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Case3.\2085 The infa111-Church .. ,truth aJ:.1in5t Doctol' Still' .. ofl 'cavils \,VI ,I. ect5 IJn.)1t5 tof th' 'h 1 lere, the mU'''c,rlous tr,lns1atlonCoy hOIt,.c of Loreto is asserted"rovc~. an undeniable veri ty, Oy E. I{ • andS rc II W 3615 and W 3('13,•70-1748leN 71CIlseM2086no.l70-1748leN 71IWORS~~. EDWARD, l60S-167R. Truth willout ••• 1665. (Card 2)With t.his 15 bound: Giffard, Oonaventure.A sermon of the Nativity of Our Lord .,.1688.0(: PC Sit A ASh Gf G,ShwWShcs.(oc PC Ih- A ASh Got GrSh "Sf> w wah Uk7.)-17411leN 71t 'i\)ItSu.;y. !·;I1'.WIO l lC,()5-I67R,Prf'tcstnucy ui thov t rrj rlei I' lc~; t or Sr.ct"riesvnhnl'I'Y fan ll'o,n Inf"lUl>Uity to fnney.Laid forth In four ,I.i.~""r"es ~y 1::, \{.Printed Itt. AntWerp, Ily ~l. Cnoh""~rt,16(.1:!.!161',.~~7,(51",,(4)t,,4~p. 2lc;1II.,In reply to H. j'oole's Nullity of the"""'lsI. fnith. ,lnd Il. St.illin~lIorth's .\ccollntof the Protes~lnt relir-ion.(Continued on next card)OC PC Ih A AIh .. GI." w ws.70-17-![,ICN 70{~'(\:t1I1l,':\:r()'~,'I ilo,' 1·1.'; I g.l'}-H;;';~?An .1lll;(':' 0: GllJ'j!;H~\f1 d(\clJ ill,'. \1h(":0'(')1\t~I('.tllo~;t lq'JHC"'p;tl prdh'('~ c.f r.:'.tlH.\liq\'(~ n,'­J1f!tfll1 nn:- l'I'i,)H~'d ti;t ih.: C"1Jly \,'I'jttrll 'lord ('IfGr.d •. ~ot tl,handctl:iut: dtllitlt"!t nor ~'l:11('~1C')i(,f true reliJ:ion,(Continucd on next card)w c •• GOC pc Sh. A ASh Cif G,Sh ....CaselIA208(,no.170-1748ICN 71oc PC(\{OnSLKY, Ic1J:,l\lllll H,O'i-1ft71-l.. Truth will out: or, ;\ (Ii~cov('ry of ."'

Cast:"1>,\I S5(,70-1148ICN 70,H01tTIIJNGTOt\, Tllfl:l\S I ] qq-.)(,~:"of Christian do~trin •••• lL22.secretly hl EH;,l~tj~IJ ldth :1 fal~cPt~cf(\cc ~jr:ned: 111. h'.STC 2(>1'(\(\, pt.] (\-ari.1ntlAl1iann & Rorer. 911.An anhC'l'(Card nimprint)oc PC Sh A ASh Gf GISI'! MSh w WSh cst. (,;Ca~c3\1 S7070-1743leN 70n;rl~", linGO DE, IIp., 1>;307-1/;137 IIhtol'iapartiev)",' ... 15'19. (Card 3)and Pri vile!:i 0 de rf>l,tll~.,l (si/!!la t\ll"CS "\ 4'1st £rOIlI'), r.lll-ll2, alld la~t 10 leaveS~all supplied in ms.; bott(\l!1 qllnrter of p.723-726 (2 leaves) tOl'n away. with loss oftext (supplied in "'s.)oc "'c Sh A ASh ~ Cdh "Sh w CSh GCn ~;(";" \1 r,f:j770-174HlCN 70{~'h!l(;HT) 'U:tr'\'.)} ,I rJ, I· l!.', lie d i ;'1,;1.', it i ('11 (II' I" t I': .,\ 1,\ (. r t +1 '5('1\'](' t('l "\'Ct'll'" l:prn,' Iy 11l !'!'·!.~;·:d .(; 'f r,"'He'llt, (kUylh·d jilin ,1,,',(' ffi',("'l:':;'~~;, 't", di 51'0'~ i t i (,,111.

C<strong>as</strong>e3.\2085 The infa111-Church .. ,truth aJ:.1in5t Doctol' Still' .. ofl 'cavils \,VI ,I. ect5 IJn.)1t5 tof th' 'h 1 lere, the mU'''c,rlous tr,lns1atlonCoy hOIt,.c of Loreto is <strong>as</strong>serted"rovc~. an undeniable veri ty, Oy E. I{ • andS rc II W 3615 and W 3('13,•70-1748leN 71CIlseM2086no.l70-1748leN 71IWORS~~. EDWARD, l60S-167R. Truth willout ••• 1665. (Card 2)With t.his 15 bound: Giffard, Oonaventure.A sermon of the Nativity of Our Lord .,.1688.0(: PC Sit A ASh Gf G,ShwWShcs.(oc PC Ih- A ASh Got GrSh "Sf> w wah Uk7.)-17411leN 71t 'i\)ItSu.;y. !·;I1'.WIO l lC,()5-I67R,Prf'tcstnucy ui thov t rrj rlei I' lc~; t or Sr.ct"riesvnhnl'I'Y fan ll'o,n Inf"lUl>Uity to fnney.Laid forth In four ,I.i.~""r"es ~y 1::, \{.Printed Itt. AntWerp, Ily ~l. Cnoh""~rt,16(.1:!.!161',.~~7,(51",,(4)t,,4~p. 2lc;1II.,In reply to H. j'oole's Nullity of the"""'lsI. fnith. ,lnd Il. St.illin~lIorth's .\ccollntof the Protes~lnt relir-ion.(Continued on next card)OC PC Ih A AIh .. GI." w ws.70-17-![,ICN 70{~'(\:t1I1l,':\:r()'~,'I ilo,' 1·1.'; I g.l'}-H;;';~?An .1lll;(':' 0: GllJ'j!;H~\f1 d(\clJ ill,'. \1h(":0'(')1\t~I('.tllo~;t lq'JHC"'p;tl prdh'('~ c.f r.:'.tlH.\liq\'(~ n,'­J1f!tfll1 nn:- l'I'i,)H~'d ti;t ih.: C"1Jly \,'I'jttrll 'lord ('IfGr.d •. ~ot tl,handctl:iut: dtllitlt"!t nor ~'l:11('~1C')i(,f true reliJ:ion,(Continucd on next card)w c •• GOC pc Sh. A ASh Cif G,Sh ....C<strong>as</strong>elIA208(,no.170-1748ICN 71oc PC(\{OnSLKY, Ic1J:,l\lllll H,O'i-1ft71-l.. Truth will out: or, ;\ (Ii~cov('ry of ."'

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