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Cas~2.1.11870-1748IOI 70CaseM209670-1748ICN 71CASTWIAINE, ROGER PAUfER, Earl of, 16:34-1705The Earl of Castlcmain's manifesto 'cn.p.) Printed Anno 1681. ...r l ,t.,136p. 16011.STC II C 1245.W W,h C$hGac 1ft: Sh A ASh C, G,!~MSh w W",co.Case2A11870-1748ICN 70(CASV.NIZA, JUAN DE, rl.1598. The spiritvallcombat ••. 1656. (Card 2)271p.,(2,t.,104p.,,2J+t.12am.In 2 pt5., each with separate pagin~. the2d vith caption title.Preface of the 2d pt. signed: W. C.Imperfect: p.19-24, 257-264, and allafter t;,2, at end wanting.STC II C l2l8A.(oc PC 9h It. ASh Gr G,ShM" w WSh GCase3'\186570-1748ICN 70,CASTLDIAINE, ROGER PAUIER, Earl of] 1634-1688.A reply to the ansvver of the Catholiqveapology. Or a cleere vindication of the Catholiquesof England from all matter of factcharg'd against them'by their enemy.... (n.p.,1668. ~2881" 16011.In repl)' to The late apology in behalf ofthe rapists, by Wi 111 run Lloyd.Bookplate (amorial) of Richard Towneley.STC II C 1146.Oc pc Sh A ASII Cr GrSh MSh W W.h CSh246870-lN8ICN 71,CAsni:IZA, JUAN DE) d.1S98.The spirit ..."l combat. ••• Ilone intoEn~linh by J. T. Lon,lon, Pri.ntcd for andsold by F. Needham, 1742.viii,2Glp. Hem.Also attributed to Loren~o Scupoli.oc ftC 5h A ASh Gr GrSh MSh w WS' CSh GCase4A50~870-1746ICN 710

~,\liil6C,,-70-17~gICN 70CATHOLIC ClIlJIlCIf. Cancell.1rio Apostolica.Taxa S. Caneellariae Ro"unoe ..• 1651ci.e.1652, (Card 2)the Library: 2d-5th prelim. leaves arc cancels,ineorpo,atinr, a t.-p. in black ollly,",ith dedication dated: 26. Aprilis stil. Ju1.Anno H. DC. LII .... (no catclll{ord on *5 v)In the other copy, the t.-p. is in red andblack, and the dedicotion (to a different person)is dated: 50. IlIlii Anllo H. DC ll •••.(catchwol-d on *5 v: Lccto-)DC PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh MS' w ws. CS' GCase4h508570-1748ICN 71CATHOLIC CIIlIHCli. Li turg and ri tual.S.upplcr.lclltlUn ad Drcvi.1.rium, ct His!iillc.Romanum. Adjectis officiis sanctorum Anr,liae.Lendini, Typis et impensis Keating etDrown, 1825.105,(5)p. 22cm.oc pc Sh A ASh Gr GrSh MS. w WSh CS'CaseM2492CATIIOLIC CIIUHCII. C,'techi~ms. Enr,li,h.The ec'l tcchism, or Chri !itian doctrine, by"'-ay' of question ilno an~\ ... crj dr."'l,,'n frol'T\ thec)..lJrcss \... ord of Gorl, ami other p\lr~ ~o\lrcc.,.Re-published by A. Clinton... London,Printed by J. p. Cor-hlan, 1796.xvi,29up. 15cm.Originally compiled by ,Inlh"" Dunlevy.CaseSA619CATIIOLIC CIIlIHCIi. Li tllr."y .,nd ri tual. nayellX.RituCllc n,"'ljoccn~(!J ."'lHctorit.'1tc Illu!=;tris­S11I1, ac Reverendiso~lIIi 1J1l. Pauli d'Albert deLuvnes, Epi3COpi n.,jocensi s, edi tum. Pari~iis,T)~is J.-n. Coir,nard, 1744.(11,t.,455,c7,p. music,2 plates. 26cm.Imperfect: many· leaves nlUtilated, .nthslight loss of text.70-1748ICN 71OC PC Sh A ASh Gr SrS" MS. w WS' CS.G70-1748ICN 71OC PC Sh A ASh Sr GrSh MS' w WS' CS.GCase3A CATHOLIC CHURCH. Catechismus Romanus. English.1867 The Catechism for the curats, compos'd bythe decree of the Council of Trent, and publish'dby command of Pope Pius the Fifth.Faithfully translated into English. PennissvSTperiorvm. London, Printed by H. Hills,for him andM. Turner, 1687.c12lt.,SS4p.,c15,L 19cm.70-1748ICN 71STC II C 1472.OC PC SII A AS" Cir GrSh MS' w WS' cs' GCase2Ano70-1748ICN 70CATHOLIC ClfURCH. Li turgy and ritual.Dreviary. 15&4.nrcviari~ Romanvm ex Sacra rotissim\~Scriptura, It probatis sanctorum historijsconfrctlDn', a.c dcnuo rcco~ni turn. Cum Argumentisin Psalmos, indice ad Epistolas f'Euangclia, quae in Hissa lc~untllr inllcnicnda,septem rsa Jmis, It Officio ",ortuoru...Antve)-pi.ae, In aedibus viduae f' h"eredumI. Stelsij, 1564.·~ontinued on next card)OC PC Sh A ASh Gr G,Sh MS' w WS. e5'GCilse4A CA11I0LIC CIIURCII. Li turr-y anrl ri t~al. ,1870 Codices sncramentorvm nonr-entlS anlllS vetvstioresni~irUm Libri III. Silc:amcntorumRomanae Eccle3iae. Iii 5'" Ie Goth, cum, Sl '"eGallic.,num vctus. lIissale Vrancorum. HlSsaleGnllicanum vetlls. PrimlllTl p:~rlellnt. Cura Itstudio loseph Ifariae Thom.,s'J ••• Rornae,Ex typo/,:raphia A. nernoho, luRO.cl0,t.,512(i.e.510)p. 22cm.70-1748 Nos. 165-166 omitted in pat;ing. ,ICN 71 Cancel and can~el1and of 2d pre I,m. leaf(signed A2) b~th present, ws.oc PC 811 A ASh ,"r CirS" "":Slt W CS'Case5A2444,._--_ .. _.---_._ ..70-1748ICN 71CATIIOLIC CIIURC!I. Li turr-y and ri tll.,l.Officium in Fc~t(') ct per OCt.1.V.l;;'1 Pcntccostesuna cu;r. cc;:rr:rl1cmor.'1i:ionihl.l!=; fc~tonrrnsimpli~i\.CT1, qU.1e inrl"a cam occurnmt . . ~ecunJil.'11Hissalc fJ Rrcvi.'\rium nOTll.'\~urn, PJ 1 v.Pont. 1I:u. jussu erlitum, Clomen~ls VIII. f,Urbani VIII. auctori tate reco,::"' tw:" , ,Intverpiae,Ex arehi typographia Plant'nl"na,1760.203p. 17cm.oc PC SII A ASh Gr GrShMSh w WSh CShCase2A ChTilOLIC CIH'HCII. Lituq:y and I'itu"l. nre-110 vi"ry. 1564. nrevi."-YIII Romanvln1564. (Card 2)70-1748ICN 70clu,,570(i.e.554),cl,t. 12cm.Nos. 289-294 and 575-584 omitted infoliation.Revision (2d text) of Cardinal Quiiiones,first published in 1556 and suppressed in15G8. Cf. J. Ii. Lc/,:." , The second recensionof the Quip'on nreviary ••. 1912.(Continued on next card)oc PC Sh A ASh G. G,Sh MS. w w .. e5'Case2A110CATIIOLI Cviary.1564.~"- .. ,CIIl'RCli. Li tllq:y and ri tlla l. nre-15u4. nreviarvm Roman"l11 ••.(C.ud 5)Ti tle wi thin al'chi tectural border.Colophon: hntverpiae. Typis IoannisVVi thagij. 1564.70-1748ICN 70(OC PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh MS' w WS. eShGG/12~j

~,\liil6C,,-70-17~gICN 70CATHOLIC ClIlJIlCIf. Cancell.1rio Apostolica.Taxa S. Caneellariae Ro"unoe ..• 1651ci.e.1652, (Card 2)the <strong>Library</strong>: 2d-5th prelim. leaves arc cancels,ineorpo,atinr, a t.-p. in black ollly,",ith dedication dated: 26. Aprilis stil. Ju1.Anno H. DC. LII .... (no catclll{ord on *5 v)In the other copy, the t.-p. is in red andblack, and the dedicotion (to a different person)is dated: 50. IlIlii Anllo H. DC ll •••.(catchwol-d on *5 v: Lccto-)DC PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh MS' w ws. CS' GC<strong>as</strong>e4h508570-1748ICN 71CATHOLIC CIIlIHCli. Li turg and ri tual.S.upplcr.lclltlUn ad Drcvi.1.rium, ct His!iillc.Romanum. Adjectis officiis sanctorum Anr,liae.Lendini, Typis et impensis Keating etDrown, 1825.105,(5)p. 22cm.oc pc Sh A ASh Gr GrSh MS. w WSh CS'C<strong>as</strong>eM2492CATIIOLIC CIIUHCII. C,'techi~ms. Enr,li,h.The ec'l tcchism, or Chri !itian doctrine, by"'-ay' of question ilno an~\ ... crj dr."'l,,'n frol'T\ thec)..lJrcss \... ord of Gorl, ami other p\lr~ ~o\lrcc.,.Re-published by A. Clinton... London,Printed by J. p. Cor-hlan, 1796.xvi,29up. 15cm.Originally compiled by ,Inlh"" Dunlevy.C<strong>as</strong>eSA619CATIIOLIC CIIlIHCIi. Li tllr."y .,nd ri tual. nayellX.RituCllc n,"'ljoccn~(!J ."'lHctorit.'1tc Illu!=;tris­S11I1, ac Reverendiso~lIIi 1J1l. Pauli d'Albert deLuvnes, Epi3COpi n.,jocensi s, edi tum. Pari~iis,T)~is J.-n. Coir,nard, 1744.(11,t.,455,c7,p. music,2 plates. 26cm.Imperfect: many· leaves nlUtilated, .nthslight loss of text.70-1748ICN 71OC PC Sh A ASh Gr SrS" MS. w WS' CS.G70-1748ICN 71OC PC Sh A ASh Sr GrSh MS' w WS' CS.GC<strong>as</strong>e3A CATHOLIC CHURCH. Catechismus Romanus. English.1867 The Catechism for the curats, compos'd bythe decree of the Council of Trent, and publish'dby command of Pope Pius the Fifth.Faithfully translated into English. PennissvSTperiorvm. London, Printed by H. Hills,for him andM. Turner, 1687.c12lt.,SS4p.,c15,L 19cm.70-1748ICN 71STC II C 1472.OC PC SII A AS" Cir GrSh MS' w WS' cs' GC<strong>as</strong>e2Ano70-1748ICN 70CATHOLIC ClfURCH. Li turgy and ritual.Dreviary. 15&4.nrcviari~ Romanvm ex Sacra rotissim\~Scriptura, It probatis sanctorum historijsconfrctlDn', a.c dcnuo rcco~ni turn. Cum Argumentisin Psalmos, indice ad Epistol<strong>as</strong> f'Euangclia, quae in Hissa lc~untllr inllcnicnda,septem rsa Jmis, It Officio ",ortuoru...Antve)-pi.ae, In aedibus viduae f' h"eredumI. Stelsij, 1564.·~ontinued on next card)OC PC Sh A ASh Gr G,Sh MS' w WS. e5'GCilse4A CA11I0LIC CIIURCII. Li turr-y anrl ri t~al. ,1870 Codices sncramentorvm nonr-entlS anlllS vetvstioresni~irUm Libri III. Silc:amcntorumRomanae Eccle3iae. Iii 5'" Ie Goth, cum, Sl '"eGallic.,num vctus. lIissale Vrancorum. HlSsaleGnllicanum vetlls. PrimlllTl p:~rlellnt. Cura Itstudio loseph Ifariae Thom.,s'J ••• Rornae,Ex typo/,:raphia A. nernoho, luRO.cl0,t.,512(i.e.510)p. 22cm.70-1748 Nos. 165-166 omitted in pat;ing. ,ICN 71 Cancel and can~el1and of 2d pre I,m. leaf(signed A2) b~th present, ws.oc PC 811 A ASh ,"r CirS" "":Slt W CS'C<strong>as</strong>e5A2444,._--_ .. _.---_._ ..70-1748ICN 71CATIIOLIC CIIURC!I. Li turr-y and ri tll.,l.Officium in Fc~t(') ct per OCt.1.V.l;;'1 Pcntccostesuna cu;r. cc;:rr:rl1cmor.'1i:ionihl.l!=; fc~tonrrnsimpli~i\.CT1, qU.1e inrl"a cam occurnmt . . ~ecunJil.'11Hissalc fJ Rrcvi.'\rium nOTll.'\~urn, PJ 1 v.Pont. 1I:u. jussu erlitum, Clomen~ls VIII. f,Urbani VIII. auctori tate reco,::"' tw:" , ,Intverpiae,Ex arehi typographia Plant'nl"na,1760.203p. 17cm.oc PC SII A ASh Gr GrShMSh w WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>e2A ChTilOLIC CIH'HCII. Lituq:y and I'itu"l. nre-110 vi"ry. 1564. nrevi."-YIII Romanvln1564. (Card 2)70-1748ICN 70clu,,570(i.e.554),cl,t. 12cm.Nos. 289-294 and 575-584 omitted infoliation.Revision (2d text) of Cardinal Quiiiones,first published in 1556 and suppressed in15G8. Cf. J. Ii. Lc/,:." , The second recensionof the Quip'on nreviary ••. 1912.(Continued on next card)oc PC Sh A ASh G. G,Sh MS. w w .. e5'C<strong>as</strong>e2A110CATIIOLI Cviary.1564.~"- .. ,CIIl'RCli. Li tllq:y and ri tlla l. nre-15u4. nreviarvm Roman"l11 ••.(C.ud 5)Ti tle wi thin al'chi tectural border.Colophon: hntverpiae. Typis IoannisVVi thagij. 1564.70-1748ICN 70(OC PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh MS' w WS. eShGG/12~j

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