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Case6,\~26no.l10-1148ICN 70nlOMAS AQUINAS, S,,;n!, ]2257-1274.(Surrma thcol()~ic~. L.1tin) S. Th"'MeAqviMtis Svmna totivs thcolor.i"C; in qvaqvicqvid in vnil!crl'i~ lIiblijs c"fltil1~t[fr obscuri,quicquid in vctc!'lIm ratrem (ab ipson."centis F:cclcsL,c ini tio) monul1Ienti S cstdC'ctrin.e notabilis; ql1iCqllld deniql1c velolim vocatIon est, vel ho:lie voc.1tllr "h ha .. rcticis in cC'ntl'ouel'si~'1, ld tot!!"" v("l cert1-lMx.inla ex p.,rte, vt erudite (, rie, ita (ld('-(Continucd on next c,1rd)oc PC aPt A ASh C;, GrSh MS. w c ••70-1746 CoIL~tion of vollDlles in the Library:IC~ 7; v.l: cxxx!v(i.e.cxxvi),357p.; v.2: viii,6!vpl lit " ",.... co,,. (Cnlltinucd on next carel)lISh w Wah ca.. •CauM326no. 17~174!!ICN 70nJOHAS AQUINAS, Silint, 1225?-1274. ,Summatheolo!!:ica. Latin)... (Card 2)liter atque dilucid~, per qvaestiones, & respon.ionesexplicatur; in tre. partes ab avetoresvo di.tribvta ••• Antverpiae, Exofficina C. Plantini, 1565.,12Ii.,252p'i (4)t.,2S2p.; (6)t.,392p.;,8It.,234p.; (2)t.,19Sp."l,t.; {84,t. 36cm.Edited by Aur,'.!s t; nus HunMeu ••(Continued on next card)MS' w ws.es.CaseM236170-1748ICII 71niCHE DE JESUS, Frei, 15291-1582.The sufferinr:s of Our Lord Jesus Christ.Ilritten originally in Port.u!':uese by F. Thomasof Jcsus •• ; And newly translated intoEnglish. In three volumes. Vol. 1,-111)London, Printed foT J. Marmaduke, 1753.3v. 170'1.Title of v.2-3 varies slightly.oc PC .. A ASh (If e,Sh W Will CSh •Cue6"326no.l70-174!!lCN 70TIIO~{'\S AQUINAS, Saint, 12251-1274.theoloj!ica. 1.,tin)... 1.51'15., SUlllI1','(Cilrd ;'\)In 6 pt •• , each pa~ed separately, the2d-5th vith special t.-p.: ,2J Prima sec\'ndaepards Svrnmac theC'] ori ca" Saneti ThC'mae '\'1\,1-ni\tis: De vHi .. o finc huminae vitae, lJe virtutibusu vitis in !!cnerc ••• ; t:5) See\'Tldasecvndae Sancti Thomae "'1vin" tis, opus pl"ncaureum •.• ; (4) Tertia pilrs S\T.rnae thcolo~icaeSaneti Thomae Aqvinati., De Christi 1n-, (Continued on next cilrd)OC PC Ih A ASh • er$t. MSO w W"CShC"",eM236070-17461r:N 71rev 71'Il10H~ oro: JESUS, Frei, 15297-1582..uCferinr:s of thr Son of Goo ...(Card 2)The1720.361-alGp.; v.3 not in the Lihrary.In v.l, nos. lxxix-lxxx ~peated andxcv-ciy omitted in pR~in~.w Wlh cat. •C

c."'''4AlH4.570-1748leN 11TIIIlOCKNOIlTON', Sir JOIn: C(\IIItTI;N.W, Ilart.A second letter 1\(I"re~,,('d to the C\~l".l;_c1crl!Y ,,( 1·;nr.1oln,1 on the nPI,olntment "r hi,loop~.In ... Meh the objection", to the fintle t t.cr ., t·(" nU:;h'(' J't'.r. n:~ Jolnl Thr('u:I{I:'lol~tonLnn'lon, rrjn',"'J l,y .I .. fl., Cor:h1,1n,and '"":old by J1":j:lrt:~ II\lo}l.cr, Kt~.ltln/! rrtc.]1791.,1,t.,v-viii,l13,cxi p.,c1,t. 22cm.l,i.th this 11 bound his II letter Il(tdrrll~"dto the Catholic cl('r~y or En~lnnd ••• 1790.MS. w w •• cs.G6A36270-174ilICN 71,TOOTf.LL, 1111(:111 1672-1743.history nf F.nr,lolnd •••Thr. church(Card 2)heth: tOl!ether .... ith the v.'rio!l~ fortunp:! ofthe C.,tholick C,'Olle, durin/! thr. rcirn,; ,,(Kinr. James 1. Kint: Ch:trle~ 1. Kin/! Ch;,r1('s n.:tnd Kin/! J.,mc8 II. P.,rticul.1rly, the livellof the mo.t eminent Catholicks, cardiu.,h,bishops, inferior clergy, re~u]ilrs, anrl laymen,who hnve distinl!ui~hed themselves bytheir piety, lenrninl!, or mllitnry abilities:(Continued on next cnrd)OC Pc ah It. ASh Sf G,5" w ws> C$"C,1.[;O.1,\;-,l4670-1748ICN 71(TUW,\L, IIATTIlr-;"l lC;5;'7-1733.Chrl:ltillnlty 'l~ 01

C<strong>as</strong>e6,\~26no.l10-1148ICN 70nlOMAS AQUINAS, S,,;n!, ]2257-1274.(Surrma thcol()~ic~. L.1tin) S. Th"'MeAqviMtis Svmna totivs thcolor.i"C; in qvaqvicqvid in vnil!crl'i~ lIiblijs c"fltil1~t[fr obscuri,quicquid in vctc!'lIm ratrem (ab ipson."centis F:cclcsL,c ini tio) monul1Ienti S cstdC'ctrin.e notabilis; ql1iCqllld deniql1c velolim vocatIon est, vel ho:lie voc.1tllr "h ha .. rcticis in cC'ntl'ouel'si~'1, ld tot!!"" v("l cert1-lMx.inla ex p.,rte, vt erudite (, rie, ita (ld('-(Continucd on next c,1rd)oc PC aPt A ASh C;, GrSh MS. w c ••70-1746 CoIL~tion of vollDlles in the <strong>Library</strong>:IC~ 7; v.l: cxxx!v(i.e.cxxvi),357p.; v.2: viii,6!vpl lit " ",.... co,,. (Cnlltinucd on next carel)lISh w Wah ca.. •CauM326no. 17~174!!ICN 70nJOHAS AQUINAS, Silint, 1225?-1274. ,Summatheolo!!:ica. Latin)... (Card 2)liter atque dilucid~, per qvaestiones, & respon.ionesexplicatur; in tre. partes ab avetoresvo di.tribvta ••• Antverpiae, Exofficina C. Plantini, 1565.,12Ii.,252p'i (4)t.,2S2p.; (6)t.,392p.;,8It.,234p.; (2)t.,19Sp."l,t.; {84,t. 36cm.Edited by Aur,'.!s t; nus HunMeu ••(Continued on next card)MS' w ws.es.C<strong>as</strong>eM236170-1748ICII 71niCHE DE JESUS, Frei, 15291-1582.The sufferinr:s of Our Lord Jesus Christ.Ilritten originally in Port.u!':uese by F. Thom<strong>as</strong>of Jcsus •• ; And newly translated intoEnglish. In three volumes. Vol. 1,-111)London, Printed foT J. Marmaduke, 1753.3v. 170'1.Title of v.2-3 varies slightly.oc PC .. A ASh (If e,Sh W Will CSh •Cue6"326no.l70-174!!lCN 70TIIO~{'\S AQUINAS, Saint, 12251-1274.theoloj!ica. 1.,tin)... 1.51'15., SUlllI1','(Cilrd ;'\)In 6 pt •• , each pa~ed separately, the2d-5th vith special t.-p.: ,2J Prima sec\'ndaepards Svrnmac theC'] ori ca" Saneti ThC'mae '\'1\,1-ni\tis: De vHi .. o finc huminae vitae, lJe virtutibusu vitis in !!cnerc ••• ; t:5) See\'Tld<strong>as</strong>ecvndae Sancti Thomae "'1vin" tis, opus pl"ncaureum •.• ; (4) Tertia pilrs S\T.rnae thcolo~icaeSaneti Thomae Aqvinati., De Christi 1n-, (Continued on next cilrd)OC PC Ih A ASh • er$t. MSO w W"CShC"",eM236070-17461r:N 71rev 71'Il10H~ oro: JESUS, Frei, 15297-1582..uCferinr:s of thr Son of Goo ...(Card 2)The1720.361-alGp.; v.3 not in the Lihrary.In v.l, nos. lxxix-lxxx ~peated andxcv-ciy omitted in pR~in~.w Wlh cat. •C

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