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\'.15e C,\!HOLIC C};UltCH IN lRf,LA1W.·1.\ Address of the C'thollc~ of Ire}"nd to;;001 the peo!,le of Enl;land. (!Jublin, it.GI'I1CC, 18--7 J41" 2"cm.Cl1ption title.C"seM The CATIIOLICK mirrour 1662. (C"rn 2)1869(3 Jt.,147!,.,(2 Jt. Bcm.Si ~n,' tures: .\_K B (K Bblank? .. antin~)Not in STC II.70-1748ICN 71oc PC S." A.' G. ,,$1'1 ....WWSh es • G70-1748ICN 71OCPC ..A...G.GrSh"5' w ws. es.GC:lse4A303770-1748ICN 71The CAnlOLIC question, vie ..:en in connectionwith the apl'rOilchinJ:: count)' election (inYorl,~hirc J (From the Sheffield Independent.)cLondon, Printed by \(. E. Andrews, 182-181'. 230"Caption title.Si~ned nt endl A Protestant freeholder.ac PC Ih A ASh ~ Gt$n "' ..WWS' cs.c.~SCM1B700-174B. CN 71CAUSSIN, NICOLAS, 1583-1651.The Chl'isti"n diurnal. Of F. N Causs!n,S. J. Reviewed, and ",uch augmented. Andtranslated into I';nr,lish, by S. T. II. (i.e. SirThom<strong>as</strong> lIawkins) Third edi tion. ,n.p.)Prinud, '\n. 110m. 1686., 17 1{'.,27}p.I6cm,. 12 (, 12 4Slgnlltnre$:" ,~. ,A-L ,H ...... 6 blank.Not in STC II. Cf. C 1542-]5·13.lmrerfect: p.~5-~6 m\ltUat~d, wi th lossof text •OC PC Sh It. ASh Gf OtSh u •• W WSh CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e4A204270-1748ICN 71CAnlOLtC spectator, selector and moni tor; or,. Catholicon. v.1-5, July IRI5-18; ser.2,v.I, Apr.-DeC. 181A; scr.3, v.I-4, 1823-26.London, Printed and published by Keating,Drown and Keating.v. 23cm.Title varies: 1B15, Publicist; 1816-1B,Ca thoU con.Imprint from ~.l.<strong>Library</strong> h<strong>as</strong> ".1, no.1-(" July-Dec. IBIS,'C~ntinued on next card)oC PC 8h It. ASh Gt Gr$h MSn w WSh cs.C<strong>as</strong>eMIA71,CAliSSIN, NICOI..·\S J HA3-lfi51.Entertainments for Lent. Fir:;t "~rittcn infrench, and transl'ted by Sir D. 6. (i.e.n<strong>as</strong>il nrook. motto: 2 lines) London,Printed for 1. \;. (Le. Iohn Williams?, andare to be sold by P. St~phens the younger,1661.,B 1t.,226,(4JP. 140m.70-l74AlCN 71Si/!natur~s: A_K 12 (K12 blank? wantind(Continued on nex t ca rd)....W W$h cs~"C<strong>as</strong>e4,\2042CAnlOLIC spect"tor, selector lind monitor •••1818-26. (Card 2)with cnption ti tlc5: Pub1 icist! n~d t. :-~ ..titl~: Catholicon; orr The Ch('~st1an prnlosopher,n Rom-'ln Catholic ,r,.lr.:~1.=lnc.C<strong>as</strong>eMISH(CAUSSIlI, I .. COLAS ) 1583-]&51.ments for Lent ••. 1661.£ntcrt"in­(Card Z)Not in STC II. Cr. C 1545-1546.Imperfect: 1'.67-90 wantin/!; p.209-210m.,r/!illcd; upper ri/!ht comers of l<strong>as</strong>t NOleaves torn a .... "y, with loss of par.e numbers.70-1748ICN 710

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