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Case2Allll70-1748ICII 70OC PC 3ftBIBLE. O.T. Psalms. English. 1606.Psalter ••. 1(06) (Card 2)C2(0)t.77rrm.(TheSignature.: CAI-yB, Aa_Cc B •Title from Folger card.In 2 pts., the"Zd ... ith special t.-p.:The Psalter or Psalmes of David, after thetranslation of the Great Bible. With abriefe table teaching the true vse of eueriePsalm.. Also cerro ;ne god lie praiers,f (Continued on next card)A ASh Sf &r$" J MSh W WSh CSh GeaseSA40Zno.2213670-1748ICN 70BIDLE. O.T. P.alm •• English. Paraphrases.1640. Ste rnhold and Hopkin •• The ... holebooke of Psalmes ... (Card 2)private houses, for their godly solace andcomfort, laying apart all ungodly songs andballadS, ... hich tend one1y to the nourishingof vice, and corrupting of youth... Lon-don, Printed by E. G. for the Company ofStationers, 1640.(19},lS;'Ip.,(B 1 t. music. ;'IOem.(Continued on next card)OC pc Sf! A .ASh Gr GtSh W w •• CSh GCase2A11370-1748ICN 70BIBLE. O.T. Psalms. English. 1606.Psalter ... 16061 (Card lI),Thenecessarie t? be ned at al time"s both eueningand mornLng •••'Impe~fe~t: most of t.-p. torn away(the begInnIng of lines 2-S and 7-9 )STC 2406 ( . ?) present8 varIant. Folger copy col1& tes: A-Z , Aa-Cc8• -c ••Gno.2213670-1748ICN 70OInL". O.T. Psalms.1640. Stcrllhold andbookc of Psal;ncs '"(vith Oiblc. Spanish.niblia ••• 1(02)EIl~lish.Hopkins.1.640.1602.Para.phrases ..The whole(Card 3)Valera.Ti tle vi thin woodct.t archi tecturalborder (~IcKcrrow 250; this IIsa~e not cited)Unacc. melodies.STC 2693.La.... w w •• cs. GCase3A186170-1748lCN 70OCPCBIBLE. O.T. Psalms. English. 1700. Cary11The Psalmes of David, translated from theVulgat. (n.p.l 1700.(IOlt., 347p., (4 It. 16cm.The t.-p. is without title vignette.Transla ted by John Can-II.ttErra ta. in "~rds or le tters U and t1Erra tas,sic) in the points and conma's": (4}t. atend.Imperfect? 4th prelim. leaf insertedfrom another copy? STC II B 2628.Sh A ASh Qo G,Sh ....w w"" c ••CaseM1936BIDLE. O.T. Psalms. French. Paraphrases.1658. Codeau.Paraphrase des PseaVnles de David, en vcrsfran~ois. Par Antoine Codeav .,. Nouuellementmis en musique ou chant spirituel u fac~lepour la consolation des ames. Par AntOIne ,Lardenois.Seconde edition. (n.p.) lmprinle2H>7aux despens de l'autheur, 1658.13}t 472p.,(2It. music. 160m.70-1746 ( ., • _8 _4 8lCN 71 Signatures, 1 leaf unslgned,a ,e ,A-Z ,(Continued on next card)OC pC $h A ASh G" G,Shww ••c ••CaseM183;'170-1748ICN 70BIRLE' O.T. Psalm~. En"llsh. 1700. Cary1l.The Psalmes of Ilavid, translated from theVulgnt. (n.p.l 1700.(101~.,547p. 170m.The t.-p. is probably a cancel; settinr;(with added title vi"nette) differs fromthat of another copy in the Library (withouttitle vir:nettc)sorc II IJ 2628 (~ariant)Tr.lnsla ted by John CaryH.w w •• cs.oC pc ,It A ASh Gt GrSh ....Case;'IA193621;'1770-174BlCN 71BIBLE. O.T. Psalms. French. Paraphrases.1658. Godeau. Paraphrase des Pseavmesde David ••• 1658. (Card 2). 8 4 2Aa-Ff ,Cg ,lIh • . dlIalf-title, illustrated and engrave , p~ccedest.-p.: Paraphrase des Pseavmes de Dav~dpar Antoi ne God:av •• , et mis en chant parAntoine Larden01s.Unacc. melodies.w WS' c ••ex: PC !lI'I A ASh Gt GrSh....Cnsc5A IlIIlLE. O.T. rsalms. I,:""H,II. !';,rill,hre.,c:,~021640. Stemhold and lIopkins.110.2The ... hole booke of rsalmes. Collectedinto English •• ecter hy Thomas Stenlhol

Cdse6/\~0470-1748lCN 70oc PCShBU1U;. O.T. Psalms. L.Hin. 1532.mi Da"idici 1532. (Card 2)PS.ll-Title within woodcut border (architectural)R"nou.rd. llibli0f-",'rhie .•. de JosseBadius Ascen.ius, v.3, r.354-355 (variant:this corr has the dede" of Roil'''r on t.-p.Not in Darlow and HOllle. 'nool

Cdse6/\~0470-1748lCN 70oc PCShBU1U;. O.T. Psalms. L.Hin. 1532.mi Da"idici 1532. (Card 2)PS.ll-Title within woodcut border (architectural)R"nou.rd. llibli0f-",'rhie .•. de JosseBadius Ascen.ius, v.3, r.354-355 (variant:this corr h<strong>as</strong> the dede" of Roil'''r on t.-p.Not in Darlow and HOllle. 'nool

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