Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

Draft Environmental Impact Report - East Bay Municipal Utility District

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Estates Reservoir Replacement <strong>Draft</strong> <strong>Environmental</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Project DescriptionMaintain an acceptable and pleasing aesthetic site environment comparable to thenotable existing roof architecture2.3 Project LocationEstates Reservoir is located on a 6.7 acre parcel of land on the south side of 6317Estates Drive (between Moraga Road and Park Boulevard) in the City of Oakland.The reservoir is situated on the western slope of a ridge west of Highway 13. Thereare approximately twelve home sites that overlook the reservoir site. Existing bushesalong with pine, redwood, and eucalyptus trees line the Estates Drive frontage toshield views of the reservoir roof from many neighborhood homes. Rows of redwoodtrees, located on the downstream embankment, line the western portion of theproperty. The Montclair Pumping Plant is located on the same parcel as the reservoir,but at the base of the vehicle access road on the south or downstream side of thereservoir embankment. Figure S-1 also shows the location of Estates Reservoir,Montclair Pumping Plant and the nearby Dingee Reservoir as well as the major travelroutes and proximity to the Warren Freeway (State Highway 13).2.4 Project CharacteristicsThe Estates Reservoir Replacement Project includes the replacement of the existingopen-cut storage at the Estates Reservoir site and an upgrade to the adjacent MontclairPumping Plant. The Estates Reservoir Replacement Project will 1) improve water qualityby downsizing and consolidating the amount of storage in the Dingee Pressure Zone, and2) enhance system flexibility by improving operational flexibility and redundancy. Thepumps, motors and electrical system at the Montclair Pumping Plant date back to the1940s and 1950s, and need to be replaced with more energy efficient units of the samecapacity.The Project involves the demolition of the existing open-cut reservoir structure followedby the construction of two circular 3.3-MG buried concrete tanks with landscaping andassociated appurtenances. Figure S-2 (page S-4) shows the proposed site plan for EstatesReservoir, and corresponding profiles and cross-sections. Each tank has an insidediameter of about 138 feet with a bottom elevation of 738 feet and overflow elevation of770 feet. The access road will extend across the lowered dam embankment down to anew valve pit structure which serves both tanks. Subject to DSOD approval, the existingembankment will be breached with drainage piping to prevent water ponding in theexisting basin. Improvements at the Montclair Pumping Plant include upgrades of theexisting pumps, motors and related appurtenances which will occur within the existingstructure. No additional pumping plant capacity is required at this facility. During theplant upgrade, temporary exterior pumps will likely be required to maintain systemoperations.Demolition of the existing fountains and roof structure will include removal of thesupporting timbers, concrete planter, concrete reservoir basin lining, and a portion of thesb09_001.doc 2-7 7/22/2009

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