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CaseM CAUSSIN, IHCOLAS, 1 583-1(i51. The holy1440 covrt ••• 1526. (Card 2)Fictitious imprint. Printed by theEnglish College Press at St. Omer.STC 4872. A11is11 U Ro/;ers 217.Imperfect: t.-p. trinuned; urrer marginsclosely triJrrned, "'i th some running ti tIcscut into.70-1748 Armorial bookplate: Hannion Edw? rerrers.ICN 70ocPCSh A ASh G. GrSh "'Sh W WSh CShGCase CELLIEH • ELI ZAII F:TIl , fl,lr,80. Halice de-('A fe., ted Hi80. (Card 2)347,11t.,4Ap. :nc:m.70-1748ICN 71STC II C 166l.oc PC $h A ASh G. c;.,Si\ MSh W WSh e ..GC.,se6.\33270-1748rCN 71CAVil, I{fLLIMl, 1637-1713.ikclesiilstici: nr, The history of theli~es, ncts, death, U writin~s, of the most. eminent fathers nf the church, th.,t flourishtin the fourth cent",-y. I"hcrrin ;un.)nr- otherthinr-s an acco\lnt is 1:1 ven nf the rise,t:rowth, and pro!,:rc,," of :\riani!

Cn~c I CIIALLONlm , RI,JIARO, flp. J 16'l1-17~1.MThe Catholick Christian instructed in the2335 sacraments, sacrifi'ce, ccrcnlonies, "no observancesof the church. By way of question70-1748ICN 71and answer. fly n ••••• C....... ~ndon.Printed in the year 1737.xxiv,261,13,p. 180m.The preface cont.,in., the author's answerto C, Middleton's A letter from Rome.OC PC Sit A ASh G.. GrSIt "Sh W WSh cs.Case3.\234070-1748ICN 71rCH.1LLONfJI, lUCll.\IW, Ill', I 1(;'11-1781.Th~ "rounds of th~ old rcH/':ion: or, 50 •. 1..,/':cneml nr/!,\I!r.ents in f.1Vo\lr of the Catholick,Apostolick, Hor.tttn Co~.":";I\lliion. \:('11C!\-:t(~d frl.)lnhoth nncicnt .'lnrl m(..,(:~rH C: .. 111-:"!"\i~·CT:.::ir.ts, .1nJmodestly proposed to tile CC1l5idcration ofhis countrYlllen. Ily it convert ••• Printedat AUf:llSt." 1742.e1Jt.,v p.,[3}t.,213p. 17cm.OC PC Ih It AS,.. ~t GrS"Fictitious place of publica tion.W WI' c •• QCaseM2336ClfA LLOX En , RIClIARD, IIp., 16"1.-17!l1.The Catholic Christian instructed in the8acr~mcnts, s~crificcJ ceremonies, and observationsof the church: by \,ray of question andans"er. fly ... Rich. Ch.,lloner '" London,Printed and published by Keatin/!, Drown, andCo., 1819. .43Op.,rl1t. 150m.70-1748 The preface cont"ins the author's answerICN 71 to C. Middleton's A letter from Rome.oc: II'C .ft ... ASh: Gt GrSh ....WwS' CShQC"sc4"3041cClIALLONEIl, HIClIAIUJ, lip. I 1691-178l.Ifcmoirs of mis$ion.,ry priests, "s "'ellscculnr as rcr,u1ari ;tnd of other Ca tholics,of both sexes, th"t have suffered death inEnr,lnnd, on relir,io!ls accounts, from the ye.~rof Our r.ord 1577, to 1684. Gathered, partlyfrom the printed ilccounts of their lh'es ilndsltff"rinr,s, published by coten.porary esic]authors, in divers lan~ua~es. And partlyfrom mnlluscript relations, kept in the70-1748(Continued on next card)ICN 71OC PC: Sh It A$h Gr Gt3" MS' W$' os. GCueM2:-'3770-1748ICN 71,CII,ILLONl·;rt RICHArtD, lip.) 16'11-1781.A cave;t """Ilinst the Hethodists. She ... in/!how un~n.fl! it 13 for any Chris ti;tn to joinhimselC to their socei ty, or to ildh~rc totheir teachers ••• London, Printed for W.Needham, 1760.461" 170m.OC 'PC lit A ASh G, c;,fSh W WS' c ••Case4A:)041[O!ALLO:lm, RICHARD, lip.) 1691-1781. Hemoirsof missionary priest3 •.• (Card 2).,rchives "nd records of the t;nl':lish collcees''"'' convents abroad. ano oftentimes pennedhy eYC-"'itncsses of their dca th.- Divided. into two l'artll [~ndon, Printed forand sold bl' F. Needhilm) 1741-42.2v. 23cm.70-1748 Imprint from advertisements in bothICN 71 volumes. (Cont.inued on next card)oc PC 5" It ASh Gr GrS'" "s. W Ws. cst. G70-170\8ICN 71eCIiALLONm, IHCHAnn, Ill'. I 16'1l-17Bl.Consider.,tions upon Christian truths andChristian duties ditcstco into mcditationsfor every d~y in the year... rn.p. I Anno1759.2v. 19c:n.Contents.--Part 1: for the first sixmonths.--Part II. For the. last six months.oc PC Jh A ASh Gr G,Sh ....WW"CS. QCase4,\304170-1748ICN 71eCIiALLONI'JI, rtIClI.lrtD, IIp.) 1()91-1781.moirs of missionary priests •••(Card 3)He-1741-42.Contents.--I'ilrt I. Cont.'inin/,: nn Ilccount0: those thnt suffered fr"'" the yeAr 1577,ull the end of the rei~n of Queen Elizabeth... ho died in 160~.--l'art II. Containinr, an 'account of thos" that suffered from the year160:$, the first of Kin,: James I, to the year1684, the last of Kin!: Ch.u1es n.OC Pc 5" It ASh. Gr ~tS;'" .. WW$' cst. G,"C.ue:lA2S3970-1748ICN 71OC PC $hrCIIAU.o:·:l:.1l, nICHARll, IIp. I 1691-1781.TIle r..-l rtkn ('If the soul: or, A manu·'ll ofspirii. .• I.l!.

Cn~c I CIIALLONlm , RI,JIARO, flp. J 16'l1-17~1.MThe Catholick Christian instructed in the2335 sacraments, sacrifi'ce, ccrcnlonies, "no observancesof the church. By way of question70-1748ICN 71and answer. fly n ••••• C....... ~ndon.Printed in the year 1737.xxiv,261,13,p. 180m.The preface cont.,in., the author's answerto C, Middleton's A letter from Rome.OC PC Sit A ASh G.. GrSIt "Sh W WSh cs.C<strong>as</strong>e3.\234070-1748ICN 71rCH.1LLONfJI, lUCll.\IW, Ill', I 1(;'11-1781.Th~ "rounds of th~ old rcH/':ion: or, 50 •. 1..,/':cneml nr/!,\I!r.ents in f.1Vo\lr of the Catholick,Apostolick, Hor.tttn Co~.":";I\lliion. \:('11C!\-:t(~d frl.)lnhoth nncicnt .'lnrl m(..,(:~rH C: .. 111-:"!"\i~·CT:.::ir.ts, .1nJmodestly proposed to tile CC1l5idcration ofhis countrYlllen. Ily it convert ••• Printedat AUf:llSt." 1742.e1Jt.,v p.,[3}t.,213p. 17cm.OC PC Ih It AS,.. ~t GrS"Fictitious place of publica tion.W WI' c •• QC<strong>as</strong>eM2336ClfA LLOX En , RIClIARD, IIp., 16"1.-17!l1.The Catholic Christian instructed in the8acr~mcnts, s~crificcJ ceremonies, and observationsof the church: by \,ray of question andans"er. fly ... Rich. Ch.,lloner '" London,Printed and published by Keatin/!, Drown, andCo., 1819. .43Op.,rl1t. 150m.70-1748 The preface cont"ins the author's answerICN 71 to C. Middleton's A letter from Rome.oc: II'C .ft ... ASh: Gt GrSh ....WwS' CShQC"sc4"3041cClIALLONEIl, HIClIAIUJ, lip. I 1691-178l.Ifcmoirs of mis$ion.,ry priests, "s "'ellscculnr <strong>as</strong> rcr,u1ari ;tnd of other Ca tholics,of both sexes, th"t have suffered death inEnr,lnnd, on relir,io!ls accounts, from the ye.~rof Our r.ord 1577, to 1684. Gathered, partlyfrom the printed ilccounts of their lh'es ilndsltff"rinr,s, published by coten.porary esic]authors, in divers lan~ua~es. And partlyfrom mnlluscript relations, kept in the70-1748(Continued on next card)ICN 71OC PC: Sh It A$h Gr Gt3" MS' W$' os. GCueM2:-'3770-1748ICN 71,CII,ILLONl·;rt RICHArtD, lip.) 16'11-1781.A cave;t """Ilinst the Hethodists. She ... in/!how un~n.fl! it 13 for any Chris ti;tn to joinhimselC to their socei ty, or to ildh~rc totheir teachers ••• London, Printed for W.Needham, 1760.461" 170m.OC 'PC lit A ASh G, c;,fSh W WS' c ••C<strong>as</strong>e4A:)041[O!ALLO:lm, RICHARD, lip.) 1691-1781. Hemoirsof missionary priest3 •.• (Card 2).,rchives "nd records of the t;nl':lish collcees''"'' convents abroad. ano oftentimes pennedhy eYC-"'itncsses of their dca th.- Divided. into two l'artll [~ndon, Printed forand sold bl' F. Needhilm) 1741-42.2v. 23cm.70-1748 Imprint from advertisements in bothICN 71 volumes. (Cont.inued on next card)oc PC 5" It ASh Gr GrS'" "s. W Ws. cst. G70-170\8ICN 71eCIiALLONm, IHCHAnn, Ill'. I 16'1l-17Bl.Consider.,tions upon Christian truths andChristian duties ditcstco into mcditationsfor every d~y in the year... rn.p. I Anno1759.2v. 19c:n.Contents.--Part 1: for the first sixmonths.--Part II. For the. l<strong>as</strong>t six months.oc PC Jh A ASh Gr G,Sh ....WW"CS. QC<strong>as</strong>e4,\304170-1748ICN 71eCIiALLONI'JI, rtIClI.lrtD, IIp.) 1()91-1781.moirs of missionary priests •••(Card 3)He-1741-42.Contents.--I'ilrt I. Cont.'inin/,: nn Ilccount0: those thnt suffered fr"'" the yeAr 1577,ull the end of the rei~n of Queen Elizabeth... ho died in 160~.--l'art II. Containinr, an 'account of thos" that suffered from the year160:$, the first of Kin,: James I, to the year1684, the l<strong>as</strong>t of Kin!: Ch.u1es n.OC Pc 5" It ASh. Gr ~tS;'" .. WW$' cst. G,"C.ue:lA2S3970-1748ICN 71OC PC $hrCIIAU.o:·:l:.1l, nICHARll, IIp. I 1691-1781.TIle r..-l rtkn ('If the soul: or, A manu·'ll ofspirii. .• I.l!.

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