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available as a PDF file - Newberry Library available as a PDF file - Newberry Library


11\,'1.170-1718leN 70S,'!HWHS, NTfHOI \~:. )r,:,i\:·-l~.f;l. V(,I'~ ('(~inC'("I'" ld~:l{'l i,' $c:hi~.!!'"\1 i~: A'I: li(,:Uli •••l('~F. (C,..d ,,)b'i,h 01\:: .',1'1h"lm"I: ScptW:, H{'I"l{'l:dthr;;.S'1Il1111'i'"I!! 1; l;('ll\1\ ••• 1(,:17; ,11111 rTm'lItT,U0bert) ':'~1 jj\ Sty;q't:t , Hq~iJl1 SC(ltJ.'1C' •••1(,27 •OC PC $h A ASh Gt GrSt. co.GCase4/\1807no.l70-1748ICN 70SCHATZGEYER, KASPAR, 1463 or 4-1527. Eumennovarvrn doctrinarvm , 1523l(Card 3)With this are bound Clichtove, Josse,De bello et pace opusculii ••• 1523; andClichtove, De mystica numerorum significatione... (1513)OC pc Sh A ASh S, &r$" MSO w ViSit CShCase1lA SAVONAIlOU, GIftOL\.'(\J nlllH mMICf:SCO /lnn:o,2031 1452-14

Cue3A1984ISCliPOU, LORENZO I '1S3l1-1610.Combattimento spiritvale ordinato da vnservo di Dio e di nuovo fatto ristampareIn Lvcca, Per 1 Harescand01~ 1690.87p·.c2 It. 111us. 150m.Dedication signed by the publisher:Salva tore Mare s candoli •SEGm;:u, 1':.OUl, 1624-169,1.Qu"rc5im.11c del I'.Hlre 1'''010 Sc.eneri dellaC"r.1P:\,~:U" di Gcsu. Yene~ia, Nella star.lperi,u. hacredum H.lCN 70 Nutij, 1613. (Continued on next card)OC PC Sit A ASh Gor Gdlh MS' w wS' G"C.ne4,\314170-1748leN 71A SELECT collection of C.1tholick sermons,prcach'd before Their 'Iaje!ltic~ Kinr, .J.1m1lSI I. H"17 Queen-Consort, C .. tllerine Qucen­DOI

Cue3A1984ISCliPOU, LORENZO I '1S3l1-1610.Combattimento spiritvale ordinato da vnservo di Dio e di nuovo fatto ristampareIn Lvcca, Per 1 Harescand01~ 1690.87p·.c2 It. 111us. 150m.Dedication signed by the publisher:Salva tore Mare s candoli •SEGm;:u, 1':.OUl, 1624-169,1.Qu"rc5im.11c del I'.Hlre 1'''010 Sc.eneri dellaC"r.1P:\,~:U" di Gcsu. Yene~ia, Nella star.lperi,u. hacredum H.lCN 70 Nutij, 1613. (Continued on next card)OC PC Sit A ASh Gor Gdlh MS' w wS' G"C.ne4,\314170-1748leN 71A SELECT collection of C.1tholick sermons,prcach'd before Their 'Iaje!ltic~ Kinr, .J.1m1lSI I. H"17 Queen-Consort, C .. tllerine Qucen­DOI

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