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available as a PDF file - Newberry Library available as a PDF file - Newberry Library


-_.._-_. . ..--.------..-----Cue~A1855MARTYllOlJ.lGI \JH ROtwrull.M3rtyrolo~ivm Rom~nvm Gre~orii ~~II. Pont.tlnl!. ivuv editVIII, ft Vrbnni VIn. IIvthori taterecot::nitvm; illvstrntvm: "Iue Tahul"e ecclesiAsticae/!:eor,rl\phids tabvlis ff notis hhtorid.expUCiltRe. Quiblls IlRnctorlllft due mo ....tis siue derositionis temrus ft loeus cXActi8-sime expriJnuntur. Opus omni hus histodae70- ecclelia.ticae amatoribus vtili8simum ft.nceee-1748 .adum. Author. R. p. Avr,v8tino Lvbin •••leN 71(Continued on next card)OCPC'.AAI •• _ .... W WI. C... •Case6AMASON, FRANCIS, 15~67-1r,21.. It. vindicattionl of the Chu.r~h of En,dl\fnd,~68 and of the bw(ul minhtry th~rfe(\f, Thllt is. to say, or tI,e su~cc~~ion, "l~ction, ~onfir­"" .. tion nnd con.e~mti('n of hbh,.l'r.; ill! ,,1.50of the ord}n, .. ti(>l1 of priest,. lind rle,l('!on" infive hook!!. ~.crein the Chur~h of F./li-lilnd isdefended a~lIin!lt the cal.nni"s and repr~'~hesof Belbnnine fet Ill.) ••• and amon~st other70- thin~s, full answers to the ex~ertions of1748 1'1 t:&-lIerbert (et aI. I ••• are inserted inICII 71(Continued on next card)OC PC ... A A.h • $0'" ..... W w",· c... •Case~.\1855IlARTYltOLOGI \JH RO}fANUH.nVIII ••• (Card 2)LvtetiAe Parisiorvm, Apnd r. Lnmbert, 16tH.fl~lt.,~6~,~74p.,(llt.,4~p.,!S,t.III fold. ""ps. 24~m •.Added t.-p., i11u~trated and enJravod,with imprint dato of 1660.70-1748 . The IIIII.pS 1l1"8 dl:ncdl r. AliI!. AUf,Ustinia­ICN 71 nit Ceo!!:r. fte!!:iu. delin. et sculpsit c~ priviI.ad Vieennium Jr,60.DC I'C •• A. AI' .. 5< ..Cl\se6A~68MASON, FRANCIS, 15r.6?-1~21.of the Church of En~land •••It. vindication(Card 2)their proper rlaces; Written by FrancisM,ulon ••• lind now fat th(ully transla t"d fromthe author's L,tin edition (mu~h inlar~ed andc(lrre~ted.) Whereunto is Added, a new edi-. tion of II Rennon of the "rune author'., eon-70- cerni nr, the nllthori ty of the churchl " copy1748 of the first reformed ordinall and a trnnsla­ICN 71 tion of 8~ fra~nts of letters written to(Continued en next card)_WWhca.CaseM196770-1748ICN 71MARTYllOLOGIUH ROH,\N.'H. Englhh.The Roman IMrtYl'olOlle set f('rtll by thecommand of Pope Grer-ory XIII. and revievved bythe IIvthority of Vrb:ln VI II. Translated outof Latin into English, by G. K. (i.e,. Georr,eKeynes) of the Society of Iesv!. The se~ondedition, in whi~h are added diuers saints,put in to the calender, since the former impression.Printed at S. Omers, By T. Gevbels,1667." (Continued on next card)oePClhAAShC, ... MSh W WSh CSh C70-174!\ICII 71MA~ON, FRANCIS, 1566?-162l. A vindic.'\tionof the Church of En~bnd ••• (Card 3)Ynther lc C(l1Irnyer; in an arpendix. Top:etherwith nn el

CnseM24!O10-1148leN 11.IASON, JAHF.5 AUSTIN. Strictures on We"lcy' ~rrctcnc!cd Rom .. m cAtechism ... ,1828-30,(Carel 2) ,Strictllrl!5 on the 8cconc! pn.rt of \{Cel0Y'1rrctcnclcd R(ltl\:!,n cfttechhm ••• PArt 8l!cnnd.TreAtln,. upon repentnnce, obedience, indul­/!nncll8, Pllr/!:Atory, And tho invoe.~t1(1n ofsaints ••• 'Art 31 Strictures on the thirdAnd fourth p.'tru of Wedey's Pretended nomane.'ttechism Part Third. In vhfch is(Continued on next card)OC I'C III • ..a~ at Q, .. U~ W WS. CI' 0Cllse3A2313,MASON, RIClIARDI 1601-1678.Holy altar and sacrifice explnined: inSOII!C fA .. ilillr dialo/:ues on the M.'t~s, and what""'y appcrto'\in to it... To vhich is added,A brief essay on the ConfrAternity of theCord of the Seraphical Father Saint Francis••• Oy the Reverend Father Pacificus Daker •••London, Printed by J. P. Coghlan, 1192.viii,208p. 16cm.•Case3A24!O70-1748XeN 11HASON, J,\HES AUSTIll. Strictures (>n Wesley'"pretended nomlln cAtechism ••• C1828-301(Card 3)r.iven an account of the conversion of twoMethodist preachers to the Catllnlie faith,.ane! noticin/! every thin/!: important in thoobjections of Hr. Wesley to the worship,ceremonies. and lacraments of the CatholicChurch •••OC I'C III • ... .. &r'" MD W WSh CSh GCase3A1981The 1st pt. is an Abrid~cment of A litur­~iCAl discourse ot the holy sacrifice of theHaSI.. 10-1748ICN 71oc PC 8ft A.A" Or .,... MS' '01 will ea. ..10-1748leN 71oc PC,.IA80II, RlCUMDI 1601-1618.A liturgical discourse of the holy sacrificeof the Ilass. Containing a cleAr, faeil,solid explanation in general and particular,of its substance, natul'c, quality, andquity,usc, tites and cerem(>nies, deduced out of theSacred Scripture, apostolical tradition, holycounci~s, orthodox fathers, continual practiseof Gods Church, and unanimous consent of allChristian nati(>ns. Divided into tvo parts,(Continued on next card)lIS. '01 wso es. cCue3A198610-1148IClf71(HASON, RICHARD} 1601-1678.Certamen seraphicvm Provinciae Angliae proBancta Dei Ecclesia. In quo breviter declaratur,quomodo Fratres Minores Angli calamo (Isanguine pro Fide Christi 8anctaque eius Ecclesiacertarunt ••• Opere (I labore R. p. F.Angeli a 8. Francisco ••• Ovaci, Typis 8.Belleri, 1649.(13,t.,3S6(i.e.3S8)p. 5 plates(ports.)19em.Added t.-p.,Nos. 184-185engraft'd.\ repeated in paging.OCPe ....... ""._ MS- W WSh tall •Case3A19R170-1748ICN 71A litur~ical(MASON, RICIIARD) 1601-1678.discourse of the holy sacriti ce of the Mass(Card 2)and collected by A. F. ,1. e. Anre Ius a Sane toFrancisco 1 the least of Frior "in(>rs, for t"~help of devollt Catholicks, in order to themore spiri tunl and pr('or; table henrin!! th~re('of.The first pa,'t ••• (n.p.) I'rinted, AnnoDom. 1610.(19,t.,184,(4,t.; (1It.,31~p.,,13It. 19cm.(Continlled on n"xt card)MSh W WSh CSh GCa.eM·231270-1748XCII 71,HASOII, RICUMDI 1601-l67/l.Holy al~~r nn~ sacrifice explain'd: insome lMlilinr dialor,t.es on the Hass, and vhlltmny Appertain to it: for the more easy informationand instruction of those vho desire tohCllr Mass well, and to a~sist at that greatsacrifice, according 'to the spirt t and intentionof the Church. With an appendix, concerningsaying Mass in L,tin and of pronounein&the ucret prayers and the canon with(Continued on next card)uS!! '01 WSh C$' ..CaseM ,M~SON, nICIlARD) J60l-1C,7A. A Ii tur/:ical1981 di scoursc of the holy sncri (ice 01 the .Iass1670. (Card ~)10-1748leN 71The 2d pt. has special t.-p.: A liturgicaldbcourse of the holy sRcrifice of the Mass.Io'hel'ein is contained, a summary expH cation ofthe several parts, rites, and ceremonies therc­(>f; out of the Scriptures, tradi tion, cllunelb,and holy fathers; conformable to the useand practice of our Uoly Hother the Church.(Continued on next card)OCftCShA ASh .r GrSh (\USh '01 WSh Cso ..Case3A231270-1748ICN 71cHASON, RIClIMI) I 1601-1678.sacrifice ,explni,:,'d ...a lov voice. By P.O ....and sold by T. Lewis, 1768.vi,2SBp. 16m.An abrid~ementlitur~ie.'tl1I0ly altar and(Card 2)London, Printedby Paclficus Raker of Adiscourse of the holy sacrificeof the Hass.Imperfectl p.,IS5-ISS wanting.With this is bound: Gother, John.Instructions'and devotions for hearin~ Hass... 1761.OC I'C ......... a, ..Case3A rMASON, RICHARDI 1601-1678. A liturgical1981 discourse of the holy sacrifice .01 the .fass... 1670. (Card'4)70-1748ICN 71Collected faithfully by A. F. the least ofFriar Hinours. The second part Cn'P'1frinted, Anno nom., 1669.8TC II K 9~6 and H 937.'01 WSh CSh c·127

-_.._-_. . ..--.------..-----Cue~A1855MARTYllOlJ.lGI \JH ROtwrull.M3rtyrolo~ivm Rom~nvm Gre~orii ~~II. Pont.tlnl!. ivuv editVIII, ft Vrbnni VIn. IIvthori taterecot::nitvm; illvstrntvm: "Iue Tahul"e ecclesiAsticae/!:eor,rl\phids tabvlis ff notis hhtorid.expUCiltRe. Quiblls IlRnctorlllft due mo ....tis siue derositionis temrus ft loeus cXActi8-sime expriJnuntur. Opus omni hus histodae70- ecclelia.ticae amatoribus vtili8simum ft.nceee-1748 .adum. Author. R. p. Avr,v8tino Lvbin •••leN 71(Continued on next card)OCPC'.AAI •• _ .... W WI. C... •C<strong>as</strong>e6AMASON, FRANCIS, 15~67-1r,21.. It. vindicattionl of the Chu.r~h of En,dl\fnd,~68 and of the bw(ul minhtry th~rfe(\f, Thllt is. to say, or tI,e su~cc~~ion, "l~ction, ~onfir­"" .. tion nnd con.e~mti('n of hbh,.l'r.; ill! ,,1.50of the ord}n, .. ti(>l1 of priest,. lind rle,l('!on" infive hook!!. ~.crein the Chur~h of F./li-lilnd isdefended a~lIin!lt the cal.nni"s and repr~'~hesof Belbnnine fet Ill.) ••• and amon~st other70- thin~s, full answers to the ex~ertions of1748 1'1 t:&-lIerbert (et aI. I ••• are inserted inICII 71(Continued on next card)OC PC ... A A.h • $0'" ..... W w",· c... •C<strong>as</strong>e~.\1855IlARTYltOLOGI \JH RO}fANUH.nVIII ••• (Card 2)LvtetiAe Parisiorvm, Apnd r. Lnmbert, 16tH.fl~lt.,~6~,~74p.,(llt.,4~p.,!S,t.III fold. ""ps. 24~m •.Added t.-p., i11u~trated and enJravod,with imprint dato of 1660.70-1748 . The IIIII.pS 1l1"8 dl:ncdl r. AliI!. AUf,Ustinia­ICN 71 nit Ceo!!:r. fte!!:iu. delin. et sculpsit c~ priviI.ad Vieennium Jr,60.DC I'C •• A. AI' .. 5< ..Cl\se6A~68MASON, FRANCIS, 15r.6?-1~21.of the Church of En~land •••It. vindication(Card 2)their proper rlaces; Written by FrancisM,ulon ••• lind now fat th(ully transla t"d fromthe author's L,tin edition (mu~h inlar~ed andc(lrre~ted.) Whereunto is Added, a new edi-. tion of II Rennon of the "rune author'., eon-70- cerni nr, the nllthori ty of the churchl " copy1748 of the first reformed ordinall and a trnnsla­ICN 71 tion of 8~ fra~nts of letters written to(Continued en next card)_WWhca.C<strong>as</strong>eM196770-1748ICN 71MARTYllOLOGIUH ROH,\N.'H. Englhh.The Roman IMrtYl'olOlle set f('rtll by thecommand of Pope Grer-ory XIII. and revievved bythe IIvthority of Vrb:ln VI II. Translated outof Latin into English, by G. K. (i.e,. Georr,eKeynes) of the Society of Iesv!. The se~ondedition, in whi~h are added diuers saints,put in to the calender, since the former impression.Printed at S. Omers, By T. Gevbels,1667." (Continued on next card)oePClhAAShC, ... MSh W WSh CSh C70-174!\ICII 71MA~ON, FRANCIS, 1566?-162l. A vindic.'\tionof the Church of En~bnd ••• (Card 3)Ynther lc C(l1Irnyer; in an arpendix. Top:etherwith nn el

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