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C.1SCcA CMUl8, TIIOHAS, orir-i n,1]]Y HI L~;S rn;K~;EY, 1599-2012 1674.A proper l"okinp, 1;)"55" for the Oavghtcrsof Sion or st. AVj:vstjncs life abbrid!;cd, andreduced into points of nlcditl:ltion. \,VithMeditations for a sriritu'\ll ex~rdsc atc1othin!\! and rrofessions. fly The",as Carretheir confesso"r. At Paris, 1665.292p. 16an.70-1748101 71OC PC $hIn 2 rts., the c,j "ith speda1 t.-p.:(Continued on next card)) MSh W WSh CSh GC.,"eSt\·iJ :i70-174fJleN 71,CAl\'.{f.L1.., TJlOH.\S) 1(;00-16(;4.l..ahyrinthv~ C."lntvaricnsi:n or Oi."'IctorL1,1,1d1t, 1.1hvt·jath. nccinr;:ln .'l.ns,:"Vcr to thelate ,\!·chbi.~hoi' of C.'nte~hvric, l\el.1tion elf aconfcl-encc beth'cen him~elfc and Hr. Fi:;hcr,ctc~ '.'tncrcin the true r.rot1nd~ of th,,: Ho.-nanCatholiqve rclir-ion arc .,sRertcd, the princi-1',,11 controucrde~ hctvvixt Cath()liq\te~ andrrotestant~ throu~hly (sic) • ",unined, and thebishops mCllndrick vvindln~a throur,hout his(Continued on next card)W70-1748leN 71C.\RRE, 1110;I.\S, oririn11l), ~f1U:,) PJ~;K"f:Y. 159'1-1674. A proper 100xinr. 1;1~ssc ... 1605.(Card 2)Meditalions for seaven daycs. To be vsed bythe canonesses rc~uhrs of the Order of Sal ntc"':,Aue:ustinc, in the Hon,uterie of Sion. Estrtblishe"at Paris. ,\. 16M ••• At Paris, OyOabriel Targa, H. DC. LXV.src II P 2274.Case50\41310-1748fCN 71{C.\1l\1ELL, THOMAS, l(;OO-lG(,·L L.,byrinthvsCantv~ricn"is '" (C~rd 2).""hole vvorl(c layd open to publiqllc veivv(sic). fly T. C.... Paris, Printed by1. lIi11ainc, 165A.(S,t.,41Sp.,c7)t. :50CIlI.Ti tle in HcAlpin Cat"logue hi'ls "vievv"instead of "vcivv .. "STC II C 721.oc pc '" A ASh c;.. GfSh"S'W cs... s. w WSh CSh GCase~,\210470-1748ICN 71rCAnR!':, TlIo.'IAS, ori)1in.111y mu;s PINKNEY,15~9-H;74.rSpiritual exercise IIccordinl; to the CllStorneof llilldescm, anno Dom. 1400, r::n~li5hed byTh"",a3 Carre ••• who also I\dded meditations ofsinlle, C PC Sh It. ASh Gf GrSh .. s. W WS' CO,) .w W$h4-C

CaseM186370-1749ICN 70CCASTANIZA, JUAN DE, d.1598.,The Christian pilgrirne in his spiritual1conflict, and (spirituall, conqvest. AtParis, 1652,2 pts.in 1 v. illus. 16cm.For details, sec cat.11oging for the othercopy in the Li bra ry.Imperfect: in 1st pt., 2 leaves unsigned(general t.-p. and general half-title), signaturesa l3 (includine special t.-p. for the- :Continued on next card)wCShGCase~A CASTANIZA, JUAN DE; d.1598. The Christi~n1862 pll/!:rill1e 1652. (Card 4)Sp~nish, ~y ••• John Castaniza .,. I\fterwards,put into the ~'tinc, Italian, Gennan. French,and nOl< lastly into the English ton~\le, accordingto the ol'igina Jl copy. Wi th m,1ny pro­[it.lble addi tions and clCpllcations. Thesecond edition... lIt r~ris, 1652.70-1748 The 2d pt. has special t.-p.: The spiri-ICN70 tvall conquest, in five treatises, enabling(Continued on next card)oc PC Sh A ASh Gr G~Sh wGCase3A186370-1748lCN 70,CASTARIZA, JUAN DE, d.ISQ8. The Christianpilgrilne .,. ,1652, (Card 2)oc pc ~'" A ASh S, GrSn w WSh GCaseM18&270-l748ICN 70c,\Sn .. ;,The Christian pilr,l'ionc in his srirituallconfl;,"I, "nd l~pil'j tu,1ll, cOllqvcst. ,ItPari R, If,'>l.2 pls.ill 1 V. ilills. 1(,1 m" d.1S

C<strong>as</strong>eM186370-1749ICN 70CCASTANIZA, JUAN DE, d.1598.,The Christian pilgrirne in his spiritual1conflict, and (spirituall, conqvest. AtParis, 1652,2 pts.in 1 v. illus. 16cm.For details, sec cat.11oging for the othercopy in the Li bra ry.Imperfect: in 1st pt., 2 leaves unsigned(general t.-p. and general half-title), signaturesa l3 (includine special t.-p. for the- :Continued on next card)wCShGC<strong>as</strong>e~A CASTANIZA, JUAN DE; d.1598. The Christi~n1862 pll/!:rill1e 1652. (Card 4)Sp~nish, ~y ••• John C<strong>as</strong>taniza .,. I\fterwards,put into the ~'tinc, Italian, Gennan. French,and nOl< l<strong>as</strong>tly into the English ton~\le, accordingto the ol'igina Jl copy. Wi th m,1ny pro­[it.lble addi tions and clCpllcations. Thesecond edition... lIt r~ris, 1652.70-1748 The 2d pt. h<strong>as</strong> special t.-p.: The spiri-ICN70 tvall conquest, in five treatises, enabling(Continued on next card)oc PC Sh A ASh Gr G~Sh wGC<strong>as</strong>e3A186370-1748lCN 70,CASTARIZA, JUAN DE, d.ISQ8. The Christianpilgrilne .,. ,1652, (Card 2)oc pc ~'" A ASh S, GrSn w WSh GC<strong>as</strong>eM18&270-l748ICN 70c,\Sn .. ;,The Christian pilr,l'ionc in his srirituallconfl;,"I, "nd l~pil'j tu,1ll, cOllqvcst. ,ItPari R, If,'>l.2 pls.ill 1 V. ilills. 1(,1 m" d.1S

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