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70-1748IC~ 71The JE.5t'IT~':'S n:":l:;."'Il,O:; u!lrC"a~0'~-!~le: or,00ubts rror0sc~1 to tl: ... ~ Jcsui t:> u?,on thci rrarer ptT,scnt!>i to (~i\'Cl-S PC:"S0IlS of honour)for non-cxc.;:ortioTl fr('~'1 tlie CO":'~~0n f"yourvoted to Cath ... ,licks ~.. LOI~G(\n, Printed..\...-'1no Dom. 1(;{]2.C~Jt.,21p. 19o".STC II J 725.oc PC Sh A ASh Gr GIShwC<strong>as</strong>e:lA14757(}-1748ICN 70JESUITS. Letters from missions (The E<strong>as</strong>t}Epistolae Indicae de praeclaris, et stvpendisrebvs, qv<strong>as</strong> Diuina Bonita. in India,u varUs insulis per Socictatem Nominis Iesuoperari dignata est, in tl!.rn copiosa gentitunad fidem couuersione. Secunda editio a\Jetior.kvalll1, Apud R. Vclpium, 156&.,12 l t.,416(i.e.42:1),(21 l P. 16cm.Nos. 160, 200, 225, 338, 375 repeatedin pOlging. Numerous 0 thcr errors inpaging.OC pc !h A ASh Gr GrSh WC<strong>as</strong>e:sA JESUITS. Canone~.1524 Canones CongrCf:;a tiOll\"lT\ Generali vrn SocietatisIesv. Antverpiae Apud J. Heursiwn,DO.S1635. 'SOp • .r8 ,t.,45,,10,p. 17an. (withJesui ts. Cons ti tutioncs. COllsti tvtionesHi55).70-1148ICN 70In 2 pts., c.lcll with separate paeil1~the 2d with caption title: Decl'eta Con:'gregationis Generalis duadecir.~lc.w WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>e3,\:t47Z70-1748IC~ 71JESUITS.Letters from missions (The ~;<strong>as</strong>t)A short .1CCOlltlt of the declaration "jvenby the Chinese r,"'rcrour 1\,,,, IIi, in the rear1700 ••• Lond~n, Printed in the year 1703.(14)t.,71p. IGcm.Dated and si~~cd ~t end: ••• at Pekinthe 29th. of July in the ),e,.r 1701. AnthonyThom<strong>as</strong>, Vice Provinei~l of China •••oc pc 51\ Itt. ASh (jOt GISh ....w WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>e3A JESUITS. Consti tutiones.1524 Ccnstitvtioncs SQcict1l.tis Icsv ct CXD,TT'H,"nllo.lC\1n dcclnnltionib\'s. Antvcrpiac, Arud J ..Heursiwn, 1635.56Sp.,r36,t. 17em.70-1748ICI: 70With this arc J:.ounrli JesHits. Deeret, ..eongrcgatiom:m. Decret" .• , 1(i35; andJesuIts. Canoncs. Ca"""es ••• 1635.OC pc Sf'! A ASh Gt GrSh w WShC.,:..::e3..\152570-1748ICN 70JI:;5UITS. llcgulac.Rcgvlac Societatis Iesv.typographl1\ I. /lOVSS} n, 1607.258p.,,1,t. 13cm.ex:: pc Sh A ASh G, GrSh MS. W WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>e3,1.1524JESUITS. Decreta congregationu!n.Decreta Congregatiol1\1TI Gencralivm Socie-tatis lesv. Antverpiac, Apud J. HeursiUJ11,1635.474p.,r14 1t. l7em. (liith Jesluts.Constitutiones. Constitvtiones •.• 1635)no.2C<strong>as</strong>e3:,2471JESl'I TS. Re~uhe.R"{:ulae Soeict.:ltis Jesu.Typis i'. lleaus:;ant, 1717.120p. 14Ci11.Audo=:-.. 1.ri)70-1748ICN 7070-17-18IC:

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