Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Estates Reservoir Replacement <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Visual Quality<strong>Impact</strong> 3.2-4: Effects on views from the surrounding area, including publicroadways, public trails, and open space and residential areas.As previously described, construction of the replacement tanks at Estates Reservoir sitewould result in a significant transformation of the visual character and site aesthetics, forpedestrians, adjacent residents, and drivers along Estates Drive. No such changes areassociated with the pumping plant improvements because no structural changes areproposed to the plant.As part of the aesthetic impact evaluation for the proposed Project, visual simulationswere produced using computer modeling and rendering techniques. As presented inFigure 2-3 the simulations illustrate the appearance of the proposed Project changes asseen from representative public viewing locations along Estates Drive. The top and sideimages are visual simulations depicting the proposed Project and the bottom images(Views 1-3) are photographic views showing the existing visual condition. Four basinviews (into the excavated bowl) are also depicted. The evaluation of potential visualimpacts associated with the proposed Project is based, in part, on a comparison of imagesportrayed in the simulations, on the proposed design and landscaping, and on anassessment of the degree of visual change that the Project would establish.All simulations of the site show views of an expansive park-like setting, with groundsurfaces planted with grasses and framed by existing trees. Views into the basin show anew drainage feature with rocks and a paved surface that contains the reservoir valve pit,and the curved retaining wall is clearly defined. The replacement eight foot high blackchain link fence is also represented. Native trees will be planted in the bowl, at random,to avoid a formal, linear pattern that does not reflect a natural landscape.As illustrated in the simulations, Project related visual changes would not substantiallyaffect existing views from the surrounding residential area because existing perimetervegetation along Estates Drive, which provides site screening will remain unchanged.Views into the site would continue to be partial/filtered and as landscaping within thebowl becomes established and matures, new plant material would create visual interestand also provide screening. Over time, the proposed landscaping would integrate thenew tanks, valve pit and re-contoured embankment slope within the overall sitelandscape. Therefore the visual impact is considered less than significant.Measure 3.2-4: Implement Measure 3.2-2, as detailed above.Significance after Mitigation: Less than Significant.<strong>Impact</strong> 3.2-5: New sources of light and glare associated with the reservoirconstruction.Project Construction - Nighttime construction beyond the normal construction workhours is not proposed but under unspecified or yet unknown conditions (emergencies)sb09_001.doc 3-2.11 7/22/2009

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