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C.1SC'M ,TlIHI\E!\, HOllJc'n, d. 1 S,>q.)%0 HaTla St\',U't." HC'(:in:l S('oti;lC .... m:\t'­110.5tyr ('CC]CSi:H~, i 1l1l0f('lIri Pi ":ted(' Il.U']C.1'llI:vinc1ice (lpn'to Iranlo,':t.11·('lj" (P~,1'l6!\?-.l (,2

Case~A157470-1748ICN 70VFRSTEGEN, RICH.\!lO, 1,4.s(ca.)-1640.A restitvtion of Jec~ycd Intelligence:in antiquities. Concernln~ the most nobleand renowned English ~,tion. ny the studieand trauell of R. V. ••• London, Printedby I. Bill, 1628.(12Jt.,33~p.,t6,t. illus. 190m.The il1us. on p.70 is mounted over anerroneous repetiticn of the 111us. on p.72.STC 21~62.w ws • c ••DC PC 'ti A ASh $I" erlh ....Case3AZ06Z70-1748ICN 71VlHCEKTlUS Lerinensh, Saint, 5th cent.The golden treatise of the Antient andLearned Father Vincentius Lirinends. Writtenabout twelve hundred years since. For theantiqtd ty, and unt versall ty of the Catholickreligion: against the profane novelties of allheresies. Translated into English by A. P.(London) Printed (by R. Daniel) 1651.[10It.,l~5p. 13~.Top and bottlllll lines of p.3Q interchanged_. (Continued on next card)(\ ..... W WSh CSh.C,,"eM1913no.270-1748ICN 71vrsrrns, or F.ven-~ol\f!' for ,111 the Sundaysand holy-days in the year, in L~tin andEnglish. Pennissu superioru",. London,Printed for Matth,,\( Turner, at the I..,rnb intligh-lJolborn, 1688.96p. 150m. (•.-1. th 1l)'I'locke, James.The gl'

C<strong>as</strong>e~A157470-1748ICN 70VFRSTEGEN, RICH.\!lO, 1,4.s(ca.)-1640.A restitvtion of Jec~ycd Intelligence:in antiquities. Concernln~ the most nobleand renowned English ~,tion. ny the studieand trauell of R. V. ••• London, Printedby I. Bill, 1628.(12Jt.,33~p.,t6,t. illus. 190m.The il1us. on p.70 is mounted over anerroneous repetiticn of the 111us. on p.72.STC 21~62.w ws • c ••DC PC 'ti A ASh $I" erlh ....C<strong>as</strong>e3AZ06Z70-1748ICN 71VlHCEKTlUS Lerinensh, Saint, 5th cent.The golden treatise of the Antient andLearned Father Vincentius Lirinends. Writtenabout twelve hundred years since. For theantiqtd ty, and unt versall ty of the Catholickreligion: against the profane novelties of allheresies. Translated into English by A. P.(London) Printed (by R. Daniel) 1651.[10It.,l~5p. 13~.Top and bottlllll lines of p.3Q interchanged_. (Continued on next card)(\ ..... W WSh CSh.C,,"eM1913no.270-1748ICN 71vrsrrns, or F.ven-~ol\f!' for ,111 the Sundaysand holy-days in the year, in L~tin andEnglish. Pennissu superioru",. London,Printed for Matth,,\( Turner, at the I..,rnb intligh-lJolborn, 1688.96p. 150m. (•.-1. th 1l)'I'locke, James.The gl'

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