CIIlIHCIl 01' ~:t'CL,\NI1. Li turr-y 3n

C<strong>as</strong>e411307870-1748ICN 71ClmYSOST~IUS, JOANNI~'i, Saint, Patrhrch ofCOMt.,ntinOl'k, d.407. (Ile silcerdotio.Greek U L1.tin) '" (Card 2)Oratio "polol!etica. Oper,\ S. Thirlby .• ,C,1.r.tabri,:i ae, Typis Ac.1dellicis, impensis E.Jeffery, 1712.(6)i.,159,(lJ,455,(l,p. 20cm."rpqyoplou LO&IOV&EVOU T5~ OEoA6_you 01fOAOyqnl(OS .•. ": p-r~07J-455.(lialf-ti tIe on p. (313 , : Na:ianxeni Ora tioapolor,c ti c,,)"Sn W CSnGC<strong>as</strong>eM2453cmmclI Of fJ1GLAND. nook of C(>lTUllon prayer.The book of Co"",on prayer ••• 1716. (Card 3)Sit;l1aturc8 Q10-12 cut out (stubs present)Ilound in at end are two unidentifiedfral"mcnts! ell A ncw manual of devotions.Part HI. Consisting of an office for thelIoly C!,ununion, uc. (caption title; p.3-61l;A2,p-(/lZ,n 8 Jj (21 rrayel"s, which may be used,privately in church, after having rl"ethcrwith the Psalter or Psalms of D:.vid, pointed<strong>as</strong> they are to be sun/!: or said in churches.[Oxford) University of Oxford, Printed byJ. B<strong>as</strong>kett, 1716.r 161 1 +t. 16an.(Continued on next card)at PC 8h It. ASh Sr GISh MSn w WSh' CShC<strong>as</strong>e5A144770-1148ICN 70CHURCH OF. ENGLAND. Constitutions and canonseccleSi<strong>as</strong>tical, 1603. Constitvtions •••1604. (Card 2)(83)+t. 19an.Si~natures: A_X4. (AI blank? wanting)Imperfect: all after signature Xwanting.STC 10070.5.OC 'c Sh A AlU, Gr GrSh ... w5h C5h IIC<strong>as</strong>e3A245370-1148ICII 71OIUnCII Of ENGL\NIl. nook of comnon prayer.The book of common prayer ••• 1716. (Card 2), 12 2Sil!natnres presenf~ A-H ,I ,5 leavesunsigned (Ls.-12? J>H-Q •Two stulls between signatures G and II areunaccounted for; 5 stuhs between signaturesIi and II arc conjul"ate with the 5 leaves precedingH; no break in text between G and IIor the 5 leaves nnd M. Sil"naturc I is incomplete(brenk in text after 12 verso)(Continued on next card)oc PC Sf! A ASh Gr GrSh MSh W WSh CSh Gc "4.\lfi~)70-1748ICN 70CIIlIHCIl 01' ~:t'CL,\NI1. Li turr-y 3n

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