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C«!'e4/\301070-1748leN 71nhllt-;,\IW, .IA1fl'~

CaseM1817;0-1748ICN 70[BATE, GEORGE J 1608-16G9.Elencnvs motuum nuperorum in Angliae;simu1 ae luris Regii et Parlamentarii brevisen."rratio. A. 2455. Lutetiae Parisiorum,Pro R. R., 1649.(4Jt.,2zep. 13cm."Lectori" "ipled liith tne author's >,seud.,Theodorus Ve rid i etls.In ms. on front flyleaf: Adolphus Hetkerke hi s booke l!i w WSI> CSI> GCnse6A33070-1748lCN 71nAxnn, RICItAI(/), Hi) S-lC,~l.rectory ... (c.,rrl :l)A Christian diticb(or church d"t1('5.) IV. Christinn politiel"(or dlltic'" to our ruler" ann neil'.hh""l"s.)lIy lliehard n .. xt('r '" Lonoon, I'rinted hy R.\,hite, for N. :)iOIl1'lOl1', )[,7:3 {pt.l, 1672]r lB l{,.,'l29(Lc.92.'i)p.; .Z lt.,214p. port.36cm.NOB. 783-786 omitted in pn~in~.(Continued on next card)OC PC $h A ASh G, GrSh MS. W Ws. cs.C,ue4A3013flATTELLI, GIOVANNI CIIISTOI'ORO, Abp., 1658-1725.Ri tu" annnae ahlutinnis altar! s m:'JorisSacrosanctac "asilicac Vaticanae in dieCoe~~e Domini explic,tvs, ac illvstratvs abAbb. Jo: Christophnro "attello •••Typis, Y fusoria C. Zenonii, 1702.(12 Jt.,211p.,(llJt. plate. 220m.70-1748ICN 71--.. --'-----WW,'Romae,C,,~cr.'\3~010-1748ICN 71flAXTEn, RICHARD, 1(;15-1691. A Christian directory••• 1(;13. (Card 3)oc pc ,ft A ASh Of GIl" W W'I> GC~sc3An1970-1148ICN 71(nAUlJRAND, Ill\RTIII':LP.H J 1701-1787.Elevation of the sOlll to God, by means of'spiritual conllideration., and nffcction!'.Tran.lated from the French of l'Abhc n.ny R. P. (i••• Robert PlovdenJ Fifth edition.Vol. 1(-111 Dublin, Printed by p. ,vogan,1815.2v. in 1. 19em.oc PC In It. ASh G, G,Sf! .... ww'" cs. ..Case( .. \330Added t.-p., illustrated and en~ravcd: IIChristian directory or body of practical divinity ... London, hinted for Nevill Simmons••• 1673.In 5 pts. (the lnst separntcly par-cd),each with sp~ci.~l t.-p.: [I, A Christian directory.The first Ih1rt, Chril!tinn cthicklllor, Directions for the orderin/: of private(Gontinued on next card)70-1748ICN 71n.\xTEn, IIICIIARU, Ir,15-1G'l1. ,\ Chri.tian directory... 15n. (Ci'lrd 4)actions of our hcar"ts and Ii "C5 in the "ork ofholy self-r.overnlllcnt unto and under God ...1(,72. [2J II Christian directory: or, A sumllof practical divinity. The .,econd part: vi:.Christian oeeono",} cI{~: or, The family directory... [31 II Chris.tinn directory: The thirdpart. Christinn cee1csiasticksl or, lJircctionsto pastors (. people... (4) Cases of(Continued on next ~~rd)0CShGnAXTEH, RICIt"!!O, 1(.15-16

C<strong>as</strong>eM1817;0-1748ICN 70[BATE, GEORGE J 1608-16G9.Elencnvs motuum nuperorum in Angliae;simu1 ae luris Regii et Parlamentarii brevisen."rratio. A. 2455. Lutetiae Parisiorum,Pro R. R., 1649.(4Jt.,2zep. 13cm."Lectori" "ipled liith tne author's >,seud.,Theodorus Ve rid i etls.In ms. on front flyleaf: Adolphus Hetkerke hi s booke l!i w WSI> CSI> GCnse6A33070-1748lCN 71nAxnn, RICItAI(/), Hi) S-lC,~l.rectory ... (c.,rrl :l)A Christian diticb(or church d"t1('5.) IV. Christinn politiel"(or dlltic'" to our ruler" ann neil'.hh""l"s.)lIy lliehard n .. xt('r '" Lonoon, I'rinted hy R.\,hite, for N. :)iOIl1'lOl1', )[,7:3 {pt.l, 1672]r lB l{,.,'l29(Lc.92.'i)p.; .Z lt.,214p. port.36cm.NOB. 783-786 omitted in pn~in~.(Continued on next card)OC PC $h A ASh G, GrSh MS. W Ws. cs.C,ue4A3013flATTELLI, GIOVANNI CIIISTOI'ORO, Abp., 1658-1725.Ri tu" annnae ahlutinnis altar! s m:'JorisSacrosanctac "<strong>as</strong>ilicac Vaticanae in dieCoe~~e Domini explic,tvs, ac illvstratvs abAbb. Jo: Christophnro "attello •••Typis, Y fusoria C. Zenonii, 1702.(12 Jt.,211p.,(llJt. plate. 220m.70-1748ICN 71--.. --'-----WW,'Romae,C,,~cr.'\3~010-1748ICN 71flAXTEn, RICHARD, 1(;15-1691. A Christian directory••• 1(;13. (Card 3)oc pc ,ft A ASh Of GIl" W W'I> GC~sc3An1970-1148ICN 71(nAUlJRAND, Ill\RTIII':LP.H J 1701-1787.Elevation of the sOlll to God, by means of'spiritual conllideration., and nffcction!'.Tran.lated from the French of l'Abhc n.ny R. P. (i••• Robert PlovdenJ Fifth edition.Vol. 1(-111 Dublin, Printed by p. ,vogan,1815.2v. in 1. 19em.oc PC In It. ASh G, G,Sf! .... ww'" cs. ..C<strong>as</strong>e( .. \330Added t.-p., illustrated and en~ravcd: IIChristian directory or body of practical divinity ... London, hinted for Nevill Simmons••• 1673.In 5 pts. (the lnst separntcly par-cd),each with sp~ci.~l t.-p.: [I, A Christian directory.The first Ih1rt, Chril!tinn cthicklllor, Directions for the orderin/: of private(Gontinued on next card)70-1748ICN 71n.\xTEn, IIICIIARU, Ir,15-1G'l1. ,\ Chri.tian directory... 15n. (Ci'lrd 4)actions of our hcar"ts and Ii "C5 in the "ork ofholy self-r.overnlllcnt unto and under God ...1(,72. [2J II Christian directory: or, A sumllof practical divinity. The .,econd part: vi:.Christian oeeono",} cI{~: or, The family directory... [31 II Chris.tinn directory: The thirdpart. Christinn cee1csi<strong>as</strong>ticksl or, lJircctionsto p<strong>as</strong>tors (. people... (4) C<strong>as</strong>es of(Continued on next ~~rd)0CShGnAXTEH, RICIt"!!O, 1(.15-16

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