available as a PDF file - Newberry Library

available as a PDF file - Newberry Library available as a PDF file - Newberry Library


Introductory NoteThe catalog cards reproduced in this volume describe thelargest part, approximately 1480 titles, of the collectionpurchased by the library from B. Weinreb, Ltd. of London in 1970.Full sets of cards were filed in our general dictionary catalogbut an extra set was maintained as a separate file for theconvenience of researchers. It is this latter file which isreproduced here. The cataloging was all done by the then RareBook Cataloger, Bernard E. Wilson. It should be pointed out thatthis listing is not exhaustive of our Recusant holdings: therewere a good many Recusant books here before we acquired theWeinreb collection, and we have acquired others since. Forinstance, in the Library's annual report for the fiscal year justafter we acquired the collection cataloged here, we reported theaddition of two important titles: John Rastell's A Confutation ofa Sermon Pronounced by M. Juell ••• at Paules Crosse .•. (Antwerp,1564) and Robert Parson's A Defense of the Censure, Given uponTwo Bookes of William Clarcke and Meredith Hanmer, Imposters,Which They wrote against M. Edward Campion ([Rouen?], 1582).Unfortunately, without a unifying subject heading or a singleclassification number (the books are entered under their specificsubjects, which vary widely) there is no easy way to collocateour entire Recusant holdings.By making this less-than-complete catalog available inphotocopy form, we simply hope to provide distant scholars with alittle clearer notion of the scope of our collections so thatthey may better plan their research visits here. Questions aboutthese books or our other Recusant titles should be addressed toSpecial Collections, The Newberry Library, 60 W. Walton, Chicago,Illinois 60610.

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