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RECUSARr BOOKS IN THE NEWBERRY LIBRARYA Catalog of a Collection of Some 1500Titles Acquired in 1970byBernard E. WilsonChicagoTheNew b err y1990Lib r a r y

Introductory NoteThe catalog cards reproduced in this volume describe thelargest part, approximately 1480 titles, of the collectionpurch<strong>as</strong>ed by the library from B. Weinreb, Ltd. of London in 1970.Full sets of cards were <strong>file</strong>d in our general dictionary catalogbut an extra set w<strong>as</strong> maintained <strong>as</strong> a separate <strong>file</strong> for theconvenience of researchers. It is this latter <strong>file</strong> which isreproduced here. The cataloging w<strong>as</strong> all done by the then RareBook Cataloger, Bernard E. Wilson. It should be pointed out thatthis listing is not exhaustive of our Recusant holdings: therewere a good many Recusant books here before we acquired theWeinreb collection, and we have acquired others since. Forinstance, in the <strong>Library</strong>'s annual report for the fiscal year justafter we acquired the collection cataloged here, we reported theaddition of two important titles: John R<strong>as</strong>tell's A Confutation ofa Sermon Pronounced by M. Juell ••• at Paules Crosse .•. (Antwerp,1564) and Robert Parson's A Defense of the Censure, Given uponTwo Bookes of William Clarcke and Meredith Hanmer, Imposters,Which They wrote against M. Edward Campion ([Rouen?], 1582).Unfortunately, without a unifying subject heading or a singlecl<strong>as</strong>sification number (the books are entered under their specificsubjects, which vary widely) there is no e<strong>as</strong>y way to collocateour entire Recusant holdings.By making this less-than-complete catalog <strong>available</strong> inphotocopy form, we simply hope to provide distant scholars with alittle clearer notion of the scope of our collections so thatthey may better plan their research visits here. Questions aboutthese books or our other Recusant titles should be addressed toSpecial Collections, The <strong>Newberry</strong> <strong>Library</strong>, 60 W. Walton, Chicago,Illinois 60610.

C<strong>as</strong>eM11r llbolishinr. tho pen'll lal

70-1743lCN 70[AlFIF.LO, TIlmnS) d.15~5.A true report of the dea til II martyrJom ofH Campion ••. & H She"'in, {, H Bryan: •• atTiborne the first of Occ

C<strong>as</strong>eM ANOI;RSON, PAmICK, 1575-1624. The grovnd1406 of the C.lthOlike and Rom.1n ~ligion '"162~. (Card i),4 It. ,GOp.; (41t. ,~-552( i.e .152 )p.;[3It.,~-174p.,,1Il. 190m.In ~ pts. each vith separate pagingand special t.-p.70-1748 Contents.--The first part, or Introducpart,II first century.-­ICN 70 tion.--The secondThe third part, & "cond century.STC 575, Allison 1/ Ro~ers 20.oc PC Itt A ASh vr SrShw WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>eM143270-1748leN 70[ANDERTON, LAURr~CEl 1577-1643. The Protestantsapologie ••• (Card ~)lal(. Dy lohn Drereley [pseud.1 ••• ,St.Orner, En~lish College Pressl 1608.[13 j t.,56p.,(2It .,57-714p.,715-719t.,72~-751p.,[36It. 19cm.Signatures: 'j~,~4-l,_4,**,,2,A_G4,1I6,I-z4,~._Z.4,Aaa_Z •• 4,Aaaa_Vvvv4,Xxxx6,4 4Yyyy-Z ••• ,Aaaaa- Lll1l (Kk 4blank)(Continued on next card)OC Pc Sh A ASh Sf GfS", w WSh CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e4AlB0570-1748ICN 70,ANDERTON, LAURENCEl l577-164~.Apologia Protestantvm pro Romana Eccles!.in tres divisa tractatvs •• , Per IoannemBrerleium [pseud., ••• vulgar! idiomate composita,1/ per Gvilielmvm Raynerivm Latin~verSa •• , Lvtetiae Parisiorvm, E' typograph!aI. Dvcarroy, 1615.clOlt.,726(i.e.712}p.,[22lt. 240m.Nos. 232-233, 323-324, and 437-446omitted in paging.C<strong>as</strong>eMl4~270-1748ICN 70rANDERTON, LAURI,~CE I 1511-1643. The Protestantsapologie ••. l60B. (Card 4)Original t.-p. (signature *1) cancelledand replaced by a nev signature (signed ~)STC 3605 (variant) Allison 1/ Rogers 1~3.Imperfect: l<strong>as</strong>t fel( leaves mutilatedwi th loss of text;· l<strong>as</strong>t half of volume w~rmholedextensively, I(ith loss of text.OC PC $h A ASh Gr G,Sh .. Sh w WS' CS'GOc pc SI'! A ASh (itr QrSfriw WSh CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e3A1407cANDERTON, LAURE~CEl 1577-1643.The non-entity of Protestancy. Or, Adiscourse, vherein is demonstrated, that PrOtestaneyis not any reall thing, but in it_selre a Platonicall idaea; a w<strong>as</strong>t of all POS1-tiue fayth- and a meerc nothing, VVrittenby a Cathoiike priest of the Society of !e-,vs ••• ,St. Orner, English College Press)l6~3.[B,t. ,26~p.17cm.70-1748 STC 577. AllJqon & Rogers 22.ICII 70oc PC 3h A ASh wrW WS' cs'Ca5eM140B70-1748ICN 70,ANDEHTON, LAURE~ICI', ) 577-J(,43,The triple cord; or, A treatise provingthe truth of the Romnn reI i cion, by SacredScriptures tak('n in the H teraIl sense. Expoundedby ancient fathers. Interpreted byProtestant wri tcrs. ,ii th a discollc!'), of Sundrysubtile slei.ghts "sed by Protestants,for euading the force of strongest arguments,taken from clcerest texts of the foresaidScriptures •• , (St. Olller, Engli sh CollegePress J 1634.(Continued On next card)OC PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh ) MS. w WSh CSh70-1748ICN 70,ANllf:IUON~ !.AUltI~NCEl l577-1643.The Protestants apolo~ic for the nO!'k~nChvrch. Dcuidcd into three scuerall t,-actcs.VVherof the fj rst concc .....:th the anti qui tyIf continuance of the Roman Church If rellgion,euer since the Apostles tjMes,.) The secohd1. That the Frotestants religion ... <strong>as</strong> not somuch <strong>as</strong> in being, at, or before Luthers firstappearing. 2. That the m.:>rks of the truechurch are appcrteyning to the Roman, and(Continued on next card)oc PC Stt A ASh Gr G,Sh( .... w WSh CS. GC<strong>as</strong>eM140B(ANDERTON, LAURENCE) 1511-1643.cord... 1634. (Card 2)[361t.,BOl(i.e.79~),(3lP"141t.The triple19cm.Nos. 25-32 omitted in pa!!itq!;.Imperfect: t,-p. mounted; t. r 2] margined;t,[3J mutilated, with slight loss oftext; minor repairs elsewhere.STC 580.Allison If Rogers 25.70-l74BICN 70oc PC .,h A ASh Gr ,G,Sh W co.C<strong>as</strong>e1lA143270-1748ICN 70(ANDERTON, LAURENCE) 1577-1643. The Protestantsapologie ••• (Card 2)wholy ... anting to the seuerall churches, begunby Luther If Caluin. The third ThatCatholicks are no lesse loyall, and dutifullto their soueraignc, than Protestants. Allwhich is vndertaken, If proued by testimoniesof the learned Protestants themselues. VVitha conclusion to the reuerend iudges, andother the graue and learned sages of the(Continued on next card)MS> w WSh GC<strong>as</strong>e4,\300210-1748ICN 711\'~DRf..~S, I1IU,!.'JI f.US!-:nl.VS, 1773-1837.An e",.miJ1ation of rox's Calend .• r of Protest.• nt saints, martyrs, [fe. Itc. contmstedwith a bio/:r •• phic.1l sketch of C ... tholic missi­~nary priests ad others, executed unrier Protest,1ntrenal l.~ ... s, from the years 15~5 to1[,134, ... brid~cd fro", Parson IS Ex-.men and Challoner'slIemoil's. \'/ith .. dditional rcroarks,by "illlam Euscbi liS Andrews. Vol. III.London, I'rinted and published by \v, E, Andrews,1826 (i.e.18291(Continued on next card)MS' w WSh CSh G3

C.15C4A~00270-1748leN 71ANDREI".';, WILLIAH EUSf.llIUS, 17i;»-lA~7. Anex.,,"!n;ttion of 1'0)('9 C:\lc,,,l.tl' (C.ud 2)S40p. illu~.,p1ntc(port.) 22cm.A conttl1untion of th~ IIIIChol" ~ A cd ticr..land hl-norienl nvicw nf ""X'., nool, or'n\utyr8 ••• London I 1B24-26 (2 v.)App~rently issued in ~lrts.OC pC Sh A ASh G, GrSh "Sh w ws, cs,e,seHS4A18rANor:n:nUS letter, critical of A vicw ofHr. \·n,ite's principles, in his book or Themiddle stllte of souls, by francis Lovel.n.p., 17--)C4}t. 20on.Hanuscript in ink. Aute!!:r~ph of theauthor?Addressed to "I{on'd Sr" and signed: "Iam yr unknown [( <strong>as</strong>sured friend, N. N."70-1748rCN 71Lovel's book w<strong>as</strong> issued anonymously in1712.oc pc $h ... ASh uf (itS" MS' W WSh cs.C<strong>as</strong>e4,\~OO~70-1748lCN 71[A.'I!DrlF.:{S, Il'ILLIAH 1':I;~f.:JIPS} 177~-1837.An hi,torical narrative of the horr'idplot and cOMpir.lcy of Tit.IIS Oatc9, calledthe Popish rlot, in its vari ous br.lnches andp.o/'!rcss, selected from tile ",,,st al1th~

ICN70-1746ICN 71ANTONELLI. Lr::miAHllO, Cardin,.l, 1730-11'11.Copy of " letter ••• [1795, (Ca,·..! 2)of a letter from lIis Eminence Cardinal r.crdill,Prefect of the Congregation of r.op .• -gancla, to Hr. Erskine in London, dated fromRome, Hay 28, 1795."DC PC $tt A ASh Gr GtShW W,h CSh Gc...e3A141070-1748ICN 70[ARNAULD, ANTOINE, 1560-1619.Le franc discours. A discourse, presentedof late to the French King, in aunswer ofsundry requests made vnto him, for the restoringof the Iesuits into Fraunee, <strong>as</strong> wellby theyr friends abroad, & at home, <strong>as</strong> bythemselues in diuers petitionarie bookes.Written in French this present yeere, 1602.and faithfully Englished [by William Watson.London, J. Robertsl 1602.(4)t.,[;\,-I3Bp. 140m.STC 780. Allison & Rogers 42.W"S' ws.C<strong>as</strong>e5A61270-1748ICN 71oc PCANTONI;LLl, Lr::vN,\IWO, C .• nli" .• I, 1730-1811.Ncmorie istori(':h~ delle s ..\cr~ teste delSanti Apo~toli Pictro e 1' .. 010 e dell .• lorosoler:ne ric(}~ni::ionc nclJ

C'Ise4A300670-1758ICN 71ATTMnl;JIY, FrlANe!.';, Ill'. of Rochester, 1662-1732.Scnnons and di~cours~s on sever.,l subjects~nd occ.lsion~. lIy fmncis Atterhuryrublished from the ori/:inals by ThemlsMoor... ••• The fourth edi tion. London,Printed for T. Woodlfard, and C. Davis, 1751.4v. port. 210m.OC pc Ih A ASh Gt OrS"<strong>Library</strong> h<strong>as</strong> v.4 only."3h w CShCo.seMn0770-1748leN 71,WGUSTIIiUS, AH[U;UlIS, Sl'lint, "I". of lIippo.cConfcssiones,' i>nr.lish) St. Augustine'sConfcndoll~: or, Praises of God. In tenbook;'!. Newly translated into r:nglish, fromthe orir,innl ~.tin ••• Dublin, Printed byp. \~or,nn, 1795.(2)t.,4l1p'tCB)t. 14cm.Translttted by IHchard Chnlloner.OC PC 51'1 A ASh Or Q,S" w wah cs.235870-1748lCN 71[Aunlli, I-:rCO L·\S I b. ca .16SS.Cruels effets de ]~ venr.e.lnce ,!" Carriin.l1de Richelieu, ov lIistnire des di.lbles de Lou­

C<strong>as</strong>e1IA130770-1748ICII 70AUCUSTINUS, AURELIUS, Saint, Rp. of Hippo.rDe eura pro mortui.. English, SaintAustin. Care for the dead. Or hi. book Decura pro mortuis. Translated into Engli.h.The .econd edition, revised and corrected.1 London1 , Printed 1651.Il,t.,104p. Bern.STC II A 4205.) UShwws.GC<strong>as</strong>e15A141170-1748ICII 70AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, Saint, Cp. of Hippo.Spurious" and doubtful works. cHedi tationes.English I ,Certain. select prayersIS75) (Card 3)Imperfect: wanting 36 leaves, <strong>as</strong> follows:all of signatures A, P, S, and T; and individualleaves: B I, 8 8, K I, "8'STC 925... s. w w •• C'" GC<strong>as</strong>e3AAUCUSTINUS, AllftELIlIS, Saint, flp. of flippo.1805 ,De utilita te credendL Engli sh, Theprofit of believing, very useful both fo: ~l)those that are not yr.t resolved ... hat rel 1 f,,·1\they ought to embrace: a~d for. t?c", that d.,.ire to know whi ther their rehgion br trueor no. It'ri tten by S. Augus tine. London,Printed by R. Daniel, 1651.70-1748 (10)t. ,IMp. 13cm.ICN 70 STC II A 4213.Prefaceoc !It.WGC.1SC}IS2A170-1748reN 71A{iCtJSTr/l.1IS, AUnELIUS, Saint, nr. of flippo.Spuriou .•• 1n

70-1748ICN 70[AI'STIII, JOliN, IG1~'-H,(,Q.The Chri s ti.1n r.1(,"I·:ic:'I",1 tor pin t,,',", r:'1TtS. OrPersecvtion f(ll' rd i r,i (In c(ln/\412AVlmOI1LT, i\NTOIN~: U', B53-1614 •e.xemplorum •.• (C.• rrl 2).annotatis u1:>i'lue ."luis allctoribn" {f 1ncis.Editio noviS5im.'l. U t'lCCHi>lti:;simn, ;tueta mirn­"n]is £1 exempli" ex ehronicis fl 1i tteris annuisSocieta tis JeslI, i tern ex lIa/:no speculoexcmplorum Joannis Herea tori s exec rptis selectioribu8,historicis'luc rccentioribus.Accessit etiam huie ultimae editioni pars V.hactenus nunquam edit". Adjccto quarlruplici70-1748Io'i.fllJ. 9" A ASh Gr GrSh(Continued on next card)MS' W ws. cs.C<strong>as</strong>eM181170-1748ICN 70oc PC51'![AUSTIN, JOHN) 1613-1669.Devotions. First part: in the antient wayof offices. With Psalms, hymns, and praY'rs;for every day in the week, and every holidayin the year. Fourth edition. corrected andaugmented. Roan [i.e.Rouen] 1685., C7It.,654p.,(1)t. 160m.Signatures: A_Z 12 ,Aa_Ee 12 (the l<strong>as</strong>t leafblank? ... an ting)Not in STC II. ce. A 4250A.(It ASh G, S,,,I'I MS. w wah c ••C .... e5/\412AVf.ROULT, /\NTOINl~ f)', 15~3-1614. FloresexcrnplonllTl ••• (Carrl 3)inriicc, Anctornm, c.lpitum, rerum, u snnctonunprilccipuonnn ••• Coloniac Al:rippinae, Apudhnercdes J. '''idcnfclrlt, U G. de nerr-cs, 1685.5v. in 1. 260m.Contents.--[rars I. Capvt primvm, nc fid"et symho10 fidei. Caput s,'cundum, Dc orationeDominicn, ct snlutntione nn~ellcn)--rar3 II.70-1748 (Continued on next card)ICN 71OC PC Bh A A,h C;r GISh w ca. GC<strong>as</strong>e3A181070-1748ICN 70[AUSTIN, JOHN) 1613-1669.Devotions. Second part. The four Cospelsin one, broken into lessons. With responsories:to be used .nth the offices. (n.p. JPrinted 1675.[5lt. ,466p., (lJt. l5ern.6 12 6Signatures: A ,B-U ,X (AI b1ank1... anting)Not in STC II. Cf. A 4251..... w WSh cs.\C<strong>as</strong>e5,\ AVf.ltOULT, ANTOINE I)', 1,'i5~-16}11. florcs4\2 cxemplonun J6fl5. (C.lrd 4)In 'IV,' C0l'vt III. nc chnri t,at" II dec.l10~0.CnJlvt IV. Dc quinque prncc~Jlth er.elesinc.-­rnrs Ill. In 'Iva Caput V. He sepUm ecclcsincCatholic.le sacramentis. Caput VI. Dc JUlltitillChristiana, ac primurn de priore eius parte,nWnllTl, de cor-noscendis, ~ut:ienrli.s'lue I'cccatis.--ParsIV. In 'Iva C'P. VII. Dc opcribusmisericordiae corpora1ihus. Cap. VIII. Dc7(\-]748(Continued on next card)It:N 71oc pc It! A ASh Gt a,:th MS' W wan co •C<strong>as</strong>eM180910-1748ICN 70[AUSTIN, JOliN, 1613-] (,(,9.Devotions in the ancient ... ay of offices:.nth PsalJns, hymns, and prayers; for everyday in the week, and every holiday in theyear ... Paris, 1668. ~(B Jt.,555(i.e.557)p. 150m.Nos. 95-96 repeated in paging.STC II A 4248A.'J W ws. cs. G70-17·18ICS 71AVfllOl'LT, AI>TOnir; 0', l.S~3-1(,14. !'lOl-""cxcrnplon'm ... 1685. (C.-.rrl 5)· ..~u:ttll(\r homjnis no~iS5imist mortc, judiciol.nfcrno, I'. Codestl gloria.--l'ars q\lint.~ ,sell, Avctarl.vfn ex r'ccentissimis lluctoribu;V":10rvm excmp10r\~, maxi me maioris spccv10ndl.ectvm opvs.Oc PC Sh A ASf't Gr GrS,",w WS' cs.. ;

AVIL~, JUAN DE, 1500-1569.. The Avdi filia, or A rich cabinct fvll ofsp,ritvall ievvells. Composed by the ReuerendFather, Doctovr Avila, translated out ofSpanish into En"lish .. , (St. Orner EnglishColle~e Press) J620. •(14)t.,584p •• (6)t. 200m.Dedica tion signed (by the transla tor):L. T. [i.e. Sir Tobie Matthc\()70-1748 STC 983. Allison ff Rogers 53.ICN 10oc pc Sh It. A$h G~ GISt!(w W$h eShC<strong>as</strong>e4A204570-1748ICN 71BADINGTON, GERVASE, Bp. of Worcester, 1550-1610. [The workes... 161S] (Card 4)The fold. table in pt. 1 h<strong>as</strong> indicationat bottom I Thi8 limy be plnced ••• be~eenethe Page3 490 and 491.Imperfectl in pt.l, ! preliminAry loavel'(incl. t.-p.) and p.1-4, 9-12 wa~tln~1 inpt.2, 4 lenves at end (index) wanting; manyleaves water-damAged, with los I of textSTC 1077. . •DC PC Itt A ASh II;r $rSh w we. ~Ih•C<strong>as</strong>eM14l~70-1748ICll 70AVILA, JUAN DE, 1500-1569.The eyre of discomfort. Conteyned in thespirituall epistles of Doctour 1. de AuilaMost profitable for all, and particularlyfor persons in distresse ••• [St. Orner,Printed by the wido\( of C. 80scardl 1632.[8 lt.,441p. 16011.STC 986.Allison ff Rogers S7.W W$. cs.C<strong>as</strong>e4A180270-1748lCN 10""CON, TIIOHAS, 1592-lf.37.Rc?vla viva sev Anal)'sis fIdd in Dei pereccle;>l:u:' n08 docelltis avctori L1tem: in quapersp~u; ~o1ideque os tendi tnr, veram fidemi~f~lllb,:h p~aesentis ecclesiae testimonion: t:, idque Slne vllo ci I'culari s regressusVl tiO.Avctore Thoma !lilcono, ali<strong>as</strong> SOy thvve110 ••• Antve rpi.1e, Apud I Hevrs! VIII1638. .,[6 Jt.,2G3,{lSIP. 20cm.Title vignette (printer's device)) .. .. W WSh CS'C<strong>as</strong>e4A2045I1ADINGTOH, GIillVASE, Dr. of Ilorcuter, 1550-IGlO.{The workes of the Rir-ht Reverend Fatherin God r~rv3sC B3blngton, late'Bi.hop ofWorcester. Containing comfortable notesvpon the five Bookes of Hosc. ... As alsoan expost tion vpon the creed ••• nll~ conmandmenU.The Lords Prayer. With a confercncebe~ixt mans frailtie and faith. And three70-sermons. With alpbabe ti c~ 11 tables of the1748 principal 1 lila tters to each seuerall work" •••(Gontinued on next card)ICN 71oc PC at! A ASh c;r $fSh MS' w Wah cs. oC.,.e5,\2:50870-1748ICN 71BADDELEY, TIIQ;IAS, n.1822.A sure way to find OLlt the true religion;in a conversation, between a father and hisson. Oy the Rev. T. Baddeley. Manchester,Printed nnd publisherl by J. A. Robinson; soldalso by ~Ir. A. Cuddon, and Hr. J. Uooker, London,1622. .146p.,,11t. lScm.MShwC<strong>as</strong>e4A2045BABINGTON, GERVASE, Dp. of Worcester, l5S0-1610. ,The workes , •• } (Card 2)London, Printed by G. Eld, for H. Tether­Itone, 1615].5 pts. in 1 v. fold,. tnble. 27cm.Title from another copy 1n the <strong>Library</strong>.Pllrts 2-4 hll ve ape cilll t. -I'. "An expositionof the Catholike fnith," in pt.2, Ilnd"A sennon preached at Paules Crosse ••• inMichaelmu Tearme 1590," in pt.5 also have, special t.-p. (Continued on next card)(, CSh oMS' W WShC<strong>as</strong>e3'\230970-1748ICN 71MDDr-LEY, T1I0~fAS, fl. 1622 •A sure \(.1Y to find out the true rcli~ion'in a conversation het\(een a father and bis 'son. lIy the late nev. T. Baddeley ... Thirdedi tion, emended and corrected. ~Ianchester,Printed and published by J. A. Robinson1825. '107p. l5ern.MS. w WSh cs. GC<strong>as</strong>e4A204570--·1748.,ICN 71BABINGTON, GERVASE, Dp. of Worcester, 15S0-1610. (The workes ••• 161S} (~'rrl 3)oc PC eh A Ash .t$rShImprints vary: Pt.~: London, Printedby G. Eld for T. Charde, 1615. Pt •• and"A sermon" in pt.5: London, Printed by G.IUd, 1615. .This COpy differs in some minor pointsfran another copy in the <strong>Library</strong>: pt.l,.p.83numbered 93; pt.2, p.13l numbered 129; pt.3,p.38 and 47 correctly numbered; pt.4, signatUn!fl correctly _ ~igned.' \Continlled on next card)(MSt! W Weh CSft IIC<strong>as</strong>e3A1415BAILLIE, ALEXANDEn.A trve infonna tion of the vnhallowedof spring, progress ff inrpoi SOiled frui ts of ourScottish Caluinian Gospel, ff gospeller.'wherin the chiefe heed. of religion nov~ mostcontrouertcd, ar discussed~ ff the calumniesof the aduersars (fa18y(l. blaming VB of idolatrie)ar discouered. Oy F. Alexander 8aillie... Printed at VVirtsburgh, By A. M. 'Volmare widovv, 1628.70-1148 [8,L.,225(i.e.221),tl}p. illus. 16on.ICN 70 (- (Continued on next card) ,oc PC Sf\ A ASh Gt GfSh ............ -"Sh w WSb c ••9

C,ueM141570-1748ICN 70BAILLIE, ALEXANDER.1628. (Card 2)A trve informationNos. 207-208 repeated in paging.Imperfect: t.-p. wantin~; supplied inXerox copy from an unspecified copy.STC 1202.Allison & Rogers 66.oc PC Sf'! A A.slt' Gf GtSh ....Wcs,...... 'C<strong>as</strong>e3'\181570-1748ICN 70BAXER, AUGUSTINE, 1575-1641.Sancta Sophia. Or Directions for theprayer of contemplation yc. extracted out ofmore then XL. treatises written by ••• AvgvstinBaker ••• and methodically digested bySerenvs Cressy ,.. Vol. I (-II I AtDoway, By J. Patte' and T. Fievet, 1657.2v.in 1. port. l7em.STC II Il 480,OC PC SA A ASit Gr GrShI(W WSh CShc'ue4A300870-1748ICN 71OAINfS, rETER AUGUSTINr;, fip., 1786-1843.A defence of the Christian relit:ion, (c.in 11. series of letter, addre.sed to Char'lesAbel Hoysey ... Dy ... 1'. A. O

DALTIMom~ (i\rchdioccse) Archbi~hop, 1808-lAlS (John C~rr(11)h p~~torl\l l~tter (rom the Ri/!ht Hov. Dr.John Caroll, by the Arace of Cod, nnd withthe apl'robation of the lIoly See, Dishop of,Daltimore, to his beloved hrethren of thecon,;rcl!,ation of Trinity Church, Phililliclphia.On tho prostitution of the rights" nnd theusurpation of church authority, by ~o prevaricatingpriests, and some misinformed, (Continued on next c~rd)70-1748ICN 71oc PC: ItI: A A~h Gr .lSII:W WSh CShC.;se~A1559110.1Dh[lCLAY, WI UJ,v'I, 15~6 or 7-)608Dc I'~te~t.'te I'al'"e: all fI qua~ent" in rer-esf' Pl'll,IC) res 'cc"l.i1,'es i tiS &- imrel'j urn habe•• t: CVll. Bi\,'cIrtii ••• Hber I'osthtunus••• ~n.l'. I )609.c8,{.,3451" 17cm.Preliminadcs I'dnted by ~;liot's CourtPress, I..ondon.70-)741') I,dH ... d by Johll lJul'cl.,y.IC?' 70(Continued 011 next

C«!'e4/\301070-1748leN 71nhllt-;,\IW, .IA1fl'~

C<strong>as</strong>eM1817;0-1748ICN 70[BATE, GEORGE J 1608-16G9.Elencnvs motuum nuperorum in Angliae;simu1 ae luris Regii et Parlamentarii brevisen."rratio. A. 2455. Lutetiae Parisiorum,Pro R. R., 1649.(4Jt.,2zep. 13cm."Lectori" "ipled liith tne author's >,seud.,Theodorus Ve rid i etls.In ms. on front flyleaf: Adolphus Hetkerke hi s booke l!i w WSI> CSI> GCnse6A33070-1748lCN 71nAxnn, RICItAI(/), Hi) S-lC,~l.rectory ... (c.,rrl :l)A Christian diticb(or church d"t1('5.) IV. Christinn politiel"(or dlltic'" to our ruler" ann neil'.hh""l"s.)lIy lliehard n .. xt('r '" Lonoon, I'rinted hy R.\,hite, for N. :)iOIl1'lOl1', )[,7:3 {pt.l, 1672]r lB l{,.,'l29(Lc.92.'i)p.; .Z lt.,214p. port.36cm.NOB. 783-786 omitted in pn~in~.(Continued on next card)OC PC $h A ASh G, GrSh MS. W Ws. cs.C,ue4A3013flATTELLI, GIOVANNI CIIISTOI'ORO, Abp., 1658-1725.Ri tu" annnae ahlutinnis altar! s m:'JorisSacrosanctac "<strong>as</strong>ilicac Vaticanae in dieCoe~~e Domini explic,tvs, ac illvstratvs abAbb. Jo: Christophnro "attello •••Typis, Y fusoria C. Zenonii, 1702.(12 Jt.,211p.,(llJt. plate. 220m.70-1748ICN 71--.. --'-----WW,'Romae,C,,~cr.'\3~010-1748ICN 71flAXTEn, RICHARD, 1(;15-1691. A Christian directory••• 1(;13. (Card 3)oc pc ,ft A ASh Of GIl" W W'I> GC~sc3An1970-1148ICN 71(nAUlJRAND, Ill\RTIII':LP.H J 1701-1787.Elevation of the sOlll to God, by means of'spiritual conllideration., and nffcction!'.Tran.lated from the French of l'Abhc n.ny R. P. (i••• Robert PlovdenJ Fifth edition.Vol. 1(-111 Dublin, Printed by p. ,vogan,1815.2v. in 1. 19em.oc PC In It. ASh G, G,Sf! .... ww'" cs. ..C<strong>as</strong>e( .. \330Added t.-p., illustrated and en~ravcd: IIChristian directory or body of practical divinity ... London, hinted for Nevill Simmons••• 1673.In 5 pts. (the lnst separntcly par-cd),each with sp~ci.~l t.-p.: [I, A Christian directory.The first Ih1rt, Chril!tinn cthicklllor, Directions for the orderin/: of private(Gontinued on next card)70-1748ICN 71n.\xTEn, IIICIIARU, Ir,15-1G'l1. ,\ Chri.tian directory... 15n. (Ci'lrd 4)actions of our hcar"ts and Ii "C5 in the "ork ofholy self-r.overnlllcnt unto and under God ...1(,72. [2J II Christian directory: or, A sumllof practical divinity. The .,econd part: vi:.Christian oeeono",} cI{~: or, The family directory... [31 II Chris.tinn directory: The thirdpart. Christinn cee1csi<strong>as</strong>ticksl or, lJircctionsto p<strong>as</strong>tors (. people... (4) C<strong>as</strong>es of(Continued on next ~~rd)0CShGnAXTEH, RICIt"!!O, 1(.15-16

C<strong>as</strong>e:'SA181870-1748ICN 70IBAYLY, THOMAS. d.16577(Card 2)Cer~

C-1!'.":;!IIllil~70-1743leN 7\JCnse3AlA2370-1748ICN 70,BAYLY, TIIO~1ASI d.1657?The roynl ch.1.rt{'r r,t'l:lnted unto kings, byGod Himself: and collected out of hi. Holy",o"d, in both Tcst.lr.I·:nt5. Oy T. B. ••. Where·unto is added b)' the s.lne a"thor, Ii shorttreatise, ... herein "r1sc

C<strong>as</strong>e3A1420..BEll, WILLIAM, fl.1599.The testament of William Bel ••• leftrritt~n in his owne hand. Sett ovt above 33.yeare. after his death. With annotations atthe end, and sentence"s, out of the H. Scripture,Fathers, &c. By his Sonne Francis BelAt De"ay, By n. Bellerv!!, 1632.18Op. 16em.Imperfect' p.ln to end "onn-holed, liithloss of text.70-1748 STC 1802. Allison fI Rogers 96.ICII 70OCPCShA ASh G, Gr$h.. s. W ws' es. G" -"C<strong>as</strong>e3A1422no.l70-1748ICN 70..BELLARMINO, ROOEJUO rnANCESCO ROHOLO, Saint,1542-1621.O. <strong>as</strong>censione mentis in Devm per scal<strong>as</strong>rervrD creatarvm, oPVSCVlV1l1 Roberti Cardin.~lisBellannini ••• Antverpiae, Ex officina •Plantiniana, apud viduam & filios I. Moreti,1615.[S)t.,2S2p.,(2)t. 180m.Printer's device on p. [285jImperfect' "onn-holed throughout, "ithlollS of text. (Continued on next card)0:"Il:;O, ItOmmTO FMNCESCO HO:"tOLO, Saint,15·12-1(;21.Roberti Oel1annini ••• 1':xp1.1nn tio inPsalmo~. Editio novissima a rnn! tis r.1endis& omis:;ionibus c~"Pllrgatl\; Venetiis, ApudT. Octt.incl1i, 1759.,4 J t.,443,(1)p. 390m.MS'w WS. CS'C<strong>as</strong>e2A10170-1748lCN 70at PCBELLARHINO, ROIlf.11TO ntANCI',SCO llOHOLO, Saint,1542-1621.Dc <strong>as</strong>censione mentis in Devm per scal<strong>as</strong>rervm crea tarvrn, opvsevlV1" Roberti, Ca:di nalis8clla"nini ••. Coloniae Agnppwac,Apud Cornel. ad Egmond., 1626.(8)t.,264r."I)t. 12cm,Engraved t.-p., illustrated.nte prelim. leaves are bound out oforder.Bookplate: Ex Oblatorum S. Caroli 8iblio- ,Sh t~ec~sh[nl~Y~;;h WS' ($. Gc;·, c~,\1 ~i ~/1110. '270-)7

7(1-1746let-: 71Ill1:lS0N, JOHN, of llrill, Iluckinchamshhe, l>nr,.A ca tiller,ue of the books in the 5 tll,i" ofJohn Belson of nrill in the County of llu~ksEsq. Anno Christi 1729. (Urill Enr.1729J ' ,",M]t. Mem.H;t.nuscript in inlCBERETTARl, SEOASTlANO, ]543-1&22.Vita R. P. Iosephi Anchietae SocietatisIellv saccrdotis in nr<strong>as</strong>ilia defuncti. Exiis qvae de eo Petrvs l1otcri~V5 SocietatisIesv Praeses Prouincialis in Br<strong>as</strong>ilia quatuorlibris Lusi tanico idiomate collegi t,aliisq} monumentis fide digni~ ~ S:b<strong>as</strong>tiano.Beretario ... Prodit nunc prll1um 1n Gennan1a.Co10niae Agrippinae, Apud I. Xinchi'~, 1617.[2]t.,427(i.e.397),,2)i" 14on.Nos. 261-290omitted in paging.all :. ASh $( G,Sh.. s. ., CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e4,\bOG6no.~70-1746lCN 71(DEI1HlGTON, JOSErll J 1746-1627.The state and behaviour of En~lish Catholics,{rom tho l\efon1\ntion to the yenr 1760.With n vi"\

Cn!lle4AMOSnn.l70-1749ICN 11PaJ;C9 9-16.... w w •• c ••included in dupl1c.,te.QC<strong>as</strong>eM1425> .•BmNARD de Cia irva"", Saint, 1091-1153.Spurious and doubtful works.A hive of sacred honie-combes containingmost s,",eet and heavenly covnse1: taken ovt ofthe workes of the mel1irlvovs Doctor S. Bernard,Abbot of Clareval. Faithfully translatedinto English by ... Antonie Batt •••Printed at Doway, By P. Avroy for I. Heigham1631. '(12)t.,605p.,(19}t. 150m.(Continued on next card)70-1748lCN 70oc PC Sh A ASh C;r GlSh .. s. w w .. cs.(1IIi1UNGTON, JOSf.rllj 114G-lf:l27.The ftt(ltr. "nd bch.vi'lIIr of Enr,U.h C.Hho-11C3, frOOl tho Ikf(lnMtion to the YC.1r l71l1.With a vic,", of their present ntlJllher, ,",ealth,character, ('c. In two parts. The second edition.Contdnin,., besides several addi tionsnnd alterations, a full AnSWer to critics,nnd an nddress to Catholic9 ••• /.,(Indon,Printed for R. Fnu1dnr, 1781.xxxvii,199p, 220m.DERINGTON, SIHON, 1680-1755.Dissertations on the "oMlical crc.,tiondelu~e, building of nabel, and confusion oftongues, Ifc. ... Oy S. nerington ... London,Printed for the author, and sold by C.Davis, nnd T. Osbourne, 1750.(7)t.,466p. 21m.BERNARD de Clairvaux, Saint, 1091-1153Spurious and doubtful works. A hi~e ofsacred honie-combes '" 1631. (Card 2)Signature A (p.1-16) bound out of order.STC 1922.Allison & Rogers 104.70-1748lCN 71A ASh Qt QrSh ....w WS. c ••70-1748leN 70.. .. wws. CShC<strong>as</strong>'!( .. \35170-1748ICN 71nmrHRD de C]..,irvn"x, Saint, 10'11-1153.{Work~~ i.1.tinJ S.1ncti l1ernnrcH Ahh;\ti~primi Clar;'\c-Vallcnsis \pn]!lnH~n I. ~cnuin:\S;lncti doctoris op~r':t quntlJor rriol'ibus tomiscomplectcl1s. l~ost Ilor$ tiunl rlcmlO rcccr.,ni t.1.,auctA'\, It in mcliorcm direst:\ onlineOl, nccnonIlovi!f prncft:.ti,,)tlib1Is, nd"lOnitionihu~, notis &ob.qervati('nibu~, indicihunq\le copiosisdmislocuplet(lta {f iJ1ustrata, s('cundis cnris· •••Johannis Habillon rari~iis, Sllmptiblls(Continued)oc rc Sh A ASh Gf C,,$ll MS' w WSh GCa"e3A cBERNIERES LOIJV IGNY , JEAN DEI 1602-1659.1925 The Interiour Christian; or The interiourconfonal ty: which Christians ought to havewith Jesus Christ. Divided into eight books,which contain most divine meditations; extractedout of the writings of a great servantof God of this age ••• Translated out of the12th. edition in French. Ant'"erp, 1684.(13)t.,476(i.e. J 6'l)p. 18011.70-1748 Nos. 270-279 ,,-' ~ted and 456-457 re-ICN 70 pea ted in paging. src II B 2045.?C PC Sh A ASh Gt GrSh w w •• cs.C<strong>as</strong>e6,1331REnNARD de Cl.,irvallx. S.,int, 10'11-1153.(Work.. Latin) (Card 2)T. Mee ttc. 16

C<strong>as</strong>e3A142670-1748lCN 70(IIERZETTI, NICoIil, 157-1-1644. The practiceof medita ting with profit '" (Card 2)Societe of Iesus. II (ornament) II Imprintedat liackline, by II lIenrie lea)" 1613,11,371p.,(4,t. 13cm.Signatures: a 6 , A_p12, Qb, R4.STC 4125 (variant)Allison & Roger. 106.Translated by Thom<strong>as</strong> Talbot.0'tthillc Ilartilletz, k,­tine traducti, f( cmcndntius editiWi th this is bound his Novi, ct radeonccptvs theologici ]630.70-1748leN 70oc ,PC Sh A ASh Gr GtSh MS' W WSh CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e;sA142770-1748ICN 70J •• ...BEYERUNCK, LAUHt::NTIUS, 1578-1627.Promptvarivrn morale svper E~angelia festorvmtotivs anni: ad instruct10nem concionatorum.Reformationem peceatorum. Consolationcmpiorum. Ex S. Scripturis, S S.Fatribus & optimis quibusuis scrip tori busad 1mita~ionern Fromptuarij Dominicali! Tho.Staple toni studiose collectum. Autho:"Lavrentio OeyerHnck ••• ~ars hye~hs : ••Coloniae Agrippinac, Sumpt1bus A. H1erat1,1613.Continued on next card)(Sh A ASh G, Gt$h"./ ",. W WSh CSh G/9

Ca.eM BEYrnUNCK, L\URENTIUS, 1578-1627. Pr(JTIp-1427 tvarivm morale '" 1613. (Card 2)70-1748ICN 70,24 It.,76Op.,(7)t. 18cm.Imperfect: some leaves at end Wormholed,vi th slight loss of text.oc n:: Sh A ASh Gf C;rSh w w •• CSh--C<strong>as</strong>e:sA142970-1748.: ICN 70,RIBLE. Latin. 1526. Bibila sacra '"(1526] (Card 2). 8 4 8 8 8S1gnatures: A ,O,~ta.-% ,a.a-%.~ ,A-T ,aaaeee8 •Colophon: ParisHs. Ex edibus vidue .. ,Thielmanni Keruer. 1526.Printer's device on t.-p. and verso ofl<strong>as</strong>t leaf.Imperfect: first 8 leaves worm-holedwith loss of text; also worm-holed elsewhere.Not in IJar- low u ~joulc (cf. 611;>,)OC I'C 5h A ASh Gr GtSh ) MSh w WSh cs. GC<strong>as</strong>e3A142870-1748lCtI 70BIBLE. French. 1610.Le second tome de la Sainte Bihle.A Raven, Pour T. lJare, 1610.59A(Le.592)p. 1gem.Nos. 481-486 o,nitted in paging.Numerousother errors in paging.The 2d of a 3-vohune set. Comprisesthe Old Test.1mel1t frail! tile Psalms to theend.Not in Oar low [, ~!oul e..... w W$h CShGC<strong>as</strong>e51.402no. 170-1748ICN 70BIBLE. Spanish. 1602. Valera.La Biblia. Que es, los sa eros libros delVieio y tlvevo Testamento. Segunda edicion.Revista y confcrid.1 can los textos Ileb.-eos yGriegos y con div~rs<strong>as</strong> translaciones. ParCyp-riano de Valera... En Amsterdam, Enc<strong>as</strong>a de L. lacobi, 1602.(12 1,139,[l,,140-268,67,88,[1It. 30cm.C<strong>as</strong>siodoro de flcyna' s version revisedby C. de Valera.(Continued on next card)OC PC Sh A ASh G, Gt$h ....Wwso CShC<strong>as</strong>e61.S0370-1748ICN 70BIBLE. Latin. 1506. Vulgate.Textus Bibile cli glosa ordinaria Nicolaede Lyra postilla moralitatibus eiusdemPauli Burgensi. additiolbus Matthie Thoringreplicis. Prima pars et sut in ea hec scilicetCenesis Exodus Leui ticu. Niulleroru lJeuteronomius.,B<strong>as</strong>el, J. Petri and J. Frobenius,1506,377t. illus. Mcm.Preface by Conrad Leontorius.(Continued on next card)MS' w w •• CShC<strong>as</strong>e5A40Zno.l70-1748ICN 70BIBLE.Spanish.InOZ.1602. Valera_(Card 2)La BibliaOne leaf, signed 2S 3(numbered: 2 Fol.129 ,i.e.139}) inserted between signature53 and S4 (to correct error in imposition)Darlow and Maule 8475.~ith this is bound: Bible. O.T.Psalms. English. Paraphr<strong>as</strong>es. 1640.5ternhold and Hopkins. The Whole booke ofPsalmes ••• 1640.OC PC Sh It. ASh bf GrSh ....w CShC<strong>as</strong>e61.Jl0370-1748ICN 70OC K ..BIBLE. Latin. 1506. Vulgate. Textu!Bibile ••• ,1506, (Card 2)The first of 7 vol.. Cf. Copinger.The preface (t.,l, verso) concludes:Kerito ••• impressores, B<strong>as</strong>ileorum ciues amplissimos,ambos lohanes: Petri u Frobeniu '"QuorU expensis, laboribus, u formis haecopera ••• incaepta sunt Anno lJomini .M.D.VI.die ultimo Iunij.Not in Darlow and Maule... w WSh c ••CMle41.lB0470-1748leN 70BIBLE. O.T. En~lish. 1635. Douai.The lIoly nible fili thfvlly trilnsla ted intoEnglish ovt of the authentical I..'!.tin; diligentlyconferred with the Hebrew, Creek, uother editions 1n diucrs 1.1ngu"ges: with argument.of the bookes and ch.'pters, annotations,t"bles, u other helps, for bettervnderstanding of the text: for discouerie ofcorruptions in some late translations: andfor clearing controuersies in religion. 01the English Colledge of Dovvay ••• ,Rouenl(Continued on next card)OC PC Sb It. AS!'! Gr G,SftM" w WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>e:sA142970-1748lCN 70BIBLE. Latin. 1526.Biblia sacra: intep-ii vtriusq3 Testamenticorpus ,c,oplectcs: diJif:cnter ]'ec"f:nita {,emcdata. CU concorrda,tijs ac sun,narijs simule t argumctis: ad t"Ci9 intc lli (g ,cntinBiblj e no paril coduccU b9 • InSt~ in cal ceeiusdc[: (tlnnc-xc stmt nominu lIcb:raicorU,Chaldeorum atq) Grecorum accurate interpretationcs.(rarisiisl T. Kerver (1526)[IS}, iiij-cccccxx, (-10 ,t. 11\011.(Continued on next card)OC PC 51; A ASh Gr GrSh W WSh cs.C<strong>as</strong>e4,\Hl04BlflLE. O. T.floly BibleEnglish. 1635. Dou"i.(Card Z)ThePrinted by I. Covstvrier, 1635.2v. 23cm.The 2d cd. of the Douny nible {OldTest.1mcnt}Title of v.l varies slightly. Vol. 270- "Iso h<strong>as</strong> all added t.-p. .ngra ved: The lIoly1748 Dible tom. II. Printed by 101m Co uS curierleN 70 1635. At flonen.(Continued on next card)OC PC Sf! A ASh Gr (;.Sh MSh w wso c •• G

C<strong>as</strong>e4A180470-1748ICN 70BlIlLE. O. T.Holy BibleEnglish. 1&35. Ooua1.16~5. (Card 3)TheImperfect: l<strong>as</strong>t Z leaves of v.l inserted(rom another cOPYi t.-p. of v.2 mendedOarlow U Moule 367.•STC Z;!;Zl.Allison U Roge~. 108.oc PC !'III ,. ASh G, GrShMS.W WS' CS. GC<strong>as</strong>e3AOID~. O.T. Greek. 1&53. Septuagint18~1H nUAUla 6IUS~KD KUTa TOU, 'Ea6o_no.1 >I~KdvTa. . ..VetusTestl\mentwn Graecum ex ver-~'O?e Septua/l:inta intcrpretum, juxta exemplaratlcanum Rcma.e editum, accuratissinle u adamussim recusum.. Londini, Excudehat R. Daniel.apud J. Harhn u J. Alles trye, 16S;!;.[4,t.,1279p. 18em.70-1748ICN 70Title vignette (printers' device)Edi ted by John Riddle.( \ (Continued on next card)MS'WWShC<strong>as</strong>eM2341lllIlLE. O.T. f.nr:li~h. 1750. llo""i.The Holy nihle tr.>I1l~"ov'['a. Vetus Testament,.. Graccum ex versionc Septua/l:inta interpl'etum.Juxta exemplar Va ticllnvm ROOiae edi twnC

C<strong>as</strong>e2Allll70-1748ICII 70OC PC 3ftBIBLE. O.T. Psalms. English. 1606.Psalter ••. 1(06) (Card 2)C2(0)t.77rrm.(TheSignature.: CAI-yB, Aa_Cc B •Title from Folger card.In 2 pts., the"Zd ... ith special t.-p.:The Psalter or Psalmes of David, after thetranslation of the Great Bible. With abriefe table teaching the true vse of eueriePsalm.. Also cerro ;ne god lie praiers,f (Continued on next card)A ASh Sf &r$" J MSh W WSh CSh Ge<strong>as</strong>eSA40Zno.2213670-1748ICN 70BIDLE. O.T. P.alm •• English. Paraphr<strong>as</strong>es.1640. Ste rnhold and Hopkin •• The ... holebooke of Psalmes ... (Card 2)private houses, for their godly solace andcomfort, laying apart all ungodly songs andballadS, ... hich tend one1y to the nourishingof vice, and corrupting of youth... Lon-don, Printed by E. G. for the Company ofStationers, 1640.(19},lS;'Ip.,(B 1 t. music. ;'IOem.(Continued on next card)OC pc Sf! A .ASh Gr GtSh W w •• CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e2A11370-1748ICN 70BIBLE. O.T. Psalms. English. 1606.Psalter ... 16061 (Card lI),Thenecessarie t? be ned at al time"s both eueningand mornLng •••'Impe~fe~t: most of t.-p. torn away(the begInnIng of lines 2-S and 7-9 )STC 2406 ( . ?) present8 varIant. Folger copy col1& tes: A-Z , Aa-Cc8• -c ••Gno.2213670-1748ICN 70OInL". O.T. Psalms.1640. Stcrllhold andbookc of Psal;ncs '"(vith Oiblc. Spanish.niblia ••• 1(02)EIl~lish.Hopkins.1.640.1602.Para.phr<strong>as</strong>es ..The whole(Card 3)Valera.Ti tle vi thin woodct.t archi tecturalborder (~IcKcrrow 250; this IIsa~e not cited)Unacc. melodies.STC 2693.La.... w w •• cs. GC<strong>as</strong>e3A186170-1748lCN 70OCPCBIBLE. O.T. Psalms. English. 1700. Cary11The Psalmes of David, translated from theVulgat. (n.p.l 1700.(IOlt., 347p., (4 It. 16cm.The t.-p. is without title vignette.Transla ted by John Can-II.ttErra ta. in "~rds or le tters U and t1Erra t<strong>as</strong>,sic) in the points and conma's": (4}t. atend.Imperfect? 4th prelim. leaf insertedfrom another copy? STC II B 2628.Sh A ASh Qo G,Sh ....w w"" c ••C<strong>as</strong>eM1936BIDLE. O.T. Psalms. French. Paraphr<strong>as</strong>es.1658. Codeau.Paraphr<strong>as</strong>e des PseaVnles de David, en vcrsfran~ois. Par Antoine Codeav .,. Nouuellementmis en musique ou chant spirituel u fac~lepour la consolation des ames. Par AntOIne ,Lardenois.Seconde edition. (n.p.) lmprinle2H>7aux despens de l'autheur, 1658.13}t 472p.,(2It. music. 160m.70-1746 ( ., • _8 _4 8lCN 71 Signatures, 1 leaf unslgned,a ,e ,A-Z ,(Continued on next card)OC pC $h A ASh G" G,Shww ••c ••C<strong>as</strong>eM183;'170-1748ICN 70BIRLE' O.T. Psalm~. En"llsh. 1700. Cary1l.The Psalmes of Ilavid, translated from theVulgnt. (n.p.l 1700.(101~.,547p. 170m.The t.-p. is probably a cancel; settinr;(with added title vi"nette) differs fromthat of another copy in the <strong>Library</strong> (withouttitle vir:nettc)sorc II IJ 2628 (~ariant)Tr.lnsla ted by John CaryH.w w •• cs.oC pc ,It A ASh Gt GrSh ....C<strong>as</strong>e;'IA193621;'1770-174BlCN 71BIBLE. O.T. Psalms. French. Paraphr<strong>as</strong>es.1658. Godeau. Paraphr<strong>as</strong>e des Pseavmesde David ••• 1658. (Card 2). 8 4 2Aa-Ff ,Cg ,lIh • . dlIalf-title, illustrated and engrave , p~ccedest.-p.: Paraphr<strong>as</strong>e des Pseavmes de Dav~dpar Antoi ne God:av •• , et mis en chant parAntoine Larden01s.Unacc. melodies.w WS' c ••ex: PC !lI'I A ASh Gt GrSh....Cnsc5A IlIIlLE. O.T. rsalms. I,:""H,II. !';,rill,hre.,c:,~021640. Stemhold and lIopkins.110.2The ... hole booke of rsalmes. Collectedinto English •• ecter hy Thom<strong>as</strong> Stenlhol

Cdse6/\~0470-1748lCN 70oc PCShBU1U;. O.T. Psalms. L.Hin. 1532.mi Da"idici 1532. (Card 2)PS.ll-Title within woodcut border (architectural)R"nou.rd. llibli0f-",'rhie .•. de JosseBadius Ascen.ius, v.3, r.354-355 (variant:this corr h<strong>as</strong> the dede" of Roil'''r on t.-p.Not in Darlow and HOllle. 'nool

C.1SC1,\ RlnLF;. N.T. English. ](,33. OO\l:\i. The1819 "Clof T~,t".mcnt ... 1(,:53. (Clrd 3)Ad,led t.-l'. cnr:r.,vcd.Pia tcs si~ned by Picquct nnd Hichel vanLoehOll.5il'na ture La signed H" (eanee 11)Oarlow and Houle 370.Allison ~ Rogers 571.70-174B STC 2946.lCN 70 lrorcrfect: added t.-p. wanting.ocpCs • .. .. .. G.C:;,Sh'" .... WWS' es.GC<strong>as</strong>eGA~6070-1748ICN 71nrDLE. N.T. En~lish. 173R.New Testament ••• InB •,1]t.,xix,(11,64Gp.,{lG)t.1i7em.andRhcims.(Card 3)7 plates.Some of the plates may be extraneous,also some ~ly he wantin~.Imperfect! p.245-24R wantin~.Darlolof and Houle 796.oc PC 5h A ASh Gf Gt5h .os> W WShTh~BlfiLl:. N. T. En~li.$h. 11:,.'. P""";'C.,s"4A•\nnot.1. tions on th;:: l:t.!':t TC.'it.-~:Hcnt of315B Jesus Chri~t in "'hieh I. 11;e literal sensej s expl ... lincd accordin~ t\) the c:\:"po:;i tit.~ns ofthe ancient fatilel"". II. The fahe i I1terl'r~tation:.,both of t.he

C<strong>as</strong>e2,\1167,)-174RleN 70BinLE. N. T. Creek. 1656.'H Ealv~ 61a.(\,lkTj. Novum Testament\'I11,ex rcgiis aliis'l"c optimis cditionibus cumcura e:X'pre:';:stlm. Arllstt"lodand, Ex officin.lEbevirian.'i, 16%;16It.,703r. J2cm.Title vir-nette (rrilltc," , device)Text in Greek.\/ill""5 120R.llarlo" and Hou1.' ,1(;~ 5.C<strong>as</strong>e~1827BIBLE. N.T. Epistles of Paul. French.Paraphr<strong>as</strong>es. 1655.Paraphr<strong>as</strong>e svr les Epistres de S. Pavlavx Thessaloniciens, a Timothee, a Tite et aPhilemon. A Roven, Par la societe, 1655.·224p. l4cm.Paraphr<strong>as</strong>e "",de by Antoine Codeau.pri vi lege.70-1748 Not in Darlo\{ & Houle.ICN 70Cf.OC ,c$.A ASh G, G,Sb ~Sh W WSh eShGoc .cSh A AS' /;' GrSk ~Sh W WSh CShIIC<strong>as</strong>eM145770-1748ICN 70BIBLE. N.T. Latin. 1536. Er<strong>as</strong>mus.Novvm Testamentum per Oes. Er<strong>as</strong>. Rotero.nouissime recognitum. Cui pr~ter elenchumcapitu Euangeliorum, accesserunt & distichaqu~dam memorialia, in totum Nouum Instrumentum••• His pr~terea adglutinata est Des.Er<strong>as</strong>mi Rot. in sacrarum literarum lcctionempia napu\Ul.'lol S, id est, Adhortatio, haudparum his qui Christi profitentur philosophiamafferens emolumenti •• , Antverpiae,Apvd M. ~sarem, 1556.(Continued on next card)w wa· CShC<strong>as</strong>e3A cBlNET, iTIE~~EI 1569-1659.1854 Purgatory survey'd. Or, A particular accemptof the happy, and yet thrice unhappystate, of the souls there. Also of the singularcharity, and ~ayes \{e have to relievethem. And of the devotion of all ages for thesouls departed. With twelve excellent meansto prevent Purgatory. And the resolution ofmany curious and important points. Printedat Paris, 1663.70-1748 (8 It.,598p. 15cm.ICN 70(Continued on next card)OC PC SI'! A ASh G, GrSh w cs.C<strong>as</strong>eM145770-1748ICN 70BInLE. N.T. Latin. 1536. Er<strong>as</strong>mus.Novvm Testamentum... 1536. (Card 2)c3401t. illus. 15cm.8 8 4Signatures: A-I ,.\a-Tt ,VvNot in Darlo\{ and ~Ioulc.Imperfect: sign.,tllre S1) torn out.Armorial bookplate: The Very Rev.Charles Parfitt.C ....3A (BINET, ErIENNEl 1569-1639. Purgatory sur-1834 vey'd ••• l66~. (Card 2)70-1748ICN 70Dedication signed by translator: R. T.Ci.e. Richard ThimelbYITranslation of De l'estat heureux etmalheureux des ames souffrantes du Purgatoire.STC II B 2915.w CSh Goc pC Sh A ASh Gr GrShW WSl'l CS"C<strong>as</strong>e2A10470-1748ICN 70BIBLE. N.T. Latin. l55~. Vulgate.Novvm lesu Christi TestamentumParisiis, Apud C. Sterhanum, 1555.462p',19 1t. 12cm.Not in Darlo\{ and Houle.OC PC $'" A AS" Gt GtShw wSh CShGC<strong>as</strong>eM1430no.l70-1748ICII 70(BISHOP, IfILUAHj Bp. of Chalc~don, 1554-1624A refo;mation of ? Catholike deformed: by'M. W. PerkJns. w'ht:','eln the chiefe controversiesin relir,ion Arc methodiCAlly, and leanledlyhandled. Made by D.ll.r. The fooller part[n.p. J 1604.clO lt .,119,(lj,57p.,(llt. 20cm.Dedication si~ncd: W. B.An anS~er to William Perkins's A refolmedCatholike IS9R.(Continued on next c.lrd)~S' W WSb CShC,,"eM244070-1748DHlLE. N.T. L,tin. 1796. Vulr;nte.Novum Tc~ tamcntum Vull!

C<strong>as</strong>eM1430[BIS1IOr, WI LLtA.'1 I nl" "f Ch"lcrdoll, 1554-]624,The second r,1I·t of thr Ik fonna ti 011 of aCatholike dcfol1lH'd by Hilstcr W. rerkins .,.[n.p. I 1607.214p.,(1)t.,301" 20cm. (with hisA reformation of a Catholike dcfonlled ...1604)C<strong>as</strong>e6A305BLOSIUS, fRANCISCUS WIJOVICUS, 1506-15667La. obrll' de Lvdovico Rlosio '" tradv~ida.pOI' ••• Oregorio de Alfaro ••.En Barcelona, Por S. de Connell<strong>as</strong>, 1609.(6)t.,628(i.e.623),(1 I P.,(22 lt. 32on.L<strong>as</strong>t page misnumbered.70-1748ICN 70An anSwcr to Wi lliam rerkins' s A rcfonnedCatholike 15~8.(Continued on ncxt card)70-1748ICN 70oc pc Sh A ASh Of Gt$h w WSh CS' Goc PC 5h A ASh Gr G,S""S. W W$h C5h G" --."C<strong>as</strong>eM1430no.270-1748ICN 70(BISllor, WILLIAH, Ill'. of Cha1ced"n, 1554-)62·1.The second part of thr Reformation...1607. (Card 2)In 2 pts., each wi th sel'ar.lte pa~inj:, the2d (STC 3093) with caption title: An ansvvercvnto M. Perkins advertisement.STC 3097 (and 1~(l62), 3093.Allison fJ Rogcl's 117.OC PC Sh A ASh Gt GrSh MS' w WS' G'j(IILOUNT, TII()}IASl 1618-1679.IIo.cobell or, The complc.'\t hi3tory ot themOllt miraculous Jlreserv.~tion of Kinr, "harlcsII. after the battle of \;orcestcr, April the3d, 1651. To ",hieh is .,dderl, ClaU.tMlllI re­"ale rc.erat.um: or The kin,1's concealment. atTrellt. rubl1sh'd by HI'S. Ann !iyndhnlll. Thefifth adition. "itll" SIII'plerncnt to tho",holl1. London, Printed tor H. Cooper,1743.70-1746 (ljt.,iv p.,[ll l t.,192p. 17crn.lCN 710

C<strong>as</strong>e4.\~06470-1148'ICN 11CAK~mYC;;, Cil.\rtLr.~ Imxl\nI CT, 176Z-1S.j·1,f\ f\l.r.lili.,r "nd intcrcstinr., disc

70-1748I c:; 70BONILLA, JUAN DE, 16th cent.A 3hort treatise of the quiet of the soul.tlov necessary a t:,in.;; it is, and ho", it may beattained. Composed by ••• John de Bovilla '"[n.p.I 1700.[1It.,5Sp. 130m.Signa tures: A_,,6.Not in STC II.OC Pc Sh A. ASh Gr G,SI! ....WWahCa."4A1849no.670-1748ICN 71nOSSlJ"T, JACQUr;S Ol~IC:-;f., Hp. of Heaux, 1627-1704. .\n exposi tion of the doctrine ofthe Catholic Church... 1685. (Card 2)This cory correspond3 to the copydcscd hcd in the HeAlpj n Ca ta lo~ue.STC II 11 ~7R3.Tran31ated by Joseph Johnston.oc PC 1ft A A$I'I C;.,- Gr$h W WS' cs.C<strong>as</strong>e t nOll LASE, l;r~nJNO 1 d .1682.(,1\ The history of the execrable Irillh rebel-342 lion tr .. c'd from rnany precedinll

~.:tSC~~1"~2BOSSU1:." J,\CQlIES 1l(,';Tr.~i:, fir. or }I".lUX, IG27-1704.A tr",ltisc or c"',""iI',ion under p()th specic,By ••• Ja:t!-;.~s fl.!l1irllt-' nO$Su..::t Prin ted a lParis, By S. H"br.!-C,'o",oisy, 1655.(8)t.,368p. 15cm.STC II B 3792.C<strong>as</strong>e~.\2013BOCRJr.'i(\~, A'iTOINETn:, 1filfi- J(,~O.l)""lJe. ,\ntoincttc Bouri,!!non ...(Card 2)La vie de1683.Sie,n:t turcs: a-q 8 , ,\_0 8 , p a , 1 ,Q_ Z8 , ..I.a-Zz 8,~~~. ,Page 227 (1st group) misnl~bered 207.70-1748ICN 7070-1748ICN 71OC PC 51'! A ASh Gr GrSh W WSh es.GOC PC ,Ito It ASh Gt" GIStl w W$Io es.C<strong>as</strong>eM241070-1748ICN 71!lOUDON, IIEI'llr MAnIE, 1624-1702.The love of Je5U8 in the ador.l ble sacr.l­!Ment of the altar. A new tran~lation fromthe French of lIenry-l'Iary ll()uoon. Hanchester,rrintcd by R. and W. Dean and Co., forT. lIaydock, 1801.(2]t.,103p. Hcm. (with SylvesterJenks, The contrite and the humble heart •• ,1801)C<strong>as</strong>eM184470-1748ICN 70BOUTAULO, HICHEL. 1604-1689.A method of conversing with God. Thesecond edition. Translated out of French by1. Ii. of the Society of Iesus ••• London,Le. St. Orner?) Printed by T. lIales, 1692.,4 j t.,135p. 14cm.Signatures: A 4 ,B_F 12 ,G 8 •Hot in STC II.ex: PC 9h A ASh Gr GrSh .. s. W WS'OC ;>c 5h A ASh Gr GrStl W WShC<strong>as</strong>e3A184370-1748ICN 701l01JH0URS, DOHINIQUE, 162!l-1702.SOCi;~~ ~f~e;~s~t~p:~~~~i~f~~!e~~d~~s~h:ndof Japan. Written in French by Father DominickBohours ••• Translated into English by Hr.Dryden. London, Printed for J. Tonson, 1688.[11 , L.,76Bp. 3 plates(2 ports.,fold.map)18an.STC II B 3825. Hacdonald 134.Imperfect: 2 ports. wanting.OC PC Sh A ASh GO' GtSh MS' W ws. GIJOl{m, ,\RCmnALD, 1686-17/i6.Hr. Archibald (lower's affid

C<strong>as</strong>e ,!1O\,T$, RO!1ERT l IGn-1710.3/\ Practical reflections for every day2~2.a tilrour.hout the year. ,n.p.) Printed in theY""r 1705. '(llt.,38~,c7lP' 150m.70-1148ICN 71Imperfect. several leaves mutilated orlnk-HtllMd, 8lillhtly aUllednp: the text./II. ASh Gt .. ,Sh MS' W WSh CShGCnscC515.1141;';35912fllVUDIIILL, .JOliN, hop. of Arm.,!!h, 159~-1663., The ""rks "f .,. John IIr.,mha1l ••• some of... hieh never be fare printeel. Callected in onevol lime • To ... hieh is nelded ... an elC.,ct copyaf the records, t"tlchi nr. hrchbir.h,,1' Parker'scOIl"ccrntion, tlll,,,n from the "rir,inal in there/:istry of t.he Sec of Canterbury. A~ "Isothe copy of "n old manuscript in Corpus Chr.CoDed,;c in CIlmbrid,;e, of the same lIt1bject.lYith the life of the "vth"r. I)vblin,Printed by D. Tooke, 1677.(Continued) ICN 71MS' W WShC<strong>as</strong>e llililMlll\LL, JOliN, Ahp • ..,f Ann.~~h, 1594-lfiE;3.MTho wnrkn of ••• John t1rl\lI1hnll ••• some of:141 which never he fore printed. Collected in Onevolume. To .. hich is ,,,'ded ... "n el!.1ct col'Yof the records, tOllchint: ArchhishClp Parkor' sconsecration, taken frClm the orip:inn1 in therep:lstry of the See of Canterbury. As ;\1:'0the copy of an old manuscript in Corpus Chr.~?lledp:e in C,unbrielj:e, of the slime subject.70- u th the life of the avthor. Ovblin1748 Printed by fl. Tooke, 1677.'ICN 71( Con ti nued)OC pc I'" A. ASt! Ck &rSti w ws. CS'C<strong>as</strong>eC515.1147DfW'IHALL, JOliN, r\bp. of Ann.'~h, 1594-166:5.The works ••• 1677. (Carel 2)4v.in 1«(30)t.,1050(i.e.l048)p.,(2)t.)l!~tm.N03. ~21-~22 omitted in paginr,.Vol. 2 and l! have imprint: Dvblin, Printedhnno Ilom. 1675; v.4: Dublin, Printed in theyear 1676. ~~ch vol. is divided into p~rts,many with speciAl titlc-p,,~es; imprint datesrange from 1674 to Jh76.M5912(Continued) ICN 11oc pc 'f!: A AI" Of Qrth W WI/! e,h70-1748ICN' 71mWnII\LL, JOliN, Abp. of Annat:h, 1594-1663.The works •• , 1677. (Card 2)4v.in l(c30lt.,1050ci.c.l048lP.,r2)t.):l3tm.Na~. !21-312 omittri~ in p~~ln~.·Vol. Z and 3 hnve imprintl Dvblin, PrintedAnno Ilom. 1675; v.4: Dublin, Printed in theyear 1676. Kneh vol. is divided into pnrts,many with 5pecial tltle-pag~s;range from 1614 to 1676.(C(lntinucd)wimprint dtltcsc ••IICIllleC515.1147~,~5912nRAtIHALL, JOlIN, Abp. of Am"r.", 15'14-1663.TI'e work~ ••• 1677. (Card 3)Three prelIm. leaves in thts c"I'Y differfr",. tho~" in nnothe~ cory in thll Llb~Aryl6th recto h,,~ no rule!! "bove and beloit runninp;title (prcAent in the other copy) nnd the "L"in the n'''''' "Lymeric" 18 ItAlic (ltamlln i.1\ theother copy); 7th recto nnd vcr:!o is in ... completelydifferent scttin~ of type, si~ned e(si~ned f in the other copy); 12th is si~ned(Continued) ICN 71oe PC Sit A ASh .r Sf!" MS' w w •• GCnse6'\~n70-1148ICN 71IllV\1fl(IILL, JOliN, IIbp. of A"",vh, B9~-1663.The works '" 1677. (C.,rd :3)Three prelim. leaves in thi~ copy eli.fferfrom those in another copy in the Lihrary:6th recto h.~s rul"s above and below runnin/:ti tle (absent in the other copy) and the "L"in the n.,me "Lymeric" is Roman (I talic in theother copy); 7th recto and verso is in " completelydifferent setting of type, signed f(signed c in the other capy); 12th is signed(Con ti nued)oC: ,c ah A ASh Gt GIS'"' MS' w w •• CSh GC<strong>as</strong>eC515.11473:',5,,12lCN 11IliltJ'lII.\LL, JOliN, hbl'. of A ....:lp:h, 1594-1663.The works ••• 1677. (Card 4)h (sir,ncd e ... ith traces of,h in two place.in the other c"l'y)STC II 11 4211.Edited by Jlm Vesey.oc PC Sh A ASh Gr OtS" w WS' c ••C<strong>as</strong>e6A34170-1748ICN 71DRAHIIALL, JOliN, IIbp. of IIm,,/:h, B94-166~.Tl,e works ,.. 1677. (C"rd 4).e, wi th trace~ of siIl:na ture h in two places(signed h in the other copy)STC II n 4211.Edited by John Vesey.ex: pc 81'1 A AS" 6' GrSh .. s. W W,'"C<strong>as</strong>eM1114770-174AlCN 70mnSTOL, CEOIlGE lJIGlJY, 2d Eul of, 1 612-1677.Letters betlieen the Ld Ceorge Digby, andSr Kenelm Digby Kt. c"ncerning religion.London, rri nted for II. Hoscley, 1651.(2 l t.,]:32p. 150m.Signnt .. ",s: A_1I 8 ,14 Si!!'''lture D~ signed1)4; D4 signed 1'4'Da.ted a.t end: Sherbot'n, Hardt 50. 1639,STC II B 4768 (issue 2)OC PC Sh It. AS" Gr GrSh MS' w ws. CS. G30

C<strong>as</strong>.HS6A1870-1748101 71mUSTOL, G",e,-1Sfl).A reply to l'vlkc, )n dofclI"c of H. O.AlIens (i .e. Cardinal Ililli.'''' ,\llen's) scn,]lof articles and bool;(> of Pur"n tor-ie. IlyRichard nd~to ••• Jml't'intcd at Louaillc,Ily I. Lion, 15S0.(5)t.,451(i.e.415),(1 )P.,(3)t. 20e",.Page 415 mi sl1l1mbe red. ,70-1748 A reply to lI·illian. Fulke's A retentIveICN 70 to stay good Christians. For further de­,(Continued on next card)oepe!"A ASh G, GISh ... h W WSh c ..CAse:M253070-1748ICN 71flIlITTAtN. Lf:WIS, 1744-lfI27.tho Chrbtlnn rclir.lllnPd nciple. of1790. (CArd 2)f:1. "'Tplr toFv]l;e ••. 1580. «(;,"'0 2), tails s(>e A. C. South~, II, Eli ,,,,be than "ecusantpros~, p. ~95f.Fi ctitious imprint. fl'i nted prohably byStephen Ilrinckley at the Grc"".tl'ect !lousePress E<strong>as</strong>t Ham. Cf. Southel'n.STC 5602. 'Allison U Rogers 151.70-1748ICN 70OC pC Sh A ASh Gf GrSh MSh W WSh CSh70-1748leN 70BRITTON.Ori hon. The second edition. Fai thfullycorrected according to divers ancient manu­.cripts of the same booke. fly Edm. I"ingateLondon, Printed by the <strong>as</strong>.ignes ofJ. Hoore, 1640.[161,287(i.e.29l),(21)!.15an.No. 239 omitted and nos. 245-249 repeated in foliation.The <strong>as</strong>signs of John Moore were Miles(Continued on nc"t card)OC PC Sh A ASh Gf GISI'! ....WWSh G31

C<strong>as</strong>c3\1571IIR1TTON. IIri ttcm 1640. (Card 2)flctchcr, J"hn tlaviland, and R"bcrt YOllng;the p!"inler's device Oil the t.-p. bears theinitials R. Y."A collection of certainc hist(>riclIUptlssagcs t and otbcr notes, conc(' rni ng theauthor of this hook": 6th-12th prelim. le.1,"es."The corrections of this l<strong>as</strong>t cdi tio,,":[20 l t. at end.STC 3804.OC PC Sh A ASh Gr GrShWWShC<strong>as</strong>e3A143570-1748ICN 70oc PCSh[IIROUGIITON, RICII,\Jlf)] d.1634. The first partof The resolution of religion (Card 2)hurnetan., raglin" and other externrtll enemiesof Christ... (n.p. l Printed wi th licence,1603.(4lt.,281r.,(2lt. 14cm.No Dlore published.Dedication signed:STC 3897.Alli son u Rot" .• 161.It. ASh Gr GrSh)n. B.(Continued on next card)t.iSh W WSh CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e3A1848/lROOKS, TIIOH,\S, 160,,-J C,: o.Arrles of bold fol' youn!; men and VVOnJCll)and a crOl,'" of glory for old mcn lind Won'on.Or, The happincss of hcil1~ !;(>od bctir,es, andthe honor of bcinll an old disciple. Clearly·and fully discovered, and closely, and faith- 'fully applycd, Also the young mall5 objectionsanswered, and the old m.1ns doubts resolved.70- By Ihom<strong>as</strong> Brooks, preacher of the Gospel at1748 Margarets new Fishstreet-hlll. [motto of 4ICN 70 lines) London, Printed by R. I. for Jolm~ ''\ (Continued on n~xt card)oc pc Sh A ASh Gr Gt5h J WSIt W WSIII CSh GC<strong>as</strong>eM143570-1748ICN 70[OROUGIiTON, RIOlARIl) d .1634. The fi rs t pilrtof The resolution of reli&ion 1603.(Card 3)Printed sccre tly in EngJand.Imperfect: lar,,:c riece torn from lowerright COI'ner of ;>.177-178, with considerableloss of text; top closely trinrned, wi thrunninr; ti tIcs cut into.oc pc Sh A ASh G, GtSh "Sh w WSh CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e3A1848BROOKS, TIIOHAS, 1608-1680.(Card 2)Apples of goldHancock, to be sold at the first shop inPopehead-Alley ( ••• ) to Corn-hill neer theEJ..,,hipro. In the Jrst,and StfpCnln H u .' th'nst all atheists .... tld CplCUI-C5; In, ,ca((al d that Christian Catho]icke rcll~lO~1~CC~~e' same in parLlculcr, and more ccrt:u nc .~~ euery article thereof, t'.'en any hl1rna~~_ 0132-

C<strong>as</strong>e3A (BROWN, IGNATIUS) 16~0-1679.1850 The vnerrinl!; and vnerrable chvreh or Anan!!vver to a se~on preached by Hr AndrevvSaIl, formerly a Iesuit, and novv a ministerof the Protestant Church. VVritten by 1. S.{n.p. I 1675.,10 ,t., 31Op. 19cm.70-1748leN 11OItUGES. G.,nonCSSes Rct:ular of the Order ofSt. Au~stinc.A d.lily exercise, and nevotion~, for theyoun/: ladies, and ~entlewomen pensioners atthe Hon<strong>as</strong> te ry of the En~lish Canoncsses Regularsof thc lIoly Order of S. Augustin, atflrvge5. Collected from m~ny good authorsAt Orugcs, Printed by p. Roose, 1766. •210p."llt. 17cm.OC PC Silo A ASh Gr Gr$h MS. W WS' CS.GoC PC Sh .... "3h Gr GrShM" w WS' CS'_ .. _----------C<strong>as</strong>e4A184270-1748 A replv to A sermon preached at Christ­ICN 70 Church in bublin '" the fifth day of July,1674.STC II B 5022.70-1748lCN 71IJRO:r,./E, Si r THOII,\S, 1605-16H2.(PSCUd(Htoxi;, Cl1id\,,:miC

.,l~e'oS,:.\;170-174;';IC:-; 71IFWSSr.l,.,>c Ol1r rl1,";";;sr.ri 1..1,!Y Ih~ j\~'-pcL;: t~l':ir":-.i-l ~;:rY' ("..h:~,~:,,· of It\';·!,~ ic~ii1c n';·.J{;·f".~'.;~:-:-;j'\ \.' ..;'\1 ... ~::i{'}:r(Continuc(i on nc~~ enrd)Je r:i[~~,~f~:; ~;';; ~ :.::,~.~~: )nc pc $1\ It. ASh Gt Gt$h MS' IV w •• C5hCllse5A60370-1748ICIi 71nUONANNI, fILIPPO, Ih~8-1725.Ordinum religiosoMlm in ecclcsia militantic"!;,,lo!':us eOM""quc indlUnen!;,~ in iconibusexpressa ••• a P. Philippo Donnnni •••Editio tcrtia. lIOntae, Typia G •. Plnehi,1722-23.3v.in 2. 324 plates. 25cm.Addcd t.-p.: Ca!;,~lo~o degli o;dini religlosidella ehicsn mili tante cspressi conirrk~gini, e spiegati con una breve marrazione(Continued on next card)at PC Sit A A9#1 G, GotS" MS' wC.He~lS4A1070-174~ICN 71nIWSSE1.'i. Oar r.le~"cd L,h

C"SC6:\35870-174!3ICN 71nUlINET, r.ILlimr. Ill'. of S:tlisnlOl)', 16.;;';-)715.lhshop li..lrllct's Historj of his o~~n tina; ••.1724-;5-1. (C3rd 2)~fanu:;cript notl.': on V~r50 of t .. -p. (If '1~2:The or.il!inal m,"'.t1"1!:c:-irt of hoth volll;i1:'~ ...... ftilL; Hi stvl'Y \;ill he nepo!li ted in the C,' ttonLi br ....·y ~'Y T Illlrnc t t.Contcr.ts.--Vol. I .. From th(! nc"c;t(\r~tionof Kin~ CI:arles rr. to the 5cttlcn~nt ofKing lii.1UaJ:1 ;,nd Que e:1 Ib rv ,n the ne ':0 111-(Ce>ntlnued on next c .• rel)OC PC S.fI It. A!)h C, O,SI1WWShGC<strong>as</strong>e4.\302670-1748ICII 7lOUflllE:T, r.IUlmT, Ill'. of Sn115blll)', ]643-1715,Some l'aS~il/lCS in the life and death ofJohn, 1':.11"1 of Rochester, Ilrittell by Gilbertnurnet ... h'ith n sermon, pre:tchcd at thefUlleml of thc said c •• rl, by ... l!obcl·t l'Arsons••• A neW edition. To which fa nOW''Jlreflxed an account oC tho life and writln/!:!Iof the "-11"1 of Rochester, hy Dr. Sounucl Johnlion.London, I'rinted by W. Nicholson CorW. nayncs, 1805. •1441'. pIli tc{port.) 21C11t.oc PC S~ A ASh G, Gt$hMSh w WS' cs.;.-.~--:C.,oe61\35670-1748lCN 11'1l1)!1 X I·:T , CTL:1f:llT, '11'. of Sa J i51>1I1)', ]6 :~,-171.s.fU!)hC'jl nHrnct~:> ::ir.tol"Y of his O\,i\ i:i~,(' •••1724-3~. (Cnrd 3)ticn! to ,·;hich :5 pr~~fix'd ~1. ~\;·;~.'T)' l*ccilpltul.'1.til,"mof :,fr.'\ir.~ i:,! dmrch ,~jH; $t.1t." fri.'lmJUnr.: Ju.mcs I. to th~ a("~t\1r'« ticn ir. th~ \"Ci'lrIf,60.--Vol. II. 1',.. ...::1the nevolution til :i,Cconclusion of the treaty of pr.nel! nt '/t;-echt,in the rci~n nf Queen Anne. To "'"hi eh i:.adeled, the author's life, by the editt>r.oc pC Sit A ASh GI GrSk W WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>e4A302870-1148ICII 71OCPClhADUTLrm, IIUlAII, 1711-1773The 11 veil of the fa tl~ersotlhe r principal saints: com~i.J:;r;~:;.:' 0 a!'d.1\,. monuments and tl rl/l1-'11 ! 0 ler authentic record •1 us trn ted W1 th the remark. of" s.modern critics and h' t '.' JlIdlciou.,Alb1S orlans. Dy the IIan Dutler. The third ~, , ,ev.. d Cut tiOll nevly reV1se and corrected, with ndl't" -volumes Vol I vi . r I 10ns •. In sixII. Fit.~ntricl~, }~r ~. Cr~:~li~aO~rinttld by6v. 2 p14tosCi~cI.port.i 230m'!!i t;,d by ! Bernard ~lacMahon._"Sft MSh W WShcs •......_------_...C<strong>as</strong>e4A1853no.2170-1748ICN 71nURNI::T, GIUlI'Uli;un :tlld Q. ~!.,ry. London, Printed forJ. Starkey; and R. ChiswCl1, 1689.{21't..,29p. 2lcm.STC II 0 5842..Ca3e4A302770-1748ICII 71nUTLF~, AtnAN, 1711-1773.Hedi t,1 tions And discour~es on the ~lIblimctn/th. nnd J.mpol'tant duties of Christianity.Oein~ " posthumou3 work of the Rev. AlbanOutler ••• London, Printed by J. P. Co~hlan,1791-93.3v. 22cm.Edited by Chnrles Ilutler.Title of v.2-3: Discourses on tho sublimetruths and important duties of ChristiarU ty •••(Continued on next card)OC PC I" A ASh Of Q.r$h woc pc Sh A AS" G1 GtSIl MS. W WSh CSh GC<strong>as</strong>eM185270-1748lCN 70BURNET, GIUlERT, IIp. of Salisbury, 1643-1715.A rational method fo,' proving the truth ofthe Christian religion, <strong>as</strong> it is professed inthe Church of Engl~nd. In answer to A ra tiona]compendiolls way to cOllvince without disputeall persons wha tsocve r dissent! ng from thetrue religion, by J. K. [i.e.John Keynes, DyGilbert Ilurnet. London, rrinted for R. Royston,1675.[6,t.,98p. 160n.STC II 0 5846.OC PC Sit A ASh Gf GtSh MSh w WO. GII~70-1748Iell 71IJUTU;n, AUIAN, 1711-1773. Het1ltation" anddiscourses ••• 1791-93. (Card 2)Misprint on t.-I'. of v.3, ... of thebeinr, 11 posthumous work Rev. Alban OutlerIn v.l, si~nature P4 cancelled {stubpresent}; no break in text or pagination.OC PC at! A ASh Gt GtSI'!MS' W WSh ca.C<strong>as</strong>e; 4,\1853no.2570-1748ICN 71(nlHlNET, GIUlf>l

C.HO!4113030[nUTLm, AUIIIN, 1711-1173.Remarks on tho two first voll~es of thelntc Live, of the popcs. In letters, from IiI:entlcm.,n to II friond in tho country •••Douny, For L. Derbaix, 1754.100". 2lan. .Concerns Thc history of the popes, byArchibald Dower.C<strong>as</strong>e4/\3032!lUTLm, ClI;\IlLES, 1750-1S~2.The book of the Il"'n,tn-C.nholic Church:in II llerie~ of letters Olddrer.,.,d to Rob~Southey ... on his "!look of the church."!ly Charles nutler ••• Second edition •••London, J. Hurray, 1825.xii,352p. 22an.70-1746lCN 71wws~70-1748lCN 71at pc Sh A ASh Gr GrSI-t.. S~ w ws. cs.C<strong>as</strong>e311243270-1146lCN 71cnUTL~!, ALDIIN, 1711-1713.II short .,ccolmt of the life :tr.d virtlt~sof the Vr.ner.,b1e aile! Itelit;ious !-lother, H,u')'of the Holy CrMs, AbbcslI of the [;n/:H sit PoorCJ.,rl'S at Roueni ,.. ho died there, •• Il.,rch21, Anllo 1735. lIy A. n. ••• LondonPrint?d Iii th permission nnd approbatio~ ofsuper~ours, 1767.(1)t.,205,[l Jp. l7em. (.dtl, Teresa,Saint. The cxc1a.mations of the soul to Cod••• 1790)oe pc Sh It. ASh Gt G,Sh"S' w cs. GC<strong>as</strong>e4A303370-1748lCN 71!lUTU:n, ClIARLf'S, 1750-1&32.A letter to an Jl'ish CII tholic t:entleman,on the fifth resolution entered into at themceting of Enr.lish Clltholics on the fi.rst ofFebruary 1610, nnd accomp:tnyln~ the RomanCatholic petition. • London, Printed by L.1I;,"sard and Son~, for J. !looker, 1811.43p. 23m. (With O'Connell, ll(1lli12-lGRO.lIudibrll", In throe parts. 14r!tten inthe Hmo of tho late wllrs. C(trrectcd llndamendedl wj.th Ilddition5. To which is addedannotations, with an exact index. to the wholo.Adorn'd with cuts. London, Prlnted for D.Drowne (etc.) 1720. .t 1 )t.,Jdv p.,rl01t.,40Bp. port.,plates(part fold.) 150m.The 2d and ~d pts. have special t.-p.(Continued on next card)OC PC t> " "a~ G, GIShMS> w wa.· C~C<strong>as</strong>e4A3066no.lOUTLER,triallR02.CII11\ARINE O'nlUEN, defendant.Ilnd particulars of the c<strong>as</strong>e •••(Card 2)20p. 22an.For details sec DNI! (under WilliamCahan and John nutler, d.1800)TheC<strong>as</strong>eM2331IlUTLF.n, SAl-fUEL, 1(,12-l6AO. ttudibr<strong>as</strong>1720. (Card 2) .Imprint of pt.21 London, Printed for J,I/Illthoe {etc. II of pt,31 London, Printed forT. Borne.70-1748ICN 71ac PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh""wWShCS'G70-1748ICN 11oC pc In A ASh Gr Ch'h ... > W ws.

C<strong>as</strong>eM (CAl.L\GIIAN, JI191"1 , Vindici"l"\~ll c,1t!.,,,J;c,,nm Iiiberlliae avtliorcPlnlol'att·o It'cnaeo (psclld.l •• ' lihro duo, quorumrrimvs rCI'lnl in I!ibi.~nli;i. l;.CstHI'um ab anna1(4). ad nnnwn )6,1'1. . •• synol'sim, sccvndvs,Ii Ihc1li ra",,,,; in Catholicos lliheri.inc, proc('r~s••• confutat)fHH."'m conti net ~ •• ra.risii~,[AIPud viduNn 1. C"mvsat, ct r. I.e Petit1650. '70-1748 Zv. 1:)00.ICN 71 Imrerfect: t.-p. mutilated; v.Z, 1'.163-164 wanting.oc pc Sh A ASh (if' S,Sh MSh W WSh eso GC<strong>as</strong>e4,\:)035CA/frIlAUSi':X, H,ITIIIhS, lC,3G-170S. r<strong>as</strong>sio D.Nostri J..,su Christi... (Card 2)Co1oniac, "plld Ii. Me tternich, hibliop., 1704.2v. 21cm.lIalf-title of v.1: r.~rs rrior. A LibroCenesis ad Salo~onis Cantieum Cantieorl~.Title of v.2: Pnssio D. Nostri JesuChristi adumbrata, in fir.:vris et vaticiniis70-1748IC:-I 71veteris legis rrovt a diversis Sacrae Scripturneinterpretibus, nlii~que prob~tis(Continued on next card)oc pc Sh A ASh Gr GrSl'I MS" W Ws" e .. G70-1748leN 71C.".}-!pnt:LL, ,\nGIGBALll, ;;p. of .\I.H,:nh~('n, (L1744.'rhe doctrir.cs of .'1 :1tddlc !':t:ltc L~t~ .. ccnd..::,ath and the l·csur;-t.~cti('ln: of prayers for th\!dead: :md t!:e ncee551 ty of p.:ri rie.~tion;p 1.\ tnly pro\"~d frrm th~ I!", 1j'" .sc:-;'pt·l;~~!~; :u:d.the ;,,:--iti;1?:S of tbe i,lt:lcr5 of th .. ~ l';-ir:iti. ... .!church: and ackt~~~-11c,1r.:~d by SCycl'~\l lc,,\!i:'l~dfathers, nnd c;.r~.'t divine:.; of t;,c Church ofJ~n61:1n{\, c'lnd other::;, since 'the I1cfo:r":"'.:.'1tiC'n.To \{hich is added, ..:tn ap;,{'ndix conccn~inA thodescent of the soul of Christ into lIell,(Cuntinucd on next card)OC PC Sft .It. It.Sh Gr GrSh MS. W WS. es. GC<strong>as</strong>e4A~035oc pcC,\llrllhllsr,;N, H~TmAS, 16:5(,-1703.Nostri J~Sll Christi ••• 1704.1';t5.·do D.(Card 3)Quthoribl\s cxrlic.~nt.ur, pro quadrn,::esll!l,~1iconcionaton.m Rllhsidl.o co11ectD., nd nnnC'sdu"d~clm; "ddito, rro tot idem Annis corrc­~pondcntc rnnchllU lIuhaldio, llcoqu!! hominiP<strong>as</strong>so ft Crucifixo, ejusqlle Mi\tri llolorosaededic~tn ••• Pnrs II. A Cantieo CantieorumSalomonis, usque ad Li bros Hnehabncorum •••lilth this is bound, ns is~ur.d, his: ficsurrcctioNostri Jesu Christi ••• 1704.$1'1 A It.$h Or ',S'" YI WSh ca.GC<strong>as</strong>e(,,\35970-1748lCN 71c,\}:r!l!~LL, ARCIIlO.\Ln, np. of ,\bc.rdeen, d.1744.The doetrines of ,~ milldlc 5t;ltc ••• (C;'Ir,i 2)while !lis k,c}" lilY in tr.e I1.r.we. To~ethcrwith the judf'jl1cnt of t.he Rc\'crend Pr. ltickesconCC"::f'nin~ this book, !i:('I f;tr :t s rcla tC$ to amiddle 5t~tc, r,lrticular jt:.Jl7'ent, alld pr,,:,­en for the (!e.~d, <strong>as</strong> it :lprcarcd in the firstedition. ,\nil a m.~nu"cript of the Ril'ht Hevcrendninhop O'/eral, HrOn the subject of amiddl~ ~t,1t" ['c. never before printed. ,\150(Continued on next card)oc pc Sh A ASh Gr GrSt\ W WShC<strong>as</strong>e4A5035CAHrllhUSIi:N, )J.\TlII,\S, IG3[,-1703.Rer-urrcctio liostri Jesu Christi ~dumbrnt.~,in fiWris et rrorhetiis ;mtiquac )e~is.r:pJict1.ntnr, {( arrlicantur. C(\ll~ct.'1.pro qV.ldr:.::csila;lli 5vbs.icio conciona ton1m,ft .~5C(!tarum ad annos duodcdm, addi to ~llhsidioP<strong>as</strong>chali. Cons.::c:-:t t:t. verho inc.'\.l"na to,P<strong>as</strong>so, Crucifixo, r:'w;, .. t,uo, CjVfl;Cl':C 'Iirr:.ini~\atri DoloroMe. A R. r. Mathia Ca.mphallsen •••(Continued on next card)70-1746, TCN 71oc pC Sh A ASh (it GrSh MS. W WSh e .. GC<strong>as</strong>e2.A11470-1746lCN 70CAMPION, Em-mNO, 1540-1581.Campian Eng1ished. Or a transl~tion ofthe ten re<strong>as</strong>ons, in uhieh Edmvnd Campian •••insisted in his challenge, to the Vniuersitiesof Oxford and Cambridge. Hade by apriest of the Catholike and Roman Church.(Rouen?] 1632.192p.,[l,t. 12cm. 1Transla ted by Laurence Andel'ton?STC 4535. Allison u Rogers 195.OC PC Sh A ASh GI GrSh MS. W WSh c •• G

C<strong>as</strong>e3A149770-1748ICN 70CAMPION, ElJI-ruND, 1540-1581.Edmvndi Campiani ••• Decem rationes propositaeIn cavsa fidei, et opvscvla elvs selecta... Antverpiae, Ex officina PlantiniaM,8. Moreti, 1(,31.46Op., c Z}t. 16cm.oc pc S~ A ASh Gr GrSh .. S' w WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>eM185570-1748ICN70cCANES, JOHN VINCENT} d.1672.Diaphanta: or, Three attendants on fiatlux. Wherin Catholik religion is further ex­CU5ed against the opposition of severall ad­Tersaries. 1 Epistola ad Odoenum, againstDr. Oven. 2 Epistola ad Croesum, against Mr.Whitby. ~ Epistola ad Ampibolum, against Or.Taylor. And by the wayan answer is given toMr. Moulin, Denton, and Stl1lingfleet '",n.p'l 1665.(Continued on next card)"'\WC<strong>as</strong>elIA208170-1748ICN 71CCAMPION, WILLIAM] 1599-1665.The Catholick doctrine of transvbstantiationproued to be ancient and orthodoxall.Against the sclanderous tongue of O. IohnCozens a Protestants minister auouching the• ayd doctrine neuer to haue been knowne, inthe Church before the Councels of Latteranand of Trent ••• Printed at Paris, 1657.55,c1,,13Op.,,11t. 15cm.STC II C 410.AS" G,(MS. w WSh cs.Ca'e3A185570-1748lCN 70'OC PC Sh ....(CANES, JOHN VINCENT] d.1672.1665. (Card 2),llt.,411p. 160m.Si!,:ned at end: J. v. C.STC II C 427 •Diaphanta •• ,w wst. CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e3A143770-1748ICN 70oorus, JEAN rlEilRE, rip .• l5H2-1652.A drilvght of eternitie ••'l"itten inFrench by lohn Peter Carnvs ilishOl'e of Belley.Translated jnto Enr,llsh l>y Hiles Car [pseud.)preist of the ~:nr.lish Colkrl[:c of ]10\;:lY.At DowaYI Ily the "ido.·c of H. "yon, ](,32.C12}{.,479p. 15cm.STC4552.Alli ~o" (, R[:ers 1"5.Trallslation of" Cl'.tyon de l'ctcl·ui tc.OC PC SP1 A ASh Gt GrSh ,.15h"C<strong>as</strong>e3.\195370-1748IGN 70:IepccCANES, JOHN VINCENT} d.1672.Fiat l~~. Or, A general conduct to a rightunderstanding in the great combustions andbroils about religion here in England. BetwixtPapist and Protestant, Presbyterian ~Independent to the end that moderation andquietnes may at length hapily ensue after sovarious tumults in the kingdom. 8y Mr. J V C.[Deuai? I 1661.c5,t.,3-368p. 150m.cA'l,a ,Az _ 8 ,R-Z •Signa tures: " 8STC II C 42

7i.'-1748rcs 70CCMW.

C.1SCcA CMUl8, TIIOHAS, orir-i n,1]]Y HI L~;S rn;K~;EY, 1599-2012 1674.A proper l"okinp, 1;)"55" for the Oavghtcrsof Sion or st. AVj:vstjncs life abbrid!;cd, andreduced into points of nlcditl:ltion. \,VithMeditations for a sriritu'\ll ex~rdsc atc1othin!\! and rrofessions. fly The",<strong>as</strong> Carretheir confesso"r. At Paris, 1665.292p. 16an.70-1748101 71OC PC $hIn 2 rts., the c,j "ith speda1 t.-p.:(Continued on next card)) MSh W WSh CSh GC.,"eSt\·iJ :i70-174fJleN 71,CAl\'.{f.L1.., TJlOH.\S) 1(;00-16(;4.l..ahyrinthv~ C."lntvaricnsi:n or Oi."'IctorL1,1,1d1t, 1.1hvt·jath. nccinr;:ln .'l.ns,:"Vcr to thelate ,\!·chbi.~hoi' of C.'nte~hvric, l\el.1tion elf aconfcl-encc beth'cen him~elfc and Hr. Fi:;hcr,ctc~ '.'tncrcin the true r.rot1nd~ of th,,: Ho.-nanCatholiqve rclir-ion arc .,sRertcd, the princi-1',,11 controucrde~ hctvvixt Cath()liq\te~ andrrotestant~ throu~hly (sic) • ",unined, and thebishops mCllndrick vvindln~a throur,hout his(Continued on next card)W70-1748leN 71C.\RRE, 1110;I.\S, oririn11l), ~f1U:,) PJ~;K"f:Y. 159'1-1674. A proper 100xinr. 1;1~ssc ... 1605.(Card 2)Meditalions for seaven daycs. To be vsed bythe canonesses rc~uhrs of the Order of Sal ntc"':,Aue:ustinc, in the Hon,uterie of Sion. Estrtblishe"at Paris. ,\. 16M ••• At Paris, OyOabriel Targa, H. DC. LXV.src II P 2274.C<strong>as</strong>e50\41310-1748fCN 71{C.\1l\1ELL, THOMAS, l(;OO-lG(,·L L.,byrinthvsCantv~ricn"is '" (C~rd 2).""hole vvorl(c layd open to publiqllc veivv(sic). fly T. C.... Paris, Printed by1. lIi11ainc, 165A.(S,t.,41Sp.,c7)t. :50CIlI.Ti tle in HcAlpin Cat"logue hi'ls "vievv"instead of "vcivv .. "STC II C 721.oc pc '" A ASh c;.. GfSh"S'W cs... s. w WSh CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e~,\210470-1748ICN 71rCAnR!':, TlIo.'IAS, ori)1in.111y mu;s PINKNEY,15~9-H;74.rSpiritual exercise IIccordinl; to the CllStorneof llilldescm, anno Dom. 1400, r::n~li5hed byTh"",a3 Carre ••• who also I\dded meditations ofsinlle, C PC Sh It. ASh Gf GrSh .. s. W WS' CO,) .w W$h4-C

C<strong>as</strong>eM186370-1749ICN 70CCASTANIZA, JUAN DE, d.1598.,The Christian pilgrirne in his spiritual1conflict, and (spirituall, conqvest. AtParis, 1652,2 pts.in 1 v. illus. 16cm.For details, sec cat.11oging for the othercopy in the Li bra ry.Imperfect: in 1st pt., 2 leaves unsigned(general t.-p. and general half-title), signaturesa l3 (includine special t.-p. for the- :Continued on next card)wCShGC<strong>as</strong>e~A CASTANIZA, JUAN DE; d.1598. The Christi~n1862 pll/!:rill1e 1652. (Card 4)Sp~nish, ~y ••• John C<strong>as</strong>taniza .,. I\fterwards,put into the ~'tinc, Italian, Gennan. French,and nOl< l<strong>as</strong>tly into the English ton~\le, accordingto the ol'igina Jl copy. Wi th m,1ny pro­[it.lble addi tions and clCpllcations. Thesecond edition... lIt r~ris, 1652.70-1748 The 2d pt. h<strong>as</strong> special t.-p.: The spiri-ICN70 tvall conquest, in five treatises, enabling(Continued on next card)oc PC Sh A ASh Gr G~Sh wGC<strong>as</strong>e3A186370-1748lCN 70,CASTARIZA, JUAN DE, d.ISQ8. The Christianpilgrilne .,. ,1652, (Card 2)oc pc ~'" A ASh S, GrSn w WSh GC<strong>as</strong>eM18&270-l748ICN 70c,\Sn .. ;,The Christian pilr,l'ionc in his srirituallconfl;,"I, "nd l~pil'j tu,1ll, cOllqvcst. ,ItPari R, If,'>l.2 pls.ill 1 V. ilills. 1(,1 m" d.1S

C<strong>as</strong>~2.1.11870-1748IOI 70C<strong>as</strong>eM209670-1748ICN 71CASTWIAINE, ROGER PAUfER, Earl of, 16:34-1705The Earl of C<strong>as</strong>tlcmain's manifesto 'cn.p.) Printed Anno 1681. ...r l ,t.,136p. 16011.STC II C 1245.W W,h C$hGac 1ft: Sh A ASh C, G,!~MSh w W",co.C<strong>as</strong>e2A11870-1748ICN 70(CASV.NIZA, JUAN DE, rl.1598. The spiritvallcombat ••. 1656. (Card 2)271p.,(2,t.,104p.,,2J+t.12am.In 2 pt5., each with separate pagin~. the2d vith caption title.Preface of the 2d pt. signed: W. C.Imperfect: p.19-24, 257-264, and allafter t;,2, at end wanting.STC II C l2l8A.(oc PC 9h It. ASh Gr G,ShM" w WSh GC<strong>as</strong>e3'\186570-1748ICN 70,CASTLDIAINE, ROGER PAUIER, Earl of] 1634-1688.A reply to the ansvver of the Catholiqveapology. Or a cleere vindication of the Catholiquesof England from all matter of factcharg'd against them'by their enemy.... (n.p.,1668. ~2881" 16011.In repl)' to The late apology in behalf ofthe rapists, by Wi 111 run Lloyd.Bookplate (amorial) of Richard Towneley.STC II C 1146.Oc pc Sh A ASII Cr GrSh MSh W W.h CSh246870-lN8ICN 71,CAsni:IZA, JUAN DE) d.1S98.The spirit ..."l combat. ••• Ilone intoEn~linh by J. T. Lon,lon, Pri.ntcd for andsold by F. Needham, 1742.viii,2Glp. Hem.Also attributed to Loren~o Scupoli.oc ftC 5h A ASh Gr GrSh MSh w WS' CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e4A50~870-1746ICN 710

~,\liil6C,,-70-17~gICN 70CATHOLIC ClIlJIlCIf. Cancell.1rio Apostolica.Taxa S. Caneellariae Ro"unoe ..• 1651ci.e.1652, (Card 2)the <strong>Library</strong>: 2d-5th prelim. leaves arc cancels,ineorpo,atinr, a t.-p. in black ollly,",ith dedication dated: 26. Aprilis stil. Ju1.Anno H. DC. LII .... (no catclll{ord on *5 v)In the other copy, the t.-p. is in red andblack, and the dedicotion (to a different person)is dated: 50. IlIlii Anllo H. DC ll •••.(catchwol-d on *5 v: Lccto-)DC PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh MS' w ws. CS' GC<strong>as</strong>e4h508570-1748ICN 71CATHOLIC CIIlIHCli. Li turg and ri tual.S.upplcr.lclltlUn ad Drcvi.1.rium, ct His!iillc.Romanum. Adjectis officiis sanctorum Anr,liae.Lendini, Typis et impensis Keating etDrown, 1825.105,(5)p. 22cm.oc pc Sh A ASh Gr GrSh MS. w WSh CS'C<strong>as</strong>eM2492CATIIOLIC CIIUHCII. C,'techi~ms. Enr,li,h.The ec'l tcchism, or Chri !itian doctrine, by"'-ay' of question ilno an~\ ... crj dr."'l,,'n frol'T\ thec)..lJrcss \... ord of Gorl, ami other p\lr~ ~o\lrcc.,.Re-published by A. Clinton... London,Printed by J. p. Cor-hlan, 1796.xvi,29up. 15cm.Originally compiled by ,Inlh"" Dunlevy.C<strong>as</strong>eSA619CATIIOLIC CIIlIHCIi. Li tllr."y .,nd ri tual. nayellX.RituCllc n,"'ljoccn~(!J ."'lHctorit.'1tc Illu!=;tris­S11I1, ac Reverendiso~lIIi 1J1l. Pauli d'Albert deLuvnes, Epi3COpi n.,jocensi s, edi tum. Pari~iis,T)~is J.-n. Coir,nard, 1744.(11,t.,455,c7,p. music,2 plates. 26cm.Imperfect: many· leaves nlUtilated, .nthslight loss of text.70-1748ICN 71OC PC Sh A ASh Gr SrS" MS. w WS' CS.G70-1748ICN 71OC PC Sh A ASh Sr GrSh MS' w WS' CS.GC<strong>as</strong>e3A CATHOLIC CHURCH. Catechismus Romanus. English.1867 The Catechism for the curats, compos'd bythe decree of the Council of Trent, and publish'dby command of Pope Pius the Fifth.Faithfully translated into English. PennissvSTperiorvm. London, Printed by H. Hills,for him andM. Turner, 1687.c12lt.,SS4p.,c15,L 19cm.70-1748ICN 71STC II C 1472.OC PC SII A AS" Cir GrSh MS' w WS' cs' GC<strong>as</strong>e2Ano70-1748ICN 70CATHOLIC ClfURCH. Li turgy and ritual.Dreviary. 15&4.nrcviari~ Romanvm ex Sacra rotissim\~Scriptura, It probatis sanctorum historijsconfrctlDn', a.c dcnuo rcco~ni turn. Cum Argumentisin Psalmos, indice ad Epistol<strong>as</strong> f'Euangclia, quae in Hissa lc~untllr inllcnicnda,septem rsa Jmis, It Officio ",ortuoru...Antve)-pi.ae, In aedibus viduae f' h"eredumI. Stelsij, 1564.·~ontinued on next card)OC PC Sh A ASh Gr G,Sh MS' w WS. e5'GCilse4A CA11I0LIC CIIURCII. Li turr-y anrl ri t~al. ,1870 Codices sncramentorvm nonr-entlS anlllS vetvstioresni~irUm Libri III. Silc:amcntorumRomanae Eccle3iae. Iii 5'" Ie Goth, cum, Sl '"eGallic.,num vctus. lIissale Vrancorum. HlSsaleGnllicanum vetlls. PrimlllTl p:~rlellnt. Cura Itstudio loseph Ifariae Thom.,s'J ••• Rornae,Ex typo/,:raphia A. nernoho, luRO.cl0,t.,512(i.e.510)p. 22cm.70-1748 Nos. 165-166 omitted in pat;ing. ,ICN 71 Cancel and can~el1and of 2d pre I,m. leaf(signed A2) b~th present, ws.oc PC 811 A ASh ,"r CirS" "":Slt W CS'C<strong>as</strong>e5A2444,._--_ .. _.---_._ ..70-1748ICN 71CATIIOLIC CIIURC!I. Li turr-y and ri tll.,l.Officium in Fc~t(') ct per OCt.1.V.l;;'1 Pcntccostesuna cu;r. cc;:rr:rl1cmor.'1i:ionihl.l!=; fc~tonrrnsimpli~i\.CT1, qU.1e inrl"a cam occurnmt . . ~ecunJil.'11Hissalc fJ Rrcvi.'\rium nOTll.'\~urn, PJ 1 v.Pont. 1I:u. jussu erlitum, Clomen~ls VIII. f,Urbani VIII. auctori tate reco,::"' tw:" , ,Intverpiae,Ex arehi typographia Plant'nl"na,1760.203p. 17cm.oc PC SII A ASh Gr GrShMSh w WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>e2A ChTilOLIC CIH'HCII. Lituq:y and I'itu"l. nre-110 vi"ry. 1564. nrevi."-YIII Romanvln1564. (Card 2)70-1748ICN 70clu,,570(i.e.554),cl,t. 12cm.Nos. 289-294 and 575-584 omitted infoliation.Revision (2d text) of Cardinal Quiiiones,first published in 1556 and suppressed in15G8. Cf. J. Ii. Lc/,:." , The second recensionof the Quip'on nreviary ••. 1912.(Continued on next card)oc PC Sh A ASh G. G,Sh MS. w w .. e5'C<strong>as</strong>e2A110CATIIOLI Cviary.1564.~"- .. ,CIIl'RCli. Li tllq:y and ri tlla l. nre-15u4. nreviarvm Roman"l11 ••.(C.ud 5)Ti tle wi thin al'chi tectural border.Colophon: hntverpiae. Typis IoannisVVi thagij. 1564.70-1748ICN 70(OC PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh MS' w WS. eShGG/12~j

CllseMnZ970-1748ICN 71ChTIlOLlC mURCH. Li tllrr.y nnd ritunl.firevll1ry. leOA.Oreviaril'm Rom.1nllln, ex deere to S.1crosanctiCond111 Tri

70-1748leN 70OC PC Shr,\lll('IH~ r"!IJICil.J.H: j,~.S.ln i.t 1 i. t ;:111;)(' V.1,'j tlt':. ('Uill hr{'ul 1'1 "f)\~('ql1Dt-jdi;'ll t . ',d',".l \;)1 i("lI1(', in r,1-.1ti='.1:1 Catholi-·COrtl'll. ,\nt\'('rpi,"'!{'; 1.\ ('lfficiH1. Pl:tntini:\ll'\Jlll'ln' viduilill, (r J. Hot'I.'twd, 15q5~23S,rhr.tlllt. ill",;. Bon.A,,"'o"i.al boolrl'l a t{, of lr.' Cons tabl.e.Imperfect! l'.l93-1'14 ,,'a"tillr..A. A.Sh Gr GrSh(MSh w 'liS"CShGCa!H~2A12370-1748lCN 70C.\TIIOLIC CmmClI, Li tur1!Y ann ri tu,1l. Offiof the fllcsscd Vir!,in Hurl'. ]6~7. Offidumn. Hariae Virr, ... ,loA7] (Card 2)Enr.rAved. illust.'atcd t.-p., sihned:r. H. van Houe scu]l'.STC 11 0 154.Imperfect: piece torn fC'om bottom of1'.161-162, with slieht loss of text.This copy is without the engravinf,s.cr. Ddt. Nus. Cal:

C<strong>as</strong>.~'"201470-1748ICN 71CATHOLIC CHlJRCH. Litur,;y and ritual. Primer.The primer more ample ... 1669. (Card 2)Added t.-p., engraved: The primer or threeOffices of the B. Vir~in Mary in Latin andEnglish with addition of many sweet deuotions.Roven.Preface signed: Th~1s Fitz Simon, Priest.STC II P 3461.OC Pc She A ASh. Gr GrSh ..... W WSh CSh GCns.M245470-1748ICN 71CAT/IOLIC CII!J!tCIi. Li tm'r:y nnd ri tll"l. Primer.The primer, or, Office of the n. Yirr.inIInry, revin'd: with .. ne'" Itnd aPl'rov'd versionof the church-hymns throur.hout the year:to which arc added the rem:lini n/!. hymns of theRoman breviary. In.p'l Printed in theyear 1706.t15It.,56Op.,t1jt. 170m.OC PC She A ASh Gr G'Sh W WSh CSh70-1748Ie" 71CA1ll0LIC CHlIRCH. Lituq,y and ritual. Primer.The pri~~r or, Office of the Olessed VirginMary in English: ex.actly revised, and thenew hymnes and pra.yers added, accordin~ to therefO,rmation of P

C~seM244570-1748ICN 71CATHOLIC CIIUHCII. Li turr.y lind ritull1.Ordo ~dministrnndi sacramenta It.(Card 2)With this is bound (ns iS$ucd7): CatholicChurch. Li turl')' IIml ri tUIll. Hi tU:ll.An nppenoix to the Hitulll ••• 1759.OC PC &11 A ASII ~( G,Sh MSh W WSh c .. GC<strong>as</strong>e3A246170-1748ICN 71CATHOLIC CHURCH. Liturgy and dtu"l.Ri tllaI. Hechlin.nittl. sacri a sltccrdotihus a1iisque 111-tarls ministri$ sef"Vnnoi, tiefectusque vitandiin Hiss

70-1748ICN 71CAT1IOLIC cmmell. Pope, 1740-175B(Ilctlcdictus XlV)oc pc 6ft A .. 11\ g., Orlh ....C<strong>as</strong>eM CAllIOllC CIIURCH IN CREAT IlHITA.1N.20~6 An encyclical epistle, sent to theirbrethren by the Venerable Dean and Chapter ofthe Catholick Clergy in En&l"ttd, upon occ<strong>as</strong>ionof Dr. Leyburn. (n.p., 1660,)44p.,{1 I t. 190n,H.70-1748ICN 71Caption title.Dated and signed at end: Octob. 20. 1660.E. [Le. Humphrey Ellis l Dean of the(Continued on next card)OC PC Sh A AS'" Gr GrSh"50 wCShC.'"C01\2466Sancti ,!;sini Domini 1\os tri llcncdicti r;rp~1.cXlV. Consti tutinnes sclcet~e, necnon hul1.1",dccrct •• , cl'istol~e, f,e .... In quibu .. theo-10r-ia" moralis ae dOCj.l~ticac praecept:l vcrepcrspicua, ex Scripturis praccJpuc, ac S:lCri5c:l.l1t'lIli bus tr.1.dunlur. Pars prilll:l( -secund.l, JEditjo ncvissimtl c.1.ctcris ornatior. Homac,Expen5is J. D. Novelli, 1767.2v. platc(port.) 25cm.w we.70-1748ICN 71oc PC S.CATIIOLIC ClIUHCII. PC'\,e, 1775-1799 (PillS vI)S .. nctissimi Domini Nostd Domini l'iiOivinrt Providenti .. rap"e Sexti Oamnati? quampll1rlumpropo"Hi

\'.15e C,\!HOLIC C};UltCH IN lRf,LA1W.·1.\ Address of the C'thollc~ of Ire}"nd to;;001 the peo!,le of Enl;land. (!Jublin, it.GI'I1CC, 18--7 J41" 2"cm.Cl1ption title.C"seM The CATIIOLICK mirrour 1662. (C"rn 2)1869(3 Jt.,147!,.,(2 Jt. Bcm.Si ~n,' tures: .\_K B (K Bblank? .. antin~)Not in STC II.70-1748ICN 71oc PC S." A.' G. ,,$1'1 ....WWSh es • G70-1748ICN 71OCPC ..A...G.GrSh"5' w ws. es.GC:lse4A303770-1748ICN 71The CAnlOLIC question, vie ..:en in connectionwith the apl'rOilchinJ:: count)' election (inYorl,~hirc J (From the Sheffield Independent.)cLondon, Printed by \(. E. Andrews, 182-181'. 230"Caption title.Si~ned nt endl A Protestant freeholder.ac PC Ih A ASh ~ Gt$n "' ..WWS' cs.c.~SCM1B700-174B. CN 71CAUSSIN, NICOLAS, 1583-1651.The Chl'isti"n diurnal. Of F. N Causs!n,S. J. Reviewed, and ",uch augmented. Andtranslated into I';nr,lish, by S. T. II. (i.e. SirThom<strong>as</strong> lIawkins) Third edi tion. ,n.p.)Prinud, '\n. 110m. 1686., 17 1{'.,27}p.I6cm,. 12 (, 12 4Slgnlltnre$:" ,~. ,A-L ,H ...... 6 blank.Not in STC II. Cf. C 1542-]5·13.lmrerfect: p.~5-~6 m\ltUat~d, wi th lossof text •OC PC Sh It. ASh Gf OtSh u •• W WSh CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e4A204270-1748ICN 71CAnlOLtC spectator, selector and moni tor; or,. Catholicon. v.1-5, July IRI5-18; ser.2,v.I, Apr.-DeC. 181A; scr.3, v.I-4, 1823-26.London, Printed and published by Keating,Drown and Keating.v. 23cm.Title varies: 1B15, Publicist; 1816-1B,Ca thoU con.Imprint from ~.l.<strong>Library</strong> h<strong>as</strong> ".1, no.1-(" July-Dec. IBIS,'C~ntinued on next card)oC PC 8h It. ASh Gt Gr$h MSn w WSh cs.C<strong>as</strong>eMIA71,CAliSSIN, NICOI..·\S J HA3-lfi51.Entertainments for Lent. Fir:;t "~rittcn infrench, and transl'ted by Sir D. 6. (i.e.n<strong>as</strong>il nrook. motto: 2 lines) London,Printed for 1. \;. (Le. Iohn Williams?, andare to be sold by P. St~phens the younger,1661.,B 1t.,226,(4JP. 140m.70-l74AlCN 71Si/!natur~s: A_K 12 (K12 blank? wantind(Continued on nex t ca rd)....W W$h cs~"C<strong>as</strong>e4,\2042CAnlOLIC spect"tor, selector lind monitor •••1818-26. (Card 2)with cnption ti tlc5: Pub1 icist! n~d t. :-~ ..titl~: Catholicon; orr The Ch('~st1an prnlosopher,n Rom-'ln Catholic ,r,.lr.:~1.=lnc.C<strong>as</strong>eMISH(CAUSSIlI, I .. COLAS ) 1583-]&51.ments for Lent ••. 1661.£ntcrt"in­(Card Z)Not in STC II. Cr. C 1545-1546.Imperfect: 1'.67-90 wantin/!; p.209-210m.,r/!illcd; upper ri/!ht comers of l<strong>as</strong>t NOleaves torn a .... "y, with loss of par.e numbers.70-1748ICN 710

C<strong>as</strong>eM CAUSSIN, IHCOLAS, 1 583-1(i51. The holy1440 covrt ••• 1526. (Card 2)Fictitious imprint. Printed by theEnglish College Press at St. Omer.STC 4872. A11is11 U Ro/;ers 217.Imperfect: t.-p. trinuned; urrer marginsclosely triJrrned, "'i th some running ti tIcscut into.70-1748 Armorial bookplate: Hannion Edw? rerrers.ICN 70ocPCSh A ASh G. GrSh "'Sh W WSh CShGC<strong>as</strong>e CELLIEH • ELI ZAII F:TIl , fl,lr,80. Halice de-('A fe., ted Hi80. (Card 2)347,11t.,4Ap. :nc:m.70-1748ICN 71STC II C 166l.oc PC $h A ASh G. c;.,Si\ MSh W WSh e ..GC.,se6.\33270-1748rCN 71CAVil, I{fLLIMl, 1637-1713.ikclesiilstici: nr, The history of theli~es, ncts, death, U writin~s, of the most. eminent fathers nf the church, th.,t flourishtin the fourth cent",-y. I"hcrrin ;un.)nr- otherthinr-s an acco\lnt is 1:1 ven nf the rise,t:rowth, and pro!,:rc,," of :\riani!

Cn~c I CIIALLONlm , RI,JIARO, flp. J 16'l1-17~1.MThe Catholick Christian instructed in the2335 sacraments, sacrifi'ce, ccrcnlonies, "no observancesof the church. By way of question70-1748ICN 71and answer. fly n ••••• C....... ~ndon.Printed in the year 1737.xxiv,261,13,p. 180m.The preface cont.,in., the author's answerto C, Middleton's A letter from Rome.OC PC Sit A ASh G.. GrSIt "Sh W WSh cs.C<strong>as</strong>e3.\234070-1748ICN 71rCH.1LLONfJI, lUCll.\IW, Ill', I 1(;'11-1781.Th~ "rounds of th~ old rcH/':ion: or, 50 •. 1..,/':cneml nr/!,\I!r.ents in f.1Vo\lr of the Catholick,Apostolick, Hor.tttn Co~.":";I\lliion. \:('11C!\-:t(~d frl.)lnhoth nncicnt .'lnrl m(..,(:~rH C: .. 111-:"!"\i~·CT:.::ir.ts, .1nJmodestly proposed to tile CC1l5idcration ofhis countrYlllen. Ily it convert ••• Printedat AUf:llSt." 1742.e1Jt.,v p.,[3}t.,213p. 17cm.OC PC Ih It AS,.. ~t GrS"Fictitious place of publica tion.W WI' c •• QC<strong>as</strong>eM2336ClfA LLOX En , RIClIARD, IIp., 16"1.-17!l1.The Catholic Christian instructed in the8acr~mcnts, s~crificcJ ceremonies, and observationsof the church: by \,ray of question andans"er. fly ... Rich. Ch.,lloner '" London,Printed and published by Keatin/!, Drown, andCo., 1819. .43Op.,rl1t. 150m.70-1748 The preface cont"ins the author's answerICN 71 to C. Middleton's A letter from Rome.oc: II'C .ft ... ASh: Gt GrSh ....WwS' CShQC"sc4"3041cClIALLONEIl, HIClIAIUJ, lip. I 1691-178l.Ifcmoirs of mis$ion.,ry priests, "s "'ellscculnr <strong>as</strong> rcr,u1ari ;tnd of other Ca tholics,of both sexes, th"t have suffered death inEnr,lnnd, on relir,io!ls accounts, from the ye.~rof Our r.ord 1577, to 1684. Gathered, partlyfrom the printed ilccounts of their lh'es ilndsltff"rinr,s, published by coten.porary esic]authors, in divers lan~ua~es. And partlyfrom mnlluscript relations, kept in the70-1748(Continued on next card)ICN 71OC PC: Sh It A$h Gr Gt3" MS' W$' os. GCueM2:-'3770-1748ICN 71,CII,ILLONl·;rt RICHArtD, lip.) 16'11-1781.A cave;t """Ilinst the Hethodists. She ... in/!how un~n.fl! it 13 for any Chris ti;tn to joinhimselC to their socei ty, or to ildh~rc totheir teachers ••• London, Printed for W.Needham, 1760.461" 170m.OC 'PC lit A ASh G, c;,fSh W WS' c ••C<strong>as</strong>e4A:)041[O!ALLO:lm, RICHARD, lip.) 1691-1781. Hemoirsof missionary priest3 •.• (Card 2).,rchives "nd records of the t;nl':lish collcees''"'' convents abroad. ano oftentimes pennedhy eYC-"'itncsses of their dca th.- Divided. into two l'artll [~ndon, Printed forand sold bl' F. Needhilm) 1741-42.2v. 23cm.70-1748 Imprint from advertisements in bothICN 71 volumes. (Cont.inued on next card)oc PC 5" It ASh Gr GrS'" "s. W Ws. cst. G70-170\8ICN 71eCIiALLONm, IHCHAnn, Ill'. I 16'1l-17Bl.Consider.,tions upon Christian truths andChristian duties ditcstco into mcditationsfor every d~y in the year... rn.p. I Anno1759.2v. 19c:n.Contents.--Part 1: for the first sixmonths.--Part II. For the. l<strong>as</strong>t six months.oc PC Jh A ASh Gr G,Sh ....WW"CS. QC<strong>as</strong>e4,\304170-1748ICN 71eCIiALLONI'JI, rtIClI.lrtD, IIp.) 1()91-1781.moirs of missionary priests •••(Card 3)He-1741-42.Contents.--I'ilrt I. Cont.'inin/,: nn Ilccount0: those thnt suffered fr"'" the yeAr 1577,ull the end of the rei~n of Queen Elizabeth... ho died in 160~.--l'art II. Containinr, an 'account of thos" that suffered from the year160:$, the first of Kin,: James I, to the year1684, the l<strong>as</strong>t of Kin!: Ch.u1es n.OC Pc 5" It ASh. Gr ~tS;'" .. WW$' cst. G,"C.ue:lA2S3970-1748ICN 71OC PC $hrCIIAU.o:·:l:.1l, nICHARll, IIp. I 1691-1781.TIle r..-l rtkn ('If the soul: or, A manu·'ll ofspirii. .• I.l!.

C.1.se:i.\234370-1746lCN 71,CIULLm;m, In CHAHI) , np. 1 lr,~1-17F!1.n'~r.1ark~ on b-{o l~ttcr:;: .1!;',1in1tt pC"rH':rv,I"'ctcndcd to h" wri tten by a Protcst."lnt l~dyana fir5t published in t.he yea .. 1127, upon 'the recQ:r.;,c"d~ ti "" "f llr. Simile 1 CIa ,·Ke. Ina letter to 11 friend. (n.p., Printed inthe ycar 1751.47p. l7em.Si~ned on 1'.42: R. C.oe PC st. A ASh Gf G/Sh w ws. CS.GC<strong>as</strong>e (ClfALLONIm, IUClIAIlD, 01'.) 1691-1781.:3'\ . Th~ touchstone of the new rcli/:ion: or,2344 SlX~y <strong>as</strong>sertions of Protestants, try'd bythel r 0'''' rille of Scripture alone, and condemn'dhy clear and express texts of theirown nible. (motto: 3 lines] LondonPrinted in the year 17:35.'321'. 16em. (wi th his A short historyof the first beginning and prol;ress of thefrotestant religion ••• 17351)70-1748ICN 71OC PC Sh A ASh Ot Gr5hwahCShC<strong>as</strong>e rCBALLONErt, nICII.\nll, Op., 16'l1-171l1.:3A rA short history of thc first her,innin/:2344 and pro~ress of thc. Protes t."lnt reli/!ion.Gathcred out of the best Protest."lnt writers.Oy""y of q\le~t1on and IIns"cr. London17351, '7Rp. 16on.Imperfect: t.-p. wantin~. Title from70- nrit. lIus. Cat. (imprint dllte <strong>as</strong> .• i/!ned on173S b<strong>as</strong>is of the collation Riven there)ICN 71 lVi th this is bound his The touchstone oftho ne" reli- ~ion ••• 1735.oc PC It. It. ASh Gt GtS" MSb W wst.CShC<strong>as</strong>e:3.\2:34570-1748ICN 71,CIIALLONg,1. III CIIAnD , np" 169l-171l1.The unerrin!! l1uthorfty of the ClltholickChurch, in matters of faith, maintain'dn~ninst the exceptions of a late nuthor, inl<strong>as</strong> l1nswer to n letter on the subject of infallibility.Or, A theological dissertation. in Ifhich the infallibility of the Church ofChrist is demonstrated, from innumerabletexts of Scripture, from the Creed, from thefathers and perpetual trnditionr to which nrc(Continued on next card)OCPC"AA!~ •• O •• ~ w WShCllse (CIIALLONErt, IlICII,\nO, IIp.) 1691-1781-:sA Thirty meoit"tion~ first set forth for the2332 time of the jubilee, 1751 .• now roprinted uponocc<strong>as</strong>ion of the late dreadful el1rthqul1kes(Le. 1755,. In order to determine the soulto turn frOT.1 sin to Gon; ann to fix her in 11happy resolution of dediclltin~ hersclf hencefONardill I

C<strong>as</strong>e4,\304270-1748ICN 71{CllA!.LOllm, RICH/mil, nr>. J 1691-1781.The "ondcr~ of COl! in the wildcrne~s; or,The Ii"cs of the m",t cclct>mted saints "fthe oriental dc~ .• rt,. {sic I; fai thfully collectedout of the "en\linc \lorks of the holyf •• therR, and other •• nclent eccl~si:lstic,.lwritC)'s. Hallchestcr, Printed hy C. Slnndells:lnd Co'"p:l"y, 1786.vi,356(i.e.390)p.,,2,t. plate. 21on.Nos. 2R5-288 omitted in pagin~; 1'.377-396 numbe red 337-356.A ASh Gt GtSh"'5.C<strong>as</strong>eSA44370-1748leN 71CIfANO!.F:R, HICIIAHD 1738-1810The Ii fe ofWilliam 1Y.,ynfle te ... 1811.(Card 3)24 Mi,y 1811) from the edi tor to John Che~5el!luckIer, mounted on verso of front flyleaf!luckler w<strong>as</strong> the artist of one of the plnte;.Several extraneous plates laid in.oc PC S" A ASh Gr GrS"W W5. CSh,C<strong>as</strong>eM234770-1748ICN 71cCUALLONf.fI, IUCIIAIW, IIp., 1(,91-1781.The younr: ""ntIem.n instructed ill the"round5 of the Christian reli/!ion. In threedl..lol'lles, be tween •• young r,entlem,ln and histutor... The third edition. LondonPrinted for W. Needham, 1755.'{l,t.,xx P.,C71~.,196p. 19cn., ! OC PC $It A AS" (jOt G,Sf

ClIEllllBINO rla Santa Teres ...S.1nta Tcrc:'i.1. I;\,'lcstr;\ Ji ~pirito, ov'VcroL'l dottrinlindc. Dextra(Continued on next card)oc pc BI'! A ASh Gt G,Sh MSO w w •• c ..C<strong>as</strong>eM1443CHRISTOPHERSON, JOHN; 5p. of Chichester,d.15S8.Historiae ecclesi<strong>as</strong>ticae pars prima, qvacontinentvr Eusebij cognomen to Pamphili CaesareaePalaestinae Episcopi lib. 10. EiusdemDe vita ConstAntin! Magn! lib. 4. OratioConstantini Magni ad sanctorU coetu.Oratio eiusdem Eusebij in laudem Constantin!70- Magni ad trigesimum illius imperij annum,1748 nunquam antehac neC Graece, nec Latine !m-IeN 70(Continued on next card)OC lite Sh A ASh Get GrSh wC<strong>as</strong>eHS7Q1370-1748lCN ?lCIIETWINDE, FIlANCIS, fl. 1642.• • • [ 1642 I (Card 3)Ne ... He 11 iconScriptoris bencdic Deus orr~ibus horis F. C.1642.Narra ti ve poem.In c<strong>as</strong>e.Ot PC Sit A ASh G, -Gr$hMS_ w WSO csoC<strong>as</strong>e3A144370-1748ICN 70CHRISTOPHERSON, JOHN, Bp. of Chichester,d.15SS. Historiae ecc1esi<strong>as</strong>tieae parsprima ••• (Card 2)pressa. loanne Christophorsono ••• interprete•• , Levanii, Excudebat S. S<strong>as</strong>senus,sumptibu~haeredum A. Birckmanni, 1569.151I,~61(i.e.362)t. 17cm.No. 224 repeated in foliation.The first of 3 pts.MS_W, WShC<strong>as</strong>eM 00 SWELL, RICHARD, 16;59-1711.2010 Books lately printed for Ric. Chi swell.(London, 1690l(2IP' 20on.70-1748lCN 11Caption title.In: Parsons, Robert.memorial 1690.OC pc $h /A, ASh Gr, GrSh1/The Jesuit'sMS_ WC50 GC<strong>as</strong>c4A5078ClIRYSOSTONUS, Jo,u,Nr:..s, S,lint, Patriarch ofConstantinople. d.407.[Dc sncerdotio. Grccl( ~( L.'1~in! S. JoannisChrysos tomi Dc '!lacerdotlo libn VI.GraecC U L~tinc quibus disscrtationes qu<strong>as</strong>d,U!1pracmisi t contra 1ibrum falso inscriptum,Ecclcsiae Christianae jura vindicata (byHa tthcw Tindall , not<strong>as</strong>que adjeci t J?annesHur,hes ... F..ditio 1l1tcl"a prior

C<strong>as</strong>e411307870-1748ICN 71ClmYSOST~IUS, JOANNI~'i, Saint, Patrhrch ofCOMt.,ntinOl'k, d.407. (Ile silcerdotio.Greek U L1.tin) '" (Card 2)Oratio "polol!etica. Oper,\ S. Thirlby .• ,C,1.r.tabri,:i ae, Typis Ac.1dellicis, impensis E.Jeffery, 1712.(6)i.,159,(lJ,455,(l,p. 20cm."rpqyoplou LO&IOV&EVOU T5~ OEoA6_you 01fOAOyqnl(OS .•. ": p-r~07J-455.(lialf-ti tIe on p. (313 , : Na:ianxeni Ora tioapolor,c ti c,,)"Sn W CSnGC<strong>as</strong>eM2453cmmclI Of fJ1GLAND. nook of C(>lTUllon prayer.The book of Co"",on prayer ••• 1716. (Card 3)Sit;l1aturc8 Q10-12 cut out (stubs present)Ilound in at end are two unidentifiedfral"mcnts! ell A ncw manual of devotions.Part HI. Consisting of an office for thelIoly C!,ununion, uc. (caption title; p.3-61l;A2,p-(/lZ,n 8 Jj (21 rrayel"s, which may be used,privately in church, after having rl"ethcrwith the Psalter or Psalms of D:.vid, pointed<strong>as</strong> they are to be sun/!: or said in churches.[Oxford) University of Oxford, Printed byJ. B<strong>as</strong>kett, 1716.r 161 1 +t. 16an.(Continued on next card)at PC 8h It. ASh Sr GISh MSn w WSh' CShC<strong>as</strong>e5A144770-1148ICN 70CHURCH OF. ENGLAND. Constitutions and canonseccleSi<strong>as</strong>tical, 1603. Constitvtions •••1604. (Card 2)(83)+t. 19an.Si~natures: A_X4. (AI blank? wanting)Imperfect: all after signature Xwanting.STC 10070.5.OC 'c Sh A AlU, Gr GrSh ... w5h C5h IIC<strong>as</strong>e3A245370-1148ICII 71OIUnCII Of ENGL\NIl. nook of comnon prayer.The book of common prayer ••• 1716. (Card 2), 12 2Sil!natnres presenf~ A-H ,I ,5 leavesunsigned (Ls.-12? J>H-Q •Two stulls between signatures G and II areunaccounted for; 5 stuhs between signaturesIi and II arc conjul"ate with the 5 leaves precedingH; no break in text between G and IIor the 5 leaves nnd M. Sil"naturc I is incomplete(brenk in text after 12 verso)(Continued on next card)oc PC Sf! A ASh Gr GrSh MSh W WSh CSh Gc "4.\lfi~)70-1748ICN 70CIIlIHCIl 01' ~:t'CL,\NI1. Li turr-y 3n

70-1748lCN 70CI1UHCII Of END LAND. Liturl!Y and ritu~l. Primer.(The primer ••• 1545J (Card 2)Colophon: (DeviceJ Imprinted at Londonvvi thin the precinct of the late dissoluedhouse of the Gray friers, by fiich"rd Gr., ftonprinter to the princes I(r"ce, the xxix. dayeof Hay, the yere of our Lord, H.D.XLV ....Imperfect: "'antin/! all of si/!Mtures "and ""* (including t.-p.); individual signatures......... 4 and 114 (blank?)(Continued on next card)OC PC $h A AS~ Gt GroSh .. s. W ws. GC<strong>as</strong>eM144470-1748ICN 70CLARE, JOliN, 1517-1628, aupposed author.The converted lew ... 1630. (Card 4)of England. Kichne<strong>as</strong>, the former conuertedlew. H. Vice Chancelour of Oxford •••STC 5351.Allison & Rogers 239.oe pc ShGrShwC<strong>as</strong>e4A183570-1748lCN 70OC PC $hCHunCH OF EI'IGl..'\NIl. Litllrr)' and ritual. Primer,[The primer ••• 1545J (Card:;)STC 160M.Inserted heDleen S;f'Il~tures If a~d 1'1, arc15 leaves {Si/!Il.Hu,'es: (l'f4J, Gr.-Ii, .2)Dishop lIilser's '·Iam.a) of "r,,)'ers (londoll,J. \~ayland. )55 dialogve of Michae<strong>as</strong> the levy. Iletweene.The Right Honorable, the Lord Chelfe Iustice(Continued on next card)) MSh W cs. G---'70-1748ICN 71OC PC ShCL\IU::l'lIJm;, Em,ARD flYDI" 1st Earl of,1(\09-1('74,SL,tc papers collected by Edward, Earl ofChn:ndClIl. ConmclIcinr from the J~ar HIJClOCI.Cont.'ininl!, the materi"ls from which hisHistory of the Great Rebellion Wi'S composed.and the authorities on which the tnlth of 'his relation is founded ••• Oxford, Atthe Clarendon Printing-llouse, 1767.~v. 22cm.Librnry lIu v.l only."s. W WSh C50 G

CueM CLARKE, ROBERT, d.1675.1875 Ghristiados sive De P<strong>as</strong>sione Dfii. libri17. Avthore ••• Roberto Clarke ••• Brvgi.,Typis Kerchouiani., 1670.[8]t.,41Op.,[2,t. coat of anns. 20on.tngraved, illustrated t.-p.Colophon: Brugi. Flandrorum, ExcudebatLuc<strong>as</strong> Kerchovius ... Anno H. DC. LXX.70-1748 In verse.IQI 71M" w w •• c •• GC<strong>as</strong>e CLEHt::NS XIV, Pope, 1705-1774.:n Letters of Pope Clement XIV. (Ganr.andlz,49H.) To which nrc prefixed anecdotes of hisli Ce. Trans1., ted fr(Vl1 the French. The Ci ftltedition... London, Printed by T. Plll'''''er,for n. Dutton, Ifl09.4v. port. 190m.Imperfect: v.2-4 w,'l1tinr,."Preface by Hr. C.,rraccioli": v.l,70-1748 p.(xxiv]-xxviii.ICN 71DC PC oS" It. AS'" G, GtSt. MS. w WS'C<strong>as</strong>e3A240870-1748ICN 71(CL\R!(SON, JOliN) IC,97-17{;3.An introduction to the c

C<strong>as</strong>e4A1809no.l70-1748ICN 70CUClITOVE, JOSSE, d.1543.De vita et moribvs sacerdoturn, opusculw":singularem eorum digni tatem ostendens, U '1uibusonlati esse debcant virtutibus: explanans.Scevnda entissio. Parisiis, Ex officinaS. Colimaei, 1520,79,rl,t. 2lcm.Imperfect: t.-p. repaired; many leaveswater-damaged.With this is bound his De doetrina moriendi1520.OC PC S" A ASh G, G,Sh ) w WSh CShGCnse4A;n0570-1748ICN 71COIlRIIlGE, Eng. Catholic 8chool.Rules of the Catholic School, Cobridge,in the Staffordshire Potteries, under thepatronage of the Rt. Rev. Dr. ~Iilner ...Burslem, Printed by S. Brougham, 1822.81'. 23011.ot: PC Sh A ASh G,

C<strong>as</strong>e3A189170-1748ICN 71A COLLf-CTION of several treatises '"(Card 2)_ ),4 4 4 4 2-1 2 4("4 blank ,A-~ ,A,' ; A-I ,L-r ,Q ; A ,a ,B_p4; a 6 (n 6blank),A-FR,r.~',In the !ld 1'1'0111', n~s,12-15 omi tt~d inpd!:in/:,In 4 pts., each with s"r

C<strong>as</strong>e4A~04970-1748ICN 71(CONSTAnLE, JOliN) 16767-1144.The doctdne of antiquity concc rntn!: thetlo"t n1c~~cd I';"chari !'It, plainly shewed. inrctll.,rh:s ,.,rj ttcn, St.)lnC yeAn; since, upon Hr.Johnson's bool(, of The unhloorly sacrifice;and now published, 011 occ<strong>as</strong>ion of " hook,inti tu1ed; A plain account, tfc. C by AnI'.lIoad1y) ny C1erophilus A1eth

: 1 • ~ .•.• \ ": 1: i;' ~ j' ~ , .;;: :,: -1 i ,,~~'.~ • j : ,- !:- r ,. >."', :";'ii!~iL_'" :';1''1"' ",~n .1::,1 fL ~;~'J~I' t!h~i j'CS'~3(,1cn.\lG 1Sir TIH);'~I\S, 1:;3?--lG~:'\" Ii;\! rir;ht ofs"ccc.,~ion ••. (C;\:-:1 2)thl! .1115 fcw1;i."lC', cnd r1\'.\, f:li thful1y tran:;-1,lt~d lnt{"\ J':nltli~;1i4 h'ith .1 ],'\i{!C int!{'x of theccnt,cnt~, nr'~ n rl~fncc by tile tr,lr51ator",r:ivlr.f~ t\n account 1.1f tlH! /\uthot"' nnd of lIi~tldn~l«~ilry-. (2 r.;ottos: 5 line:,» London trdntrct b:--- ~I~ Bennet, for [)~n. nn.''''''"l1 "dthoutT\,;"!·.r1e-1Ll.r"; Cth1. Br-or::c, ;-it the Gil" .1t the~"~5t end of St. PauJ J~ Church-Yar .. 1; G~o. Sa~'-(Continued on n~xt card)cs.7C-li.fSleS ilCC();'\i,EH, JAHE.5j 1['~C\-17]S.of rirty ;!.nd inn\'cc/1(C' ~ ••:\ rc..ny,:lS tr"'l ncr(C,1rJ ~){,>~~"11 h:lt'o;1S. To \

Cn~lG, Sir TI~~:AS, ]~~~-lGn9.c.',);1.:-'.~n"d.nr t~:I.."": rirht of :;\lcc~!;sion to thei2t'!icns (If htC 5n A ASh Gr Gf$h W7~-1745T C:i 7JoCpccm~qsy, IWGlI 1'"I'LI:;l:S, in rcli;:;on S:':ill>:ivS,H,(lS-1[,H .The: d1llrc:h-hi:it('r:-.~ (If Britt.1lty (i.e. J1ritain)fr,"':M t:;~ bcr:-inninr: r;f Christi.1nit? to the~~ol~","";:1n conC;Hc,-;t undct~ n("l;:"nn r:ovcrnovl·,'l. nl'l t-1.-"Ih kin,....,... The i~nr.l i.~h-S;\.\on hcpt:tn:h)'". TheI:n::1ish-Saxofl (and D.1ni;;h) ;::or"lt~chy ••• Fro.":1.~11 which is eVldcliL~Y (k:-ol';:.:tr"i..tcd: that tht"":ilr(","Cnt. H()r;,)c'n~C

c. ... I.~C?·A cCHESSY, i:1'C',:1 1~,H:Ll\1.·SJ :in rcli;::iorl Sj~H::XCSJIF-!;1~05-1E74.An ~pistlc ardor·ctie.,! of S. C. to.l pcrgonof hConour: t ....),lchir..!~his yildic.'ttl{)>\ ofDr. Stillint:-fleet.cr .. r. 1 1(~i4~,lJt.,!3~p. ]~c"I."A reply to r:d:',1.J~.j Ear! ot C1:lrcndon's',\nin:a.!vc:rsiQlls t-C':.."k, inti tLllt:J,70- fall:iticis,'71 fa;i,1ti c:tlly to t!l~1'S1583 1('05-.l67~, . ,iO-174SIC~ 71Exomolo~l3sis or A f:'''ithfvll n.1rr.1ti('!1 ofthe occ<strong>as</strong>ion anj mati vcs of the Cotwersionunto Ca tholiq"c vni ty. of Jh·r.h-P,l vli" deCrcss~' '" Printed .It Paris, 16~7.,J2 I t.,655(i.e.661)p. 16e~.oc PC Sh A ASh Gr GrShNos~34~-34~ r'\."pcat('\1 in ra~in~.STC II C 68n~.w WSh eShC<strong>as</strong>e:'>,\186570-1745IC~ 71CCRf.sSY, Hl'CJI PAULI~;CS, in religion SEJ~S~J.'S,1605-1[,7·1.A non est invcntvs rcturn'd to Hr. E .. i ...·arJna!.sh:l\ .."s enquiry, and vainly b('l

C'.lSe~A CCHOrS;::;, Jl",L~l 16';G-17,"·, A sririt""l rcl,""~treH ••• 1700. (Card 2)70-1745!CS 71(-lIt., 304 (1. e. 302 lr. 16:::Cl.lies. 265-26& or.;itted in r~dn~.STC 11 S 5000'\.oc PC 51'l A ASh fir Gt5h W CSh70-1748leN 71,moss, JOHSI 1630-1f;~O.• An apolo,:y for the COiltc,""J.ati

C.,iSC~, (CRC"'1'llm, ARTlil'R M;SEL'l, lSoS-16Se. Thel~SS da:v]v excI'cig~ C'f the devout Cla-istL'nH.ij2 ~ (C.1~d 2)NC's.241-26.t t~ercatr:d in p.q:!:in~.Joint author: Thom.1s Sadler (n~",e in!"'eli!!ion: l'incent Faustus)19 leaves of c('nt~rnrC"rary ms. bonn.j inat frol't and ba ck.70-1748 Not in STC E. This b Ii hter editionIQ;71 of SIC II C 7409. Cf. Gillov.C<strong>as</strong>e~A2002.70-17~SleN 71The DAILY e"erds1 i;;Nquartll~;;' accuratio:'i u;("11:;nti.1.1 t.cniis t't'­puq;.1.tct J pCI' f>:!>. ELi >:'1'.,'\ HO.t]lIs.Yo1.2 h<strong>as</strong> title: Alter t00lVS 0rC1".'1 Il.Cae cili1 CYl'rianl. (;:lIorum en talogum uer"pagelln r~rcries .,.C<strong>as</strong>e3A1139770-174BlCN 71tllUllEL, ED:.'AROJ d.1657.leeted and ordered ..•Hedi tA ticn. co1-1665. (Card 2)Chronogram (motto beneath the illus. onverso of lZth prelim. leaf, and on p.48E):LaYs 0.,0, HarIae, & s~nCtIs elVs {i.e.1663}I~erfect: t.-p. trimmed and backed atbottom; lower right COI~er of l<strong>as</strong>t leaf tornaway, with loss of text.STC II H 1611.oc ~c Sh A ASh Gt GrSh w WSf! CSi"! Goc pc SI'! A AS/'! Gt GrSh w CSh G

\"'" ... ~~c;, \70-174';rex 71(!~,\~;r1·::., G\;':n;;L) 1(-,,:f'-17~;\.Th,~ d;.:;':::~"Illl".';(,;' ~"Ir C:~,·,l'h~n"· anJ ;'~':',~~1XC.t::,(~'; ('; "'{~li ~:;i j:;r:-(lvi:);-:i;t1 ].~~,~{';''':.1\:1 ,''..:I':·(~>r C"; :::~~ ":',:,;,,'1.':(:"::;".1 lct:.::;·~;.D;li.-:11; r,;t:: 0f 'i. j'j4,\::',.;--;;P;·il .. t;:;\~ i;~ t;:·,~ yc:'\:'" 17,;'1..r]\·,;{,.,5:':(1P. 1,~':;:l ..ce·;1::.OC PC 51'1 A ASh Gr G'Sh wWShCS.GC<strong>as</strong>e'lJA145270-1740,lCN 70OC PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh w WSh GC<strong>as</strong>e:1'\ DANS, AOOll'lIUS VA);, d.lG36.1451 Aldolphi i\ Dans .•. Pocm" ta. Accedi tVita Augustissim~e Anglorum Regifu1c Elisabethae.Post excC'ss\.lTn authcri3 cdidit JoatUlCSa Dans. Lvgdvni ~ata¥orvm, Ex officinaI. Corrtnelini, 1636.[6,t.,143p. 13cm.Colophon: Lvgdvni Batavorvm, t)1'isOuilie~~ Christiani.70-1748ICN 70oc pc' Sh It. ASh Gr GiShMS' W WShCShC<strong>as</strong>e3AJ..I52DENIS Ie Chartrcux, 1402 or 3-1471.fidei, books 1-4) (Card 2).xcusi. Co1olu.lc, Ope,'a &> impcnsa M.Nouesiani) 1535-36.2v. 200n.Title of v.Z: D. Ilionysli G.1fthvsianiSvmrr..lc fidei orthodoxac libri duo pos tremi,70- nuper promissi. Tertius SCilicet, in quo1748 agitur de virtutibus tam thcologicis quamlCN 70 cardinali bus , de carum diuisionlbus acoc PC Sh A ASh G. G," ( .• 'co;st:nuc: onw:: xt :s:rd)"C<strong>as</strong>e'lJA DAVIS, RICHARD, fL IG~6-1688.2.044 A ca talogue of so:"e books printed for,to be sold by Richard Davis in Oxford.(Oxford? cn.16.

C.1.se4,\21'H70-17J8rCN 71c:!.~cloS.:11770-17·11::'IC, 7lA !;I.):.-:CC~~!~ conccrnl:.r.: the Eucilari.:Jt.,\uth: .T~ ,'.. (fl~p., IG--?l('J J'\.-. 22c:TI.~:arl11~c~ipt in i~lc.Po:;sb~y by ThOle,.s '.,1,1 to ( .• H<strong>as</strong> 1'1"''' .• 5.\lhiu:-;)OC PC .s~ A ASh Sf Cd):", "Sh wOC PC 311 A AS!'! ar GtS!t w W5hC.tSC4.1.300.1no.B70-1748lCN 71DILLON, Sir JOliN JOSF-I'II.Cursory SHr.:1!C~ t..i 011:'1 for the c('nsidcra tionof an .,ppro.~chinr. meetin/: of the Bri ti.s"Catholics, in iI letter t~ E. Jcrninr:ham •••By John Joseph Dillon ••• Not pubU.hcd.GL'ShO~, Printed by W. Lant:, 181:5.19p. 22c:m.(wW$hGC.,seHS5A2:370-li·IBIC;'; 71OOCTOHS' CG;?!O:;S.• A true coppv of a l~t:cr from DoctorsC,,"""ons to Sc £~ql' in Lci,;tcr3ileir".ca.16°(,)[2Jt. 30cnl.Coptio:1 ti tIe.H.1nu:;cript in ink.The c.i.ption title is in « different,contc",por.1ry han;! th~n that of the text.,\ report on the supposed m.\rrill/(c of(Continued on next card)oc PC Sit A ASh Gf G/Sh w W$h CShC<strong>as</strong>eGA:50970-1148lCN 70m::.sS(iar,La Inqni!;;lzi\'\nc cot sHol stnrmcHti di m.a.rtirioc tortura cspnsta in f,.ndclli eli ,t,r.1nccz::an;\tur;t1c c pcrfc:tt.~1J~('ntc u(.u:tli a;71it'rir.i"olL tlpp"m!;'cc al Catalor.o del HI;scoilfl~tNnico di Des.l1ort. nr:~S(lrt cdi tore e pl~Opnctarjo.tc, Tip. del Lloyd.AU3triaco, 1lop. i nus. 24cm.DIOIITSIUS, of n"Ucarn<strong>as</strong>slIs.Dionys1i Al,x,mG ri F. Halic,rn.;sse n.Antiq\'itatvm sivc origin\'TT1 ROfnan~l.run libriX. Sigismuncio Celenio intc:-pretc. Addidillusvndccimum ex uersione L'pi cDir~gi), chrono-10gia.m lienrici CIare.lni ••. simulq, indicemco.'11onstrantem quicql1id est antiqui tatu"" adintelligendos &' alios scriptores rerutiliu:n.B<strong>as</strong>ileae froben, 15~9.C23]i.,S18p.,cI6)t. :52cw.(Continued on next card)OC PC Sh A ASh Gt CrSt! W$h CSh GC"sc,:S5,12;)7()-174RTeN 71DOCTOi(S' CO:i':Q:·:S.{c1.169(; }II true c"ppy of aletter(Co.rd 2)Charla .• Knoll,," E •• rl of n.,nbury, withE1h.1bc th Pr1~~' and reln ted events in th"period 1()~2ff. JSil'ned at end: Your servant llr.oc pc Sh A ASh Gf Gr$hWWShC<strong>as</strong>e6A309DIONYSrUS, of Halic.,rMssl1s. Diom'sii Alexandrif. H.,licarn<strong>as</strong>sen. \.ntiqdt.~tvrn siveoriginvm ROI1'.anaruIn ••. lSJ9. (Card 2)HChror.ologia sive tl'!mr0 rVTT, S\Trvt..1.tio inXl. Dionysii Halicarn<strong>as</strong>sei libros .·\ntiquitatumHom~1.nan.tm ~ •. per Henricvrr: Glare.anum •.• 11 :(16It. at end.Ii tIe vi!!ncttc (printer's device, repeatedon verso of l<strong>as</strong>t leaf)70-1748leN 70at pcSh "ASh Gr (irSh MSh w WSh CSfl. GC"'e23,5870-17015IC:, 71oc PC8ftDOCl;t::';:lTA ad Nissioncm C.'1thclic:un in Angli<strong>as</strong>pcct.lntia. Rorn"c T~j"'f)is de I'1824. J t' \omanis,29,t:l;p.A ASh Gr Gr.:ih20c-r ••A JlIllfCCTO!1Y, for novic~s of eYo!)' rdi­/!ious order; p;'lt"ticul;lrly" those devoted tothe j n. tructicn of youth. Tr.1ns1., ted fror.1the French. Cork, Printed by and for \'.Feq:uson, lA17.v p.,(2,t',C7J-255p. lScm.C.lse.'A3056DO~fI;';IS, l'~,\i~C;) ,\::T0:-:10 08, A~r., 15(.()-lr,:2·L~:-,~ r.;O:::i.'iCS tor rcn")iiacir.~ the rrot;~!:i~ ...... ncrcli G ; or.. Dr Antony rle Dominis •• ~ I..one.on,Pri;\~ed by A. J. V.~lpy, tend sold byK~J. tint: ;inn nro·.:r., and 1);," J. Dool,cr, lS::7 ..viii,5.111. 22C1n.Translated by John jtletchcr.70-1746lCN 71OC PC Sh A ASh Gf Gr$h MSh w70-1746IC" 71OC PC Sit A ASh Gr GISh w C5h G

C.l:;C DOl',\I {!knc\iict:i;lC ~:(m,~,'jt,:rr)2.\ ~;l,~l;l.':; r('ciL1.:~di H~"':j"'ITii:1" lJc,1.ti. .... :~im,ll.~ VirlZ.tjtr. {ni:i Ha rj (i.e oi~d i n;l tIl':; reI' S."\nct:;;, S::;::;-;:umr\"'Illt)fi,~Cnl Pii~:i \'. ':';\CI:':; n:ci~:ttHr in 50,1."\litat~Collc~i ~;lrl-n~r:cltiC7i;li S. Grc~0rioH~ Dl;;'C. DU.'1d, Apud J. i". '.\tiJle:-v,"\l {16--)• 1~:J ~{1;1.llc:..~~.Si.:n: .. tuic.": t\1(),1l':; ,Be) (07 bl:lllk'i noblan:(? ,.,ti1nti nrJ70-J745 In 2. pt5., c,lch sC:':lf'.ltcly p.l!~cd, theIC~ 71 (~ontlnucd)oc PC 5h A A!'J1l Gr GrSh. MSh CShC<strong>as</strong>e3r,'adside427'.1-174.,Ie:1 71;)0

C.lse~A1~1\.~'3{D!lF,L1~;;Ql'I\T, Cil.\!reh-Y

C,LSC~A10.167(\-17·18I(,S 70Nl~S, J0,\~;;;tS, SC0tU:;, ]:~(1."?-]3(';:'? En It:ctC'rc:1dide ni:~~"Htatj0~s c0Jlati0nall.'srl~60l (C~l'J ~)CXC\lSl;;:: in t'tlihLt; }p,"Uli1tS Crl..~5pjll: S\l::Ij'ttt ~ ••Ji1c(',~'i. q~ F{',lttci~ci. ,j~ GiUllt.l f~ r-0cijflClrctini ••• ..\nno !;a}uti fC:'1 r"\J'li.!~ '1 U11l -r.cnte.siJ:10 tri[~(,5iJ::0 !'-ili'ra nUlc;,imilTi tlc 'hoi thi n 'b'('I(~i.lc1!t r-\."'II'dct'~C<strong>as</strong>e6A Df,JRANGt'S de S~1.nctc Ff)rcianl.', d .133·~. c Dn.316 Dl~randi a S~llctQ l'01·ti~110 Stll'~l' S~lltcnti~5theo10.dtls rcu'i L{';"";t~;u~di ••• lS(~('q (Cat'~l 3)7\.1-1745IC~ 70l<strong>as</strong>t leaf. cr. c. V'lI~ li,'\\#I'Z". ~f.lr·'ll!1.'S typolrT':1;;hit1\!('S,\'.:':, r.:":~.') (dcdcc no.':;, in usc'en. 1 SGt')Imrerrccc: L-p. (c,ign.H",." *.1 ) 1,",';tnt) nf,.WSh..... .s ~,GC<strong>as</strong>e1517DUNS, JOAl'NES, ScotHS, 12G5?-13C'S? ,Scriptu J0anis J)~is Sroti ~.~ SlQ:: 5C&0SnL.16i: rcccti$si!n~ il 1iniltiftlI"ijs cicatricib9cx~ptu c t t'lb ... * Antoni (\ ce Fanti s •• ~ad vera f"lutoris mete in;; t.1t1ra tum: ct ifiiittyris effon.h,t ... ll. (LY01', J. Crespin, 1530,20a,c3,t. i1lns. 17(111.70-1718 Commentary on book t\{O "f the ScntcntiacleN 70 of Pc trus Lcml-,lrdu.(j.Colophon:' Fini "Hi" ~Cc\idu!:i ~cript\1:n(Continucd ,,0 next citnl)OC ~c 51\ A ASM Gr GrSh w CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e:3'\145470-1748lCN 70DlJl(n;, JOliN, d .lSS7.Cotlrvtatio ncsp"lI~ionis Gvlielmi il1tit.1-kcd ••• ad R.1tioncs decem, q"ibus •• , EdmvndvsCiVl:piitnvs ••• obtuli t in C'lUsa fidei.Authore loa nne DV/' w WSh cs.Ca.e~l ..151770-1748lC.~ 70Dtn;S, J(lf\~~~:r:: .. S, Srotu s,Joanis nus Srcti •..rJ5~O, (Cad~)Scril'tfi]~G5?-]3QS?t S - ..S\~:.. SCvO IU.'lTlt •• *Oxonic.se SUpl'a. SCl1tcti~tri:i c1 • ~. JoallneDuns Scato ••• cdi tt:r:t ••• l.ugduni q} CXCtlsumin cdiblls Jo;uHlis Cn~spin: SlI1Dpto ••• Jac?bi.q. Francisci de Giu:lta ct soc~j F]ol~~tinl••• Anne salutif{'.ri ri"lrtu5 q'Jln~ent('.sl.l;'.otrlt;csimo supra rnillesirr-.u:lI •• ,Title ..·;ithln \-;oodcut b(,l·J~l'.Extensivems. tlotcS.oc PC Sh A A.Sn Gr GrSh W ViSh CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e5.\ ,DYHOCKf., JA,'IE:S] d.171S?1912 The grcat sacrifice of the n~\; }ali, ,,::-pounded t-y tire fil;ures "f thc "ld (n. p. JPrintcd in the year 1G7(,.,6]t.,202r. plate. 1('0111.Sil'natll"cs: a6,A_n12,c("D_I12 (tho l<strong>as</strong>tkaf bhnk? ""lilt; nr.)STC II IJ 2972.70-174:;lCN 71OC pc Sh A ASh GI ("rSh W WiShG70-1748ICI'< 70DUHANnt:S ile S,lllctO POI'C] ,1;',0, d.} 3~-1.tVn. Durandj .:l Sarlcto J'0rtiarw Slll~\~r S':;ltcnti<strong>as</strong>thco]C-I_~jJS P"::ll'i L-,,'l:,,:_,;.·I~·,Jj CO:I~"";lCllt;tri­Orll;j lihd C)lltltUOI', l'rj:::u::l qttid\~;-:j per :;j (L'lla:u..'11 a Hartimbo.s •• ~ Hunc YCl"O l.~cnuc per ;tl ic>.~qUOSd.1;ll •• , doctorcs ~ H cr.:~nJilti H. Ant- .vcrpiac, In al~dibus yidu.1C ct hacr\:"du!fo J.Stc1sii, 15(6)(54),423,,5,,-. illus. 30('",.Signatures: ~·A_*CS,

C.1SC~,,\lSi:;'DY:-!0C'K E 1 J :\,\:;.:''1 1) nr'"gcs, By Luke t~crchQvc,1673.[4Jt. ,lIEI'. .el)t. l(Jcm.70-1748ICN 71Sign,. tures: ,\_Q4."Errat,.": 1 leaf at cnd.Not in STC II.oc pc S'" A ASh Gr GrSt! MSh wws. Cs. GC<strong>as</strong>e3A ECK, JO!!'\I-."N, 145&-1543.1455 Homiliar'lm siv. sennon"m '" Iah..nnisEckij aduersum quosclInCjJ nos tri temporishaeretic<strong>as</strong>, super Euangelia de tepare ab Aduentuusque ad P<strong>as</strong>ch" ••• (n.p., 1537.2'1. i11us. 1SO'n,70-1748ICN 70oc pc $1'1Edi ted by Johann Wenninger.Printed possibly in Ingolstadt by theApianus Press.Vol. 2 h<strong>as</strong> ti tIc: Homiliarvm ...) (Continued on next card)A ASh Gr 'GrSh .. j MSh W WS11 CSI'! GC<strong>as</strong>e!lA.206370-1748 .IC'N 71ECCLESIASTES Solomonis. Auctore Jean. Vi,~ano.Can'!:icum Solomon.is: nee non Epil'raJITMt •• s.'­era, per Ja. Duportt:m. Acccdunt Georgii HerbertiMusae resronsoriae '" Cantabri",iae:Ex officina J, Field, prostant ve"11es aputiR. Nicholson, 16&2.c4,t.,4Op.; (3)t.,15p.j (1)t.,30r.; e1lt.,30(i.e.:51),,1,p. 15~,L<strong>as</strong>t page of 4th group misnumbc .."d :50.In 4 pts. (all in "e;s"" each with scpa­(Continued on next card)OC pc ,,, A A3h Gr G:Sh w WSh c.o GC<strong>as</strong>e3A145570-1748ICN 70'ECK, JOIG\~"N, 1486-1543. Horniliarvm ...15~7. (Card 2)Iohannis Eckij, /!n.1uissimc fidem CathoU.;:arnatq) "deo ucritatc 8uanf.c1icalll centro h"ereticos<strong>as</strong>scrcntis., super Euan&clia de tcporea P<strong>as</strong>cha usqJ ad AduC'ntum •.•V 01s. ;3 and 4 "re announced a t the endof v.2. Published7Imperfect: '1.2, p.417-436 vanting.oc pc Sh A ASn Gf GtSh w CShGC<strong>as</strong>eM206310-1748ICN 71ECCLESIASTES Solomonis 1662. (Card 2)rate paging and special t.-p.: ell Ecclesidstes:si ve Regis Solomoni. sennones paraphr<strong>as</strong>ipoetiC

)"17Ej1;\··\i~PS, TI10~L\S) 15:]~,-lG-17.scc("n~i r,'1J"t "... f Gani:I',;H'I1,'1 •••T!lC' [j 1'51. and164(,. (Cud 3)Crct('n~lS, ,:\!,,;'1jns~'_ .~!r. f.r!h"i\}'d", ],1t-':' be,:.l.: ('Bti~~u1('j v! hy T. 1\. an,! J':. ~1. f0t" R~S:'11 rhl 16-~G~ This t.-r. rli :[C]'S ft't,;,!; th,1t ofSi,,; 11' C :3·1 by h.1vl!:(" t1!,!bbn!')~('L17,i;"«(j.;'.... at.. C'th~~O,: .. ~t.2) {'(W\~I'S1 .-:~; i 1S1'C lJ C ~:..:.u a~hl C :,::,,1\,0'I'lieandae, pro v1tiru$Enchiridii piorum tCillulis. (Rome J V~nllndanturlodoeo !ladio ;\sccnsio ,IS2lJclxxxiiii t, illus. 15cm.70-1748Ie:. 10'Vollilnc 3, cont.lining parts 5-6. Cf.captions on verso of t.-p.: Ta~ula. Inquint" Enchiridii a nobis collecti tomlllo'baec contincbuntur ••• In sex to & vltimocontincnda ••• (Corltir'Jed en next card)oc PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh w WS' CS'C<strong>as</strong>e5,1. EPISCOPAL CllcHCIi I~ SCOTLA:-ill. Book of con:lllon403 prayer, 1637. The booke of cOr.:'Oon prayer1637. (Card 4)70-1748IC~ 70A, D, and E; and setting (ii) in sl£nature C.On sign.1ture L3r "The Gospel" is correctlycentered. The Psalter is Edition II, withsi"na tuns kk 3_ 6from Edi tion I; 5i~na turehh3 is cancelland (b) ,Imperfect: piece tom frOM upper comerof P Z ' ~'ith loss of text. 'STC 16607b.ocPC Sn ... ASkI (if. GrSh/~Sh w WSh CS'7Z

C<strong>as</strong>et: 1~791 C~ i0f·lc7;~ (t ..... Lel l , ... ,:","" I'f'-l ................... _- ..ro.-....:I;............-EPISCO',\[ .. C!:U!CI! Vi SCOn..\Sil. flook ofcor:rnon prayer, 1637.The bocokc of Co~r.'0n r;-,lycr, and ad:

C,1SI!~.\3':;7570""17~~SI\.:\ 71c(:;\~TLF, !ir. "r H0d:~~steI': l0,~O-1.1'2·L Text,.!;Hcf:cn.'ils 1720~ (C~n-d :!jThe: ::rcat\.~;- p,-u't c.r tlh~ 1!1(:xtus noffcnsi~_,;­is in L,l,tin, the rc:-,:d.l1:lcr in Ai'1;,:lo-Saxon.C0l":': on 1f,S:a:tll p,1j1Crl!; n:iot::cr copy inthe <strong>Library</strong> is on "lt1q;c p i1rcr . 1I",5hWSl1CShGC<strong>as</strong>eliS6'\2570-1745IC;-; 71cE.,)S:.Y {'In the Oath of .• ll~f,.i;,,~ncc requiredof Ca,tho1ics (:llrillf~ the reign of Chnrles II.n. p ., 1(,(,-? 1(2li:.. :llel:1.}~'1n\lSCTipt in in! supplementof several anthems, li tanics, proses and(Contir,ued on next card)OC PC oSh A ASh &1 t;.rSh MSh WShC<strong>as</strong>e~A The ETEHS.lL Cospel once more tes ti fi~d unto1921 and vindic;].t.d loel. (Cal'd 2)70-174SICN 7JCSlt. ,213p.iui.s. 16cm.Sir:"attlrts: 01_0 8 , I'~ (p ~ bl.,nk7 "'antini;stub prc,cl1tlI'ot in STC II. Cf. f. 113(,5 (qll.1l'tO)OC PC Sh A ASh GI GrSh W CShC<strong>as</strong>e~A2:37070-1748lCN 71OC PC &hAn r.'iSAY on the church plain chant ••.17cl~. (Card 2)hY1";1n5, which hnvc heeD ami ttl:'"d in the secondp,'1rt ret .1re sun;! in the public ch;tre1s atLondon, and nrc .'lcded at thc request of SOI:iC'particular persons.\;'ith this is bO\lIl,i(.13 issued): Antiphonswhich arc sun~ whibt the lllcssed Sacramentis e:o.-posed ... 1783.wC5hC<strong>as</strong>eM14597o-17~SICN 70OC PC ShEUDAf)!OS-JOIlA-"NES, '\l'D!1.f~\S, 15GO(ca. )-1625.Confvtatio ,\nticotoni, qua respond.turca1umnijs, eX occ<strong>as</strong>ione c~edis ChristianissimiRegis Franciac (i.e Henri lVI, & scntcntiaeHaria"a., ab anOn)1nO quod"", in p. Cottonem(f socios eius cOl'l,.t:,estis5 Avthore •••Andrea Evdacmon-I oanll. ~.. >!ogvntiae,Excudcbat ,11.. Eltz, surnptibus 1. Kinckii,1611.l32p. l6c:l1.Cf, Dacker,A ASh G;t (itS"\v.l, cols.14l4-l417.MSh w WSh CSh

70-17.;;lC, 71,~:ST,\c;I!l'S A S.\~:Cl0 r.\I'ill.Ethica, ~ivc Sl:'·,-~Wt 1,-:"'I· ... lli~ dLIi\cirJir'.ae, intrl.":; r]l·tl".~s di\'is\l~ lH:t~lC'

oc... ~ .1 .; ~~i:\ f'l~E~-.J, J~'.l!:;, 'C PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh ... ~ MSh CSh...... '.'70-17481 C:-; 70fI Sli Ell , Jo;j~, S,1il;(, Pl'. Cof Rochester, IJ59?-1535. R. D. D. I0.1l1l\i5 fischerii('!'era 1597. (Cor,\ ~)The {ol](\"t'ing n,;;;jhcrs are used tont1te rt1p.~~ ratllcr than colurll-:S: 5-7,272-273, 745-75~J P30-S·j·l, 917-9~3,11~5-1135, 1232, 1~99, 1312-1374, 1393-1~S4,1-16::', 1(;,13-J6,17.Imp~rfcct; SCI:~;~ It:liYCS ""onnholed, s1ithtly.ffccLillf, tile t:,'"oc pc Sh A ASh Gf GrSh MSh CSh GC<strong>as</strong>elIA (fISllm, JOHNl 1569-lG.n. A cat"lo~ve of1492 divers visible professors of the Ca~holik.no.2faitb ••• 1&14. (Card 2)of faith '" 161~)10-1748ICN 10STC 10912.Allison & Rogers 60G.")OC PC Sh A ;.Sh Gr G"Sh . ~/ USh w CShtoC<strong>as</strong>e6,1~1270-1749lC~ 70FISIiElI, JOII;\, Saint, Rr. of Rochester, 1459?-1535.De veritatc coqloris ct sf\l1gvinis Christiin Evcharista.. J'er ••. Iohanncl7i R,1ffcnscm:E}isc('rU::1~"Ot!crSU5 Iohan!1cii! Occol.:u:ipadiU'n.Coloniae erer p. Qu"nt~ll 1527.,1S),cWx,,1,t. 31(111.Anns of t:ll[;lanJ C'll t.-\,. (repealed ot!verso of leaf i,rece«;' .. " t. eil)OC FC Sf'! A ASh G( GIS"I w WSh CSh70-1748IeI' 11f1SIIEil, JOHN, Saint, np. of Rochester, 14597-1535.A treatise concerning th~ fruitful sayin~"of P,wid, the Kin/: and Prophet, in theseven penitential rSc.]"':1. Divided into sevensemons ••• Oy ••• John fisher (n,p.lPrinted in the year 1714.{2lt. I :542p•. 16c:l •.OC f"C !In A A,h Gr Q.5h w GC<strong>as</strong>eM149370-1148ICN 70oc PCFISIiElI JO!l:-J, 1569-1641,Th~ answcrc Y-nto the nine roints of controuersy,proposed by 0'.11' la te Souer·'n;ne •.•vnto H. fisher .... and the rCi(\)'l~Cr 'n,to ~hcrepl v of D. francis VVhite .•• Ih th the p>eture"of thc sa)"d minister, or censure of, hlSwritings prefixed ..• ,St. Omer, EngllshCollege Press] 1626.r281t.,160,40Op. 20cm.In 2 pts., eac.h with separate paging,(Contina.d on next card)) 1.45h W WSh CS," G"-Ci\S~::5A1.492no.l10-1749ICN 70OC PC Sk(F1SII11!, JOliN 1 15G9-161l.A treatise of raith. ~~rein is briefl)".and pIal Ilely sh~,'cd, a direct way, by .·hiehcuery fi,:an m;'ty n!s0111~) and··scttle his mindin all doul1ts, questions, & ccntroucrsics,conee rlli n~ m,.1 t te rs of fai tb. Revi e ""cdcorrected; and aUf:J11ellted wi th m.1rginallnotes. Oy A. D. •.• ,St. Omer, EnglishCollege Pressl 1614.(Sli.,188p., ell'" 16011.(Continued on next card)A ASh Gr GrSh\Jw WSk CShII70-1749IC~ 70FISlIrn, JOII~, 1569-1641. The answere vntothe nine points '" 1625. (Card 2)the 7.d with special t.-p. worGcd the same <strong>as</strong>the llI

IJ270-1748IC~ 70(fIT:IID,\I1t:HT, Sir ":;1110:;)") 147()-15~~.[Diu~r5j.tc de CQut"tz ct leer iurisdicticn'i,tt alia. !)~c(';':,l):tria f( ytillia.,Loncllli, 15~filJCZ~)t. 12cm.Sir-natures: A_C A (Co:; 'tJ:tnk? .... antinr-)Ii tIc fro:" '\:;:~s-I!,'r~crt.Colophon: Lond ini in ~dih:s l,ichardiPynsonis ... Ar;no ChriHi n"tu. 1526 ...Ir.tperfcct: t.-p. and a leaf fre>m sij!I1i\­(Continued on next card)oc pc Sh A ASh G, 'GrS'" .. so w GtS5-Ge·lomitteo in ragin~.Imperfect: p.2S9-24G (follr leaves) h~lftQrn away, with conslccrrtblc los., of text.STC 11019.70-1748ICN 70Allison & Ro/:o,-s 316.\oc PC Sh A .ASh Gr GrSi> .1 w ws, CSh Gnr:lmtr.cn, TlIOI:,\5, 1.'i52-1"~O.J\ trc:\tlsc of rcilicy :Inri religion. i'(\rt ..III. Th;'1 t no oth\.':t~ but Chris ti,1.n relir:ion c::.nrr:akc a. CO:,::;,,\')11-\,'cl'l'Cctcu ••• Londo",Printed by T. Il.).lcs, 1703.(Slt.• 71~p. IBcn.70-lH51C:\ 71oc pc Sh A ASh Gr GrSh w WS" G77

C;\SC F1 T':::i ;~;;; ::1 T, Ti;l~~ I:.S, 1.'15':-) (";0."I;I ;\ ti'(;ati~;(' or j'~'1t("r an,l relir.:ion. P.1.rt~2A53 rilI~ T;;,-lt no 0t!1::

.t.\3C:65(fLE7CEE:l, JCn~l d.lk';f,?i~cflcct:i"n.'l ()n the ~plrit) (.. c. f"c. ofl"clir~i{,:ll-5 c,,:':.tJ~'\,i;r:;y «.. Lc~~dc·:-;, Printedby r:~.'1t~lI;;, Dr(\,t~n nnd !\ca.ti~~,i!1 1:04.(1;~'JZG6p. ~S(n.C<strong>as</strong>eM1462[fLOY[J, JOliN 1 1572-1649.of the Holy Sen ••.An apo]a!:y [sic)1~30. (Card 2)Nos. 136-137 '"nlitted and no. 243repcn.tc,{ in r;\r.ill~.STC 11109.Allison & Rogers ;>.n.7.:")-17018ICC; 7170-1748ICN 70oc PC Sh A ASJ, Gr Gr$h: MSM w eShGW CSh GCnsc'5A2:'7670-1746leX 71FU;Uny, C 1..1110:'; , IG~0-1n3.I\n histor"ic:l.l catcchisr.:; ccnt.1inin~ n.su:rl:l.1.ry of the f;ilcrcd 11i5tol''Y .:lnd Christiandoctrine. Ily Hont.ieur Flcury ••. 1'0\ the french. In fm:r parts.Dublin, Printed by R. Coyne, l8Z5.76p. Han.l'o more published?pts. 1 and 2 on1r.OC PC S"'- /to. ASh Gr GrSi'.ISh w CSAC<strong>as</strong>e3'\1463,fLOro, JOHN) ]572-16·19. Apologia SanctaeSedis Apostolic •• e ••• 1631. (Card 2)r~01t.,45,295(i.e.~09),(GJr. lscm.. _8 _8 _8 -~ M 8 8S l~naturcs: a ,C ,1 ,0 ,,*-**,,,,-* ,A-K JKk 8 ,T 4 ,y 2 (""'"-! life of Our LQrd andSaviour Jc:o;u.'i Christ, .-rith a brief accountof the principal acts of the Apostles, and'of the [0ur C-..· ... ul/~el.is ts. Transla.ted fromthe fr~nrh, by '" J. ncevc, and abridr,

!'(ljtT&5C1.:E 1 CE('1flCE, ] 57S?-16SCI.F\!.~iilC aC


nL\~;\~l sees ,\ S.'\~:CT,\ CL,\;\,\ I nt·,~thcr _ 1511:"-lG.o,0.r"';;'q':c"". l ... "tin}... lr,(,S-(,l. (C.lr..i 3)("'.~nit.;"ic;!'\ ••• --T.:2. Api"1o:>Ll ~'TiscQPorilllrll~;rn .'-;,lcri r.:.ir:i:;tt~t~tHs ;\l·(\;,~:;·;~;;tio ••• t']"ohlc­~;,.t.l :;ci;('I1.1. ... tic..1 ct cv;;tro':ct~:;ialia r;rt~(u1."\­ti\",,! doetj'ina ctiitr1 t\

C,\50~ \19~770-J7~:I C~~ ;1fl\A~~OIS DE SUD), Saint, IIp. of r.~ne\'a, 15671622. An intrc,Jucti011 to a devout life1675. (C",'J 2)L-r.: A!1 introd~lctj(ll1 to a dc\'ol!t li:c byS. Francl s S;\lcs liisit"p (If G;:-H(:V;l.STC 11 f ~;)70.

t"; t)- J1 ~\ 71(frLt:~;~, P.t'.;I:;;,T J fl. ][,-;.1.Vill,li~.".t\1l~ ••• ][17.1~Se; .... rl"'r~'-. Cf. ~k,\1rin C:::t:)lo!':.lIt~.STC II F ~,q=; ("Mj""t")~~) S3a 1 (' R.\'''~;11,!\,rr;(C.1r.l 2)wWShC<strong>as</strong>eM19~170-]7·!:-;IG:-i 71[GACE, J01i~\j f1.]645-1652.The Chdstiall SCd,l)lty, or ('..1till,"Ili,k hivl.~of bees sudd nf, the hony of the Chur,h,,;srr'ay~rs fro::l the' blo:';:'H"I;;i":-S or til·.:; '·,'ot'd "f ~V .."l,!,hlo·.~11C out of the Ej'jstlc;, ;tld Gc-:.:rc)s of tl;.,:divin~ scr\'i("\~ rhl'o\J~:h,)ut til(' ycar't'. Collc(tc,th:r the r;, .. m:.· h'C' of ;l~] tlll~ l1ivl..', fh't \~'~""'l'tlj\' tobe n;ir:,(".J ('1thcl".ds::: tl:;l/l h." t:u.:'sc ".. lcr;cnts ~)fIds n.:ull(', F. r~ lhvi.icd into lilt'",,'\! to!:I~S,'~'Lcrc0f this til\': fjr~;t t",'I::I~ o;1t.'::ly lir •. :'111 thc'(Continued (\n Il\.~xt C,11' .1joc f'C Sh A ASh Gr CIS;'IV WSh C$hC;iS~5A.1~0f"U lU:R , TilO:·l:'.~, ]Gl)~-l(,r;l.rTht'! hi:;tor'ic of tl:~ holy \"",lrrc; l,y Thr-7:1.1.::'Vv:ller .... The thit'd cdj ti('ln~ Ca .... rhridr:c,Printed by H. i:kl.nil:l, and arc to b~ so1d hy J.~"illj :'OlS, 1(147 J(9)~ .. ,2,c'Sp'l ,I·l i t. fold.maj). 30\ .. 11.Ti tlc from Gib;;on.Added t.-p. cngr.1Vcd, Iii til imprint:70- Printed by Tho: nUCK ... u are sold b)' Io:1.748 \villi"m~ '"lCN 71 Striddllnd Gibson II llo.3 (the first of(Continued on next care}OC PC 8h A AS'" G, G'$h MSr. W WSh CSf'! Ii,GAGE, .1('1::-: J f1. 1 G~ 5-1 (L~~. The Christiansedali tr '" (Curd 2)SlIn:i;}Ve.'L And tl1;1t subdivided into threerart5~. The first fron: {\::':n~nt t(\ Lent, thcs('con.d ,fl",,'Ir:l} knt to ';lhits(\ntidc, the thirdrfr'C"in] ~\;litsontidc to ,\dv"cnt ••• (n.p~JPrinted in the year of Our Lord 1652.t35)t.,268p.,rl0Jt.; 237p.,(10lt.; 373p.,r14Jt. 150m.70-1i4S(Continued on next card)IeS 71oc PC S~ A ASII G' GrSh w WS' cs.C;lSC5.\4:!070-1748lC;.i 71f\!LLE:l, TI\0:'1,\5, 1608-1(;G 1. (The hi' toric 0 fthe iloly ~arrc .•• lfi47j (C~rl! 2)t\,Q 3d editions); Si/:I1.1Wrc Z2 correctly"sir-nod; p.20.j mL~bcr.:d 2·~O.Imperfect: "Jl bofore p.l (includin,; t.-p.and added t.-p.) wanting.STC II f ~438.OC PC Sh A ASh Gr G;SI'! MSh w CShr GACE , JOII:\J fl.J645-1652. The ChristiansOdality... 1(,52. (Card 3)Signatur.,: AB,.~ (a)-(c)p,n-r 8 ; D_R S ;1 leaf un~i!;ned, ,Aa-Cc 8 , 1 leaf unsigned.Al (blanl,'l ~''''1Li nl::.Imperfect: \otalltjn~ all of sign;tturcsf-II and 1 2_ 7 in 2d group (i.e. p.65-112 and115-126)STC II C 107.70-1i43ICN 71oc pc 51'! A ASh Gt GrSh w WSh cs.c;\SCSA42070-1746leN 71FULL:::H, TIIO>L\S, )(,02-1';.,1. (The hi"tOf'tC ortlie holy "'~rl-C .,. 1647l (Car" 1)t'""o ::;d er-ition,,): si;-notllrc :2 correctlysir.,m"d; p. :20,: nHr:l!~cr\".{ ::~O.Imperfect: all he-Car"e p.l (includim: t.-p.and .. deed t.-p. J ",ant in/!.STC II F ~43,9.oc pc S" A ASIt Gt GrS" w WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>eM1465GARl'iETT, m,:my, 1555-1606, defendant.Actio in Hcnric\'m Carnetyr.l ••. ct caeterosqui prodi ti on. lngc i",nanissima Scrcniss.Rritanniac Hagnae R.g.m, U Regni Angliaeordincs ruloer. [u1minali e medio tollereconiurarunt: vna cum orationibus d~~inoruIndelc!;atorurll. Adjectwn est sUl?pliciumde Henrico Garneto Londini surrntum. Omnia70-1748ex Anglico it G. Car.dcno k1tine versa.dini, ExcuJcbat 1. Norton, 1607.Len-lCN 70t4)t.,273(i.c.~

,LI70-17':8IC;; 71OCi'CC(',I\S~iH~L1,. V:\i}:~?IS} r~r. :f Ci:l'::~~Lr~1 1()G2-17Z.C;.Jhc p'·.lnCl"i"'.Ii.,~:; 01 dCl~;::-; tr1J1.y r('pre~cntcl.~ar.d set il' a clc.lr ,br.ht.:, in t\-.'v di;'l1ni"~\lc!ib..::t"dc70-]748lCN 70[GIBIlO~S, JellS j 15·1,1-15,,9, ,"Hlp.C~nc~l·t;\ti\.l Ecclc,')iilC C;tt~wlicae in An··glia, adVC1"S\,S C."\luin0r.1pist<strong>as</strong> ('- rt:t'it."'l.l~\.'\S,a. p:1ucis ."'tuni S !l:in~~u],"1ri Studl0 qllonlndarnhorl1inu:n doctr'jn.1. f( s

C,1SC~A1('0670-1745Ie:; 70OC PC $h(GIBBONS, JOIlN I 15.\.1-J 5.'i9 , (0"'1'. CQnccrtatior:cclcsia~ ~,lthl.']ic;"l,C ••• 15~!1. (C:lI'd 4)lnclud('s contri ~llt i ('ns by r:J:nund C,ul:pion,James ['cnfl, ~1nd (lth~~l·fi.Imperfect: on~ ]c.1f ,1ftor LZ77 {sir,n.ltun~Xxx4} cut a1..'J.Y; t.~'?~1-3R2 \.;"ntinr.(""bstitll~ed arc , Hi97-1774Histories -lSrni:-;r.:-pre:,",l."i',t:ltions of the C.lth('llic (!('Ictrinez;;"f~.lnch(,,5t('!r, rl~intcd by T. Haydock, 1512.2Hp., ,11'~. 18iot in src II.190:1.,Aa-Cc R (l<strong>as</strong>t leafOC pc Sh A AS~ Gr GrSh W CShoc pc 61'1 A AS" Gr Gr5h w WSh

.mH~El, CH,\!,L":S, )f,] ,een the true Cod, and thc s1nistt!:r""ays he t:tkcs to m.1illt~1.in itt .arc laidopen. And his pretended paralel from ther,':\ctice both of the nll/:,lr and .... iser heatliens,"'oro fully refutcd ••• Paris, 1677.STC II G 919.OC PC Sh A ASh Gr GtSI'l MSh W WSh GC<strong>as</strong>e COnI~El, 1613-1690.4,\ The 0 f yO\! t~l in Chris tian3069 rict)'. T.1k~n out of the :Ioly Script\U'Cs andholy r., thcrs. From the I'rcnch of Ch.lI']esGQbinet ••• Vol. Ie-II 1 The fourth edit.ion~c·""c.l!:tlc upon Tyue, Printed for andsold by 1'. Coates; ",nd J. P. Coghlan, London,1783.2v.in 1. 22cm.70-174&IC~ 71OC PC Sh A ASh (itl Gr$h MS'W WSh CS'C<strong>as</strong>e6,\36470-1748lCN 71GOD'.>'!:;, FHA}:ClS, rip. of lIereforn, lSr,Z-lG5:5.. I'ranci,ci God· .... ini .•. De praesulibus Anr,liace0~cnt

c."\sc.:,15·1770-1748rc~ 71(r.\)O;;:~:\, r:·:T:·;:\l d. lJ,().t).T;l~ :;;m~ ("'If ;\ confcr("ncc /1,,,\'.1 hc!"',,'ccn ttU)divir~c,t the ::;ccul;\J~ clerr,y. '.~~.

C:tf.C3,\1940tCQTHF.Hl JOlIN} d.l704.tiDns •. , IG99,Aften1C10n ins truc­(Card 2)1(,9-1~5 end tted in rarinG; l<strong>as</strong>t pare mi:;­nud,trod 4~J (for HO)Contonts.--T,,",,, J. llein)" I'mctic,11 thoufhtsfor al] Sumbys and holid,1Ys, frc:!l I\~i\.'cnt to':ostcr.--To:ll, Il. Ilcin(l pr,lct;c;ll th,:,ur.hts fOI'all Sundilys ant! holidtiysJ frnm f':"'1stcr to .\d­\"cnL70-17~6 Not in STC II.les 71W WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>e3,1193770-17-15ICN 71,GOTIIQ(, JOll:;) d.1704.senter .•. 1687J(The C1 thoUc repr('­(Card 3)trinl'1ed at bottom, loIith loss of text.STC II G 1357 abd G 1327.oc pc Sh A ,olSh Gr .(;rSh MSh w cs. GC<strong>as</strong>eC6526.647v.4331656leN 71,GOTllm, J0HS) d .170-LAn amicstructiClns and devotions for hearing}l<strong>as</strong>s. (London, T. Hdgh"n 1 1767.t8,t.,15oP. 16cm. (I

70-1748ICN 71(C'.omI'.R, JOII!;] d.1704.sentcd ••. 1685](A rarist t1is-rc:pre-(Card 2) .5i ~th' ttl f'C! S pl'e~"nt: ll_R 4 •Ti tIc from another edi tion in the Libr~H'Y(sec be leM)Not in STC II. Thls is a close reprint(but "'ith il different s~ttin~ of type frol:1the same fonts) of an e,li ticn in the Llb,-;u'yd"..I. 50",c points ofva.riation beb,r-ccn the t' ...·o: r*l, caption(Collti nued on next c.. rd)OC PC 51'! A ASh Gr GrSh w WSh CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e5A1939'10-1'(4910:; 71,GOTllm, J(m:;] d .1704.scnted •.• 1685.20cm.A papist mis-reprc­(Card Z)Signatures: 1 leaf u:lsi~ncd, A_L 4 ,,\4.Kot in STC II. The t. -po is the same <strong>as</strong>tha t for STC II G 1034 (ar.d "'-'Y not be long tothis edition) The reminder of the v-;>lulr.cClosely rcscPlblcs (but is not it page for pagereprint of) STC II G 1334; it is a differentsetting of type from the sa;ne fonts.(Continued on next card)OC PC 51'1 A ASh Gr GrSI1 MSh w WS. GC<strong>as</strong>eM1938(GOTlfER, JOliN] d.1 70,1,!!ented '" lr,85](A papist mis-repre­(Card 3)title: "S" in "PArrST" riJ:ht-sidc up (turlledin the other edition); catch.·ord On 1'.101:adhering (adhercinl' in the other edition)Imperfect: all before signature n (7leaves?) wanting.C<strong>as</strong>e:5A1939rGOTHER, JOliN) d.1704.scnted '" 1685.A papist mls-rcprc­(Card 3)A ""'1jor variation bet"een the two editions:"The Contcnts~' is on P.r60] (thispage blank in STC II G B34) In STC II G1334 "The Contents M is placed on the versoof 5th prelim. leaf.70-1748ICN 7170-1748ICN 71oC pc Sh A ASh Gr G~Sh w GOC PC Sh II A,h Gt GtS""s. w G-----"'"!-------"C<strong>as</strong>e4A1849no.l70-1748ICN 71("OTlum, JOIIK) d .1704 •A p.,\pist mi~-reprcficntcd and rcprc;.cnted:or A two-fo1r! character of popery. The onoco~tnininJt ~'\ SUrrt of the 5Upcrst! tion~, idolatries,cruelties, trcachcries, and .... ickedprinciple. of that porcry which hHh disturhtdthis ",Hion al>ovo an hundred .md {ifeyyears ••• 'ihe othfr c sIc 1 hyinJ; open tha tpopery which the papists own and profr.,~Dy J. L. (i.e. John Lov~ll, pseud.] To(Continued on next c"rd)OC PC 8h A ASh Cir Ct$h w cs.C<strong>as</strong>eC6526.647v.4331656IC~: 71rGOTH!!:!!, JOIf:-ll d.1704.A papis t rr.is-repr.:osentcd and .represented:or, ,\ two-fold ch.1!·,1cter of popery. The onecontaining a sWot of the surerstitions, idolatries,crue lties, treacheries, and >rlcl,edprinciples of tha t ropery which ha th disturb'dtltis nation above an hundred and fiftyyears ." The othfr (sic, layinl; open thatporery which the papists Olln and profess •..Uy J. L. (Le. John Lovell, pscud.] To(Continued on next card)oc Pc 51'1 A ASh C, GiSh w WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>e4,1lIl~9no.l70-1748lCN 71rGOTiISt, JOliN) d .1704.scnted rlnd represcntcoA papist mis-repre­(C,1rd Z)\~'hi~h is Annexed, no;nan-C~'tholi(;k principles,in reference to God rend the kin~ r by JamesCorker. n.p.] Printed 1685.,4]t.,63,Sp. Zlom.STC II G 1335.e,Sec6576.6-17v.433165(,ICl< 71[GOTIllm, J0liN) d.170·1.Sen ted and representedA papist mis-repre­((',uJ Z)',hiel, is annexed, ll('n11l-Catholick principles,in reference to Cod and kin~ rby James Col'i,er,rn.p. 1 Printed IGB5.(4]1..,63,Ep. 21cm.[linder's title: P,1'"ph1cts. 4.STC II r. 1335.OC PC Sh A ASh G( GfSh MSh W WS' CShOC PC Sh A ASh Gr Gr5h w ws. cso GC<strong>as</strong>e3A193970-1748ION 71(GOTHEH, JOliN] d.1704.A papist mis-represented and represented:or, A two-fold character of popery. The onecontaining a sum of the supersti tians ••. ofthat popery which hath disturb'd this nati"nabove an hundred and fifty years '" The otherlaying open that porery which the papists ownand rrofess Ily J. L. (Le. John Lovell,pseud.] To "'hiclt is annexed, Ro",an-Catholickprinciples, in reference to God and the king(by James Corker] (n.r.] 1685.( (Continued on next card)oc PC Sh A ASh Ct G,SI) w CSh G'f--C<strong>as</strong>eC6526.647v.4331656IC~: 71oc pc(COTIIi;il, JOliN) d.l70-1.A r.'pi,t mi~-l'epl'csentcd ,1"d rcprc~ented:or, A tlfC'-fold ch.1r"cter of popery. The onecontainin/,: " sm' of the superstitions, idolatriesJ cruelties, trJ.!tlchcrics, and lridccdprinciple, of tha t popery which hit th dist\lrb'dthh n,Hion above an hundred ;md fiftyyears ... The othfr (sic) loying open thatporcry which the p'lpists Olin nnd profess , ••Ily J. L. rLe. John Lovell, pseud.) To• (ContillUcd on next card)Sh A ASh Gr GorSt'! MSh W WS. OSh

(\ rl'2fi.64'/v.43:516:'0lCX 71tr.,)TiH;;'\, ,h"'\I1~~l d. ]7l)·I.!1\~lltt'd .11\:1 rCpf·e .... ~jl!:t~d,\ rapi.", t mi.R-rq>ro~­(C.1rd 2)h"hich is :lnnc"ed, ;{o,p;ln-C,ltlh11ick principles,in r(;fcrcncc to Cod .1nd t!H! kin~ (by Ja.*7ICSCor:h~rJ en.p. J PI~int~ci 1G'85.r~J'.,G3,Rr. 21cm.nin(kr's tit],,'} Pamphlct!J t4.SiC II G 1~35,C<strong>as</strong>e4,\3005no.770-1748lCN 71GRUTAN, Jlr;Nl\Y, 174(;-11'20.1h" 'peech of Henry Grattan, Esq. on theadd,'c" to lIis lI:1jcsty, at the open.inr, of theIrish rarlia"'cnt., 17')2. Ihth an arrenc1ix,containing the public r"pr.rs and resoluti.onsof the United Iri,h, the COl1T11ittee of Dclegatesfor the Rom.111 Catholics, flc. London,Printerl for J. Tlidgway, 1792.r2lt.,~.1,28p. 22cm.oc pc Sh A A!:Jh G( GrSt, wOC PC Sh A A3h (ir GrS" ....w ws. cs.GC.1SC.. L\ t('·QTtlER, .!Oii:i} cf.17;)f.1949 r";'i~t., i',·o'.~'t.i"!; "rcdnst Prote.'tontpOj'''!ry.:in ;',!l~~:.'o·.i· to a d·i.~H;~IB·:;\~ cnH\:1l1cd Ano.5ra;,"I-ist not mL

Ca.se70-1,·18IC, 70C'C FIe SI'ICT. mul'~ C ... "':i;:li ~:~:i Nk'rs [01' Cill1SCS Ecclcsi ,15-tic«l, 1(,07.A 1.1.rr,.c ("Xilr.llll>lt.i':"H t.\ken itt. L;ll;ll~~lh,acconiillI,;. t('l His ~j,d('!;tj('~; din'ctil~!l, 1'0intby faint, cf H. r.Cl~l·r(' nJ,l.l,;\,·:.~)J, 1I:,1.,J",; ;\rcLpl~ic~tof E1i::land, l"y P~'p,,~ Cl\'r;:\..~ilt S. Vp\ill("ICC1\~j 011 of

7Q-1748IC;': 71Co!'".mi t t~~c C("lt1CC rninr.: pcntll l;1.\,·s agains ti\or.i.1n CJ.tholics~(Joun,,,l of events, 16, 18, 23, and 25July 16(;1. n.p., le.Gl),2;t. 3200.H.:lnuscr:i pt in inl,.The events of 16 July 1661 arc reco7dedin the Journ"l, of tho House of wrds, v.ll(1834), )1.310-311 {"most verbatim <strong>as</strong> givenOC PC Sh A ASh Gr GISt'! MSh w WSh cs, GCa!5C3A147070-1748ICN 70oc I"'CSilGREGORII'S I, the Great, Saint, Pope, 540(ca. )-(,04. The II dia10gves ••• (Card 2)Tor-ether wi th a no- II table miracle vrou/:;htby S. Oernar- II de, in cNlfirmation of dilIersar- II tieles of reH(ion. II Translatedinto our English tC'lI{!lIe II by P. 'II. II (4lines] II Printed at Paris. 160B.(24 , t.,514p.,,11t.,4:lp. 16on.In 2 pt •. , each with sel'arate paging,the 2d with opeci,' t.-p., A shorte relationI (Continued on next card)Gr GrSn ',_). MSh W WSh C~" c;C.-tse}ISGA2070-1148ICN 71in the pl'e:;cnt m,lnuscript) The cvcnts of theother days not recorded there.At cnd: TI,e Preamble to the lUll to beeto this effect ...Notation in m,1q:in of t. r 2) recto: ;\dr"ught of the intended Act in fauour ofCatb. & excluding the Jesuit~.OC PC $h A ASh Gt (irS!! w CSITC<strong>as</strong>e'6A147070-1748lCN 70CHF.cOltIUS I, the Grea t, Saint, PClrC, 540(ca. )-604. The II dialo!;lIe •• ,. IG08.(Card 3)of divers miracles, "fo"glltc at the me,:,oriesor shrines of certaine ~h1rtirs ••. ~Vrlttenbv .,. S. Augustin: and ,translated Into ourE;'gllsh tongue by P. VV. ":' ,'.Catchword on signature a6 verso. sauon.(instead of uer-)STC l2~49 (variant)(Continued on next c.1rd)OC PC Sf! A ASh Gr G(Sh (::;;/ MShw WSh GC<strong>as</strong>eHS61.23G1. ImIT. Privy Coune; l.The 0" th of " privy, COllneel10r taken bythe Richt lIono~le Henry Earle of Clarendonthe 26~h of ~f.1y 1660. (n.p" 16S0,(2 )t. 36'::11,CT. IlHIT. r"rli,1;ncnt. ,:o\lse of Lonh. CO",­mittcc concerning renal la~·.'i aGainst B(lmnnCatholics. (Journal.,. 16Gb (Card 2)Hanllscript in ink.Caption ti tIe.On verso of L(2,: The oath of a privy70- councellor tal,en by Y Earle of Clarendon1748 the 26 Fh of May 1680.ICN 71oc pc 5'" A ASh Gr G(5h w "'50 CShC<strong>as</strong>eM147070-1748ICr; 70oCPCGRI;r.;OltIUS I, the Great, Saint, Pope, 5-10(ca. )-604. The II diaJogues 1608.(Card 4)I n binding s t:l11'pe d \.-1 th the arms 0 fEn&land.Imperfect: strip p<strong>as</strong>ted along innermargin of t.-p., coverinh a fev letters,;piece cut from bottom of p.:581r-~84, ~,ithloss "f text (a perfect leaf from anothercopy laid in)w ws, CShC,,"C3A238970-1748lCN 71G:(f;E~, TIIO}!;\S LOUIS, l79"-1f'F3.Semon on private ju(ll~cnt, bc:i.n~ thefirst of a I;cries of dJ$COt!l·.~CS on the I'rincipnlcontroverted point" of Ca~hollc rloctrine,In.tely delivered itt the Catholic Chapel,St. John's HaddCnT'..:lrket, No 1"1>1 ch, byT. L. Green. l,ondeh, flacon and Kinnebrook,1829.23p. 20cm.Imperfcct: p.ll-14 wanting.OC pc 51'! A ASh Gr GI$h MSh w C51! GGT. Blur. CI.'~"l',lis!jiNH:rs fn.: ('.· .. u~.('s Ecclt~!;it\stj(".1.1 J J (107 • 1\ ];tl"[~1,.; ('X;\lld I~,'( ti(\11 ta!;cHat J-:':J,l",tit ", (Ca",1 2)aJlcr canc ," rr>r.eth

C<strong>as</strong>e3A1471GRECOltIUS I, the G.eat, S,1int, rClr~, 5,10(ca. )-G04. The secollJ hC'C'I

C<strong>as</strong>e3A19-1770-1748leN 71llA!\f,',,'ILL, .... 1LL),\~:, 157·1-1",

lIY~i'.s:·li;tli, \i~·~lL.) j:"):1-1t;7:1. lljSt01 .• ~1'\::r)lC'·.I~,l 1:CCl(' -l'i:;:"i{,.1 ••. If,~~j.. (C.1;'.1 Z.)cst 0~'miu:;,! nO~}:l~~( :'.1,tI"Y·;, ttn al i;:n!f11 S,:(T,-·n::1 a~,;it;·:, ~'.1.l\~ )ll. ,\1::',1;" {f ;'::1111" H~nl'~':'"';:; •VI!!. !h';..: \"\~l $llt'tL.'t'tlt, \'121 5nl('!'xa rc]i'1~:jl.'vel aJ iJ PO$tC,l Cl'

70-1748leX 71OC PC Sh(i!A:{,\!lDE;-.1, 1;f)\\'Aillll 1662-lnS.Church of Cilds t ••. 1758.The true(C.,rd 2)attrilHltcd to Charles !.cslie and N.Hh.lnic1Spinckcft.'Imperfect: v.2, "hie!; comprises pt.3of the '''ork, wanting.A ASh Gr 'I$h W WSh CSh70-1748.ICN 70[HAWKINS, H~~Y, 1571?-1646.T:1e history of S. Elhabeth davghter ofthe Klng of Ilvl1gary. According to sundryauthours Who haue authentically wri tten herllfe, distributed into three bookes. Dy II.A. '" [Rouen, J. Cousturicrl 1632.[Slt.,410(i.e.40S)+p. 150m.STC 12957. Allison & Rogers 387.Imperfect: all after p.~lO wanting;added t.-p. cngra\'Cd wanting.Nos. 286- ,267 omitted in paging;.OC PC $h A ASh Gil Gf5h ~ ! MSh W W$h CShC<strong>as</strong>e410M711. r"AWARDEN, EDWARD) 1662-1735.The tn>c Church of Chri3t, ahewed by concurrenttell tiJnonie8 Ilf ScrlptllI"C, and primitive tradition. PArt III ... London,Printed in the year 1715.2v.(xxxv,(1)p.,t S 1 t.,323P.,r l l t .,(325,-1146p.,(41t.,(~471-496p.,(8,t.) 200m.<strong>Library</strong> docs nllt hnve parts I nnd I~ inthis edi tilln.70-1148 In " pts., the 2d and 4th with specialICIi 71 revI' oJ (Continued on next card)oc PC a~ .. Alb twit" w w,~ . Clh GC.1SC4,\;;004no.lIIAY, CEOrlGF., 1729-1 all.I'<strong>as</strong>tor,ll addre5. of the R. R. Dr Oeoq;eH.1)·, R. R. lk J(lI," Chisholm, and R. n. DrAlex..ndcr C;vneron, C" tholi c bishops in Scotland,to ,,11 the fai thful 'lnder their chart;e.. Edinbur(;iI, Printed by J. Hoir, 160~.IIp. 220ll.Ilound with this •• re 7 other trncts.70-1748 For dct.J.il~, sec official shelf list.IC~' 71OC PC $h A ASh . 0., GIShcl1'\!~AnlmN, En"',\ROl 1662-1735.Church of Christ •• , 1715.The (rile(Card 2)t.-p.: C2J Of translIbst-lnti.1tion. With nfull answer to Hr. L'~ objections againstit ... rrintcd in t.he YCilrHIlCCXV. (4) rourappendixes to the hook entitlerl The tnlcChurch of Chris t, ftc. I. Of 1m,,!;es and relicks.II. Of prayers for the de;"l and Pur-70- g., tory. III. Of the celibacy of priest",1748 comnunion in one kind, nnd the liturp;y inlCN 71 ~v(Continued on next card)OC Pc 8h A ASh r;, Gt5h M5h W WSh CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e~n\2:19170-1748lCN 71[HAY, GEORGEl 1729-1811.HOn101l\ Catholic fidcli ty to ProtestnntsI\~certnined; or, Art an."er to Hr. W. A. 0'.letter to O. H. in "'hieh the conduct of!!:ovcrnmcnt, ill mitigiltinr. the pen.ll 1.1"'5ag:lin3t paph ts, is justified: the sedi tiou"tendency of I~. A. n's letter is discovered:the Iloman Catholics fully vindicatcd from thoslanderous llccusn tion of thinking it lawfulto break faith liith heretics, lihich W. A. D.{Continued on next ~~rd}oOC PC Sh A ASh Gt ",Sh MSh W wSh CSh 1#C<strong>as</strong>e4A~07~cHAWARDEN, EDWAHO, IG62-17~5.Church of Christ... 1715.The true(C.l'· l 1729-1811. Rem.ln Ca tholi cfidelity... 1779. (Card 3)P"I!CS 149-150 numbered 150-151.\~. A. D. is William Abernethy Drummond.Hound in "t the end it re 49 lenve.'! made up'of disparate pieces from sever",l issues ofan unirlcntified "Directory" (one piece concernsCnrdiMl William Allen; the restm,linly the state of reli,:;ion in Chin,l .~ndr.cir.hborin/! countries in the period lS01 to"bout 1820)OC PC Sh A ASh Gt GfS~ MSh W ws~ CSh (;.

C<strong>as</strong>e;SA~39270-1745IC~ 71flAY, Cr;O~Gf., 1729-1811.The Scripture doctri nc of mira.cles di.,>plnyed:in which their n.1.tut~c UC~ ;).rc irnpa,rtiallycx.un:i~.cd ath~ cxpltli:1cd, ; .. ccordin~ tothe li,,:ht ..,f TlC\·Cltltli.'\n, .:l.nd the. pl~ir.cirlcs('f sl,."uOid r~.1."ion. Dr the He,,? er Hay. Vol.I [-II) n"blln, P. \'0[,"", 1769.kV. plate. lec~.r,ngraved ti tlc-,ilf,cs.70-17-18ICN 71r1iEOGr:, 01.\111 ,uoiN IAffection' s gift to a be loved god-child.Dy M. II, ••• London, Printed for D0110 ... in,Cradock, and Joy. 181.9.r Z;

C.1Se3'\Z~9570-1748rC:-l 71IIfmflf::rtT, L.1dy Leer, 1('6'1-17,14. Several excellentmethods... 1722. (C"rd ~)char~ty to,".1J~d.1j ou~ ncir.Jlbour for everv drLof tn" m~n th. - YCf, another is"ue in the Lihrnry, h.winll~ slightly dlffe:ent t.-p.; the text in pt.1a the srune scttlnJ: of type in both issues,but the rc~air.in~ texts differ.OC Pc Sh A ASh Gt GrShWcso.. _._ ...._-------70-1i48ICN 71OC pc SnftEnnEnT, Lad)' WC:;', 1669-174,1,ccHent methods... l7t,2.l,lOp., (1)t.,1l4p.l7crn.Several ex­(Card 2). T:,e 2d.pt. (sep,lrate)y pa~cd) h<strong>as</strong> c,'ption.ttt:e. ~otives to excite liS to the freqllentmc(htatl(ln of Our Saviour's Pnssion., The ~d s~ction of pt.2 hilS caption ti tIc IFour nlCdl ta tlons up"n the moti ve.~ we h,tve tolove lind hOMur Our I.~dYi .'hi ell may sc rv~(Continued on next card).. s. wC"seC861• 39862-39ICN 62II f:\n rnT , L.tdy UlCi', 1[,69-17014.Several e"cellent r.1cth"ds of hc,trjnl' }bsswith fruit If benefit acco;-dine: to the in~titutionof that Divine Sacrifice and the intentionof our lIoly Nother the Church "ithmotives to induce .111 good ChristL,ns, p,trticularll'relidous persons to ,,,,,ke usc of thesame! <strong>as</strong> also severa.l other practices of devoti"nappertain!n/: to a relie:ious life collectedtogether by t:he rlic;ht Honourable L.tdy(Continued on next card)rev 71MO. W WS' CSh coC<strong>as</strong>e3A2396II El10mT , L."ly WCY, 1669-1744.cellent methods... 1742.Seve ra 1 ex­(C.,rd :I)for cach S.Hllrday of the mouth (siC) •I{ith this bound her: Several methods andpratises of devotion ••• 1743.70-1748lCN 71oc pC Sh It. ASk G, GrSh MS. w WSh cs.I. ,C,tSCC861.398IIEmmn, L.:tdy WCY, IG69-1744. Sever"l excellentmethods •. , (Card 2)Lucy lIerb~rt of I'owis Superi~ur of the En[(lisl!AII~ustin-~uns. At Ilrllf,es. Printed by J.de Cock, 1722.126p.,(1)t.,19S,cS)p. 18cm.The 2d pt. (separ.>tc!y palled) 11.15 c.tptiontitle: S.yer~l methods ,1nd practices of devotionappertaining to a rcli~ious life.62-~9 . (Continued on next card)lC:-l 62 rev 71OC PC ." 11..< A$h car GrSt'! Wf-C<strong>as</strong>eC8Gl.~9862-~!)ICN 62 rev 71HWOf;JiT, L.:tdy wcr, 1669-1744.cellent methods ••• 1722.W5hC.t:ihSevcral cl

C<strong>as</strong>eG,\ IIf$·;,..,5, T!!C'::'\S, f1.'~:-.1-15GS. The rarlia-;;14 m.~nt of Ch"yste '" (C,1rel 2)70-174qIC, 70Sacr~;:v~'nt, and SC';olC 0f t.hl" (lIdr Tcst;;r.ient,rlainlic .all,~ trH~l)' t''.;·\~".·r~,-h'd hy a n('>-:!br~ ofhol!·~ 1(';1)'1\('\1 f:'tti;cr:i ,1I:',~ doc-toUt"S •• _ l:nprir.t~din Ant\",'('lT':;l \"\'. Silvius, 156(,.::)~ i,C(CC;(1 j{.The L15t leaf I{'1~..,lJison f., R"r.t~l·~;A. C. St.""IHtlh"rn,pro:':t. no.S?,oc PC SPI A ASfI Gr G'S~ w• I...-,\nti Ii:,";.STC J:t:~50.~ 1 :.'_h"'t!:'J.n t"t~rl.IS::1Htl; .. ;::1-:25)iC,1se4,\1844fl.1GH-16il4.HILLS, HI:~:nY,A C.1t.'\lo~u\! of book:; printed for HenrylIills, l'rint~r t(l the kinlI's most ExcellentH.1jC5ty, fOI' hi; houshold and ch .. ppel, 1686.(London, 16;'3G J,1,1'. 21c:n.C .. ption title.,\t the end (If: gllis, Philip. The thirdsennon London, 16B6.70-1748ICK 71oc pc 5h A ASh- Gt GfSh w WSh cs"C<strong>as</strong>e;;A H1E!\O'inrus, S"il1 t.1576 Certai .. e se10cted epistles C'f S. Biero,nc<strong>as</strong> alsc> the lives C'f S,int r"v1 the firsthcnr.itc, of S~int IIi}al'ioll the first monkcof syria, and of S', Ha Jelly" ,vl'i t ten l>y thesame saint. Tratlslat{'d j nto r:fI~li 511.{St. [liner, ICnp:lish C0l lege l'l'e",} 1('00.1491' • .rll"., 5:;1" 19cm.70-1745IC,~ 70Trans 1:\ tedIn 2 pts.,by Hi.~Il)·Y ila ..'k ins.cO\ch \...) th scp."tr.1.te parinhJ(Continue ....' on next card)oc pc 51'! A ASh Gf GrS'" MSh W WSh CSh GCa~eM195270-1748ICN 71oc PCHILTON, ",AUEll, d.1395.The s~11e (or ladder) of perfection, writtenby I'alter Hilton .... Printed first in theyeare 1494. '" Oy the changing of some antiquatedwords, rendred more intelligibleLondon, Printed by T. R., 1659.IB)t.,312p. 17cm."Another treatise of the same author writtento a devout man of secular estate, teachinghim hoW to lead a spiri tuall life therein":p.,275J-312. STC II H 2042.5h A ASA Gr GrShw WShC<strong>as</strong>e3A157670-1748lCN 70IlIEflOKYMUS, Sal n t.tIes .•• 1630.Certainc selected epis­(Card 2)the 2d with half-title: The lives of SaintPavl the first hermite; of Saint Ilibrionthe 'first monke of Syriil, and of Saint Malchvs,... ritten by Sair.t liiero:nc.STC 14502,Allison U RObers 412.oc PC Stl .. ASh Or GrS'" w CShC<strong>as</strong>e3,1198270-1748lCN ilHIIWHARSII, JOSErH, f1.1678-1696.Books printed fcor, and sold by Joseph HindlMrsh,at the Black Bull in Comhill, overagaj ns t the Royal E.xchange. t London, ca ..1685)[2}p. 1801>.Caption ti tle.Bound at the end of Haimbourg, Louis.An historical treatise of the foundation andpn::r"rativcs of the Church of Rome ' .. 1665.[' '\OC PC SA A AS!'!: G. GrSh w WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>eSA147470-1748ICN 70mu, THOHAS, 15G4-16·14.A qvartrcn of re<strong>as</strong>ons of Catholikc religion,,.i th <strong>as</strong> m.1ny briefc re<strong>as</strong>ons of refvsaIl:By Tho. lIilL If:lprinted at Ant-",erpe, 1&00.[6 J t..,187p. lScm.Title vignette (Crucifixion)False imprint; printed secretly inEnglanc.STC 13470. Allison u Rogers 400.Impe rfec t: p.l07-108 and 121-122mutilated, ,;ith , loss of text.oc pc Sh A ASh (ir Gf5~ '- M5h W WSn CSt!; 'Ge,Se0.\!SSS70-1749lCS 70HISDHAHS!I, JOSEPlI', f1.1678-1695.Some bool~j.1..A ('~tal('l0Hc of books rl~1IltC\1 by 11cnrrliills, printer to the king's rr.ost ExcellentHajesty for his hl(! and chan,ell; and areto be sold a t his PI'] nt:i n~-housc 011 th~ dl tchsidein Black-Fri.,,·s; ,·:1,01'0 all [,entlc,;,cnt,,,ybe funlishfd with th('Cl at the prices follC'ldllg.[ London, ca. 1 (,83 J(3)j1. Ben.70-J.748 In Huddleston, ill cl:.1rd. A short andIOi71 pl ain way •.. 1688.Cnsc3A239870-1748lCN 71The IIISTOI1Y of the .1ntiqui tics of Great­Britain, rclatinr, ·to the Reformation, uc.London, rrinted for H. Tracy, 1726.(1}t.,xii,U9,r4lP, 4 plates(2 fold.)15ern.OC PC Sn A ASh Gr GrSh w WShOC pc 51, A ASh Gr GrSnMSh w !NSf> CSh

C<strong>as</strong>eM195370-1748ICN 71The I!ISTO~Y of the life anJ death of thHantient fath~r of the Church, n r Joh. Thau]~rJ"ha Ib"ed at Colcn in Ccnnany in the Year ofOur Lard, 1346. where he w<strong>as</strong> in a mir;culolls'manner turnC'd from his vain conversation to anextraordinary de~ree of holinoss of life.cTolgethcr, .dth manl' of his precepts, p"5itions,and senn"ns; but .srecially the' moanSand manner how he came to be so highly illtmunated,[allJd to the unJcrS(:.lnding of the secretmysteries [of tJhe Gospel, &c. [F,aithfully(Continued on next card)oc PC Ski A ~Sh Gr G'Sll MSh WShC<strong>as</strong>e~l.'\195570-J74RIC:\ 71IlOUHlO\"ll:S, LUCAS, lsn:;-)(,(,]. CollcctioRO:ll"n.1 ,.. lG6Z, (Card 2)Enf!f'nvcd title \'iplcltc (pl'jnter'soel'ic(' )Annt'l'i:d hOQkpla t~: Ex CZl ta~V Hi hlit'thceneC"\\1'1,11·tjn:tc~ 4\),!-:('I :tt'l~\Ol'ial S\ll"~f·l.!xlibl·i.s(.1""s of the Ca"martil1 far,Lily)oc PC Sh A ~Sh Or GrSh MSh WSh cs .... GC<strong>as</strong>e3A195370-1748ICN 71The IIISTOHY of the life .1nd death of •.• Joh,Thaulcr .•. (Card 2)translated out of L.atinc. [London? I Priptedfor Lodowick Llord, and arc to be ,sold i'1h,is shor at the C<strong>as</strong>tle in COI'nhil, 16('3,e1lt. ,lSi'll'. 15C:II,Signatures: (A)4,f1_K A ,L 4Imperfect: t.-p. partly torn .w"y, wi tilloss of text; otJier' minor imreI'f~cti"ns.Not in STC II,OC PC Ski A ASh Gr GrSh ... Sh w CSoGC<strong>as</strong>e6A36570~1748IG:\ 711100l'Elt, JACOII, fl.' ISth cent.An i'''p

C,1SC rHO:\(;YC.U\ .rc:n..: .JOS;.;r-:I , Or_ 1 liJt';-177i1."'~ r~.1.: Pi:] of C.1thc ...licks: or, A:;\:\11};t ~ni~!!: th~pd. ncir.l1 po i.nts of th~ d;)ct;~inc ,Jnd ccrc­IT'.(Hli('::; of the C:.1. tholick Chun:h • * & EyJ- 11- C. _\-0. S.Lor.dor., P;'in ted[.'r T. rlciJ1hl1.n, li'~9~Zf~p.,c3j'. 210;:.70-1 nsIC~; 71OC PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh w ws.Clse3A195670-1 i4SICX 71IIUIJDLf.5TQ;;:, IlIC~I,\[\I), 15,33-1G55.phin Wily... (C.1r,j 2)account of what occu!Ted on I',is death-bed inre~.1rJ to religion. rc nnissu superi onom.~l1clon, rrintcd or Henry lIills, printer to theKlngl s most excellent ~:.1jcsty for his houshold~nd chnpJ'\!J; and arc to be sold .1 t hIs l'r~int­J.n!;-ho\lsc on the ditch-side in Illack-Friilrs.1&'08.r 7 l t .,91,r 3 rl'.; (2)(..,5-3.11'. Bern.(Continued on next cal'd)oc pc Sh A ASh {it GrSt.~Sh w ¥ISh C50C<strong>as</strong>~3'\240170-1746IC;; 71HOR;';YOLO, JOII;; JOS:-:rll, IIp., 1706-1778.The S.1cra.ments cxpJi1.incd: in tl-{cntv discourses.Ily the llt. iley. Doctor lIornihold. To Io'hicll is added, Ki"~ Benry theEl~hth's n~fcncc of the !ie-VCIl s,jcramcnts,•1t8ainst t!,1rtin Luther. In NO volumes •••Dublin, R. COl11C, 1821.2'1. 19em."Asscrtio scptcm ~ilcrn.mcntonnn or Adefence of the seven s,'cr~mcnts, against(Continued on next card)OC pc Sh A ASh Gr GrShw WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>e:0.\)95611.1~](;:\ 71IIUI)UU~)TO~, IU CIIA!UJ, 1553-1(,55. A short andp}"in \,'ilY ••• 1(,88. (C.lrd 5)lR 18S]gl1:\tul~es:A-C ; A (l<strong>as</strong>t leaf, blank?wan tin;::>The- 31'. at end of l't.l ,"'0 'HI\'cl'tisingmatter.Thc t.-p. i.s probabJr a canccJland; theprobable cnncel to-I'. (signntlll'C AI' 2d t:rollp)lS tc~tually ("lthone,h not typo(;rl1pilicany)ldcnllcal, except for the folJowin,e:, insl!rted(Contillued on next c.lrd)OC PC Sh A ASh (Or G'ShwWSh:)-----ColseM240170-1748lCt' 711I0IlNYOLD, JOlll' JOSf.fIi, 111'., 1706-1778.nles"cr,,-rncnts explained... 1821. (Card 2)Hartin Luther, by lIenry the Ei~hth, King ofEn&land ...": v.2, 1'.(215;-352.Imperfect: '1.1 wanting.oc pc SI'! A AS'" (ir GrSh ws. cs.C<strong>as</strong>c3A19567()-70-174

Ca~e0.\195670-17~SIC;; 71m'DrU:STO:-; ,pl"in "',iy1 ~.~3-1655. A sl10rt .111'.1(Car'd 7)~"t in STC 1I. for rt.l, cf. II 32.S? ,'ltdII 32SS; :rt~ 2 ros~;ihlr the ~.1.r:t(' a.s ""r 10J5:\.oc PC Sh A ASh Gt G,ShwGHCGO, HER.'!!,,'1, 1598-1529.Pia dcsidcria, vi::.. 1. Ccmltus animacpoenitentis, 2. Vota (animae, sanetac 3. Suspiria(anil1l;H~) a.11atltis. Authorc Hen;llltlIlOHug,onc ••• Edi tio postrc!:lJ. rccogni ta & crrh~ndata. Londini, ExcuJit J. C. sumptibus R.Fa"'let, 1677.(8j+

c;u;c~I"2·;0570-1748I(;~ 71(lil:l;TEl\. TJiQH,\S, 1(,('G-I725.,\ m"d~st dcf~ncc of the' c1crr:v and reli­~i0US, in a ri15collrsc directed to R~ c.chaplain of an I~nr,li~~l r\~l!ir;;('.nt, about hishistor:l' of V,1\'ay Collef-e. il'ith .1" ;\ccount ofthe matters of fact misrcpn~~c:nted in thes"id history. (n.p.l Printed in the year1714.(l,t. ,In, (13IP.1ecm.Elicited by 1I"/:h Tootell's History ofthe En(':lish College at Oo"'''y.C<strong>as</strong>e2,\11170-1H8lCN 70IHlTATIO CHRISTI. Thomae a Kcmpb ... Deimitatione Christi 1626. (Card 2)Rcsweydo concinna ta."Imperfect: p.97-98, 111-112, 175-176,and 255-256 "'anti",!:; probably 2 leaves arelianting from sign"ture Dd.oc pc s" j, ASh Gr GrSr. W WSh OSh\OC PC Sh j, AS;' Gr GrSh ./ MSh w W'h eShC<strong>as</strong>c4,\1653no.2270-1748ICN 71(Ht!;-ITOK. PIllLIP, 16047-16."2..A treatise of .r.1onarcily: co:tt"aj:nlJ1!; twoparts. I .. Conccnlin.!! monarchy in t;eneral.II. Conccrnin~ this pa.rticular monarchy ..1 .. 1lcrein all the m.ain {{ucstions occurrent inboth, arc st.Hed, disputed, and rletcl",inca.Done b}~ an earnest desirer of his countriespeace. London, Printed for, and sold byR. Daldwin, IG~9.(2;~.,7~p. Zlcm.SIC II H ;'76~.oC PC: Sh A ASh Gr GrSr. MSh w WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>e~A205170-1748ICN 71UIITATIO OIRISTl. l!:ngllsh.The folleving of Christ. In four booksvritten by John Gersen, Abbot of Vercelles,of the Holy Order of St. Benedict: drawn outof ten ancient manuscripts; some written abovefour hundred years ago, and set forth by the... Abbot Cajetan, Chronologist to Pav1 the V.... and printed at Rome ... 1644. Printedat London, 1673.c17,t.,471(i.e.495),C9lP. 4 plates.lSon.(Continued on next card)OC PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh W WSh cs'C<strong>as</strong>e3.\2.126cllUf\IJIS, J."':SS] 1763-1801.Sir The,"<strong>as</strong> Hore: a traged)'. Dy the .,,'­thor of The yill;"Jgc curate, ilnd other J1oc;ns.The second edition. London, J1rintcd forJ. Johnson, 179:1.132p. 200n.:"'Ii thout th~ dccica tiol1 and i1dvcrtisir,,~leaves at bc:;inning (prescnt in 1792 cdi\..ion)70-1748leN 71oc pc Sh It. ASh Gr GtSh ,",Sh w WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>eM205170-l74SlCN 71IffiTATIO CHRISTI. English. The foHoving ofChrist... 167:'>. (Card 2)Nos. 97-120 repeated in paging.Ti tIe varies from tho. t of the Ori t. Mus.copy ("here the 2d ,",ord of title reads:followinc)STC II T 952.OC PC Sh A ASh Gr GoS;' I' 70 Imperfect: p.125-HO I

70-1HSIe:\ 71I}!17ATT 0 Cl!:nSTI, ;';;:;:: If:jj'l.Th\! j;;it.1.ticn of j(! S 11'. Coirlst, in fourbO('lk~. By Tho~,1S it I\C;~'i'lS. '\t1d translatedinto Engli.sl~} fl"";!] the L..1.~in~ London,.rrint~d for T. :h~it:hnnJ 1726.3l'ip.,cG,i.. 15cm.Imperfect: p.,l J - ( 2) wanting.C.,~ci3ro,ldsh-:e4;)70-1746IC); 71INDEX LUHlOIlVH PHOlilnITOflUM.(1725)Dccrct\'m ,~.Ir.lprint at foot of leaf.A condcn:li,ltio!l of General instructionsby w',y of c .• tcchism (London, 1725), by s. L.Lle.yd, ~'l;ich is a trans1a tion of Instructionshcncl~.11c.s cn for;~.c de catcchisn:c (Paris,1702), by F .. A. rOlJl;et.OC PC Sh A ASh Gr GrShw WSh cso Goc PC $h A ASh (it Gr$tly by John C"th",..Not in STC JI.Cf. Gill0W.WWShc,~sc:5,\247770-17~8lCN 71lHITATIO CmUSIl. Latin,Dc inii ttttionc Clll~isti, 1io1'i quatuor.aUC~Drc Thoma a l\c;r.pis. It.:ccnsi ti ad ficcm;wtor,raphi .1l1ni lLecCe.XLI. Cum vito. ejusdemThorn.ie, per llcrib(!rt\l1':l I\cS\\'CjrGltli\Gl:U'I~\I:1C, III acdih'd~ acaclcmic:is cxcudcb:'lnt'II. etA. Foulls, Acad0"uae typor,:raphi, 17 Sl.xxiv,262p. 14on. 'OC PC Sn A ASh Gr GtSh )'ISh W WS, cs,GC<strong>as</strong>e3'\1959no.170-1748JCN 71An n;STIlcCTION to perfol'mc ••• the devotion ...in honour of S. francis Xavcriuacca.1670) (Card 2)Wi til this is bound The manner of perfonningthe novena •.. to St. Francis Xavcrius1702.STC II I 235.Bound in at the front are 6:5t. of COIltcmroraryms., pnrt of which is entitled:Sentences drawn out of Iioly Scripture for thecon5o},1.tion of persons in suffrance.OC PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh MSh wso OSh GC<strong>as</strong>eDroadside43n;D!;X LI OflOllliH pr;Oi II 111 TOr-VH. ..Decrct'~ Sacrac Conr,rer,ationis ••• Car~~n!lliumil. ••• Dcnedicto P.1r:l. XIII. ••• adIndiccm Librorum eorumdcm prchibitione:nin univcrs;\ Republica Christiana .•• ubi quepublicandum. ! Romae, t;x typor,rilphia Reverend""CaOlerae Apostolic"e, 1725,broadside. illus. 41c~.70-1748 Dated: RQ~ac in Pal.ltio ApostolicoleN 71 Vaticano dic IS. Janunrii 1725.(Continued on next card)oc P{: Sh A ASh Gr GtSh "50 W VlSh cs.C<strong>as</strong>eM1476ocpcINTORCE;TTA, PROSPEHO, 1626-1696.CC'mpendiosa naJ'ril tione della sta to dellamissione cinesc, comindado da11'anno 1581. ;fin.1 al 1669. Offert" in Roma. Alli Eminentissimisir-nod c'1rdinale della SacraConr-regatiolle de Propaganda Fide. Dal P.Prospera IntC'rcctta della Compagnia di Gieau••• con l'agsiHl1ta dc' prodigij da Diooperati; e delle lettere venute dalla cortedi Pekino con felieissime nUoue. In RolT'.a.,Per F. Tizloni, l6·z.l26r.,cl,t.. 1Gcm.Sh' A ASh Gf vrSh \ •• _./ M5h W WSh CSh G/O.C;-

C""e;,,\~40770-1748reN 71INTi\Ot:\iCTIO ad S,ler.1.;! Scriptur:u:l~ JtLxtncxcmpl:u" C,ldc:7 •.:i. cdi tU711j l-ccllt:ni t\lm, c t .11:CtUf;i.Londini, Typis SriJ:;burianis, Vilcnital'lurl A. I)ubu et Soc., 17

Llse(J,\N5C~, Sir II[,:;I\Y l(C.1rJ 2)Phi Ll11ax. .\nr,] ietts •.•dotle to the )j fe, by thci r 0'" doctors deadhands, p~rfcct]y dclin~i1tillG their birth,breeding, b10o.jr ,racLiccs, and prodi~ioustheor~ms

70-1748IC~ 71The JE.5t'IT~':'S n:":l:;."'Il,O:; u!lrC"a~0'~-!~le: or,00ubts rror0sc~1 to tl: ... ~ Jcsui t:> u?,on thci rrarer ptT,scnt!>i to (~i\'Cl-S PC:"S0IlS of honour)for non-cxc.;:ortioTl fr('~'1 tlie CO":'~~0n f"yourvoted to Cath ... ,licks ~.. LOI~G(\n, Printed..\...-'1no Dom. 1(;{]2.C~Jt.,21p. 19o".STC II J 725.oc PC Sh A ASh Gr GIShwC<strong>as</strong>e:lA14757(}-1748ICN 70JESUITS. Letters from missions (The E<strong>as</strong>t}Epistolae Indicae de praeclaris, et stvpendisrebvs, qv<strong>as</strong> Diuina Bonita. in India,u varUs insulis per Socictatem Nominis Iesuoperari dignata est, in tl!.rn copiosa gentitunad fidem couuersione. Secunda editio a\Jetior.kvalll1, Apud R. Vclpium, 156&.,12 l t.,416(i.e.42:1),(21 l P. 16cm.Nos. 160, 200, 225, 338, 375 repeatedin pOlging. Numerous 0 thcr errors inpaging.OC pc !h A ASh Gr GrSh WC<strong>as</strong>e:sA JESUITS. Canone~.1524 Canones CongrCf:;a tiOll\"lT\ Generali vrn SocietatisIesv. Antverpiae Apud J. Heursiwn,DO.S1635. 'SOp • .r8 ,t.,45,,10,p. 17an. (withJesui ts. Cons ti tutioncs. COllsti tvtionesHi55).70-1148ICN 70In 2 pts., c.lcll with separate paeil1~the 2d with caption title: Decl'eta Con:'gregationis Generalis duadecir.~lc.w WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>e3,\:t47Z70-1748IC~ 71JESUITS.Letters from missions (The ~;<strong>as</strong>t)A short .1CCOlltlt of the declaration "jvenby the Chinese r,"'rcrour 1\,,,, IIi, in the rear1700 ••• Lond~n, Printed in the year 1703.(14)t.,71p. IGcm.Dated and si~~cd ~t end: ••• at Pekinthe 29th. of July in the ),e,.r 1701. AnthonyThom<strong>as</strong>, Vice Provinei~l of China •••oc pc 51\ Itt. ASh (jOt GISh ....w WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>e3A JESUITS. Consti tutiones.1524 Ccnstitvtioncs SQcict1l.tis Icsv ct CXD,TT'H,"nllo.lC\1n dcclnnltionib\'s. Antvcrpiac, Arud J ..Heursiwn, 1635.56Sp.,r36,t. 17em.70-1748ICI: 70With this arc J:.ounrli JesHits. Deeret, ..eongrcgatiom:m. Decret" .• , 1(i35; andJesuIts. Canoncs. Ca"""es ••• 1635.OC pc Sf'! A ASh Gt GrSh w WShC.,:..::e3..\152570-1748ICN 70JI:;5UITS. llcgulac.Rcgvlac Societatis Iesv.typographl1\ I. /lOVSS} n, 1607.258p.,,1,t. 13cm.ex:: pc Sh A ASh G, GrSh MS. W WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>e3,1.1524JESUITS. Decreta congregationu!n.Decreta Congregatiol1\1TI Gencralivm Socie-tatis lesv. Antverpiac, Apud J. HeursiUJ11,1635.474p.,r14 1t. l7em. (liith Jesluts.Constitutiones. Constitvtiones •.• 1635)no.2C<strong>as</strong>e3:,2471JESl'I TS. Re~uhe.R"{:ulae Soeict.:ltis Jesu.Typis i'. lleaus:;ant, 1717.120p. 14Ci11.Audo=:-.. 1.ri)70-1748ICN 7070-17-18IC:

C<strong>as</strong>e3A196570-1748leN 71·1II C<strong>as</strong>e JOIiTI;.;, JOliN, 16%-1770.! 4,\nemad" On ecclcsi.15tical !listol),. In3080tw? ~olumc.. .•• '101. I (-II) The secondIed.a;on. . London,· Printed fot' J •. h'histon,and ~. DaViS and C. Reymcl'S, 1767. .Zv. Hon.70-1748leN 71Dedication sit;nod: JOIUl Jortin.oc pc Sh A ASh Gr (;,5hWGrSh MSh W WS. CShGC<strong>as</strong>e3A JOA.'INF,s EVANGELISTA, Silvarluccnsis, d.1635.1965 The kingdome of God in the sov1e ••. (C.ard 2)Antwerpe by Henry Artsens '" 1639. '"And nOI( printen in Eng1i3h at Paris, by L.de La Fosse 1657.8P.,c3,L,9-436p.,,6,t. plate. l7on.Signatures: 1\12+4,0_5 12 , T8 ( 4 leavesunsigned, the l<strong>as</strong>t blank, inserted between A4and AS)70-1748 Translated by Peter SalYin.ICN 71 STC II J 744A.OC PC Sh A ASh G( GrShC<strong>as</strong>eM1966JOANNES EV,\~;GEL!STA, Silvaducc'l.,is, J.IG35.The kingdomc of God in the sovlc, Orvvithin yov. Disco .... crc,t, an.) demonstrated t;vclean"! re<strong>as</strong>ons, con;:aon siJ:tilitl!rics, anJ ccr-~taynt:' sil=ncs, tea chi the Cod-sc{~kin~ soul>?hOI( she~ shall find S.tr.:c .1fter a spiritual1death Wl.tlu.n h~l', and CClllst,lntly PClSSC:":lc, nndenJoy i tt: itcco~~ding~ ~ tu the ;.rcI'ds of Chrlst.... Cor.:poseJ !:>y the n G F.H~:~r Fa. lob" E(kln-J;elist of fialdul(c gutu"di,111 •• " Printed at(C0ntinucd On next Cl:-'L!)70-1748ICN 71W WSh CShJOHNSON, IotlLLL\.\I, 1553-1663.NOVelty represt, in a reply to .'fl". llaxterl s a?s~'cr to Willi;\,":1 Johnson.. \Yher~in theocc(lr.l:nl.c~l P?"'er of the four first GeneralCounC11s 1S Vindicated, t!IC auth~ritv of bishops<strong>as</strong>serted, the cC>'"p]cat lIierarcy ~f churchgovernment established, his novel Successionevacuated, and professed he~eticks demonstratedto be no true parts of the visibleChu:ch of Christ. By lI'illiam Johnson •••Pans, Printed for E. C., 166l.Ot PC Sh Ito. ASh Gr GrSh(' \ (Continued on next card)MsI'I W WShGC<strong>as</strong>e3A241270-1748ICN 71110.170-17·\8ICN 70JOUVA:;CY, JOSEI'll DE, IG43-1719.H.1~istris sChol.1rv.n infcriorvrn Societ..,"ltisIesv de ratione discendi et docendi ex decreto Con/:re/::1 t. Gener.llis XIV. Avctorelose;>ho Ivvcntio •• : Francoforti ApvdT. Fri tsch, 1706. '( 3)t.,176p."l,t. 17cm.MS. W WShJUi\.N DE 1,.\ CIUiZ, Snint, 1512-1591.Opera nlysticn Y. Ac mystici doetoris I'.10.1.l1llis a Crvce .•. Ex Hi.spanico idio;:\ate inl..,.ltinum nunc 11rimvJll trnn:;l.l.trt, pcr .... Andreama lesv .... vna eU)'l Elucida tione l\hr<strong>as</strong>iummysticill"lU;l, qUtlS author in his suisoperibus vsurpnt ••• Colonine A{:ri.ppin.lc,Sumntibus h.1cred. U. Gunlthcri, cxcudebat H.Krafft, 1639.(2.\ ,t. ,272r., (IlL, 273-·169, ,~O)p. 23

COS04,1IH:'>no.l70-17~8J C~~ 70Jl;.\~\ 1)1'; L\ CIU':Z, Saint, 15·\2-]5(..11. Operamystic:!. \' .•• H,39. (C~!'(l 4)The 1st pt. h<strong>as</strong> c"pti on title: ... ilsccnsvsHont:i s Carr.K:li, in t}vo, qyidll;)nt sit"bSCVl'.' BOX, ~U;\,;iC:U':; n(,,;c(.":;~;\l'i('\ pel' C.,;;t ndvni(m~iIl diuin:u;, SJ t tt·:Ul!':.CUlh1,!:;I, £i{!i t\ll~ •••h'ith thi!1 is l'otln.i ("ol"",,,s .•• Dublin,Pnnted by J. Chdstie, lS09.2v. 22cm.I"'pcrfect:oc PC Sh, A ASh /;, (;fShv.1 'h'~lnting."ShwGC<strong>as</strong>e4A181470-17~8rcs 70KELLISON, MAT11I1::'';, 15607-1642.the ne\( religion 1605.A svrvey of(Card 2)STC 14913.Imperfect: t.-p. "'anting; supplied inpositive photostat.oc pc Sh A ASh Gr GrSh ) "Sh w WShC<strong>as</strong>ez.A147970-1748• ICN 70KELLISON, ttHTHEW, 1560?-1642.f .... "U.men refornlation.is novae praescrtimCa1vinianae in qvo syn.1gogn e t doctrina Calvini,sicvt et rcliqvon1a hvivs tc"'poris 00-vatonm, tota fere ex svis rrincipiis refvtatvr.Avthore Hatthaco Kcllisono ••.Dvaei, T)~is P. Avroi, 1616.[16 ,t.,774(i.e.784)p.,(lu jt: ISon.Nos. 39-38 repea.ted in paging.OC PC Sh A A51\ Gt GrSh ..... w WShC<strong>as</strong>e3A1949(KELLISOt\, Pu\TiI!Elij 1560?-1642.The touch-stone of the Refo!1;

0,\ rKEniES, JOI\~J 1625'-16 0 7.1~6B A rational, coo1rcr.dious way to convince,vithout any dlsput,!, all rcrsons wh.1t$ocvcr,dissenting [roN tilt.:!. trvc rcliri.on. flo.' J. K~(n.p.) Printed in the year 157~.c15Jt.,124p. 14cl.~,)-1749!~:\ 71STC II K ~n.Or; lie Sn A ASh Gf GrSh w WSh CShKOE:iOIG, RAPiLI1,L, Inth cent.rl!" nt10n irt the 0 1 or i co-phi lo,ophi crt c tphilosophicll-tileolor,ica, doctrin.1C Il. 1llOmac,Doct. ;\nh~lici., ct Tho:n1:;t:ui.::-n consona, expraeeipius totiu, rhilosophi.,e, et theo1o£:iae!Ichoh~tl.e"e Q".1cMtionihu!I ct dlffiellltnt!llllS('.ombin:ttil ~t cQncinnatt'l. a ••• rt.1phrtcl Y.onrlir,et Ilcncdi ctus Iluc b"r. formis Salemi tanis,rcr J. IlUHa, 17lal2.v. 33C"n~70-1748lCN 71Ti tle from flri t. Mu .•• C.1 t., wi tn addi tions(Continued On next curd)0': PC 5h A "Sit Gr GrSh M!il'! W WSn C3"" ~C<strong>as</strong>e3A19597(\-1743J CS 71rKEYSES, JOII.~ I 152.5?-l(."7.Rcgvla credcndorn:i1 SC\.I n:c thodus polct.1icaad or..ni!S or.minO homln~s a vera reliITionc dissentientcs,cL1.rc, brevi tcr, nc s01irlc convincendos.Fox lingua ,\"glican.l in w.tinam traductaj\"al~ijsquc in loci s C\1rrcctt\ (.. locuplc-Utta. Avctore 1. K. ••• Lcodij, Typis G.Grison, 1684.126p., rllt.Translation, by the author, of A rationnl,compendious !,,,;,lY to ~onvincc 1674.C<strong>as</strong>e6A~(,G70-1748IC:; 71KOf.NllIG, IIAP11Af':L, ISth cent. rllarmonillthcolol!ico-rhllosophica ••• 171Ml (Cnrd 2)from '\ll~ctlc i nc dell t:;chc fU Of!. rn.phi c.Libr,1ry h.1S v.l only, with h:.lf-titlc(t. -I'. 1~.lntinl!): II.umoniil thcolor,ic., 'ld ehord.1mThomis ti co-philonophi C

C<strong>as</strong>e4,\3103L\ }{,\RC'.!I1I, JG,\)i FIlA!'IliOlS nr:, TIp., 1729-'-1'06.The p<strong>as</strong>tornl letter and onlinance of tl1~rat:ht ncvcr'~nd Jehn Frn"ci~ \1e 1...1 Hnrcl''',Lord llish(lp of 1.

.1A1852no.l(Lt. pf.mg,'i', ISAAC DE, 1594-167\>.f'rac:1d,'1mit:tC'.o Sive Cxcrcit.1tio mljicr vcrsibil!;dU0"h":c.l;:10 1occirnotcrtio 1 (I dccirnoqu:\;'to)c:'\pi tis quinti Epistol:tc o. Pauli i\d Ho",:\n05.. Hem.70-1748 With tlli' i. hound (prohilhly <strong>as</strong> issued)Ie:; 71 the author's System., th,,lo!,-iellm lC,55)C<strong>as</strong>e5,\409no.270-1743lCN 70L.\TOHUS, JACOBUS, 1475-15,14. hcobi L.1tomi••• Opera •.. 1550. (Card 2)(61,214t. ;;0011. (with Soto, Domingode. fratri~ Dominici Sato ... In EpistolamOiui Pauli ~d Ro",anos cc>r.r.:cntarJ i 1551)OC PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh MSh W Cs. Goc PC Sh A ASIl Gf GtSh W WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>e4A1852no.270-1748ICN 71,LA P;:;Y:lE!U;;, ISAAC ili':J 1594-1G76.Systcm.1 thcol"ei \;Hr.i, ex pr'i.e-Ad~.1ili t:\rl1.ilhypothesi. P.1rS prink'. (n.p. J Anno Salvtis,1655.(8,t.,297p. m~p. 21e.... (with hisPraead:vni t. .. e ••• 1(i55)~" more plIblished?oc PC Sh It., ASh Gt (irSh MSn W CShCilse·i,1180J70-1745lCS 70L'A1I!H~51'1r;E, r.,\IlIUEL Il;(, IIp., 157')-16;;0.Ci1hric]i~ Alb

(ill llW::-; IJr'~5 1:,\1, JE.\:; !nPTISTE,·;,\J6,~1-1731.3111 "·oynr.C5 ] i ti,lrrd ques de fl~:lncc I 0-" Hcchcrc:hc~(.d !:(~!'i en ::H \,("rs~s \~il1c:; ,ill ro~,~"HmiC,rH\r ]e Sieur de: Hrdl.~on fPSClId.l Contcn:i.ntpllJ!JiCIIl'S p.irtlC1l1nrj t,',,!: touchunt 1('5 ritt, fflc:~ il~iar.e5 di.'!~ cr,lisc:s: avec den dl{cou\'crtc~sur 1 , Olllt.i quite cccle~d:1:;ti'lU\~ '[! pil.ycnne.A I'.lf"i~, Cl!c~ I', l).:l:luln:·, 1.718.xij,S80p.,(I,t, 9 platc~. 21c~.70-17·18oex 7loc PC S" A ASf'l Gl G,$h w WSo cso Gc..se~A148470--1748lCN 70(LEECH, HUHPHREY J 1571-16Z9.N!specti ve cons ide ril. tions(c..rd 2)(8 1 t.,Z43,{1)p. 190m.Dvtifvll and1609.Written in collaboration rith RobertPar'sons. Cf. Diet. Nat. Diog.STC 15362 and 1940·1.Allison fJ Rogers 449.oe PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh "Sh w WSh cs.C.1SCM241470-1746ICN 71oc pcSA! LF. COt;l!AH:R, PIEH!Ui fil,\XI;OIS J l6~1-1776.iJisscrt.Hion sur 1a v.1liditc des ordiMtiol1sdes Anr.;lois, et Slll~ la Succession descvcsqucs

C.1SC1.2 PAPpg n;~ IH; .. VErt~~J .1J~,\N FH:\~~OIS }L\:Ul:,175"~-13·1'.!.3143 An H;:iic"'l,bl~ di~ct;0Sinn on t:1C Ch~;rch ofEn~lan...t ;ud nn the nc(or.l~;ttion in t::cn~r;l.l,dedicated to the cJcr:~y of' evet')" Pr('t('~;t .• n~co;';'.;nunion, and l~cduccd j nte the fOrTa of lt~ t­t\~rs, by" th~ RiGht Hcv • .f. F. Hi Tl'~Vt:l'fl •••Translated }-\..thc Hcv. h'il1i..m Hichmolld •••1.no.1170-1748IC:; 71,L'!;5T.'.,l':C;~, Sir I\CGErl, 1(;1(,-1704,An .1n;ih'..::r to A letter to a dissenter thyGeor!!e S"dlc, 1st ~bl-'llds of IlaU((J.x), upcnocc<strong>as</strong>ion 0f His ~~a.lcstics late ~r;lcioHS dccl.lra.'::i.cllof in\ill1.~enci!. ny Sir Ilogcr L"EstranGc,l·:ni~ht.. London, Print\!d for R.Sa.c, IGB7.,lJ~.,50p. 21cm.src II L 1195.oc pc Sh ... AS" Gf GI~1'! W WSh CShGC<strong>as</strong>e3A1971LESLIE, JOIl~, Hr. 0f' :;'):;$, )5;:7-]5:1(;..Dc illvstl'lV-!H f.> '..in;tl'\"l~ ill i\:-j'vh. adn>jnistl~a.IHJ.1,.1C f(':"·< jis lCf-ibus .'1l!~horit;!te,libcllvs, (\rICj~a J0. :;L\~j I':piscopi HG$s~:JsisScoti... I:;. :3, "XCll

70-17415IC, 71L'i;''iTH,\~;r.l', Sir lWG1::l, 1G1"-17(1,1. ,A hri,fb,t'''T or tl,,' times •.. 1(,.'17-1"" (C"r \.-"111 ell jH(WC the 'pO/C'."l to 1'"\,'1:':'::: the i rncrh(:'W$ r.:l"C~"l t~ TO ..... t': l"her l-,'i tlJ .111 the /!ocdU:1U t:1C I~~.i ~chi c t th~y h; .. vc i.,!\)nc to tlh"! C;\l:holickChurch ever sin~c the election of Sixtu3the IV. an no 1411. to the den th of the l<strong>as</strong> tpope Alexander the VII. anne luG 7 ... In twoparts _ ~iri ttcn i.n I t;:.lian by the f'luthor ofthe life of Donn .. 01;;",1';'" "",i 1;"(:lish,,,\ by ,(Cvn titmcd on ilCX t C;t rd.1C,:\SC4,\1553no.2770-1748ICN 71.\ L"TTEil frem a country curate to Hr.Ilenry Care, in defence of the seven bishops.Licensed JIIly lil. 168H. (London, Printed,and are to be sold by R. Taylor, 1683,41'. 21on.CaptIon title. Imprint from colophon.STC II L 1371.OC PC Sh A. ASh G' GrSh MSh w WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>e3'\2100(L(;TI, G,,;:r.OiiI 0, 1630-170l.i1(,;;,.1 ••. ( G,. rei 2)Il nipotisr.1o

C~sc·L\~':)4Q70-1748Ie;; 71rLETTfCHS ~n the oprosition ...(Card Z)17%)'i';",l1:sbtion of a letter "To the 1.ordcr of type orn.,ullcnU.(Continued)IGI< 71oc PC S~ " ASh Gt vrShw WSh CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e4A U,l'ilUI1N, ,10IlN, 1(,20-1702, A polStoral1659 lettcr ••• r16f,R, (Card 2)70-1748ICN 71Concerns the re-establishment of RO~'lnCatbolic Gpiscopal authority in En"land.SIC II i' 675.oc PC Sn A ,,51'1 c;,r {;IrShMSh 'fi 'fiSh CShf.- LEYCr,STSHS COI,:HOl;\{SALlll. Lcycesters CO"l1lonweillth,.. 164). (Card 2)CilSCr:;5 In 2 pt~" each, separa tely pa;:cd, the 2d• L 5336 with special t.-p,: Leicester's COr.1llon-,,'calth.Conceived, spoken and publishcd with mostearnest protestat.ion of dutifull ~ood"ill andaffection to",ards this realmc. Dy Robert ParsonsJc~uite. Iv!lcreunto is added l

f.-C~3CI;5.L 5:55639121IC~ 71The .1.5cripr.ion to PI'mons. n.p., 1775-79)1 v. (unp,1,,;ed) 26cm.~~.).nu:;cript in l.rll(. Hil.clr.-up volume off"ir copics, h'i th numerous insertions onpapers of sm~ller si:e; all apparcnclyautof!r~lphJ \vrittcn nt vurious ti.Jncs.Of the 12 sermons listed on inside offront cover, only nos. 3-6, 9, and 11 arcprcscnt,OC PC Sh A ASh Ii, Gr5h MSh . WW"COh._._-.. ,._ ... _----------,-.-------C<strong>as</strong>e3.\2418l .. InELTljS pr\::Ct:;':l c t pian.Li1 cxcrci t.."\ tiO:1I'r.tin U$n:n pic vivcrc, ct: fclicitcr rr.ori rlc~i ...dcrilntiwn ••• en.p.l Anno DOi:iirJ. 1730.(lzlt.,3~Gp. 15c:o.\,'i th this is bound: Sa; nt-Onler, frar.cc.E:lJ;lish Collcf!,c. ,',n abridf7'!cnt of therules ••• 1726.C __ cse411.5084Ul\GAltlJ, JCI:N, 1771-1851., A collection of tracts, on several subjects,connected >tith the civil and religiousprinciples of C,1tholics. By tJ,e Rev. J.Lir.r,nrd, D.IJ. (3d cd.) London, Kentin!;and Uro;.'11, 1826.xi p.,(2)t.,479,ClJP. 24cn.70-1748ICN 71OC PC Sit A ASI'I Gr erSh ....w70-1748lCN 71OC PC Sh A AS;' Gf G.Sh w WSh CS.C,,-se3'\2419Lrnc;~~s ~rccu:n ct piilrll~ cxet·cit..'ltionu:n,in uSt::'! Jnc Vl,verc ct f~lici tcr rr.ori c.::sidcr~"\ntiUJn~LivcI}1oo1, Excudcbat R~ Rock-:Jff, 11:23.iv,4GOp. 14m..C."\:"e,IA300·1no.6LH;C,\:\il, JOlm, 1771-18Sl.lloclL~cnts to .1sccrt,"1in the sentiment!; ofnritish C"tholics, in fer;r.er .1bes, respccti"c,the po\/cr Qf the popes. "fly •• ' J. Lint:.:1ro "'•••*,London, Printed for J. Dooi

(U'l;S.\. !'!l:\!;Cl S:;i.) n;';J 1 ~3('-1(l:!"1. The holylif(~, pi]rl'l;/;l(.f', an.,! hl\~3scd c;:,lth of WG!'('{'\"l'Y Lcp;,;;, ]G':,G. (Card 2)Th(' ~art;C' ;l.:! th:' ,1(;75 C'di ti (ljl (srC 11 L3\.1:-0)} but i-,"ith it c;)l 71Vol. 1 h<strong>as</strong> subtitle: •.• Of the possibility of obt.1ininr; happiness •••Vol. 2 h<strong>as</strong> title: Human life: being <strong>as</strong>econd part of the Enquiry after happiness,_, (Continued on next c.1rd)ws.WWShC<strong>as</strong>e3A1977The LOYALL sa erif ice '" 1648. (Card 2)Half-title, engra,cd and illustrated,boound in a tend.STC II L 3364.C<strong>as</strong>e4/\3086LUC,\S, IlICHA.1D, 1646-1715.after happincss '" 1749.An enquiry(C.1rd 2)... The seventh edi tion •.•Vol.,3 11.15 title and imprint: Ileligiousperfection: or, it third part of the Enquiryadtcr happiness The sixth edition.London, Printed for I':. lnnys, 1749.70-17-18lCN 7170-1748leN 71OC pc Sh A ASh G( GrSh"'so W CShOC PC :in A AS" (if GrSh MSh w WS'I.fl9

LUIS de Granada, 1504-1566.A lIemoriall of a Christian life. Wherinare treated a1 sych things, <strong>as</strong> appertainemto a Christian to do from the beginning ofhis cauer.ion, mti1 the end of his perfection.Deuided into .eauen treatises _••Written first in the Spanish tongue, by •••Leods de Oranada ... - Imprinted at Rouen,By O. Loyse!et. 1599.c1It.,762(i.e.749),c1JP.,c4Jt. il1us.16011. (Continued on next card)II I,.III,lenaesCaReGAM570-1746lell 70oc 'c SIt A ASh Gf' S,ShC<strong>as</strong>e4A181570-1748ICN 70OC PC ... " ". G< G

C<strong>as</strong>eSA tvIS de Granada, 1504-1588. A memorjall of1486 • Christian life '" 1625. (Card 2)70-1748ICN 70618p.,cS}t. illus. 17011.Translated by Richard Hopkins.Vol. 2, to contain the l<strong>as</strong>t three treatises(announced on p.,619}) w<strong>as</strong> neverpublished.STC 16906.Allison & Rogers 475.1150/11 W WItt CSh 4C<strong>as</strong>eSA LUIS de Granada, 1504-1588. A trat!se ,sic]1562 of the love of God ••• 1611. (Card 2)70-1748ICN 70In 2 pts., the 2d with special t.-p.:The second part of the Treatise of the loveof God. Wherein are set foorth certaine deuoutprayers, and other rious conSiderations,of the benefits of almightie God, vvhichseme to stir vp and enkindle, his holie louein our hartes. Composed by ••• Levv!s ofGranada, ••(Continued on next card)OC pc Sit If;. ASh Or GrSh-)W WSh cs.C.'\se4AS08770-1748ICN 71LUIS de Granada, 1504-15PR.A memorial of a Chrh tian Ii flO. Cont.'linin/l:all thl'lt a soul newly converted toCod ought to do, that it may attain the perfectionto which it o",.ht to <strong>as</strong>pi re. In fourbooks. Written in Spanish by the R. F.Lewis, de GmnadA ... The fourth edition,revised and corrected by the Rev. D. Hac-"..ahon ••• Dublin, Printed by H. Fi u-patrick, for R. Cross, T. HtDonnel, and H.Fit~PAtrick, 1795.xvi,S7Ip., [2}'. 22011.MSJrI .W ws.. C$h GC<strong>as</strong>eSA156270-1748ICN 70LUIS de Gra".,da, 1504-1588. A tratlse rsic,of the love of God ••• 1611. (Card S)The l<strong>as</strong>t I':trt of Six spirt tval bookesfvI of marvclovs pietie .... The secondedition ••• 1611. Cf. Allison & Rogers 767.STC 14568.7 (cf. S569)oc PC Sh A ASh Gr v,SIt MSh W WI" CD CC<strong>as</strong>eSAH8770-17"8ICN70'LUIS de Granada, 1504-1588.Of prayer, and meditation wherein are conteinedf~VTertien devovte meditations for the.euen daies of the weeke, bothe for the morninges,And eueninges, and in them is trey tedof the consideration of the princ:ipall holiemysteries of our faithe. Written first inthe Spanishe tongue by ••• Lewis de GraMdaAt Bovay [Printed by p. AuroYI ByJ. Heigham, 1612.. (Continued on next card)C<strong>as</strong>eSA1445no,2LUTHER, HARTIN, l48S-1546.Ephtola Hartini Lvtheri, ad '" Henricum,huius nominis Octauum, ~liae ~ FranciaeRegem. Eivsdem Serenissird Regis, adeadem Hartini Luther'i episto]a.", respondo.Admonitio lohannis Coclaei in utranq, epistolam.Responsio item Lvtherj contra regisepistolam, cum eiosdem lohannis Coclaeiannotationibus. Breuis deniq} discussioresponsionis Lutheri, contra ""gem epistoIamII" 'It WSh CSh SOC"l: .. "" ...... " ...MSlliWwa.,CSttSC<strong>as</strong>eSA148770-17 .. 8ICN 70tvIS de Granada, 1504-1588._ditation ... lU2.S4.5.,S l t. illus. 16011.Translated by Richard Hopkins.Bound in contemporary brocade.STC 16912 and lS769.Allison & Rogers "78.Of prayer, and(Card 2)._ ) us.. W WSh CSh CC<strong>as</strong>eSA1 .... 5no.270-1748ICN 70LU1lIER, MARTIN, 1483-1546. Episto}a HartiniLvtheri, ad HenriCUN, haius nominisOetauum ... (Card 2)mrper aeditae, etiMi'per Iohannem CoelaeumHaec omnia nova. ,Colonlae, In aedibusP. Ouentell. 15271(26Jt. 20an. (with Catholic ChurCh.Pope, 1.52S-15S4 (Clemens VII) Epistoledue ,1527118ensing 241.5.OC"l: ... "" ...... " ... lIS" W W. CSh ..C<strong>as</strong>eSA156270-1748ICN 70 .LUIS de Granada, 1504-1588.A tratise Csic] of the l

C<strong>as</strong>e4AS08870-1748ICII 71LYNDE, Sir IIUHl'IlREY, 1579-1636.Vi~ tut", the safe vayl lendin~ allCI,ristians, by the testimonies Ilnd confessionsof our best learned ndversaries, tothe true, ancient, and Catholike faith, novprofessed in the Church of En~lllnd ••• Viadevin, the by.....",y: mislelldinl!; the veake andunstable into dangerous ~'ths of error, bycolourable shewes of apocryphnl1 Scriptures,unwritten traditions, doubtfu11 fathers,ambiguous counce lIs, and pretended Catholiko(Continued on next card)MSh W WSh CSh •C<strong>as</strong>eSA1980HABILI.ON, JEAN, 1632-1707.Trai te des etudes mon<strong>as</strong>tiques, divise entrois parties; avec line liste des principalesdifficulte!t qui se rellcontrcnt en chaque sleclcdans III lecture des originaux, ff un catllloguede livres choiR!s pour composer unc bibliothequeecclcsi<strong>as</strong>tiqlle. Par /loll) J~an "abillon••• A Bruxelles, Chez E. H. Fricx,1692. ~70-1748 [12Jt.,673,r20IP' 18cm.ICN 71 Same <strong>as</strong> the 1691 edi tion (Paris, Robustel;Bruxel1es, Fricx) lbut vith a cancel t.-p.oe PC Sh A ASII Or" t,;,Sh "M$b W WSh eSb C'1C<strong>as</strong>e4AS09970-1748ICN 71LYNDE, Sir HUMPlmEY, lS79-1636.(Card 2)ViA tutaChurch ••• By Humfrey Lynde, Kni~ht. London,Printed by order of "The Society for theDistribution of Tracts in Defence of theUnited Church of Englnnd and. Ireland, <strong>as</strong> bylaw established," for J. J. Stockdale, 1919.[1,t.,57Op. 23an.oe PC 1ft. A ASh Cf ~ USh W WSh c:,.. •C<strong>as</strong>e rHcCIIRnlY, FRUX I4A A serious answer to Lord Geor!!:c Gordon's3004, letters to the F.arl of Shelburne: in which anattempt is made, by fair ~nd inr-cnllous ar~uno.3ment, to ~ive Ample satisfaction to his lordship'sdoubts; and to relieve him, if possible,ft'Olll any inquietude for the salvationof the state, considered either in a 'moral,political, or religious view. Printed forHookha.. Bond Street. 1782. tLondon,70-1749 (Continued on next card)IClI 71OC PC III A A ..... __ w_ca_C<strong>as</strong>e• AS09970-1748ICII 71tLYTTELTOlI, GEORGE LYTTELTON, bt Baron,1709-1775.Obse~tions en tho conversion andapostlOlhip of St • .paul. In a letter toGilbert West, !sq; The third edition. .London, Printed for R. Dodsley, and soldbyH. Cooper, 1747.[2 Jt.,llOp. %lan.·With this is bound: Bolingbroke, HenrySaint-John. Letters, on the spirit ofpatriotiSM ••• 17.9.oe rc .. A ...... -C<strong>as</strong>e4ASOO •no.S70-1749tHeCARnlr, fELUI A serious ansver to LordGeorr.e Gordon's letters... (Card :I)T. Collins, printer, 1804,S9p. 22C111.Errnta slip inserted At end.Issued vithl Petre, Robert EdW'ltrd.Retlcc:tion, on tho polic)' and jUltic:o ofan immediAte And ~neral e~~nc:ipation orthe R~~n ~~tho1ic, of Great-Pritain andIrelAnd ••• 180.,ICII 71oe rc.'A A ....... ..,. w w... c... _•C<strong>as</strong>eSA197570-1748ICll71[MABILLON, JEANJ 1632-1707.Lettre d'un lIcnedictin a Honseigneurl'Evesque de Blois, t("'chant Ie disccrnementdes anciennes relique .• , au sujet d'une dissertationde .I r Thiers, contre la sainte lnn:1ede Vendc.ne. A Paris, Chez p. de Bats, etchez I. de Bats, 1700.79p. illus.,2 fold.plates. 19cm.Dated and signed on p.45: Ce S. FEvrier1700 .... Y. H. D.AlSh W W$" CSh •C<strong>as</strong>eSA HAlHBOURG, LOUIS, 1610-1686.1982 An historical treatise of the foundationand prero!,:ativ w .... cs •e<strong>as</strong>eSAU8870-17.9ICH 70KAKEBLIJDE, LODEWIJK, 1564-1630.Den Ivst-hoC der gheestelicke oeffenin­"'en. Ghemaeckt ende venneerdert ~oor LvdoriCYaMakeblyde ••• t'Hant-nerpen, By H.Verdvssen, 1617.. . ,2. It. ,66.p•• r!ht. tHulI. lSCIII.oe rc .... 14 A ... Ok'_ ..... w--122-

C<strong>as</strong>e4,\181670-1748ICN 70M,ILDOK.\T, JUAN, 1534-158S.loannis Ha1don~ti ••• Connentarij In Prophet'"1111. lerendam, n~rvch. Ezcchielem,& Danielem. Acce55it Expositio Psalnd CIX.& EpI,tola de Collatione Sedanensl cum Caluinbnis,eodem allctore. ParisHs, SIa'Ip_tibus C. Hore Ill, 1610.(8)t.,849p.,,29)t. 24aa.MS. w w,. cs.•C<strong>as</strong>e:sA242470-1148ICN 71fMANNING, ROnERT) d.1731.TIle c<strong>as</strong>e stated hctween the Church ofRome and the Church of f.n~land in a secondconversation betwixt a Roman Catholick lord,And a ~entle,",~n of the Church of England. In,two parts ... ,n.p'l Printed AMO 1721.2v. 20cm.Imperfect: y.2 wanting.ocrc .............. Milo w•C<strong>as</strong>e4,\IB11MALONE, WILLlAH, 15B6-1656.,\ reply to M. r lames Vssher his Ans",erewherein it is discouered ho", ansvverlessethe said H.r Vssher returneth. The vnifonneconsent also of anti qui ty is declared tostande for the Roman religion: and the ansnereris conuinced of vanity 1n challenginlthe patronage of the doctors of the primatiuechurch for his Protestaney. By William Ma-70-1748ICN 70 lone ••• ,Douai1J 1621.oc PC,12Jt.,717(i.e.119)"5)p.,,IJt. 21em.(Continued on next card)iMSftWW"'C'~.s ••• Sh .. _.C<strong>as</strong>e:sA242670-1748ICN 71.~NG, ROBERT, d.1731.Moral entertainments on the most import.~ntpractical truths of the Christian reli­~ion. In three volumes. Oy Robert NanninI;London, Printed for T. Meighan, 1742.Sv. 18an.Imperfect: y.1-2 wantinl.oc PC •••• "" ., .....C<strong>as</strong>e4,\181770-1748ICN 70HALONE, WILUAH, 1586-1656. ,\ reply to H. rlames Vssher ••• 1627. (Card 2)Nos.151-152 repeated in paging.A reply to Ussher's An answer to a challengemade by a Jesuite in Ireland (1624),which in tllrn w<strong>as</strong> a replr to Malone's TheJesuit's challenge (162S)Allison & Rogers 494.STC 17213.Added t.-p. engraved.OC PC Sf'll It. ASlIi !if G,S" MSlIi W \\ISh CStl GC<strong>as</strong>e ,MANNING, ROnERT) d.1731.DEn~land's conversion and Refo~~tion comp.~red'.Or, The youn/! /!.~ntle,",u~ di rected in4045.548 the cheicc of his re1i~ion. To which is premised,A brief enquil'y into the p:eneral~round~ of ~he Catholick raith. In a conversationbet"'"en a young gentleman and hh preceptor.Divided into fOllr dialogues. ,2mott05: 4 lines) Antwerp: Printed forR. C. and C. F. 1725.52-2054ICN 52 rev. Iv p.,,3 Jt.,12,(2),13-33Op. 2Ocm.' .. (Continued on next card)oc PC ,....... _.1 M,,, W w" eM.e<strong>as</strong>eSA246410-1148ICN 71MANCHESTER, Eng. (Diocese)Rule~ and regulations for the CatholicSunday schools of Manchester and Salford: withengraved plans, shewing the position of thecl<strong>as</strong>ses during tuitIon; to~ether with thewords of command used in the schools. Alsoa list of the books. Manchester, Printedby T. Honan, 1827.•14p. S plates. 19em.C<strong>as</strong>eD4045.548,112-2034ICN 52,MANNING, ROBERTJ d.1731. Enr-Iand's conversion... 1725. (C.1rd 2)8 8 8-2+3 8 6-1Sil!natuTCsl A ,a-c ,n ,e-X,T.Sil!nature c8 (wanting) may have been cancelled(catchword on c7 verso incorrect) ormny have been blank. Si/!!natures B 6 _ 1 cancelled(stubs present); three leaves (pa/?,ed11-12, unpaged, and Il1-14) inserted in theirplace. SignAture DS signed C3' Pace 160n\ll!lbered ISO.rov.(Continued on next card)"ShWWShCSJt.C<strong>as</strong>eSA1959no.270-1748(CN 71the MANNER or performing the novena, or,the nine days devotion to St. Francis Xaveriusof the Society of Jesvs, and Apostle of India.As also the devotion of the ten Frydays to thesame saint. {Pri)nted at St. Omer, By T.Farmer, 1702.'flrt.,21,(4)". 13(211. (with An instructionto performe with fruit the devotion often Fridays in honour,of S. Francis laverius••• fea.1670)Bound in are ~. of ms. and 2t. ofextraneousletterpress.C<strong>as</strong>eD4045.54852-20ll4ICN 52 rev.ROnERT) d.17l11.version ••• 1725.,M~~ING,En/!land'lI con­(Card lI)One (edition 1) of three editions of1725 in the <strong>Library</strong>'. This edition h<strong>as</strong> anerrata list on .ignature "1 verso.l1li5,. W WSh es" c123

Cnse4A309070-1748ICN 71,MANlIo'lNG, RonERTl d.I731.England's convcrsion and R~formation compared.Or, The younr, gentJc"'~n directcd inthe Christian rclir.lon. To "hich is premised,A brief cnquiry into the generalgrounds of the Ciltholick rn! tho In II. convcrsntionbetween a young gcntlc~~n and his preceptors.Dividcd into four dialogucs. ,2mottos: "lines} Antwerp: Printed forR. C. and C. F. 1725.liv p.,,3It.,12,,2},13-33Op. 200m.(Continued on next card)OC PC Sh II A,h .. G,I. NSh W WStt CSh CC<strong>as</strong>e3A198370-174RICN 11oc pcA MANUAL of prayers and litanies distributedaccording to the dnys of the week. Wi thother excellent devotions fitted for all per­SOnS and occ<strong>as</strong>ions. L<strong>as</strong>t edition much corrected.Pennissu superiorum. ,n.p.) 1688.,12 I t.,562+p. 1 illus. 150m.6 6 12 6 12 •Sig~~tures: A ,Il ,B-Z ,Aa ,Db + (s1gnatureBb12 and nIl after wantinr.)Title vignette: symbol of the Jesuitorder, withi.n a styliZed rose.(Continued on next card)Sft A ASh en Cra .. USft W WS" CSh 4;C<strong>as</strong>e4A509070-1746ICN 71,MANNING, ROnmT) d.1731. En,::lnnd'a conversion••• 1725. (Card 2)Si~~~tures: A8,~_Ca,H_X8,14. Pa,::e 146numbered 416; p.l60 correctly nUMbered andsignnture D3 correctly sh:ned.One (edition 2) of three editions of1725 in the <strong>Library</strong>. This edition closelyresembles edition 1 typo~raphical1y and.~sprobably set from it. Tho errata nave beencorrected.oc 'c s. ... A'O Or ChI. USb W WStt CSh8C<strong>as</strong>e3A1983A HANUAL of prayers and litanies(Card 2)' ... 1688.)24-The i11us. (on p.(226 1 ) is signed:W Grantham excudet.In 3 pts., the 2d with special half-title:The Jesus Psalter. (motto: 4 lines) ,Tignette<strong>as</strong> on main t,-p.l (p.(5071)The 3d pt. h<strong>as</strong> special t.-P.I The method70- of saying the rosary of Our Blessed Lady: <strong>as</strong>1748 it w<strong>as</strong> order'd by Pope Pivs the Fifth, of theICN 11. ' (Continued on next card)oc I'C I> ... AS. CIt • .so I filS. w Wlh cs.•C<strong>as</strong>e ,MANNING, ROnERT1 d.1731.3A . Eng1nnd's conver~ion and Reformation com-2425 pnred. Or, TIle youi'll! r,entle:nnn directed inthe choice of hi~ relir.ion. To "hich is premised,A brief enquiry into the generalgrounds of the Catholick faith. In a conversationbetween a younr, I!entleman and nispreceptor. Divided into four dialogues.,2 mottos; 4 lines I Ant" .. erp: 'Printed forR. C. and C. F. 1125.10-1146 Iv P.,r2lt.,33Op. 190m.ICN 11 rev.(Continued on next card)OC PC .. ... AI> lit ..... "I> W WD Ch CC<strong>as</strong>eSA1983A H.\NUAL of prayers and litanies •••(Card 3)1688.floly Order of Preach~rs. And <strong>as</strong> it is saidin Her Hajesty's Chaooke at St. James's. Thesixteenth edition. ,n.p.) Printed for T .D.in the year 1685. (p.,5UI)The Jesus Psalter is sometimes attributedto IUchard Whytford.10-]748 Not in STC II. Cf. H 543 (and for theICN 11 3d pt. cf. H 1947) .Imperfect: \ all after p.562 wanting."'.W_C...Cnlle ,MANNING, ROBERTI d.1131. England's conversion••• 1725. (Card 2)SA2425S . 8 8 6 8 6-1 (~gnatures' A ,~-b ,c ,B-X ,I Y6blank1 wantin~; D3 si~ed C~; K4 signed onverso of leaf)One (edition 3) of three editions of 1725in the Librnry. This edition is set in afont different from that of editions 1 .nd 2.The errata haTe been corrected.70-1746ICN 71fA 'IANUAL of pra~1"lI ane! litAnioa, withother devotion ••-London? CA.1729J(6)t.,27S,rS,p. lSem.Signatures presentl A-M12 (AI wantinr.)Similar in contents and arrnngement toA manunl of prayers and litanies distributedaccordin~ to the days of the week •••• ,n.p.,1688.70-1748 "The Jesus Psalter": p.235-252. Some-ICN 71 tillleso attributed to Richard Whytford.(Continued on next card)OC 'C .. .. .... lit lit .. )..."WW.. CS.8C<strong>as</strong>e -5A242710-1748ICN 11,HANNING, ROBERT} d.1731.The shortest "ay to end disputes aboutrelil!:ion. In two parts. Part I. ..•Drvlsels, Printed in the year 1116.e7lt.,342(i.e.338)p. 19cm.L~st two pages misnt~bered 343 and 342,respecti velr.The second of ~~o editions of 1716(errnta corrected; pt.2 without specialt.-p.); cf. Drit. Hus. Cat.OC PC I. ... AI~ !If 110'. us.. W Wlh CSh Ii70-1748ICN 71fA MANUAL ot prayer. lind litaniea ...CA.1729] (Card Z)Imperf.ect: all betore signature A2(includin~ t.-p.) wanting.Conjectural titleJ imprint date from"A calendar of fenu and f<strong>as</strong>u" at front.OC I'C •• A"" G< .... MaO W WI. C.. •

C<strong>as</strong>elIA%4%81G-1148ICH 71KARIN, KIClIEL ANGE, 1697-1767.The perfect religious, :t 1i0rl< deahnedfor the Assistance of those who &Sl'i re afterrerfection in a rcli,;ions stAte. And eqUAllyullefnl for 1111 others who dedr!! to AdvAncein true virtue and piety. Written in Frenchby R. F. M1c:hMl Anllol }lIIrin... Translatlldinto En~lish by B. F. E. O.S.F. Poway,Printed by J. F. WillervAl, 176%.,6)t.,48Sp.,(S,t. l1cm.Translation of La pArfaite religieu.e.oePC •• A .....' ... h ".hWW,hC.h.C<strong>as</strong>e4,\lSS6HARSYS, F , Sie"r de. llistoire de l:tpersecvtion 1646. (Card 2)Nos. 135-1~ repeAted in ~'~int:.CAl'tion title of bt pt.! D1scovrs svcdnl.des c

-_.._-_. . ..--.------..-----Cue~A1855MARTYllOlJ.lGI \JH ROtwrull.M3rtyrolo~ivm Rom~nvm Gre~orii ~~II. Pont.tlnl!. ivuv editVIII, ft Vrbnni VIn. IIvthori taterecot::nitvm; illvstrntvm: "Iue Tahul"e ecclesiAsticae/!:eor,rl\phids tabvlis ff notis hhtorid.expUCiltRe. Quiblls IlRnctorlllft due mo ....tis siue derositionis temrus ft loeus cXActi8-sime expriJnuntur. Opus omni hus histodae70- ecclelia.ticae amatoribus vtili8simum ft.nceee-1748 .adum. Author. R. p. Avr,v8tino Lvbin •••leN 71(Continued on next card)OCPC'.AAI •• _ .... W WI. C... •C<strong>as</strong>e6AMASON, FRANCIS, 15~67-1r,21.. It. vindicattionl of the Chu.r~h of En,dl\fnd,~68 and of the bw(ul minhtry th~rfe(\f, Thllt is. to say, or tI,e su~cc~~ion, "l~ction, ~onfir­"" .. tion nnd con.e~mti('n of hbh,.l'r.; ill! ,,1.50of the ord}n, .. ti(>l1 of priest,. lind rle,l('!on" infive hook!!. ~.crein the Chur~h of F./li-lilnd isdefended a~lIin!lt the cal.nni"s and repr~'~hesof Belbnnine fet Ill.) ••• and amon~st other70- thin~s, full answers to the ex~ertions of1748 1'1 t:&-lIerbert (et aI. I ••• are inserted inICII 71(Continued on next card)OC PC ... A A.h • $0'" ..... W w",· c... •C<strong>as</strong>e~.\1855IlARTYltOLOGI \JH RO}fANUH.nVIII ••• (Card 2)LvtetiAe Parisiorvm, Apnd r. Lnmbert, 16tH.fl~lt.,~6~,~74p.,(llt.,4~p.,!S,t.III fold. ""ps. 24~m •.Added t.-p., i11u~trated and enJravod,with imprint dato of 1660.70-1748 . The IIIII.pS 1l1"8 dl:ncdl r. AliI!. AUf,Ustinia­ICN 71 nit Ceo!!:r. fte!!:iu. delin. et sculpsit c~ priviI.ad Vieennium Jr,60.DC I'C •• A. AI' .. 5< ..Cl\se6A~68MASON, FRANCIS, 15r.6?-1~21.of the Church of En~land •••It. vindication(Card 2)their proper rlaces; Written by FrancisM,ulon ••• lind now fat th(ully transla t"d fromthe author's L,tin edition (mu~h inlar~ed andc(lrre~ted.) Whereunto is Added, a new edi-. tion of II Rennon of the "rune author'., eon-70- cerni nr, the nllthori ty of the churchl " copy1748 of the first reformed ordinall and a trnnsla­ICN 71 tion of 8~ fra~nts of letters written to(Continued en next card)_WWhca.C<strong>as</strong>eM196770-1748ICN 71MARTYllOLOGIUH ROH,\N.'H. Englhh.The Roman IMrtYl'olOlle set f('rtll by thecommand of Pope Grer-ory XIII. and revievved bythe IIvthority of Vrb:ln VI II. Translated outof Latin into English, by G. K. (i.e,. Georr,eKeynes) of the Society of Iesv!. The se~ondedition, in whi~h are added diuers saints,put in to the calender, since the former impression.Printed at S. Omers, By T. Gevbels,1667." (Continued on next card)oePClhAAShC, ... MSh W WSh CSh C70-174!\ICII 71MA~ON, FRANCIS, 1566?-162l. A vindic.'\tionof the Church of En~bnd ••• (Card 3)Ynther lc C(l1Irnyer; in an arpendix. Top:etherwith nn el

CnseM24!O10-1148leN 11.IASON, JAHF.5 AUSTIN. Strictures on We"lcy' ~rrctcnc!cd Rom .. m cAtechism ... ,1828-30,(Carel 2) ,Strictllrl!5 on the 8cconc! pn.rt of \{Cel0Y'1rrctcnclcd R(ltl\:!,n cfttechhm ••• PArt 8l!cnnd.TreAtln,. upon repentnnce, obedience, indul­/!nncll8, Pllr/!:Atory, And tho invoe.~t1(1n ofsaints ••• 'Art 31 Strictures on the thirdAnd fourth p.'tru of Wedey's Pretended nomane.'ttechism Part Third. In vhfch is(Continued on next card)OC I'C III • ..a~ at Q, .. U~ W WS. CI' 0Cllse3A2313,MASON, RIClIARDI 1601-1678.Holy altar and sacrifice explnined: inSOII!C fA .. ilillr dialo/:ues on the M.'t~s, and what""'y appcrto'\in to it... To vhich is added,A brief essay on the ConfrAternity of theCord of the Seraphical Father Saint Francis••• Oy the Reverend Father Pacificus Daker •••London, Printed by J. P. Coghlan, 1192.viii,208p. 16cm.•C<strong>as</strong>e3A24!O70-1748XeN 11HASON, J,\HES AUSTIll. Strictures (>n Wesley'"pretended nomlln cAtechism ••• C1828-301(Card 3)r.iven an account of the conversion of twoMethodist preachers to the Catllnlie faith,.ane! noticin/! every thin/!: important in thoobjections of Hr. Wesley to the worship,ceremonies. and lacraments of the CatholicChurch •••OC I'C III • ... .. &r'" MD W WSh CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e3A1981The 1st pt. is an Abrid~cment of A litur­~iCAl discourse ot the holy sacrifice of theHaSI.. 10-1748ICN 71oc PC 8ft A.A" Or .,... MS' '01 will ea. ..10-1748leN 71oc PC,.IA80II, RlCUMDI 1601-1618.A liturgical discourse of the holy sacrificeof the Il<strong>as</strong>s. Containing a cleAr, faeil,solid explanation in general and particular,of its substance, natul'c, quality, andquity,usc, tites and cerem(>nies, deduced out of theSacred Scripture, apostolical tradition, holycounci~s, orthodox fathers, continual practiseof Gods Church, and unanimous consent of allChristian nati(>ns. Divided into tvo parts,(Continued on next card)lIS. '01 wso es. cCue3A198610-1148IClf71(HASON, RICHARD} 1601-1678.Certamen seraphicvm Provinciae Angliae proBancta Dei Ecclesia. In quo breviter declaratur,quomodo Fratres Minores Angli calamo (Isanguine pro Fide Christi 8anctaque eius Ecclesiacertarunt ••• Opere (I labore R. p. F.Angeli a 8. Francisco ••• Ovaci, Typis 8.Belleri, 1649.(13,t.,3S6(i.e.3S8)p. 5 plates(ports.)19em.Added t.-p.,Nos. 184-185engraft'd.\ repeated in paging.OCPe ....... ""._ MS- W WSh tall •C<strong>as</strong>e3A19R170-1748ICN 71A litur~ical(MASON, RICIIARD) 1601-1678.discourse of the holy sacriti ce of the M<strong>as</strong>s(Card 2)and collected by A. F. ,1. e. Anre Ius a Sane toFrancisco 1 the le<strong>as</strong>t of Frior "in(>rs, for t"~help of devollt Catholicks, in order to themore spiri tunl and pr('or; table henrin!! th~re('of.The first pa,'t ••• (n.p.) I'rinted, AnnoDom. 1610.(19,t.,184,(4,t.; (1It.,31~p.,,13It. 19cm.(Continlled on n"xt card)MSh W WSh CSh GCa.eM·231270-1748XCII 71,HASOII, RICUMDI 1601-l67/l.Holy al~~r nn~ sacrifice explain'd: insome lMlilinr dialor,t.es on the H<strong>as</strong>s, and vhlltmny Appertain to it: for the more e<strong>as</strong>y informationand instruction of those vho desire tohCllr M<strong>as</strong>s well, and to a~sist at that greatsacrifice, according 'to the spirt t and intentionof the Church. With an appendix, concerningsaying M<strong>as</strong>s in L,tin and of pronounein&the ucret prayers and the canon with(Continued on next card)uS!! '01 WSh C$' ..C<strong>as</strong>eM ,M~SON, nICIlARD) J60l-1C,7A. A Ii tur/:ical1981 di scoursc of the holy sncri (ice 01 the .I<strong>as</strong>s1670. (Card ~)10-1748leN 71The 2d pt. h<strong>as</strong> special t.-p.: A liturgicaldbcourse of the holy sRcrifice of the M<strong>as</strong>s.Io'hel'ein is contained, a summary expH cation ofthe several parts, rites, and ceremonies therc­(>f; out of the Scriptures, tradi tion, cllunelb,and holy fathers; conformable to the useand practice of our Uoly Hother the Church.(Continued on next card)OCftCShA ASh .r GrSh (\USh '01 WSh Cso ..C<strong>as</strong>e3A231270-1748ICN 71cHASON, RIClIMI) I 1601-1678.sacrifice ,explni,:,'d ...a lov voice. By P.O ....and sold by T. Lewis, 1768.vi,2SBp. 16m.An abrid~ementlitur~ie.'tl1I0ly altar and(Card 2)London, Printedby Paclficus Raker of Adiscourse of the holy sacrificeof the H<strong>as</strong>s.Imperfectl p.,IS5-ISS wanting.With this is bound: Gother, John.Instructions'and devotions for hearin~ H<strong>as</strong>s... 1761.OC I'C ......... a, ..C<strong>as</strong>e3A rMASON, RICHARDI 1601-1678. A liturgical1981 discourse of the holy sacrifice .01 the .f<strong>as</strong>s... 1670. (Card'4)70-1748ICN 71Collected faithfully by A. F. the le<strong>as</strong>t ofFriar Hinours. The second part Cn'P'1frinted, Anno nom., 1669.8TC II K 9~6 and H 937.'01 WSh CSh c·127

C<strong>as</strong>eM1988cone-crnln/: this confrll{cl'lIiti.e.Tor.eth~ryvi til n;~IIY ('n.n table Ins t"llcti "liS, hOIi Chr! s­tlmls mnY satisfie for their sinnes by thenlcanc~ of in{ht1rpncC"s! HC't ""pr('lI'II~I~ i1i~Q fClrall such, <strong>as</strong> thr,"'gh dCI1"ti ''II. cloc enroll70-1748 (Cont I "ncd 011 tI

C<strong>as</strong>e4A-1818no.110-1148leN 10HEDINA, H1GUEL DE, d.ca.15BO.Dispvtationvm de indvlgentiis, adversvsnostrae tempestatis haereticos ••• 1iber vnvs.In quo, Ecclesiae Romanique Pontificis, ade<strong>as</strong> confercnda" auctorit<strong>as</strong>, eius4ue auctoritatisantiquissimus usus, ·dl!ll sanctortllll uetenunquepatn01l montunentis, tUIMpertis scripturarumtestimonijs <strong>as</strong>seritur, ~ haereticaeomnes in hac parte callmm{ae refelluntur atqueexploduntur.F. Hi chac Ie Hedin... • ••(Continued on next card)C<strong>as</strong>e cMEUIOlli. IfILLIAM, 1710-1799.4A The letters of Sir Tho~~s Fitzosbort1e:S09l ! pse ud. ,. on !leVe ral snb jc eta The tlti reiedition.1150.London, Printed for R. Dodsley,•16,t.,452p. 220m.10-1748ICN 11OC PC SbA ASh GI GfSh ) USh W CShMS. W WS. Ct.C<strong>as</strong>e4A1818no.110-1148teN 10OCPCHEnnM, ~IICU~;L IlE, it.ca,151l0. Dtst'vt"Uonvmde indvl~cntiis ••• (Card 2)avctore. A-ccesit quart! articuli symboliApostolici interpretatio, eodem auctore •••Venetiis, Ex officina Stellae, I. Zi1eti,1564.16,,126t. 220..With this are bound his: Explicationesin qvartvm ,ymboli Apostolici ••• 1564 (<strong>as</strong>issued)j and Ennaratio trivm locorr.1560. )sa. It ASh Or c,. USh W WSh CSh•C<strong>as</strong>e The ~!""IOI!Y o( F:1lr,li.sh lIaints reviv'd ...SA TI,e second edi tin corrected. London,2478 Printed for T. Goddard, 1746.241'. 15ml,Commemorative prayers for English saints.70-1748ICN 71-WW~ CD •C<strong>as</strong>e4.\1818no.370-1748ICN 10~!EIlINA, HtGlI!,L DF-, d.ca.1580.En.1.rra t lo tri vm 10cOl''''' ex c,'pi te secunito.o"uteronolnij in ca thcdrae sanct"n.u1\scriptllranun peti tione. Reverendo PlltriFratri mchaeli "!I\S, n.16l5-l63R ed. Florilegivminsvlae sanctorvm •••• 1624.(Card 3)CE3' cancelland and canc~l (or 1'.253-254both present (the other copy h<strong>as</strong> only thecance 1 leaf)'MS. w WSh GMS' w G/79

C<strong>as</strong>e4AM9270-1748ICN 71MIDDLETON, CONYr,nS, ]683-1750.A. free inquiry into the miraculous powern,which lire s"pro~ed te lu\Vc ~ub.hted inthe Christian church, fr(\/!l the earliest a~e!lthroll~h Beve",,1 sucec~~lvc centuries. lIywhich it is she""" that we hllve ne .ufficientre<strong>as</strong>on to believe, IIpon the authority of theprimi ti Ve (/I thera, that any such powers werecontinued to the church, after the days ofthe ,\postlcs. By Conyers Middleton •••Dublin, Printed for J. Smith, 1749.(Continued on next card)OC PC .It A ASh Gt GrSh MS. W WSh (SilC<strong>as</strong>e (MILNf:R, JOlIN, Rp. I 1752-l82fi.4A Authentic documents rOlla the to the miraculouscure of Winefrid ~Iite, of Wolverhnmp­M!l5ton, at St. Winefrid's Well, ali<strong>as</strong> 1I01ywell.in Fl1ntshirc, on the 28th of June lAOS:with obeervations thereon, by the R. R. J-­H--, D.D.V.A •••• Third edition. London,Printed and published by Keating, Brown andCo., 1006.421'. il1u8. 21em.70-1748ICIi 71oe PC Sh A ASh • CrlJl: w WIIIo ClIo •Cnse4,\309270-1748ICN 71MIDDLETON, CONY~tS, lGR3-17S0. A free inquiryinto the •• lraeulous pevers ...1749. (Card 2)(1It.,cxli(l.e.cxxxix)P.,r1 Il .,234p.,(lSll. 2lcm.Numbers xxxiii-xxxiv omitted in pa~ing... s. WC<strong>as</strong>e4A:109670-1748ICN 71tnLNEn, JOliN, Rp., 1752-1826.The Co'tse of conscience solved: or, TheCatholic claims proved to be compatihle withthe coronation oath. In a letter (rem Adivine in the country to his friend in town.b'ith a lIuprlement in nnswcr to ConsiderAtionson the coronAtion oath, by J. Reeves •••Oy ••• J. Hill,er ••• Second ed! tion, CoTrectedand cnlarj!led. To which are anncxed,Observations on a publication by ••• T.Hesurier, entitled, "A sequel to the serious(Continued on next card)DC PC •• '" "'If> • .Il10 W w... ca.. CiiC<strong>as</strong>e4A309370-1748ICN 71HlIlDL£TO)l, CO)lYfJIS, 1683-1750.A letter from Romc, she,d:v~ an exact confoonity bebo'een popery and pal;anism: or, Therelir,ion of the prCfient l\om.1ns, derived fromthat of their heathen .1I1ccstor~. The fourthedition. To which is added, I. A prefatorydiscourfie, cont.'tinin~ an answer to a] 1 theobjections of the writer of a popish book[i .e. Richard ChalIoner" inti tuled, TheCatholic Christian instn.ctcd, ftc •••• andII. A postscript, in which .Ir. I"arburton's(Continued on next Cou-d)OC: PC $11 A ASh • "fSt! M5. W WItt CShC<strong>as</strong>e4,\lWl670-1728lCli 71HILNEn, JOliN, Rp •• 1752-1B2fi. The c<strong>as</strong>e ofconScience solved ••• (Card 2)e~~mination into the Catholic clAims, containin/!11 more )lartieular enquiry into thedoctrines of popery, £fe. &c." ... London,Printed and published by Keatin~. brovn andCo •• 1907.xvi, r !I J -119p. 21m,' " .:"-WC<strong>as</strong>e4AM9370-1748ICN 71MIDDLETON, CONYERS, 1683-1750.(rom Rome ... (C.'trd 2)A lct:t:eropinion concernin/! the p.,,"::ani5m of !lonle isp.'trticularly considered ••• Ry ConyersHiddlcton ... London, Printed for R.Manby, 1741.141'.,24Bp. 22cm.A ASh Gt GrShM'. w WSh CSt!GC"seSA61370-17·1'1IC:'J 71HI ua:::t , .1O;:>!, IIp .. , 1752-1H26..\ dlsc.crt.ttie:l on the ",~(krll !'ityl.: "r,'llterinc ttncicnt cathct.ir".11s ..... s cxcrnplifJe .. lin the C.1thG,ll·al Church of S.llisbur)". l' '0second coi;::ion, \(~th plates ••• ny th~ Hev.Joha JliJr.cr '" tllnch"ster, Printer\ :,nosold by J. jt"bbin~, 1811.(SIt.,;;''\'. 2pL'ttC5. 27cm. ('Ii":'his The hi,tory civil a,!d ccc1csi.'tstlc"l f!survey of the antiquities, of !"inehester •••1809)c'"'OC PC Sh A ASIt G, «;,$'- ....C<strong>as</strong>e4AM9470-1748ICN 71MIDUNIl C.\1110LIC ASSOCIATION.p'eport of the proceedings of the HidlnndCatholic Association, at their "nnllel ",~eting,held at the Royal Hotel, Rirminr,h:lIn,on Tuesday, April IB, IB26. Edvard RlOllnt,Esq. in the ch.'lir. London, Printed andpublished by W. E. Andrews (lB2612:11'. 23011.M,. w WS. CShC<strong>as</strong>e4A.309770-1748ICN 71MILNIiR, JOliN, Dp •• 1752-lR2fi.Ecclesi<strong>as</strong>tical democracy detected; bein~a rcvicw of the controversy hetveen the laymanand the clerl!Y"''tn concerninr, the appointmentof bishops, and of other rn.'ttters cont.linedin the publicatiOM of Sir JohnThrok01lorton (i.e. Throckmorton" Rllrt. By... John tIl,Iner ... London, Printnd byJ. P. Coghlan, and sold by J. Debrett ,etc.1179:1.12It .,xv,,11,318(1.e.316)p. 230m.Nos. 186-187 omitted in paging.M •• w II/.5{)

KlUlER, JOlIN, np., l752-lfl26.An elucidation of the conduct of HisHoliness P. Pius VII. with respect to thebishops and ecclesi<strong>as</strong>tical affairs of Francelin A letter to A country j!entle"",n. Iii th ane" tranlliation of the late brief;'!; the oneaddressed to the Catholic prelates; the otherto the Archbishop of Corinth, reL,tive to theschlsmatical prelates of that country.70- ••• John Kilner •• ~ London, Printed and1748 published by Keating and Co., 1802.ICN 71 ,1,1..,68, ,'. *121'. 21011.OC PC ... '" "' ........ ( .. ah W w'" cs ••no.510-1748ICN 71KlLNER, JOliN, 01'., 1752-1826.An elucida tion of the veto, in a thrce-. fold IIddrcss to the public, the Catholics,and the advoc.~tcs of Cntholics in Parliament.Sy ... J. Hilncr ... London, Printed nndpublished by Keatin~ •. Sro,," and Co., 1810.r lIt •• t 5,-621'. 22C111.Concerns the question of the royal vetoon the elections of Catholic bishops.OC PC ... '" "' ......... ..... WW ... C.h.Dy," ."JICllSe KlLNIiR, JOlIN, Dp., 1752-1826. ••• An ex.~_4A ination of the articles in the AntiJacobin5107 revie" ,.. tl808, (Card 2)Caption ti tIe.At head of title: Supplement.In contemrorary ma. at top of p.,111Not pubUshed.Gillo" also indicates that this palllphietv<strong>as</strong> not published.70-1748ICN 71oc I'C .. '" ",Sh • - ..""W_CIII.C<strong>as</strong>.4A310170-1748ICH 71KlUlIiR, JOliN, HI'., 1752-1826.An hilltor1cal and critical inqui ry intothe existence and·character of Saint Ceor~e,patron of En~hnd, of the Order of the Garter,and of thc Antiquarian Society; in which the<strong>as</strong>sertions of Ed~rd Gibbon, Esq., Historyof decline and fall, cap, 23. and of ccrtainother modern "riters concerning this saintare discussed: in a letter addressed to theRight Honorable Ge~rge, Earl of Leicester •••Dr ••• J. Kilner ••• London, Printedr') (Continued on next card)OCII'C ... AA .... _ ..... w w ... ClIo ,C<strong>as</strong>.4A3099,KlUlER, JOHN, 0p., 1752-lR26.The end of re Ur.I 0115 controversy, Inatriendly correspond~nce between a relt~ioulsociety of Protesta~ts, and s R~'n Catholicdivine. Addressed to the RI/!ht Rev. Dr.Our/!ess, Lord Dishep of St. DaYid's, in ansverto his lordship's Prote~tant's catechi ...In th·T"le pnrtl ... 8y tIle Rev. J. K. ...Second edition, revised nnd corrected ••london, Print.d and published hT Keating,Drown, and Co., 1819.(Continued on next card)' .. ShWw ... c ... ,C<strong>as</strong>e KILNER, JOliN, 8p., 1752-1826. An historical4A and critical inquiry into the existence and3101 character of Saint George. ••• (Card 2)for J. Debrett, 1792.C2It.,59p. 111uI. 21011.70-1748ICH 71OC II'C •• A "' ....... so_ w .... CIh •Cue4A5099,KllJlER, JOHN, Sp., 1752-1826. The end o(reli/!ious controversy ••• 1819. (Card 2)Xxx,136p.,tllt.,172p.;tllt.,217,rl,p.told.plate. 24cm.Contents.--Pt.I. On the rule of faith;or, The method of finding out the true reli­~ion.--Pt.II. On the characteristics of thetrue chureh.--Pt.III. On rectlfrlng mistakesCOftCernin8 the ,Catholic Church.70-1748ICII 11oc II'C Ih '" ....... Sh .. soW_c ....C.ue5A61370-1748ICN 71MILNEfI, JOlIll, IIp., 1752-1826.'rhe history civil nnd ecclcr.ia~t:l~~l /:Isurvey of the antiquities, of I;'inchcster. Bythe Rev. John Hilncr ••• In two vo1!lm'!~ •••The second edi tiot\, corrected and enl"rr:ed.Winchester, Printed and sold 'by J. Robbins,1809.2v. 13 plates(4 fold.,inel.plan) 270m.illu5trated title-pa/!es.En~rnvcd,With this 11 bound hiS! ,\ dis:;ert3tionon the modern style 1811.0(; "c ... A "'Sh .. GISO .... w .... CSO ,C<strong>as</strong>e4A3107.KlUlER, JOlIN, Dp., 1752-1826.•• , An examination of the articles in theAn·tijncobin revie" for November, January,, February, and Harch hst ti.e.18OS" "I' on"the substance of Sir John C. Hipphley'sadditional observations," ffc. on the C"tholicquestion: in four letters to a /!entlemnn ofDublin, by the Rev, J. Milner ••• tLondon,Printed by Keati~, Drown, and Keating, 1808170-1748ICN '71561'. 21011.(Continued on next card)OCII'C .. A"'Sh ..... "Sh • _.

Ca~Q HIL.'1f.!\, .IO::~. IIp •• 1752-1A2Ci.SA614Letters to n pr"bclhlaryl l1cin!~ nn "'''''ferto Reflecti.on" on l'oper)', by the Hev • .I.Stur~c!'t ••• wi th rern.lr!,:':, 011 the 0i'POS; 1 'i ('Inof Jlo.19S.~\ The st.1t.~ of church-.~ff"irs in thili 11:1"n

70-1748ICN 71.I('UNOS, HlGUEL r,,,, '';''''-1£.'17.The sririt ..,,1 rBi,l', which di~int,'nrJey the inward ~'ny, tothe gettlnr. of perf· '~ c(\nt~",pJlIti("', and therich tre<strong>as</strong>ure of Inl.'l,,:,1 rence. Written hyOr. Michael de tfoUr;·". priest. Witli It shorttreatise concernin!, 'lily corm1l,"lon, by thes~ author. Trans] "cd from the lt~liancorY, printed at Vel',lCe, 1685. ,n.p.lPrinted in the year, 16~A.IlSlt. ,191p•.r3;'.• ; ,3,t.,38p•• ll,t.16011. ' (Continued on next card)w WItt CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e4.\11157tl0NTAGU, W'ALTErI, 160~?-lIl77. Hi3cellMea~pirit"nlln ... 1l;~A-54. (Cnrd 2)(or J. Crook, G. nedell, nnd r~rtners, 1654,(Title (rnm anolher eopy in the Lihrolry)In v.l, lenf prece,lin~ r.1 ("The printerto the render" and "F.rrllta U ) i~ a differentsettin~ of type (but with identical text)thnn that ill another copy in the <strong>Library</strong>,70-1748 Vol. I, sl~nnture Cc, (probably blank)ICN 71 vnntin,:! (stub present)(Continur.d on next tArd).. ,. wC<strong>as</strong>eSA199070-1748ICH 71MOLINOS, MIGUEL DE, 1628-16Q7. The spiritu1l1~de ••• 1688. (Card 2)Si~tures: A_G6,H12,KI2,H_T6,X_Z6,Aa6.(AI blank; Xl signed V)In 2 pts., each vith separate paging, the2d vith special t.-p.: A brief treatise concerningdaily communion. Divided into,threechapters. Compos'd in Spanish by Dr •. Hichaelde Molinos priest, and translated into Italianand published by another devout priest.(Continued on next card)"S'w ws. e50 Gr.O\se-lA; ',,';770-1748ICN 71MONT.\GU, WALTEI{, 1603?-1(\77. Miscellane<strong>as</strong>piritualin '" 164R-54. (Card 3)Imperf~ct: ~dded t.-p., en~raved. forv.l, and t.-p. of v.2 vantin~.STC II M 247& and Ii 2474.oe'C:.hAA"."r" .. ,. w _ CI. CC<strong>as</strong>e5A199070-1748lCN 71 'HOLINOS, MIGUEL DE,«uide ••• 1688.Englished from the c1687. Print~d 1n titHOCl.'

C<strong>as</strong>e6"336~IOl\F.. m:::IIY, 1 ,~,%- ]f,(, l.Hi!('G.The C"tholi c-scril,tuI'lSt.: OJ' The plea ofthe 1I";u",, CathoHcs. Shewin:r the Scripturesto hold th" R"",,n (,j th in above forty of thechief c"""'o,'e"sics mM under dct.:lte ... Thes{'c(lIld ed;!i.on hlOrc C01'l'CCt. lIy Joseph Isic).llPnford ••• London, Printed for H. Turner1686. 'r10Jt.,432p. 15on.STC II H 3064.OC PC Ifill A ASh Gr Gr$" ....w WSh cst. G/34-

C<strong>as</strong>eM1997(!;n rrO:l. 11 , JNmS I ](,(1(,".](,(.(..The qvcsl;('n of q\'e'tt('n, vvhith ri",ht1ylI.,:~(1Jvcd r("'~(\l\'eth ~"\.ll ('lUI' qP('~tj('lIl~: )11 J'cli-~i{'n. This q\"l'f.ti(\!l i~ "VI,(\ ("Itwht to h~ 0111'i u ir:C' ill nJ] thcta~ 0U" til ffcl'~'nC('!>? TIIi ~ hO('i-;:~Hls"~"r("th Od$ q\'\~~ti0'1 anrl h:'I1;:'(, sh(,h'~th "nl('lst ca~YJ alHt )":~Il, .I.IT'"'-; I ](,Oe,· }c·H·,A 1\'lIIrmhr.111t"':(' fot' th·.:' ].ivl1lr. to pra)" fC'rt1>." IFORD, JAHES, 1606-166(" The qtl~stloll o(questions ••• (Car,l 2)6him and H. TUnler, 168 7 ,19It.,5~Op.STC II H ~06fl.17cm.wC<strong>as</strong>e~A24~7IIlIH.IT('III, LOIJOVICO ANTO~nO, 1672-1750. rllr.ri~tlanl',imo felice ... F .. nr,1ish} ...175

C<strong>as</strong>e MURPIIY, nARNAIlY.4ASenTIons for every Sunday throllr,hout the3115 year, principally from the J'pi.tles and G09-pe Is proper to ""ch Sund"y. Jly the Rev.Ilarnaby HU'l'hy '" .\mon:: which arc ,'"me ofhis principal d',1rity .,'lmonCo. In 1:''':0 vol-70-1748ICN 711.f11C.'liI ••• London, rrintC!rl for 1~"lr7i1.'n,.lIurst, Rr.es, On-"e, and n"01m, 181&.2v. port. 200m.Imperfect: v.2 'w,'ntin~, and in v.l,1'.11-16, 149-150, ]53-154, 167-26(" 2H5-2RG,oc PC •• '''ld :1.1 :.ft~,~ 1';.~22 w;nti~1.i. c ••GC<strong>as</strong>c511.406no.270-1H~IC~ 70OC PC SttNETTEI!, 11I0H"S, d.1430.[(Doctl'ina1e fidei Eccleslae Catholicaecontra Wiclevistns et lIussi t<strong>as</strong>, II. De sacramentis,Iloctrinn li s alltiqlli tnt;; Ecclesiaelesv Ch"i sti lihcr qllintu~, ac tonlUSseclIncfu:,; Dc stlcraml.~nti~, ~cfitu:,; in VVitclcffist<strong>as</strong>,(f eorn cssr.cltls, pcr ••• Thc'I(lI.1mVV.11cfell ••• [Paris) VClIllllciattll' in officinaI. ll.,dii ,\.cC'n.ii (1521,Jr10"dxxiii L ~O{,JII. (.lith hi.(ContinllC!d on next CM'.I)A AStt G, GrStt MS. w ws. CS.C<strong>as</strong>eSA615lruSG:lW[" Sir flIC!I.\Hn, lc,t nart., ]757?-1818.. Hcmoir:; of the cfiffer~nt r~hclliC'ns inIre l"nd, f,'o," the a r"i va 1 of the En;-:l i.sh:\Ii th a 1';1 rti eu1 it r de t., i1 of th:t t , .. ld eh hr~kcont the XXIIId of 1 h:." , ~·:;lC::·.C':I~J; the hi~;­tory of the con!Jpi racy \/hi ~-:L l".:~.~C(~c:i.~J it; andthe charActer:; of the I'd nci~al .,ctors in it.CCI::rilcd from ori~in,'l .1.fficfavit~ and otherauthentic docUlc.cnts; 'll','J il..l:r~tr.1tcd withmaps and plates. Dy SIr l:ichard Husr,rave •••70-1748(Continued on next card)ICN 71oc PC 8h "" ASh C;, GtSh "5. w ws. cs. c;C<strong>as</strong>e511.406no.270-1748ICN 70DC PC SttNETTER, nlOHAS, d.1430. (cDoctrinale fideiEcclesiae Catholicae contra Wiclevist<strong>as</strong> etHussit<strong>as</strong>, II, ••• (1521)] (Card 2)Doctrinale fidei Ecclesiae Catholicae contraWiclevist<strong>as</strong> et tlussit<strong>as</strong>, III •• , ( 1523 )Title from Renouart, Ribliographie •• ,de Josse Radius Ascensius, v.3, 1'.387.Colophon: •• , Impressum opera & impensislodoci Badii Ascensii '" HDXXI.Imperfect: t.-p. and l<strong>as</strong>t blank lealwanting.A ASh Gr GrStt .. s. w WS. c ••c;C,~s" ,ruSr.JtAVE, Sir ltIC!LI:lIl, ht :lart., 17';7?-181R.5,\ Hemoirs of t!~C' di ff(~r(.'nt rcbcllion~ in Irc-615 land ••• (Car~,2)70-1748ICN 71!lublin, Printed by R. Harchh"nk, for J.Hillikcn, .,nd J. Stockdale, lflOl.x p.,cl,t.,6~6,l&Gp.,r5,t. 10 plates(incl. 6 fold.maps,5 fold.plans) 270m.OC PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh MSh w WSh cs. GC,5,\40[,no.J70-171"i CS 7l)N~7TI:Jl,TIlOHAS, d.1430.((Iloctri.nale fidei Ecc1esiac Catholicaecont,'a 1,'ic1cvist<strong>as</strong> et "u •• i t<strong>as</strong>, HI. IJp s.,­crflment.,~j h~l~ J • S~CI·""lcnta •••• Tho:1l(: ~~a]dl..'l1••• scxtu vHlc]lcct volu:rncn noctd n.,] is alltinqrritatiifidei lkcle.i

C<strong>as</strong>eMlS5S70-1748ICN 70(NEVILLE, EDwARD, originally EDWARD SCARIS­BRICKI 1639-1709.The life of the Lady VVarner. of Parhamin Suffolk. In religion call'd Sister Clareof JesUg. The second edition, to .. hich isadded an abridgment of the life of her sisterin-1a.. Mrs. Elizabeth Warner, in religionSister Mary Clare. Written by a Catholicgentleman. London, Printed by T. Hales,1692.cI9It.,376p., (BIt. port. lecm.STC II C 575..... WWS' CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e4"IS1:3no.270-174BICN 70NlCOL\lfS A JICSU IlAllI".Phr<strong>as</strong>ivm mysticne thc

C<strong>as</strong>eM210570-1748ICN 71[NrC(1L~. PI fJ1ill': , ](i2~-l(''l~. cOf the eouc'ltionror i, !,rinec ••• 1(,111, (Cnr,! 3)tinct frol11 an edition ~f ](\1"1, with title "noir.1prlnt: }-Ior.l1 essays cont.lin'd in sc"cr"ltrc,l tiscs on 1I1.1ny jJl'l!,ortnnt outic... \"ri ttcnin french, by mcssilIIO, lS~~-J65Fl.A t,'catisc of thc diffcrcn-:,c hetwixt thetempo'ral I'nd eternal. Composcd in Sp.~n~sh,by )'"5cbius Nicrc",~e:"r. .. , Translated 1I1toEnr.lish, by Sir, Vivian Hullincaux, Knirht.And sInce "cvised ;lnd corrected, Accordingto the l<strong>as</strong>t Spanish edition Dublin,Printed by R. Cross, 1606.4B:S,[4)p. 23m... s. WSh C.Sh ..C<strong>as</strong>eSA156370-1748ICII 70,NORRIS, SILVESTER} 1512-1630. An antidoteor treatise of thirty controversies1622. (Card .)STC 1865B, pt.l; and 18657, pt.2.Allison & Rogers 573. pt.l; and 512b..... w$tt CSJII •c.\ScM244170-114BICN 71NlGIITINGALR. J051';I'II, l775-1A24.Thc l"Clh:j(ln~ 1\11

C<strong>as</strong>e!A2004(NOUET, JACQUESI 1605-1680.An answer to the Provinci~ll letters publishedby the Janllenists, under the name ofLewis Hont~lt (pseud'l, a~~inst the doctrineof the Jesuits and school-divines: m~de bysome fathers of the Society in France. Thereis set before the answers in this edition, thehistory of Jansenisme, and at the end, a conclusionof the work, where the English additionallsare shewed to deserve no answer; also70-1748 (Continued on next card)ICII 71( '\DC PC I" It 141ft Ot .Sh wah w WS' cs.(':nsetiS:,>,\7OO,\RVH ••• (C:trd 2)A rart of t.he work ill attributed (in aconteMporary hnnd) to Simon Russell, i.e •.Simon \o/ihon (Who WM* connected with theEn~lblh CoUe£!e nt Home) and to GilhertSnn(ord (or Sandford)Contcmporary leaf Inid in: ItS. F.duardlls:Anal!r: Vdus lIrp., d. ](,77.!.;S(~I tel' to GiU ....·t Shelc!('", .\rchhishop.''\ of r"nt~"IH!l·.Y1 Ilnt,e':1 L.:wicij, d. 11 Julij\) Jr,7

Calle4,\185870-1748ICN 11O'HOLLOY, FnA~CtS, fl. 1(;(,0.. Lvcerna nnclivm, s W W$h cs.C<strong>as</strong>e4A1822no.270-1741lICN 70,OSUNA, FRANCISCO DEI d.ca.1540.amor ••• 1536. (Card 2)Ley deTitle vithin woodcut border.Colorhon: rue i"'rl'~sso ••• enla •• , ciudadde Burgos. En e<strong>as</strong>~ del senor Juan deJunta ••• Acabosc a .~~j. di<strong>as</strong> del mes deMar"o ano ••• de mil f' quinientos y,treyntay seys ano •••• rue It'r''~so el presenteIlibro a costa del s,cnor Juan dlcl Espinosa.... "(Continued on next card)oc PC !1ft It. ASh C;t c,~ ..,. w WSb CSh/40

C<strong>as</strong>c4,\1822,,0,270-1748ICN 70,(lsmu, flHNCl SCO llI';, "I, c",) ~.IO,IUI'O" ,.. ]53(,_ (Ca",1 3)Palau (1050) 20G·~G.Iml'crfl"ct: wanti,," l.x,,,iij-l

70-174'!ICN 71nr.J1T. ;;I'IIII,\n:, }'>7',? .. lfd7.Ueresit'."'I';~J\'I~", !'r ,\ tti ~('Ti lIt i (lfl of th.:'hC'f'ctick{,R .Hld s('("'t;" i,·~ ~pl·'Hlr, "pin tIH'!,f'l.1tter lilll(>~. Ih~{'l:'I'ilvtJ] Th("jr t'dritnl1and first J',·('('('cctinr':,. 2 1hril'

C<strong>as</strong>e4A1853no.6·70-1748ICN 71(PARKm, mmllV, lfiO·:-Hi52. The true portnitll""of th~ kinr.s of Enr.l:tnd •••(Car,I 2)lcct~d out of 0111' bC'lt h,,,toric,,, and hUll1hlypr:~~!n::cd to' the rnrliaJdl~nt of Kn;:lnnd. TowIll c., is added the politic.,1 catechismLondon,. rrinted in the year 1688.,2 , t.,63p. 21cm.S1'C II P 430.wws.70-1748IQI 71PARSONS, ROBERT, 1546-1610.din!ctory ••• 1650.,16,t.,758p.,(1)t. 190m.A Christian(Card 2)Imperfect: p.333-334 mutilated, withsli«ht loss of text.STC II P 563.wCa.c6A ,PARKF:lt, fL\Tlm;.I, AI-I'. of C.mtl',·I''''"Yl 1504-308 157.5.Dc antlqultatc Il,'! t,'nnlc.le f.cc1esl.,c, ctnor.ti'kltl .. dc r\f'h,jJ~ i is f;ccl .."i:tc Cant",ldens;",atque dc ..",ld."piscopis cillsrletl[."{x. hi~t"rj.,. '\Ilt·.""c non nisi semel, nltniI'll'" l.,mdi ni in a.' Ii hu" I oanni s Ilav annoH.D.L\,(ll. eXCl'sa: l\VlIe vero boni p~hliciergo recornita & nell,'.l. Hano\'i~e, Typis70- Io'echellanis, apud C. lhrlliwn & haeredes I.1748 Aubrii, 1605. (Continued on next card)ICN 70OC'-CShA MS. w ws. es. GC<strong>as</strong>e3.\2009PARSONS, F.(,IIERT, ] q(,-ll,]O.A Christian dil',!ct,'Irf, r:.lIidjf1~ men to et('Y'naIl salvation, c"I'1'~,,1'y c.,lJed the rcsoilltio)'C""sistin~ of two prt'; ".hereof the fOI,"crbye th dc:m the n,oti "OS to r~solution,

C<strong>as</strong>~!IA145371-1748ICII 70,PARSONS, RODERT, 1546-1610.abovt the next svc~ssion '"A eonfer~nc~(Card 2)also added a n~v ••• arbor or ~~nealogi~ ofth~ disc~nts of all the kin~~s and princ~sof Ingland ••• Publish~d by R. Iloleman'PS~Ud" Imprint~d at N. (i.~. Amsterdam,1594.,9,t.,22Op.,(2}t.,267p. 160m.Imperfect: fold. geneal. tabl~ vanting.STC 19398. Allison & Rogers 271.WWSl!C'SC:1.\157570-1748ICN 70C!,AI1S0XS. IlOnEIIT I 1 S·16-l610.A qviet nnd sober re

,lIl1eI.A;'.~770-174AICN 71IPAIlSONS. n,li11JIT) B,!f.-H\lO. A trentille (Ofthree conver .. i"n.. ... (C.~rd 2)

Cue3A157270-174RICN 70cf'ATTENSON, ~I.\TTIIEW) f1.1625,bothe chvrches ,.. 1623.The 1 ... ,.:e "f(Card 2)The III. part. The t(\vch"ston!:', ,'r"th!:'os i,L .. theri.STC lQ·'Rl.All15(\n (, H(\r.:e,·s (,00,OC pc Sh .. ASh G, G,Sh W w!"C<strong>as</strong>e3A1851Ca4 ,.,2 , G-II 4 ,14+1,Title within double line border ••(Continued ort noxt card)ex: PC .. A AI. ., " ... ' ..... w Will!

C"se4A.HJ60(PENN, WlLLUtl1 1M4-17111.1687. (C"r'ILU.\l·!l IM4-171R, ~"pl'oscd aI/thor.A ~cco"d ]ett!'!r f.'om a r:"ntlc •• ~n i.n thccountry, to his frlcn.!!! in London, UpOII thesubject of thc pe"al 1aw~ and test~ •••London, Printed, for J. II. MId T. S. nnd tobe h"d of mOllt booksellers in London andWestminster, 1687.121'. 2101'1.STC II I' 1361.OC J'C ." A Altt ... OrSh;(CnseC7:!G.666(i()...2624ICN 71(PENN, "'ILLlAl-fJ 1644-1711llll\n C:ttholl el!, ,\II,! I! Protr.stant dls5

C<strong>as</strong>e3A201170-1749ICN 71[PETTI T, ED:iARD,The vision of Purgatory, anno 1650. Invt,ich the errors and practices of the Churrhan! Court of Rome are discover'd: Ifi th the i n­fluences they have uron this all,i othr nnticns.llri tten by IIeracli to Demoeritus[p'leudo] ••• London, Printed by T. N. forH. Brome, 1680.[6,t.,156p. 18cm.Half-title, enr-rilved,. precedes t.-p.STC II P 181)1,\.." w-CS'GC<strong>as</strong>eM149970-1748ICN 70OC P'C !lh[PICKFORD, JOliN JEROHE, d.ea.1664.The sa fegarde from shi p-Ifraci

C,uelSA24SO70-1748ICN 71PINAtIONTI, CIOV,\NNI rn:mo, lIi32-170:5.The cro"" in its tn." lit:ht; or, Thevei~ht of tribulAtion lessened, let (orth inseven considerations for the seven days ofthe veck, by I. p. rin.~nti ••• London,Printed by J. p. Cot:hlan, 1775.. ,6 Jt.,161p. 16011.Translated by Nathaniel Elliot.DC I'C III A A ........ ..... Ww ... C.fil:Oe"seHS4,\117Cl-1741lrCN 71rIUOT, r.1~IB, 1601-171:'1. rStlitement •••cn. 1fi79 1 (Card 3)the Lib,'''ry: A short IIccount of vhat '",ppcnedin Paris concerninl! ; oath of alle~eanee.An 1679.OC PC Sft It. ASh Gt' GrShC<strong>as</strong>eSA1500PINELLI, lUCA, 1542-1607.De 1. perfection religievse, et del'obligation qve ch<strong>as</strong>que religleux a de l'acquerir.Compos~ par Ie R. p. Lvc<strong>as</strong> Pinelli,de la Compagnie de Iesvs. Nouuellement traduitd'italien en (ran~ois, par vn per., de1. mesme Compagnie ri.e. Fran~ois Soller7)A OovaY De l'imprimerie de B. Bellere, 1603.70-1748 ,8, I •,6S6p. 14em.ICH 70Translation of Cersone della perfettionereligion... e. w we. c"" •C"se PLOWIJEN, CIiAIlUo:S, 1743-1821.3A Con1lidcrntions on the modern opinion nf2489 the fdUbi Hty of the 1101,. See in the decisionof dop",tical questions. With lin IIppendixnn the appointment nC bhhopl. n,. ...Charles rlOl«len ••• London, Printed byJ. p. Co~h1an. and ao1d by Me •• rs. Robinsons,1790.viii,lSSp.,rllt. 20cm.70-1748lCK 71oc PC ,. A A" lit GrS' _WWIIICIIo8C<strong>as</strong>el5AlSOl10-1148ICII 10PINELLI, WCA, 1542-1607.Tbe mirrovr of re1igiovs perfection deuidedinto foure bookes. Written in Italian• by the R. F. Luc<strong>as</strong> Pinelli, of the Societyof Iesvs. And translated into English by afather of the same society li.e. Thom<strong>as</strong> Everardl••• ,St. Omer, English College Press,1618.,8,t.,S6Op. 15011.STC 19938. Allison & Rogers 650.Imperfect! t.-p. (rom another) MSh W Wlh ClhCaSf!4A3005no.SPLOWIlr.N, ClIAAUo:S, l743-J821.Condderations on the modem opinion ofthe fa11iMH ty o( the IIo1y See in the deci­,t,," of dnl'}lllltierol qllestinn!'!. With 1It\ appendixon the "Pl'ointJoent nC b1llhop., ny ...Charles Plowden •• , London, Printed byJ. P. Cochlan. And sold by He.srs. Robinsons,1790.viii,llSSp ••,lJt. 22.,..70-1748 lmperfeetr p.,iJ-,ii, (half-title)ICN 71 wnntin~.)-WWilt Cllt •70-1748ICN 71PIIlOT, mJ:.rr:, 1651-171:5.rStiltcmcnt ""-.rle to thre" l;nr,U"h nob1erll.:!nconcerni"·~ t.h~ ('1:1 til of «,11cr,i;'tncc inEn~ }.,nd.. it .• I ~ ... , C:l.. 1';7" )tllP. 2,3,:;;\"H"nn"cript ia iI"'.ncr-ins; Die :~ 3nlij conur.neruut jjpcti:.­simum llonum rirot Iloct(')rem SO"bonac trc~nobi los Ant!li quiblls dechraui thane propositionem,Jl1ramcntum Hdelitntis Anp:lieanum(Continued on next card)OCPC •• AA,.c,er"" MSh W WSb cs~ •,j:ti'IiIIII.CAse4A300Sno.410-1148ICN 71PLOWllI',N, CIIMLF..S, 1743-1821.ObservAtion. on tho OAth proposed to theEn~lish Rom"n Catholics. By ChArles Plowden.London, Printed b1 J. P. Co~hl.n. 1791.(1 ,t .• 1Op. 22.,..~) Milt w wah e» •C<strong>as</strong>eMS4A1170-1748ICIl 71PIROT, EllHE. lfil'l-l71~. ,StatementclI.16791 (Card 2)non potest a Catholico rrncstllvi sine periculofidei.At end: lI"ee OI'lni.1 vern.1 ut.lae"nt aD(')cti~simn Dnn Doctore lect~ et aprohatafuenmt. R:n: CIS: I?) E.W:The date 1679, <strong>as</strong> ~ell <strong>as</strong> the circumstanc"ssurround in/! the rivinr of thisstatement, are from another document in(Cnntinued on ncxt C3rd)oe f'C Sh It ASh Gt G,Sh NSh W WSh CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e4A:512870-1748ICN 11PLOliDll:N, ClIAIULS, 1743-1821.Ile,,,i\ rks on the vri tinr.s of the Rev.Joseph nerinllton. IIddressed to the C.1tholicclergy of Enl!.land, by the nev. ClIo~rle5 PIOW'­den ••• London, rrinted by J. P. Coghlan,And sold by J. Debrett ,etc.) 1792.:xiii,125p. 23m.OC PC Sh A ASh GI' GtSh J,fSh w wah eSh Go

Cnse4/\:1127PLOWDEN, ~{ANCIS PF,TER. l74~-182q.The cnHC Ht.~ ted, hy Francis PloW'dcnOccn~ioned by the .~ct of P.ullnment In telypa~sed for the relief of the C:n"Ur.h IlomnnCntholics ." London, Printed for theauthor, nnd sold by P. Kentinr., 1791.cllt.,c51-196p.,cl)t. 220m.70-1748ICN 71oc. PC $11 A ASh Gt GrSil"S'w wso cs. GC<strong>as</strong>e41\313070-1748ICN 71POLITICAL dialor,uc~ he~een the ce1ehrntTEIl, 1749-lfl29.A friendly nnd constitutional address tothe people of Cren t nrl ttdn. Dy "ranchrlowden ••• London, Printed for C, C. andJ. Robinson, 1794.(2)t.,54p. 22cm.OCfIC .. "" .... _ III." w-•C<strong>as</strong>e4A:1130POLITICAL di~logues between the celebratedstatues of P<strong>as</strong>quin and tL~rforio ••• 1736.(Card 2) .Closely resembles another edition of1736 in the <strong>Library</strong>; the present edition 1.from a dIfferent settinl!( of type from thesame font, with some variations in theomnmentl.70-1748ICN 71OC PC 511 A ASIt Ck C;ts.. ....w GC<strong>as</strong>e5A618PLOI"OEN, FH.\NCIS PErm, 1749-1F!2

C<strong>as</strong>e3A181410-1148ICN 71POOR CLAJlES. The followinl!: collections ••.1684. (Card 3)of arrivin~ to the state or perrection: andthis more by solid rea"n. then rh('toricallexpressions. Pennhsu "ureri on.., HllCl'IX;llll ;rll) The rulp of the 1I0h' Vir~in S. Clare.f'aythfully translated into Enelhh. Pe"'1";'s"superiorllm H.llC.LX\UV; C.t, Th~ declarori

CI'lse~,\212570-1748lCN 71POYNTER, WI LLI MI, 1762-lA27.and direction~ ••• 1826.xxxiii p."I lt.,llRp. 150m.I nstruc ti on"(Card 2)Introduction sir-n~d: IHllirun. lIishop ofn.~lin, Vic. ,\post. London."Meriitntions and other devotions, for theuse of the faithful in the London district,for the time of the Jubilee in the year'lA26", ,llt., 1".1-111, nrc actulIlly byRichnrd Challoner. cr. his An abridgmentof Christian ioctrihe (17S9)MS. w WS. c ••-----_. -----_._---70-1748ICN 71PRAcnCAL method~ of perfo""in/: the ordinaryIIctions of a reli/:ious life vi th fervourof spirit ••• London, Printed by L.Bonvall. 17lA.311(1.e.3Ol)p. 16m.Nos. 190-199 omitted in pagin~.Probably printed in France..... w wilt CSh •C.)se4A1853no.3070-1748ICN 71The PR&5ENT conjuncture: in a dialoguebetween a church~'n and a dissenter •••London, Printed, and are to be sold by ~.Taylor, 1(,8'1.AI". 2.lem.STC II P 3239.Cns.,4,\ The PIIOCEF.DINGS of the present ParlirumcntlA53 justi ned by the opinion of the rr."st j"dic1ou3no.19 and lenrned IIvJ!() Grotivs; ",ith consideratioMthereupon. liritten for the sntisfnction ofsnme of the reverend clerlO' ",ho yet seeM to labourunder 9""'e scruples eoncern;'n/! the orijUn~lriJ!ht of kinr.., their ahdication of empire,And the peoples inseparable right of resistance,deposing, and of disposin~ and settlingof the lucce •• ion to the crown. By a70-1748 (Continued on next card)ICH 71OCPc: •• Io.u ........ .. .. Ww•C"se5.\ rRAm;. JEt\!- U, !lOYI,;!t, !;l~"r Ill,. fl.lr..lR-1G77.415 Abre~6 dc l'hl~toir(' II,! t'Nnee, ,Ie II"De I'rll.de. .\ PI'l,'ls, Chell A. de SOll2l11\ville,1658.,4 1 t.,S06,527-A4A(i.c.A46)p. 25cm.Si/!naturesl a 4 ,A_z4,An-1... 4 ,A,u-lIrr 4,1 4 -I 4Sse ,dq,1(xx-1.::a ,,\'\1\1'1-1.1.:. ,.\,\""I\-OO~otiM. 6211-f124 ami tte.\ in pnr-illr..70-1748 Running titlel SO!m'.tire de l'hist01reICH 71 de Frnnce.(Continued on next card)ex PC ." A ASh G, Otab w w .. CSft GC<strong>as</strong>e4A186170-1748ICN 71PROTESTANCY desti tute of Scripture-proofs.,London, Printed by II. lIilla, 1687,111'. 20m.~,ption title. Imprint frOM colophon.STC II P 5817.O(Pc: .. ".I-"- .. 1- w WiltC,~se5.\4lS70-1748IeK 71PII.\Ilr.. ,Jl,,\l'/ L!, ROrm, Sicur Dr., fl. 1648-][.i7 •Ahr~~c d" l'his1:"ire do frllnce ... 1(>~!;.(Card 2)Cove,"s the period from the ori/;i n~ of,'ranee to 158'1.Despite the !!"p in .iJ!MtUrc and pal':i.nr,sequence, no textual material appears to bemissin/!..... wC<strong>as</strong>eM245670-1748ICN 71FrtOYArtT, Ui;VAIN 1l0iliAVENllJRI::, 1748-11308.The life of Mad~me Louise, a. ~UlTlclitenun, and dau~hter of Louis XV. King of France:ori~i~,lly written in French, by Abb~ I'royard;published at Brussels, in the year1793, and noW tran~lnted into English •••Salisbury, Printed for the translator, byJ. E'IS ton. 1607.(2 It .., ,Til,-lOdH,418p. 19aa.oc pc S.. ". ASh .. o,p .. s. w w •• CSilCnse2A111070-1748ICN 71I'Rl'~CATro:-:r.s ante. ff post Mis""m di ~cnrl"e,eX }lis~n1i I\07."no, :d \ is,!,," 10cis d('l'n;lIpt.~.Nunc emenoatiores, nc OIuctiorcs prodeunt.Venetiis, Sumpt. J. A. Pe::n na , 1784.128p. lOon..... w W5h CShC<strong>as</strong>eM19?;070-1748ICN 71A FRVOENT and secure choyce. Worthy of dueconsideration bein/! a. sure land-mark to allthose who have been tossed to and fro in these"'ave ring times. ....ritten by H. G. Gent.(motto: 4 linesl rn.pol Printed, Anno Oem.1650.[3,t.,5Op.,{1 1t. 140m.8 6Signatures: A-C ,D (AI blank; signatureo IllAde up of two Itatherin~s: fOI.r and two)"To the reader" sir-ned: ..... V.(Continued on next cnro)\MS· w wStt CSh15"'2

C<strong>as</strong>e3A193070-1748lCN 71A PRVllli:Nl' and secure choyce(Card 2) .Preface sirned: II, r.."Errata": 1 l~af at

. ICue:sA245170-1748ICN 71[QUESNEL, PI F.nRE J 1699-1774.The history of the wonderful non I r:n" t i ....Loyola de Glupuscoa; founder of the Order 01the Jeani ta. Wi th an account of' the es tnb­Ihhment Itn" r.('Ivermtent of' thAt powerf'ulorder. Trannlated from the French. In twovolumes. Vol. II-II, London, Printod forJ. Bouquet. 1754.2v. 20an.Also attrtbuted to C. O. Por~e.ttCPCShA A8h Of CkSh Mlh W WSh C5. IIC<strong>as</strong>e3A202070-1748ICN 71QIIEVEOO T VI LUOAS, FRANCI SCO cQr.!EZ 1580-1645. 'Parte segvnda de l<strong>as</strong> obr<strong>as</strong> en prosa deDon Francisco de Qvevedo Ville~<strong>as</strong> ••• EnMadrid, POI" [H. Sanche%, a costa de H. de laB<strong>as</strong>tida, 1658.[2Jtin~, th.~t the mcmbers of the Church of "En~land arc no scctaries but true Catholicks;and that our church is a sounJ part ofChrist's Holy Catholick Church, in whose communionth~refore the people of this.nationare most strictly bound in conscience to remain.In two parts ••• The third edition'JContinued on next card)sr. A ASh • Grt.. MSh W W$Il Ctl'!. G1~4-

Ca~eSA2021cRAWLET, JOHN, 1642-lG~6.tvixt tvo Prote~tant~ •••A dialorue be­(Card 2)corrected. London, Printed for S. Tidmar.h,1686.r I2 )t.,247p. 190m.STC II R 3.54.Cn.e4,\3133An im-rREllFORll, SEIIA!)TIAN) 1701-1763.portant inquiry '" (Ca.rd 2)don, Printed in the year 1758.xxxviii,412P.,(2)t. 220m.70-1748ICN 71.... w c ••G70-1748ICN 71OC PC !Itt A ASh Gr GrSh ....w w •• cs.GC,UO3A245870-1748ICN 71RAY, JAl-II~'i, n.1745.A c~plent hi~tory of the Rehellion, fromit~ first rine in 1745, to it~ to 1:111 ~III'pre8-sion I\t the r,loriollo II/\ttlc! of Culloden, inApril 1746. "y Hr. Jame~ Ray... Manchester,Printed for tho author by R, WhitworthrCA.1750?)408p. 17cm.OC PC I" A ... StI 8r Grlh • MI" W we. c •••CilseMHS970-1748ICH 71REEVE, JOSEr", 1733-11120.An nhricl/!lllent of the history of the Oldand Ne", Te9tnment, interspersed with moraland instructive reflections chiefly out oft~le holy fat,hers. Vol. Ie-II) Fourth editl?n.Dy t.he Rey, Joseph Reeve, Exeter,'Pnnted by R. Tre_an and Son; and sold bythem, and J. P, Coghlan, London, 1795.2v. 18cm.The 2d pt. (in y.2) h<strong>as</strong> separate pagingand special half- title.OCPc ................. .. WW811 CI'•C<strong>as</strong>e5.\60470-1748ICN 71A "'S.. Cr CIS" w c ••GC<strong>as</strong>e4A313470-1748ICN 71REEVE, JOSEPH, 1733-1820.A short view of the hh tory of the Chris­Uan Church, fran i,ts first establisluncnt tothe rrc~ent century. ny 'the Rey. J08ephReeve. In three volumes. The second editionYork, Printed by T. Wilson and Sons,And sold by Keatin~, and Co" and Booker,London cetc.) 1820.'3y. Hem.OC PC .h .. .... .. ......Imperfectl Y.S vantin,.II'~ W W'" en•Cue5A604(RAYHUNmIS de Vind., of C:\pu:\) 1330-1;>;'1"'.Vita di S. Caterina cia SieM... 17(.5.(Card 2)Translation of Nacel C.,ffarini '.abridr,emcnt (known <strong>as</strong> the Legenda minor) ofRaymundu.'s Legendil m.1jor.Four leavcs cilncel1cd after p.xiv (stuhspresent), conjugate with t.-p. and p.ix-xiv.Imperfect: p.117-118 cut out.70-1748ICN 71oc PC s.. A AS" C;, G,Sh ....w w •• c •• G'.Cnse4A3005no.270-1748ICN 71REEVE, JOSt:PII, 1733-1820.A Yiew of the oath tendered by the lel;ialAtureto the R~n Catholics of &nglnnd.lIy ••• J0geph Reeve ••• London, Printed byJ. P. Co~hlan, 1790.(1)t.,(Y)-vii,47p. 22cm.OCPC ...............,-~ .........r ...M"W Walt c... •----....---- ...._.,._.- ......__...-.--_._--C<strong>as</strong>e4A3133,RAYHUNIlIIS de Vinci., of Cap".,) 1330-1:\'1'1.Vitn di S. Cnterin.1 da Si~nn sed tt" d.,un di V(\to delln .,cdc.im" con i 1 SlIrpJ",nCl1tonllll vul,:ntn le,:,:cnd.1 IIi dett., .nntn scri tt

Cane4A Rf,F!..F,cnO:lS "ron the bulls of the POre31863 r,ml the Third, "nd riu~ the Fifth, emitteonl!:linst Kin!: lIenry the R. and Queen Eli :ilhethof En~l"nd. rn.p., Printed in the year,1686.,2,(.,121" 21en.Sit:n.~turcs:2 leaves 'In:;ij!;ncd, /\4,11 2 •70-1748 List "f "Errata" "II I'.l~.ICN 71 Not in SIC II. A different edition oCR 7197"".wC<strong>as</strong>eSA148370-1748leN 70The RELECTION of a conference tovchingthe reall presence. Or A bachelovrs censvreof a m<strong>as</strong>ters "pologie for lloctQur reatlie.By L. I. B. of Art, of Oxford ••• At n0-way, By L. Kellam, 1635.(24,t.,600(i.e.588)p. 15aq.Nos. 378-387 and 394-395 anitted inpa~ing.Written (by John Lec:hme~?) in replyto Kyrth Waferer's An apologie for O. reatley.1634.(Continued on next card)OCP'C*",AAStt •• rSll! ,,) .. SIt W Wilt C,,, CC<strong>as</strong>eM246070-1748ICN 71REFLEXIONS d'un eatholique romain, surlei clrconstances du tems. rn.p.) 1787.12p. 19(J11.w CIlt •. C<strong>as</strong>e1M1483The RELECTION of a conference •••(Card 2)1635 •.In 2 pts., each with half-title: (I, ThesYIIII\e of a conference betvvixt M. O. Smi thnow B. of Chalcedon, and K. Dan. Featly •••aboyt the reall presence. VVith the notes ofS. E. rLe. Edmund Lechmere, ••• ; (2, A re-70-1749 lection of the precedent conference. Where­ICN 70 in it is defended a~ainst the exception ofMirth VVaferer and his apologie for(Continued on next card).... w Witt C5hC<strong>as</strong>e3AIU!JI'LEXIONS UJlon the oathes of supremacy1889 and allegiance. By a Catholick gentleman, anobedient Son of the Church, and loyal subjectof Hilt Kaje,.ty. (n.p., Printed in the year,1661.96p.,(I,t. 1Scm."Errata" leaf (which should follow p.96)ill in,.erted between p. (2, and 3.70-1748 Variously attributed to John Sergeant,leN 71 John Austin, and Hugh Paulinu,. Cressy.STC II S 2588.oc ~ P A Alh G, GrSh MS· w w •• c,.Ca.eM The nf.LECTION of a conference '" 1635.1483 (Card 3)70-1749ICN 70oc: /I'C•• A ASh ..Daniel featlle ••• censured by L. I. ri.e.John 1.ec:hmere1, ...STC 14053 and ~2814.Allison & Rogers 447.G,Sh(, ~MSh W WSh CSh ~R:'l'OfCl,\TIOr; in the C.1tholic Church ofCenn.,ny, :lno the do'mfall of pnpal nlttl,ori t.r,detailed in a corrc

C<strong>as</strong>e6.~31870-1149ICN 70REI{Vl-I Rritannicar"m, id est .'.ngliae, Scotiae,vidnarvmqve insvlar,", ac .-egioll""'. scrirtoresvetustiores ac prllecirvc: Calfredi }Ionvmetensi.,cognomento: ~rturi de ori~ine UI!estis llcgum IJri t~'llllille lihri XTI. Pontic!Virvnllii IJritnnniCllc histori.1e Hhri VI. quibusC. t1onumet

C<strong>as</strong>e:4A1853no.970-1748lQ; 71RIDLEY, NIOWL\S, Or. of Lo,.""o, lSOO?-1555.The w,'y to reace ;\)1\OO((,t a]l rrote51;.,ot8:beinr: a letter of reconciliation scnt byOp, Ridl"y to Op, llooper, with sm,e observationsUI'OIl it [by Samuel JohnsonJ •••London, Printed for R. Ualdvin, 1688.(1It.,8p. 2lon.STC II R 1453.C<strong>as</strong>e2A The RICIIT re lif-ion,1Z4 L. P. ••• Printed at[6,t.,175p. 12cm.70-1748ICN 70Not in STC 1I..... w IIrC'viC\/cd nud inltlr~ed byParis, l65R.OC pc :!!In A ASh Gr G,Sn w G"70-1748ICN 71Ct\~e5,\620RIv.\l1r;~;"1:10, rF.ll:to 1m, 1527-1(,11.The ]h~eR of ~;dnts, \{ith other f",! .. t~ ofthe yc;tr. flccoroinr.: to the:'. 1\('11::.11\ en] ~fl ~·\r.11d tt('n 511 Sranish by the n1!'1cl'~nd r",h',r!'ctcr ltl.b~dcnei ra ••• Translated int., ";nl~ll~l;by Ii. r. ,i.e. lVillinm retrcl ••• Th,' :"'~ondedition C01Tccted nnd nmended ... P'lr', T (-II 1London, Pdnted by O. S., in the ye"l' 1130.2v. plate. 36c:n.Imperfect! title-pn/!es trir.:m~d aodmended.OC PC Sh .. ASh (it G,Sn .. s. W WS' cs.70-17-18ICt-! 71ROBf.'lTSON. '..'I LLI '\:(, 172) -17~)3.The history of SC('Itl;tl'Ht. nu:dnr- nl-:rcir,-";'i of Qlleen ~f

]51170-17~8lCII 10R(lpa{r.!I1';'~, AlO:i~;(l, ]:;;','{"](']("A ~h"J·t nnd !';'\TI..~ \.';1), to h{';n'cu, .111d "1 ('­::;cnt: h,'prdn:·:;. Tin',tllt il1 tl tt'Nltjr.(' ('If 0\')'c"ufo,.",j I)' d Ih tll(' IIi 1] "f God. 1,'1; lIen I·YHi' Alfon~:vn floddf'\':~ .H jll his \,'p:h! in-­tl tukd, The ('"cl'd "" "f prl'frct i Oil ,,11,1Christ;'1Il VCl'tuc. Tl'nllsln l('d out "f Spa"i ,;11(St. Om",', rl'int",1 by the ~'ldo" of C.HoseaI'd l 1630.,5It. ,MOp., (2 rt. Bern.(CclIltinued on next ca,'d)Sh It. AS'" Gr GrSt! W ws. cs.C<strong>as</strong>e1IA1578no.l70-1748ICN 70RODRiGUEZ, ALONSO, 15117-1616.first treatises... 1651)[The two(Card 2)Signatures: a 8 ,A_N 8 ••Title from Ilrit. Hus. Catalo/1l1e.TranslAted by Sir Tobie Matthe ....Caption title on p.l, The first treatiseof the estimation, affeetion, and desire,vhich we are to carry to that ... hich,may concern"our spirituall profit '"Imperfect: wantine: lst-2d preli",·.-(Continued on next card)ASh Gt GrSh ) "SO w70-1748lCN 70ROllIIICam?, AW::,.2I ROlJlliGUF.Z, AW:;SO] ] ~37-H;)('.A treatise of n '('1 i('~ty ;In'.i 51 JC'un'.1St. (lmer, G. SClltin, ](.307]1821'. 15cm. (wi th his IThe I"" firsttreatises .. , 163]))Si~nat\lres:A_L 8 ,1-I 4 ("4 blank)Caption ti tIc.70-1748 "The third treatise of the rirht amiICN 70 pyre intention, wi til .. hieh ... e OU/iht to doour actions": p.7

l6Q5.CaRe3.\209170-174BICN 71ROSS, ALF.XAHnER, 1SQO-1654,.. ,I (Cnrd2)I fiava(flu aplates •• , London, Printed by T. C. for J.SII}",ell. 1655,r15It •• 544p.,151t.; 111It •• 7AP.,rllt.rorts. 17011.Si~natures! AR,a B .A_Z A ,Aa_HmB, Nn6-l,Aaa 8 ,aaa 4 - l ,nbb_Fff B •(Continued on next card)DC N: I' II ... ,. G, .. Sf! MS' w WS' ClhC<strong>as</strong>eM2025ROSS, ALEXANIlf.R, B90-l654.16SR I (C.ud 3)Inavallltlc.notorious hcreticks, with their efOgies;lives, actl~ns,and en~s.DC PC Sih A ASh Gf Godh liS" W WIt. CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e1M20917(}-1748ICN 71ROSS, ALEXANDER, 1590-1654,... IGS!h (Card S)r navalfluaTitle from another copy In the <strong>Library</strong>.In 2 pts., each with separate pa~tn~, the2d wi th special t. -1'.1 Apoc81ypshl or, Thereve1ntion of cert~ln notorious advancers ofheres!el wherein their visions and privaterevelations by dreams, lire discovered to beIft(Ist incredible blnsphemies, and enthusi<strong>as</strong>t!­cal dota,!'!esl tor-ether wi th an account of(Continued on next card)MS' WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>eSA2025In 2 pts., each \{ith separate p.,.inl',the 2d \{i th spedal t. -p.: Apocalypsis: orThe revelation of crrtain notorious advancersof heresie: wherein their visions and priVate70- revelations by dreams, are discovered to be174B most incredible bl<strong>as</strong>phemies, and enthusi<strong>as</strong>ti-ICII 11_) (Continued on next card)7(}-1748ICN 71DC N:ROSS, ALEXANDER, 1590-1654.1658, (Card 4)cal dotages: together with an account oftheir lives, actions, and ends. Whereuntoare added the effigies of seventeen (who excelledthe rest in r<strong>as</strong>hness, impudence and1yin~,) done in copper plates. faithfullyand impartially translated out of the Latinebu J. D. ,i.e.John Daviesl The second edition.Printed for John Saywell ••• London.1658. ) (Continued on next card)Sh A ASh $I .,ttl If", W .. CStt .,C<strong>as</strong>eSA209170-1748ICII 71ROSS, ALEXANDKR, 1590-1654.16551 (Card 4)r navaillEl atheir lives, actions, and ends. Whereunto areadded the effil'!ies of seventeen , •• done incopper plates. Faithfully nnd impartiallytrandntcd out of the L.~ttnc by J, D. 11.e.John Davies I London, Printed by E, Tyler,for John Sa}"'ell •• ; 1655.Imperfect: pt.1 anel 1st prelim. leaf ofpt.2 wantinr; many leaves mutilated.STC II II 1944OC I"C Sh It ASh Gf Gr$" w WStt ell"C<strong>as</strong>eSA202570-1748ICN 11ROSS, ALEXANDER, 1590-1654.1656, (Card 5)Printer's device (on 2d t.-p.) andillustrations are enl'!raved.The 2d work is sometimes attributed toH. L. van Ilaestens.STC II R 1973 and R 1945.OC PC Sit A A'h Gf cit!hC<strong>as</strong>eSA20257(}-1748ICII71ROSS, AL~lANDER, 1590-1654.,fiavailltlal or, A view of all the reli­«ions in the world: with the severall church­~overnments, from the creation, to thesetimes. Also, a discovery of all known heresies••• ~d ed., enlar£ed and perfected, byAlexander Ross. To which are annexed, Thelives, actions, and ends of certain notorioushereticks. With their effigies in copperplates••• London, Printed for John 5aywell,1656,(Continued on next card)oc ftC all A.'" • GtSh ....w WS' GC<strong>as</strong>eSA1668,ROUCOURT, JEAN, 1636-1616.A catechism of penance, £uiding sinnersunto a true conversion. Translated out ofFn!nch, by W. B. ILondon?1 Printed for M.T. (i.e. Matthew Turner?J 1685.rl1l~.,259'15JP."II~. 130m.Signatures: A 12 ,B_p 12 ,6,Q6, 1 leaf unsigned.Al blank? wanti~.70-1148 Written originally in Latin by Roucourt;ICN 71(Continued on next card)M"w WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>e~,\202570-1148ICN71oc PCROSS, ALEXANDER, 1590-1654.16~fl, (Card 2)[15,t., 544p., t 41t.; (ll,t. ,1~p.,! lIt.ports. l1cm.Ti tIe (rom <strong>Library</strong> of Co"~rcss card.In this copy the t.-p. is replaced by anengraved half-ti tIe printed vertically on th.first leaf: Ross his Vie", of rdirions, andchurch-~overnments; also a discovery of heresies,in all a!!es " rhce.; u of certain, (Continued on next card)Sf'l A ASh Gf GfSb MS~ W WSh CSh G70--1148ICN 11,ROIICOURT. JEAN I 1636-1616. A cat"chl,,,, ofpen~n~~ .• < (Card 2)fr~nch vcr,.on (revised and corrected) byCabriel Cerberon.. STC 11 C 1415A.MS' 'II WSh CSh Ii

C<strong>as</strong>e4,\313770-1748ICN 71r.OY,\ L 'Ie t\l, on the ;~ ;':101 ntJrA'n tor c'!tcIrish RC'I',111 Cat:h}lic rrcl.tc\'i couf;ifh.;;cti, in~ rC"ply to the Hiro:ht Hl'v{t.· D '. ~:iln(":,,'sktt,'r to " I'ari," priest. By an r ri sllC.1.tholic clcr.:,)'il),m. Tn \... liich ,1rc ..\d.:I.~'~, t".V'cletters em tt:c s;'!!:c :.lI!).~(':ctJ by I)~ctcctor.London, Printcd lor J. I'ool,er, lSC9.tIlt., fiO~. 2:",,,.OC PC SIl It '"5" G, G,Sh ....For details, sec Gillow V, p.41.w WSh csor. ... e4A313970-1748ICN 71RYAN, IUClI·\I\Il, 179(,-!fWJ,IHor:r.~phin lIit-erniell. A hiormphicaloictionary of th('! .... orthies of Ire].~"cl, fro,,'the c:lrliest periods to the prc"ent t.iI.e.Ivritt!'!n and compiled by Ri.chard RyanLondon, Pllulishcrl by R. Ryan; and H. N. Mah"and R. ~!illil

CueSA202770-1148ICH 71[SADLER, nIOHAS} 160J-16g1. A day1y ~Xerci~eof the devout Chri.tian 1688.(Card 2)Title in red and black and within aborder of double rules.The <strong>Library</strong> h<strong>as</strong> the 1662 edi tion "Pub_lished by A. C. and T. V.", enteN!d under:C~ther, Arthur Anselm.Imperfect: ~lir3 of m •• emendationsMOQnted over texts It bottom of p.430-431.!fot in STC IIoc: PC P •• P ...... ..s. wC;tSC SAINT-OHER, FRANCr:. El'GLTSII COl.l.Wf..:sAAn :lbrirlr,/l1ent of the rules of the Enl!lish2418 SodaH ty. of Our Blessed L,o,.. Under thechar~e of the Society of Jcsus in S. Orners.S. ~ners, Printed by N. J. Lc Febvre, 1726.24p. 150m. (with Libe11us prec:um etpiarum ex(!rcitationum ••• 1730)70-1728ICN 71M,.wc.'SI:M235770-1748lCN 71oc PC(SAUl-Ell, mOH,IS I 160.I-1.(;P.l.,\ daily excrd,,~,

C<strong>as</strong>eM151370-1748ICN 70'SANIJ~;RS. NTCIIOLAS, 153(\7-1 ~~l. Doeti ~si"'ivi ri Ni coli S.ondo I'i, 11(- od {!i no '" schismathAn{!1ic.,ni '" (Card 2)t,. auctus p('r Ed('lu,'I'Olim Hi t.htoHnm. rr,'\('C'irll;tcilpi t.1. totius (\l~('rj s l'('Ist rrarfati('ln('m authoris(':ontinentur. Coloniac ftr::riJ'I,in:u:',1585.1€»,207,,5,0

11\,'1.170-1718leN 70S,'!HWHS, NTfHOI \~:. )r,:,i\:·-l~.f;l. V(,I'~ ('(~inC'("I'" ld~:l{'l i,' $c:hi~.!!'"\1 i~: A'I: li(,:Uli •••l('~F. (C,..d ,,)b'i,h 01\:: .',1'1h"lm"I: ScptW:, H{'I"l{'l:dthr;;.S'1Il1111'i'"I!! 1; l;('ll\1\ ••• 1(,:17; ,11111 rTm'lItT,U0bert) ':'~1 jj\ Sty;q't:t , Hq~iJl1 SC(ltJ.'1C' •••1(,27 •OC PC $h A ASh Gt GrSt. co.GC<strong>as</strong>e4/\1807no.l70-1748ICN 70SCHATZGEYER, KASPAR, 1463 or 4-1527. Eumennovarvrn doctrinarvm , 1523l(Card 3)With this are bound Clichtove, Josse,De bello et pace opusculii ••• 1523; andClichtove, De mystica numerorum significatione... (1513)OC pc Sh A ASh S, &r$" MSO w ViSit CShC<strong>as</strong>e1lA SAVONAIlOU, GIftOL\.'(\J nlllH mMICf:SCO /lnn:o,2031 1452-14

Cue3A1984ISCliPOU, LORENZO I '1S3l1-1610.Combattimento spiritvale ordinato da vnservo di Dio e di nuovo fatto ristampareIn Lvcca, Per 1 Harescand01~ 1690.87p·.c2 It. 111us. 150m.Dedication signed by the publisher:Salva tore Mare s candoli •SEGm;:u, 1':.OUl, 1624-169,1.Qu"rc5im.11c del I'.Hlre 1'''010 Sc.eneri dellaC"r.1P:\,~:U" di Gcsu. Yene~ia, Nella star.lperi,u. hacredum H.lCN 70 Nutij, 1613. (Continued on next card)OC PC Sit A ASh Gor Gdlh MS' w wS' G"C.ne4,\314170-1748leN 71A SELECT collection of C.1tholick sermons,prcach'd before Their 'Iaje!ltic~ Kinr, .J.1m1lSI I. H"17 Queen-Consort, C .. tllerine Qucen­DOI

Ca.eM247070-1748ICN 71S(;;rT~ARIAE ,tclla,",'111 cor"n"c tic tristiP3~sione No~tri lc~v. Sell ria quacd:tm ticvotincrr,a pmccipu., /)orninicac r<strong>as</strong>sioni s Hvsteriain dnr,u103 lI"pU"",n.,c dlc~ tihtrlbuta••• Styrae, Typis, J. GrUncnwald (1716)18 )(..,146p. 8 plates. 16on.Imprint date from chrnno):ram in title:Septr.narlac ~teU.,rVM C"rl'nae Dc trI~tlp<strong>as</strong>slone nostrI lesVI and 31~o .fr"m mottoon 1'.146: OMnia ChrIsto lesV, patIentI DICata.sVnto.L oc PC •• A AS. Go G ••• ..s. w WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>eSA2039I SERGEANT , JOHN) 1622-1707.A vindication of the doctrine contained inPope Benedict leii. his bull, and in the GeneralCouncil of Florence, under Eugenius theiii!. concerning the • ta te of departed .ovl••In .n.... er to a certain letter, printed andpublished against it, by an unknown author,under this title A letter in answer to the10- late dispenser. of Pope Benedict leii. hi!1748 bull, &c, ... herein, the progress of M<strong>as</strong>terICN 71(Continued on next card).... w WSf\ CShCa.eM203770-1748ICN 71(SERGEANT, JOliN) 1622-1707.Errour non-plust, or Dr. Stillingfleetshown to be the ~,n of no principle,. With aneuay ho ... discoursli;' concerning Catholic!


;:ithEdme rirot ?f th.:! Sorbonne by variou~ 1;"~ll5h-70- mcn concemln~ the Oath of Allegiance of1748 1606.ICN 71 rev(Continued on next card).... W W$~ C:ShC<strong>as</strong>eSA204170-174AICN 71,SIMEON, JOSEPH) 1594-1671.An anSwer to Doctor Pierce's sermonpreached before IIi! Majesty at Whit~-Hall Feb.1. 1662. fly J. S. ••• [n.Pd Printed inthe year 1663.t 3,t. ,l21p. 18on.Also <strong>as</strong>cribed to Jolm Sergeant.STC II S 3805.MS_ W G7(\..1148lCN 71 revA SHORT account of ",h"t happened in Pari" •••(C

C<strong>as</strong>e3A SHl1lf, FRANCIS, ca.1659-c8.1688.1903 Books printed for rranci~ Smith at theElep~ant and C<strong>as</strong>tle near the Royal Exchangein Camhil. (London, ca.1673)(lIt. lSon.70-1748ICN 71Bound in at the end of: Denne, John.Truth outweighing error 1673.oe PC S. A Alb II, Q,Sh ..S. W wS' cs."Ca,e4A1827(SHI1lf, RICHARD) Bp. of Chalcedon. 1566-1655.A brief svrvey of the Lord of Derry (i.e.John Bramhall) his treatise of schism, whereinhe intends to cleare the Protestant Church'rom schism, and to lay the fault upon the Ro-.an Church. By R. C. ••• Parb, Prl.nted inthe year 1655. .r 13 1t .,114(i.e.116)p.,,12,t.,115-144p.13CS11.70-1748ICN 70rSHl1lf, RICHARD, Dp. of Chalcedon J 1566-1655.A conference of the Catholike and Protestantedoctrine with the "xpresse word, ofHolie Scriptvre. Which is the second parteof The prudentiall balance of reli~ion.VVherein is clearely shewed, that in morethen 260. points of controuersie. Catho1iksa~ree with the Holle Scripture, both inwords and sense: and Protestants dlsagree inboth, and depraue ~~th the sayin~s, words,(Continued on next card).... W WSh CSh IIC<strong>as</strong>e3A151970-1748ICN 70(SHl1lf, RICH/mD, Dr. of ChnlceoonJ L'i6\>-lf,SS.An answer to Thl'n1/1s Dels late chall~ngnamed by him The dovvnfal of rOl'ery whcrinal his argvment~ arc ans\;~.-ed, his mani foldvntruths, ,hunders, ir,nl'rancc, contr:.dictions,and corrul'ti on of Sc.-irturc, U I'a thersdiscouerd and disrl'on"d: vvith one table ofthe articles and chal'ters, and an other ofthe more ma rkable thi ngs con teYlled in thisbooke ••• By S. R. At Doway, Im-(Continued on next card).... w ws. CSt'! GCue4A182770-1748ICN 70tOOTH, RICHARD, Ap. of Chalcedon] 1566-1655.A conference of the Catholike and Protestantedoctrine ... (Card 2)and Sens" of Scripture. Written first inLatin, bvt now av~ented and translatedinto En~llsh ••• At Doway, 8y the widdoweof K. Wyon, 1631.r16It.,798(i.e.758)p.,t5It. 220m.Nos. 560-599 omitted in pagi~.Allison & Rogers 714. STC 22810.w...'70-1748ICN 70(SMITH, RHlt/\R/l. Ill'. of Ch"lccdonl 156&-1\>55.An answer to Thom<strong>as</strong> ncls late challen,: •••(Card 2)printed by L. Kella .., lti06.r321t.,44tir.,{17,t. l1cm.STC 2280911.Allison u Ro,:ers 112.\.

C<strong>as</strong>e~A204~70-1748101 71SMITH, RICHARD, Bp. of Chalcedon, 1566-1655.Honita qvaedam vti1ia pro sacerdotibvsseminaristis miuionarih Ane;liae. Vna cum~thodo agendi Cum ha.reticis, schismatici. &Catholic!s Anglis. Authore Richardo SmitheoCui adiectum est •• , Antonii Champnei••• Testamento relictum. Editio non. lA3ndiDi,1695.(~Jt •• 3-l06p.,(2It.,l07-142p.,(1It. l~cm.SIC II S 41.55.wcs.Ca.eM181270-1748ICN 70(SOUTHWELL, NATHANIEL) 1598-1676.A journal of meditations for every day inthe year. Gathered out of diver. authors.Written first in !..atine by N. B. (i.e. NathanielBacon) and newly translated into Englishby E. H. (i.e. Edward Hico) in the year ofOur lA3rd 1660 ... (n.p. J 1669,,11It•• 48~r •• t20It, 160m •STC II B 352.Imperfect: t.-p. ink-stained.OC PC Stl A ASh Gt GlSh cs.10-1748ICN 70,SHTII, RICII.\HIl, 111' .... f Ch.11cc;innl l%(,-l('.~~.Of the ,\\,th...,· .1",1 5\"1,"t.'n("~ of th

70-1749ICN 70OCPC,SOUTll!mLl., !tC':'I')t1' l ] 'f.l 7-1 ,f);,(An el'ist1" .:-f e.:-"r~t't, to th" rev~l'rrdpricstcs, f.; to th~ h(\fl("l!,.,}-.]f'-, Hl'lr~hirflJl, f~othel' of th ... 1:1)'0 s('rt rcstrhi~til .. ,,·o.'shi\,f,·1 his verr """,' f.lth!'r. II.S.duti full SOI1l1"'" {I.S•••:ish~th all h."l:rl%ll1t"S.(C""t; I1l1ed (On n!'X! ",nilOC PC Sh A ASh Gr G~S" aIlSh W WSh CSt'! GC<strong>as</strong>eM15277()...I748ICN 70Signatures: A_z12, Aa 12 •Title from Hoc Catalo!!!!c, v.4, !'.207.In 5 pts., the l<strong>as</strong>t 4 with special t.-p.:(Continued on next card)OC pc Sh It. ASh Got GfS'" W WSh CSk70-1748ICN 10(~l~1j'1I1';iL, Itt!': ,I) lr,(~r:' .. Jr,·I:;. (1\ !'hOltn,l(> ()f r:(\{'t1 I 1, ••• ].r;~I(, (11' rr/] (C,rl'lt 'il)STl~ Z:!q',' (" ;, 'd)]",pr"frn: ;,11 ,."(",,, I'.~ (1 .• rrolll'land l."lf'lt 0 ]t"!l\!.'!-< (:',t ':1~0\11·)\.~;1l11.;tJ['; 1cafflftC't' It ... 1·1(,) altlC'!'t (,C'Ii'l('t{·Jy tonI ;\\,';,)";r.fl~-l')O I'art]y te>"11 nl,'"Y • ..-ith lo~s oft!'xt.MSh 'II WSh CSh G, -;'

C.~5e4AJ853no.1670-1148ICN 71[SPEKB, lIlJCII) 1656-17247The I'l'ince of Oran~e's third declaration.{London7 161l1l7l41'. 21cm.Cllptic>n title.Si/:ncd and dated at end: William Henry,Prince of Oran/!,c '" Given ... at Shrr'burn­C<strong>as</strong>tle, the 2Rth day of November, 1681l.A spurious declaration, written and probablyprinted by Hut;h Speke. Cf. DNll.Not 1n STC II.OC PC Sh A A$h Gt a,Sf!I .. so W WSh cst. GC<strong>as</strong>e$A204810-1748ICN 71(SPENCER, JOHNl 1601-1611. TIte schiSlll of th

C.1SeI·:.~3;\570-1748ICN 71the" SPlllll1 'ALL ex,'rcbr of fo:

C<strong>as</strong>eM] 53270-1748ICN 70STAI'LETON, nIOHAS, 1535-1598.A fortrcsse of th .. fl\i th first plontcdlllIIong vs Englishmen, and continued hithertoin the vniucrsall church of Chl'ist. Thcfaith of which timc l'I'otcstonts c..11, popistry.By Thom.os Stnp1cton ••• At S. Omers(Frinted by the widow of C. Boscard) for I 'Heigham, 1625.•423.r61P. 17em.STC 23233. Allison ~ Rogcrs 798.OC PC I"" A ASh Sr $,," MS' w WSb CShG70-1748ICN 70STArU;T(ll'I, Til (\;-I.\S, B:'>5 .. ] r,'Hl.Proml'tvtH'i V1Tl mor;\]c sv"c.~ J~\'."nr:c li" J)owi·nica]i:t totiys .. nfli: ad in,c;truc-UonC'l{l conr:inn:t tonnn. Re ('tnnatj onern pcc-catol'u·1l. Con~("I);Itioncnl,!lor",,,.t:x Sacl'is Scripturis, ss. pntrilms,« orti",i s qui hu~q., "uthori bu., studiosccollcctwn: Author" Thoma Stal'lctono ...Editio altcrn, at> ipso autho!'c allcta f.r I'CCO/;-nita. Pars Aestivalis...Antvcrpiae, Inoffidnn Plantini""", apud vidual!!, ~ 1. .1"Tetum,1593.rB,t.,!i4!'r.,0

STAl'P,n'::, 'nl('l~i\(;, 1r,;,',·1;.I;.1'l('S 1'ht",vu-'. oS.'\' Il !; .. '111":1" Al'0'~tr·liri'hus r(,fi,ti~;. 11(',~ .. Thc.1 !U(ht{'I'i,';r"'l'('e:mt\1:trj("wd I,. t,"lj't 'T~". Jt. 111("'I:H' ~h'l'i \n·t~1i.1(,: qU0wl;"11 (","lIt{ :il;,,'iJ ,.J 1;1. lib' "dil C:.·t'!;t (lr'iltjo f\'IH~hr.i~ ill l,',p·L'll ~ •• fpO'lldi('::"1I1h0)!> ... ;\\-t.l('I \' Thr" j 8li'l,1(-to:H' .".Ih""Cl, E): 0ffi(11P '. n," .".:~, Jr,: ~'.'l0-JI-!': (8 ,t.. , 16H, ;,."1', ,r'I( n. ('. ~ 'i O ) , { 1 ,1'. , r lfl)t.J r.;~ '/(' )'01'\. ]S-'(,"ITI.Cue::0\164610-1148ICN 71Th" STAT!': of the ''''pist and 1' .. ote5t.nt "rope .. ··tie~ ••• . (Cnrd 2)fili thfully ""lculnted in so conci~e .. m"thod.on« orltr.-r 1\'1 w.'\!I1 never dnnt: before " ... Towhich h I\d!'~.t, ,\ li~t of tho pl"

f-CueC6526.647v.4:5:5165BICN 71,STILLINGFLF.ET, ED:~AnD, 01" of Worcester)1635-1699.The doctrines and practices of the Churchof Rome truly represented; in an.wer to a bookintituled, A p~pist misrepresented, and represented,uc. The third edition corrected.London, Printed for W. Ror,ers, at the Sun overar,ainst St. Ounstan's Church in Fleetstreet.1686.(2)t.,l22p.,r1)t. 210m.(Continued on next card)oc PC: I" A ASh Gf Gr5h MS' w 'itS'" CSh Gj-..CueC(,~26.647I STlLLlNGfLF.ET, f.1)I~AJlI), "1', of Worcester, 1635-1699. The doctrines and practice~ of theChurch of R('IIIe •••• 1686. (Card 2)v.4 Hinder's title: Pamphlets, 4.Not in STC II. A line-for-line and pA~efor-p.,,,ercsettinl!: of STC II S 5592, q.v.Si~nature A3 correctly .igned.!J:5165BICN 71oc PC ." A A!h 0, G,Shy..C:UI~C64• 7556-1825ICN 71c'neC64.75v.356-1825leN 71MSh W ws.. CSb •ISTJLlJNGJI'LEET, EDlI'ARD, Dp. of Worcester)1635-1611ry !Illlcce~sively~)n t!l~ r.drn of Q .. Eli:"beth. \vherein is:;hcwcd jth;lt t;'\o~t revercnd prcl:ltc 1 s riotlsalld u!h~ful. labours, both in the Rcfor-:-'fl:'ltion'1!1\f l:o';Crj7'i:~nt of the Cburch of Er.~1~1tltt,while he prc!';ldcd o,'cr it, and ho;'( well hemerited of it. In the C~l1rf,C of thi= his-(C,"'tinllcd on next card)OC PC S}I A ASh ~ (;.15" MS' w WSh C$" GwCo."eHS4A1570-174RleN 71wC!;h\,'"!se STHY!'f.. J(,,:i~~, :J;1~-:7374 Til" hj~t('\ry of thr:7,\ ) i f\~ ,,\,,,~ ,~cts or ••• :·:.I;;-urai r.ririfL,l ....25 (Card 2)tor'Y "'ill ;~l~" :lppc,"\r the stat~ of thi~churc~; t;;r- ~Hcc~:>sinn of ,1ivC'.rs ,.,~ its bj::;:h-1,"I1'~';; i t:> ~tr\t .... r,h'.s \lith the ::.rl·:cr5.,\r!(!;,.. r.d m:wy ot.h:-:r p;\rticH];i.r affair!) rc.l."ltin(! toreli::lon; h.1ppcnjn,t:! in the ti1i':~ of t~is .:\.rch­~lr.hop. 10 tlhien is .... rl{lcri, an aflpcndix ofori/:inal ~:S3. f"i~hfullY ~',1r.r.cribcd out of7(;-1748(C~ntin"cd on n

Cotse S11tYrE, JOHN, 164~-17~7. Th" history of the71. li fe nne! l\ct~ of ... I,dmund Grlndll1 , ••25 (C.~rrl 3)70-1748lCN 71the he~t nrc1tlvcllj ",hereunto reference is IMIII!in the hJnt.ory. In two hool". lJy J. S.London, rrint.~d for .J. I!~I·tlc)', 1710.tIlt., xvi ii, 176 ,lR1-3J.1( i. ",.31fl). 32,37-108p.,c3Jt. p1ntc(port.) 46cm.r"r:e 176 mL11bel'cd 176-180. Nos. 1P..~-18Srcpe.,ted in pa~inl!i. nrc.lk in parin/:, hut(Cnnthmcd on next card)oc pc Sit A ASh Gt C;tSh w WSh CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e(·AM6l..,~t P~f''' of 4th /'1'''";' mif.""·,,hcnl.The npp~,:dix (:c.-It,,!', (II; en,f) h.l~: ~; ''''''\:\1t.-p~: An .1.ppcndix, cont;'l.ininc record';,letters, nlld "ther oridn.1l Iolts. C"llccted chiefly frollt I'n ti ""cd)w W!jh"Cnse7.~2570-1748ICN 71ST~:!·!':r::} .!c::.\, lG'~;:'-17::;7. ~': H~ hi:o te, .. ~"~ ... fII fc and .lets of """ l:c;:;un,i r.,.-i l'~iJ.1 ' vI 710, {C.1rd .1) ....not ir. t':,x1:, in the .1.,st ~f"Ot:""',.lJedicntion si,~J1cd: Jo~.n Strype.L."\rr,~-p,'pcr copy.ac PC StJ /It ASh Gt GtShWWShCShG70-1148ICN 71sTltj·rF.. JOHN, 1('''~-1737. IlcntOridls of theHn"t Reverend father in Cod, Thom<strong>as</strong> Cranmer(Ca.rd 2)Printed for II. Chi~"eJ1, 16'14.(b1t.,xii P.,(lOlt.,467,271p. 6 ports.33m."The a.ppendix ttl the Memorilils of ArchbishopCrM,mer": 211p. at end,STC II 5 6024.OC pc $h A Aah .. G,Shw w,.70-1148leN 71STarrr" Je:lN, 164?i-17701.The li fc and i\ct~ "f the Host He"''''''"dF~,thcr .in GOG, John t.1li tr.:i rt, U.II. fl- ~ ; 1-1 t"d"ntl l<strong>as</strong>t L"rd h"chbi~hol' of C~Il;crhur·'. illthe reir.n of Queen gliz.1.bcth; "'ho, un l .!. ikTNajr-st)', jn th:lt ~tati('lI1J !!O\"cJIh~d tJ, ~ r:'lUl"chof J~nrl:u\,l for the span! of b\"Caty yl~ 1 :-',.\{nl~rcin is intcr","(wcn t:nlch of th\'" hi~;~thc "(Continlled on n ·,1' cnrd)'/(\ "(.:1,1(:,: '11'I.J..\ I I .• IMS' w WS' Gv,'(;~'.10-1148ICN 11STHl'!'E, JCm:. If.·13-1737.(>f ••• J"I1O I>11'i tr-i rt ",TIle' ] i fc .,,, I nct'(~.1rd ");luthcntid. H~;S. t.,"\kC'n frC'nt th(' ci1oic("·;; 11-hr.1.rics- r,nd c\.~.11~ction!'> of th~ ldrwtk .;~ In(nur b('lol.40t)-5q2,24R,vilj,iv p. rh·,·(port,) 34cm. (Continued on next card)oe rc .1\ It. AS" G, G,Sh W G;\1 ',"/ ~1\:: ',eIT'JI,. C.t ~ ; i .I." \ ~ .~; I ,

c\;;~~ \ TAUL~Jt, JOII,\NNKS, ]3,';1(0. )-13(,1.] .: ~~ ~lD. loannis Th.", 1.' 1'; ... Scnn"nr~, d" temporc(; de saneti, t.'t"itu """;, r1:on~ ri j,sirli:rcliqtl1\qu.~ ciu;; ri.'r.lti ;:1(' d0t1oti('ni JtI:\~i!I\(oinS(,I"\rientin. \.'["'_"1.1 ('I;',rdn, n ••• J..,1.\'rcntioSvrio f •• in I \t;UtI·; :'1',''''\''11''11 tr"an,;l.,t.,(,ostr{'rlf) t'('C(\'I,it:l, t ... f1ItrI;~ jh~I'fI" ,iilir:'utiS5iJ:l~rt"C:US"{... I·al·j~iis, ~\rthf Sl'H::ictat('11lHiui,r;"n, 1(,"'.,,,I l t..,4;),fH)' j{. ~ 1('111,(Conti Hlh'.l on next C;U'u):: Sh A ASh G, G($hwW$hGC.1~e(,\If.(,7. t·\tttiq·ti ta te5 Christi'lIIae ... J33S H.7/!. (C.u,! 4)IIntill lIi!4 h;:pti'lm I\n .. 1 temptation incln5ivcly:wi th consirlcl·;ltion~ and rli5('(lHr!;c!'\. upon thesl'v!'r,,1 [,,'n, of tlte st"ry; ;lnd l'r.~~rll fittedto th .. sevI'ml nly,terirs. The firllt p"rt •••(2) ... hcri'minr, .~t tlte tinte of IIi" firstmiracle, lIIltH1 the second ye,1r of Ill, prc;,chin/:.. , The second part ••• (11) '" bednnin/:at the second year of lIi:\ prcachinr" untill(Continued)OC pc $", A ASh ., GtSh.."" W es.TAYl.ort. Jr:l\f'~IY, "l'. ,,( n,,"n .~nrl Connor, 161:~-,,,-174RIC:~ 7170-1748ICN 70TAULER, JOHANNES, 1300(ea. )-J361.nh Thavleri ••• Sennon,,. '"(Card 2)D. 1oan-1623.Colophon: Pari sii ~, ,Ir",l Io,crhvm Cottereav.Seb<strong>as</strong>tian,," Ch,lrre 1~ t. Ahr"hi1:;mnPacard. Jacob,," Qvcsncl. Dionysh,n Horeav.It Samvelem Thibovst •.•"!listoria et en.1rl'atio vitae '" [oannisThavleri ...": 1'.1-,,. (lst !!,'our)Imperfect: t,··. ",ended.OC PC 8h A ASh Ck GtSt, .. s. W WI' GC;'t~c1,.1;,3570-174FjICN 71TAYU)'!, .l1';rU~'Y. Ill'. of 1101"" ann Connor, ](,13-lr,(,7. ,Antiqvl tates Chrhtian.1c ... ,Jn7f1. (Cud 5)IIh A ... cn~lon ... The thirll part ...The IIr .. IIlld work (wi th ~epl\r;lte p.,r.inr.) hl\:OlI!,eclnl t.-r.: Alltiqllit.~te5 ArostoliCM: or,The li ve$, " cts and m.~ rtyrdOlll.'! of the 1101)'Apostles of Our Saviollr. To which are arldedThe live.'! of t.he two t:vanr,elhts. 55. Hark andLvke ••• ny 111 lliam Cav" ••• London, Printedby R. Norton, for R. Roy~ton ••• 1678.(Continued).... WW" csoTAYLOll, .11'11;:1', "l'. "r Ilc',.., "n~ C""l1or,1',13-1(,[.7.tAntiqvit,ttc:3 Chri:.t};ll1ac! (\J-, The idt-:t:oryof t.h~ li fe nnfl de ... til of the IInJy J~~,,~: .1$;tlso The li\~~!';, nets :tn,i Jr,.1t·"')T\tr-,~5 of Hi~Apostles. In t'

70-174RIrll 71TAYUJII, JElU",!Y, "p. "r Il"wn .",,1 Conllnr, H,J3-1667. '·;ni,,\Itos... H,C,q. (C.,r,' 3)Gol10(,7. Eninutos... I (,(,fl. (r~u,1 .J)~'holc year: t>dn!!: tcn 8

C .. se6'\37110-1748ICN 11TI'Jfru::, Sir WILLIAM, nart., 1621'-1699.works '" 1740. (Cnrd 5)Thew W,. CShII70-1748ICN 71T~U~A. Saint, IS1S-ISIl2. rWork~. F.t.~lhh)1675 Iv.l, pt.2. 16v91 (Card 5)Life") prccedin/!: si/:n1Iture al' Vol. 1, pt.2(STC II T 755 and M 481) is the ori~inal issuewith IJnc.,ncelled leaf P 4• Vol. 2 (5T(: IIT 752A) is the 2d issue.STe II T 752, T 752A, T 155, and H 481.oe PC •. '" "'... • .5. .... wCaJle6A51170-1148ICN 11T£l>II'LP., Sir WILLIAM, nart., 1621'-]69

C<strong>as</strong>eM)54070-1748ICN 70OCPCCaleM1801no.2n;SAUlIO, ~}R·I/\NUgLl\. COIlIC, 15')1-1677.Reverendi. ratris Etn;'ltlVt"li;t; Thc!{()vrjCaeslircs; ct cjU5dcm vnrin c.'lrmina: quitmsacccl'l'erllnt Nobili,~i",o ...,," Oricntig ff Occid{~ntJs ronttfi cum (! 1 ori n, ff v;u'ia opcr;l PO(~tiCil~Editi(l sec1In

C<strong>as</strong>e6,\~26no.l10-1148ICN 70nlOMAS AQUINAS, S,,;n!, ]2257-1274.(Surrma thcol()~ic~. L.1tin) S. Th"'MeAqviMtis Svmna totivs thcolor.i"C; in qvaqvicqvid in vnil!crl'i~ lIiblijs c"fltil1~t[fr obscuri,quicquid in vctc!'lIm ratrem (ab ipson."centis F:cclcsL,c ini tio) monul1Ienti S cstdC'ctrin.e notabilis; ql1iCqllld deniql1c velolim vocatIon est, vel ho:lie voc.1tllr "h ha .. rcticis in cC'ntl'ouel'si~'1, ld tot!!"" v("l cert1-lMx.inla ex p.,rte, vt erudite (, rie, ita (ld('-(Continucd on next c,1rd)oc PC aPt A ASh C;, GrSh MS. w c ••70-1746 CoIL~tion of vollDlles in the <strong>Library</strong>:IC~ 7; v.l: cxxx!v(i.e.cxxvi),357p.; v.2: viii,6!vpl lit " ",.... co,,. (Cnlltinucd on next carel)lISh w Wah ca.. •CauM326no. 17~174!!ICN 70nJOHAS AQUINAS, Silint, 1225?-1274. ,Summatheolo!!:ica. Latin)... (Card 2)liter atque dilucid~, per qvaestiones, & respon.ionesexplicatur; in tre. partes ab avetoresvo di.tribvta ••• Antverpiae, Exofficina C. Plantini, 1565.,12Ii.,252p'i (4)t.,2S2p.; (6)t.,392p.;,8It.,234p.; (2)t.,19Sp."l,t.; {84,t. 36cm.Edited by Aur,'.!s t; nus HunMeu ••(Continued on next card)MS' w ws.es.C<strong>as</strong>eM236170-1748ICII 71niCHE DE JESUS, Frei, 15291-1582.The sufferinr:s of Our Lord Jesus Christ.Ilritten originally in Port.u!':uese by F. Thom<strong>as</strong>of Jcsus •• ; And newly translated intoEnglish. In three volumes. Vol. 1,-111)London, Printed foT J. Marmaduke, 1753.3v. 170'1.Title of v.2-3 varies slightly.oc PC .. A ASh (If e,Sh W Will CSh •Cue6"326no.l70-174!!lCN 70TIIO~{'\S AQUINAS, Saint, 12251-1274.theoloj!ica. 1.,tin)... 1.51'15., SUlllI1','(Cilrd ;'\)In 6 pt •• , each pa~ed separately, the2d-5th vith special t.-p.: ,2J Prima sec\'ndaepards Svrnmac theC'] ori ca" Saneti ThC'mae '\'1\,1-ni\tis: De vHi .. o finc huminae vitae, lJe virtutibusu vitis in !!cnerc ••• ; t:5) See\'Tld<strong>as</strong>ecvndae Sancti Thomae "'1vin" tis, opus pl"ncaureum •.• ; (4) Tertia pilrs S\T.rnae thcolo~icaeSaneti Thomae Aqvinati., De Christi 1n-, (Continued on next cilrd)OC PC Ih A ASh • er$t. MSO w W"CShC"",eM236070-17461r:N 71rev 71'Il10H~ oro: JESUS, Frei, 15297-1582..uCferinr:s of thr Son of Goo ...(Card 2)The1720.361-alGp.; v.3 not in the Lihrary.In v.l, nos. lxxix-lxxx ~peated andxcv-ciy omitted in pR~in~.w Wlh cat. •C

c."'''4AlH4.570-1748leN 11TIIIlOCKNOIlTON', Sir JOIn: C(\IIItTI;N.W, Ilart.A second letter 1\(I"re~,,('d to the C\~l".l;_c1crl!Y ,,( 1·;nr.1oln,1 on the nPI,olntment "r hi,loop~.In ... Meh the objection", to the fintle t t.cr ., t·(" nU:;h'(' J't'.r. n:~ Jolnl Thr('u:I{I:'lol~tonLnn'lon, rrjn',"'J l,y .I .. fl., Cor:h1,1n,and '"":old by J1":j:lrt:~ II\lo}l.cr, Kt~.ltln/! rrtc.]1791.,1,t.,v-viii,l13,cxi p.,c1,t. 22cm.l,i.th this 11 bound his II letter Il(tdrrll~"dto the Catholic cl('r~y or En~lnnd ••• 1790.MS. w w •• cs.G6A36270-174ilICN 71,TOOTf.LL, 1111(:111 1672-1743.history nf F.nr,lolnd •••Thr. church(Card 2)heth: tOl!ether .... ith the v.'rio!l~ fortunp:! ofthe C.,tholick C,'Olle, durin/! thr. rcirn,; ,,(Kinr. James 1. Kint: Ch:trle~ 1. Kin/! Ch;,r1('s n.:tnd Kin/! J.,mc8 II. P.,rticul.1rly, the livellof the mo.t eminent Catholicks, cardiu.,h,bishops, inferior clergy, re~u]ilrs, anrl laymen,who hnve distinl!ui~hed themselves bytheir piety, lenrninl!, or mllitnry abilities:(Continued on next cnrd)OC Pc ah It. ASh Sf G,5" w ws> C$"C,1.[;O.1,\;-,l4670-1748ICN 71(TUW,\L, IIATTIlr-;"l lC;5;'7-1733.Chrl:ltillnlty 'l~ 01

C<strong>as</strong>e3A TORSEWNO, OR.\ZIO, 1545-1599.1S64 The history of Ovr Il. Lady of Loreto.Trislated out of L.1tyn, into Eng1hh. [St.Omer, En,lI,h College Pres,) 160B.119 ,t., 540( i.e. 5Sl)p., 19 ,t. Bcm.NOB. 153 and 224-233 repeated in pa~in~.Translated bv Thoma~ Price.En/!raved t.-P., illll"trated (architecturalborder) shned: Guil.dll Tielt fe.70-1748 STC 24141. AI Uson f' Ror.ers 826.ICN 70 Imperfect: 15th-16th prelim.oc: PC Sh l~avilh W':I'tJf~~· MSit W WSh CShC<strong>as</strong>e3A A rn~::ATIS~; of avricvl"r confession. Ivher-1542 in is euidcnt1y shcWI!Il, the authori tic andp",'er of CathoHqne pdests, for th .. forl!iuingand remitting of sinl1cs. AI'.,in,t the Protest

Calle3A TUKE. RICHARD. Hemoires of the life and2094 death of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey ••• (Card 2)Prouer, 16R2.[41t, ,lS0p.Sll(naturellrure c tive ly,in the <strong>Library</strong>sir:ned.port. 16cm.H2 and 114 sil(ned G 2 and G4In another cory of this workthese si~natures are properly70-1748 Imperfect: p.145-15O and port. wantin~.ICM 71 STC II T 3227.w wS' e,.C<strong>as</strong>e3'\ (1\IRBERVILLE, HENRY I d.I67B. A manvel of2057 controversies 1671. (Card 2)70-1748ICN 71Signatures: 4 leaves unsigned, A 8 ,C-Z·,Aa_1i 4 •Nos. 144, ISS, and 246-254 omitted inpaging.STC II T 3258.( " ..s. w w,.C<strong>as</strong>e3A2054·70-1748ICN 71[TURBERVILLE, HENRY) d.167~.An abridf!!!\ent of Christian doctrine: withproofs of Scripture for points controv~rte~.Catechlstically e"plained, by W,1y of quest","and answer. [2 mottos: 5 lincs) r ..,,-;ssu superiorum,Printed at Dovvay. H.DC.nrIlI(i.e.1648 1(6)l. ,32Op. ,(2 1 (,. 13cl11.4 2 12 6Sif1;natur'es: A ,(a) ,11-0 ,r.Dedication dated

C.1SC'M ,TlIHI\E!\, HOllJc'n, d. 1 S,>q.)%0 HaTla St\',U't." HC'(:in:l S('oti;lC .... m:\t'­110.5tyr ('CC]CSi:H~, i 1l1l0f('lIri Pi ":ted(' Il.U']C.1'llI:vinc1ice (lpn'to Iranlo,':t.11·('lj" (P~,1'l6!\?-.l (,2

C<strong>as</strong>e~A157470-1748ICN 70VFRSTEGEN, RICH.\!lO, 1,4.s(ca.)-1640.A restitvtion of Jec~ycd Intelligence:in antiquities. Concernln~ the most nobleand renowned English ~,tion. ny the studieand trauell of R. V. ••• London, Printedby I. Bill, 1628.(12Jt.,33~p.,t6,t. illus. 190m.The il1us. on p.70 is mounted over anerroneous repetiticn of the 111us. on p.72.STC 21~62.w ws • c ••DC PC 'ti A ASh $I" erlh ....C<strong>as</strong>e3AZ06Z70-1748ICN 71VlHCEKTlUS Lerinensh, Saint, 5th cent.The golden treatise of the Antient andLearned Father Vincentius Lirinends. Writtenabout twelve hundred years since. For theantiqtd ty, and unt versall ty of the Catholickreligion: against the profane novelties of allheresies. Translated into English by A. P.(London) Printed (by R. Daniel) 1651.[10It.,l~5p. 13~.Top and bottlllll lines of p.3Q interchanged_. (Continued on next card)(\ ..... W WSh CSh.C,,"eM1913no.270-1748ICN 71vrsrrns, or F.ven-~ol\f!' for ,111 the Sundaysand holy-days in the year, in L~tin andEnglish. Pennissu superioru",. London,Printed for Matth,,\( Turner, at the I..,rnb intligh-lJolborn, 1688.96p. 150m. (•.-1. th 1l)'I'locke, James.The gl'

C~s"4,\1849no.7,1{,\Kr;, I-.'JLLI,;::, ,\hp. of' c.cnt,'rhur/I 1(,';7-1n,1\" cXl'(l:n tiN\ of the do(":t;l~inc of til''' Ctmrl..of En,!!]an,I, in -h" Con'cral articles rr(lpO~crlhy /fonCoirllr lie H,,,.·':"'I'1. 'fhe rul,Ie incontr.'V,:r"j~n 1('(,7. (Car.1 2)S ' A4 4 2-1 4 4'r",.turcll: ,b-c ,

~",\se~:A315570-J7I\8lCN 71(\,I!\I.:::::)l .. ~:.:, Cll.'.:\L:-' r\"'_1 1 ;:2-::'1:'.T1H! r\";~~r;ll hi~lt(lr;t of t~H.! C~lristi.inchurch, fl"(,:1'1 her ld;t~l to h"r fi~1.;1 ~riL"pl~Allt ~t~t~ in ~c~~~n: cilicfly dC.!ttc~d f:'.the .... pl("C<strong>as</strong>e3A206770-1748ICN 71(WALTON, JOIINl 1624-1677.A brief answer to the many calumnies ofDr. Henrr Hore, in his pretended Antidoteagainst 1do1atry. Shewing that no prudentpers~n can, uron any rational graund, be deterrd from returning to the communion of StPeter's chair, by any of the dactor's best a~dstrongest evidences to the contrary In.p.,Printed in the year 1672.•(1I 1t.,lOlip. 150m.(Continued on next card)wG

C<strong>as</strong>e3A ,WALTON, JOliN I 1624-1677. " bri~f answer to2067 the manr calumnies of Dr. Henry Hore ••• 1672.(Card 2)70-1748ICN 71Signatures: ,,4,0_0 8 ,11 4 (the first leafblank)A reply to More's An antidote againstathe ism.Not in STC 1I.\,'~!!H,l~Wt l.'lll.tMI, l;,r,~l--l("A hri(' rt.: tl"{ ,I i; :,,' of I'· \'" -urI'. \.'i {hJV·r,·~:';;tI'r in">(l'u r't i0~"; ft,t' th~' due' IIlTI',;l."'!­ti("l fo th:,t ~:;I{'.;"';'nt, Ly l·d:iJ'~' or a rC"~I'";111 ('(l1lff·~",j('l:l, t·· JH';lrfir"~ nf (ll1l(;J' thin,""::1.,'lnll:"'fl!, 11,.1\'(", H,\' 1'.1. ~'illi,""·, t';!rfl'l'.l,:;L 0,""", rr.;nh·d hy th(' \:idf':: of C. nf':~"(',,\l'I, 1

C<strong>as</strong>e3A207070-1748ICN 71WARNER, JOliN, 1628-1692.A defence of the doctrin, and holy ritesof the Roman Catholic Church, from the calumnies,and cavils of Dr. Burnet's Hystery ofiniquity unveiled. Wherein i9 shewed the con- ~formity of the present Catholic Church withthat of the purest times; pagan idolatry trulystated; the imputation of it clearly confuted;and re<strong>as</strong>ons are given why Catholics avoid theReformation. With a postscript to Dr. R.(Continued on next card)\oc: PC Sft A A'''' Gr M!ltt W WShGCdS""·1;,1';74'lO-174811::-' 71(\~t\lt:\I':H, JOliN J }(,2R-lf'fl2. ,\ r'--~Vl:nOn ofOo

C'1 ~:('7,·\P>So\y'\TSO~~, 1110:L\'j, I!p* cd' LitH,"'llj lr;l:'1 Itt"1fol:;(':'ll~ ;old (:;t1ItolYI:" d("l\-I J'lu,' •.. 1 "',:,.(Canl 2) ..sirn:lttl'·("~! 2 ](,,1\".:: tlfl'i'l[ln"', ,\_ \.1\.STC 2.0;113.1rnrc-l"fcct: ":al1tl'F" :;j,f'r1l:1tiIf'C Xj ;'tt,Jall aft.er Xli'CJ$C2A117The \(,In~') of the C!",~", or The way totrue kno'''']c('~C', \o,Tj ttcn irl French, and tr.ln'{~l:tteo into F:n~li~h ... PrJnted at Pads.1676.,5,t.,274p.,(1,t. iUllS. 12cm •IJdi cation 5i,ned: 1. S. S. 1.SI": 11 If 1176.Imperfect! 1st. prelim. lellf (blank'!)70-1749 ... antinr-.ICN 7070-1746lCN 70oe PC Sh A ASh Gr GrSh MSh W WSh CSh GOC pc Ih A ... Sh G, GtSh ....w WI. C5h (,Cnse6.\37370-1748ICN 711{,\TSO)!, I¥ILUAH, H.377-1f>!;'1.. The cler!'.y-""",'s 1,1\;: or, The c""'pleteincumbent, toll.>ctcd fn'" th" ~'1 IIrticl~.,c:'tnon5. flrocl:'lm;ltiot1~, d('r:n~,~!> in C;;,ln\.'C"t":':"~d Exchequer; :t.t; .11:\'1 frr:., :dl ;:!:t: .• , ~,r j\;;--11:ul'Icnt, and ct,Vo;r.-Ion-JaW C:l::l':', ;·~:.I'.~ 1:1- tvthe church and derry or f:nr.l.lncl; di;:,·"tC'dunder prop~r hc;uis foi" the h~ncri!'. (l!~ p.1 tronsof churches, ."nd tIl(' 1'.1I·(i(.~!;i H lcl!~ i'''':)' ~ A n\1will be useful to .~]l ,;tuncl'lt!;, .1ntt I'rllctitionersof the 1;'1(, rly h'i11iam \~atson ...(Continued on next card)A ASh Gt Gt.5ll w WSO CShC:osc4A30(\320tH70-174i1ICN 71WEIIIlE, S'\HHEL, 1740-lflI6 •A collection of motctts or nntiphol'c S ,for 1, 2, 3 fJ 4 voicell, or chonls. Calcu-111 ted (0" tho mol'\! 1I01cmn o( r I d1 vi nc worship,by S. 11"bbe ... {Londoll l Printedfor the prirrietors, fJ sold by J. Oland, T.Ski 11e rn fJ ~Ir Co:;hl •• n {1792 )(2,

670-1148rCN 71WHITI-;, HI ;::f.'.:::). 1 (t

C<strong>as</strong>eSA2071WHITE, ntOHAS, 1593-1616.The middle state of souls. From the hourno.1 of death to the Day of Judgment. By Thom<strong>as</strong>Whl te ... en. p., ~659.r12,t.,260P',rl,t.70-1148ICN 71STC II 'tI 1836.'tIith this is bound his: A letter to aperson of honour ••• 1659.WSh W W.h CSh GC<strong>as</strong>eM2075no.270-1748ICN 71WHITE, TIIOHAS, 15%,,]676.(Religion and ,-c<strong>as</strong>on mutually correspondingand <strong>as</strong>sisting each other. First essay.A reply to the vindicative answer lately publhhtagainst a letter, in which the sence ofa bull and council concerning the duration ofPurgatory "'<strong>as</strong> dhcust. By Thom<strong>as</strong> White •••Paris, HCICLX ri.e.lu60,]c8,t.,200p. 16on. (with his Devotionand re<strong>as</strong>on ••• r1661,)(Continued on next card)OC I'C It. A ASh ~ GrSh WSh w WSh GC<strong>as</strong>eSA207870-1748ICN 71WI{lTE, 11fOHAS, 1593-1676.Monumetham excantatus. Sive AnimadversionesIn libellum famosum, inscriptum DeAnglican! cIeri retinendA in Apostolicam Sedemobservantia &c. Authore Thoma Anglo ex AlbiisE<strong>as</strong>t-Saxonum ••• Rot~gi, 1660.r 5,t .,132p. 150m.A polemic against Robert Pugh.WSh w wSh cst.GC<strong>as</strong>eM2075no.270-1748ICN 71"1IITr., TIIO}IAS, 1593-1676. (Reli~ion andre<strong>as</strong>on ... r 1660 I J (Card 2)Title frOll! McAlpin catalogue.Imperrect: 8 prelim. leaves (includingt.-p.) "'1IIItin/!.STC II 'tI 1840.OC pc Sh A ASh G, G,Sh M .. W WShC<strong>as</strong>eSA2075no.310-1748ICN 71IIHITE, THOHAS, 1593-1676.Notes on Mr. F. D's result of a dialogueconcerning the middle state of souls: in aletter from Thom<strong>as</strong> Whei te I ••• (Paris,HClCLX ri.e.1660]]77,C3,P. 160m. (.... ith his Devotionand re<strong>as</strong>on ••• rI661,)Imprint from M~\lpin catalogue.Imperfect: lo .... er part of t.-p. torn a .... ay,with loss of imprint and part of the author'sname.(Continued on next card)w WS' CS.GC<strong>as</strong>eM2072no.1WIIITE. TlimlAS, 1593·-1676.Sonvs bvccin1le, sive Tres tractatvs' Devirtvtibvs fidei et theologiae, Dc prin~ipiisearvndcm, et De erroribvs orposi ti.. AuthorcThoma An~lo ex Albijs E<strong>as</strong>tsaxonum Pari- ;siis, 1654.c9,t.,449p.,(2,t. 160m.With this is bound hisSonum Buccinae •• , 1654.70-1748ICN 71WShAppendi cula adWC<strong>as</strong>eSA2075no.370-1748ICN 71WHITE, THOMAS, 1593-1676.D's result ••• (1660]Note s on Hr. F.(Card 2)A discussion of Christopher Davenport'sCorollariurn dialogi -de medio animarum s ta tu.STC II 'tI 183B.MSh w WS' COhC<strong>as</strong>elIA207970-1748ICN 71WlfITE, nlOMAS, 1593-1676.Tabulae svffragiales de terminandh fideiIi tlbUlI, ab Ecclesia G.1tholica fixae: occ<strong>as</strong>io~etesserae lj!EUOWVUj.lw

Clift!3"20B7The WHOLE duty of a Christian <strong>as</strong> to faithand piety. Translnted from the French, andpublished by a person of quality. Antwerp.Printed in the year 1684.,5 I t.,226p.,(1It. 13crn.Si ",11:1 lures I A_Vb (the first leaf blank7wantinidS~netimcs attributed to Richard Youn~e.70-1748 STC II Y 196.ICN 71OC I'C Ih II. ASh Gr C;ra~ MS" w wa" tahC<strong>as</strong>eM149070-1748ICN 70The VVIDOOVVES mi te •••r41t.,199p. 150m.1619.Dedication signed: A. G.STC 11490.Allison & Rogers 539, who <strong>as</strong>sign thiswork to Sir Tobie Matthew.w(Card 2)•C<strong>as</strong>eM155170-17-18ICN 70Il'JlYTfOIlD RICIIAltJJ, f1.1495--15S51The :.ule of Sayllt. Aur:lI~tyne, bothe in k-l.­tyu llnd lIng1ysshe, wi th tl:0 cxposicyolls. AndIIlso Y same rule ara)'11 (\n~]y in F.nf,]yssheIdthout Lottyn 01' expo5icfol1... rJmpryntedat London, fly It'. de Honie, 1 527 1(1),1xxxviij, r1SJt. illlls. 19cm.4 B 4 6 4 6Signatures: A-F ' ,r.-S ,T ,a-b ,c11lustr~ted t.-p,Full-page printer's dl:'¥ice 011 T6 verso;(C(\ntinllcd on ncxt card)I.1Sh W WSh CSh GCa~e4,\1A25no.270-1748ICN 70tW1Il!l~UNC:TO~, IWIlfo:ltT, I's~lId'l }.5(,3-] (,,10,Apl'(']atio qva n'~\'''''''lldi I'atr('s, Th(lrr,''l~PI'estOIl\'S, (r ThOlins ('.,'"enaevs ,., ab Ill,r:ti sDominis Ca,'dinalihll,; itd Inclicelll deplltatis adRoman":,I, SlulUlIllmq; J',,"ti fieem immediate prO\'(I-'car'unt ••• ,\vgvsta", Apud /I, Fab",", 1(,20.,3]t. ,341'. 23~'1. (with his Reverendo-,rvm Pa trvm V. Thor,',l,' Pres toni 1621)Fa]se imprint; printed by f.dward Griffinat wndon.Allison & Rogers 677. Not in STC.OC Pc Sh A ASh G, G,Sh MSh w WSh CSh GC<strong>as</strong>eM155170-17

CueSA1502no.lWIDDRINGTON, ROGER, pseud., 156~-1640. Ro-«erl Widdrin«toni ••• ad ••• Pavlum Qvintvn(sIc} ••• (Card 2). vocatur, at4, in manHut~e calunmiae iudiciuma Widdrin~tono adducitur ••• Albionopoli,Apud R. Lipsium rI.e. London, E.GrHtint 1616.(1, .,94p.,(2)t.,229(i.e.26~)p. 150m.70-1748 L<strong>as</strong>t page mhnumber-1640. Bor.er!Widdringtoni .... ad ... 1'1\\'lvm Qv;ntvn[sic) ." 1616. (Card 5)143-144; 1'.169-170 half torn away, withgreAt loss of text.With this is bound his Appendix adDisputationcm theologicam de iuramentofideli til tis ••• 1616.C'Ise4A304170-1148'ICN 71WILNoT-lfonTON, Sir ROnl'llT JOlIN, 3d Dart.,1784-1841.A lctter tn the Duke of Norfolk, on theCatholic question. By R. Wilmot HortonLondon, J. Murray, 1826.lOOp. 220m..... w WSh) .. w ••c ••C<strong>as</strong>e3~1502no.210-1148ICN 70WlDDRlNGTON, ROGER, pseud., 156~-1640.Appendix ad Disputationem theologicam deiuramento fidelitAtis. In qvo omnia argumentA,quae a franci.co Suarez ••• pro potestatepapali princip~s deponendi, & contrarecens fidclitatis iur~mcntu al1ata sunt,dilucide examinantur. A Ro~ero Widdrin"tonoA.1bionopoli, Apud R. I'higrvm [i.e.London, E. Griffin) 1616.,11]t.,282(i.e.280)'P. IScm. (with(Continued on next ~'rd)OC ftC 'lit It. ASh Of GrSh M$h W WSh CSh GC<strong>as</strong>e4A304870-1148ICN 71WI tHOT-II0RTON , Sir BOngJlT JOliN, 3d n.\rt.,1784-1841.••• The speech delivered hy Robert WilmotHorton .,. in the tOW'TI-h.\11 of Newc.,stleunder-Lyne,on the occ<strong>as</strong>! on of hi~ :tttendin~the election of' the m,'yor and other corporateofficers of that borou~h. On Tuesday, the4th October, 1825. Lonclon, Printed andpublished by I". E. AndreW's [18257]IlP. 23cm.At heacl of ti tie: No. 17.",. C;r GtStt ..... w WS' CSh ,

C<strong>as</strong>e2AU210-1148ICN 71OCPCWILSON, JOliN, (1.1608.Exercitia qvotdiana pill ct H"ri~na C\1mSitcds litaniis :tlysq; pijs pr~eiblls ex JoanneWilsono et alijs prohatis auctorious ,i.e.auctoribusl co11ecta ••• Callen, Apud I.Fromper, 1709.240,96p., [2It. tllus. 120..Engraved t.-p.In 2 pts., e:lch with separate par,in~, the2d with special t.-p.: Excrcitia Mariana(Continued on next card)MSlI! W WS" CSh •C<strong>as</strong>eM cWI LSON , MATTlIEW) 15827-1656.1554 A modest briefe discvssion of some pointstavght by M. Doctovr Kellison in his treatiseof the ecclesi~sticall hierarchy. Dy Nichol<strong>as</strong>Smyth IPseud.l .,. Printed, at Kovan,1630.14,t.,205,[1IP. 150m.False imprint. Printed secretly in70-1748England.STC 25779. Alll,on!f Rogers 898.JCN 70oc PC Sh A ASh Of C,S" MSh W WSh CSh •CllSe2Al~270-1748ICN 71WILSON, JOlIN, fl.160A. "xercitia qvotdianApi~ ••• 1709. (Cnrd 2)novi ter Ad lIuctlt seu Officium ruris!!im:l.c fJImmacu1a~,e Conccptionis et 7. dolorum DVlrginis cum 1itaniis h)~is, allisque precibusad Dei param Virginem K,riam •••oc PC 5" A ASh Of GISh MS" W WI" eSh •C<strong>as</strong>e3A [WILSON, MATTHEWl 15827-1656.2083 Frotestancy condemned by thedict and sentence of ProtestantsPrinted in the year 1654.[4lt.,468(i.e.488)p. 200m.expresse ver­Dovay,Nos. 301-320 repeated In paging.Imperfect? Copy in Union TheologicalSeminary, New York, hu [22IP. at end, notpresent in this copy.10-1748 STC II V 2930.ICN 71 'C<strong>as</strong>e4AH75[WILSON, IL\TTIfE:,) B827-1f,~&.Infidelity vnm,,~kcd or The confllt~tion ofa book" pvblished by Hr. \,illL'1lI Clti llin/1vorthvnder this title The rclir,ion of Protestantsn safe ....,y to saluation ... Printed inGant, Dy tf. Cr."'t, 1652.(1)t.,lOp',C2)t.,949(i.c.951),12p. 230..No~. 472 nlld 5\'10 r~Fnted in pn~lnr,.10-1748 1':tr.M H'l-1&/\ (SiI:Mtlll'C Dddd,l) printedICN 71 out of order.STC 11 W 2929.OC PC II" A AI" ., .,Sh MSIt W W.,. CSh ..C<strong>as</strong>e3A248570-1748lCN 71WISII.\RT, GEORGE, Dp. of Edinburgh, 1599-1671.A complete history of the wars in Scotland;under the conduct of ... James tlarquisof Hontrose, in Wo parts. The 1st partdescribing the Wars in the years 1644, 45, 46.The 2d p"rt contdnin,:: an account of tfon­~rosc'5 nc~otlations ahroad, and the state of:tffairs in Scotlnnd, from the yc~r 1647, tothe year 1650 i nclu~ive. TIlis 2d p.ut beingnever before published, is nov first doneinto English, from the L~tin of ••• Gcor~c(Continued on next card)MSI'!: W Wlh CSh CC<strong>as</strong>e::11\155:5IWILSON, tIATTlIEW) 15827-1&5&.Mercy If trvth. Or Chari ty maint~yned byCatholiques. By way of reply vpon an ansl

CueM208470-1148ICN 71WOL5ELEY, Sir CHARLES, 16301-1714.The unre<strong>as</strong>onablenesse of atheism made manifest,in a discourse written by the command ofa person of honour. ,By Sir Charles Wolseley••• The second edition revised and enlargedby the author. London, Printed for N. Ponder,1669.199p. 17cm.O

C,1seHI~"Ono.1[1,'OOIJlIC,III, A 1111111 I.\.'!, H\il~-1(,7,~." r,1 tiC''',1 l .1CC:OIUlt of th~ cf(\ct.ri nc o~·nnrl1'1n-C:tthnlt("k~ cn,'ll~'~rninf' tilt:' errlc~J"~tir..\lt:1I.t t1~ i n cor1t'J~n\'cl~!';it"~1 C'f n~ Ii ~i ("111. Ucflcct-.tnr.: nil t:!lC '11It.("r i/ri tlllr~ of l'rot.I·~t,tllt.!q p,1r­~lcu].1rly, "f J\r-chbi sh"p 1.,.,.1, "ncl llr. Still­Inl~fleC!t, "" t.hi~ ~lIbject.. Ily n. II. Thesecon,'! etiith)n, ,,·ith .Iddi tionsIn.l'. IPrinte.\ III the ye,u, 167~.IlSll~.,44,cp. 23cm.STC II '" M5~.,1,1IRA2no.2.'0-1HRICN 71[1~OOIIllEA[), AnflA!I,IJ.i I 160

C<strong>as</strong>e3.\2085 The infa111-Church .. ,truth aJ:.1in5t Doctol' Still' .. ofl 'cavils \,VI ,I. ect5 IJn.)1t5 tof th' 'h 1 lere, the mU'''c,rlous tr,lns1atlonCoy hOIt,.c of Loreto is <strong>as</strong>serted"rovc~. an undeniable veri ty, Oy E. I{ • andS rc II W 3615 and W 3('13,•70-1748leN 71CIlseM2086no.l70-1748leN 71IWORS~~. EDWARD, l60S-167R. Truth willout ••• 1665. (Card 2)With t.his 15 bound: Giffard, Oonaventure.A sermon of the Nativity of Our Lord .,.1688.0(: PC Sit A ASh Gf G,ShwWShcs.(oc PC Ih- A ASh Got GrSh "Sf> w wah Uk7.)-17411leN 71t 'i\)ItSu.;y. !·;I1'.WIO l lC,()5-I67R,Prf'tcstnucy ui thov t rrj rlei I' lc~; t or Sr.ct"riesvnhnl'I'Y fan ll'o,n Inf"lUl>Uity to fnney.Laid forth In four ,I.i.~""r"es ~y 1::, \{.Printed Itt. AntWerp, Ily ~l. Cnoh""~rt,16(.1:!.!161',.~~7,(51",,(4)t,,4~p. 2lc;1II.,In reply to H. j'oole's Nullity of the"""'lsI. fnith. ,lnd Il. St.illin~lIorth's .\ccollntof the Protes~lnt relir-ion.(Continued on next card)OC PC Ih A AIh .. GI." w ws.70-17-![,ICN 70{~'(\:t1I1l,':\:r()'~,'I ilo,' 1·1.'; I g.l'}-H;;';~?An .1lll;(':' 0: GllJ'j!;H~\f1 d(\clJ ill,'. \1h(":0'(')1\t~I('.tllo~;t lq'JHC"'p;tl prdh'('~ c.f r.:'.tlH.\liq\'(~ n,'­J1f!tfll1 nn:- l'I'i,)H~'d ti;t ih.: C"1Jly \,'I'jttrll 'lord ('IfGr.d •. ~ot tl,handctl:iut: dtllitlt"!t nor ~'l:11('~1C')i(,f true reliJ:ion,(Continucd on next card)w c •• GOC pc Sh. A ASh Cif G,Sh ....C<strong>as</strong>elIA208(,no.170-1748ICN 71oc PC(\{OnSLKY, Ic1J:,l\lllll H,O'i-1ft71-l.. Truth will out: or, ;\ (Ii~cov('ry of ."'

C<strong>as</strong>t:"1>,\I S5(,70-1148ICN 70,H01tTIIJNGTOt\, Tllfl:l\S I ] qq-.)(,~:"of Christian do~trin •••• lL22.secretly hl EH;,l~tj~IJ ldth :1 fal~cPt~cf(\cc ~jr:ned: 111. h'.STC 2(>1'(\(\, pt.] (\-ari.1ntlAl1iann & Rorer. 911.An anhC'l'(Card nimprint)oc PC Sh A ASh Gf GISI'! MSh w WSh cst. (,;Ca~c3\1 S7070-1743leN 70n;rl~", linGO DE, IIp., 1>;307-1/;137 IIhtol'iapartiev)",' ... 15'19. (Card 3)and Pri vile!:i 0 de rf>l,tll~.,l (si/!!la t\ll"CS "\ 4'1st £rOIlI'), r.lll-ll2, alld la~t 10 leaveS~all supplied in ms.; bott(\l!1 qllnrter of p.723-726 (2 leaves) tOl'n away. with loss oftext (supplied in "'s.)oc "'c Sh A ASh ~ Cdh "Sh w CSh GCn ~;(";" \1 r,f:j770-174HlCN 70{~'h!l(;HT) 'U:tr'\'.)} ,I rJ, I· l!.', lie d i ;'1,;1.', it i ('11 (II' I" t I': .,\ 1,\ (. r t +1 '5('1\'](' t('l "\'Ct'll'" l:prn,' Iy 11l !'!'·!.~;·:d .(; 'f r,"'He'llt, (kUylh·d jilin ,1,,',(' ffi',("'l:':;'~~;, 't", di 51'0'~ i t i (,,111.

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