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;:ithEdme rirot ?f th.:! Sorbonne by variou~ 1;"~ll5h-70- mcn concemln~ the Oath of Allegiance of1748 1606.ICN 71 rev(Continued on next card).... W W$~ C:ShCaseSA204170-174AICN 71,SIMEON, JOSEPH) 1594-1671.An anSwer to Doctor Pierce's sermonpreached before IIi! Majesty at Whit~-Hall Feb.1. 1662. fly J. S. ••• [n.Pd Printed inthe year 1663.t 3,t. ,l21p. 18on.Also ascribed to Jolm Sergeant.STC II S 3805.MS_ W G7(\..1148lCN 71 revA SHORT account of ",h"t happened in Pari" •••(C

Case3A SHl1lf, FRANCIS, ca.1659-c8.1688.1903 Books printed for rranci~ Smith at theElep~ant and Castle near the Royal Exchangein Camhil. (London, ca.1673)(lIt. lSon.70-1748ICN 71Bound in at the end of: Denne, John.Truth outweighing error 1673.oe PC S. A Alb II, Q,Sh ..S. W wS' cs."Ca,e4A1827(SHI1lf, RICHARD) Bp. of Chalcedon. 1566-1655.A brief svrvey of the Lord of Derry (i.e.John Bramhall) his treatise of schism, whereinhe intends to cleare the Protestant Church'rom schism, and to lay the fault upon the Ro-.an Church. By R. C. ••• Parb, Prl.nted inthe year 1655. .r 13 1t .,114(i.e.116)p.,,12,t.,115-144p.13CS11.70-1748ICN 70rSHl1lf, RICHARD, Dp. of Chalcedon J 1566-1655.A conference of the Catholike and Protestantedoctrine with the "xpresse word, ofHolie Scriptvre. Which is the second parteof The prudentiall balance of reli~ion.VVherein is clearely shewed, that in morethen 260. points of controuersie. Catho1iksa~ree with the Holle Scripture, both inwords and sense: and Protestants dlsagree inboth, and depraue ~~th the sayin~s, words,(Continued on next card).... W WSh CSh IICase3A151970-1748ICN 70(SHl1lf, RICH/mD, Dr. of ChnlceoonJ L'i6\>-lf,SS.An answer to Thl'n1/1s Dels late chall~ngnamed by him The dovvnfal of rOl'ery whcrinal his argvment~ arc ans\;~.-ed, his mani foldvntruths, ,hunders, ir,nl'rancc, contr:.dictions,and corrul'ti on of Sc.-irturc, U I'a thersdiscouerd and disrl'on"d: vvith one table ofthe articles and chal'ters, and an other ofthe more ma rkable thi ngs con teYlled in thisbooke ••• By S. R. At Doway, Im-(Continued on next card).... w ws. CSt'! GCue4A182770-1748ICN 70tOOTH, RICHARD, Ap. of Chalcedon] 1566-1655.A conference of the Catholike and Protestantedoctrine ... (Card 2)and Sens" of Scripture. Written first inLatin, bvt now av~ented and translatedinto En~llsh ••• At Doway, 8y the widdoweof K. Wyon, 1631.r16It.,798(i.e.758)p.,t5It. 220m.Nos. 560-599 omitted in pagi~.Allison & Rogers 714. STC 22810.w...'70-1748ICN 70(SMITH, RHlt/\R/l. Ill'. of Ch"lccdonl 156&-1\>55.An answer to Thomas ncls late challen,: •••(Card 2)printed by L. Kella .., lti06.r321t.,44tir.,{17,t. l1cm.STC 2280911.Allison u Ro,:ers 112.\.

C<strong>as</strong>e3A SHl1lf, FRANCIS, ca.1659-c8.1688.1903 Books printed for rranci~ Smith at theElep~ant and C<strong>as</strong>tle near the Royal Exchangein Camhil. (London, ca.1673)(lIt. lSon.70-1748ICN 71Bound in at the end of: Denne, John.Truth outweighing error 1673.oe PC S. A Alb II, Q,Sh ..S. W wS' cs."Ca,e4A1827(SHI1lf, RICHARD) Bp. of Chalcedon. 1566-1655.A brief svrvey of the Lord of Derry (i.e.John Bramhall) his treatise of schism, whereinhe intends to cleare the Protestant Church'rom schism, and to lay the fault upon the Ro-.an Church. By R. C. ••• Parb, Prl.nted inthe year 1655. .r 13 1t .,114(i.e.116)p.,,12,t.,115-144p.13CS11.70-1748ICN 70rSHl1lf, RICHARD, Dp. of Chalcedon J 1566-1655.A conference of the Catholike and Protestantedoctrine with the "xpresse word, ofHolie Scriptvre. Which is the second parteof The prudentiall balance of reli~ion.VVherein is clearely shewed, that in morethen 260. points of controuersie. Catho1iksa~ree with the Holle Scripture, both inwords and sense: and Protestants dlsagree inboth, and depraue ~~th the sayin~s, words,(Continued on next card).... W WSh CSh IIC<strong>as</strong>e3A151970-1748ICN 70(SHl1lf, RICH/mD, Dr. of ChnlceoonJ L'i6\>-lf,SS.An answer to Thl'n1/1s Dels late chall~ngnamed by him The dovvnfal of rOl'ery whcrinal his argvment~ arc ans\;~.-ed, his mani foldvntruths, ,hunders, ir,nl'rancc, contr:.dictions,and corrul'ti on of Sc.-irturc, U I'a thersdiscouerd and disrl'on"d: vvith one table ofthe articles and chal'ters, and an other ofthe more ma rkable thi ngs con teYlled in thisbooke ••• By S. R. At Doway, Im-(Continued on next card).... w ws. CSt'! GCue4A182770-1748ICN 70tOOTH, RICHARD, Ap. of Chalcedon] 1566-1655.A conference of the Catholike and Protestantedoctrine ... (Card 2)and Sens" of Scripture. Written first inLatin, bvt now av~ented and translatedinto En~llsh ••• At Doway, 8y the widdoweof K. Wyon, 1631.r16It.,798(i.e.758)p.,t5It. 220m.Nos. 560-599 omitted in pagi~.Allison & Rogers 714. STC 22810.w...'70-1748ICN 70(SMITH, RHlt/\R/l. Ill'. of Ch"lccdonl 156&-1\>55.An answer to Thom<strong>as</strong> ncls late challen,: •••(Card 2)printed by L. Kella .., lti06.r321t.,44tir.,{17,t. l1cm.STC 2280911.Allison u Ro,:ers 112.\.

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