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CaseM] 53270-1748ICN 70STAI'LETON, nIOHAS, 1535-1598.A fortrcsse of th .. fl\i th first plontcdlllIIong vs Englishmen, and continued hithertoin the vniucrsall church of Chl'ist. Thcfaith of which timc l'I'otcstonts c..11, popistry.By Thom.os Stnp1cton ••• At S. Omers(Frinted by the widow of C. Boscard) for I 'Heigham, 1625.•423.r61P. 17em.STC 23233. Allison ~ Rogcrs 798.OC PC I"" A ASh Sr $,," MS' w WSb CShG70-1748ICN 70STArU;T(ll'I, Til (\;-I.\S, B:'>5 .. ] r,'Hl.Proml'tvtH'i V1Tl mor;\]c sv"c.~ J~\'."nr:c li" J)owi·nica]i:t totiys .. nfli: ad in,c;truc-UonC'l{l conr:inn:t tonnn. Re ('tnnatj onern pcc-catol'u·1l. Con~("I);Itioncnl,!lor",,,.t:x Sacl'is Scripturis, ss. pntrilms,« orti",i s qui hu~q., "uthori bu., studiosccollcctwn: Author" Thoma Stal'lctono ...Editio altcrn, at> ipso autho!'c allcta f.r I'CCO/;-nita. Pars Aestivalis...Antvcrpiae, Inoffidnn Plantini""", apud vidual!!, ~ 1. .1"Tetum,1593.rB,t.,!i4!'r.,0

STAl'P,n'::, 'nl('l~i\(;, 1r,;,',·1;.I;.1'l('S 1'ht",vu-'. oS.'\' Il !; .. '111":1" Al'0'~tr·liri'hus r(,fi,ti~;. 11(',~ .. Thc.1 !U(ht{'I'i,';r"'l'('e:mt\1:trj("wd I,. t,"lj't 'T~". Jt. 111("'I:H' ~h'l'i \n·t~1i.1(,: qU0wl;"11 (","lIt{ :il;,,'iJ ,.J 1;1. lib' "dil C:.·t'!;t (lr'iltjo f\'IH~hr.i~ ill l,',p·L'll ~ •• fpO'lldi('::"1I1h0)!> ... ;\\-t.l('I \' Thr" j 8li'l,1(-to:H' .".Ih""Cl, E): 0ffi(11P '. n," .".:~, Jr,: ~'.'l0-JI-!': (8 ,t.. , 16H, ;,."1', ,r'I( n. ('. ~ 'i O ) , { 1 ,1'. , r lfl)t.J r.;~ '/(' )'01'\. ]S-'(,"ITI.Cue::0\164610-1148ICN 71Th" STAT!': of the ''''pist and 1' .. ote5t.nt "rope .. ··tie~ ••• . (Cnrd 2)fili thfully ""lculnted in so conci~e .. m"thod.on« orltr.-r 1\'1 w.'\!I1 never dnnt: before " ... Towhich h I\d!'~.t, ,\ li~t of tho pl"

STAl'P,n'::, 'nl('l~i\(;, 1r,;,',·1;.I;.1'l('S 1'ht",vu-'. oS.'\' Il !; .. '111":1" Al'0'~tr·liri'hus r(,fi,ti~;. 11(',~ .. Thc.1 !U(ht{'I'i,';r"'l'('e:mt\1:trj("wd I,. t,"lj't 'T~". Jt. 111("'I:H' ~h'l'i \n·t~1i.1(,: qU0wl;"11 (","lIt{ :il;,,'iJ ,.J 1;1. lib' "dil C:.·t'!;t (lr'iltjo f\'IH~hr.i~ ill l,',p·L'll ~ •• fpO'lldi('::"1I1h0)!> ... ;\\-t.l('I \' Thr" j 8li'l,1(-to:H' .".Ih""Cl, E): 0ffi(11P '. n," .".:~, Jr,: ~'.'l0-JI-!': (8 ,t.. , 16H, ;,."1', ,r'I( n. ('. ~ 'i O ) , { 1 ,1'. , r lfl)t.J r.;~ '/(' )'01'\. ]S-'(,"ITI.Cue::0\164610-1148ICN 71Th" STAT!': of the ''''pist and 1' .. ote5t.nt "rope .. ··tie~ ••• . (Cnrd 2)fili thfully ""lculnted in so conci~e .. m"thod.on« orltr.-r 1\'1 w.'\!I1 never dnnt: before " ... Towhich h I\d!'~.t, ,\ li~t of tho pl"

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