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Case4AS08870-1748ICII 71LYNDE, Sir IIUHl'IlREY, 1579-1636.Vi~ tut", the safe vayl lendin~ allCI,ristians, by the testimonies Ilnd confessionsof our best learned ndversaries, tothe true, ancient, and Catholike faith, novprofessed in the Church of En~lllnd ••• Viadevin, the by.....",y: mislelldinl!; the veake andunstable into dangerous ~'ths of error, bycolourable shewes of apocryphnl1 Scriptures,unwritten traditions, doubtfu11 fathers,ambiguous counce lIs, and pretended Catholiko(Continued on next card)MSh W WSh CSh •CaseSA1980HABILI.ON, JEAN, 1632-1707.Trai te des etudes monastiques, divise entrois parties; avec line liste des principalesdifficulte!t qui se rellcontrcnt en chaque sleclcdans III lecture des originaux, ff un catllloguede livres choiR!s pour composer unc bibliothequeecclcsiastiqlle. Par /loll) J~an "abillon••• A Bruxelles, Chez E. H. Fricx,1692. ~70-1748 [12Jt.,673,r20IP' 18cm.ICN 71 Same as the 1691 edi tion (Paris, Robustel;Bruxel1es, Fricx) lbut vith a cancel t.-p.oe PC Sh A ASII Or" t,;,Sh "M$b W WSh eSb C'1Case4AS09970-1748ICN 71LYNDE, Sir HUMPlmEY, lS79-1636.(Card 2)ViA tutaChurch ••• By Humfrey Lynde, Kni~ht. London,Printed by order of "The Society for theDistribution of Tracts in Defence of theUnited Church of Englnnd and. Ireland, as bylaw established," for J. J. Stockdale, 1919.[1,t.,57Op. 23an.oe PC 1ft. A ASh Cf ~ USh W WSh c:,.. •Case rHcCIIRnlY, FRUX I4A A serious answer to Lord Geor!!:c Gordon's3004, letters to the F.arl of Shelburne: in which anattempt is made, by fair ~nd inr-cnllous ar~uno.3ment, to ~ive Ample satisfaction to his lordship'sdoubts; and to relieve him, if possible,ft'Olll any inquietude for the salvationof the state, considered either in a 'moral,political, or religious view. Printed forHookha.. Bond Street. 1782. tLondon,70-1749 (Continued on next card)IClI 71OC PC III A A ..... __ w_ca_Case• AS09970-1748ICII 71tLYTTELTOlI, GEORGE LYTTELTON, bt Baron,1709-1775.Obse~tions en tho conversion andapostlOlhip of St • .paul. In a letter toGilbert West, !sq; The third edition. .London, Printed for R. Dodsley, and soldbyH. Cooper, 1747.[2 Jt.,llOp. %lan.·With this is bound: Bolingbroke, HenrySaint-John. Letters, on the spirit ofpatriotiSM ••• 17.9.oe rc .. A ...... -Case4ASOO •no.S70-1749tHeCARnlr, fELUI A serious ansver to LordGeorr.e Gordon's letters... (Card :I)T. Collins, printer, 1804,S9p. 22C111.Errnta slip inserted At end.Issued vithl Petre, Robert EdW'ltrd.Retlcc:tion, on tho polic)' and jUltic:o ofan immediAte And ~neral e~~nc:ipation orthe R~~n ~~tho1ic, of Great-Pritain andIrelAnd ••• 180.,ICII 71oe rc.'A A ....... ..,. w w... c... _•CaseSA197570-1748ICll71[MABILLON, JEANJ 1632-1707.Lettre d'un lIcnedictin a Honseigneurl'Evesque de Blois, t("'chant Ie disccrnementdes anciennes relique .• , au sujet d'une dissertationde .I r Thiers, contre la sainte lnn:1ede Vendc.ne. A Paris, Chez p. de Bats, etchez I. de Bats, 1700.79p. illus.,2 fold.plates. 19cm.Dated and signed on p.45: Ce S. FEvrier1700 .... Y. H. D.AlSh W W$" CSh •CaseSA HAlHBOURG, LOUIS, 1610-1686.1982 An historical treatise of the foundationand prero!,:ativ w .... cs •easeSAU8870-17.9ICH 70KAKEBLIJDE, LODEWIJK, 1564-1630.Den Ivst-hoC der gheestelicke oeffenin­"'en. Ghemaeckt ende venneerdert ~oor LvdoriCYaMakeblyde ••• t'Hant-nerpen, By H.Verdvssen, 1617.. . ,2. It. ,66.p•• r!ht. tHulI. lSCIII.oe rc .... 14 A ... Ok'_ ..... w--122-

Case4,\181670-1748ICN 70M,ILDOK.\T, JUAN, 1534-158S.loannis Ha1don~ti ••• Connentarij In Prophet'"1111. lerendam, n~rvch. Ezcchielem,& Danielem. Acce55it Expositio Psalnd CIX.& EpI,tola de Collatione Sedanensl cum Caluinbnis,eodem allctore. ParisHs, SIa'Ip_tibus C. Hore Ill, 1610.(8)t.,849p.,,29)t. 24aa.MS. w w,. cs.•Case:sA242470-1148ICN 71fMANNING, ROnERT) d.1731.TIle case stated hctween the Church ofRome and the Church of f.n~land in a secondconversation betwixt a Roman Catholick lord,And a ~entle,",~n of the Church of England. In,two parts ... ,n.p'l Printed AMO 1721.2v. 20cm.Imperfect: y.2 wanting.ocrc .............. Milo w•Case4,\IB11MALONE, WILLlAH, 15B6-1656.,\ reply to M. r lames Vssher his Ans",erewherein it is discouered ho", ansvverlessethe said H.r Vssher returneth. The vnifonneconsent also of anti qui ty is declared tostande for the Roman religion: and the ansnereris conuinced of vanity 1n challenginlthe patronage of the doctors of the primatiuechurch for his Protestaney. By William Ma-70-1748ICN 70 lone ••• ,Douai1J 1621.oc PC,12Jt.,717(i.e.119)"5)p.,,IJt. 21em.(Continued on next card)iMSftWW"'C'~.s ••• Sh .. _.Case:sA242670-1748ICN 71.~NG, ROBERT, d.1731.Moral entertainments on the most import.~ntpractical truths of the Christian reli­~ion. In three volumes. Oy Robert NanninI;London, Printed for T. Meighan, 1742.Sv. 18an.Imperfect: y.1-2 wantinl.oc PC •••• "" ., .....Case4,\181770-1748ICN 70HALONE, WILUAH, 1586-1656. ,\ reply to H. rlames Vssher ••• 1627. (Card 2)Nos.151-152 repeated in paging.A reply to Ussher's An answer to a challengemade by a Jesuite in Ireland (1624),which in tllrn was a replr to Malone's TheJesuit's challenge (162S)Allison & Rogers 494.STC 17213.Added t.-p. engraved.OC PC Sf'll It. ASlIi !if G,S" MSlIi W \\ISh CStl GCase ,MANNING, ROnERT) d.1731.DEn~land's conversion and Refo~~tion comp.~red'.Or, The youn/! /!.~ntle,",u~ di rected in4045.548 the cheicc of his re1i~ion. To which is premised,A brief enquil'y into the p:eneral~round~ of ~he Catholick raith. In a conversationbet"'"en a young gentleman and hh preceptor.Divided into fOllr dialogues. ,2mott05: 4 lines) Antwerp: Printed forR. C. and C. F. 1725.52-2054ICN 52 rev. Iv p.,,3 Jt.,12,(2),13-33Op. 2Ocm.' .. (Continued on next card)oc PC ,....... _.1 M,,, W w" eM.easeSA246410-1148ICN 71MANCHESTER, Eng. (Diocese)Rule~ and regulations for the CatholicSunday schools of Manchester and Salford: withengraved plans, shewing the position of theclasses during tuitIon; to~ether with thewords of command used in the schools. Alsoa list of the books. Manchester, Printedby T. Honan, 1827.•14p. S plates. 19em.CaseD4045.548,112-2034ICN 52,MANNING, ROBERTJ d.1731. Enr-Iand's conversion... 1725. (C.1rd 2)8 8 8-2+3 8 6-1Sil!natuTCsl A ,a-c ,n ,e-X,T.Sil!nature c8 (wanting) may have been cancelled(catchword on c7 verso incorrect) ormny have been blank. Si/!!natures B 6 _ 1 cancelled(stubs present); three leaves (pa/?,ed11-12, unpaged, and Il1-14) inserted in theirplace. SignAture DS signed C3' Pace 160n\ll!lbered ISO.rov.(Continued on next card)"ShWWShCSJt.CaseSA1959no.270-1748(CN 71the MANNER or performing the novena, or,the nine days devotion to St. Francis Xaveriusof the Society of Jesvs, and Apostle of India.As also the devotion of the ten Frydays to thesame saint. {Pri)nted at St. Omer, By T.Farmer, 1702.'flrt.,21,(4)". 13(211. (with An instructionto performe with fruit the devotion often Fridays in honour,of S. Francis laverius••• fea.1670)Bound in are ~. of ms. and 2t. ofextraneousletterpress.CaseD4045.54852-20ll4ICN 52 rev.ROnERT) d.17l11.version ••• 1725.,M~~ING,En/!land'lI con­(Card lI)One (edition 1) of three editions of1725 in the Library'. This edition has anerrata list on .ignature "1 verso.l1li5,. W WSh es" c123

C<strong>as</strong>e4AS08870-1748ICII 71LYNDE, Sir IIUHl'IlREY, 1579-1636.Vi~ tut", the safe vayl lendin~ allCI,ristians, by the testimonies Ilnd confessionsof our best learned ndversaries, tothe true, ancient, and Catholike faith, novprofessed in the Church of En~lllnd ••• Viadevin, the by.....",y: mislelldinl!; the veake andunstable into dangerous ~'ths of error, bycolourable shewes of apocryphnl1 Scriptures,unwritten traditions, doubtfu11 fathers,ambiguous counce lIs, and pretended Catholiko(Continued on next card)MSh W WSh CSh •C<strong>as</strong>eSA1980HABILI.ON, JEAN, 1632-1707.Trai te des etudes mon<strong>as</strong>tiques, divise entrois parties; avec line liste des principalesdifficulte!t qui se rellcontrcnt en chaque sleclcdans III lecture des originaux, ff un catllloguede livres choiR!s pour composer unc bibliothequeecclcsi<strong>as</strong>tiqlle. Par /loll) J~an "abillon••• A Bruxelles, Chez E. H. Fricx,1692. ~70-1748 [12Jt.,673,r20IP' 18cm.ICN 71 Same <strong>as</strong> the 1691 edi tion (Paris, Robustel;Bruxel1es, Fricx) lbut vith a cancel t.-p.oe PC Sh A ASII Or" t,;,Sh "M$b W WSh eSb C'1C<strong>as</strong>e4AS09970-1748ICN 71LYNDE, Sir HUMPlmEY, lS79-1636.(Card 2)ViA tutaChurch ••• By Humfrey Lynde, Kni~ht. London,Printed by order of "The Society for theDistribution of Tracts in Defence of theUnited Church of Englnnd and. Ireland, <strong>as</strong> bylaw established," for J. J. Stockdale, 1919.[1,t.,57Op. 23an.oe PC 1ft. A ASh Cf ~ USh W WSh c:,.. •C<strong>as</strong>e rHcCIIRnlY, FRUX I4A A serious answer to Lord Geor!!:c Gordon's3004, letters to the F.arl of Shelburne: in which anattempt is made, by fair ~nd inr-cnllous ar~uno.3ment, to ~ive Ample satisfaction to his lordship'sdoubts; and to relieve him, if possible,ft'Olll any inquietude for the salvationof the state, considered either in a 'moral,political, or religious view. Printed forHookha.. Bond Street. 1782. tLondon,70-1749 (Continued on next card)IClI 71OC PC III A A ..... __ w_ca_C<strong>as</strong>e• AS09970-1748ICII 71tLYTTELTOlI, GEORGE LYTTELTON, bt Baron,1709-1775.Obse~tions en tho conversion andapostlOlhip of St • .paul. In a letter toGilbert West, !sq; The third edition. .London, Printed for R. Dodsley, and soldbyH. Cooper, 1747.[2 Jt.,llOp. %lan.·With this is bound: Bolingbroke, HenrySaint-John. Letters, on the spirit ofpatriotiSM ••• 17.9.oe rc .. A ...... -C<strong>as</strong>e4ASOO •no.S70-1749tHeCARnlr, fELUI A serious ansver to LordGeorr.e Gordon's letters... (Card :I)T. Collins, printer, 1804,S9p. 22C111.Errnta slip inserted At end.Issued vithl Petre, Robert EdW'ltrd.Retlcc:tion, on tho polic)' and jUltic:o ofan immediAte And ~neral e~~nc:ipation orthe R~~n ~~tho1ic, of Great-Pritain andIrelAnd ••• 180.,ICII 71oe rc.'A A ....... ..,. w w... c... _•C<strong>as</strong>eSA197570-1748ICll71[MABILLON, JEANJ 1632-1707.Lettre d'un lIcnedictin a Honseigneurl'Evesque de Blois, t("'chant Ie disccrnementdes anciennes relique .• , au sujet d'une dissertationde .I r Thiers, contre la sainte lnn:1ede Vendc.ne. A Paris, Chez p. de Bats, etchez I. de Bats, 1700.79p. illus.,2 fold.plates. 19cm.Dated and signed on p.45: Ce S. FEvrier1700 .... Y. H. D.AlSh W W$" CSh •C<strong>as</strong>eSA HAlHBOURG, LOUIS, 1610-1686.1982 An historical treatise of the foundationand prero!,:ativ w .... cs •e<strong>as</strong>eSAU8870-17.9ICH 70KAKEBLIJDE, LODEWIJK, 1564-1630.Den Ivst-hoC der gheestelicke oeffenin­"'en. Ghemaeckt ende venneerdert ~oor LvdoriCYaMakeblyde ••• t'Hant-nerpen, By H.Verdvssen, 1617.. . ,2. It. ,66.p•• r!ht. tHulI. lSCIII.oe rc .... 14 A ... Ok'_ ..... w--122-

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