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c;u;c~I"2·;0570-1748I(;~ 71(lil:l;TEl\. TJiQH,\S, 1(,('G-I725.,\ m"d~st dcf~ncc of the' c1crr:v and reli­~i0US, in a ri15collrsc directed to R~ c.chaplain of an I~nr,li~~l r\~l!ir;;('.nt, about hishistor:l' of V,1\'ay Collef-e. il'ith .1" ;\ccount ofthe matters of fact misrcpn~~c:nted in thes"id history. (n.p.l Printed in the year1714.(l,t. ,In, (13IP.1ecm.Elicited by 1I"/:h Tootell's History ofthe En(':lish College at Oo"'''y.Case2,\11170-1H8lCN 70IHlTATIO CHRISTI. Thomae a Kcmpb ... Deimitatione Christi 1626. (Card 2)Rcsweydo concinna ta."Imperfect: p.97-98, 111-112, 175-176,and 255-256 "'anti",!:; probably 2 leaves arelianting from sign"ture Dd.oc pc s" j, ASh Gr GrSr. W WSh OSh\OC PC Sh j, AS;' Gr GrSh ./ MSh w W'h eShCasc4,\1653no.2270-1748ICN 71(Ht!;-ITOK. PIllLIP, 16047-16."2..A treatise of .r.1onarcily: co:tt"aj:nlJ1!; twoparts. I .. Conccnlin.!! monarchy in t;eneral.II. Conccrnin~ this pa.rticular monarchy ..1 .. 1lcrein all the m.ain {{ucstions occurrent inboth, arc st.Hed, disputed, and rletcl",inca.Done b}~ an earnest desirer of his countriespeace. London, Printed for, and sold byR. Daldwin, IG~9.(2;~.,7~p. Zlcm.SIC II H ;'76~.oC PC: Sh A ASh Gr GrSr. MSh w WSh CShCase~A205170-1748ICN 71UIITATIO OIRISTl. l!:ngllsh.The folleving of Christ. In four booksvritten by John Gersen, Abbot of Vercelles,of the Holy Order of St. Benedict: drawn outof ten ancient manuscripts; some written abovefour hundred years ago, and set forth by the... Abbot Cajetan, Chronologist to Pav1 the V.... and printed at Rome ... 1644. Printedat London, 1673.c17,t.,471(i.e.495),C9lP. 4 plates.lSon.(Continued on next card)OC PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh W WSh cs'Case3.\2.126cllUf\IJIS, J."':SS] 1763-1801.Sir The,"as Hore: a traged)'. Dy the .,,'­thor of The yill;"Jgc curate, ilnd other J1oc;ns.The second edition. London, J1rintcd forJ. Johnson, 179:1.132p. 200n.:"'Ii thout th~ dccica tiol1 and i1dvcrtisir,,~leaves at bc:;inning (prescnt in 1792 cdi\..ion)70-1748leN 71oc pc Sh It. ASh Gr GtSh ,",Sh w WSh CShCaseM205170-l74SlCN 71IffiTATIO CHRISTI. English. The foHoving ofChrist... 167:'>. (Card 2)Nos. 97-120 repeated in paging.Ti tIe varies from tho. t of the Ori t. Mus.copy ("here the 2d ,",ord of title reads:followinc)STC II T 952.OC PC Sh A ASh Gr GoS;' I' 70 Imperfect: p.125-HO I

70-1HSIe:\ 71I}!17ATT 0 Cl!:nSTI, ;';;:;:: If:jj'l.Th\! j;;it.1.ticn of j(! S 11'. Coirlst, in fourbO('lk~. By Tho~,1S it I\C;~'i'lS. '\t1d translatedinto Engli.sl~} fl"";!] the L..1.~in~ London,.rrint~d for T. :h~it:hnnJ 1726.3l'ip.,cG,i.. 15cm.Imperfect: p.,l J - ( 2) wanting.C.,~ci3ro,ldsh-:e4;)70-1746IC); 71INDEX LUHlOIlVH PHOlilnITOflUM.(1725)Dccrct\'m ,~.Ir.lprint at foot of leaf.A condcn:li,ltio!l of General instructionsby w',y of c .• tcchism (London, 1725), by s. L.Lle.yd, ~'l;ich is a trans1a tion of Instructionshcncl~.11c.s cn for;~.c de catcchisn:c (Paris,1702), by F .. A. rOlJl;et.OC PC Sh A ASh Gr GrShw WSh cso Goc PC $h A ASh (it Gr$tly by John C"th",..Not in STC JI.Cf. Gill0W.WWShc,~sc:5,\247770-17~8lCN 71lHITATIO CmUSIl. Latin,Dc inii ttttionc Clll~isti, 1io1'i quatuor.aUC~Drc Thoma a l\c;r.pis. It.:ccnsi ti ad ficcm;wtor,raphi .1l1ni lLecCe.XLI. Cum vito. ejusdemThorn.ie, per llcrib(!rt\l1':l I\cS\\'CjrGltli\Gl:U'I~\I:1C, III acdih'd~ acaclcmic:is cxcudcb:'lnt'II. etA. Foulls, Acad0"uae typor,:raphi, 17 Sl.xxiv,262p. 14on. 'OC PC Sn A ASh Gr GtSh )'ISh W WS, cs,GCase3'\1959no.170-1748JCN 71An n;STIlcCTION to perfol'mc ••• the devotion ...in honour of S. francis Xavcriuacca.1670) (Card 2)Wi til this is bound The manner of perfonningthe novena •.. to St. Francis Xavcrius1702.STC II I 235.Bound in at the front are 6:5t. of COIltcmroraryms., pnrt of which is entitled:Sentences drawn out of Iioly Scripture for thecon5o},1.tion of persons in suffrance.OC PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh MSh wso OSh GCaseDroadside43n;D!;X LI OflOllliH pr;Oi II 111 TOr-VH. ..Decrct'~ Sacrac Conr,rer,ationis ••• Car~~n!lliumil. ••• Dcnedicto P.1r:l. XIII. ••• adIndiccm Librorum eorumdcm prchibitione:nin univcrs;\ Republica Christiana .•• ubi quepublicandum. ! Romae, t;x typor,rilphia Reverend""CaOlerae Apostolic"e, 1725,broadside. illus. 41c~.70-1748 Dated: RQ~ac in Pal.ltio ApostolicoleN 71 Vaticano dic IS. Janunrii 1725.(Continued on next card)oc P{: Sh A ASh Gr GtSh "50 W VlSh cs.CaseM1476ocpcINTORCE;TTA, PROSPEHO, 1626-1696.CC'mpendiosa naJ'ril tione della sta to dellamissione cinesc, comindado da11'anno 1581. ;fin.1 al 1669. Offert" in Roma. Alli Eminentissimisir-nod c'1rdinale della SacraConr-regatiolle de Propaganda Fide. Dal P.Prospera IntC'rcctta della Compagnia di Gieau••• con l'agsiHl1ta dc' prodigij da Diooperati; e delle lettere venute dalla cortedi Pekino con felieissime nUoue. In RolT'.a.,Per F. Tizloni, l6·z.l26r.,cl,t.. 1Gcm.Sh' A ASh Gf vrSh \ •• _./ M5h W WSh CSh G/O.C;-

70-1HSIe:\ 71I}!17ATT 0 Cl!:nSTI, ;';;:;:: If:jj'l.Th\! j;;it.1.ticn of j(! S 11'. Coirlst, in fourbO('lk~. By Tho~,1S it I\C;~'i'lS. '\t1d translatedinto Engli.sl~} fl"";!] the L..1.~in~ London,.rrint~d for T. :h~it:hnnJ 1726.3l'ip.,cG,i.. 15cm.Imperfect: p.,l J - ( 2) wanting.C.,~ci3ro,ldsh-:e4;)70-1746IC); 71INDEX LUHlOIlVH PHOlilnITOflUM.(1725)Dccrct\'m ,~.Ir.lprint at foot of leaf.A condcn:li,ltio!l of General instructionsby w',y of c .• tcchism (London, 1725), by s. L.Lle.yd, ~'l;ich is a trans1a tion of Instructionshcncl~.11c.s cn for;~.c de catcchisn:c (Paris,1702), by F .. A. rOlJl;et.OC PC Sh A ASh Gr GrShw WSh cso Goc PC $h A ASh (it Gr$tly by John C"th",..Not in STC JI.Cf. Gill0W.WWShc,~sc:5,\247770-17~8lCN 71lHITATIO CmUSIl. Latin,Dc inii ttttionc Clll~isti, 1io1'i quatuor.aUC~Drc Thoma a l\c;r.pis. It.:ccnsi ti ad ficcm;wtor,raphi .1l1ni lLecCe.XLI. Cum vito. ejusdemThorn.ie, per llcrib(!rt\l1':l I\cS\\'CjrGltli\Gl:U'I~\I:1C, III acdih'd~ acaclcmic:is cxcudcb:'lnt'II. etA. Foulls, Acad0"uae typor,:raphi, 17 Sl.xxiv,262p. 14on. 'OC PC Sn A ASh Gr GtSh )'ISh W WS, cs,GC<strong>as</strong>e3'\1959no.170-1748JCN 71An n;STIlcCTION to perfol'mc ••• the devotion ...in honour of S. francis Xavcriuacca.1670) (Card 2)Wi til this is bound The manner of perfonningthe novena •.. to St. Francis Xavcrius1702.STC II I 235.Bound in at the front are 6:5t. of COIltcmroraryms., pnrt of which is entitled:Sentences drawn out of Iioly Scripture for thecon5o},1.tion of persons in suffrance.OC PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh MSh wso OSh GC<strong>as</strong>eDroadside43n;D!;X LI OflOllliH pr;Oi II 111 TOr-VH. ..Decrct'~ Sacrac Conr,rer,ationis ••• Car~~n!lliumil. ••• Dcnedicto P.1r:l. XIII. ••• adIndiccm Librorum eorumdcm prchibitione:nin univcrs;\ Republica Christiana .•• ubi quepublicandum. ! Romae, t;x typor,rilphia Reverend""CaOlerae Apostolic"e, 1725,broadside. illus. 41c~.70-1748 Dated: RQ~ac in Pal.ltio ApostolicoleN 71 Vaticano dic IS. Janunrii 1725.(Continued on next card)oc P{: Sh A ASh Gr GtSh "50 W VlSh cs.C<strong>as</strong>eM1476ocpcINTORCE;TTA, PROSPEHO, 1626-1696.CC'mpendiosa naJ'ril tione della sta to dellamissione cinesc, comindado da11'anno 1581. ;fin.1 al 1669. Offert" in Roma. Alli Eminentissimisir-nod c'1rdinale della SacraConr-regatiolle de Propaganda Fide. Dal P.Prospera IntC'rcctta della Compagnia di Gieau••• con l'agsiHl1ta dc' prodigij da Diooperati; e delle lettere venute dalla cortedi Pekino con felieissime nUoue. In RolT'.a.,Per F. Tizloni, l6·z.l26r.,cl,t.. 1Gcm.Sh' A ASh Gf vrSh \ •• _./ M5h W WSh CSh G/O.C;-

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