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70-1748ICN 70[AI'STIII, JOliN, IG1~'-H,(,Q.The Chri s ti.1n r.1(,"I·:ic:'I",1 tor pin t,,',", r:'1TtS. OrPersecvtion f(ll' rd i r,i (In c(ln/\412AVlmOI1LT, i\NTOIN~: U', B53-1614 •e.xemplorum •.• (C.• rrl 2).annotatis u1:>i'lue ."luis allctoribn" {f 1ncis.Editio noviS5im.'l. U t'lCCHi>lti:;simn, ;tueta mirn­"n]is £1 exempli" ex ehronicis fl 1i tteris annuisSocieta tis JeslI, i tern ex lIa/:no speculoexcmplorum Joannis Herea tori s exec rptis selectioribu8,historicis'luc rccentioribus.Accessit etiam huie ultimae editioni pars V.hactenus nunquam edit". Adjccto quarlruplici70-1748Io'i.fllJ. 9" A ASh Gr GrSh(Continued on next card)MS' W ws. cs.CaseM181170-1748ICN 70oc PC51'![AUSTIN, JOHN) 1613-1669.Devotions. First part: in the antient wayof offices. With Psalms, hymns, and praY'rs;for every day in the week, and every holidayin the year. Fourth edition. corrected andaugmented. Roan [i.e.Rouen] 1685., C7It.,654p.,(1)t. 160m.Signatures: A_Z 12 ,Aa_Ee 12 (the last leafblank? ... an ting)Not in STC II. ce. A 4250A.(It ASh G, S,,,I'I MS. w wah c ••C .... e5/\412AVf.ROULT, /\NTOINl~ f)', 15~3-1614. FloresexcrnplonllTl ••• (Carrl 3)inriicc, Anctornm, c.lpitum, rerum, u snnctonunprilccipuonnn ••• Coloniac Al:rippinae, Apudhnercdes J. '''idcnfclrlt, U G. de nerr-cs, 1685.5v. in 1. 260m.Contents.--[rars I. Capvt primvm, nc fid"et symho10 fidei. Caput s,'cundum, Dc orationeDominicn, ct snlutntione nn~ellcn)--rar3 II.70-1748 (Continued on next card)ICN 71OC PC Bh A A,h C;r GISh w ca. GCase3A181070-1748ICN 70[AUSTIN, JOHN) 1613-1669.Devotions. Second part. The four Cospelsin one, broken into lessons. With responsories:to be used .nth the offices. (n.p. JPrinted 1675.[5lt. ,466p., (lJt. l5ern.6 12 6Signatures: A ,B-U ,X (AI b1ank1... anting)Not in STC II. Cf. A 4251..... w WSh cs.\Case5,\ AVf.ltOULT, ANTOINE I)', 1,'i5~-16}11. florcs4\2 cxemplonun J6fl5. (C.lrd 4)In 'IV,' C0l'vt III. nc chnri t,at" II dec.l10~0.CnJlvt IV. Dc quinque prncc~Jlth er.elesinc.-­rnrs Ill. In 'Iva Caput V. He sepUm ecclcsincCatholic.le sacramentis. Caput VI. Dc JUlltitillChristiana, ac primurn de priore eius parte,nWnllTl, de cor-noscendis, ~ut:ienrli.s'lue I'cccatis.--ParsIV. In 'Iva C'P. VII. Dc opcribusmisericordiae corpora1ihus. Cap. VIII. Dc7(\-]748(Continued on next card)It:N 71oc pc It! A ASh Gt a,:th MS' W wan co •CaseM180910-1748ICN 70[AUSTIN, JOliN, 1613-] (,(,9.Devotions in the ancient ... ay of offices:.nth PsalJns, hymns, and prayers; for everyday in the week, and every holiday in theyear ... Paris, 1668. ~(B Jt.,555(i.e.557)p. 150m.Nos. 95-96 repeated in paging.STC II A 4248A.'J W ws. cs. G70-17·18ICS 71AVfllOl'LT, AI>TOnir; 0', l.S~3-1(,14. !'lOl-""cxcrnplon'm ... 1685. (C.-.rrl 5)· ..~u:ttll(\r homjnis no~iS5imist mortc, judiciol.nfcrno, I'. Codestl gloria.--l'ars q\lint.~ ,sell, Avctarl.vfn ex r'ccentissimis lluctoribu;V":10rvm excmp10r\~, maxi me maioris spccv10ndl.ectvm opvs.Oc PC Sh A ASf't Gr GrS,",w WS' cs.. ;

AVIL~, JUAN DE, 1500-1569.. The Avdi filia, or A rich cabinct fvll ofsp,ritvall ievvells. Composed by the ReuerendFather, Doctovr Avila, translated out ofSpanish into En"lish .. , (St. Orner EnglishColle~e Press) J620. •(14)t.,584p •• (6)t. 200m.Dedica tion signed (by the transla tor):L. T. [i.e. Sir Tobie Matthc\()70-1748 STC 983. Allison ff Rogers 53.ICN 10oc pc Sh It. A$h G~ GISt!(w W$h eShCase4A204570-1748ICN 71BADINGTON, GERVASE, Bp. of Worcester, 1550-1610. [The workes... 161S] (Card 4)The fold. table in pt. 1 has indicationat bottom I Thi8 limy be plnced ••• be~eenethe Page3 490 and 491.Imperfectl in pt.l, ! preliminAry loavel'(incl. t.-p.) and p.1-4, 9-12 wa~tln~1 inpt.2, 4 lenves at end (index) wanting; manyleaves water-damAged, with los I of textSTC 1077. . •DC PC Itt A ASh II;r $rSh w we. ~Ih•CaseM14l~70-1748ICll 70AVILA, JUAN DE, 1500-1569.The eyre of discomfort. Conteyned in thespirituall epistles of Doctour 1. de AuilaMost profitable for all, and particularlyfor persons in distresse ••• [St. Orner,Printed by the wido\( of C. 80scardl 1632.[8 lt.,441p. 16011.STC 986.Allison ff Rogers S7.W W$. cs.Case4A180270-1748lCN 10""CON, TIIOHAS, 1592-lf.37.Rc?vla viva sev Anal)'sis fIdd in Dei pereccle;>l:u:' n08 docelltis avctori L1tem: in quapersp~u; ~o1ideque os tendi tnr, veram fidemi~f~lllb,:h p~aesentis ecclesiae testimonion: t:, idque Slne vllo ci I'culari s regressusVl tiO.Avctore Thoma !lilcono, alias SOy thvve110 ••• Antve rpi.1e, Apud I Hevrs! VIII1638. .,[6 Jt.,2G3,{lSIP. 20cm.Title vignette (printer's device)) .. .. W WSh CS'Case4A2045I1ADINGTOH, GIillVASE, Dr. of Ilorcuter, 1550-IGlO.{The workes of the Rir-ht Reverend Fatherin God r~rv3sC B3blngton, late'Bi.hop ofWorcester. Containing comfortable notesvpon the five Bookes of Hosc. ... As alsoan expost tion vpon the creed ••• nll~ conmandmenU.The Lords Prayer. With a confercncebe~ixt mans frailtie and faith. And three70-sermons. With alpbabe ti c~ 11 tables of the1748 principal 1 lila tters to each seuerall work" •••(Gontinued on next card)ICN 71oc PC at! A ASh c;r $fSh MS' w Wah cs. oC.,.e5,\2:50870-1748ICN 71BADDELEY, TIIQ;IAS, n.1822.A sure way to find OLlt the true religion;in a conversation, between a father and hisson. Oy the Rev. T. Baddeley. Manchester,Printed nnd publisherl by J. A. Robinson; soldalso by ~Ir. A. Cuddon, and Hr. J. Uooker, London,1622. .146p.,,11t. lScm.MShwCase4A2045BABINGTON, GERVASE, Dp. of Worcester, l5S0-1610. ,The workes , •• } (Card 2)London, Printed by G. Eld, for H. Tether­Itone, 1615].5 pts. in 1 v. fold,. tnble. 27cm.Title from another copy 1n the Library.Pllrts 2-4 hll ve ape cilll t. -I'. "An expositionof the Catholike fnith," in pt.2, Ilnd"A sennon preached at Paules Crosse ••• inMichaelmu Tearme 1590," in pt.5 also have, special t.-p. (Continued on next card)(, CSh oMS' W WShCase3'\230970-1748ICN 71MDDr-LEY, T1I0~fAS, fl. 1622 •A sure \(.1Y to find out the true rcli~ion'in a conversation het\(een a father and bis 'son. lIy the late nev. T. Baddeley ... Thirdedi tion, emended and corrected. ~Ianchester,Printed and published by J. A. Robinson1825. '107p. l5ern.MS. w WSh cs. GCase4A204570--·1748.,ICN 71BABINGTON, GERVASE, Dp. of Worcester, 15S0-1610. (The workes ••• 161S} (~'rrl 3)oc PC eh A Ash .t$rShImprints vary: Pt.~: London, Printedby G. Eld for T. Charde, 1615. Pt •• and"A sermon" in pt.5: London, Printed by G.IUd, 1615. .This COpy differs in some minor pointsfran another copy in the Library: pt.l,.p.83numbered 93; pt.2, p.13l numbered 129; pt.3,p.38 and 47 correctly numbered; pt.4, signatUn!fl correctly _ ~igned.' \Continlled on next card)(MSt! W Weh CSft IICase3A1415BAILLIE, ALEXANDEn.A trve infonna tion of the vnhallowedof spring, progress ff inrpoi SOiled frui ts of ourScottish Caluinian Gospel, ff gospeller.'wherin the chiefe heed. of religion nov~ mostcontrouertcd, ar discussed~ ff the calumniesof the aduersars (fa18y(l. blaming VB of idolatrie)ar discouered. Oy F. Alexander 8aillie... Printed at VVirtsburgh, By A. M. 'Volmare widovv, 1628.70-1148 [8,L.,225(i.e.221),tl}p. illus. 16on.ICN 70 (- (Continued on next card) ,oc PC Sf\ A ASh Gt GfSh ............ -"Sh w WSb c ••9

AVIL~, JUAN DE, 1500-1569.. The Avdi filia, or A rich cabinct fvll ofsp,ritvall ievvells. Composed by the ReuerendFather, Doctovr Avila, translated out ofSpanish into En"lish .. , (St. Orner EnglishColle~e Press) J620. •(14)t.,584p •• (6)t. 200m.Dedica tion signed (by the transla tor):L. T. [i.e. Sir Tobie Matthc\()70-1748 STC 983. Allison ff Rogers 53.ICN 10oc pc Sh It. A$h G~ GISt!(w W$h eShC<strong>as</strong>e4A204570-1748ICN 71BADINGTON, GERVASE, Bp. of Worcester, 1550-1610. [The workes... 161S] (Card 4)The fold. table in pt. 1 h<strong>as</strong> indicationat bottom I Thi8 limy be plnced ••• be~eenethe Page3 490 and 491.Imperfectl in pt.l, ! preliminAry loavel'(incl. t.-p.) and p.1-4, 9-12 wa~tln~1 inpt.2, 4 lenves at end (index) wanting; manyleaves water-damAged, with los I of textSTC 1077. . •DC PC Itt A ASh II;r $rSh w we. ~Ih•C<strong>as</strong>eM14l~70-1748ICll 70AVILA, JUAN DE, 1500-1569.The eyre of discomfort. Conteyned in thespirituall epistles of Doctour 1. de AuilaMost profitable for all, and particularlyfor persons in distresse ••• [St. Orner,Printed by the wido\( of C. 80scardl 1632.[8 lt.,441p. 16011.STC 986.Allison ff Rogers S7.W W$. cs.C<strong>as</strong>e4A180270-1748lCN 10""CON, TIIOHAS, 1592-lf.37.Rc?vla viva sev Anal)'sis fIdd in Dei pereccle;>l:u:' n08 docelltis avctori L1tem: in quapersp~u; ~o1ideque os tendi tnr, veram fidemi~f~lllb,:h p~aesentis ecclesiae testimonion: t:, idque Slne vllo ci I'culari s regressusVl tiO.Avctore Thoma !lilcono, ali<strong>as</strong> SOy thvve110 ••• Antve rpi.1e, Apud I Hevrs! VIII1638. .,[6 Jt.,2G3,{lSIP. 20cm.Title vignette (printer's device)) .. .. W WSh CS'C<strong>as</strong>e4A2045I1ADINGTOH, GIillVASE, Dr. of Ilorcuter, 1550-IGlO.{The workes of the Rir-ht Reverend Fatherin God r~rv3sC B3blngton, late'Bi.hop ofWorcester. Containing comfortable notesvpon the five Bookes of Hosc. ... As alsoan expost tion vpon the creed ••• nll~ conmandmenU.The Lords Prayer. With a confercncebe~ixt mans frailtie and faith. And three70-sermons. With alpbabe ti c~ 11 tables of the1748 principal 1 lila tters to each seuerall work" •••(Gontinued on next card)ICN 71oc PC at! A ASh c;r $fSh MS' w Wah cs. oC.,.e5,\2:50870-1748ICN 71BADDELEY, TIIQ;IAS, n.1822.A sure way to find OLlt the true religion;in a conversation, between a father and hisson. Oy the Rev. T. Baddeley. Manchester,Printed nnd publisherl by J. A. Robinson; soldalso by ~Ir. A. Cuddon, and Hr. J. Uooker, London,1622. .146p.,,11t. lScm.MShwC<strong>as</strong>e4A2045BABINGTON, GERVASE, Dp. of Worcester, l5S0-1610. ,The workes , •• } (Card 2)London, Printed by G. Eld, for H. Tether­Itone, 1615].5 pts. in 1 v. fold,. tnble. 27cm.Title from another copy 1n the <strong>Library</strong>.Pllrts 2-4 hll ve ape cilll t. -I'. "An expositionof the Catholike fnith," in pt.2, Ilnd"A sennon preached at Paules Crosse ••• inMichaelmu Tearme 1590," in pt.5 also have, special t.-p. (Continued on next card)(, CSh oMS' W WShC<strong>as</strong>e3'\230970-1748ICN 71MDDr-LEY, T1I0~fAS, fl. 1622 •A sure \(.1Y to find out the true rcli~ion'in a conversation het\(een a father and bis 'son. lIy the late nev. T. Baddeley ... Thirdedi tion, emended and corrected. ~Ianchester,Printed and published by J. A. Robinson1825. '107p. l5ern.MS. w WSh cs. GC<strong>as</strong>e4A204570--·1748.,ICN 71BABINGTON, GERVASE, Dp. of Worcester, 15S0-1610. (The workes ••• 161S} (~'rrl 3)oc PC eh A Ash .t$rShImprints vary: Pt.~: London, Printedby G. Eld for T. Charde, 1615. Pt •• and"A sermon" in pt.5: London, Printed by G.IUd, 1615. .This COpy differs in some minor pointsfran another copy in the <strong>Library</strong>: pt.l,.p.83numbered 93; pt.2, p.13l numbered 129; pt.3,p.38 and 47 correctly numbered; pt.4, signatUn!fl correctly _ ~igned.' \Continlled on next card)(MSt! W Weh CSft IIC<strong>as</strong>e3A1415BAILLIE, ALEXANDEn.A trve infonna tion of the vnhallowedof spring, progress ff inrpoi SOiled frui ts of ourScottish Caluinian Gospel, ff gospeller.'wherin the chiefe heed. of religion nov~ mostcontrouertcd, ar discussed~ ff the calumniesof the aduersars (fa18y(l. blaming VB of idolatrie)ar discouered. Oy F. Alexander 8aillie... Printed at VVirtsburgh, By A. M. 'Volmare widovv, 1628.70-1148 [8,L.,225(i.e.221),tl}p. illus. 16on.ICN 70 (- (Continued on next card) ,oc PC Sf\ A ASh Gt GfSh ............ -"Sh w WSb c ••9

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