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CaseM1988cone-crnln/: this confrll{cl'lIiti.e.Tor.eth~ryvi til n;~IIY ('n.n table Ins t"llcti "liS, hOIi Chr! s­tlmls mnY satisfie for their sinnes by thenlcanc~ of in{ht1rpncC"s! HC't ""pr('lI'II~I~ i1i~Q fClrall such, as thr,"'gh dCI1"ti ''II. cloc enroll70-1748 (Cont I "ncd 011 tI

Case4A-1818no.110-1148leN 10HEDINA, H1GUEL DE, d.ca.15BO.Dispvtationvm de indvlgentiis, adversvsnostrae tempestatis haereticos ••• 1iber vnvs.In quo, Ecclesiae Romanique Pontificis, adeas confercnda" auctoritas, eius4ue auctoritatisantiquissimus usus, ·dl!ll sanctortllll uetenunquepatn01l montunentis, tUIMpertis scripturarumtestimonijs asseritur, ~ haereticaeomnes in hac parte callmm{ae refelluntur atqueexploduntur.F. Hi chac Ie Hedin... • ••(Continued on next card)Case cMEUIOlli. IfILLIAM, 1710-1799.4A The letters of Sir Tho~~s Fitzosbort1e:S09l ! pse ud. ,. on !leVe ral snb jc eta The tlti reiedition.1150.London, Printed for R. Dodsley,•16,t.,452p. 220m.10-1748ICN 11OC PC SbA ASh GI GfSh ) USh W CShMS. W WS. Ct.Case4A1818no.110-1148teN 10OCPCHEnnM, ~IICU~;L IlE, it.ca,151l0. Dtst'vt"Uonvmde indvl~cntiis ••• (Card 2)avctore. A-ccesit quart! articuli symboliApostolici interpretatio, eodem auctore •••Venetiis, Ex officina Stellae, I. Zi1eti,1564.16,,126t. 220..With this are bound his: Explicationesin qvartvm ,ymboli Apostolici ••• 1564 (asissued)j and Ennaratio trivm locorr.1560. )sa. It ASh Or c,. USh W WSh CSh•Case The ~!""IOI!Y o( F:1lr,li.sh lIaints reviv'd ...SA TI,e second edi tin corrected. London,2478 Printed for T. Goddard, 1746.241'. 15ml,Commemorative prayers for English saints.70-1748ICN 71-WW~ CD •Case4.\1818no.370-1748ICN 10~!EIlINA, HtGlI!,L DF-, d.ca.1580.En.1.rra t lo tri vm 10cOl''''' ex c,'pi te secunito.o"uteronolnij in ca thcdrae sanct"n.u1\scriptllranun peti tione. Reverendo PlltriFratri mchaeli "!I\S, n.16l5-l63R ed. Florilegivminsvlae sanctorvm •••• 1624.(Card 3)CE3' cancelland and canc~l (or 1'.253-254both present (the other copy has only thecance 1 leaf)'MS. w WSh GMS' w G/79

C<strong>as</strong>e4A-1818no.110-1148leN 10HEDINA, H1GUEL DE, d.ca.15BO.Dispvtationvm de indvlgentiis, adversvsnostrae tempestatis haereticos ••• 1iber vnvs.In quo, Ecclesiae Romanique Pontificis, ade<strong>as</strong> confercnda" auctorit<strong>as</strong>, eius4ue auctoritatisantiquissimus usus, ·dl!ll sanctortllll uetenunquepatn01l montunentis, tUIMpertis scripturarumtestimonijs <strong>as</strong>seritur, ~ haereticaeomnes in hac parte callmm{ae refelluntur atqueexploduntur.F. Hi chac Ie Hedin... • ••(Continued on next card)C<strong>as</strong>e cMEUIOlli. IfILLIAM, 1710-1799.4A The letters of Sir Tho~~s Fitzosbort1e:S09l ! pse ud. ,. on !leVe ral snb jc eta The tlti reiedition.1150.London, Printed for R. Dodsley,•16,t.,452p. 220m.10-1748ICN 11OC PC SbA ASh GI GfSh ) USh W CShMS. W WS. Ct.C<strong>as</strong>e4A1818no.110-1148teN 10OCPCHEnnM, ~IICU~;L IlE, it.ca,151l0. Dtst'vt"Uonvmde indvl~cntiis ••• (Card 2)avctore. A-ccesit quart! articuli symboliApostolici interpretatio, eodem auctore •••Venetiis, Ex officina Stellae, I. Zi1eti,1564.16,,126t. 220..With this are bound his: Explicationesin qvartvm ,ymboli Apostolici ••• 1564 (<strong>as</strong>issued)j and Ennaratio trivm locorr.1560. )sa. It ASh Or c,. USh W WSh CSh•C<strong>as</strong>e The ~!""IOI!Y o( F:1lr,li.sh lIaints reviv'd ...SA TI,e second edi tin corrected. London,2478 Printed for T. Goddard, 1746.241'. 15ml,Commemorative prayers for English saints.70-1748ICN 71-WW~ CD •C<strong>as</strong>e4.\1818no.370-1748ICN 10~!EIlINA, HtGlI!,L DF-, d.ca.1580.En.1.rra t lo tri vm 10cOl''''' ex c,'pi te secunito.o"uteronolnij in ca thcdrae sanct"n.u1\scriptllranun peti tione. Reverendo PlltriFratri mchaeli "!I\S, n.16l5-l63R ed. Florilegivminsvlae sanctorvm •••• 1624.(Card 3)CE3' cancelland and canc~l (or 1'.253-254both present (the other copy h<strong>as</strong> only thecance 1 leaf)'MS. w WSh GMS' w G/79

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