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CueM208470-1148ICN 71WOL5ELEY, Sir CHARLES, 16301-1714.The unreasonablenesse of atheism made manifest,in a discourse written by the command ofa person of honour. ,By Sir Charles Wolseley••• The second edition revised and enlargedby the author. London, Printed for N. Ponder,1669.199p. 17cm.O

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CueM208470-1148ICN 71WOL5ELEY, Sir CHARLES, 16301-1714.The unre<strong>as</strong>onablenesse of atheism made manifest,in a discourse written by the command ofa person of honour. ,By Sir Charles Wolseley••• The second edition revised and enlargedby the author. London, Printed for N. Ponder,1669.199p. 17cm.O

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