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(ill llW::-; IJr'~5 1:,\1, JE.\:; !nPTISTE,·;,\J6,~1-1731.3111 "·oynr.C5 ] i ti,lrrd ques de fl~:lncc I 0-" Hcchcrc:hc~(.d !:(~!'i en ::H \,("rs~s \~il1c:; ,ill ro~,~"HmiC,rH\r ]e Sieur de: Hrdl.~on fPSClId.l Contcn:i.ntpllJ!JiCIIl'S p.irtlC1l1nrj t,',,!: touchunt 1('5 ritt, fflc:~ il~iar.e5 di.'!~ cr,lisc:s: avec den dl{cou\'crtc~sur 1 , Olllt.i quite cccle~d:1:;ti'lU\~ '[! pil.ycnne.A I'.lf"i~, Cl!c~ I', l).:l:luln:·, 1.718.xij,S80p.,(I,t, 9 platc~. 21c~.70-17·18oex 7loc PC S" A ASf'l Gl G,$h w WSo cso Gc..se~A148470--1748lCN 70(LEECH, HUHPHREY J 1571-16Z9.N!specti ve cons ide ril. tions(c..rd 2)(8 1 t.,Z43,{1)p. 190m.Dvtifvll and1609.Written in collaboration rith RobertPar'sons. Cf. Diet. Nat. Diog.STC 15362 and 1940·1.Allison fJ Rogers 449.oe PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh "Sh w WSh cs.C.1SCM241470-1746ICN 71oc pcSA! LF. COt;l!AH:R, PIEH!Ui fil,\XI;OIS J l6~1-1776.iJisscrt.Hion sur 1a v.1liditc des ordiMtiol1sdes Anr.;lois, et Slll~ la Succession descvcsqucs

C.1SC1.2 PAPpg n;~ IH; .. VErt~~J .1J~,\N FH:\~~OIS }L\:Ul:,175"~-13·1'.!.3143 An H;:iic"'l,bl~ di~ct;0Sinn on t:1C Ch~;rch ofEn~lan...t ;ud nn the nc(or.l~;ttion in t::cn~r;l.l,dedicated to the cJcr:~y of' evet')" Pr('t('~;t .• n~co;';'.;nunion, and l~cduccd j nte the fOrTa of lt~ t­t\~rs, by" th~ RiGht Hcv • .f. F. Hi Tl'~Vt:l'fl •••Translated }-\..thc Hcv. h'il1i..m Hichmolld •••1.no.1170-1748IC:; 71,L'!;5T.'.,l':C;~, Sir I\CGErl, 1(;1(,-1704,An .1n;ih'..::r to A letter to a dissenter thyGeor!!e S"dlc, 1st ~bl-'llds of IlaU((J.x), upcnoccasion 0f His ~~a.lcstics late ~r;lcioHS dccl.lra.'::i.cllof in\ill1.~enci!. ny Sir Ilogcr L"EstranGc,l·:ni~ht.. London, Print\!d for R.Sa.c, IGB7.,lJ~.,50p. 21cm.src II L 1195.oc pc Sh ... AS" Gf GI~1'! W WSh CShGCase3A1971LESLIE, JOIl~, Hr. 0f' :;'):;$, )5;:7-]5:1(;..Dc illvstl'lV-!H f.> '..in;tl'\"l~ ill i\:-j'vh. adn>jnistl~a.IHJ.1,.1C f(':"·< jis lCf-ibus .'1l!~horit;!te,libcllvs, (\rICj~a J0. :;L\~j I':piscopi HG$s~:JsisScoti... I:;. :3, "XCll

(ill llW::-; IJr'~5 1:,\1, JE.\:; !nPTISTE,·;,\J6,~1-1731.3111 "·oynr.C5 ] i ti,lrrd ques de fl~:lncc I 0-" Hcchcrc:hc~(.d !:(~!'i en ::H \,("rs~s \~il1c:; ,ill ro~,~"HmiC,rH\r ]e Sieur de: Hrdl.~on fPSClId.l Contcn:i.ntpllJ!JiCIIl'S p.irtlC1l1nrj t,',,!: touchunt 1('5 ritt, fflc:~ il~iar.e5 di.'!~ cr,lisc:s: avec den dl{cou\'crtc~sur 1 , Olllt.i quite cccle~d:1:;ti'lU\~ '[! pil.ycnne.A I'.lf"i~, Cl!c~ I', l).:l:luln:·, 1.718.xij,S80p.,(I,t, 9 platc~. 21c~.70-17·18oex 7loc PC S" A ASf'l Gl G,$h w WSo cso Gc..se~A148470--1748lCN 70(LEECH, HUHPHREY J 1571-16Z9.N!specti ve cons ide ril. tions(c..rd 2)(8 1 t.,Z43,{1)p. 190m.Dvtifvll and1609.Written in collaboration rith RobertPar'sons. Cf. Diet. Nat. Diog.STC 15362 and 1940·1.Allison fJ Rogers 449.oe PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh "Sh w WSh cs.C.1SCM241470-1746ICN 71oc pcSA! LF. COt;l!AH:R, PIEH!Ui fil,\XI;OIS J l6~1-1776.iJisscrt.Hion sur 1a v.1liditc des ordiMtiol1sdes Anr.;lois, et Slll~ la Succession descvcsqucs

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