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c\;;~~ \ TAUL~Jt, JOII,\NNKS, ]3,';1(0. )-13(,1.] .: ~~ ~lD. loannis Th.", 1.' 1'; ... Scnn"nr~, d" temporc(; de saneti, t.'t"itu """;, r1:on~ ri j,sirli:rcliqtl1\qu.~ ciu;; ri.'r.lti ;:1(' d0t1oti('ni JtI:\~i!I\(oinS(,I"\rientin. \.'["'_"1.1 ('I;',rdn, n ••• J..,1.\'rcntioSvrio f •• in I \t;UtI·; :'1',''''\''11''11 tr"an,;l.,t.,(,ostr{'rlf) t'('C(\'I,it:l, t ... f1ItrI;~ jh~I'fI" ,iilir:'utiS5iJ:l~rt"C:US"{... I·al·j~iis, ~\rthf Sl'H::ictat('11lHiui,r;"n, 1(,"'.,,,I l t..,4;),fH)' j{. ~ 1('111,(Conti Hlh'.l on next C;U'u):: Sh A ASh G, G($hwW$hGC.1~e(,\If.(,7. t·\tttiq·ti ta te5 Christi'lIIae ... J33S H.7/!. (C.u,! 4)IIntill lIi!4 h;:pti'lm I\n .. 1 temptation incln5ivcly:wi th consirlcl·;ltion~ and rli5('(lHr!;c!'\. upon thesl'v!'r,,1 [,,'n, of tlte st"ry; ;lnd l'r.~~rll fittedto th .. sevI'ml nly,terirs. The firllt p"rt •••(2) ... hcri'minr, .~t tlte tinte of IIi" firstmiracle, lIIltH1 the second ye,1r of Ill, prc;,chin/:.. , The second part ••• (11) '" bednnin/:at the second year of lIi:\ prcachinr" untill(Continued)OC pc $", A ASh ., GtSh.."" W es.TAYl.ort. Jr:l\f'~IY, "l'. ,,( n,,"n .~nrl Connor, 161:~-,,,-174RIC:~ 7170-1748ICN 70TAULER, JOHANNES, 1300(ea. )-J361.nh Thavleri ••• Sennon,,. '"(Card 2)D. 1oan-1623.Colophon: Pari sii ~, ,Ir",l Io,crhvm Cottereav.Sebastian,," Ch,lrre 1~ t. Ahr"hi1:;mnPacard. Jacob,," Qvcsncl. Dionysh,n Horeav.It Samvelem Thibovst •.•"!listoria et en.1rl'atio vitae '" [oannisThavleri ...": 1'.1-,,. (lst !!,'our)Imperfect: t,··. ",ended.OC PC 8h A ASh Ck GtSt, .. s. W WI' GC;'t~c1,.1;,3570-174FjICN 71TAYU)'!, .l1';rU~'Y. Ill'. of 1101"" ann Connor, ](,13-lr,(,7. ,Antiqvl tates Chrhtian.1c ... ,Jn7f1. (Cud 5)IIh A ... cn~lon ... The thirll part ...The IIr .. IIlld work (wi th ~epl\r;lte p.,r.inr.) hl\:OlI!,eclnl t.-r.: Alltiqllit.~te5 ArostoliCM: or,The li ve$, " cts and m.~ rtyrdOlll.'! of the 1101)'Apostles of Our Saviollr. To which are arldedThe live.'! of t.he two t:vanr,elhts. 55. Hark andLvke ••• ny 111 lliam Cav" ••• London, Printedby R. Norton, for R. Roy~ton ••• 1678.(Continued).... WW" csoTAYLOll, .11'11;:1', "l'. "r Ilc',.., "n~ C""l1or,1',13-1(,[.7.tAntiqvit,ttc:3 Chri:.t};ll1ac! (\J-, The idt-:t:oryof t.h~ li fe nnfl de ... til of the IInJy J~~,,~: .1$;tlso The li\~~!';, nets :tn,i Jr,.1t·"')T\tr-,~5 of Hi~Apostles. In t'

70-174RIrll 71TAYUJII, JElU",!Y, "p. "r Il"wn .",,1 Conllnr, H,J3-1667. '·;ni,,\Itos... H,C,q. (C.,r,' 3)Gol10(,7. Eninutos... I (,(,fl. (r~u,1 .J)~'holc year: t>dn!!: tcn 8

70-174RIrll 71TAYUJII, JElU",!Y, "p. "r Il"wn .",,1 Conllnr, H,J3-1667. '·;ni,,\Itos... H,C,q. (C.,r,' 3)Gol10(,7. Eninutos... I (,(,fl. (r~u,1 .J)~'holc year: t>dn!!: tcn 8

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