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C<strong>as</strong>e4AM9270-1748ICN 71MIDDLETON, CONYr,nS, ]683-1750.A. free inquiry into the miraculous powern,which lire s"pro~ed te lu\Vc ~ub.hted inthe Christian church, fr(\/!l the earliest a~e!lthroll~h Beve",,1 sucec~~lvc centuries. lIywhich it is she""" that we hllve ne .ufficientre<strong>as</strong>on to believe, IIpon the authority of theprimi ti Ve (/I thera, that any such powers werecontinued to the church, after the days ofthe ,\postlcs. By Conyers Middleton •••Dublin, Printed for J. Smith, 1749.(Continued on next card)OC PC .It A ASh Gt GrSh MS. W WSh (SilC<strong>as</strong>e (MILNf:R, JOlIN, Rp. I 1752-l82fi.4A Authentic documents rOlla the to the miraculouscure of Winefrid ~Iite, of Wolverhnmp­M!l5ton, at St. Winefrid's Well, ali<strong>as</strong> 1I01ywell.in Fl1ntshirc, on the 28th of June lAOS:with obeervations thereon, by the R. R. J-­H--, D.D.V.A •••• Third edition. London,Printed and published by Keating, Brown andCo., 1006.421'. il1u8. 21em.70-1748ICIi 71oe PC Sh A ASh • CrlJl: w WIIIo ClIo •Cnse4,\309270-1748ICN 71MIDDLETON, CONY~tS, lGR3-17S0. A free inquiryinto the •• lraeulous pevers ...1749. (Card 2)(1It.,cxli(l.e.cxxxix)P.,r1 Il .,234p.,(lSll. 2lcm.Numbers xxxiii-xxxiv omitted in pa~ing... s. WC<strong>as</strong>e4A:109670-1748ICN 71tnLNEn, JOliN, Rp., 1752-1826.The Co'tse of conscience solved: or, TheCatholic claims proved to be compatihle withthe coronation oath. In a letter (rem Adivine in the country to his friend in town.b'ith a lIuprlement in nnswcr to ConsiderAtionson the coronAtion oath, by J. Reeves •••Oy ••• J. Hill,er ••• Second ed! tion, CoTrectedand cnlarj!led. To which are anncxed,Observations on a publication by ••• T.Hesurier, entitled, "A sequel to the serious(Continued on next card)DC PC •• '" "'If> • .Il10 W w... ca.. CiiC<strong>as</strong>e4A309370-1748ICN 71HlIlDL£TO)l, CO)lYfJIS, 1683-1750.A letter from Romc, she,d:v~ an exact confoonity bebo'een popery and pal;anism: or, Therelir,ion of the prCfient l\om.1ns, derived fromthat of their heathen .1I1ccstor~. The fourthedition. To which is added, I. A prefatorydiscourfie, cont.'tinin~ an answer to a] 1 theobjections of the writer of a popish book[i .e. Richard ChalIoner" inti tuled, TheCatholic Christian instn.ctcd, ftc •••• andII. A postscript, in which .Ir. I"arburton's(Continued on next Cou-d)OC: PC $11 A ASh • "fSt! M5. W WItt CShC<strong>as</strong>e4,\lWl670-1728lCli 71HILNEn, JOliN, Rp •• 1752-1B2fi. The c<strong>as</strong>e ofconScience solved ••• (Card 2)e~~mination into the Catholic clAims, containin/!11 more )lartieular enquiry into thedoctrines of popery, £fe. &c." ... London,Printed and published by Keatin~. brovn andCo •• 1907.xvi, r !I J -119p. 21m,' " .:"-WC<strong>as</strong>e4AM9370-1748ICN 71MIDDLETON, CONYERS, 1683-1750.(rom Rome ... (C.'trd 2)A lct:t:eropinion concernin/! the p.,,"::ani5m of !lonle isp.'trticularly considered ••• Ry ConyersHiddlcton ... London, Printed for R.Manby, 1741.141'.,24Bp. 22cm.A ASh Gt GrShM'. w WSh CSt!GC"seSA61370-17·1'1IC:'J 71HI ua:::t , .1O;:>!, IIp .. , 1752-1H26..\ dlsc.crt.ttie:l on the ",~(krll !'ityl.: "r,'llterinc ttncicnt cathct.ir".11s ..... s cxcrnplifJe .. lin the C.1thG,ll·al Church of S.llisbur)". l' '0second coi;::ion, \(~th plates ••• ny th~ Hev.Joha JliJr.cr '" tllnch"ster, Printer\ :,nosold by J. jt"bbin~, 1811.(SIt.,;;''\'. 2pL'ttC5. 27cm. ('Ii":'his The hi,tory civil a,!d ccc1csi.'tstlc"l f!survey of the antiquities, of !"inehester •••1809)c'"'OC PC Sh A ASIt G, «;,$'- ....C<strong>as</strong>e4AM9470-1748ICN 71MIDUNIl C.\1110LIC ASSOCIATION.p'eport of the proceedings of the HidlnndCatholic Association, at their "nnllel ",~eting,held at the Royal Hotel, Rirminr,h:lIn,on Tuesday, April IB, IB26. Edvard RlOllnt,Esq. in the ch.'lir. London, Printed andpublished by W. E. Andrews (lB2612:11'. 23011.M,. w WS. CShC<strong>as</strong>e4A.309770-1748ICN 71MILNIiR, JOliN, Dp •• 1752-lR2fi.Ecclesi<strong>as</strong>tical democracy detected; bein~a rcvicw of the controversy hetveen the laymanand the clerl!Y"''tn concerninr, the appointmentof bishops, and of other rn.'ttters cont.linedin the publicatiOM of Sir JohnThrok01lorton (i.e. Throckmorton" Rllrt. By... John tIl,Iner ... London, Printnd byJ. P. Coghlan, and sold by J. Debrett ,etc.1179:1.12It .,xv,,11,318(1.e.316)p. 230m.Nos. 186-187 omitted in paging.M •• w II/.5{)

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