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COS04,1IH:'>no.l70-17~8J C~~ 70Jl;.\~\ 1)1'; L\ CIU':Z, Saint, 15·\2-]5(..11. Operamystic:!. \' .•• H,39. (C~!'(l 4)The 1st pt. has c"pti on title: ... ilsccnsvsHont:i s Carr.K:li, in t}vo, qyidll;)nt sit"bSCVl'.' BOX, ~U;\,;iC:U':; n(,,;c(.":;~;\l'i('\ pel' C.,;;t ndvni(m~iIl diuin:u;, SJ t tt·:Ul!':.CUlh1,!:;I, £i{!i t\ll~ •••h'ith thi!1 is l'otln.i ("ol"",,,s .•• Dublin,Pnnted by J. Chdstie, lS09.2v. 22cm.I"'pcrfect:oc PC Sh, A ASh /;, (;fShv.1 'h'~lnting."ShwGCase4A181470-17~8rcs 70KELLISON, MAT11I1::'';, 15607-1642.the ne\( religion 1605.A svrvey of(Card 2)STC 14913.Imperfect: t.-p. "'anting; supplied inpositive photostat.oc pc Sh A ASh Gr GrSh ) "Sh w WShCasez.A147970-1748• ICN 70KELLISON, ttHTHEW, 1560?-1642.f .... "U.men refornlation.is novae praescrtimCa1vinianae in qvo syn.1gogn e t doctrina Calvini,sicvt et rcliqvon1a hvivs tc"'poris 00-vatonm, tota fere ex svis rrincipiis refvtatvr.Avthore Hatthaco Kcllisono ••.Dvaei, T)~is P. Avroi, 1616.[16 ,t.,774(i.e.784)p.,(lu jt: ISon.Nos. 39-38 repea.ted in paging.OC PC Sh A A51\ Gt GrSh ..... w WShCase3A1949(KELLISOt\, Pu\TiI!Elij 1560?-1642.The touch-stone of the Refo!1;

0,\ rKEniES, JOI\~J 1625'-16 0 7.1~6B A rational, coo1rcr.dious way to convince,vithout any dlsput,!, all rcrsons wh.1t$ocvcr,dissenting [roN tilt.:!. trvc rcliri.on. flo.' J. K~(n.p.) Printed in the year 157~.c15Jt.,124p. 14cl.~,)-1749!~:\ 71STC II K ~n.Or; lie Sn A ASh Gf GrSh w WSh CShKOE:iOIG, RAPiLI1,L, Inth cent.rl!" nt10n irt the 0 1 or i co-phi lo,ophi crt c tphilosophicll-tileolor,ica, doctrin.1C Il. 1llOmac,Doct. ;\nh~lici., ct Tho:n1:;t:ui.::-n consona, expraeeipius totiu, rhilosophi.,e, et theo1o£:iae!Ichoh~tl.e"e Q".1cMtionihu!I ct dlffiellltnt!llllS('.ombin:ttil ~t cQncinnatt'l. a ••• rt.1phrtcl Y.onrlir,et Ilcncdi ctus Iluc b"r. formis Salemi tanis,rcr J. IlUHa, 17lal2.v. 33C"n~70-1748lCN 71Ti tle from flri t. Mu .•• C.1 t., wi tn addi tions(Continued On next curd)0': PC 5h A "Sit Gr GrSh M!il'! W WSn C3"" ~Case3A19597(\-1743J CS 71rKEYSES, JOII.~ I 152.5?-l(."7.Rcgvla credcndorn:i1 SC\.I n:c thodus polct.1icaad or..ni!S or.minO homln~s a vera reliITionc dissentientcs,cL1.rc, brevi tcr, nc s01irlc convincendos.Fox lingua ,\"glican.l in w.tinam traductaj\"al~ijsquc in loci s C\1rrcctt\ (.. locuplc-Utta. Avctore 1. K. ••• Lcodij, Typis G.Grison, 1684.126p., rllt.Translation, by the author, of A rationnl,compendious !,,,;,lY to ~onvincc 1674.Case6A~(,G70-1748IC:; 71KOf.NllIG, IIAP11Af':L, ISth cent. rllarmonillthcolol!ico-rhllosophica ••• 171Ml (Cnrd 2)from '\ll~ctlc i nc dell t:;chc fU Of!. rn.phi c.Libr,1ry h.1S v.l only, with h:.lf-titlc(t. -I'. 1~.lntinl!): II.umoniil thcolor,ic., 'ld ehord.1mThomis ti co-philonophi C

0,\ rKEniES, JOI\~J 1625'-16 0 7.1~6B A rational, coo1rcr.dious way to convince,vithout any dlsput,!, all rcrsons wh.1t$ocvcr,dissenting [roN tilt.:!. trvc rcliri.on. flo.' J. K~(n.p.) Printed in the year 157~.c15Jt.,124p. 14cl.~,)-1749!~:\ 71STC II K ~n.Or; lie Sn A ASh Gf GrSh w WSh CShKOE:iOIG, RAPiLI1,L, Inth cent.rl!" nt10n irt the 0 1 or i co-phi lo,ophi crt c tphilosophicll-tileolor,ica, doctrin.1C Il. 1llOmac,Doct. ;\nh~lici., ct Tho:n1:;t:ui.::-n consona, expraeeipius totiu, rhilosophi.,e, et theo1o£:iae!Ichoh~tl.e"e Q".1cMtionihu!I ct dlffiellltnt!llllS('.ombin:ttil ~t cQncinnatt'l. a ••• rt.1phrtcl Y.onrlir,et Ilcncdi ctus Iluc b"r. formis Salemi tanis,rcr J. IlUHa, 17lal2.v. 33C"n~70-1748lCN 71Ti tle from flri t. Mu .•• C.1 t., wi tn addi tions(Continued On next curd)0': PC 5h A "Sit Gr GrSh M!il'! W WSn C3"" ~C<strong>as</strong>e3A19597(\-1743J CS 71rKEYSES, JOII.~ I 152.5?-l(."7.Rcgvla credcndorn:i1 SC\.I n:c thodus polct.1icaad or..ni!S or.minO homln~s a vera reliITionc dissentientcs,cL1.rc, brevi tcr, nc s01irlc convincendos.Fox lingua ,\"glican.l in w.tinam traductaj\"al~ijsquc in loci s C\1rrcctt\ (.. locuplc-Utta. Avctore 1. K. ••• Lcodij, Typis G.Grison, 1684.126p., rllt.Translation, by the author, of A rationnl,compendious !,,,;,lY to ~onvincc 1674.C<strong>as</strong>e6A~(,G70-1748IC:; 71KOf.NllIG, IIAP11Af':L, ISth cent. rllarmonillthcolol!ico-rhllosophica ••• 171Ml (Cnrd 2)from '\ll~ctlc i nc dell t:;chc fU Of!. rn.phi c.Libr,1ry h.1S v.l only, with h:.lf-titlc(t. -I'. 1~.lntinl!): II.umoniil thcolor,ic., 'ld ehord.1mThomis ti co-philonophi C

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