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Cnse4A309070-1748ICN 71,MANlIo'lNG, RonERTl d.I731.England's convcrsion and R~formation compared.Or, The younr, gentJc"'~n directcd inthe Christian rclir.lon. To "hich is premised,A brief cnquiry into the generalgrounds of the Ciltholick rn! tho In II. convcrsntionbetween a young gcntlc~~n and his preceptors.Dividcd into four dialogucs. ,2mottos: "lines} Antwerp: Printed forR. C. and C. F. 1725.liv p.,,3It.,12,,2},13-33Op. 200m.(Continued on next card)OC PC Sh II A,h .. G,I. NSh W WStt CSh CCase3A198370-174RICN 11oc pcA MANUAL of prayers and litanies distributedaccording to the dnys of the week. Wi thother excellent devotions fitted for all per­SOnS and occasions. Last edition much corrected.Pennissu superiorum. ,n.p.) 1688.,12 I t.,562+p. 1 illus. 150m.6 6 12 6 12 •Sig~~tures: A ,Il ,B-Z ,Aa ,Db + (s1gnatureBb12 and nIl after wantinr.)Title vignette: symbol of the Jesuitorder, withi.n a styliZed rose.(Continued on next card)Sft A ASh en Cra .. USft W WS" CSh 4;Case4A509070-1746ICN 71,MANNING, ROnmT) d.1731. En,::lnnd'a conversion••• 1725. (Card 2)Si~~~tures: A8,~_Ca,H_X8,14. Pa,::e 146numbered 416; p.l60 correctly nUMbered andsignnture D3 correctly sh:ned.One (edition 2) of three editions of1725 in the Library. This edition closelyresembles edition 1 typo~raphical1y and.~sprobably set from it. Tho errata nave beencorrected.oc 'c s. ... A'O Or ChI. USb W WStt CSh8Case3A1983A HANUAL of prayers and litanies(Card 2)' ... 1688.)24-The i11us. (on p.(226 1 ) is signed:W Grantham excudet.In 3 pts., the 2d with special half-title:The Jesus Psalter. (motto: 4 lines) ,Tignetteas on main t,-p.l (p.(5071)The 3d pt. has special t.-P.I The method70- of saying the rosary of Our Blessed Lady: as1748 it was order'd by Pope Pivs the Fifth, of theICN 11. ' (Continued on next card)oc I'C I> ... AS. CIt • .so I filS. w Wlh cs.•Case ,MANNING, ROnERT1 d.1731.3A . Eng1nnd's conver~ion and Reformation com-2425 pnred. Or, TIle youi'll! r,entle:nnn directed inthe choice of hi~ relir.ion. To "hich is premised,A brief enquiry into the generalgrounds of the Catholick faith. In a conversationbetween a younr, I!entleman and nispreceptor. Divided into four dialogues.,2 mottos; 4 lines I Ant" .. erp: 'Printed forR. C. and C. F. 1125.10-1146 Iv P.,r2lt.,33Op. 190m.ICN 11 rev.(Continued on next card)OC PC .. ... AI> lit ..... "I> W WD Ch CCaseSA1983A H.\NUAL of prayers and litanies •••(Card 3)1688.floly Order of Preach~rs. And as it is saidin Her Hajesty's Chaooke at St. James's. Thesixteenth edition. ,n.p.) Printed for T .D.in the year 1685. (p.,5UI)The Jesus Psalter is sometimes attributedto IUchard Whytford.10-]748 Not in STC II. Cf. H 543 (and for theICN 11 3d pt. cf. H 1947) .Imperfect: \ all after p.562 wanting."'.W_C...Cnlle ,MANNING, ROBERTI d.1131. England's conversion••• 1725. (Card 2)SA2425S . 8 8 6 8 6-1 (~gnatures' A ,~-b ,c ,B-X ,I Y6blank1 wantin~; D3 si~ed C~; K4 signed onverso of leaf)One (edition 3) of three editions of 1725in the Librnry. This edition is set in afont different from that of editions 1 .nd 2.The errata haTe been corrected.70-1746ICN 71fA 'IANUAL of pra~1"lI ane! litAnioa, withother devotion ••-London? CA.1729J(6)t.,27S,rS,p. lSem.Signatures presentl A-M12 (AI wantinr.)Similar in contents and arrnngement toA manunl of prayers and litanies distributedaccordin~ to the days of the week •••• ,n.p.,1688.70-1748 "The Jesus Psalter": p.235-252. Some-ICN 71 tillleso attributed to Richard Whytford.(Continued on next card)OC 'C .. .. .... lit lit .. )..."WW.. CS.8Case -5A242710-1748ICN 11,HANNING, ROBERT} d.1731.The shortest "ay to end disputes aboutrelil!:ion. In two parts. Part I. ..•Drvlsels, Printed in the year 1116.e7lt.,342(i.e.338)p. 19cm.L~st two pages misnt~bered 343 and 342,respecti velr.The second of ~~o editions of 1716(errnta corrected; pt.2 without specialt.-p.); cf. Drit. Hus. Cat.OC PC I. ... AI~ !If 110'. us.. W Wlh CSh Ii70-1748ICN 71fA MANUAL ot prayer. lind litaniea ...CA.1729] (Card Z)Imperf.ect: all betore signature A2(includin~ t.-p.) wanting.Conjectural titleJ imprint date from"A calendar of fenu and fasu" at front.OC I'C •• A"" G< .... MaO W WI. C.. •

CaselIA%4%81G-1148ICH 71KARIN, KIClIEL ANGE, 1697-1767.The perfect religious, :t 1i0rl< deahnedfor the Assistance of those who &Sl'i re afterrerfection in a rcli,;ions stAte. And eqUAllyullefnl for 1111 others who dedr!! to AdvAncein true virtue and piety. Written in Frenchby R. F. M1c:hMl Anllol }lIIrin... Translatlldinto En~lish by B. F. E. O.S.F. Poway,Printed by J. F. WillervAl, 176%.,6)t.,48Sp.,(S,t. l1cm.Translation of La pArfaite religieu.e.oePC •• A .....' ... h ".hWW,hC.h.Case4,\lSS6HARSYS, F , Sie"r de. llistoire de l:tpersecvtion 1646. (Card 2)Nos. 135-1~ repeAted in ~'~int:.CAl'tion title of bt pt.! D1scovrs svcdnl.des c

Cnse4A309070-1748ICN 71,MANlIo'lNG, RonERTl d.I731.England's convcrsion and R~formation compared.Or, The younr, gentJc"'~n directcd inthe Christian rclir.lon. To "hich is premised,A brief cnquiry into the generalgrounds of the Ciltholick rn! tho In II. convcrsntionbetween a young gcntlc~~n and his preceptors.Dividcd into four dialogucs. ,2mottos: "lines} Antwerp: Printed forR. C. and C. F. 1725.liv p.,,3It.,12,,2},13-33Op. 200m.(Continued on next card)OC PC Sh II A,h .. G,I. NSh W WStt CSh CC<strong>as</strong>e3A198370-174RICN 11oc pcA MANUAL of prayers and litanies distributedaccording to the dnys of the week. Wi thother excellent devotions fitted for all per­SOnS and occ<strong>as</strong>ions. L<strong>as</strong>t edition much corrected.Pennissu superiorum. ,n.p.) 1688.,12 I t.,562+p. 1 illus. 150m.6 6 12 6 12 •Sig~~tures: A ,Il ,B-Z ,Aa ,Db + (s1gnatureBb12 and nIl after wantinr.)Title vignette: symbol of the Jesuitorder, withi.n a styliZed rose.(Continued on next card)Sft A ASh en Cra .. USft W WS" CSh 4;C<strong>as</strong>e4A509070-1746ICN 71,MANNING, ROnmT) d.1731. En,::lnnd'a conversion••• 1725. (Card 2)Si~~~tures: A8,~_Ca,H_X8,14. Pa,::e 146numbered 416; p.l60 correctly nUMbered andsignnture D3 correctly sh:ned.One (edition 2) of three editions of1725 in the <strong>Library</strong>. This edition closelyresembles edition 1 typo~raphical1y and.~sprobably set from it. Tho errata nave beencorrected.oc 'c s. ... A'O Or ChI. USb W WStt CSh8C<strong>as</strong>e3A1983A HANUAL of prayers and litanies(Card 2)' ... 1688.)24-The i11us. (on p.(226 1 ) is signed:W Grantham excudet.In 3 pts., the 2d with special half-title:The Jesus Psalter. (motto: 4 lines) ,Tignette<strong>as</strong> on main t,-p.l (p.(5071)The 3d pt. h<strong>as</strong> special t.-P.I The method70- of saying the rosary of Our Blessed Lady: <strong>as</strong>1748 it w<strong>as</strong> order'd by Pope Pivs the Fifth, of theICN 11. ' (Continued on next card)oc I'C I> ... AS. CIt • .so I filS. w Wlh cs.•C<strong>as</strong>e ,MANNING, ROnERT1 d.1731.3A . Eng1nnd's conver~ion and Reformation com-2425 pnred. Or, TIle youi'll! r,entle:nnn directed inthe choice of hi~ relir.ion. To "hich is premised,A brief enquiry into the generalgrounds of the Catholick faith. In a conversationbetween a younr, I!entleman and nispreceptor. Divided into four dialogues.,2 mottos; 4 lines I Ant" .. erp: 'Printed forR. C. and C. F. 1125.10-1146 Iv P.,r2lt.,33Op. 190m.ICN 11 rev.(Continued on next card)OC PC .. ... AI> lit ..... "I> W WD Ch CC<strong>as</strong>eSA1983A H.\NUAL of prayers and litanies •••(Card 3)1688.floly Order of Preach~rs. And <strong>as</strong> it is saidin Her Hajesty's Chaooke at St. James's. Thesixteenth edition. ,n.p.) Printed for T .D.in the year 1685. (p.,5UI)The Jesus Psalter is sometimes attributedto IUchard Whytford.10-]748 Not in STC II. Cf. H 543 (and for theICN 11 3d pt. cf. H 1947) .Imperfect: \ all after p.562 wanting."'.W_C...Cnlle ,MANNING, ROBERTI d.1131. England's conversion••• 1725. (Card 2)SA2425S . 8 8 6 8 6-1 (~gnatures' A ,~-b ,c ,B-X ,I Y6blank1 wantin~; D3 si~ed C~; K4 signed onverso of leaf)One (edition 3) of three editions of 1725in the Librnry. This edition is set in afont different from that of editions 1 .nd 2.The errata haTe been corrected.70-1746ICN 71fA 'IANUAL of pra~1"lI ane! litAnioa, withother devotion ••-London? CA.1729J(6)t.,27S,rS,p. lSem.Signatures presentl A-M12 (AI wantinr.)Similar in contents and arrnngement toA manunl of prayers and litanies distributedaccordin~ to the days of the week •••• ,n.p.,1688.70-1748 "The Jesus Psalter": p.235-252. Some-ICN 71 tillleso attributed to Richard Whytford.(Continued on next card)OC 'C .. .. .... lit lit .. )..."WW.. CS.8C<strong>as</strong>e -5A242710-1748ICN 11,HANNING, ROBERT} d.1731.The shortest "ay to end disputes aboutrelil!:ion. In two parts. Part I. ..•Drvlsels, Printed in the year 1116.e7lt.,342(i.e.338)p. 19cm.L~st two pages misnt~bered 343 and 342,respecti velr.The second of ~~o editions of 1716(errnta corrected; pt.2 without specialt.-p.); cf. Drit. Hus. Cat.OC PC I. ... AI~ !If 110'. us.. W Wlh CSh Ii70-1748ICN 71fA MANUAL ot prayer. lind litaniea ...CA.1729] (Card Z)Imperf.ect: all betore signature A2(includin~ t.-p.) wanting.Conjectural titleJ imprint date from"A calendar of fenu and f<strong>as</strong>u" at front.OC I'C •• A"" G< .... MaO W WI. C.. •

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